about 1 year ago - - Direct link
Greetings Commanders.

A situation was reported recently whereby it was possible for Commanders to sell an indefinite number of Titan tissue samples at Commodity Markets, due to an underlying issue which would cause the samples to remain held in cargo regardless of sale.

This issue has been addressed for you this morning, without the need of a deployment update or impactful downtime.

Stay safe out in the black, Commanders!

about 1 year ago - - Direct link
Greetings Commanders.

As of Monday, June 19th Elite Dangerous 'Live' will will be the default download version on Steam.

Legacy will be available as an optional alternative, ready to be installed via selection through the launcher product list.

[HEADING=2]How will this affect my installation? [/HEADING]
[*]I am a non-Odyssey owner with nothing installed: Pressing "Install" on Steam will download the 'Live' version of Elite Dangerous.
[*]I am an Odyssey owner with nothing installed: Pressing "Install" on Steam will download the 'Live' version of Elite Dangerous and Odyssey content.
[*]I own Legacy and have not installed the 'Live' version of Elite Dangerous: Steam will uninstall Legacy as it is no longer the default download and will install the 'Live' version of Elite Dangerous. Legacy will need to be re-installed, if desired.
[*]I am an Odyssey owner with the game already installed: Pressing “Update” on Steam will verify your files, but no changes will occur to the 'Live' version. However the Legacy version will be removed as it is no longer the default and will need to be re-installed, if desired.
[*]I am a non-Odyssey owner, but I have the 'Live' game and Legacy already installed: Pressing "Update" on Steam will verify your files, the 'Live' version of Elite Dangerous will remain however the Legacy version will be removed as it is no longer the default and will need to be re-installed, if desired.
[HEADING=2]How do I Install Legacy? [/HEADING]
[*]Launch your copy of Elite Dangerous.
[*]Select "Legacy Elite Dangerous" from the launcher's sub menu.
[*]Select "Install".
If you have any issues with the above process, or any questions, please do get in touch with the Elite Dangerous Customer Service team by submitting a ticket here.

See you in the black, Commanders.

about 1 year ago - - Direct link
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Greetings Commanders!

Firstly, all my apologies for how "hot" this post is coming in ahead of the show today.
We're really excited to see those of you who will be joining us, as always.


When? Thursday June 15 (Today!) at 16:00 BST.
Where? Elite Dangerous official Twitch and Youtube channels, as well as the Frontier Twitch channel too.




This week's show is yet another bountiful one, kicking things off in the usual way with game news, community highlights, Stellar Screenshots and multiple failed attempts at trying to keep Arf below 30 words a second.

Deep breath (it's been a while)...But wait! There's more!
[*] information.
[*]Special developer guests! That's right, they come in pairs still!
[*]Introducing Graduate Gameplay Programmer Max! Max will be brand new to the Elite Dangerous livestreams, so please do show him that ever divine level of Commander warmth and support you're all famous for...[SPOILER="REDACTED"] He also has some very intriguing intel to share...[/SPOILER]
[*]Max's wingman for the evening will be everyone's favourite short-trousered (or are they actually regular length trousers but forever cropped because he's so tall?!) Senior Designer, Tom Kewell!
[*]I've been digging around in the prize cupboard again. Join us this week to be in with another chance to win something nice for yourself, with another word scramble guessing game moment to cherish.



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To reflect the absolute numbers that we're experiencing in the UK on the thermometer right now, in this week's show, if you're watching via Twitch, you can earn yourself one or both of the above 'Solar Ray' paint job drops for your Anaconda and Chieftain!


Always a fun time, Commanders.
Hope to see you there!

about 1 year ago - - Direct link
Greetings fellow humans who are totally not interplanar horrors from beyond time!

As we skipped a week last time, after this mortal frame I chose to inhabit decided to breakdown on me, this week’s roundup will contain not one but two weeks’ worth of inane nihilistic rambling! Let’s sit back, use our inside screaming, and check out what’s been going on in the galaxy!

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THE EMPEROR’S IRE – 5 June 3309
Previously on ‘How to help grow the assassination business economy’, Hadrian “I have no concept of self preservation’ Duval thought that right in the middle of an intergalactic world war was the best time to tell the Emperor that he’s feeling extra expendable this week. He chose to suggest that the Emperor was showing weakness by daring to work with other superpowers in order to help the minor goal of humanity not going extinct. The Emperor has hit back by pointing out that they are working with Aegis and building new weapons for the Empire specifically. She also subtly reminded Hadrian that as sovereign he exists because she allows it and can end because she demands it. This has prompted higher up Imperials to cancel their dinner plans with Hadrian and reschedule any meetings with him to a less violent day in the calendar. Maybe February 31st?

Some say that the worst thing for a religion would be to find out there is no god, but maybe finding out there are 8 of them poised to stamp you out of existence might be a tad worse. The Federation previously declared the Far God Cult illegal, encouraging many memes of people painting tiny models to shout “Heresy!”. As a result the ‘True Chapters’ (Which implies the existence of ‘False Chapters’ ooooh) members on board the megaship ‘Dedicant’ were imprisoned by the Federation. In an effort to suggest they are a little more centrist leaning than the increasingly gammon faced Feds who want to solve problems by the addition of more weapons, the Alliance has offered to take the Far God Cultists off the Federations hands and put them up in Alliance facilities where they can live peaceful, safe lives so long as they don’t mind cameras in every crevice.

From the company that provides its employees with compulsory gloating seminars and tips and tricks on when to use your evil laugh, comes a new edition of “What villainous things can we do with Thargoids this week”. Azimuth, the science team that just won’t go away, has stated that researching the Thargoid titans has become their number one priority. Whilst Aegis may have the benefits of size, popularity and the ability to not spark an intergalactic war because genocide is too much fun, Azimuth has suggested that there is still room for a plucky underdog to make more and more bug zappers if they just dream big enough. This signals a race across scientific groups to see who can get the most useful data from the giant doom heralds first.

In a move slightly uncharacteristic of everyone’s favourite T-1000 lookalike, President Zachary Hudson has agreed to the Alliance’s request to take the True Chapters prisoners off their hands. Hudson described the sect as toxic and dangerous which are ironically the same words I hear whenever I visit my family. The cultists will be escorted to the Alliance vessels whereupon they will become “their problem” and “No take backsies”. Some have suggested this decision from Hudson is an attempt to suggest a slightly softer side to his presidency in the history books, but that would require a photo of him smiling which I don’t think exists outside of photoshop…

In a dramatic clash to remain relevant, Aegis and Azimuth are going head to head to gather samples from the Titans. The Titans, being that they are big gribblies beyond mortal comprehension, are fascinating new avenues for xenobiological research and any corporation that cracks the significance of them could be sitting pretty for some time. Both organisations have essentially the same request so it's down to Independent Pilots to choose which group they want to help out, whether that be the seemingly benign Aegis or the "morally grey" Azimuth. In either case both are offering shiny paint jobs so you can look fabulous before the Titans wipe you from existence.

Just a few days after Prime Minster Mahon magnanimously worked to free the True Chapter Far God Cultists from the tyranny of the Federation...they've only gone and seemingly legged it. Details are scarce but what the Alliance does know is that the Dedicant isn't where they thought it was and now they can't get in touch with their military escort. Did the cultists somehow overpower the significantly better armed soldiers or did some strange 3rd party show up and help them get away. Whatever the actual truth is Zachary Hudson is no doubt causing cracks in his stony face from laughing at Mahon's humiliation from his noble act backfiring.

That’s it for this week. Assuming this frail flesh construct can maintain rudimentary functionality we’ll be back next week for more of the weekly news summarised in a way that makes you question our hiring process. TTFN!
about 1 year ago - - Direct link
Greetings Commanders.

Mentioned last week - as of today, June 19th, Elite Dangerous 'Live' will be the default download version for Steam Commanders.
The necessary work required to ensure this happens has now taken place and is complete.

You can reference what this means for you, if you are a 'Commander of Steam', as part of the following information post here.


As a general way-finder for account or launch related issues or concerns, I'd like to take this quick opportunity to direct you to our fantastic Customer Support team!
[*]Account Issues | Please fill out this form.
[*]Launching Issues | Please fill out this form.


Have a wonderful day, Commanders o7
about 1 year ago - - Direct link
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Greetings Commanders.

On last week's show we mentioned that the remaining livestreams to carry us through to the end of the year have now been scheduled, and we'd love to share this information with you in advance.

As soon as we are able, we'll add this schedule more visibly to our streaming platforms for you.

For now, however, here is the penned schedule for Frameshift Live shows between now and December, 2023!

July 20th | 16:00 BST / 15:00 UTC Frameshift Live #32 Let's prepare for U16!
August 17th | 16:00 BST / 15:00 UTC Frameshift Live #33
September 14th | 16:00 BST / 15:00 UTC Frameshift Live #34
October 5th | 16:00 BST / 15:00 UTC Frameshift Live #35 Halloween season begins...
November 23rd | 16:00 UTC Frameshift Live #36
December 14th | 16:00 UTC Frameshift Live #37 Holiday Special!

As with even the most well intended plans in place, there is always the potential for things to change. Please do take these dates and times as penned and should anything impact them along the way, we'll let you know.


Thank you to those who spend time with us on the shows!

Have a great day in the Galaxy, Commanders.

Greetings Commanders!

Thank you for your feedback on the first Issue Report table that we released last week. We've heard your thoughts relating to lighting in Odyssey and would like to gather some more information so we can look into this further.

We've made note of multiple lighting-related queries that you have raised and the development team are now investigating. One piece of feedback that we'd like Commanders to expand upon is the c*ckpit brightness issue.

We're looking for information to answer the following questions:
[*]Is this affecting all ships or just specific ships?
[*]What is the exact issue you're experiencing?
[*]Is this happening in all lighting, or just certain situations (certain star types, extremely dark locations)?
[*]If so, please provide locations / screenshots.

Any other information you can provide around c*ckpit brightness will also be appreciated, but the above questions are our primary concern. The information will be useful to help us narrow down the specifics of this issue, and a potential cause.

As always with a focused feedback thread, any replies to other comments or off topic/non-constructive posts may be removed to keep the thread as practical and useful as possible. This thread is not the place to discuss other lighting issues. For unrelated discussion, please find or create other threads over in Dangerous Discussion.

Greetings Commanders!

This week's community schedule is coming to you a day later than usual on the forums due to a national holiday yesterday! Let's get into what's happening this week in the world of Elite Dangerous:

Development Update
: Our monthly update on the development of the game will be released today - we'll be sharing some of the things you can look forward to in Update 7, and some progress on top-voted issues.

Dev Update Breakdown Stream: Arthur & Zac will be breaking down the Development Update before sharing some community highlights on this Tuesday's stream!

Stellar Screenshots:
Have you been to a beautiful spot in the galaxy? Make sure to share your photos for a chance to be featured in Stellar Screenshots this Wednesday!

Xbox Stream:
Arthur will be heading onto his personal account on Xbox - prepare for the usual antics!

Commander Creations:
Every week your creations are becoming more impressive and varied! Keep them coming using the hashtag #CommanderCreations on Twitter!

We'll see you in the week Commanders,

Greetings Commanders,

As we reach the end of the month, we are delighted to share our latest development update with you.

Issue Tracker

To kick things off we would like to update you on the key issues as voted for by our community on the Issue Tracker. Remember you can visit the Issue Tracker any time to vote for your top issues or make a report.

1. Lighting and Illumination in Odyssey

Since Odyssey’s launch we’ve made a large number of updates to in-game lighting to bring the experience more in line with Commander expectations. These changes included relighting ship c*ckpits, improving all materials and overhauling star light and station exteriors, to call out just a few.

Following the major changes in Update 6 we’ve now, based on your feedback, made additional changes to areas such as Fleet Carriers and exterior station lighting which will be deployed in Update 7.

Whilst we recognise that some Commanders may continue to have feedback around how the game is lit we feel that for the purposes of aiding further development this issue tracker entry, whilst still holding a number of votes, is no longer providing us actionable feedback to improve the game, with recent contributions unrelated to the specifics of the original report.

We will therefore mark this issue as fixed following the update, freeing up those votes to contribute to other issues in issue tracker. Of course if you observe any specific instances of poor lighting, please open a new issue tracker entry giving specific feedback.

2. Degraded terrain textures compared to Horizons

We’ve been monitoring your feedback following Update 6 and we are now satisfied that this issue has been largely resolved. This item will be marked as fixed with the final changes set to arrive in Update 7 - if you see specific instances please contribute to the issue tracker giving specific feedback.

3. FPS performance in Odyssey

Further improvements have been made in this area including optimisations to the Navmesh, lighting system, terrain, NPCs, glass shaders and scatter rock LODs. Our core code team is making good progress on more substantial optimisations, a number of which we expect to be included in Update 8.

4. Nothing to do on long shuttle rides

Update 7 will provide the opportunity for players to redirect Apex shuttles in transit, avoiding instances of players feeling trapped into long journeys. We will look to mark this issue as fixed in line with Update 7, freeing up your votes to contribute to other issues.

5. Invincible Thargoid Heart

We have identified a cause and are deploying a fix for this issue in Update 7, to ensure the fix has worked as intended, we will leave this issue open for a time. We would like to thank you for your patience with this issue and for your support in helping us to resolve it.

6. Frame Rate Drops post update 5

Update 7 will include changes to the games Navmesh which we believe resolves any potential performance impact from update 5. We will therefore be marking this issue as fixed following the release of Update 7 whilst retaining our wider focus on improving Odyssey’s performance.

The following issues will also be resolved in Update 7:
[*]NHSS signals in Odyssey are Empty
[*]Fleet Carrier and Module costs not included in overall wealth
[*]Support missions are not widely available
[*]Missions and Rewards are not shared with the team
[*]A previously present codex entry is now missing
[*]Stolen tritium cannot be donated into a fleet carrier's fuel depot
[*]Too much CC returned when systems revolt.
[*]Mission Reward Material Missing
[*]Deposit fragments stuck inside the rock
[*]Unable to interact with Comms Panel in head look
[*]Some rock scatter only visual in right eye in VR
[*]Seeker and Packhound Missiles do double damage against shields
[*]Choosing +Influence reward from missions gives no influence
[*]CZ captain defence incorrectly rewards credit bonds for the enemy faction
In addition to Odyssey Update 7 we’re pleased to confirm that a number of these fixes and QoL improvements will be deployed to Horizons players on both PC and console in September – we will of course share full patch notes for both around release.

Upcoming Updates and Content

Please note: These are at varying stages of progress. This is not an exhaustive list of everything that is being considered. They are not final, so they are subject to change. We will keep you updated with news and details as they progress, and we expect the content to release over the coming few updates. With that said, here’s a look at just some of the features and content in consideration, to go alongside the other development work required for future updates.

The following items are planned to be included in Update 7 which is scheduled for mid-September:

Conflict Zone Anti-Air Defence and Dogfighting

Since the launch of Odyssey, many brave Commanders have dropped into Odyssey’s Conflict Zones to support their chosen faction in ongoing conflicts throughout the bubble. With Update 7 we’re taking Conflict Zones to the next level by rebalancing the sphere of combat, increasing the risk for airborne Commanders and introducing new gameplay for those on the ground.

Each active Conflict Zone will have new anti-air turrets to defend against airborne attack. Commanders in the air will need to work with those on the ground to disable them. In addition, AI ships will also be deployed to Conflict Zones for the first time, allowing Commanders to experience exhilarating in-atmosphere dogfights as the battle rages below.

You can see both of these in action in the video below:


Enforcer units coming to Conflict Zones

Following the deployment of Enforcer units to Odyssey’s military installations, we’ll be introducing rocket launcher equipped infantry to active Conflict Zones, increasing the risk for any Commanders hoping to pick off easy prey from the comfort of their SRV.

New Social Hub styles

These screenshots show some of the variation added for Update 7, making station interiors more clearly linked to their installation type. Changes include elements such as swapping out railings with alternatives, replacing crates and planters with other props to better suit the theme, using different partitions and wall pieces, swapping beams and roof sections, and adding pipes or more industrial looking geometry.

In addition, wealthy services and high tech stations now show less rubbish and junk on the floors, while the agricultural, industrial and asteroid stations are progressively more untidy.

Apex Redirect

You’ll soon be able to redirect your Apex shuttle mid-flight. Our UI team have been hard at work to make this a seamless experience with redirection options from the Navigation list, Galaxy and System Maps

Increased stored modules and bookmarks

Stored module and Bookmark limits will be increased from their previous limits to 200. We are pleased to be able to deliver this community request.

AMD Fidelity FX CAS

By popular demand, AMD Fidelity FX CAS will be reintroduced as an option in Update 7. This is mutually exclusive to FSR which has its own integrated RCAS system.

Here is a selection of the other features currently in development. As mentioned above, this is not an exhaustive list of everything that is being considered. They are not final, so they are subject to change. As we get closer to their release we will announce which of these will be included in each Update:

Horizons Cosmetics in Odyssey

Our character team have been hard at work overhauling Horizon’s flight suit cosmetics to make them compatible with Odyssey’s EVA suits. While we still have a little way still to go, you can see some of the results which we plan to bring to the game soon, below.

Four Player Multicrew

We’re pleased to share that we are making great progress on this feature, with a number of ships now in test with four Commanders on the bridge. More details will be released closer to release.

New Odyssey Engineers in Colonia

We’d like to introduce Rosa Dayette, one of Odyssey’s upcoming new Engineers based out in Colonia.

Born and raised in a starport within a feudalist system, Rosa had few obvious skills in her youth. She was an average student, suffered from stage fright and found athletic competition dull. But she did have a passion for mechanical things, fascinated by the constant stream of ships outside her apartment window. With a combination of donated, swapped and refurbished tools, she began to tinker on the gadgets in her home, looking to reverse engineer them to learn how the various components work.

Her natural talent blossomed, and over time she started working on her neighbour's technology, patching up suits or manual equipment. This became helping out friends of friends, then distant acquaintances; as Rosa approached adulthood people from across the station would turn up at her door with things to fix. Her family apartment eventually resembled a workshop.

And yet she would rarely charge people credits for her time. Her enjoyment of the work and tendency to trade skills led her to accept favours instead of credits. A fixed datapad in exchange for homecooked meals. An upgraded power coupling for free apartment cleaning. Word of Rosa's talents reached a local businessman who operated a suit supply store. An experienced mechanic himself, he offered Rosa an opportunity to help out at his shop in return for some second-hand suits, weapons and other equipment. Rosa accepted, drawn by the chance to examine far more interesting gear than the home appliances and commercial technology she was used to.

After many happy years of this arrangement, her mentor passed away. What little he had to bequeath was given to Rosa, along with a hand-written note asking Rosa to leave the starport and pursue her dream of a full workshop. Rosa did so, announcing to her friends that she would seek employment with an engineer. As word spread throughout the community, a collection was held to fund this new venture; the many Rosa had helped so selflessly, for so long, gladly contributed. To Rosa's astonishment, it was just enough to establish her own workshop in Colonia.

Rosa found her local celebrity discomforting, having felt that helping the community was a responsibility rather than something notable. Yet deep down she recognises that she could have made a comfortable living from her talents, but chose to remain true to her principles. Now she enjoys total autonomy in a new community, excited by the opportunity while missing her friends dearly.

Mission feature extensions

Work is still ongoing to expand mission features for Odyssey with the aim to increase mission diversity and create stronger links between the in-c*ckpit and on foot gameplay. We hope to share more on this soon.

Megaship Social Spaces

Last but not least, we’re excited to share that work is now underway to bring social spaces to Megaships. This will allow us to position a base for on-foot services, such as Vista Genomics and Pioneer Supplies, anywhere in the galaxy.

As with previous development updates, what we’ve shared today is just a snapshot of what we’re working on. We will be sharing more details on the content mentioned above, further bug fixes, performance improvements and of course more as-yet-unannounced content in further monthly development updates and across our other channels.

Thank you as always for your continued feedback and support.

Greetings Commanders!

It's time to bring another week to a close with a brilliant set of Commander Creations! Don't forget you can always get involved using the hashtag #CommanderCreations on Twitter, or by posting your creation in the replies below! Let's get underway:

Norma Expanse Postcard By DarthFabrer

Darth Fabrer has been sharing their adventures in the black, and have even sent a lovely postcard of this quite unique set of planets all lined up! Great find, and a great postcard! We'll stick it on our fridge!

Hull Seals Reminder By OmegaDrebin

You should always be aware of your air supply - and what you need to replenish it! This handy reminder by OmegaDrebin of the Hull Seals will save your Commander's life one day - keep it memorised!

Model Viper By LCU No Fool Like One & Daughter

Not only did LCU No Fool Like One print out their beloved Viper MkIII, their daughter painted it to match the actual paintjob of the ship within Elite! Amazing effort from both!

Apollo 15 Expedition Poster By SlowRoastedSloth

This beautiful poster was made by SlowRoastedSloth to celebrate the recent Apollo 15 Anniversary Expedition that took place within Elite! The expedition was celebrating the 50th anniversary of the real life space mission, which saw the first use of the Lunar Roving Vehicle!

That's all for this week!

Fly safe Commanders,

Greetings Commanders,

On Tuesday we released our second Top 20 Issues Report, accompanied by some commentary on our Supercruise News livestream. In this second edition of the report, we were pleased to confirm that many of the listed issues will be fixed in Update 7 which is scheduled for next week.

Following the report, several of you rightly pointed out that the currently sixth highest-voted open issue, “Automated Accounts Influencing BGS and Powerplay”, on the Issue Tracker was not present in the table. We’d like to take this opportunity to clear the air around this point.

To give some important context on how the Issue Tracker works, when an issue is submitted it remains in the system for a certain amount of time before expiring. During this time, if it gains enough confirmed reproductions (to prove the issue is legitimate), it will remain on the tracker until it is closed. This is the “confirmed” state. Confirmed issues are investigated by our QA team, and if they are confirmed internally, they enter the “acknowledged” state. From there issues are further investigated, prioritised, and worked on by our QA and development teams.

Why is this important? In this case, the issue of automated accounts (we’ll call it “botting” from here on) is one we’re fully aware of but is handled differently than “standard” issues like graphical bugs. Bot detection and account moderation is an ongoing effort, and while we know botting is a problem, it has not been processed on the Issue Tracker the same way a typical issue would be. Botting cannot be “reproduced and confirmed internally” like a typical bug and therefore has not entered the “acknowledged” state. For our Top 20 Issues Report, we gathered the issues list from those marked as “acknowledged” which is why it did not appear.

To show that we acknowledge botting as an issue, this will be marked as such on the tracker moving forwards. In the meantime, our continuous efforts to mitigate and punish botting will continue. We’re limited in our ability to share details on this progress as doing so can inform players who choose to bot on how they might avoid detection.

We hope this sheds some light on why the issue did not appear in the table. We welcome any questions and thank you as always for your support!

