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This is the official discussion thread for the "Sovngarde Crown Crates Bring Glorious New Items to Skyrim’s Defenders" blog article.
Bring honor to your clan and kin with items from the new Sovngarde Crown Crates, coming to the in-game Crown Store next week!
Here's a full list of all the rewards contained in Sovngarde Crown Crates:
Radiant Apex Rewards:[spoiler]
[*] Auric Sabre Cat Duskstalker
[*] Lambent Shadowmane Courser
[*] Silver Nimbus Wolf
Apex Rewards: [spoiler]
[*] Sovngarde Stoutheart Bear
[*] Resplendent Sovngarde Camel
[*] Valorous Sovngarde Guar Strider
[*] Valiant Sovngarde Charger
[*] Sovngarde Valorfang Sabre Cat
[*] Sovngarde Clawthane Wolf
Legendary Rewards: [spoiler]
[*] Ancient Sites Explorer
[*] Renegade Dragon Priest
[*] Fire Spinning
[*] Alkosh's Hourglass, Replica
[*] Celestial Nimbus
[*] Glenumbra Border Wolf
[*] Khefrem Senche-Serval
[*] Zeht's Cloud Camel
[*] Draugr
[*] Xoleel Scale
[*] Valorous Sovngarde Greatsword
[*] Valorous Sovngarde Axe
[*] Valorous Sovngarde Bow
[*] Valorous Sovngarde Shield
[*] Valorous Sovngarde Staff
Epic Rewards: [spoiler]
[*] Carmine Monocle
[*] Dark Passions Circlet
[*] Greymoor Ruby Earrings
[*] Keizaal Coronet
[*] Scarecrow Pose
[*] Misanthropic Lycanthrope
[*] Mask of Bloody Passions
[*] Mask of Entangled Paths
[*] Pentarch Vassal's Oathmask
[*] The Mage's Staff Painting, Gold
[*] Nascent Netherroot Brew
[*] Cantaloupe Swamp Jelly
[*] Firepoint Fledgling Gryphon
[*] Frostshriek Imp
[*] Graywinter Sabre Cat Cub
Superior Rewards: [spoiler]
[*] Morthal Champion Body Markings
[*] Path of Valor Body Markings
[*] Whiterun Windracer Body Markings
[*] Wolf of Solitude Body Markings
[*] Hiss
[*] Memorial Toast
[*] Morthal Champion Face Markings
[*] Path of Valor Face Markings
[*] Whiterun Windracer Face Markings
[*] Wolf of Solitude Face Markings
[*] Eccentric Experimenter Jack
[*] Eccentric Experimenter Boots
[*] Eccentric Experimenter Gloves
[*] Eccentric Experimenter Hat
[*] Eccentric Experimenter Breeches
[*] Eccentric Experimenter Arm Cops
[*] Eccentric Experimenter Belt
[*] Teal-Faced Fellrunner
[*] Breton Terrier
[*] Coldsnap Durzog Pup
[*] Merle Paddock Hound
[*] Springlight Moth