almost 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
almost 3 years ago - Hirokoa - Midgar Studio - Direct link

New feature: Bestiary
Added directly in your inventory, the bestiary lists each creature you've already faced on Heryon, their habitat areas and what they drop! Now, you can't miss out the crafting feature of the game🧭

AMD FSR AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) uses cutting-edge upscaling technologies to help boost your framerates in Edge Of Eternity and deliver high-quality, high-resolution gaming experiences, without having to upgrade to a new graphics card.

DLSS 2.2 NVIDIA DLSS version has been updated to 2.2 bringing new improvements that reduce ghosting (especially noticeable with particles) while improving the image, also the sharpness of the DLSS can now be driven by the sharpness slider in the graphic settings

  • Reduced MagDef on some entities
  • Balanced multiple battle objectives
  • Rebalanced multiple fight
  • Improved performances in different areas: Jungle, Clockworks Fields, Mount Berenroth and Jagholm.
  • Added an algorithm to optimize the number of monsters present on the map at the same time to limit performances drop on wide areas
  • Speeded up loadings (~20%)
  • Improved multiple CPU Performance (Cloth, Particles, Logic)
Polish and improvements:
  • Improved multiple cutscenes, autocutscenes and sidequests
  • Added sprint toggle mode in the options
  • Added new blue armors lootable in the world
  • Improved multiple translations (especially French and Japanese, Chinese improvements coming soon)
  • Added semi scripted cameras on some fights especially with gigantic enemies
  • Polished the lighthouse area in the Solna plain
  • Staging of the NPC improved in Herelsor, Jagholm, Tyr Caelum, Refugees Village, Kora Camp, Wurldzend added new NPCs “work-idle” animations
  • Improved camera in the autocutscene “Caravaner” in Chapter V
  • Added missing NPCs in cages during the Oboros Phases
  • Switch some autocutscene to textbox : the plant Ricardo and the dynevent "Breeding Trouble"
  • Collider added for the canons in Tyr Caelum
  • Crystal visible in the autocutscene "Magic Hates A Vacuum"
  • Animation of Nicholas on his knees during the Oboros Phases
  • Improved the autocutscene when Myrna join the party
  • Now Alpharius is visible before the cutscene “The Reunion” and Derek is visible in the autocutscene
  • Improved camera and some animations in the autocutscene "Welcome to Tyr Caelum"
  • Improved the dynamics event "A Man In Need" with rewards according to the chapter, new animations and objects
  • Improved Nekaroo Controls
  • Improved battle cameras for multiple battles
  • Improved multiple vegetation models
  • Improved multiple scene load triggers to place them in a way that the scene “popping” is not visible anymore
  • Balanced voices volumes of cutscenes from Chapter VI
  • Modified Victory camera algorithm to prevent the camera from going underground when fighting on steepy grounds
  • Polished minor cutscene animations and lipsync
  • Polished audio and tweaks (added missing SFX, Balance, etc…)
  • Fix Nepentha Boss not acting when players were too far
  • Improved feedback for wall control panel during Mercury Fight
  • Fix wrong target spell issue (icon not displayed + effect not applying)
  • Fix Skittan digging outside of battle zone
  • Cleanup battle interface after casting a special attack
  • Fix interface not disappearing when killing the last enemy with a special attack
  • Fix weapon side effect will no longer make battle objectives fail
  • Fix Last boss’ core not spawning at the right place
  • Fix Status UI browsing issue
  • Fix Myrna's first fire knife not causing fire damages
  • Nerf Threptik elemental shift is now ex piring after 3 seconds and can't be shifted if an immunity is already active
  • Added Stalagbomb in Borborygm battle area
  • Fix issue causing a character to have twice a spell in his spellbook
  • Fix Mercury being able to shoot at character that are covered
  • Fix Softlock Equipment occuring when equipping item before the tutorial starts
  • Balancing: Reducing proc time for Stalagbomb + reset proc time when leaving the range
  • Fix defensive stance removed when interactable objects effects are triggered
  • Fix missing name on summoned entity
  • Fix Advancing time not possible when someone was entering casting phase
  • Fix Reynan Earth Snap not reducing HP to one
  • Fix Leader not switching when removing everyone else from the party
  • Fix kill marked enemy first objective failed when a player character dies
  • Fix Borborygm not stopping cannibalism cast when available targets are dead
  • Fix Fallon turning her back when changing side during landmines sequence
  • Fix enemy spawning on top of structures in Valorian pass
  • Fix quick tutorial that were overlapping with main tutorial explanation
  • Fix collisions softlocks in differents areas (Herelsor, Mine, Clockwork field, Junkyard, Mount Berenroth, Cathedral)
  • Fix flashing marker in Herelsor
  • Fixed a rare case when two entities with opposite factions are moved in the same nexus at the same time, the UI will now cancel the action and display a visual feedback
  • Fixed a rare bug where the repulse effect could be called twice resulting in a wrong visual nexus positioning
  • Fixed multiple collision exploit that could result in a game state breaking preventing to progress further in the story
  • Fixed multiple softlock cases
  • Fixed multiple collisions issues
  • Partial fix of a bug that could result on some terrain assets not being loaded until modifying the graphic settings
  • Fixed multiple weather issues with wrong weather in some areas
  • Fixed skinning issues on Myrna causing her skin to go through her clothes in some animations
  • Fixed a rare bug where monsters could spawn visually during a cutscene / autocutscene
  • Monsters cannot spawn on the player anymore
  • Fixed multiple shadow bugs
  • Fixed multiple visual issues
  • Fixed a rare visual bug in the battlefield intro when starting a new game twice in a row that could cause a visual artifact for a few frames
  • Fixed a bug with monster orientation during tower defense phases
  • Fixed a volumetric light issue in Chapter VII
  • Proc effects like weapons passive will not contribute towards bonus objectives anymore (prevent some issues with objectives invalidated by proc effects)
  • Fixed camera going underground when borrowers are digging
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a negative timer with Nekaroo races with slow hard drives
  • Fixed a scaling issue with Daryon sword in the intro chapter
  • Fixed entities being able to attack through walls when using fallback target when the main target died
  • Fixed multiple weather issues with wrong weather in some areas
  • Fixed jittering on the camera in exploration in some rare cases
  • Fixed invalid stats / levels / icons on multiple items
  • Fixed blurriness on the final boss
  • Recycling the last item of an inventory page will not block the UI anymore
  • Fixed food icons not being preloaded when opening innkeepers UI for the first time
  • Fixed stuttering in billboard UIs like monsters informations in the world
  • Removed Myrna from crafting table UI
  • Fixed multiple minor issues around fast travel UI

We hope you'll like these improvements! Feel free to drop your feedback in the dedicate section of the forum, by email at [email protected], or on Discord[] (we love Discord), Twitter and Facebook[].