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I've watched several youtube videos showcasing the Merryvine Retreat house on the pts and I wasn't entirely sure if the music in the background was edited or some other track was still playing so now I checked it out by myself and as it turns out the music of High Isle is being played inside the Merryvine Retreat house. Which is a bummer to be honest and I don't understand why the music of West Weald wasn't used. I mean, I'm just one person, others might like it but what are my options here besides complaining? Turn off the music every time I visit this house or use music boxes. I'm already using music boxes in my main house and I have to say they become repetitive over time so a variety of them would be necessary. I've counted 46 music boxes on this list , 3 of them you can earn in game and 5 of them are available in the crown store with 1 of them being different every now and then. That's not much from what is available even if you don't consider whether you like the melody or not. So your old fashioned business model of "fear of missing out" makes it quite difficult to solve this problem. It would be nice if you implemented a tool which lets us select our own desired music, give us the option to buy more music boxes, add a bard as a house guest with up gradable songs or let the music of West Weald play inside Merryvine Retreat.
10 days ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Just heard back from the team. The incorrect music playing in Merryvine Retreat will be fixed in the next incremental on June 17.