The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online Dev Tracker


Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v2.70 (PS4)/ v1.51 (PS5) Fallen Banners Dungeon Pack and Update 45 base game patch! This update brings two brand new dungeons, new homes, new furnishings, new gear to earn, and several quality-of-life improvements for the base game. Additionally, there are some incremental combat changes and general bug fixes. Along with the new dungeons, we have some new base game features and quality-of-life features being added in Update 45. Player Response Options open a new way to add roleplay choice as you interact with quest characters, ultimately impacting their responses and quest outcomes. For quality-of-life systems, you’ll see an overhaul of the in-game map, Green Champion Point Star improvements, mount speed adjustments and starter zone art refresh, just to name a few. There will be additional content going live later in the Update 45 update cycle, like this year’s ... Read more
Just to clear this up, the website was incorrect and was updated yesterday with the correct 30,000 gold, as currently reflected in-game. Thank you, @Auberon1983 for originally flagging. I thought I had followed up, but it was just sitting waiting for me hit send. Sorry about the delay here.
Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v1.39.0.0(Xbox) Fallen Banners Dungeon Pack and Update 45 base game patch! This update brings two brand new dungeons, new homes, new furnishings, new gear to earn, and several quality-of-life improvements for the base game. Additionally, there are some incremental combat changes and general bug fixes. Along with the new dungeons, we have some new base game features and quality-of-life features being added in Update 45. Player Response Options open a new way to add roleplay choice as you interact with quest characters, ultimately impacting their responses and quest outcomes. For quality-of-life systems, you’ll see an overhaul of the in-game map, Green Champion Point Star improvements, mount speed adjustments and starter zone art refresh, just to name a few. There will be additional content going live later in the Update 45 update cycle, like this year’s prologue q... Read more
Hi all. First, thanks to everyone who has hopped into the Vengeance Campaign so far. The feedback has been great and we are getting some encouraging data. In an effort to get more information during the test, we have temporarily increased the population cap for the campaign. This will reduce queue time and allow more folks to hop in. With an increase to the population cap there may be a potential impact on performance. If you encounter any performance spikes, please make sure to report that as part of the testing experience for our engineers to investigate. You can provide that information in our ... Read more
用全新的狂欢节王冠宝箱向桑吉恩致敬 "狂欢之主邀请你尽情释放渴望,追逐全新狂欢节王冠宝箱中的物品与收藏品。" Radiant Apex Rewards: [spoiler]
  • 桑吉恩石像鬼
  • 吉娜莱丝的陆行狮鹫
  • 狂欢节飞羽瓜尔
[/spoiler] Apex Rewards: [spoiler]
  • 狂欢节庆祝者
  • 舞者
  • 狂欢节夫诸
  • 狂欢节捷豹
  • 狂欢节尼克斯牛虫
  • 狂欢节四目兽
  • 狂欢节庆祝舞蹈
  • 桑吉恩的信徒
[/spoiler] Legendary Rewards: [spoiler]
  • 狂欢节庆祝舞蹈
  • 狂欢节舞台
  • 狂欢节扇子舞
  • 阿伦西亚花斑马
  • 条纹战争潘格瑞
  • 狂风要塞熊
  • 王冠制作样式书69:冥潭样式
  • 狂欢节飞羽舞裙
  • 晨曦森林护林人的皮肤
  • 狂欢节重槌
  • 狂欢节之弓
  • 狂欢节盾牌
  • 狂欢节法杖
  • 狂欢节之剑
  • 闪电墙
  • ...
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This is the official discussion thread for the upcoming Carnaval Crown Crate "The Lord of Revelry invites you to go wild with desire for the items and collectibles found in the new Carnaval Crown Crates. " Here's a full list of all the rewards contained in the Carnival Crown Crate: Radiant Apex Rewards: [spoiler]
  • Sanguine Gargoyle
  • Kynareth's Quasigriff
  • Carnaval Feathered Guar
[/spoiler] Apex Rewards: [spoiler]
  • Carnaval Celebrant
  • Dancer
  • Carnaval Indrik
  • Carnaval Jaguar
  • Carnaval Nix-Ox
  • Carnaval Welwa
  • ...
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24 Mar

Hey everyone. Thanks again for your feedback in this thread. Make sure you also capture your experience in this feedback thread here: It would help us greatly. And to those who have played the test so far, thank you! Hope you continue to have fun for the rest of the week.
Reminds me of Beta. But the balance on these skills is terrible.
Just wanted to reiterate that the focus here is not on balance, but overall game performance. This is just a test and not a full on game mode, so balance was not the core concern. So we appreciate anyone playing without the balance element in mind for this test.
Including an additional note for the Cyrodiil Champions live test. It is live now, so hop in and give the test a go! We have a few links to share here so all over your information is in one spot. Cyrodiil Champions FAQ Cyrodiil Champions Feedback Page ... Read more
This is the official discussion thread for, "To Arms! Help Us Collect Vital Data by Battling Your Fellow Players in Cyrodiil" "Join the new Vengeance Alliance War campaign and help us test changes and collect data that could inform future improvements to the game."
Thanks again for the feedback! This was one that the team could knockout pretty fast.
This is the official discussion thread for, "Golden Pursuits—Battle Throughout Cyrodiil to Claim Bonus Rewards" "Clash against rival factions for dominion over Cyrodiil during March’s Golden Pursuits campaign!"