Greetings Commanders,

Thank you to everyone who has already contributed to the current Community Goal! For those who haven't, we encourage you to get involved. We'd like to take this opportunity to describe the two brand new modules that can be obtained by participating, the uniquely engineered Mining Laser and Abrasion Blaster.

To demonstrate the differences, we've compared each of these to their standard versions (showing only the stats which have changed):

Mining Laser

Stat Standard CG Exclusive
Power Draw 0.5 0.25
Damage Per Second 2 1.9
Thermal Load 2 1
Max Range 500 2,500
Damage Fall Off 300 2,500
Integrity 40 20
Distributor Draw 1.5 0.75

Abrasion Blaster

Stat Standard CG Exclusive
Power Draw 0.34 0.17
Thermal Load 2 1
Max Range 1,000 5,000
Damage Fall Off 1,000 5,000
Integrity 40 20
Distributor Draw 2 1
Shot Speed 667 3,333

Both modules are far more energy efficient, with half the power and distributor draw of the standard versions. They also boast 5x the maximum range when compared to the defaults, among other advantages. These come with the minor drawback of a reduction in integrity.

We hope this post clarifies the benefits of these exclusive modules. If you want to get these for your mining ship, all the details for the Community Goal can be found on this page!

Greetings Commanders!

Let's end another week with a round of brilliant creations from our wonderful players! If you'd like a chance to be featured, make sure to submit your entry on Twitter using the hashtag #CommanderCreations!

ED Baking Club Mascot By Commander Fosdyke

The glorious Elite Dangerous Baking Club needed a mascot, and Commander Fosdyke delivered with this 3D render of Gunther - who is now representing the club and approving those delicious bakes.

Coriolis Desk Tidy By BeardyBeardy

This Coriolis desk tidy by Reddit user BeardyBeardy is the ultimate way to keep your pens and pencils all in one stylish place! This piece was made using blueprints provided by CMDR Arithon.

Elite Dangerous Tattoo Design By AVAKtattoer

Ever fancied an Elite Dangerous tattoo? This design by AVAKtattoer on Reddit may be one to remember! This stunning Thargoid heavy piece is sure to look amazing on any Commander willing to represent our not-so-human galactic neighbours.

Repurposed Racing Simulator For Elite By Wild_XIII

We always love seeing your custom setups for Elite Dangerous, but Wild_XIII has taken it to the next level by repurposing this racing simulator to be functional with Elite! What a great way to explore the galaxy.

We'll see you next week for more great Commander Creations!

Greetings Commanders!

With Update 7 on the horizon, let's see what the week has in store for us with today's Community Schedule:

Supercruise News #47:
Join us for all the latest news from the world of Elite Dangerous, and the highlights from the community!

Stellar Screenshots:
Another week of brilliant screenshots await! The latest winners will be revealed on Wednesday.

Odyssey Update 7: We'll be releasing Odyssey Update 7 on Wednesday, so stay tuned for further information in the coming days!

Horizons Update: Horizons players on all platforms will be receiving a Quality of Life patch at the same time as the Update 7 rollout, including a number of fixes that have been implemented in the previous Odyssey updates.

Update 7 Conflict Zone Stream:
It's time to head down to an on-foot Conflict Zone to check out the changes that came with Update 7, including AA turrets!

Community Goal & Competition: There will be a brand new Community Goal to look forward to on Thursday, alongside a competition for those taking part - keep your eyes on the forum for more details on that soon!

Commander Creations:
There's no better way to celebrate the weekend than with a selection of wonderful Commander Creations!

ED Elite Club: A new wave of Commanders will be entering the #EDEliteClub this Friday!

Have a fantastic week Commanders,

Greetings Commanders!

As always, you haven't disappointed with your fantastic creative work this week, so let's dive into another round of #CommanderCreations! If you would like to be featured next week, make sure to post your creation on Twitter with the #CommanderCreations hashtag.

Spaceboop Art By CMDR BeetleJude

BeetleJude is back again with another fantastic piece of art, this one depicts the classic boop of the ship snout! This time it looks like a metallic crystal that's on the receiving end of the boop, so hopefully there's not much damage done to this beautiful space entity!

Elite Diorama By Harambecomebackpls

What better way to make use of your 3D-printed Elite ship models than to make an amazing diorama out of them? That's what Reddit user Harambecomebackpls has done here and we must say, it's quite brilliant!

Odyssey Style Elite Badges By BlueSwordDoggo

BlueSwordDoggo has taken inspiration from the fresh look of the Odyssey logo to create their own version of the Elite ranking badges! You can check out more of them over on this Reddit post.

Elite Apron By ChuckityChuck044 & Friends

Reddit user ChuckityChuck044 must have the best friends in the galaxy, as they made him this fantastic Elite-themed apron! Perhaps some #EDBakingClub activities are on the horizon for this Commander?

That's all for this week! We'll see you in the black Commanders.

Greetings Commanders,

As we begin a brand new week, let's look ahead to the community initiatives you can get involved with in the world of Elite Dangerous!

Supercruise News
: Tune in on Tuesday for the latest Supercruise News, filled with all the news and highlights from the Elite galaxy.

Stellar Screenshots:
Keep your beautiful in-game photography coming! Make sure to submit your latest screenshots by Wednesday for a chance to be featured and earn a unique paintjob!

Odyssey Open Play:
It's time for another Open play session on Thursday night! Come join us to take on some missions and see what calamity ensues!

Commander Creations:
Your artistic efforts continue to impress us on a weekly basis! If you have something to share, use the hashtag #CommanderCreations to enter!

See you in the black, Commanders!

Greetings Commanders.

This may come as a slightly sudden but hopefully not too unhelpful a shock to you all, but coming along with the next updates for Elite Dangerous Odyssey and Horizons this week, we will be making a small number of tweaks to Powerplay.

Here's an outline below of what you can expect:

Changes To Powerplay
[*]The process where control of a starsystem is lost by revolt now correctly accounts for income already provided to competing control systems.
[*]Income values will be updated for many control systems so that they are the sum of their own income PLUS all the systems they currently exploit.
[*]Income from the week is expected to change.

Why The Changes?

As several Commanders reported via the issue tracker (specifically https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/23052), when some control systems were lost to revolt, Powerplay didn't always correctly account for CC income changes to nearby control systems with overlapping spheres.

In particular, when the same Power had more than one control system claiming a given exploit system during revolt, Powerplay sometimes added that income again to the remaining control system, even if its income value already accounted for that exploit system.

Over time, this resulted in some powers having a higher CC income than the sum of their control and exploit systems.

Update 7 and the Horizons update fixes this logic, and also adjusts the galaxy's income values for the affected control systems, as described in this table:

Control System Power CC income pre-update7 CC income after update7 Change in income
Ashtart Edmund Mahon 39 31 -8
Binjamingi Felicia Winters 104 82 -22
Fousang Felicia Winters 70 54 -16
Erivit Felicia Winters 59 51 -8
Mexicatese Felicia Winters 64 58 -6
Kanati Felicia Winters 103 96 -7
LP 906-9 Felicia Winters 94 82 -12
54 G. Antlia Felicia Winters 45 37 -8
Matipu Felicia Winters 47 35 -12
Coma Denton Patreus 100 83 -17
Dheneb Pranav Antal 134 108 -26
Mandii Archon Delaine 36 28 -8
Clayakarma Yuri Grom 189 179 -10

Certainly appreciate that this may be coming in a little hot ahead of the forthcoming updates this week, as I say, but we really hope this helps!

Really excited to share the full update notes finalised for you and welcome in Update 7 for Odyssey, along with the Quality Of Life update for Horizons on all platforms very soon!

o7 Commanders.
Greetings Commanders.

Not our favourite kind of news to share but as you know, the team are working hard in preparing for the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey and Horizons upates today, however:

Due to some additional attention required this morning, we are facing a current delay in the update deployments, outside of the usual/anticiplated morning timeslot.

Our finger is ever ready on the pulse, so you can expect us to keep you updated on progress and confirm further details on the deployment schedule for today as soon as possible, throughout the morning.

Thank you for your patience o7
Greetings once again, Commanders!

We can now confirm the following deployment schedule for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey 'Update 7' and the Elite Dangerous: Horizons 'Quality of Life' update (all platforms).

At 13:00 UTC / 14:00 BST all Elite Dangerous servers will go offline for approximately one hour, in order to accomodate both planned updates.
Servers will return to life at approximately 14:00 UTC / 15:00 BST

There may be some slight time differences between each platform's server respool time, but things will start moving for everyone from 14:00 UTC / 15:00 BST, and we'll keep you updated regardless.

Patch notes to accompany both updates will be provided here in the forums and via Steam, on the tick of server downtime, so look out for those.

Right then! Let's do this!

o7 Commanders.
Greetings Commanders!

All hands are on deck here at Frontier as we work towards Update 8 (currently due next week). Whilst we work on the next big update to Odyssey, let's see what's in store in this week's schedule:

Colonia Bridge Stream:
Arthur & Sally will be sharing all the highlights from the community before helping to finish off the current Community Goal on tomorrow's stream!

Stellar Screenshots: Our weekly photography competition returns to its usual Wednesday slot this week, so make sure to get your entries in within the next two days!

Horizons CQC Night:
Join Bruce & Zac for another round of CQC! Will they take back their crown? Tune in to find out, or play along in Horizons to stop them!

Commander Creations:
Your creativity knows no bounds, Commanders! Our weekly spectacle continues on Friday, when we'll be showing off more of your amazing creations.


We'll also be sharing a post on the forums this week from our wonderful UI team who have spared some more time to answer your questions from the UI Developer Stream a few weeks ago. Keep your eyes in the News & Bulletins section for that post in the coming days!

See you in the black Commanders,

Many more greetings Commanders.

As promised, this is the first instalment of a dedicated 'Quality Of Life' update being brought to Horizons, spanning all platforms (includes consoles, just be be totally clear).
Theres more to come as we go along the forthcoming updates (by that I mean this is NOT the "true parity update" coming after this) of the year, so we'll keep you informed of progress made.

Some of these will be repeats from other update threads/The Update 7 thread BUT I figured a separate post for Horizons tweaks will be easier to digest and be more clear for you all, than have it jsut bolted on to the Update 7 landslide of list.

Servers are now offline (or there abouts) and are scheduled to begin spooling up again at 14:00 UTC (15:00 BST).
Please remember that there's a chance not all platforms will be back online at the same time, but it'll be as near enough as possible.

We'll be on standby with our eyes peeled for the big moment with you.

Let's go! o7


Updates of note:
[*]Increased module and bookmark storage.
[*]Commanders can now enjoy an increase in module and bookmark storage
[*]Limit of 200 each.
[*]The increase limit only applies for personal bookmarks. The Squadron bookmark limit has not been changed.
[*]An issue has been fixed with how damage is applied to Thargoids in order to fix Thargoid Hearts appearing to become invincible.
[*]Fancy a bit more info on this? [ISPOILER] Damage was being applied to the local space of the Thargoid, but each client was rotating the Thargoid locally (like, each player's personal session of the game), so it would have hearts in different places. [/ISPOILER] Amazing really!
[*]Previously Player A could shoot thargoid heart but Player B (authority) would register that it didn't hit the heart and thus apply no damage.

Additional Updates:
[*]A fix has been implemented for an incorrectly rotated tunnel section within an installation.
[*]A fix has been implemented for a tower clipping into buildings at Horizons bases.
[*]Module UI now updates to accurately show when a heatsink has been re-armed, along with c*ckpit UI.
[*]A fix has been implemented for the data link reticule, which sometimes appeared to be the incorrect colour when players targeted a scannable asset in analysis mode.
[*]Data link and composition scanner reticules are now distinguishable from each other in analysis mode - the composition scanner reticule has been flipped to display vertically.
[*]A fix has been implemented for the SRV not being able to fire after ammo synthesis.
[*]When hiding the UI in the livery preview, the name of the equipped paintjob will no longer be hidden as well.
[*]A fix has been implemented for a floating pipe that popped up at some planet ports.
[*]Spanish character Ñ will now appear in nameplate/ID for ships.
[*]A fix has been implemented for Powerplay modules not having the 'buy back option'.
[*]A fix has been implemented for Scavengers that would occasionally clip through the ground at Thargoid sites.
[*]A fix has been implemented for a missing text string in the HIP 15609 system.
[*]A fix has been implemented for Super Power promotions, where they were not always being reported in the UI at the same time as the inbox message arriving.
[*]A fix has been implemented for Thargoid site doors opening at incorrect times for players.
[*]A fix has been implemented for Ship Launched Fighter kills counting towards CZ progress.
[*]A fix has been implemented for hyperspace break sometimes not working for Supercruise Assist module.
[*]The analysis mode reticule for the data link will no longer persist onscreen after the SRV stows it's turret, or in the ship UI when the player re-boards.
[*]Fixes for multiple typos throughout the game in general have been addressed.
[*]A fix has been implemented for some materials that were displaying incorrect rarity or grades.
[*]Overlapping text in the Commander Stats UI has been fixed.
[*]A fix has been implemented for repair limpets not repairing the correct consistent amount on ships with damage regions (e.g. Anaconda).
[*]A fix has been implemented for defending captains in space conflict zones awarding combat bonds from the opposing faction.
[*]Fixed intermittent hang on exiting the game
[*]Squadrons UI - Fixed filters navigation not being reset
[*]Fix for misaligned assets at Research Base
[*]Fix CQC ranks above Elite being displayed incorrectly.
[*]The process where control of a starsystem is lost by revolt now correctly accounts for income already provided to competing control systems.
[*]Income values have been updated for many control systems so they're the sum of their own income PLUS all the systems they currently exploit (note: this will need a table of powers, starsystems and CC numbers for the forums with plenty of notice for players to react).
[*]Income from the week will change. See the following post for more details: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/elite-dangerous-updates-to-powerplay-in-update-7.590030/

Known Issues:
There are naturally more issues out there to cover and work furthre on, but we're calling these out specifically as they seem to be newly introduces as part of this update.
[*]No notification of Fleet Carrier jump for players until 10 seconds before the jump itself.
[*]Session log is greyed out and inaccessible (console only).


That's us for this QOL batch, Commanders!

We'll naturally continue to monitor your thoughts and experience in Horizons for PC and Console quality of life issues, as well as Odyssey and appreciate all of the contributions and feedback we gather here to be able to bring these improvements across the board.

See you in the black o7
Many, many greetings Commanders.

The time is now...time! Update 7 for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is welcomed in today with a plethora of tweaks, fixes and more as we journey onward with quality improvements, Galaxy wide.
Grab a coffee / tea / Lavian Brandy (Not too early, right? Sure! I'll join you. Don't tell Arf) and enjoy a moment reading through the update notes below.

Servers are now offline (or there abouts) and will (hopefully) begin spooling up again at 14:00 UTC (15:00 BST)
Please remember that there's a chance not all platforms will be back online at the same time, but it'll be as near enough as possible.

We'll be on standby with our eyes peeled for the big moment with you.

Let's go! o7


Updates Of Note
[*]Anti-Air Turrets have now been added to conflict zones.
[*]Remember…Turret cut, turret down.
[*]Added Apex Taxi redirection.
[*]You can now redirect your Apex Shuttle mid-flight!
[*]Redirection options are now available from the Navigation list, Galaxy and System Maps.
[*]New variations of Social Hubs!
[*]Changes include elements such as swapping out railings with alternatives, replacing crates and planters with other props to better suit the theme, using different partitions and wall pieces, swapping beams and roof sections, and adding pipes or more industrial looking geometry.
[*]In addition, wealthy services and high tech stations now show less rubbish and junk on the floors, while the agricultural, industrial and asteroid stations are progressively more untidy.
[*]AMD CAS has been re-added, and is mutually exclusive to FSR.
[*]Enforcer Units are now present in Conflict Zones.
[*]Show 'em who's boss.
[*]Increased module and bookmark storage.
[*]Commanders can now enjoy an increase in module and bookmark storage
[*]There's a new limit of 200 each.
[*]The increase limit only applies for personal bookmarks. The Squadron bookmark limit has not been changed.
[*]An issue has been fixed with how damage is applied to Thargoids in order to fix Thargoid Hearts appearing to become invincible.
[*]Fancy a bit more info on this? [ISPOILER] Damage was being applied to the local space of the Thargoid, but each client was rotating the Thargoid locally (like, each player's personal session of the game), so it would have hearts in different places. [/ISPOILER] Amazing really!
[*]Previously Player A could shoot thargoid heart but Player B (authority) would register that it didn't hit the heart and thus apply no damage.
[*]Literally EVERYONE has a heart now, it seems. Sometimes more than one if you’re a Time Lord.
[*]An issue has been fixed which prevented viewing and signing up to community goals as expected.
[*]That one where you all had to go to Horizons sometimes to accept them, then relog into Odyssey.
[*]An issue has been fixed which caused community goals to be removed from a commander while abandoning a mission.


[*]AI in a settlement will now register a crime if they see a player transferring data.
[*]Identity theft crimes spotted by AI should only be reported and result in a fine once.
[*]Subsequent occasions just provoke hostility.
[*]Criminal AI will no longer spawn after the power regulator at a settlement has been removed.
[*]Criminals will now wear bespoke outfits.
[*]Sorry, they're not going to be the black and white striped jumpers. Nor will they carry bags with 'swag' written on them, but still...(I know, I'm as disappointed as you are).
[*]Reckless endangerment is now only triggered after a weapon has been drawn for over a second.
[*]AI are now drawn more effectively to areas where alarms are active and do a better job of exploring the area.
[*]Settlement AI will now attempt to re-enable a building's atmosphere if it has been disabled.
[*]Guests at tourism settlements can no longer radio for backup.
[*]After notifying the player, AI will always complete scans, providing that the player remains accessible and does not flee.
[*]A bit more on this, why not: In very rare cases the AI would call out that they were going to scan you, but then just stand there all day like there's nothing to do and never actually walk up and scan you. The cheeky part of this then was as soon as you walk away, they would attack you for fleeing the scan.
[*]Groups of AI shouldn't all announce at once when they are moving to weapons range.
[*]Keep it down guys, we get the idea.
[*]AI in different rooms should no longer engage in conversations.
[*]Having a player ship visible but out of combat range no longer prevents AI from de-escalating from combat.
[*]Grenade throwing is now replicated more accurately between players in multiplayer situations.
[*]Enforcers now engage at distances suitable for their rocket launcher when they are outside and at pistol range when inside.
[*]Enforcers will be more decisive about which weapon type they intend to use (This made me giggle a bit. Imagine them literally panicking on the battlefield over this decision).
[*]New AI "barks" added. Going to keep the term "barks" because it's fun and elaborate more (it's basically like...AI audible responses and reactions to triggers...not dog related).
[*]AI will be more responsive to the player when in combat, specifically they will now respond to players who are running away with a new piece of dialogue.
[*]Civilians now have lots of new dialogue, including combat taunts, as well as new lines for when they're taking fire.
[*]AI that are investigating an area should be a lot more talkative, especially if you hide after combat (Wanna know what they REALLY think of you?).
[*]Nah it's more like, "They've gotta be here somewhere...", etc.
[*]They will also now call out player sabotage attempts specifically, with dialogue for when players are disabling the power regulator, building atmosphere and interacting with the industrial dropboxes.
[*]And corpses (special, even in death): AI should be more vocal when they discover lifeless bodies (I didn't want to write "corpse" again, in all honesty).
[*]Previously, AI would sometimes talk over themselves when moving to combat, it was very noticeable when you failed a crime scan, they'd start one line then cut themselves off and say something else. This will no longer happen (they might still cut off what they're saying, but only in extreme cases such as when a grenade lands at their feet, etc)
[*]NPCs in concourse areas will no longer get into states where they can't call out to the player.
[*]NPC characters should now be positioned correctly at starports after player lands with flight assist off.
[*]Settlement turrets will take damage from explosions and are more effective at determining who to become hostile to.
[*]Ship launched fighters no longer spam 'Area Clear' messages.
[*]Ship launched fighters can now always be recallable and shouldn't block players in other fighters from docking.
[*]AI ships can now attack ship launched fighters.
[*]It should no longer be possible for assassination mission target ships to drop out of supercruise so close to a star that they are unreachable.
[*]Incoming dropships should deploy their troops if they are in final approach when a conflict zone ends, otherwise they should just leave (just go...).
[*]AI arriving via dropship will transition out of their deployment animation when they land.
[*]Shuttles that land at settlements without using the landing pad should now take off as expected when players board.
[*]Recalled ships now retract their weapons and have working SRV bays when they land.
[*]Attacking any offline settlement turret won't issue a fine to the player or trigger hostility.

[*]Options to enable or disable suit voice lines have been added.
[*]You can now either enable or disable the voice of your suit prompts (the dialogue your suit says to you when you're on foot).
[*]Non-combat music cue timings at settlements and when in remote locations have been improved.
[*]Apex Shuttle docking announcement UI and Audio timing have been adjusted to match the touchdown of the shuttle.
[*]Mission complete animation audio fimprovements have been implemented.
[*]On foot player impact hitmark "blips" have been improved.
[*]Station service ambience 'start and stop' sounds have been adjusted and improved.
[*]"Muffled" door sound has now been fixed and sounds appropriate.
[*]c*ckpit role panel volume has been improved.
[*]On foot capture points are now audible through walls and other obstructions. Improvements also made to the distance roll off.
[*]Instances of missing ambient music in the Codex menus have been resolved.
[*]Grenade explosions audio mix has been improved:
[*]Various changes have been made, including improved ducking of other sounds when very close to a grenade explosion, and distance attenuation tweaks.
[*]Grenade explosions audio obstruction improved.
[*]Grenade sounds no longer drop in volume as much when behind objects or when line of sight is broken.
[*]External building ambience mix has been improved.

[*]Fixed lip sync issues with Apex and Frontline pilots.
[*]Fixed jump assist fuel usage so that holding the button and repeatedly tapping it will reach the same height.
[*]Fixed an issue that was producing jittering while moving down slopes.
[*]Fixed an issue where NPCs might get stuck during death flow.
[*]Little bit more insight on this for fun: The NPCs would stay in a weird "in-between state" where they were appearing on the floor but not quite dead (I know the feeling).


[*]Fixed 'distance walked on foot statistic' not always incrementing correctly. This data will now be represented accurately.
[*]Statistics for 'number of vehicles and ships destroyed' will now display whilst on foot.
[*]PvP kills aren't fully retroactively displayed but everything else is.

Conflict Zones
[*]A fix has been implemented for defending helm in space conflict zones awarding combat bonds from the opposing faction.
[*]In the "conflict zone retreat gameplay flow" (the scenario where you retreat from a conflict zone), backpack contents will now be automatically added to locker (as much as possible) and otherwise dropped.
[*]By “dropped”, be aware that this means that dropped contents will disappear upon you being teleported to the dropship.
[*]Ship launched fighters no longer grant combat bonds in conflict zones.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby deploying in an SRV at a conflict zone could prevent you from joining a side in the conflict.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby suit mods would fail to be applied while respawning in a conflict zone.


