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Was there an update today that I'm not aware of? I was playing last night and everything was running nice and smooth on Ultra. Logged out in a settlement, logged back in tonight and every 10 seconds or so my frames drop to 5-10 FPS for a while. I've also noticed my CPU usage for ED is going to 90%+ when my frames drop down. I've tried dropping the graphics quality, deleting the cached graphics files that some places recommend, moved the install to my SSD... Nothing is working.

I'm currently running an i7 9700k and RTX 2080.

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over 3 years ago - /u/frontier_support - Direct link


Sorry to hear about the performance issue.

There was no game update today but please feel free to send us a support ticket via: https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new so that we can take a look.

- Ikaros

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