21 Mar

Regarding the reply, we made sure to tag the follow up in the original thread to our Dev Tracker. And the dev tracker pings a bunch of services that players use. We will have a formal note next week on Monday's incremental patch notes (I already wrote it out) as a known issue and will have a follow up post next week when we have the hotfix ready to go. We didn't want to put a note out without having the fix timing concrete. As for the drops not working, the team is reviewing what happened here to better address the process in the future. We do not aim to have items not populate properly, but when we found the issue (thanks again to players flagging) we found the issue and have the team working on a solution that best works within the schedule and as best as possible, avoids inconveniencing players. Again, we know this is frustrating and we do not intend to have anyone waste their time, which is why we will also be extending the time for the drops. The team is going over the issues he... Read more
Hi All, just wanted to follow up here. The team is aware and thanks you for the feedback. What other promotional / Event collectibles would you like to see return? We can pass a list on to the team.
The Elder Scrolls Online v10.3.6 fixes issues identified post-Update 45 launch. The first incremental patch for Update 45 address issues in the Fallen Banners DLC, Greymoor, High Isle and Base Game content. Specifically, we are fixing Undaunted Mask curation in Exiled Redoubt and Lep Seclusa, in addition to some immediate adjustments to those dungeons. There are also fixes for UI issues causing crashes and unintended visual discrepancies in Tales of Tribute. The fixes and improvements noted for this patch are to help smooth out immediate issues from Update 45 launch for a better gameplay experience. You will find those fixes and more in the patch notes listed below. [img alt="Table of Contents"] Read more
Please report any issues you run into while testing the new Cyrodiil Champions (Vengeance Campaign) in this thread. In general, we prefer you to use /bug in-game but if you’d rather submit a report here, please give us as much information as possible, including screenshots and/or video, and the time the issue occurred, if applicable. Thank you!
This is the official feedback thread for the new Cyrodiil Champions (Vengeance Campaign). Please try out the new campaign and let us know what you think! Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:
  • Were you able to successfully get into large-scale battles?
  • Did large-scale battles feel better latency-wise and how combat feels
  • (responsive or not, fun or not, etc.)?
  • What you think of the simplified abilities?
  • Did any of your characters become ‘corrupted’ if they leave Cyrodiil mid battle, lost connection, got booted, hit lag, etc? If you encounter character corruption, please provide the following feedback when using /bug in-game.
    • account name
    • character name
    • What happened to trigger the corruption
    • (leave Cyrodiil mid battle, lost connection, got booted, etc)?
    • Time of day this occurred
    • screenshots and video
  • What are your initial thoughts on Cyrodiil Champi...
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This is your one stop shop on all things related to the Cyrodiil Champions Test. This FAQ should give you a general understanding of what this test is and our goals for it. We also had a community Q&A during the PTS timeframe answering questions about Cyrodiil Champions. We will include the community Q&A below for easy reading. What is the Cyrodiil Champions Test? The Cyrodiil Champions Test (Vengeance Campaign) is focused directly on reducing Ability complexity in an effort to cut down on server stress when mass battles occur. Anything you see that's enabled... Read more

20 Mar

Can you confirm if it’s just the shoulder style page that is affected & that the mask style page is indeed dropping from the dungeon as intended, or if the issue is affecting both style pages?
The issue is impacting both style pages. We will have the hotfix next week to resolve the mask dropping, shoulder being on the Undaunted Store, and the weapon styles on the Crown Store. Shaolindelt;c-8282842
Did you mean March 21->April 1? Or is it being delayed a full month. Just wanted to clarify.
The April 21 to May 1 timeframe is referring to the end date to get the style pages. This is not being delayed a month. We will be resolve the issue next week so that everyone can get the various style pages from their intended source.
First off, thank you for flagging this, folks. There is an issue with this appearing in Urgarlag's store at the Undaunted Enclave. The team has figured out the issue and will be addressing this after we get past console launch for U45. We are still working out timing, but we should have a hotfix later next week to resolve the issue here. This will also impact the associated Crown Store Style pages. These will be fixed at the same time. We will also extend the time for the style page on the Crown Store from April 21 to May 1, due to the current issue. Thanks again for flagging and we'll have official communication about the hotfix once everything is concrete on our side.