[*]An issue has been fixed whereby some control layering issues were preventing players from setting controls back to 'default scheme', due to key binding conflicts.

Commodity Trading
[*]Odyssey settlements no longer advertise their commodity market prices via the galaxy map for Horizons players.

[*]A crash that could occur when joining a team with a player who is currently at a mission POI in another system no longer occurs.
[*]A crash that could occur when quitting while shared mission invites are outstanding has been addressed.
[*]A crash that could occur while exiting to menu while using terminals no longer happens.

[*]An issue has been fixed whereby bounties of physical multicrew members were not being detected by crime scans and added to their ship.
[*]The Kill Warrant Scanner will now indicate crimes of physical crew members, not only the helm of the ship.
[*]Receiving messages for claiming a bounty when destroying a player's fighter even though you don't actually gain a bounty claim until you destroy the mothership, no longer happens.

[*]An issue has been fixed whereby an invisible wall could block players from reaching Bill Turner on some hangars (Poor Bill. Maybe he liked it that way).
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby engineers sometimes took materials but didn't apply the mod (cheeky...).

Fleet Carriers/Mega ships
[*]Fleet Carrier asset value has been added to the Commander total net worth statistic.
[*]Added automatic Purchase Order Cancellation on Fleet Carriers that could no longer afford them, along with an Inbox message to inform the owner.
[*]You can now donate stolen Tritium to a Fleet Carrier.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby Fleet Carriers were sometimes being erroneously marked as mission destinations on the system map.


[*]Consumables can now be used directly from the ground using the secondary interaction key binding.
[*]Tools can now be holstered by pressing the same button that equipped them.
[*]Buying back items will now ignore entitlements so that Powerplay items that you are no longer eligible for can be bought back.
[*]The Bartender no longer accepts trades for an item using the same item (They really like to cause trouble, don't they? Bartenders...).
[*]Thargoid Swarm size now shows when targetted.
[*]When attempting to trade with the Bartender whilst having a full inventory, some errors would occur. These no longer happen.
[*]Third person aiming has been improved for when using the arc cutter, so that it looks more correct to observing players.
[*]Confirming a transfer from the boarding panel will now return you to on foot unless this is an emergency transfer.
[*]Powerlink siphoning used to continue while meleeing or using greandes. It doesn't anymore.
[*]The disembark button is no longer greyed out when the player is in an area within a station where they can't disembark, such as the port surface or station inner dock.
[*]Repair limpets will now repair the correct, consistent amount on ships with damage regions (e.g. Anaconda)
[*]The Arc Cutter will now work through obstructions (e.g. other players - Yikes. Sounds painful)
[*]Tweaks added for data port download/upload AI responses.
[*]AI now consider any downloading and uploading to be a crime. < This needed writing way better.
[*]The act of downloading all data is now considered illegal BUT having data you have then downloaded is only illegal if the data itself is illegal.
[*]The fact that the act of downloading data was not considered illegal before, was an issue.
[*]The item wheel button is now a toggle rather than hold interaction.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby the comms panels would not update availability of interaction options with other players while open (e.g. when a player logs in or off).
[*]A privacy screen has been applied to terminals while other players are using them (that's so other Commander's can't steal your style before you even have the chance to try it on...).
[*]Seeker and Pack Hound Missiles no longer cause double damage on shields.
[*]Bit more on this if you like! Weapons that launch missiles, torpedos, or mines, no longer erroneously apply their damage twice to shields.
[*]To clarify, this is for Odyssey only.

Lighting & VFX
[*]Improvements to light that was leaking into some dock hangars have been made.
[*]This was causing them to appear over-bright.
[*]Additional improvements to space station exterior lighting and emissives have been made.
[*]Improvements to Fleet Carrier lighting have been made.
[*]Specifically that issue you were having with the very attention seeking pad lighting that was going on.
[*]Improvements to Capital Ship lighting have been made.
[*]Improvements to all ship emissives have been made.
[*]A fix has been implemented for ship drives not appearing dark when your ship is docked.
[*]Improvements to VFX of destroyed turrets have been made.
[*]A fix has been implemented for "ghosting" (kids these days know this as only one thing. I myself am guilty of it too though, I won't lie) effects seen in c*ckpits when ship would overheat.
[*]Seriously though, this kind of "distortion effect" would have looked like...multi-layering of visuals, a bit like having a halo around it, like a ghost (if you've seen one).
[*]Improvements and fixes to the emissives on Thargoids have been made.
[*]A fix has been implemented for mining lasers appearing faint in some situations.
[*]A fix has been implemented for a missing light source on SRV ramp.
[*]A fix has been implemented for a blinking green light going on in abandoned SRVs.
[*]Improvements to lighting on assets at multiple legacy sites have been made.
[*]A fix has been implemented for unstable shadows in some Settlement room locations.


[*]Sorting behaviour in the livery store has been improved.
[*]Bit more on this!: When browsing through any filtered Suit skins list, the sorting options were not correctly represented in game. For instance, if "Price Ascending" was set, the first item on the list will be the most expensive instead of the cheapest. Same when sorting by Name, instead of "Name Ascending" reflecting an A-Z list, the items displayed will be sorted from Z-A.
[*]Bottom line is...Livery Store is much less confused about itself now.

[*]Mission availability has been rebalanced, so that missions that should be less available based on a faction's current states don't unintentionally suppress the availability of other missions that are.
[*]This results in improved Support mission availability amongst others.
[*]Improvements to wording and layout for the objectives shown on the HUD during Odyssey missions have been made.
[*]Scavengers scouring offline settlements will no longer appear to "pop-in" under certain circumstances and instead arrive via dropship.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby incorrect quantities of cargo were removed when completing a support mission.
[*]Various mission stability updates have been made.
[*]Digital Espionage missions would sometimes fail to display HUD objectives, this should now be alleviated.
[*]Salvage missions to shipwrecks will now display HUD objectives as they were not previously.
[*]In some instances, Scavengers that should be present for missions would not be present. This is now fixed.
[*]In missions where we consider the mission completed after an objective has been completed and is considered irreversible, e.g. Assassination, more time will be added to the end of the mission to give commanders more time to hand in the mission (want me to type 'mission' one more time?).
[*]Some missions had inconsistencies with missing text. These have now been fixed.
[*]Illegal missions icons will now be highlighted in purple.
[*]Faction icons have been added to mission listings.
[*]UI has been improved for mission titles to allow longer mission titles to be displayed (no title truncation. Hooray!).
[*]Passengers of abandoned or failed missions will now disembark as oppose to confining themself to a life of...staying put.
[*]Incorrectly reported influence on completed mission summaries and journal entries now no longer happens.
[*]An issue has been fixed for a cosmetic issue on completed mission summaries, that was incorrectly showing reputation and influence rewards as credits rewards.
[*]The "Failed Missions" section has been removed from the rebuy screen.
[*]Odyssey missions no longer erroneously appear beyond the Commander's current reputation level with a faction.
[*]An issue has been fixed for being unable to locate a mission location on a planet surface, when you are a passenger in another Commander's ship.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby mission items relevant to the current location were not being automatically transferred into backbacks on disembark.
[*]Team members will now be able to see markers for planetary locations relevant to missions that are shared with them.

[*]When in multicrew on another players ship, if they are docked and lose connection with the host (e.g. the host logged off), crew members will be given a chance to choose to disembark rather than being forcibly relocated to their last on-foot location.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby the request docking button became unresponsive when in multicrew fighters and a crew fighter has already docked.
[*]The ability to cancel docking from the mothership role panel has been re-added.
[*]A fix has been implemented whereby the SRV could get stuck in a bay when a team member disconnects while in the SRV and boarding.

Organics & Geologicals
[*]Improvements and fixes to the lava spout materials have been made, including the addition of emissives and improved blending.
[*]Improvements to the mineable materials from Organics and Geologicals have been made.
[*]Visual Improvements to several Tussock organics, including a smoother transition between LODs have been made.
[*]A fix has been added for a floating gas vent seen at some locations.

Optimisation (tweaks made to hopefully positively contribute toward current player performance issues).
[*]Large optimisation madeto vehicle collision:
[*]A particular win for collision in the SRV and navigating over obstacles.
[*]Various optimisation improvements have been made to AI pathfinding and navigation.
[*]the loading time has been significantly decreased for when opening the system map in a system with settlements present.
[*]Minor terrain optimisations have been made.
[*]Optimisation to cuttable regions on assets have been made.
[*]Optimisations to the lighting system have been made.
[*]Including to the tiled lists, shading, light probes, and light culling.
[*]Minor optimisation to avatar hair lighting have been made (Maybe they're born with it. Maybe it's optimised🎶).
[*]Optimisations to the glass shader used in ships and guardian fighters have been made.
[*]Optimisations to the glass shader used on social space and settlement props have been made.
[*]Fixes and optimisations to the scatter rock LODs have been made.
[*]Hitcheck optimisations on the landing gear of all ships have been made.
[*]Optimisations to AI line of sight have been made.
[*]Minor optimisation to AI movement has been made.
[*]Optimisation tweaks implemented for the player HUD.

[*]An issue has been fixed whereby only one of each outfitting module could be purchased direct-to-storage.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby invalid suit data would cause a client crash when accessing the customisation UI.
[*]The Planetary Approach Suite will now always be automatically upgraded when logging in via Odyssey and downgraded when logging in via Horizons.


[*]Improvements to the aliasing seen on planet surfaces have been made.
[*]Please note that this continues to be investigated. We're not done yet!
[*]Issues have been addressed for artefacting that could appear on a planet surface when moving closer to it.
[*]Similary fixes included for artefacts that could appear in the landable planet textures.
[*]Improvements have been made to the Ambient Occlusion on planet terrain.
[*]You'll basically notice some mproved shadows and lighting on planet surfaces.
[*]Improvements to landable planet texture blending have been made.
[*]A fix has been implemeneted whereby scatter rocks occasionally blended with planet terrain incorrectly.
[*]A fix has been implemeneted whereby scatter rocks occasionally had the wrong planet texture applied.
[*]A fix has been implemeneted for some rocks appearing to float on slopes.
[*]Further improvements to the roughness values of rocky and ice materials have been made.
[*]Snow is shinier and rock is rougher, kinda vibe.
[*]Improvements have been made to planetary detail on slopes around Horizons engineers that have their own unique bases.
[*]New impact decals have been added for the rocket launcher.
[*]Thought you might like the technical term on this one, but for those who don't know what these 'decals' are, they're like the little "splat" or...damage visual/image that appears when ammunition hits something like a wall when you've fired it.
[*]Improvements to footprints made on ice lake materials have been made.

[*]A fix has been implemented around mineral distribution from fumerole objects:
[*]Bit more on this, so there's now improved consistency/rate for when finding particular grades of materials on planetary surfaces.
[*]When relogging in a Thargoid site on foot, any of the player's SRVs will be relocated so they aren't stranded inside.
[*]Container loot now 'snaps' to the ground to stop assets spawning under the surface or appear floating at POIs.
[*]Fix implemented for NHSS not spawning their Interceptors
[*]Non human signal sources 6,7,8,9 all have Thargoids present as expected.
[*]The blue location marker in the nav panel will now not show on settlements or other surface locations unless you are actually close to them.

Powerplay (Just a couple for now but we're thinking about it!)
[*]The process where control of a starsystem is lost by revolt now correctly accounts for income already provided to competing control systems.
[*]Income values have been updated for many control systems so they're the sum of their own income PLUS all the systems they currently exploit (note: this will need a table of powers, starsystems and CC numbers for the forums with plenty of notice for players to react).
[*]Income from the week will change. See the following post for more details: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/elite-dangerous-updates-to-powerplay-in-update-7.590030/

[*]Improvements to the blending of spherical particles have been made!
[*]Anything round and floaty. Usually quite pretty.
[*]Settlement reactor glass no longer renders in front of steam.
[*]A fix has been implemented for incorrect colours occasionally being present in the environment maps.
[*]A fix has been implemented for artefacts most often seen in fog when using FSR.
[*]A fix has been implemented for occasions when avatars at some stations would all have blonde (they do have more fun though, apparantly...) or white hair.

[*]A fix has been implemented whereby some tourist beacons were positioned near rings, making them hard to approach.
[*]A fix has been implemented whereby many mission tip off locations failed to spawn in Odyssey.

Settlements (new for Odyssey)
[*]A fix has been implemented for a small gap that could appear beneath the entry archway at some Settlements.
[*]A fix has been implemented for some instances of z-fighting on roof assets at some settlements.
[*]A fix has been implemented for hitcheck at the bottom section of the reactor asset to now prevent players from being able to be pushed through it.

Settlements (Horizons)
[*]Further lighting and VFX improvements have been made to Thargoid sites.
[*]A fix has been implemented for a missing schematic for the cargo rack model.
[*]This primarily affected minor wreckage sites.
[*]The positioning of a known settlement has been re-adjusted to prevent players clipping through its ramp section.


[*]Improvements to the 'metallic' visuals of the SRV have been made.
[*]A fix has been implemented for bullet decals/effects not being present when firing the SRV dual repeater on planet terrain.
[*]A fix has been implemented for the Python shield percentage appearing unreadable against c*ckpit materials.
[*]A fix has been implemented for the orientation of the rear utility mounts on the Asp and the Asp Scout.
[*]Chaff launchers now point rearwards.
[*]A fix has been implemented for missing textures on the drives of some wrecked ships.
[*]Fixes and improvements have been made to the materials of some exterior and c*ckpit wrecked ship assets.
[*]Improvements and fixes to the materials for wrecked Anaconda, Sidewinder, Cobra MKII, Federation Fighter, Diamondback, Eagle and wrecked Type 9 ships have been made.
[*]Improvements and fixes to the materials for wrecked Thargoid Scouts have been made.
[*]A fix has been implemented for the landing gear bounding volume of Krait.
[*]Some players could potentially walk through it. Now they shouldn't be able to.
[*]Visual effects incorrectly displaying from impact made to the SRV windscreen have now been fixed.
[*]A fix has been implemented for the Beluga rear view of the Camera Suite to prevent it clipping into the hangar by default.
[*]The Beluga external fixed camera of the Camera Suite now shows more of the side of the ship.
[*]Reinforcement Dropships now have police paintjobs applied to the ship - including for Federation, Alliance and Empire.
[*]Continued improvements and adjustments to ship paintjobs have been made, so that they match much closer to Horizons:
[*]Vivid Paintjob for the SRV, Federation and Empire Fighters
[*]Fixed infinite reload time when synthesising ammo for SRVs with an empty magazine.
[*]Altered ship vs human collisions such that ship velocity is taken into consideration. Stops humanoids being launched into the air, being damaged at low velocity, and makes surface slippy so they are more likely to fall off.

[*]An issue has been fixed which caused the shipyard to display only your current ship, even if multiple owned ships were stored there.
[*]Whilst on foot, you will now be able to rebuy destroyed ships that had fine and bounties.

Social Spaces & Hangars
[*]Station social spaces will now have theme variants! (See more info in ‘Updates of Note’ section at the very top of this post).
[*]A fix has been implemented for the area close to turbo-lifts, where Camera Suitse could clip through geometry.
[*]A wall position has been adjusted which could cause a small gap in hangars.
[*]The Vista Genomics logo is now darker and more legible.
[*]A fix has been implemented for texture artefacting on some hangar pad doorways.
Home stretch! Let's churn through this last, lovely lot!


[*]UI will now indicate if the player has been issued with a reckless endangerment or trespass warning.
[*]UI will now display the correct Scavenger count in the objective for Eliminate Scavenger missions.
[*]External Panel - Added a new UI for redirecting Apex Shuttles in-flight, by selecting a valid destination from the Navigation panel or via a new Apex panel which leads to the galaxy/system map
[*]Dropships and scripted taxis cannot be redirected.
[*]External Panel - A new button type has been added to the Nav Panel's location popup, for Apex Shuttle redirection.
[*]External Panel - A fix has been implemented to stop location information text overlapping with the selected option text, when focused on a location in the navigation panel.
[*]Map UI - Text has been centered for tooltips when they have multiple lines.
[*]Map UI - Tooltip item renderers have been polished.
[*]Map UI - Updated the Friends panel in the Galaxy Map with a new icon.
[*]Map UI - Added a new Friends sticky panel to the Galaxy Map, which displays a list of friends in the selected system.
[*]Map UI - Searched Squadron bookmarks will now have their text green in the drop down list.
[*]Map UI - The speed of map panning when in VR mode has been increased.
[*]Map UI - Added bookmarks to the Galaxy Map Search system. Added Squadron bookmark support too.
[*]Option Panel - An issue has been fixed whereby combo buttons with only 2 options would occasionally highlight another similar button when selected.
[*]Missions - Audio events have been added for the Mission Reward animation.
[*]Mission Board - An issue has been fixed with the passenger lounge cabin picker input using the mouse.
[*]Mission Board - An issue has been fixed with the passenger mission details panel not adding certain item renderers.
[*]Mission Board - Planetary missions now display a "planetary" icon instead of Horizon's logo.
[*]Mission Giver - An issue has been fixed whereby a truncation issue from a mission giver, where commodities/material rewards with long names, would get cut off they go over 2 lines.
[*]Contacts Panel - An issue has been fixed whereby text was getting cut off when there were no contacts in your contacts panel.
[*]Transfer Panel - Updates have been made to the images used for Regulator Housing schematics for use in the Transfer Panel.
[*]Transfer Panel - An issue has been fixed which could cause a long list of items to intersect with the header while on foot.
[*]Transfer Panel - Fixed a corrupted Russian string in the transfer panel.
[*]Transfer Panel - Fixed an issue that was present with mouse input when selecting a button in the toggle transfer popup.
[*]Transfer Panel - Support has been added for mode transfer (discard/transfer), and closes the popup when switching between discard mode and transfer mode.
[*]Transfer Panel - The transfer panel has been updated in the SRV/c*ckpit to have the correct enabled state on the confirm button after a transaction has been completed, instead of this defaulting to always enabled.
[*]Transaction Panels - Re-enabled the threat level and coloured background in transaction panels when relevant.
[*]Transaction Panel - The contribution string in the community goal transaction panels can now go on to multiple lines without issue.
[*]Transaction Panel - Fixed some padding issues (areas around the UI) for the community transaction details.
[*]Role panel - Removed the toggle off sound from the Tabbed Content Panel.
[*]Role panel - Fixed blurry avatar for NPC crew members.
[*]c*ckpit UI - An error has been fixed whereby the shield text string would persist after targetting an object that shouldn't show any shields.
[*]c*ckpit UI - Added "HostDisconnect" icon where relevant to improve feedback for host disconnection.
[*]c*ckpit UI - An issue has been fixed whereby a targets health would be mismatched between the targets panel on the left, and the gauge target panel.
[*]Comms - Fixed Team options popup not opening in ship comms panel.
[*]Comms - Fixed Comms UI sometimes showing wrong data when initialised with social tab.
[*]Comms - Fixed tab switching on the comms panel when looking at it in freelook.
[*]Comms - Fixed Friends tab refreshing Friend entries with correct status, upon joining Private Group or Open Play.
[*]Comms - All tabs in the Comms panel have recieved some visual improvements.
[*]Crew Lounge - Fixed an issue in the crew lounge where going over the crew limit (via rehiring fired crew) would allow the UI to enter a broken state where you can continually hire crew.
[*]Starport UI / Terminals - Fixed softlock when opening Local News in Starport Services or Terminal Screens
[*]Starport UI / Terminals - Fixed padding & legibility issues within the UI for these areas.
[*]Terminals - Updated the terminals notifications icons for staff and facilities so that they can now be marked by wing members.
[*]Squadrons UI - Fixed filters navigation not being reset.
[*]Main Menu - Fixing an ultra-wide screen texture which obscures the edges of the screen for UI purposes.
[*]Tech Broker - Fixed Tech broker hardpoints icons so they display correct weapon type from gimballed / turreted / fixed.
[*]Outfitting - Replaced the pip progress bar on the store multiple modules popup with a regular pop up bar to avoid it extending off the popup when numbers reach a certain amount.
[*]Humanoid HUD - Added team members icon markers in compass to indicate what's been marked by them on a terminal.
[*]Weapon/Suit Vendor - Update made to the player loadouts so when you are upgrading your suit or weapon, the grade indicator will now be blue in line when the rest of the information pertaining to the upgrade.
[*]Weapon/Suit Vendor - Added subtitles to the suit/weapon vendor states for UI so that they will appear when purchasing suits/weapons.
[*]Shipyard - Updated the shipyard so that we make sure all text is translated before we truncate it, this avoids issue where text was incorrectly appearing as "..." despite actually fitting in the area provided.
[*]Shipyard - Added a warning message for transferring you current ship to your location when it has cargo in it.
[*]This message should inform the player that there cargo will be discarded.
[*]Vista Genomics - Fixed an issue in the Vista Genomics contact UI where navigating the buttons at the bottom of the home panel with WASD would cause the focus to reset back to the grid at the top.
[*]A discard mode for the onfoot inventory transfer panel has been added.
[*]The "View Gamer Card" button on crew role panel for PC has been removed, as this is only meant for Xbox.
[*]The Crew role tab has been removted when irrelevant (Ships with no multicrew seats and no npc crew).
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby heatsink and shield cell ammo levels could become out of sync between modules tab and HUD.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby extremely large value combat bonds would be displayed incorrectly preventing hand-in.
[*]Fixed a missing title in unsafe temperatures notification.
[*]Added headbob intensity slider to graphics options.

Can No Longer Be Reproduced:
The following issues are no longer reproduceable in Update 7. We believe this is due to other work carried out on associated code and that these issues are now fixed.
If you encounter these issues again following Update 7, you can let us know via Issue Tracker.
[*]When undiscovered Anemones are registered in the Codex they disappear after relogging. This no longer occurs.
[*]Mission reward materials are no longer missing.
[*]Mining deposit fragments are no longer in instances where they are stuck inside rocks.
[*]Scatter now appear in both eyes for the player, when viewed in VR.


To help you all digest the update information a little better, there is an additional post which includes the quality of life update notes for Horizons only on all platforms.
I'll need to update this thread with a handy link...note to self.

Thanks again for the continued warmth, enthusiasm and constructive thoughts and feedback as we continue onward with additions and improvements to the Elite Dangerous Galaxy.

Will be here to read your thoughts!

Greetings Commanders!

We're back to a five-day week, so the schedule is coming your way on the usual Monday! After a great week last week with the release of Development Update 3, let's check out what's in store this time around:

Supercruise News #46:
We'll be sharing the latest Issue Report on tomorrow's Supercruise News, as well as all the highlights from the community!

