about 19 hours
ago -
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The Elder Scrolls Online v10.2.9 addresses some issues identified post Update 44 launch. The third incremental patch for Update 44 address issues in the Firesong DLC and Base Game content. Included is an adjustment to Siegemaster’s Focus, fixes to Gloambound and Iceshard style weapon styles, and trial groups will no longer lose vitality when a player leaves the zone while the group is in combat. These are some of the adjustments coming in incremental three. For all adjustments being made in incremental three, please see the full list of patch notes below.
[img alt="Table of Contents"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/en/table_of_contents.png[/img]
- Overview
- Combat & Gameplay
- Itemization & Item Sets
- Fixes & Improvements
- Firesong
- Quests & Zones
- Base Game
- Art & Animation
- Crown Store & Crown Crates
- Dungeons & Group Content
- Miscellaneous
- UI