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Kevin created a thread asking players to submit their top five bugs and pain points that we would like addressed but asked to keep comments to a minimum. This thread is for discussing the dev team’s request itself, what bugs and issues you think are the most important, and any expectations or thoughts on how they might address them. Here’s a link to the original thread for reference: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/672718/dev-team-request-a-top-5-list-of-bugs-and-pain-points-you-would-like-addressed#latest For me the top bug I was going to put in was stuck in combat and then pain points was going to be overall performance. Sounds like they are actilvey working on both. So far I'm impressed with the changes ZoS has made to coms and player engaement. The off the cuff stream they did the other day was awesome as well - loved the insight.
6 days ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Thanks for starting this conversation, @LadyGP. Just wanted to put a reminder that if folks share bugs and pain points here, that they also reflect that in the thread where we are collecting the list from players. LadyGP has it in the first post of this thread.
Hey Kevin, I posted in the thread but just wanted to add here that I wonder if this might also be some good material for a survey, like y'all did last year about guilds. Not that you won't get useful feedback here on the forum, but I feel like that's going to be very difficult to parse through. Especially with the answers varying so greatly depending on the areas of the game that people engage with. Just a thought about another potential avenue for gathering this feedback from players but in perhaps a more structured way. It's really nice to see our feedback being sought after, whatever form that may take.
That is a good idea. The general point with the thread is to get a baseline for the communities most sought after bugs. We are reviewing this now and seeing what can get tackled and when. However, getting more feedback via a survey is not a bad idea and something we can work on for later in the year. We do have a few surveys in the works on other issues, so we need to finish those and get them out before taking on any other survey projects.
6 days ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Thanks for starting this conversation, @LadyGP. Just wanted to put a reminder that if folks share bugs and pain points here, that they also reflect that in the thread where we are collecting the list from players. LadyGP has it in the first post of this thread.
Hey Kevin, I posted in the thread but just wanted to add here that I wonder if this might also be some good material for a survey, like y'all did last year about guilds. Not that you won't get useful feedback here on the forum, but I feel like that's going to be very difficult to parse through. Especially with the answers varying so greatly depending on the areas of the game that people engage with. Just a thought about another potential avenue for gathering this feedback from players but in perhaps a more structured way. It's really nice to see our feedback being sought after, whatever form that may take.
I think Kevin mentioned that they are working on a survey for performance and are in the final stages of that.
This is correct. It is finished and we are getting it translated so that other regions can share feedback as well. Working on getting this out very soon!
6 days ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Kevin created a thread asking players to submit their top five bugs and pain points that we would like addressed but asked to keep comments to a minimum. This thread is for discussing the dev team’s request itself, what bugs and issues you think are the most important, and any expectations or thoughts on how they might address them.
So, about the request itself, my plan is to ignore it. My expectations are that it won't matter. My expectation is that they will be more attracted to player comments that align favorably with their current decisions and not as much for comments that are not. I expect that they already have stuff in the works. Planned, booked, and confirmed. While ZOS needs to listen to players, I think that what we say now won't be in the game for over a year, assuming that it aligns well with what ZOS wants. 2026 or even 2027. By then, the player comments and opinions may be very much different than they are today. Many players that respond to this query today may not even be playing the game anymore.
The goal is to get feedback to that we can see what can be prioritized over the next few updates and then plan out from there. Part of Matt's end of year letter notes how the team is working to be more agile and tackle things at a faster rate. So the ask is helping to set up for that. Obviously, ultimately up to you on your level of participation in that. Just wanted to provide extra context for the ask.
5 days ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Thanks for starting this conversation, @LadyGP. Just wanted to put a reminder that if folks share bugs and pain points here, that they also reflect that in the thread where we are collecting the list from players. LadyGP has it in the first post of this thread.
Hey Kevin, I posted in the thread but just wanted to add here that I wonder if this might also be some good material for a survey, like y'all did last year about guilds. Not that you won't get useful feedback here on the forum, but I feel like that's going to be very difficult to parse through. Especially with the answers varying so greatly depending on the areas of the game that people engage with. Just a thought about another potential avenue for gathering this feedback from players but in perhaps a more structured way. It's really nice to see our feedback being sought after, whatever form that may take.
That is a good idea. The general point with the thread is to get a baseline for the communities most sought after bugs. We are reviewing this now and seeing what can get tackled and when. However, getting more feedback via a survey is not a bad idea and something we can work on for later in the year. We do have a few surveys in the works on other issues, so we need to finish those and get them out before taking on any other survey projects.
I am curious how survey recipients are selected. Despite having many, many more hours in the game than most players and several stars next to my name here on the forums, I have never got one. I guess I have bad RNG everywhere, lol.
The last survey on Guilds was posted on the forum, discord and shared on social media. We will be posting surveys here on the forum, discord and on Reddit going forward. These are community team led surveys. However, sometimes our other teams send out surveys and they have their own data points they are trying to hit.
5 days ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
One thing I would caution against is that once the list gets compiled people are going to naturally assume the top 5 are going to be worked in that order and obviously this is not how development works. 343i (Halo Studios now) did a really good job when they went through something similar at communicating WHY say Top Issue #14 was solved before Top Issue #2. They would say something like... well we realized we couldn't solve #2 because #14 was directly responsible for a portion of said issue #2 so we had to solve that first before we can finish #2. People are going to unfairly freak out when they see the lower hanging fruit get solved first so just knowing that is going to come and be prepared to explain the reason behind it might make it easier on y'all. In no way trying to tell you how to do your job so hopefully this doesn't read in a condescending manner (text sucks lol).
No you're fine. No worries! We will plan to be clear in Patch Notes for when fixes happen and follow up with some longer explanations on fixes. I'm sure we will need to adjust a bit on the communication front, but we'll do that based on your feedback.