Stellar Screenshots:
There's never been a better time to up your photography game in Elite! Make the most of the Camera Suite improvements and snap some beautiful shots before this Wednesday!

Elite Club: We're back with another round of #EDEliteClub on Twitter this Wednesday! If you recently made Elite in any rank, let us know using the hashtag for a chance to be featured!

Evening Livestream:
We have a fun stream lined up for Thursday, but we've got a few details to iron out before we can confirm. Stay tuned!

Commander Creations:
We round off the week with another set of stunning entries into Commander Creations! Make sure to get your submissions in before Friday using the #CommanderCreations hashtag!

Fly safe Commanders,

Greetings Commanders. Hope you've had a great week.

Here to update you on a stealthy little server side fix rolling out for you this afternoon (at approximately 15:30 UTC/16:30 BST, give or take 15 mins or so) regarding instances of an incorrect loss of commodities taking place when handing in support missions.

[*]Commanders would sign up to multiple support missions, which require the delivery of commodities, at a station of their choosing.
[*]They would then complete their missions and return to the station of origin to hand them in.
[*]Commanders would then go ahead and turn in the first completed mission to find that their commodities required for the remaining completed mission would be...well they would just disappear.
Thankfully, as soon as this fix is deployed (some time from 15:30 UTC/16:30 BST onwards today), this should never happen again (famous last words).

A reboot of your game client should not be required.

Have a fantastic weekend ahead, please.

See you in the black o7
Greetings Commanders!

It's time to wrap up the week with some amazing Commander Creations! We've got a strong LEGO lineup this week, which is always good in my books! Without further ado, your creations:

1/150 Scale LEGO Anaconda

This beauty is one of the best LEGO Elite creations I've ever seen! Unfortunately, the user has deleted their Reddit account so we can't give credit! If you're the Commander responsible for this, please reach out so we can give you credit! Either way, this is a stunning piece of work, and a great conversation starter in your home!

Python Jaws Poster By SchemeHuge4726

We're gonna need a bigger ship... This Elite-themed Jaws poster highlighted by SchemeHuge4726 shows off the scale of the ships within the game in one of the most creative ways we've seen!

Codex Guides By OrangePheonix

OrangePheonix has put together some great codex guides for the things you may come across when on your adventures! As well as the planetary guide featured here, there's also a deep space version, so make sure to head over to the tweet!

Lego Imperial Eagle By TheDiamondKiwi

Not only has TheDiamondKiwi nailed the Imperial Eagle design, they've also paired it with a remarkable SRV build in the background! You'll also notice the notepad on the left with some sketches and the famous Gutamaya logo.

And that's all for this week! To help us find your wonderful work, please use the #CommanderCreations hashtag on Twitter, or post it in this thread!

o7 Commanders
Greetings Commanders!

I'd like to introduce you to something new. Below is our first Top 20 Issues table, summarising the highest voted issues on the Issue Tracker. As part of being open and honest about the game's development, we'll be regularly posting updated versions of this table and discussing it on our Supercruise News streams.

Note: the status and planned release of each issue is subject to change as various factors affect the ongoing development schedule.

Top 20 Issues:

[*]Problems With Lighting and Illumination: We're happy to say this is now fixed since Update 6, having spent some time to monitor it afterwards. Any new issues to do with lighting should now be reported on the Issue Tracker as normal.

[*]Degraded Terrain Textures Compared To Horizons: A lot of the work for this went into Update 6, with some finishing touches coming in Update 7.

[*]Tiling Planetary Features: Changing the way planets are generated signifies a huge undertaking, so we're still investigating this.

[*]Low FPS Performance In Odyssey: This work will continue up to the end of the year, with improvements added already in Update 6, we know there is more to do.

[*]Limited Gameplay During Apex Shuttle Rides: Nothing to share at this time.

[*]Game Hangs On Exit Sometimes: Currently under investigation, we'll aim for the next update but it's one of the fixes more likely to end up in a later update.

[*]Invincible Thargoid Heart: We know this is a longstanding issue which has a complex cause. It's still being investigated and hasn't been forgotten. If you would like to contribute some information to this issue and others, please read this post.

[*]Anti-Aliasing Not Working Correctly: Some changes will go in Update 7 or 8, with significant improvements, but a full anti-aliasing system is slated for later this year.

[*]Joystick Buttons 32+ Not Working: Not started as other issues are prioritised.

[*]Expose Telemetry Data For Motion Simulators: We're currently discussing this internally, and may decide against it. If it does go ahead, it won't be before Update 8.

[*]NHSS Signals In Odyssey That Should Contain Interceptor Are Empty: Appears to be fixed, should arrive in Update 7 pending some further QA testing.

[*]Increased Performance Problems Since Update 5: Some further improvements are coming in Update 7, while general optimisation will be ongoing. The coming change won't be a fix for everyone, but will resolve some of the drops players are seeing.

[*]Supercruise Stuck At '0' Time Remaining With Tunnel Forming: Currently under investigation.

[*]Fleet Carrier Modules And Finances Not Calculated Towards Assets: In progress, slated for Update 7.

[*]NPC Fighter Kills In Conflict Zones Count As Progression: Currently under investigation.

[*]Support Missions Have Been Culled: Fix should be incoming in Update 7.

[*]A Previously Present Codex Entry Is Now Missing: Under investigation. Currently considered lower priority.

[*]System & Galaxy Map Misalignment In Widescreen Aspect Ratios: In progress, unlikely for Update 7.

[*]Stolen Tritium Cannot Be Donated Into A Fleet Carrier's Fuel Depot: Fixed, should arrive in Update 7.

[*]Missions and Rewards Not Sharing With The Team: Fixed, should arrive in Update 7.

This is a reflection of the current scenario, and due to the ever-evolving nature of game development, the planned release for these fixes is subject to change. Let us know what you think of this report below!

See you in the black Commanders,

Greetings Commanders!

Welcome to another week! We've got more for you to look forward to in the coming days, so please check out the schedule:

Supercruise News #44:
Bruce & Zac return for Supercruise News where they'll be sharing the latest development progress and all the best bits from the Elite community.

Stellar Screenshots:
Last week's competition was tougher than ever, with the introduction of the new Camera Suite changes. We can't wait to see how the competition hots up this week!

Community Goal Livestream:
A new Community Goal will launch on Thursday, and we'll be taking part live on stream!

Commander Creations:
#CommanderCreations returns to its usual weekly spot on Friday, so you have ample time to get your fantastic entries in!

Let's have another beautiful week, Commanders.

Greetings Commanders!

It's time to see what's in store this week in the world of Elite Dangerous with our community schedule:

Community Goal Stream:
Arthur & Sally will be heading for combat in this week's Community Goal!

Stellar Screenshots:
Keep your beautiful screenshots coming! This week's competition winners will be revealed on Wednesday.

Anti-Xeno Combat Stream:
Bruce & Zac will be taking on the Thargoids in some Anti-Xeno combat action on Thursday's stream.

Commander Creations:
Once again we'll end the week with some amazing creations by our very own community! Make sure to get your submissions in using the #CommanderCreations hashtag.


Update 7 Progress

We're pleased to say that the development of Update 7 is continuing to progress well on all fronts.
However, thanks to your continued feedback and conversation here in the Forums, we'd like to implement an additional fix to a present, reported issue which causes unintentional Community Goal abandonment.
[*]A poignant example of this issue being that 'if you attempt to abandon any missions, it will abandon the CG you signed up for'.
We deem this issue to be somewhat of an additional priority, therefore the release of Update 7 is now planned for next week, whilst the team investigate and address accordingly.

Thanks for your patience!


We'll see you in the week, Commanders!

Greeting Commanders.

Hope you're having a wonderful start to the week.

We're pleased to say that the development of Update 7 is continuing to progress well on all fronts.
However, thanks to your continued feedback and conversation here in the Forums, we'd like to implement an additional fix to a present, reported issue which causes unintentional Community Goal abandonment.
[*]A poignant example of this issue being that 'if you attempt to abandon any missions, it will abandon the CG you signed up for'.
We deem this issue to be somewhat of an additional priority, therefore the release of Update 7 is now planned for next week, whilst the team investigate and address accordingly.

Thanks for your patience!

See you in the black o7
Greetings Commanders!

Welcome to the second instalment of Commander Creations for the week! We're back to our regular slot for the week, and as usual, you haven't disappointed with your creative talent! Let's begin:

Various Creations By Nocti

Nocti has been an incredibly creative Commander for a long time, and this collection of art proves just as much! From Hutton Mugs to awards, Nocti has proven they can do it all.

Empire of The Black Sun By CMDR Vex

CMDR Vex is back and as always, they deliver with an impressive artistic shot, named 'Empire of The Black Sun'! The use of negative light whilst still maintaining the warm feel of a star is what makes this piece so great!

LED Elite Stats Displayer By Jimmyeao


Ever wanted to show off some of your ranks in Elite Dangerous? Well, Jimmyeao has figured out a way to do so with use of some clever LED work!

Journal Reader By InterGalactic

Source: https://twitter.com/InterGalacticGM/status/1419718760345358339

InterGalactic wanted to get information from their Journal and display it a new way, and thus, they began work on a personal project! The current iteration highlights every system they have visited. Brilliant!

That's all for this week! We'll be back in our regular slot next Friday, if you want to be featured, please use the hashtag #CommanderCreations on Twitter, or post your creation in this thread!

Until next time,

Greetings Commanders!

First of all, thank you for your feedback on Update 6! We're hard at work reporting all the feedback you've given us to the development team, and we're also working on the top-voted issues in the Issue Tracker. With that in mind, we'd like to request some assistance from Commanders who are experiencing the following issues:

Getting stuck on a loading screen when entering a Ship Launched Fighter

Engineer Jude Navarro not unlocking after completing missions

We have been unable to reproduce the above issues internally, so we require some assistance from the Elite community. If you experience these issues, please head over to the linked Issue Tracker page for each and submit your information, including netlogs.

The Invincible Heart

We're aware of the long running issue where an exerted Thargoid Heart won't take damage from some players, but this is proving a difficult issue to resolve. If you've experienced this issue, please head to the linked Issue Tracker page and submit any videos, data or netlogs gathered. It's important that you include the full netlog and not a filtered version. We believe this issue is best reproduced when connected with players internationally, so if you do have some global friends on standby for some Anti-Xeno activity, please consider submitting any information if you encounter this. Once we receive more information, we can begin to look closely at this issue again.

Orange Sidewinder Errors / Getting Stuck in FSD Animation / Problems Receiving Commander Data From The Server

Thank you for all your Issue Tracker submissions on Orange Sidewinders / FSD sticking / Commander Data errors. We have implemented many fixes to prevent them from reoccurring as commonly as they once did. From now on, if you experience any of these issues, please contact Customer Support instead of posting on the Issue Tracker.

How do I submit netlogs?

In order to tell Elite Dangerous to create a Netlog file you will need to perform the following steps:

[*]If you are currently playing the game please select Save and Exit to exit to the main menu. This will allow you to access the Network section of the Options menu.
[*]Open the Network options menu.
[*]Set the option labelled 'Logging' to On.
[*]Save and exit to desktop
[*]Please access your AppConfig.xml which be found in the projects folder where you installed the game and open this in Notepad. You'll see a block near the bottom named "Network".
[*]Please insert the following lines somewhere in that block:
[*]Any new network logs produced will now include more detail, which will help us with our investigation. Please attempt to recreate this issue in-game and then attach the corresponding network log so we can check it out.
[*]AppConfig file location (default): C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Frontier_Developments\Products\elite-dangerous-odyssey-64
[*]Netlogs location (default): C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Frontier_Developments\Products\elite-dangerous-odyssey-64\Logs
[*]Attach your netlogs along with your comment on the Issue Tracker page.
[*]Once you have encountered this issue and have sent us the logs, feel free to remove the line of code from the AppConfig file.

Any information you can provide relating to these issues will be helpful to the developers who are working on resolving these top issues from the community.

Fly safe Commanders,

Greetings Commanders.

At approximately 14:30UTC/15:30 BST we will be bringing the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey servers offline in order to accomodate a small patch to address some current issues.
Once again, this is Odyssey servers only.
Downtime should be no longer than 15 minutes.

Updates of note:

[*]The bartender has had a stern talking to. They now promise to no longer crash your game when you try and sell your goods to them.
[*]There is a small chance that the bartender could be a little stubborn...If you encounter this issue again, give one of us a nudge.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby NPC's would no longer use flashlights in the dark making it very hard to see...well...anything.
[*]This fix also applies for Scavengers.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby Commanders were unable to aim down the sight of the Intimidator weapon.
[*]Some players experienced a 'Black Adder' disconnect when purchasing and equipping a livery item. Instances of this should now be resolved.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby point defense turrets were failing to destroy hatch breaker limpets.
[*]Fixed POI (retrieval) mission progression.
[*]Some Commanders were experiencing an issue whereby they couldn't hand in item retrieval missions. These instances are now fixed.
[*]'Hold E to Loot' was proving an absolute nightmare for many. We've listened and understood, thereby reverting the action back to being a single button press.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby auto launch would eject ships to outside of mass lock range.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby torches would not be visible in the camera suite, nor on other players in an instance.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby Ship Launched Fighter crew would get a little overconfident with their acknowledgements
[*]Things were a little hairy for a second!
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby the Ship AI could disengage super cruise too close to stars.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby ambient occlusion would not render correctly at certain resolutions - including when using FSR.
[*]"Balanced" can be selected in the FSR graphics options!
[*]Courtesy of AMD: "Balanced mode produces a super resolution image approximating native rendering quality, with a major performance gain compared to native."
[*]Ultra Quality (1.3x Dimension Scaling, 1.69x Area Scaling, Resolution 77%)
[*]Quality (1.5x Dimension Scaling, 2.25x Area Scaling, Resolution 67%)
[*]Balanced (1.7x Dimension Scaling, 2.89x Area Scaling, Resolution 59%)
[*]Performance (2.0x Dimension Scaling, 4.00x Area Scaling, Resolution 50%)
[*]Fix for FSR not working with VR HMD virtual flatscreen.
[*]Made some improvements to stability.
[*]These are usually fixes to "random crashes" encountered by Commanders who send through crash logs. The issues lie often deep within code with non specific triggers of great detail.

That's the last of them Commander
That's the last of them Commander
That's the last of them Commander
(If you know, you know).

We'll continue on farming your wonderful feedback - it keeps on enabling all teams involved to make those extra strides for Elite Dangerous even longer, so let's keep going!
Keep an eye out here on the Forums and across social for further info on more information around updates and more in the coming days and weeks ahead!

See you in the black o7


A fair collection of Commanders have since reported that they are still crashing to desktop when editing or interacting with Outfitting and Suit Loadouts.
We've collected enough data from those of you who have shared it and are on the case! Thank you!!!
Greetings Commanders!

As we missed last week's #CommanderCreations post, we thought we would make up for it with two instalments this week, with the extra post right here on Monday! So without further ado, let's check out what the incredible Elite community have been creating:

Elite Artwork By Lara2323Xx

Lara's artwork has been blowing us away on Twitter! The attention to detail is magnificent, with each planet looking so unique and colourful! We can't wait to see more from Lara going forward! You can also catch Lara creating art on their Twitch channel.

Oops! All Icy Bodies By Luke_41

This genius work by Luke_41 on Reddit translates the feeling that moneymaking explorers feel when they reach a system without an ideal planet to sell the data from, into cereal box format. There's still plenty to love about icy bodies, especially if you're looking for some beautiful visuals, but they're not going to make you the most money...

Elite Desktop By Phys_aaron


Not content on just taking a remarkable screenshot inside a Thargoid Structure, Phys_aaron went to the next level when creating an awesome all in one desktop setup!

Imperial Stamp By 500ls

500ls on Reddit is ready to show their allegiance to Aisling with this custom Imperial stamp! Perfect for signing off (or forging) those important documents in your Commander's life...

That's all for this instalment, we'll see you on Friday for the next set of Commander Creations!

Greetings Commanders!

Welcome to another week in the Elite Dangerous galaxy! As always on Mondays, it's time for a look ahead at what the week holds in the Community Schedule:

Commander Creations
: Last week was so busy with Update 6 news that we didn't have time to post your wonderful Commander Creations! We'll be rectifying that with a forum post today.

Flight Assist-Off Challenge:
Zac & Bruce will be continuing their self-inflicted trial of Flight Assist-off flying challenges. This can only go terribly.

Stellar Screenshots:
Now the Camera Suite improvements are in the game, we can't wait to see the new creative shots that the photographers of the Elite universe are going to submit to #StellarScreenshots moving forward! Make sure your entries are in by Wednesday for this week's cut off.

ED Elite Club: Wednesday will see another round of new entrants into the coveted #EDEliteClub! If you recently reached any Elite rank, make sure to share an image on Twitter using the hashtag #EDEliteClub for a chance to be featured.

Camera Suite Stream:
We'll be putting the new Camera Suite to work on Thursday's stream with some good old fashioned sightseeing and photography! Let's see what new shots we can capture.

Commander Creations:
Our second instalment of Commander Creations for the week is due on Friday! Make sure to submit your entries using the hashtag #CommanderCreations or posting in today's thread once that goes live!

Supercruise News will be returning next week!

Let's have another fantastic week Commanders,

Greetings Commanders.

This afternoon we have...rather stealthily...implemented the following fixes:
[*]There was previously an issue whereby Commanders could not aim down the sight of their modified shotguns. This has now been fixed.
[*]I've included the reason why we were able to address this issue via the server, just incase you fancied some insight: [SPOILER="Dev Magic"]The server is able to detect and fix inventory when players fetch their save data. In this instance, we are able to add the default sights to shotguns which unfortunately didn't have them in this instance.[/SPOILER]
[*]The rescue ship for attacked station Kipling Orbital in Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-11 was incorrectly positioned in the middle of a planet, rendering it undockable.
[*]This has now been fixed. Commanders will now be able to get that docking request granted! [SPOILER="Dev Magic"]The ship was able to be repositioned via the server.[/SPOILER]
For these to take immediate effect, a relog of the game will be required.

Just a little one, but we still think it's worth calling these gems out when we're able to do something like this!

Naturally we're still working through Update 6 feedback whilst stepping onward with the current development plans, so thanks again for your continued dedication at this time!

Greetings Commanders.

It's noted that there's been some discussion on fines bounties and notoriety (particularly in Odyssey now Commanders are on foot, carrying out some deeds) across these Forums.

I can confirm that no major changes or updates should have happened in the "Criminal Activity field" as part of Update 6, but it does concern me that some elements of Crime are sparking conversation and confusion, following update 6.

With this in mind I'd like to release this post to share more targeted info on how crime works as Elite Dangerous currently stands. This could potentially help those who are new to the game, or be used to open up an additional space for further thoughts and discussions with the veterans :)


When committing crimes in the Elite Dangerous galaxy, you have always faced either fines or bounties, depending on the gravity of your actions.

For some considerable time now, fines are able to be paid off at Space Stations owned or associated with where the minor faction fine is recorded against, while using anonymous docking in your ship and then using a designated station security contact (or administrative contact) to pay the fine from both your ship or, as of Odyssey, at a social space terminal.
[*]Fines are usually assigned for smuggling, carrying around illegal items, loitering in station space and other smaller offenses.

For bounties Commanders have to visit the Interstellar Factors Service (present since Horizons release as part of a refactor of the Crime System, as a way to make crime feel more interesting by Commanders needing to retreat to darker corners of galaxy), which operates in grey area of the law within the Galaxy and can be found in systems and stations with low security and anarchy.
[*]You can find anarchy systems nearby your location using the galaxy map by filtering for the system government type.
[*]You can reach a location with the Interstellar Factor Service either by travelling there with your own ship, as a crew member, or using the Apex taxi service.

You will gain notoriety as a criminal if you decide to embark on massive crime sprees.
For on foot crimes in Odyssey, Commanders will only gain notable notoriety only after a serious murder spree (you will recieve some, but not as much as in ship), due to ships being considered a more serious weapon of destruction and mayhem.
[*]For example, destroying one ship is equal notoriety to killing numerous people on foot.
Increased notoriety means you will attract much bigger interest on yourself from system security and special police forces, called Advanced Tactical Response.

‘Notoriety "Cool Off"’
You can start to pay off your bounties at Interstellar Factor Services after your notoriety has cooled off.
[*]You will need to hang out in an anarchy system for a little while and maybe even find yourself a useful job there while waiting for the Interstellar Factor Services to become accessible for you.

In Odyssey, your ships are marked as ‘tools of crime’ when committing crimes whilst piloting them, while bounties and fines are recorded against you directly.
Your ship will be noted as ‘Wanted’ by corresponding system security if your bounty for a recent crime has not yet been cleared, however if you committed a crime on foot without involving your ship it will stay clean in the eyes of system security.

Bounty hunters however will be able to reveal a full list of your crimes if they scan your ship whilst you are flying it, using the Kill Warrant Scanner.

A majority of bounties are applied when you are involved in attacking and destroying ships, SRVs or killing or gravely injuring other person. Fines can also turn into bounties after some time, so be warned about sitting on them for too long!

When being caught and sent to prison (do not pass go...do not collect $200), all of the ships which you have previously piloted as part of criminal activity and still hold uncleared bounties against, will be marked as impounded and you will have to pay for their release.


Commited a crime?
[*]Is it a fine? You can pay this off at a relevant social space terminal or ship station interface via the station security contact, using anonymous docking if in your own ship.
[*]Is it bounty? You can pay this off at a station hosting an Interstellar Factors service, after notoriety has worn off (if there is any) using your own ship, APEX taxi or being flown there as crew member

Completely appreciate that this is a lot to take in and all feedback, as usual, is welcome
Greetings Commanders,

As part of Update 6 we deployed a fix to return all abandoned crew that you may have lost, due to an issue in Odyssey's rebuy process.
This issue would cause NPC crew, requested to be re-hired, to instead be abandoned.

[HEADING=2]How Will This Fix Affect Me?[/HEADING]
[*]During Update 6 downtime we returned all abandoned crew to players which would have triggered a message in your in-game inbox.
[*]This may leave some players with more than 3 hired crew, all of whom will resume claiming their salary from the player's income.
[*]To mitigate this we have imposed a temporary cap to the combined crew salary at 45% of player earnings.
[*]The temporary income cap will be raised to 100%, 4 weeks after the update, so any players who still have more than 3 crew will receive an inbox message reminder that they are still taking their cut.
[HEADING=2]How Do I Dismiss Unwanted Crew?[/HEADING]
[*]Any unwanted crew members can be fired at any dock with a crew lounge. If you're a long way from populated space, you can contact customer services to request dismissal of your crew by submitting a ticket here.

As always, if you have any further questions, let us know! o7
Greetings Commanders!

The time is almost upon us as the day of deployment for Update 6 has arrived.

