about 2 months ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
The Elder Scrolls Online PC/Mac v10.0.8. focuses on fixes and improvements to Gold Road, Wrathstone and Base Game content. You will see fixes to West Weald zone quests, Scribing and Lockpicking UI, and the Depths of Malatar Dungeon. [img alt="Combat & Gameplay"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/combat_&_gameplay.jpg[/img] Grimoires
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent grimoires from appearing in the UI.
[img alt="Quests & Zones"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/en/quests_&_zones.png[/img] West Weald
  • Fixed an issue with the Clothier crafting certification quest so that the Raw Jute spawners are not submerged in a lake.
  • The Wendir ruin now shows up in the Zone Guide.
  • The “Report on Feldagard Keep” book now contains a higher resolution image.
  • Another Death in Ontus: Constable Yabren uses more appropriate postures when following you in Zeggar’s Blind.
  • Seeds of Suspicion: Tribune Alea Idolus now plays appropriate postures as she follows you throughout the quest.
[img alt="Dungeons & Group Content"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/en/dungeons_&_group_content.png[/img] Depths of Malatar
  • Dark Orb
    • It is now easier to resurrect allies should they die near the Dark Orb.
[img alt="Fixes & Improvements, Base Game"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/en/fixes_&_improvements_base_game.jpg[/img] [img alt="Crown Store & Crown Crates"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/en/crown_store_&_crown_crates.png[/img] General
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when opening Crown Crates.
[img alt="UI"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/en/ui.png[/img] Lockpicking
  • Fixed an issue where the percent sign went missing from the "Force Lock" keybind that shows the success percentage.
  • Fixed an issue where guild trader mails with attachments would show up as System Mail Alerts.