over 3 years ago - Kaldorei - Direct link
Of course that we read and take feedbacks into account :), thanks for taking the time to write that.
over 3 years ago - Kaldorei - Direct link
I've put a test build on trunk that address some of the issues concerning weapons:

- Revamped stats, diminished stats from character source, increased stats from equipment and weapons by a lot

- Added a "power" stat to weapons that summarize the bonus damages the weapon will provide by combining all stats

I'd like your feedbacks about it especially because it would make the weapons the main stat source
over 3 years ago - Kaldorei - Direct link
Originally posted by Tetonka: Amazing! I would never have expected a test build addressing some suggestions, much less one day later! :D

I've tested it for a bit (lvl 35, against Corroded Orokkos @Silver-haired goddess.
This test build works really well!

Daryon, auto attack
@25 Power
-> 400 dmg

@1403 Power
-> 800 dmg
-> 1200 Fire Strike with elemental weakness

@19 Power
-> 1400 dmg Firerift with elemental weakness

@890 Power
-> 2000 dmg Firerift with elemental weakness

Daryon's dmg looks way more realistic now, since his current weapon finally acknowledges its higher level. With this, he can finally one-shot standard enemies with elemental weakness Strikes again - while also not dealing that much damage that it would seem unbalanced. Auto hits don't kill, which they shouldn't, so elemental weaknesses retain their importance in damage calculation.
With a low-level weapon, he is indeed weaker and can't handle enemies as easily, but he's not rendered defenseless.

Selene oneshots with elemental weakness as usual, but doesn't without, which is perfect in my opinion, just like with Daryon's auto attacks.

Ysoris seems a bit boosted though, but of course there'd be need for some fine tuning (and stat numbers crunching) anyways.

I think this is great, and makes weapon upgrades finally worth it. Daryon's sudden weakness that I described in my original post being resolved by this tells me that this Power system makes damage calculation and player progression much more reasonable.
At the same time, it doesn't make the game unplayable with much weaker gear - even with his 25 Power weapon, Daryon could handle standard enemies within 3-5 turns, whereas a current weapon needs only 1-2 turns. I think that's fair as to not force players into getting a new weapon every 5 levels, while providing a clear advantage if they do. :)
If feasible, I'd say that the damage with much, much weaker weapons could still be a tad lower; but that's hard to say since the stats gained from armor are still important, and I didn't unequip or replace those for the testing.

Kudos for this surprise build! I'd love to see more feedback from other players.


I've put a new test build with stats squashing (visual only, internally it still use the same stats)