Deployment and Downtime schedule:
[*]Servers for both Elite Dangerous Odyssey and Horizons will be offline across all platforms from approximately 13:45 UTC / 14:45 BST today, July 29.
[*]Reasons for Horizons server downtime [general admin]:
[*]A text update for a present galnet article.
[*]A tweak to stop issuing blank mission tip offs (Also included in Odyssey).
[*]Deployment should take no longer than around 15 minutes, give or take a moment or so.

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 6 [[COLOR=rgb(243, 121, 52)]ODYSSEY ONLY[/COLOR]]

Updates Of Note
[*]Planets! Visual improvements to planet surfaces, colour and texture have been implemented.
[*]Outfitting option added to purchase module and immediately store, instead of installing on ship (if you watched this week's Supercruise News, this is the one Bruce wanted to shout about, but we needed a double check on status).
[*]Camera Suite rework - Rather than allowing movement thorugh geometry and fading out the camera when occluded ("the blackout"), the camera now tests for collisions and prevents movement into collidable geometry (more info and discussion on these update 6 improvements can be found here).
[*]AMD Super-resolution has now been integrated.
[*]You should now experience an increase in game performance, as rendering is enabled at a lower resolution and then upscaled, rather than rendering at a constant full resolution.
[*]There's also the additional bonus of this integration making the game look even more beautiful.
[*]Can be used to upscale the resolution when supersampling is set to less than 1x output resolution.
[*]Enforcer Troops armed with rockets have been added into the game (they use the KA-L6).
[*]A fix has been implemented for previously invisible scatter rocks and organics.
[*]Ship ammo and heatsink stock will no longer replenish automatically when entering supercruise (sorry).
[*]Science contact - Fixed material donations for the science contact (CG contribution), whereby the donation event would be fired as soon an input was received, resulting in the impression that donations were only possible one material at a time.
[*]Updated the crashed Type9 at Hyford's Cache in Colonia to have a scannable data point
[*](Try not to cheer too loudly, you might wake someone) Elite Dangerous should now exit "cleanly" without the 'black screen hang'.

[*]AI now predominantly face in the direction they are patrolling, whilst also smoothing out their turning.
[*]Fixed some issues with AI door authorisations.
[*]Skimmers now have a lower detection range for humanoids than they do for ships.
[*]Female Omnipol art assets are now correctly selected.
[*]Improved the head turning behaviour of patrolling AI in social spaces, to make it look more natural.
[*]Stopped AI attempting to scan players who are in unreachable positions.
[*]Added Enforcer archetype.
[*]Reduced occurrences of AI talking over each other in social spaces.
[*]Fixed an issue that could cause AI to get stuck in an animation state.
[*]Fixed an issue that could cause AI to get stuck in conversations.
[*]Smoothed out occasional animation jitters when AI face suspicious activities.
[*]Fixed naming of Scientist to allow a certain Massacre mission to be completed as intended.
[*]Reduced performance spike caused when spawning AIs in a dropship, by staggering them over several frames.
[*]Stopped docking crimes being flagged in conflict zones.
[*]AI vision ranges now scaled based on the size of an observed object.
[*]Fixed an issue that could case taxis to get stuck when navigating to locations with small ring systems.
[*]Allowed dropships to avoid deploy points that are obstructed by SRVs.
[*]Enabled supercruise assist to steer away from planets if their incoming speed is too high.
[*]Fixed an issue where military ships could interdict the player and then not scan them.
[*]Fixed an issue where scavengers could clip through the ground at thargoid imprint sites.

[*]Improved replication for tools' audio and VFX states to other players.
[*]Mix change to make ships and landing pads more audible when inside social spaces and buildings.
[*]Audio no longer remains audible when downloading from a data port, despite audio set to Muted.
[*]Added some variation to menu data “blips” in the tutorial intro screen, so they aren’t as similar to the main menu.
[*]Fix implemented for tutorial music stopping abruptly when you open the airlock.
[*]Fix implemented for some audio, like breathing, remaining audible during the fade to black in the tutorial load screen.
[*]Mix changes to voice comms have been made to soften occasional harshness e.g. Tutorial and conflict zone coordinator.
[*]Tweaks to humanoid weapons so the volume doesn’t drop as quick from close-medium distance.
[*]Tweak to NPC voices so panning isn’t so hard at a distance.
[*]Mix change applied on footsteps to even out volumes when moving between different surfaces.
[*]A fix for voice comms has been implemented to become quieter than expected at low suit power.
[*]Improvements for on-foot combat music and its transitions have been made.
[*]A fix has been implemented for bullet impacts not being consistently audible for rapid fire weapons.
[*]FA fix has been implemented for ship to ship transitions, to ensure audio remains smooth throughout.
[*]Mix improvements have been made to turbo lift doors.
[*]Audio logs have been reinstated for The Chromosome Incident.
[*]A mix change has been implemented to crouch in/out sounds for flight suits so the...squeaking noise...it isn’t quite as loud.
[*]Mix changes have been applied for shield grenades – transition between inside and outside should be smoother.
[*]NPC crewmates will be less shy and have more consistently triggered dialogue.
[*]Taxi pilot dialogue now remains audible while in vanity cam.
[*]A fix has been implemented for brief sounds not receiving the correct reverb value.
[*]A fix has been implemented for the listener getting stuck at the origin if exiting the game while interacting with the ship vendor.
[*]A fix has been implemented for player location states not being updated correctly, which could result in missing audio after boarding a ship.
[*]A fix has been implemented for suit feedback lines being interrupted if your ship is destroyed while on-foot.
[*]A fix has been implemented for some Foley sounds using first person sounds in third person and vice versa.

[*]A fix has been implemented for missing thruster effects on female backpacks.
[*]A fix has been implemented for Electricae being shown as a 'space' discovery in the codex instead of a 'planet-side' discovery.
[*]Fixes have been implemented for crashes caused by selecting certain authored planets (e.g. Pluto).
[*]Improved render culling of rooms to improve stability.
[*]A fix has been implemented for a crash that could occur when Players approached legacy settlements.
[*]Cargo ejected by SRVs in garages will now be deleted rather than ejected, matching the behaviour of docked ships and preventing fines for littering.
[*]A fix has been implemented where legacy engineered modules were not being flagged correctly and so could not be converted to current engineering.
[*]A decrease to invite requirements has been set for weapons and suits engineer Kit Fowler - now you have to sell 10 opinion polls to the bartender instead of 20.
[*]Commodity market and black market first time trade should be tracking properly again, allowing to progress with engineer invite requirements as expected.
[*]Corrected costs of weapon accuracy, range and headshot damage modifications.

Mega ships
[*]A fix has been implemented for megaships where the cargo wouldn't get correctly ejected from cargo bays.
[*]Fix implemented for the Manticore Oppressor no longer being able to ADS after applying a paintjob.
[*]Interfaces that automatically stow weapons (e.g. the humanoid access panel) will no longer draw the weapon again when exited.
[*]Various fixes have been implemented for livery and customisation interactions.
[*]A fix has been implemented for where the bartender not allowing trades if your backpack is full. They will now take into account the items you are trading out of the backpack, assigning space.
[*]Motherload asteroid mineral chunks have been stopped from spawning inside the asteroid when cracked open.
[*]Notification added to inform you as to why the overload mode of the powerlink tool does nothing when you try to use it without enough energy.
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby tools (eg. the scanner) would generate fines when used inside no fire zones at planetary ports.
[*]Illegal interactions (Hacking, taking stolen/illegal items, pressing illegal consoles) now require a press and hold for 1 second to avoid accidental criminal activity.
[*]Added /team and /t as a synonym for /wing in comms input.
[*]Changed "Voice" setting in comms panels to "Auto Decline Incoming Voice Requests", which better reflects what it actually does.
[*]Fix implemented for the cutting tool reticule not appearing green at the edge of the airlock cuttable panels.
[*]Ship Display in Inter-Astra locations has been made interactable.
Lighting & VFX
[*]Flashlights will no longer change colour based on relationship with player (enemy flashlights will not be red).
[*]Fix implemented for search lights bleeding into social spaces in High Tech stations, causing lighting changes.
[*]Fix implemented to reflections not appearing correctly in cells on Detention Ships
[*]Fix implemented for ship c*ckpit warning lights being overly obtrusive and occasionally pulsing excessively.
[*]Lighting has been added for airlock forcefields.
[*]Fix implemented for a water effect protruding into a room ceiling - water effect also improved.
[*]Players can no longer block visual clarity of key UI interfaces with bullet decals.
[*]Improvements to star visuals have been made, including lensflares, solar flares, lighting values for particular rare stars and star corona textures. This also includes additional improvements to the Neutron Star and White Dwarves.
[*]Fixed Point Of Interest missions failing to spawn their POIs correctly. This impacts:
[*]Assassination / Takedown Target Fleeing wrinkle.
[*]Fixed POI missions not registering when secondary commanders had picked up a mission item.
[*]Visual improvements have been made to mission titles by splitting mission type and subtitle into separate lines.
[*]Fixed Ram Tah missions not displaying a timer.
[*]Updated Onslaught Tipped Off wrinkle flow to make settlement hostile upon arrival, including settlement defences.
[*]Fixed an issue where multiple commanders could load into the same instance with any item-related mission type and have their missions pick the same container, causing one to be overridden.
[*]Fixed shared mission objectives sometimes breaking in Digital Espionage missions.
[*]Fixed shared mission objectives not disappearing for secondary Commanders if the mission owning Commander disconnects or leaves the instance.
[*]Fixed Non-violent missions triggering the failure state when any Commander takes down an NPC. They should now only trigger for the mission owning Commander and any secondary Commanders.
[*]Fixed some broken objective lines in on foot missions.
[*]Updated Professional Assassination mission targets to make them more difficult to take down.
[*]Fixed mission items spawning alone in containers. Mission items should now spawn with other items when appropriate.
[*]The staff list on settlement terminals will now mark targets with the mission icon.

[*]A fix has been implemented for some organics bio-luminescence being excessively bright.
[*]Glass shader optimisations have been made, along with fixes and scalability based on quality settings.
[*]The addition of occlusion meshes for assets within station docks has been made.
[*]Detail in planetary textures in the distance have been improved.
[*]A fix has been implemented for when planetary fine textures sometimes wouldn't load in correctly.
[*]Multiple improvements, re-balances and increased variety for colouration of all planet types have been implemented.
[*]Made the organics heat map still visible while in glide after dropping out of supercruise. It will then fade out when the glide completes.
[*]New Ultra+ terrain quality setting added - recommended for top-end GPUs.
[*]Alignment of terrain type and details to planet geometry have been improved.
[*]Fixes for hard edges and colour changes have been implemented, as seen in ground textures.
[*]A fix has been implemented for fine textures occasionally appearing to "flash" in some locations.
[*]A fix has been implemented for textures sometimes appearing black.
[*]Improvements to planet ambient occlusion have been made.
[*]Colours of planets in the system map now more accurately reflect the colouration of the planets within the system.
[*]A fix has been implemented for planet colours becoming desaturated on approach.
[*]Planet LODs have been re-balanced and improved.
[*]Visual improvements have been made to the glow on icy planet terrain.
[*]Icy materials now have a greater shine.
[*]Rocky materials have been improved to look more rough.
[*]Ammo containers are more connected to the ground, so they are not floating anymore at Smugglers Caches.
[*]A fix has been implemented for the half submerged landed Sidewinder POI.
[*]Added mission POIs to the onfoot compass.
[*]Lens flare and light colours in the hyperspace tunnel match star colours more closely.
[*]Improvement to the starlight brightness fall off rate.
[*]AMD Super-resolution has been integrated - this can work alongside the FidelityFX sharpening (see "Updates of Note" at the top of this post for more detail).
[*]A fix has been implemented for previously invisible scatter rocks and organics (The cheers! Thank you once again for your help with supporting this fix).
[*]A fix has been implemented for emissive textures sometimes appearing blocky near lava spouts.
[*]A fix has been implemented for incorrectly positioned avatar portraits (shame. Just kidding!).
[*]Improved visuals for the engine colour preview in outfitting have been made.
[*]Improvements to the star lensflares have been made.
[*]Visual improvements and re-balance of terminal screen have been made.

[*]A fix has been implemented for crimes not being properly cleared on death and requiring relog of the game.
[*]During Peak Times UK/EU Commanders were struggling to Instance with NA Commanders in a stable manner. We hope now that this has been addressed, but please do get in touch if you're still finding issues.
Settlements (new for Odyssey)
[*]Added Rocket AI (ENFORCERS) to Military Settlements (watch out!).
[*]A fix has been implemented for the once overlapping containers at Small Tourism Settlement.
[*]Fixed settlement mining lasers switching off when alarms are activated.
[*]Moved air processing unit so it does not intersect with building exterior on Large Agricultural Building.
[*]Added missing Settlement alarm and authorization consoles at Industrial Settlement.
[*]A habitat needed to be adjusted and set to Authority 0.
[*]A particular Habitat building had an Authority level assigned, however there was trespass zone inside it, so we've removed the authority level to access the building as players will likely have to go into the tresspass zone for missions.
[*]Removed Collect Mission tag for a tiny Agricultural Settlement.
[*]This particular settlement type will no longer viable for collect missions.
[*]A fix has been implemented where corpses could have their authorisation levels removed if the player approached the settlement from too far away.
[*]A fix has been implemented for a scatter rock appearing within a specified Settlement.
[*]A fix has been implemented for floating fence and lamp-posts that could occasionally be seen at some Agricultural Settlements.
Settlements (Horizons)
[*]A fix has been implemented for a crash which would occur when scanning some Obelisks at Guardian Settlements.
[*]Moved exit volumes so they don't overlap Thargoid imprint doors at Thargoid Imprints.
[*]Improvements made to multiple decals at Guardian Sites.
[*]Improvements made to lighting at Thargoid Imprint sites.

[*]Added outfitting option to purchase module and immediately store, instead of installing on ship.

Quick Breath...

[*]Ship ammo and heatsink stock will no longer replenish automatically when entering supercruise (sorry).
[*]Added outfitting option to purchase module and immediately store, instead of installing on ship.
[*]A fix has been implemented for an issue where nameplates could be initialised with incorrect/debug names in the shipyard interaction.
[*]A fix has been implemented for a issue where engine system could incorrectly cache values and so continue to apply rotational correction when flight assist is switched from enabled to disabled near starports.
[*]A fix has been implemented for an issue where the advanced maintenance screen would not behave correctly when in a ship that requires limpets and the commodities market is unavailable.
[*]Added proper messaging when attempting to board the ship from an SRV with cargo that will not fit in the ships hold, to direct players to the transfer panel.
[*]A fix has been implemented for incorrect hitchecks on multiple Ships.
[*]A fix has been implemented for incorrect hitcheck on the Corvette Shield.
[*]A fix has been implemented for LOD issues on the Sidewinder drive unit.
[*]Additional tweaks to hitcheck materials within stations have been made, to work with the newly updated Camera Suite.
[*]A fix has been implemented for some visual issues encountered on the Keelback.
[*]A fix has been implemented for a number of small holes that were present in the front lights of Alliance ships.
[*]Visual improvements have been made to glass reflections.
[*]A fix has been implemented for missing hitchecks on Orca wing.
[*]A fix has been implemented for incorrect geometry on the outside of the Viper.
[*]Removed reference to the FDL Python in Vulture c*ckpit.
[*]A fix has been implemented for a section of hull which would intersect through the floor of the Imperial Eagle c*ckpit.
[*]Improved variety on station landing pad materials.
[*]Addition of dirt and scratches to some ship materials.
[*]A fix has been implemented for Adder wing tips not animating when the landing gear is deployed.
[*]A fix has been implemented for Crusader engine pods not animating when the landing gear is deployed.
[*]A fix has been implemented for Challenger engine pods not animating when the landing gear is deployed.
[*]A fix has been implemented for the camera appearing in the Diamond Explorer c*ckpit incorrectly in the store screen.
[*]A fix has been implemented for Diamondback engine pods and wing tips not animating when landing gear is deployed.
[*]A fix has been implemented for landing pad markings at some Agricultural Settlements appearing under the landscape.
[*]A fix has been implemented for Diamondback Explorer engine pods and wing flaps not animating when the landing gear is deployed - also fixes additional hitcheck issues.
[*]A fix has been implemented for misplaced engine geometry on the Type-6.
[*]Visual improvements to Eagle sensor booms have been made.
[*]Visual improvements to plasma accelerator materials have been made.
[*]Fixes have been made for a number of floating or misplaced decals on the Diamondback Explorer.
[*]Several ship paintjobs have been re-balanced to closer resemble appearance in Horizons:
[*]SRV base colouration
[*]Acceleration White/Gold
[*]SRV Pulse
[*]Asp Vibrant
[*]Multiple fixes have been made for the Federation Corvette. These include fixes for holes on topside, fixes for the alignment and fit of lower hardpoints doors, as well as added sliding covers to the huge rear hardpoints.
[*]A fix has been implemented for ship geometry that would clip into the fighter hangar of Federation Corvette.
[*]A fix has been implemented for a once inverted Core logo on Federation Corvette.
[*]Improvements have been made to the rear camera angle of the Camera Suite for the Federation Corvette.
[*]Improvements have been made to large hardpoint camera on DiamondBack Explorer.
[*]A fix has been implemented for some stretched textures on the Anaconda.

Social Spaces
[*]A mission giver has been moved to other end of bar so conversations don't overlap with the bar tender.
[*]NPC's have been moved away from the uplight.
[*]Improved messaging about anonymous access in starport terminals has been implemented.
[*]Fixes have been implemented for some issues that were had with contact names not matching between station services and mission board.

Final stretch!

[*]A fix has been implemented for a mismatch between the number of organics displayed in the system map and the number of DSS scan filter options.
[*]All vendor conversations can now be exited via the back button.
[*]A fix has been implemented for a crash which occurred when rapidly selecting/deselecting items in the station services UI.
[*]Arc Cutter - Added check to prevent the Arc Cutter reticule flickering between states (As it vibrates when in use, which changes the firing angle, it could rapidly change between being too close and not)
[*]Arc Cutter - When the Arc Cutter tool is too close to geometry to fire, the weapon AR has been changed to show this - the tool reticule changes to red (invalid target).
[*]Arc Cutter - Added UI string for cutting tool when too close to object to cut.
[*]Outfitting - Vehicle group button is prevented from being briefly visible when exiting Stored Modules in outfitting
[*]Outfitting - Added warnings to equipped item / shop item pop-ups in the outfitting UI when the sell option is focused, if the module is modified or a guardian module.
[*]Outfitting - Change made to the way the popup warning component is updated to avoid flickering.
[*]c*ckpit - Restored the dock button label for burning stations.
[*]c*ckpit - Changed analysis mode versions of the data link and megaship scanner gunsights to have less glow, and to be more in line with standard versions.
[*]c*ckpit - Changed the colour of the megaship scanner gunsight to blue when in analysis mode (except when disabled).
[*]c*ckpit - Restored the red disabled state of the data link scanner gunsight when in analysis mode.
[*]c*ckpit - The data link gunsight now changes colour in the analysis HUD mode to avoid a clash with the composition scanner gunsight.
[*]c*ckpit - The Shield UI is now fixed in place and will not rotate.
[*]c*ckpit - Fixed an issue where a string was not being translated correctly in the c*ckpit info panel.
[*]c*ckpit - Changed shields percentage font to numeral font for consistency.
[*]HUD - Added additional compass icons for wing member vessels.
[*]HUD - The Suit Energy recharge bar now displays (central HUD) when charging the suit inside the ship boarding volume.
[*]HUD - Additional visual fixes have been made for the new objective system.
[*]HUD - Added some padding for the objective hud boxes to ensure the secondary objective tick box doesn't clip and fixed some animation issues when updating the data.
[*]MapUI - An issue has been fixed whereby the Features Section is sometimes cut off at bottom of the Planetary Information tab.
[*]MapUI - Route Notifications will no longer appear when attempting to plot a route to the system you are currently in.
[*]MapUI - Fixed an error when opening the Surface Map while in an SRV.
[*]MapUI - Increased stability in the System Map.
[*]MapUI - Added a 'remove favourite' icon.
[*]MapUI - Edited labels in the Manage Bookmarks popup for 'favourites' to be more consistent.
[*]MapUI - Fixed an issue that could cause flickering in the Quick Plot buttons.
[*]Transaction Panel - An issue has been fixed whereby focus would occasionally switch to the mission categories when in the ship transaction panel.
[*]Transaction Panels - Updated and polished various aspects of the Claims/Bounties/Fines panel.
[*]Transaction Panels - Fixed an issue where the Mission Owner would be listed twice in some circumstances.
[*]Transaction Panels - Added new popup for Bounties, Claims and Fines.
[*]Mission Board - Updated the major faction label in the aftermath panel to be localised.
[*]Mission Board - The Galaxy Map button in the Passenger Missions panels should now correctly open the maps to the mission location, and the help button in the cabin selection panel should now correctly work.
[*]Terminals - Fixed long settlement names being truncated.
[*]Terminals - Fixed an issue whereby Anonymous protocol seemed to be used on a terminal despite no fines or bounties.
[*]Terminals - Fixed an issue whereby the terminal is immediately unlocked and accessed without a loading animation when using e-breach.
[*]Tech Broker - Added image substitution support to Tech Broker to display icons.
[*]Tech Broker - Text formatting issues have been addressed.
[*]Engineers - Updated input handling code for Engineer Workshops, fixing an issue where the material list wouldn't disappear automatically.
[*]Engineers - Updated the Engineers Workshop to change the title text based on if the player is ranked or invited.
[*]Docking menu - Fixed an instance of an "unintentional mini-game" whereby you wouldn't know what button would be focused after using a quick action. Apologies for all accidental launches...
[*]Codex - Fixed localisation & text overflow issues in codex > CMDR stats section.
[*]Livery - Fixed controller input handling in Livery.
[*]Advanced Maintenance - Made the limpet stepper buttons disable when they reach 0/max to fix a bug where the audio would play indefinitely.
[*]Bartender - Fixed an issue whereby data was not being displayed on the bartender screen.
[*]Bartender - Updated capacity text for the bartender to be more accurate.
[*]Options menu - Made the controls icon and name in the options screen match the category of controls that has been selected.
[*]Shipyard - Added padding support to UI scroll panes so that they don't truncate text/icons off.
[*]Shipyard - Fixed an issue where text was not getting the correct formatting to be translated and could be truncated if the name was too long.
[*]Shipyard - Fixed a few focusing issues in shipyard.
[*]Shipyard - Updated the manufacturer names in some ship data to fix an issue whereby said ships would not appear in their correct manufacturer filter.
[*]Vista Genomics - Fixed an issue whereby focus would disappear on the biology contact vendor after selecting a system's data to sell.
[*]Loadout - Fixed visualisation errors when creating a new loadout from your ship.
[*]Science contact - Fixed material donations for the science contact (CG contribution), whereby the donation event would be fired as soon an input was received, resulting in the impression that donations were only possible one material at a time.
[*]Vanity Cam - Hide mouse flight control GUI while using vanity camera.

