Original Post — Direct link
Hi All! We put together a guide to show the earnable quarterly collectibles for the 2025 morphing collectible. We'll update this per quarter. If you have any feedback, please let us know. Hopefully, this will help everyone keep track of some collectible goals!
about 1 month ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Ok, so I'm just getting back to the game and there's still a lot I'm learning. I got the 3 fragments and made the pet. So now I can morph it, right? So if I morph it, I need to get 3 more fragments, make a new paper to morph it again to something else? Sorry if this seems obvious to some, but the wife and I are curious.
So now that you have the pet, you will have a new fragment to collect with each in-game event for each quarter. Once you have those, the fragments will morph with the pet to unlock the customized action. That will be the process every quarter for the year.