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On Wednesday, February 19 beginning at 4:00am EST/9:00am UTC, we will be bringing down all ESO megaservers and the ESO store and account system for regularly scheduled quarterly backend datacenter fixes and updates. While we know this is frustrating given the previous maintenance earlier this month, this maintenance could not be combined with the previous one. So this maintenance timeframe is required. In addition to the regular maintenance, we will also be performing the U44 Incremental 3 for console at the same time. The maintenance time is slated to end at 12pm EST/5pm UTC.
With this in mind, we recommend those participating in the "Love Calls from Tamriel" Golden Pursuit, to plan your time accordingly to complete the pursuit before the maintenance time starts. We will not be able to extend the Golden Pursuit (we have a new Golden Pursuit launching the next day, get excited!), and we don't want you missing out on the Dibella’s Exaltation outfit style.
Thank you for your patience and good luck with your Golden Pursuits!