As always, thanks so much for your continued support and enthusiasm for Elite Dangerous on this Odyssey all of its own. We value each and every one of you for your feedback and patience as we continue onward with crafting this amazing Galaxy.

See you in the black, Commanders o7
Greetings Commanders!


Once again, thank you to all involved in the brainstorming of issues and quality of life requests to help improve the Camera Suite for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.
With so many areas of Odyssey to cover right now, we haven't been able to implement all of the top requested tweaks as part of our forthcoming Update 6, but we are excited to have taken this healthy step in what we hope is the right direction for a more optimal experience.
We will naturally continue to listen to feedback further as time goes on...I'm just glad we got to tackle the 'Signal Lost' issue for you, at the very least right now!

I tell you what, let's do this in the style of my favourite things in the whole wide world (second to Commanders) - Update Notes.

Update 6: Camera Suite Improvements.
[*]Fixed several issues that could cause occlusion by another vessel or certain parts of the player's own ship/SRV to cause the vanity camera to black out.
[*]This should return the vanity camera collision behaviour in space and on planets away from any settlements to it's Horizons behaviour.
[*]Implemented a brand new collision detection approach for the "Free Camera" mode of the Camera Suite:
[*]Instead of trying to detect when the camera is inside geometry and blacking out the camera (Tech speak: This was an unsolvable problem for non-sealed/manifold trimesh hitcheck, which led to many false-positives in our current implementation), we now use collision detection to prevent the camera from entering any hitcheck in the first place.
[*]This allows Commanders to fly the camera freely around a settlement, social space, or other location, without the camera blacking out whenever the line of sight to the player's vessel is occluded.
[*]Added better collision detection for the Camera Suite in and around hangars.
[*]This fixes the camera blacking out or being prevented from entering the lobby area.
[*]Disabled the AABB collision detection vs non-moving (docked or landed) ships.
[*]This allows Commanders to get closer to their ships for screenshots.
[*]Disabled environmental collision detection when ships are moving between the hangar and the surface or back again.
[*]This fixes the camera blacking out momentarily during this transition.
The max distance ranges on the free cam are:
[*]3km for ships in space
[*]250m for ships on planets and SRVs
[*]125m for on foot (This is now raised as of Update 6 from the previous 100m)

The only situations where the free camera will still black out are "between a rock and a hard place" sitations, where the camera is stuck between two vessels, or a vessel and the environment.

As Arthur said recently on Supercruise News, we would LOVE to do a deep dive stream with developer guests to talk through the Camera Suite in greater detail as part of future community plans, but for now I hope the above notes satisfy you a little bit, with showing what tweaks have gone on behind the scenes and the expected results you'll hopefully enjoy more as part of the changes.

Let's keep talking!

Again, I do understand that a lot of feedback and amazing ideas for future updates to the Camera Suite were submitted in our previous brainstorm session, which I have entirely kept and still check in on, but let's go one step at a time in line with all of the other really promising and massively beneficial updates coming for Odyssey moving forward.

Thank you so much again, Commanders! o7
Greetings Commanders!

Firstly, a huge apology from me on how late in the day this is coming to you!
Strong start to a Monday without Zac and Paul (I miss them. They'll be back...), plus the excitement of our Development Update 2, so let me take full responsibility on this one.
So sorry o7

Anyway, I digress - Let's take a look at the week ahead in the world of Elite Dangerous:

Development Update 2 soared in this afternoon, sharing our current goals and progress with Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. You can check out the post over here.

Supercruise News #43:
Arf & Bruce are reunited after a little time apart (...They seem thrilled actually!) to host our next instalment of Supercruise News, where they'll be sharing some rather exciting progress echoed from the recent Development Update 2 post, as well as highlights from the Elite community.

Stellar Screenshots:
Get a sense fof just how Paul feels at the time of choosing these absolute winners for Stellar Screenshots! To be in with a chance yourself, make sure you enter by Wednesday! #StellarScreenshots

Evening Livestream:
Arthur and Sally will be teaming up in this week's Thursday evening livestream (feels strange typing about myself in the 3rd person...). A rare combo, but should be fun!

Commander Creations:
I'm going to use Zac's words for this one, because if it isn't broke, why fix it at this point? "Have you got a creative side? Show it off using the hashtag #CommanderCreations for your chance to be featured in our weekly roundup of the finest art the galaxy has to offer!"

That's about it for now! We'll of course be frequenting the Forums to chime in on any latest discussions.
Zac is out of office until Monday next week so if you tag him at any point, he's not ignoring you, he's somewhere in...Cornwall.

Have a great week, Commanders o7
Greetings Commanders,

With the end of July closing in on us faster than a getaway Mamba with illegal cargo, we wanted to share our second monthly developer update with you now.

As mentioned in David Braben’s recent post, we have adjusted our planning to retain our development focus on the PC version of Odyssey before revisiting our plans for console. This change in planning will mean we are able to deliver more bug fixes, performance improvements, as well as some new features and content.

Issue Tracker

Similar to last month, we would like to update you on key issues as voted for by our community on the Issue Tracker. You can visit the Issue Tracker and vote for your top issues or make a report.

1. Lighting and Illumination in Odyssey
[*]Changes in Update 6 will address lighting issues, however we’ll continue to monitor any feedback and make adjustments if necessary.
2. Degraded terrain textures compared to Horizons
[*]Update 6 will bring significant improvements in this area, however we’ll keep the issue open for further feedback and make adjustments if necessary.
3. FPS performance in Odyssey
[*]Further improvements and optimisations have been made which will be deployed in Update 6. Significant work is underway to improve this further.
4. Cargo Canisters get stuck in the Megaship
[*]Fixed for release in Update 6.
5.Hyford's Cache missing Scannable Data Point
[*]Fixed – awaiting deployment (Update 6 / maintenance).
6. Retrieval from crash site mission POIs no longer appear
[*]Fixed – awaiting deployment (Update 6 / maintenance).
7. Odyssey sticks at “Loading Game” when launch
[*]Fixed for release in Update 6.

Upcoming Updates and Content

As promised, we also wanted to share with you work in progress content and improvements which will arrive in future updates.

While bug fixes and performance improvements remain a priority and activities such as narrative, events, and community goals will continue. However, our new approach allows us to add further content and features.

This month, we would like to share some of the content currently in development. Please note these are at varying stages of progress, and other content is also being considered. Please also note they are not final and are subject to change. We will keep you updated with news and details as they progress and we expect the content to release over the coming few updates.

Planned for later this week (Update 6)

Planetary Colour Improvements

Planetary bodies will see a number of improvements. Explorers will find new planetary colouration which will increase vibrancy and variety. These improvements will still be grounded with real science, but will offer a much richer experience for those looking to forge their own path through the black. Here are a few examples:

[ATTACH type="full" width="659px" alt="RockyPlanets.jpg"]252451[/ATTACH][ATTACH type="full" width="660px" alt="Icy-Planets.jpg"]252452[/ATTACH]

There will also be further variation with the addition of earthy, gritty, and dirty ice worlds. These new textures will add even more variety. Here we can see a frozen CO2 and a tholin rich ice planet.

[ATTACH type="full" width="653px" alt="Planet-1.jpg"]252453[/ATTACH][ATTACH type="full" width="653px" alt="Planet-2.jpg"]252454[/ATTACH]

Planetary Surface Improvements
Planet surfaces will also be getting an uplift with the following:

Improved surface texture detail, improved Ice materials, increased volcanism, improved lighting and the integration of new AMD technology FSR (which works on all GPUs) will bring a significant improvement to planetary surfaces visuals and allow for some improved performance.

[ATTACH type="full" width="650px" alt="Icy_Cyan_OnFoot.jpg"]252455[/ATTACH][ATTACH type="full" width="652px" alt="Icy_Orange_OnFoot.jpg"]252456[/ATTACH]

Camera Suite
Nothing would accompany all of these visual upgrades better than improvements to our camera suite. On the surface, we’ve reduced blackout intersections in the vast majority of scenarios. However, under the hood, we have actually implemented a whole new collision detection system which will allow you to move the camera freely around a settlement or social space and avoid bumping into those problem blackout spots.

Rocket Troops at Military Installations
AI rocket troops will be added to military bases providing a greater challenge for Commanders approaching in SRVs.

Please note these features will be accompanied by a vast number of other improvements, tweaks and fixes which will be detailed in a dedicated forum post ahead of release.

Future Updates

Here are other features currently in development, which are planned for future updates. As we get closer to their release, we will announce which of these will be included in each update with further details:

Four Player Multicrew
Four Commanders will be able to board ships together for the first time, with a number of ships set to be equipped with a fourth c*ckpit seat, including several Commander favourites.

New Odyssey Engineers in Colonia
This is a much requested community feature and we’re pleased to oblige. We’ll be revealing more detail around these engineers soon.

Air Defence Turrets in Conflict Zones
We recognise that further balancing is required between on foot commanders and ships entering Conflict Zones. As such, further defence turrets will be added to Conflict Zones with associated on foot gameplay.

Increased Stored Module Capacity and Bookmark Numbers
These are long requested community features which will arrive in the near future.

Mission Feature Extensions
We will be expanding mission features for Odyssey with the aim to increase mission diversity and also create stronger links between the in-c*ckpit and on foot game.

Apex Redirect
This will allow passengers to redirect their Apex shuttle mid-flight, to return to the port of departure, or divert their Apex shuttle to another location, fuel permitting.

As mentioned, this list is not exhaustive and we will be sharing more details on the content mentioned above and future, unannounced content in further monthly development updates and across our other channels.

Thank you as always for your continued feedback and support.

Greetings Commanders!

It's that time of the week where we dive into the creative side of our community - and share some of their creations with the rest of the galaxy! Let's get straight into this week's Commander Creations:

Condor Art By Ian Baristan

Ian Baristan is always impressing us with his 3D Model work for Sagittarius Eye Magazine, and he has delivered once again with this atmospheric shot of a Condor entering the docking bay. Stunning!

The Cicada By Tiron

Source: https://youtu.be/llkQHNf_wt4

Looking for a new ship to get you around the bubble? Tiron's Diamondback Explorer build will do just that! Especially if you're an Odyssey player. We love the detailed explanation in the video alongside some fantastic shots!

The Elite Universe By Elite Fan Program

There's no way we can do this fantastic image by Elite Fan Program justice within the forum post! We highly recommend opening it up in a new tab and saving it locally, as this is an amazing piece of work that shows off some spectacular sights and where to find them within our galaxy.

LEGO Dolphin By HSRUnknown

We always love to see Elite LEGO builds, and HSRUnknown has delivered with their Dolphin, based off the designs of the legendary Beef1213. There's just something so elegant about the Dolphin that even translates down to LEGO form!

That wraps it up for this week! If you'd like a chance to be featured next week, please use the hashtag #CommanderCreations on Twitter!

Until then,

o7 Commanders!
Greetings Commanders.

The Elite Dangerous servers for all platforms, Horizons and Odyssey will be offline imminently to accomodate for necessary, additional server maintenance.
We will keep you informed of progress.

Apologies for any inconvenience.



Casual 'Sally Edit':

A couple of you asked kindly whether you could have more info on the second hop into maintenance mode and do you know what? That's a very valid question and I'm more than happy to help. In all fairness I should have added this to the post to begin with, but the time was SO SHORT between the heads up and servers offline that I wanted to quickly let you know incase it ruined your session.

Anyway! More info!

For Interest: Light information on reason for slight extension of maintenance.
I like doing this! Why not! A little insight in 'Sally Style' on why we needed to do an extra bit of sweeping up for you this morning.

This is a very short explanation, but I hope you like it anyway. Basically Dav spotted a little hiccup with the 'Powerplay Turn'.
This part of maintenance totals up all of the player actions from the week before, calculates their effects and then sets up the state for the week ahead. This didn't quite run as intended and needed a nudge into action.


Sally o7
Greetings Commanders!

Monday's mean a brand new week and a new Community Schedule to go with it! Let's take a look at the week ahead in the world of Elite Dangerous:


Supercruise News #42: Zac & Sally are back for another instalment of Supercruise News where they'll be sharing all the highlights from the Elite community.


Stellar Screenshots: Last week's entries were one of the best in recent weeks, can you top them? Make sure you enter by Wednesday!


Odyssey Open Play: Zac and Arthur will be heading into Open to take on some missions in Odyssey and see where the adventure takes us! Due to a special stream from our friends at Lemnis Gate, Thursday's Elite stream will be on Twitch only, so see you there!


Commander Creations: Have you got a creative side? Show it off using the hashtag #CommanderCreations for your chance to be featured in our weekly roundup of the finest art the galaxy has to offer!

Have a great week, Commanders.

Greetings Commanders!

At approximately 11:30 UTC / 12:30 BST today, we will deploy a server side update to address an issue where there were no Passenger Missions available at burning stations.
Some of the stations in question, as an example, were Donar's Oak and Arc's Faith.

This server update requires no extended downtime, but a brief reset for Odyssey players only.

Thank you! o7!
Greetings Commanders!

With the weekend ahead of us, there's no better time to get into your pilot's chair and head out into the galaxy, but before that, why not check out some of the brilliant Commander Creations this week?

Resin Printed Elite Fleet By CMDR Billy Gray

Usually we see one or two 3D / Resin printed ships make their way onto Commander Creations, but Commander Billy Gray has gone the extra mile and has printed a whole fleet of beautiful ships. Looks like they're all sporting the Midnight Black paintjob too...

Dolphin Mobile Wallpaper By SkelingtonKing

Looking for a new Elite wallpaper for your phone? Well, look no further, SkelingtonKing has delivered. This beautiful shot of a Dolphin leaving a planet makes for a perfect reminder of the galaxy at your fingertips whilst your away from the game. Make sure to head to the linked post to get the highest quality version of this image!

Hand Drawn DBX By Saturn Test Subject

Saturn Test Subject makes a triumphant return to Commander Creations with another fantastic piece of art, this time it's a Diamondback Explorer! There's just something about the style of these drawings that feel straight out of a comic book. Great job!

Orange Sidewinder By Ralduk

We all like to stay away from the Orange Sidewinder, but nobody does it quite like Ralduk - who has gone to the extreme lengths of printing out their own orange Sidewinder to flee from!

That's all for this week! If you'd like to enter for the next instalment of Commander Creations, please use the hashtag #CommanderCreations on Twitter, or post your creation in this thread, so it's easier for us to find them!

Until next week,

Greetings Commanders!

As we move through August, we'd like to give a big thank you for all your feedback that you continue to provide as we work towards Update 7! Whilst Update 7 is still a few weeks away, there are still things to look forward to in the world of Elite:

High-G Summer Slamdown Stream:
We've been inspired by the ongoing SWS High-G Summer Slamdown event! After sharing the best bits from the community and this week's Stellar Screenshots, we're going to try our luck landing on at least one high gravity planet!

Stellar Screenshots:
Your photography continues to amaze us on a daily basis! If you'd like to feature in the upcoming set of Stellar Screenshots, make sure you enter by Wednesday!

Elite Club: We're back with another class of entrants into the illustrious Elite Club! Recently made Elite? Make sure to tweet using the hashtag #EDEliteClub for a chance to be featured!

Horizons CQC Night:
Undefeated champions of Capture The Flag, Zac & Bruce, return for another night of CQC - will you take the crown from them?

Commander Creations:
Share your creations with the galaxy! Use the hashtag #CommanderCreations and we may just feature your work on Friday's Commander Creations thread!

I'll see you in the week Commanders,

Greetings Commanders!

It's time for our second Issue Report. Below is the updated Top 20 Issues Table, listing the highest voted issues on the Issue Tracker.

Note: the status and planned release of each issue is subject to change as various factors affect the ongoing development schedule.

[ATTACH type="full" alt="MicrosoftTeams-image (58).png"]261267[/ATTACH]

Top 20 Issues

1. Problems With Lighting And Illumination - this issue is due to be closed with Update 7 as general issues with lighting have been resolved. If you experience any further lighting related issues, please create new issues on the tracker for each specific instance.
2. Degraded Terrain Textures Compared To Horizons - as with the issue above, this is largely resolved. For individual texture-related issues, please report them as new specific instances with as much description and information as possible.
3. Tiling Planetary Features - this remains under investigation.
Low FPS Performance In Odyssey - improvements in the area are ongoing, including improvements in coming in Update 7 and future Updates.
Limited Gameplay During Apex Shuttle Rides - the upcoming Apex Redirect feature should resolve much of the frustrations that gave rise to this issue, so it will be closed with Update 7.
Game Hangs On Exit Sometimes - this remains under investigation.
Invincible Thargoid Heart - the fix for this issue is coming in Update 7, after which we will close this issue if successful.
Anti-Aliasing Not Working Correctly - anti-aliasing as a whole remains under investigation.
Joystick Buttons 32+ Not Working - this is now under investigation.
Increased Performance Problems Since Update 5 - further improvements are expected in Update 7 while long term further optimisation is ongoing.
Expose Telemetry For Motion Simulators - this proposition is still being discussed internally.
Empty NHSS Signals In Odyssey - this has been confirmed as fixed internally in time for Update 7 and will be closed once confirmed in the live game.
Dav's Hope Not Spawning Materials - this also appears fixed internally, ready for Update 7. We are investigating whether other locations have been affected.
Supercruise Stuck At 0 - this remains under investigation.
Fleet Carrier Modules And Finances Not Calculated As Assets - this has been confirmed as fixed internally in time for Update 7 and will be closed once confirmed in the live game.
NPC Fighter Kills In Conflict Zones Count As Progression - this appears to be fixed in time for Update 7, we are awaiting internal confirmation.
Support Missions Have Been Culled - this has been confirmed as fixed internally in time for Update 7 and will be closed once confirmed in the live game.
System And Galaxy Map Misalignment In Widescreen Aspect Ratios - this remains under investigation.
Planet & Moon Orbit Lines Not Visible In The FSS When In VR - this remains under investigation.
20. Missions And Rewards Not Sharing With The Team - some fixes for this are included in Update 7, with further ones planned for Update 8.

This is a reflection of the current situation, and due to the ever-evolving nature of game development, the planned release for these fixes is subject to change. We appreciate that the listed issues are similar to the previous report, this is because many of them will be closed after the upcoming Update 7. Let us know what you think of this report below!

Greetings Commanders,

This is just a quick post to announce that Player Made Faction applications are not currently being reviewed while an internal error is being addressed. When the situation changes, we'll let you know!

Greetings Commanders,

Explorers venture into the depths of space and discover beautiful systems that most will never see. We would like to offer you the opportunity to share your best discoveries and be immortalised in Elite Dangerous.

Our plan is to place approximately 50 additional Tourist Beacons throughout the Milky Way. Therefore, we’re running this competition in-line with this week’s exploration-based Community Goal.

To enter, reply to this post with an in-system (not System Map) screenshot of the most interesting unpopulated systems containing an Earth-like world you can find! When the Community Goal ends on 30 September, we’ll choose our favourites and add Tourist Beacons to those locations. Each beacon will feature the entrant’s Commander name in its text!

To qualify, submissions must:
[*]Feature a screenshot of an unpopulated system in Elite Dangerous which contains an Earth-like world
[*]Include your in-game Commander name
[*]Include the name of the screenshotted system
Note: Only one submission will be accepted per player. If you submit multiple screenshots, the last one will be considered your only valid entry. Entries after 14:00 BST on 30 September will not be counted. We reserve the right not to include any Commander names in Tourist Beacon text that we deem inappropriate.

While the system must contain an Earth-like world, it doesn’t have to be the focus of the image. Try to show off as many features as you can which make the system interesting and a strong potential tourist destination!

All winning entries will receive 5,000 ARX in addition to the Tourist Beacon, so get exploring!

Good luck

Greetings Commanders,

The latest part of the Azimuth Saga sees Commanders who have aided Salvation granted access to a permit locked system where Salvation’s Tech Broker offers unique modules. This part of the story has been added today (don’t worry if you haven’t been invited to the system yet, if you would like to be, you’ll have opportunities in the future).

We’re aware of a bug from Update 7 that has unintentionally increased the effectiveness of engineered modules, including those from Salvation's Tech Broker. We would like to let you know that a fix for PC players is expected soon and we expect to have a fix for console next week. Therefore, the power of these modules (while still a significant alternative to current ones), will be returned to intended levels.

[ATTACH type="full" alt="MicrosoftTeams-image (61).png"]264126[/ATTACH]
Pictured: the intended stats of the modified Guardian Gauss Cannon which will be effective when the fix is deployed.

See you in the black!

Greetings Commanders!

It's time to take another look at your fantastic creations! If you'd like to get involved in the future, please use the hashtag #CommanderCreations on Twitter, or post your creation down below.

Lego Imperial Clipper By The Diamond Kiwi

We always love to see LEGO creations of Elite ships, and The Diamond Kiwi has delivered with this majestic Imperial Clipper!

Visit Sol Poster By CMDR M.AMADEO

Yet to visit Sol in Elite Dangerous? CMDR M.Amadeo has created this fantastic poster from the Federation to convince you to stop by the original home of humanity!

Thargoid Interceptor Art By Arkaim_K

The Thargoids lend themselves to beautiful artwork, and Arkaim_K has definitely taken advantage of that with this stunning piece.

Fuel Rats Logo Laser Art By ChuckityChuck044


The more ways we can highlight the Fuel Rats, the better! Amazing laser work by ChuckityChuck044 in doing just that.

That's all for this week!

Greetings Commanders!

We're looking for the most daring pilots, drivers and stunt people to submit video entries for our next Elite Sports livestream! Successful submissions will be shown on our stream and will be rated by our esteemed panel of judges from the community team! All submissions which meet the requirements will receive a Pulse Blue SRV Paint Job even if they are not featured on the stream!

What sort of stunt can I perform?
Anything! Whether you're flying your ship or a fighter, driving your SRV, or performing some high-octane parkour, we'd love to see it!

How do I submit my stunt?
Please send a YouTube link of your stunt and your in-game Commander name in the body text to [email protected] with the subject 'Elite Sports Stunt 2021'.

Video Requirements:

[*]16:9 aspect ratio with minimum 1080p quality
[*]10-30 seconds long
[*]Must feature a stunt performed in an SRV/ship/on-foot or any combination of the three
[*]Must only feature in-game footage
[*]Must not feature any copyrighted audio
[*]Must not feature voiceover or added text
[*]Must be submitted by 30th September 2021

If you have any questions feel free to ask them below!

Fly safe, Commanders!

Greetings Commanders,

The galaxy servers will be rebooting at 14:00 UTC/15:00 BST for emergency maintenance.

