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This is the official discussion thread for the "Endeavors Arrive with the New Iron Atronach Crown Crates" blog article.
Here's a full list of all the rewards contained in Iron Atronach Crown Crates:
Radiant Apex Rewards:
[*] Viridian Iron Steed
[*] Black Forge Iron Senche
[*] Sunflare Iron Wolf
Apex Rewards:
[*] Iron Atronach Horse
[*] Iron Atronach Bear
[*] Iron Atronach Camel
[*] Iron Atronach Guar
[*] Iron Atronach Senche
[*] Iron Atronach Wolf
[*] Iron Atronach
Legendary Rewards:
[*] Naryu's Morag Tong Costume
[*] Nibenese Noble's Shawled Robe
[*] Brimstone Nixad
[*] Nightmare Firestalker Cub
[*] Bull Kagouti Charger
[*] Deadlands Excoriated
[*] Hist-Tsoko
[*] Solstheim Lunar Wolf
[*] Dappled Elinhir Camel
[*] Deadlands Chandelier, Bladed
[*] Iron Atronach Battle Axe
[*] Iron Atronach Bow
[*] Iron Atronach Shield
[*] Iron Atronach Staff
[*] Iron Atronach Dagger
[*] Inferno Cleats
Epic Rewards:
[*] Hearthfire Hatchling
[*] Morag Tong Spatter Lenses
[*] Nibenese Laurel Coronet
[*] Stallion-Liege Brow Medallion
[*] Tourmaline Swamp Jelly
[*] Deadlands Scorpion
[*] Stitchfur Cavy
[*] Deadlands Sconce, Horned
[*] Deadlands Cage, Bladed
[*] Knight-Aspirant Tourney Helm
[*] Knight-Aspirant Courting Helm
[*] Blow Bubbles
[*] Crochet
[*] Impartial Decision Coin
Superior Rewards:
[*] Necrom Ghostgazer Cat
[*] Sea Sapphire Dovah-Fly
[*] Hallin's Jackal
[*] Sul-Xan Prophet Face Markings
[*] Triptych Motion Face Markings
[*] Dagon's Aspirant Face Markings
[*] Dagon's Aspirant Body Markings
[*] Sul-Xan Prophet Body Markings
[*] Triptych Motion Body Markings
[*] Wasten Coraldale Mudcrab
[*] Goldspine Boar
[*] Iliac Spotted Goat
[*] Scutecicle Haj Mota
[*] Knight-Aspirant Girdle
[*] Knight-Aspirant Cuirass
[*] Knight-Aspirant Greaves
[*] Knight-Aspirant Helm
[*] Knight-Aspirant Sabatons
[*] Knight-Aspirant Gauntlets
[*] Knight-Aspirant Pauldrons
[*] Fire Salts
[*] Spicy Soup