Expected downtime will be 5-10 minutes. Thanks for your patience!

Greetings Commanders.

Thanks so much for the continued responses from so very many of you, following this week's deployment of Update 7 for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, along with the 'Quality of Life' update for Horizons.

We have a couple of issues we'd like to tackle sooner than later, so these will be going out this early afternoon.

Servers will flick offline at approximately 13:30 UTC / 14:30 BST (give or take several minutes) and will be expected to be down for no longer than 10 minutes for the updates to deploy.

PLEASE NOTE: Updates of this nature are in the pipeline for Console players. We're targetting next week for deployment of those (Certification time required).

Updates of note for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey
[*]A fix has been implemented for where engineered weapons were....dealing extreme amounts of damage (I have no 'wit' left in me to give you anything more on this one...other than that really was a lot of damage).
[*]A fix has been implemented for the tutorial not starting when selecting 'Start' from the main menu.
[*]Tritium collected in a legitimate way should no longer be marked as stolen (slander is bad. Zero tolerance).
[*]Folk flying around in their ships (NPCs) can now be expected to spawn around settlements and planetary ports or in space locations that are close to planets.
[*]Such as Conflict Zones & Resource Extraction Sites.
[*]A fix has been implemented for Commanders receiving too many credits when selling commodities at a profit (between this and 100000000000 x damage multipliers, you'd think every day was your birthday).
[*]An issue has been fixed whereby some players were receiving a "Commander Data" error when logging into the game after logging out, when embarked on an Apex Interstellar ship.
[*]An issue has been fixed with insurance discounts being calculated incorrectly when remotely rebuying & transferring a destroyed ship (honestly beginning to think that the Elite Dangerous Galactical Finance Corp are on annual leave...).
[*]Investigating Commanders who were unable to modify their suits or weapons.
[*]Commanders should no longer have issues with engineering suits or weapons!

You'll like this one (I hope...)
[*]Reverted change to Data Ports that made downloading all forms of Data an illegal act.
[*]Now, only data that is alarmed is illegal to download.
[*]We've also reduced Data Transfer times by up to 75% following your thoughts and feedback.


Forgive the first point of repetition here, but I just want to make "what's in where" as crystal as possible.

Updates of note for Elite Dangerous: Horizons (PC ONLY)
[*]THAT fix has been implemented for engineered weapons dealing extreme amounts of damage.
[*]A fix has been implemented for an issue where extremely large value combat bonds would be displayed incorrectly preventing hand-in.
[*]Top bounties now display correctly in each system.
[*]Improvements to material fragments, when mined from deposits, have been made - reducing the likelihood of them getting stuck inside asteroids.
[*]A general stability fix has been implemented to prevent one of those illusive server crashes.


Known Issues (working on 'em. Standby)

Heads up:
COMPLETELY aware there are more issues you would like to be listed here, but I'm only listing out the primary ones that fell out heavily since the last update. We're obviously continuing to look at the legacy known issues collected from the past weeks/months/year.
[*]Interdiction UI is offset from the centre of the c*ckpit view.
[*]Guess what! We all thought it was missing too! Turns out it's gone on holiday to the far side of the c*ckpit glass.
[*]Fleet Carrier UI can softlock.
[*]Fleet Carrier UI sometimes fails to format incorrectly.
[*]Instances where you see icon overlaps, button sizes changing or appearing strange, buttons randomly becoming un-clickable. Oddities like that.
[*]Commanders shall move their lips again! Lip sync issues are getting some special attention following continued reports.
[*]The Session Log within the Codex is greyed out and inaccessible. We've bagged this one.
[*]Some weapon damage values are still potentially not entirely what you were previously used to. We'll carry on looking into instances of these.
[*]Investigating a report of Interstellar Factors not working as expected.


Hope this helps as many of your as possible ahead of your weekend, Commanders!
We'll be on standby to go through the deployment dance with you all, so until then...o7!

Greetings Commanders!

It's been a busy week in Elite Dangerous, with the release of Update 7 and the Horizons update. Of course, a new week means new astounding #CommanderCreations to show off! Here's what's in store this time:

The band is back together by 25Migg

Over on Reddit 25Migg shows off the scale between different ships in Elite Dangerous!

Extinction Level Event Linocut

CMDR Beetlejude on Twitter created this awesome Elite Dangerous linocut.

Lakon T-6 Blueprints by Velko Vidich

Velko Vidich on Reddit has continued to update their astounding blueprints for the Lakon T-6!

3D Printed LED illuminated Corvette

Commander SouthpawBob shared an update on their fantastic 3D printed Corvette and the how the LED lights inside really bring it to life!

3D Printed Maverick Suit

Mentioned earlier this week in Supercruise News, CMDR Lyamecron over on Reddit has created a full 3D printed Maverick suit!

That's all for this week! See you next time!
Greetings Commanders!

After an exciting weekend with the hunt for Theta Seven, let's look ahead to the week with the latest community schedule:

Supercruise News:
Arthur & Sally will be discussing the latest Elite Dangerous Issue Report on this week's Supercruise News.

Stellar Screenshots: Get your Dutch angles (and all over photography terms) at the ready for another instalment of Stellar Screenshots!

Horizons CQC Night:
It's time to see if Bruce & Zac can regain their throne in the latest CQC Night, join us in Horizons on Thursday evening!

Community Goal: There'll be a brand new Community Goal for you to take part in this Thursday!

Commander Creations:
After an especially busy week, we missed Commander Creations last Friday, so we're looking forward to catching up on your fantastic work!



Where are my CG FSD's?
The special Frame Shift Drives from the recent Community Goal should now be available for successful participants in module storage at Jacques Station or Macdonald Settlement.

When are the latest Colonia Bridge megaships getting named?
We've reached out to the latest Commanders to earn the privilege of naming their megaships! If you think you're one of them, check your email inbox!

I won the Tourist Beacon competition, where are my rewards?
The Tourist Beacon competition winners should now have their ARX in their account, and we're aiming to place the Tourist Beacons in game by the end of this week, apologies for the delay on this front!

What happened to my stunt submissions for Elite Sports?
We're getting closer to our next Elite Sports show! Your submissions have all now been noted and are being prepped to be shown to our 'esteemed' judging panel over the coming days. You can expect your paintjob reward soon!


See you in the black Commanders!

Greetings Commanders!

We're heading into an extended bank holiday weekend here in the UK, so let's celebrate with some more fantastic creations! Remember, if you want to get involved, please use the hashtag #CommanderCreations or post your creation in the thread below! Here we go:

Elite Teamwork Metal Art By DeepBlueBeard & Friends

This piece of metal art from DeepBlueBeard is a culmination of the efforts of many Commanders! Not just the Commanders present within the shot, taking on the Thargoid, but also Moerdyr who took the photo! This would look great in your Elite-themed gaming room!

Elite 360 Panorama Tour By CMDR sntxrrr

This incredible tour of the the Elite galaxy by CMDR sntxrrr needs to be visited to get the full effect! You can take a trip throughout some iconic places within Elite Dangerous, and look around in full panorama view!

Asp-Inspired Flat Cap By Grippy Gecko

Don't just stop at putting an Asp in front of things, why not put an Asp on your head? That's what Grippy Gecko has done with this Asp Explorer inspired flatcap!

Asp Explorer Digital Art By Arkaim_K

Not one, but two Asp themed entries this week! We finish off our latest round of submissions with this stunning piece of art from Arkaim_K, which shows off their beautiful Asp in front of things - but with an 80's vibe! Love it!

We'll see you next week for more stunning creations!

Greetings Commanders!

There's another big week ahead, with the arrival of Update 8. Let's take a look at what's in store for us:

Zac Vs Bruce:
They've taken on the community together in CQC, but now it's time for Zac & Bruce to go head-to-head in ship-based PVP!

Odyssey Update 8: Wednesday sees the arrival of Update 8 to Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, bringing with it emotes, megaship interiors, and more. We'll have more information on the deployment schedule of the update tomorrow.

Stellar Screenshots: It's closing in on Halloween, so we're looking for your spookiest shots! Keep your eyes on the forums for another photography competition this week.

Halloween Stream:
Join us for a fun evening stream on Thursday where we'll be going over the latest development update, giving away fun prizes, playing games and more!

Development Update: October's Development Update is due this week, so keep an eye out for it on Thursday.

Commander Creations:
It may be a jam-packed week, but there's still room to celebrate your creativity! We'll be sharing your creations on Friday as always!

Let's have a great week everyone.

Greetings Commanders!

Now that we're recovered from the huge development update last week, it's time to look ahead to what you can expect from the coming days in the Elite galaxy!

Supercruise News #48:
Join Zac & Bruce as they share the latest progress on the Top 20 issues in the Issue Tracker.

Thursday Evening Livestream:
We're still finalising the details of Thursday's stream, so stay tuned.

Stellar Screenshots: You can expect the results of this week's Stellar Screenshots competition to arrive a day later this week - normal service should resume next week!

Community Goal: Get ready for a brand new Community Goal coming this Thursday!

Commander Creations:
It's always nice to check out the creativeness of our amazing Commanders, so make sure to submit your entries using the #CommanderCreations hashtag before Friday!

Have a fantastic week, Commanders!

Greetings Commanders,

It's a big week as we reach the end of September! Here's a look at what we have in store:

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Development Update Post:
September's update post will go live detailing features and fixes coming in Update 8 and much more!

Development Update Stream: Arthur and Sally will be talking through all of the details from the monthly Development Update post - don't miss it! Live at 16:30 BST / 15:30 UTC on Twitch and YouTube!

Horizons Console Update:
Horizons players on console will receive an update to include several fixes introduced since Update 7 on PC.

Another week, another selection of inspired in-game photographs! Submit yours for a chance to be featured and win an exclusive paint job!

UI Developer Stream:
We'll be joined by two of our very own developers from the UI team! They'll give us some insights into UI design and how it's driven various features from Horizons and Odyssey. Tune in at 19:00 BST / 18:00 UTC - only on Twitch!

Community Goal:
A brand new Community Goal will be added - have YOUR say in the outcome of this story event!

Commander Creations:
We'll spend another moment to celebrate and enjoy the community's own creative projects!

Have a glorious week Commanders,

Greetings Commanders!

As we get closer to the end of the year, we've got plenty to talk about in the upcoming weeks! Let's take a look at what's in store for this week with the latest Community Schedule:

Supercruise News:
Join Bruce & Zac for all the latest from the world of Elite Dangerous in Supercruise News!

Stellar Screenshots:
With only a few weeks to go until the holiday break, and our end of year Hall of Fame, there's no better time to submit your Stellar Screenshots!

Exploration Livestream:
We're venturing into space for some sightseeing on Thursday's stream!

Community Goal: This Thursday brings with it a new Community Goal for Commanders to engage with!

Commander Creations:
After a week off, I'm looking forward to getting back to all your fantastic creations on Friday!

End of Year Community Update: Arthur will be posting on Friday to share with you a look-back on the year of Elite, and what you can expect from the Community Team moving forwards into 2022.



When are the latest Colonia Bridge megaships getting named?

You should now be able to find the latest batch of named megaships in-game!

What happened to my stunt submissions for Elite Sports?
The filming has been completed on the latest Elite Sports featuring many of your stunts! Rewards will be given after the show has aired in the next couple of weeks.

Is Update 9 this week?
No, Update 9 is not scheduled for this week, it is coming soon™ - keep an eye out for more news on that.

Can Monday be '(insert random person here) Appreciation Day' on the schedule?
No, it cannot.


Have a great week, Commanders!

Greetings Commanders!

Happy Monday...CYBER MONDAY no less and there's a familiar treat in store.

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Swooping in to join the fleet of Black Friday offerings from last week, some absolute favourites have arrived - 'STYGIAN' paint jobs for all ships and vehicles are now LIVE as part of our Cyber Monday event.

For our Cyber Monday event we have:
[*]Stygian Paint Jobs for all ships/vehicles (here until December 3rd).

As a recap to last week...

For our Black Friday event we have the following on offer until December 3rd:
[*]A 50% discount on Ship Kits.
[*]A 25% discount on Suit Customisation.
[*]The release of Midnight Black Paint Jobs for all ships/vehicles.



I was really hoping for Midnight Black and Stygian customisation options for my Commander/Fleet Carrier/Weapons. Can we expect these some time?

[*]It was great to see how many of you wanted the Midnight Black paint jobs across as many customisation options as possible in game. Thoughts have absolutely been passed on, so never say never, they're just not something to expect during this present event period.
My Midnight Black paint jobs look more on the 'grey' side in Odyssey compared to Horizons. Is this a known issue?
[*]Noted. With the new lighting systems introducted in game, we're naturally still seeing instances of mismatch on paint job colours between Horizons and Odyssey. We'll continue to take note of the main offenders and discuss tweaks as we go, to bring colour matches as close as possible where we can and when possible.
Are the development team working on addressing outstanding, high priority issues for Elite Dangerous Horizons and Odyssey, despite the release of store content?
[*]Yes, 10000%. Promise.
[*]We're all still working toward Update 9, targetting early December release as previously stated - so watch this space for news on that as soon as it comes in. I'm really excited actually.
[*]Once again, thank you all for the conversations we have here in the forums in narrowing down harder on main offending issues.
[*]We continue to be on the case, but this thread won't be a place to get answers about their progress. I'm trying to keep the feedback channels as narrow as possible, for productivity sake.
How are the team working on addressing outstanding, high priority issues for Elite Dangerous Horizons and Odyssey at the same time as making content for the store?
[*]Developers focused on store content are a subset in skill all of their wonderful own. We are not taking time away from core code, for example, to bring such things to the game today.
[*]We would also not expect the creatives behind store content to fix such things as core code issues either - again, subset skills - Just trying to be as transparant for you as possible with this o7


Have a fantastic day, Commanders o7!
Another week ahead.
Greetings Commanders.

Tomorrow (October 27th 2021) will see the deployment of the much anticipated Update 8 for Elite Dangerous (more on the expected deployment schedule in a later post today, so hang tight. On it o7)

With this update we will be rolling out a fix to address a known issue with capacity readings for Fleet Carriers. This fix is being applied to both Horizons and Odyssey across ALL PLATFORMS.

The Issue:

It's been noted that some Fleet Carriers have been returning negative capacity values for ship & module packs.
[*]The issue itself lies with the size of the packs being incorrectly initialised within the Carrier, so Commanders will have been able to to install ship/module packs that should have caused their Fleet Carrier to go over capacity, for example purchasing 1 ship or module could remove 1000’s of capacity usage from a pack that the "Carrier thought" used 10’s of capacity, or vice-versa.

The Solution and Expected Changes:
We have identified the source of the problem and have a fix ready. Once applied, capacity readings for Fleet Carriers will revert to their true value.
[*]For some Commanders, this may give back used capacity that was incorrectly assigned.
[*]For others it may add multiple 10,000’s of capacity usage.
[*]This will cause some Fleet Carriers to go over capacity, however, this will not stop those Fleet Carriers from functioning. The correct capacity usage will still be displayed in 'Carrier Management' and can be brought back under the maximum by selling off ship & module packs, removing commodities from the Cargo Hold or removing Purchase Orders.
[*]Until capacity has been returned to below the maximum, the owner will be unable to store new commodities in the Fleet Carrier, create new Purchase Orders or buy new Ship/Module packs.

"We've been raising the issues some of us are having with soft-locks and UI issues with Fleet Carriers since Update 7 (among other issues of note). When can we expect fixes for these?"
[*]There are a number of issues with Fleet Carrier UI stability and visual representation addressed as part of Update 8. I'll let you know more about these in the forthcoming patch notes tomorrow.

I'll be sure to remind everyone of this in tomorrow's update notes, this just warrented it's own call out due to the nature of the fix.

Have a great remainder of your day, Commanders!

Greetings Commanders!

We're right in the middle of spooky season, so this week brings with it our Halloween stream! Join us on Thursday 28th October at 18:00PM UTC for a fun show filled with the opportunity to win prizes!

As well as discussing the latest Development Update, we'd love to share some creativity from our wonderful Elite Dangerous community, and with that in mind, we've put together two competitions for you to enter.

[HEADING=2]Stellar Screamshots[/HEADING]
The vastness of Space houses many haunting visuals, and we want you to capture them! Send in your spookiest Elite Dangerous screenshots by posting them in the thread below, or tweeting them with the hashtag #StellarScreamshots before 15:00PM UTC on Thursday 28th October and we'll pick the top 10 entries to share on stream. Commander names must also be included so we can send you your prize!

The winning Commanders will receive:

Top 10
- Random Halloween Themed Decal & screenshots shown on stream
Best Screenshot - Razer v2 Blackshark Headset & in-game Haymaker Bobblehead

[HEADING=2]Elite Pumpkins[/HEADING]
Want to try your hand at something a little different? We'd love to see your Elite Dangerous themed pumpkin carvings to really get in the Halloween spirit! Send us a photo of your pumpkins with your Commander name to [email protected] by 15:00PM UTC on Thursday 28th October to enter.

The winning Commanders will receive:

All entries
- Random Halloween Themed Decal (You must at least make an effort to receive the decal! We won't be accepting images of normal pumpkins as entries, unfortunately.)
Top 3 - Pumpkin Decal, in-game Haymaker Bobblehead
Best Pumpkin - Thrustmaster HOTAS (more details on Thursday!)


We reserve the right to choose the winners of both competitions, and the right to withhold prizes from unsuitable entries.



We're looking forward to celebrating the holiday with you all on Thursday, Commanders, so make sure to join us on Twitch or YouTube!

See you then.

In case you missed it, the winners were revealed on last night's stream!

Elite Pumpkins

Runners Up:

[*]Rui Rebui
Third Place: Arioch

Second Place: HappyMoonMonkey

First Place: Kinshadow



[*]One Eyed J4CK
[*]Orange Pheonix
First Place: Russet Meles


Winning Commanders should now find the in-game prizes in their accounts. Any physical prizes from the stream will be followed up with next week! If you're listed above and expected an in-game prize that you haven't received, please check your messages here or on Twitter for a private message.

ooOoooO7 and thanks for taking part, Commanders.
Greetings Commanders o7

Hot of the "fix-press", we've got another response update on the way for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Commanders shortly, to address a noticable issue with the game "stuttering" when you're out and about on foot.

Today at approximately 12:30 UTC we will be rolling out a fix for the "Settlement Stutter" in the form of a client update.
This means you will need to install an update to your game once deployment is complete.

Unfortunately it won't be a "stealth rollout" (where the servers don't need to come offline), so...

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey servers (only) will be offline for a brief duration (no more than 10 minutes).

The Issue:
[*]Commanders have been noticing progressively more, that during settlement and general on-foot interactions a sudden "stutter" in performance occurs.

Results from Investigation:
"Nav-mesh: An area that allows AI to "plan" sensible routes around their location in game, according to their designated destination".
[*]Nav-mesh was being built around all of the many, many rocks on planet surfaces (expensive ask, that!), but as settlement AI never leave their settlement posts, there's no need for nav-mesh generation out of their patrol boundaries.

The Fix:
[*]Removing the rocks from the navmesh generation in this instance stops a situation where the game was "stuttering" in order to catch up with this mass coverage.

PLEASE NOTE: This fix is not a targeted fix to improve frame rate issues.
The team continue to work on general optimisation/performance issues around significant drops in optimal framerates as an ongoing endeavour as part of the forthcoming update 9.


Known Issues:
Once again, a little nod to the immediate known issues from very recent forum conversations and a few others (please continue to note that there are obviously more individual experience reports coming in PLUS legacy issues which aren't listed here, of course - this doesn't mean that all of those suddenly don't count, (like the "blue tunnel hang when jumping"...I'll stop you there before you use it's unofficial name). Just making a top level short list to keep minds at ease.)
[*]Crash to Desktop investigations.
[*]All additional feedback in this thread will be massively helpful! Thank you!
[*]NPCs either freezing up, refusing to capture points or just all out not behaving as expected during CZ.
[*]Investigations continue. HIGH PRIORITY.
[*]Yellow Adder disconnects when selling cargo.
[*]Investigations continue.
[*]Commanders are needing to reboot to Horizons to pay fines.
[*]Totally on it and confirmed as "On-Foot terminals only appear to be showing ship bounties".
[*]Incorrect display of 5+ influence reward.
[*]Investigations continue.
[*]Storage space upgrade in relation to loss of data issues.
[*]'Blue Cobra' (I think you'll find there's only room for Pink Cobra around here...) errors when killing Assassination/Massacre/Bounty mission targets.
[*]Investigations underway.
[*]Hatch Breakers:"When using a Hatch Breaker Limpet on any Cargo Hatch or Escape Pod on a non-dockable megaship an error occurs".
[*]Still on it.
[*]Strange behaviour around Unrestricted Access areas acting Restricted.
[*]Instances of Commanders being attacked for being in a Restricted Areas, but the area was not restricted.
[*]Still on it.
[*]Facilities list in System Map is appearing blank (all platforms).
[*]Still on it.
[*]Delayed loading of stations (pop!)
[*]Still on it.
[*]"Backward Engine Trails".
[*]Still on it.
[*]An issue with premium ammo on Hammer Gauss Cannons and incorrect damage increase.

Random side note:
[*] [USER=89268]@Cori[/USER] very kindly pointed out that "some of the latest GALNET news articles were missing the text-to-speech option".
[*] This will be sorted 'on the stealthy side' very shortly (if it isn't already).


o7 Commanders! It's a Friday!
Greetings Commanders!

It's that time of the week again! Before we head into the weekend, let's take a moment to appreciate some of the fine creations from our Elite Dangerous community this week. Remember you can always get involved using the #CommanderCreations hashtag on Twitter.

Zorgon Peterson Ships In Spore By CBLiberty01

We love to see your interpretations of the Elite Dangerous ships, and that includes the efforts of CBLiberty01 who has gone to great lengths to recreate the Zorgon Peterson ships in Spore.

Elite Pumpkin By Neat_Development_748

Halloween may be over but we didn't want to say goodbye to Spooky Season without first showing off this incredible pumpkin from Neat_Development_748!

Krait Phantom Poster By SaturnV1

We're huge fans of this stylish poster for the Krait Phantom by SaturnV1, the colour scheme and the clever line work do a great job of making the Krait stand out!

Lakon Hunter By CoolinWithCosta

Finally this week we've got a pretty nifty design for a possible Diamondback Hunter from CoolinWithCosta! Would you fly this well designed ship?

That's all for today Commanders! Catch you next week.

Good evening and Greetings Commanders.

We were made aware (thank you) that a previously known exploit for item duplication made possible via Fleet Carrier, had made its way into Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.
We've deployed a server side fix to address this, this evening.

The fix is rolling out right now and will take hold imminently (The Hamsters have had their bedtime snack).
You should not experience any server outage along with this fix.

See you tomorrow for the Horizons (Console) fixes update!

Greetings once again, Commanders o7

Big day again tomorrow, right?
Let's make sure we're all on the same page ahead of time to welcome in Update 8 for Odyssey along with an additional update for Horizons players.

See, I mentioned it in the line above but I do bring the additional news today that aside from Update 8 for Odyssey, a select number of issues have been addressed for Horizons Commanders too, which includes Console players.


Deployment Schedule Chain Of Events:
At approximately 09:00 BST (08:00 UTC)
'Servers will be offline in one hour' warning deployed.
Patch notes lovingly delivered in the form of two forum posts (one for Odyssey: Update 8, one for Horizons).

At approximately 10:00 BST (09:00 UTC)
Servers will be offline for ALL PLATFORMS (Consoles and PC).

At approximately 11:00 BST (10:00 UTC)
Update 8 for Odyssey and the Horizons Update will be available to download and then play.


We'll be sharing this countdown over on the usual Elite Dangerous social channels as a reminder, but of course we'll be here along for the ride with you on the day - as always.

See you in the morning, Commanders.

Greetings Commanders!

It's time for the latest of our Issue Reports. Below you'll find the latest Top 20 table, based on your most voted issues in the Issue Tracker.

Note: the status and planned release of each issue is subject to change as various factors affect the ongoing development schedule.

Top 20 Issues

[*]Tiling Planetary Features - As before - would require a large overhaul so no short term plans.
[*]Automated accounts are used to influence BGS and Powerplay. - See our statement from 9 September.
[*]Anti Aliasing Not Working Correctly - Anti-aliasing improvements will come in Update 8 with additional ones planned for the future.
[*]Exiting the Game just hangs need to force terminate - Still under investigation.
[*]Joystick buttons 32+ not working - Still under investigation.
[*]Severe performance problems since Update 5 - The specific cause of frame rate drops following Update 5 has been identified and should be resolved in Update 8. Further performance work will be ongoing thereafter.
[*]Expose telemetry data for motion simulators - This is still being discussed internally.
[*]Dav's Hope not spawning materials - Appears to be fixed for Update 8 - confirming internally with our QA team.
[*]Supercruise Stuck at 0 - Still under investigation.
[*]Interdiction progress bars not visible - Appears to be fixed, currently planning deployment.
[*]NPC Fighter kills in Conflict Zones counting for the progression are a potential exploit. - Appears to be fixed in Update 8.
[*]Planets and Moons orbit lines not visible in the FSS when in VR - Under investigation.
[*]System and Galaxy map misalignment in widescreen aspect ratios (21:9) - Requires significant/fundamental changes. Nothing to announce.
[*]Missions and rewards not sharing with the team - Still being worked on.
[*]Thermal conduit too strong and wrong damage increase - Appears fixed for Update 8. Issue largely comes down to difficulty understanding how they work. Changes should allow players to see when it activates and how much it's activating by.
[*]Incorrect brightness/contrast adjustment depending on angle between camera ship and star - Some of these issues seem related to system limitations while others are genuine bugs. Will be worked on after performance/optimisation is improved.
[*]Discovered systems show validating - Appears related to the way we identify Xbox Gamer Tags - fix is still being worked on.
[*]Illumination of background planets is tied to illumination of player ship by the illuminating star - Similar to the above brightness/contrast issue: could be related to system limitations but otherwise may require further overhauls.
[*]Gamma balance is off which causes details in space to be lost - Seems related to balancing rather than gamma values. Will be investigated post performance improvements.
[*]Epic Games Store commanders having troubles with cAPI - Still under investigation.
As always, please remember this a reflection of the current situation as we see it, and the planned release for these fixes is subject to change.

Fly safe Commanders,

Greetings Commanders! Happy Tuesday.

It's time, once again, for the latest installment of our Issue Report fly-overs.

Below you'll find the latest Top 20 table, based on your most voted issues in the Issue Tracker. Below that you'll find a bit of a status summary on where we're at with each to set expectations as best possible.

Note: The status and planned release of each issue is subject to change as various factors affect the ongoing development schedule.

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Top 20 Issues

[*]Tiling Planetary Features - Investigation remains ongoing. This is proving to be quite an undertaking to plan and aim toward solving, but the team are still keeping it in their sights.
[*]Anti Aliasing Not Working Correctly - Investigation into further improvements is set to continue, however secondary to performance improvements. To a degree, aliasing has been mildly improved somewhat due to planet texture generation changes, rather than an anti-aliasing system change.
[*]Exiting the Game just hangs need to force terminate - Attempts at consistenly reproducing this error are ongoing but currently not solid enough to nail down the reason for the hang. More information on the specific circumstances which cause this issue are being looked into as we continue to reach out and research.
[*]Joystick buttons 32+ not working - Priority has taken a step back in place of continued work on performance improvements. Still on the development radar, however.
[*]Severe performance problems since Update 5 - Navmesh refinement going into Update 9 should resolve this specific portion of the performance issues encountered. That is not to say all performance issues will be fixed on deployment of Update 9 - work on this will continue.
[*]Expose telemetry data for motion simulators - Investigation pending.
[*]Some in-game stats the codex & journal are not updating - Currently under investigation with QA working to reliably reproduce the issue.
[*]Supercruise Stuck at 0 - This issue has been reliably reproduced internally by our QA team, but could be caused by a variety of connection issues. Further investigation pending.
[*]Issues with Atmospheric Lighting - The primary issue (the balance of light tint) has been fixed for Update 9. As mentioned in previous Top 20 Issue breakdowns, further lighting issues will need to be reported and further tackled individually.
[*]FPS drops and crashes around settlements - We deployed a hotfix to prevent scatter rocks from affecting the navmesh it to rebuild, resulting in the stutter. Currently watching to see if this has fixed the issue.
[*]Powerplay - No CC income in formerly contested systems - This is unfortunately not a quick or easy fix, so we're currently at a 'TBD' stage with progress on this one. It's in our line of sight though, of course and we'll hopefully have more updates as we move on this one.
[*]Illegal Goods incorrectly attract -25% 'Stolen' markdown - The design team are currently investigating this issue. It may be possible to fix this in time for Update 9, but we'll make it a priority to update you on progress regardless.
[*]Planets and Moons orbit lines not visible in the FSS when in VR - Currently this is not possible due to how the camera interacts in VR. We're absolutely recognising it as n issue, however this is at the moment secondary in priority to performance improvements.
[*]SRV compass targets appear to be at great height - A fix has been implemented with the change to be deployed in Update 9, pending QA confirmation.
[*]System and Galaxy map misalignment in widescreen aspect ratios (21:9) - Requires significant/fundamental changes. The team are aware, of course and further updates on the issue will be provided when we have them.
[*]Illumination of background planets is tied to illumination of player ship by the illuminating star - Similar to the above brightness/contrast issue: could be related to system limitations but otherwise may require further overhauls.
[*]Incorrect brightness/contrast adjustment depending on angle between camera ship and star - This will require investigation into changing the way lighting has worked since before Odyssey. The issue is held with the team internally, we're aware, however performance improvements must be tackled first before movements can happen with this.
[*]Fleet Carrier info in system map is incomplete - This issue is due to be assessed soon. Once tackled, we'll have a more certain expected release estimate for you all.
[*]Discovered systems show validating - Appears related to the way we identify Xbox Gamer Tags - A fix is still being worked on.
[*]Thermal conduit too strong and wrong damage increase - Changes have been made, however further changes are required from design. Aiming for Update 9 but will of course let you know with more confidence as soon as we're able.

Fixes for Known, Immediate Issues:
As a small taster of things to come, I'm including a few (there are more! Not disregarding the more) of the known, immediate issues we've managed to tackle as part of the forthcoming update so far.
These are essentially issues which have fallen out of recent updates and had a frustrating impact all of their own, but haven't made it into the top 20:
[*]Selling cargo results in 'Yellow Adder' error (since update 7) - Resolved, pending QA.
[*]Paintjobs not visible in multicrew - Resolved, pending QA.
[*]Ship HUD visible in external camera view of Camera Suite - Resolved, pending QA.
[*]When using a Hatch Breaker Limpet on any Cargo Hatch or Escape Pod on a non-dockable megaship an invalid limpet target error is shown - Resolved, pending QA.
[*]Stations Visibly Pop/Load In After Manually Jumping Out Of Supercruise - Resolved, pending QA.
[*]Re-balance c*ckpit canopy effects - Pending QA
[*]Ship Engine Smoke Trails Appear Ahead Of The Ship After Exiting Supercruise - Resolved, pending QA.
Apologies, but to focus primarily on a view to call out progress with fixes and Top 20 status progression in this post, I won't be including the "Immediate Open Known Issues" in this post too.
Just because that list isn't here today does not mean it doesn't count anymore - just to reassure you. Everything we collect here together and that's been acknowledged is still very much under the wing.

Thanks millions.

As always, (pretty much what the guys say when they type up these things) please do continue to remember that this a reflection of the current situation as we see it, and the planned release for these fixes is subject to change following testing.

o7, Commanders.
See you in the black.
Greetings Commanders!

It's time to sit back and enjoy another round of brilliant creations from our very own community! Remember, if you would like a chance to be featured, just post your creation on Twitter using the hashtag #CommanderCreations, or link it below! Without further ado:

Exploration Montage By Lana Hyugatha


Lana Hyugatha recorded their recent exploration trip and cut it together into this wonderful montage that highlights many different aspects of Elite Dangerous, whilst also being backed by Radiohead!

Human Thargoid Tech Ship By Richard Daborn

This fantastic concept art by Richard Daborn showcases their take on a human ship powered by Thargoid technology! It's the size of a small corvette, features a regenerative hull, and is codenamed 'Charybdis'!

Laser Engraved Elite Logo By ChuckityChuck044


This laser work by ChuckityChuck044 is amazing and we must have one. It's being engraved onto very thin aluminium cards and the finished result is spectacular!

Elite Settlement Raid By The Buur Pit


The Buur Pit are taking us along on a well-executed settlement raid in this cleverly edited video featuring multiple drone shots and CCTV footage to add to the atmosphere!

That's all for this week, Commanders!

Greetings Commanders.

Well here we are. If you've read this as part of the Odyssey Update 8 notes, then forgive me I'm going to repeat myself on the intro again just for the sake of keeping things nice and tidy o7

An update for Elite Dangerous Horizons PC & Console is scheduled for today,
HOWEVER I do need to bring the news of a slight change to the expected deployment schedule.
(Now listen...You all warned me last night, right? I'm here to jinx us...clearly.)

I'll be open with you with what's happened:
[*]Last night the team discovered one final, nasty issue with the way languages were suddenly displaying (#gamedev). This needed an immediate fix.
[*]When you fix something, you must always run sanity checks against the build set to deploy. These checks will need to happen this morning due to the timing of the fix last night.
To that end, we now need to formulate a slightly new deployment schedule for today which remains unconfirmed in terms of time specifics right now.
We're looking at releasing the updates 'This Afternoon'. Time slots to follow.

Regardless of all that behind the curtain as we crack on...Here are the Update Notes for Elite Dangerous: Horizons for PC and Console players.


Elite Dangerous Horizons Update Notes:
This update mostly contains maintenance work, but also fixes below:
[*]A rare hang has been addressed which Commanders could encounter when returning to the main menu from a game session.
[*]This isn't the 'black screen hang' issue entirely, but could help in relation to that. Further investigations ongoing.
[*]Thargoid scavengers should no longer clip through the ground.
[*]Improvements made to some clipping/misaligned geometry for:
[*]Floating pipes at a planetary ports.
[*]Tunnels at Installations.
[*]Towers at some Horizons planetary settlements.
[*]Thargoid Imprint doors.
[*]Improvements have been made to the rendering of text in the Commander Stats pages of the Codex.
[*]An issue has been fixed with store preview items which may have had empty fields previously.
[*]The mouse flight control widget is now correctly hidden when using the Camera Suite.


See you in the black of the Updates, Commanders o7
Greetings Commanders.

Well here we are.

Update 8 for Odyssey is very close right now,
HOWEVER I do need to bring the news of a slight change to the expected deployment schedule.
(Now listen...You all warned me last night, right? I'm here to jinx us...clearly.)

I'll be open with you with what's happened:
[*]Last night the team discovered one final, nasty issue with the way languages were suddenly displaying (#gamedev). This needed an immediate fix.
[*]When you fix something, you must always run sanity checks against the build set to deploy. These checks will need to happen this morning due to the timing of the fix last night.
To that end, we now need to formulate a slightly new deployment schedule for today which remains unconfirmed in terms of time specifics right now.
We're looking at releasing the updates 'This Afternoon'. Time slots to follow.

The Horizons update for PC and Console notes can be found HERE.

Regardless of all that behind the curtain as we crack on...Here are the Update Notes for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 8 👉😎👉


Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 8

Updates Of Note
[*]The Alliance Crusader, Anaconda, Beluga, Federal Corvette, Imperial Cutter, Type9 and Type10 now support multicrew of 4
[*](We’ve had this discussion before on Twitter but what is a group of Commanders called? One Commander, a ______ of Commanders…)
[*]Added the 4 new Engineers (Baltanos, Eleanor Bresa, Rosa Dayette, Yi Shen) to the Colonia region.
[*]More info in the Engineers section of the update notes below.
[*]You can now disembark into the internal concourse on Wells-Class Megaships.
[*]Be sure to check out more info in the Megaships section of the update notes below.
[*]Emotes and the the Emote Marker System (LOOK! OVER THERE! NO THERE!) have been added into the game o7.
[*]Salute, Wave, Applaud, Disagree, Agree, Point, Stop, Advance/Go
[*]More info in ‘The Emote and Marker System’ section of these notes (It’s right below us actually).
[*]Added new missions to meet and interact with characters at settlements.
[*]Added new Delivery and Smuggling missions.
[*]Added bounty hunter and assassin ships to some Odyssey missions.
[*]More info in the ‘Missions’ section of these update notes.
[*]Updated cosmetics from Horizons to integrate properly with the Odyssey version of the game.
[*]More info in the ‘Character’ section of these update notes.

Right. Let’s get stuck in…Juicy bits.

The Emote and Marker System
Commander Emotes and the 'Emote Marker System' have been added into the game o7.
Commanders can activate the wheel via the binding in-game under "emotes" for on-foot controls. You also have the ability to bind the individual emotes to keys of choice.

The Emotes available as part of Update 8 are: Salute, Wave, Applaud, Disagree, Agree, Point, Stop, Advance/Go
[*]The Emote Wheel has been added to all control schemes.
[*]Works much like the on foot wheel works,
[*]This is one way to allow you to express yourself parts of your body other than crouch-stand-crouch-stand.
[*]Added the ability to bind other emotes directly, allowing all emotes to be triggered without the emote wheel.
[*]This is another way in which to express yourself (press a key, activate limb).
[*]The Point emote also prompts a marker in-game as well as an appropriate message in the comms panel.
[*]The Point emote has also been bound to all default control schemes.

[*]Dropship obstacle avoidance has been improved (Dropship Pilot finally picked up their prescription for new contact lenses after always seemingly losing their glasses).
[*]Enforcers are now better able to maintain a line of sight on targets when fighting in undulating terrain (Again, eye tests. Keep up to date. Take my advice).
[*]AI ships above settlements will no longer get stuck circling each other.
[*]AI Pilots have been taught how to better chase targets across planetary surfaces to stay hot on that tail.
[*]Thargoid scavengers should no longer clip through the ground.
[*]AI will now perform some emotes back at the player (hopefully nothing untoward…)
[*]Conflict zone anti-aircraft turrets can now target ship launched fighters.
[*]Ships auto-landing on terrain now pick better landing spots and are better able to execute landing manoeuvres smoothly.
[*]Remember when…sometimes some of you would have your ship doing a little spin on its nose while you’re out exploring? Or hovering above the ground? We’ve clamped down on the "fun" with that. Ships should now keep their gear firmly on the ground.
[*]Settlement skimmers can now attack players positioned above them.
[*]Ships using Supercruise assist should now avoid applying undue roll.
[*]Right, no more getting flung off into stars or such when you’re trying to put your trust in a computer.
[*]AI no longer prevent the settlement alarm from turning off if they see a neutral player.
[*]Vendors and Mission Givers now have lipsync animations
[*]And I hear the angels sing on this one (with moving mouths, no less). We’ve got there with this.
[*]So there may be some instances where potentially taxi Pilots or other really niche characters might still be broken – we have separate logs for these guys.
[*]For example: The pilot at the end of the on foot tutorial doesn't have lip sync for his audio.

[*]Fixed some issues with NPC voice audibility when a full-screen menu exists, like the engineers, and the ship vendors.
[*]Fixed the retrodrive audio emitter positions being a bit off on the Type-10.
[*]Fixed some c*ckpit audio emitter positions being a bit off on the federation corvette.
[*]Fixed the c*ckpit role panel triggering the wrong UI sounds.
[*]Improved the mix on the very loud mining lasers at some surface settlements.
[*]Fixed some odd audio anomalies on the holo-screens in settlements and social spaces.
[*]The ambiences in the turbolift area will sound more varied now.
[*]Fix for SRV turret movements not being audible to other players in your instance.
[*]Fixed the music above the apex counter in outpost settlements. It was accidentally muted and silent discos aren’t all that fun.
[*]Fixed announcer voices inside landing pad hangars. They were often not working properly.
[*]Fixed the very loud player breathing sounds (awkward) in ships when life support is disabled.
[*]Improved ship launch and land sounds.
[*]Most notably, if you land and then disembark immediately the landing spooling down sound should no longer cut off abruptly.
[*]Added a slight delay on a couple of the Apex vendor lines so you don’t hear them fade in when you exit the Apex map.
[*]Fix for the “Oxygen Depleted” COVAS line always being cut off during asphyxiation. The timing is better now.
[*]Like, that last breath is important, right? You gotta plan that kind of moment accordingly.
[*]Fix for your Commander audibly gasping when disembarking from a vessel for the first time in that session
[*]What did they SEE?! What do they KNOW?!
[*]Deep breath.
[*]I’m going to be laughing for the next 3 years over this one, I won’t lie to you…
[*]Fixed some incorrect NPC crew lines occurring when both player and crew are deployed in and swapping between fighters and mothership.
[*]For example, oddities like the NPC in a fighter saying “the ship is mine” (greedy) when a player swaps from helm into a 2nd fighter.
[*]Fix for suit voice line “A member of your team has been killed”. It wasn’t hooked up correctly.
[*]Fix for on foot music system not correctly identifying when player is no longer trespassing.
[*]This affects the way the on-foot combat and stealth music reacts to gameplay. So like you’re not enjoying the beautiful scenery to the soothing sounds of ‘YOU’RE IN TROUBLE!!!
[*]Fix for the energy recharge sound not resuming after you discharge your energy link tool while in the ship boarding circle.
[*]Fix for turbolift door sometimes being silent on arrival.
[*]Fix for crash in the dialogue system sometimes caused by NPCs having a conversation in a multiplayer situation (rude).
[*]Fix for insight markers triggered by terminals not playing the correct ping sound.
[*]Fix for room ambience audio hard snapping between room entrances, when a room has multiple doors.
[*]Fix for social space adverts and announcers attempting to play at the same time.
[*]Improved some energy-related suit voice cooldown times.
[*]Fix for the GUI sounds in the shipyard being incorrectly silent.
[*]Fixed various reverb, audio propagation and render culling issues in some of the smaller settlement structures that include inside areas.

[*]Updated Existing Horizons cosmetics to have Odyssey Variants.
[*]The existing Horizons Cosmetics now have Odyssey counterparts included in their packs for no additional cost!
[*]Each piece of the existing gear has been split up into a torso and a legs section, allowing for compatibility with already existing Odyssey attire!
[*]The torso section also supports under suits allowing players to customise the base suit with existing cosmetics and have it appear underneath the jackets from the horizons packs.
[*]Rectified some erroneous balance values with Jump Assist on different suit types.
[*]With a recent update, some of the abilities to jump swayed from their original designs, we set the values back to the new scaling.

Conflict Zones
[*]An issue has been fixed which would cause conflict zones to occasionally spawn too close to starports.

Commodity Trading
[*]Fixed a Yellow Adder error when selling mission-linked cargo to a black market or Fleet Carrier.


Welcome!! Engineers Baltanos, Eleanor Bresa, Rosa Dayette, Yi Shen are now available in the Colonia region.
ROLL CALL!!! I’m going to hide this behind blur, just in case you don’t want spoilers.

[*][ISPOILER]Real Noise Suppression (Pressurised/Atmosphere)
[*]Jump Assist
[*]Improved Life Support
[*]Sprint Duration
[*]ADS movement[/ISPOILER]
[*][ISPOILER]Clip Size
[*]Reload Speed
[*]Backpack reload
[*]Increased Ammo reserves
[*]Armour rating
[*]Shield Regen
[*]Increases melee damage[/ISPOILER]
[*]Backpack Capacity
[*]Improve Radar
[*]tool battery
[*]Battery capacity[/ISPOILER]
[*][ISPOILER]Synthetic audio suppression
[*]Headshot damage
[*]Quieter footsteps
[*]Night vision[/ISPOILER]


Social spaces have been added to the standard Wells-Class Megaships!
[*]These social spaces include some or all of the following services:
[*]Inter Astra
[*]Apex Interstellar
[*]Vista Genomics
[*]Pioneer Supplies
[*]Frontline Solutions
[*]Escape Pods
[*]Escape Pods are available at Megaships to cover any rare situations whereby players might find themselves trapped on a Megaship and are unable to get back to their own ship.
[*]When you choose to use a friendly, ever supportive Escape Pod (they need a nice name) It basically sends you through the "deathflow", where you'll eventually wake up at a safe location instead.

Fleet Carriers
[*]When modules are added to the fleet carrier, the capacity limit increases equal to the module.
[*]You can read more about exactly what this fix tackles (because it's lots of info) over at the following post: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/elite-dangerous-update-8-to-include-fleet-carrier-capacity-values-fix.592123
[*]Prevented a case of items sometimes getting duplicated via Fleet Carriers.
[*]Fleet carrier UI Interactivity fixes:
[*]Following Update 7, the Fleet Carrier and Carrier Services screen failed to load properly and could not be interacted with. This has now been fixed.
[*]Fixed an issue where suspending fleet carrier services would cause the station services UI to softlock.

[*]New “damage decals” for glass and metal surfaces when using the rocket launchers have been added.
[*]For anyone who doesn’t remember from last time, these “decals” are like impact markers. So a hole in a wall when you shoot something at it. Just like to keep some of the tech terms in there for fun now and then, in case you enjoy.
[*]Fix for decals appearing incorrectly on turrets:
[*]Bullethole effects wouldn't rotate with the turret itself.
[*]Explosion decals could look a bit odd.
[*]Fix implemented for an issue where turrets occasionally failed to self-correcting their alignment.
[*]The cuttable panel on the Atmospheric Processor unit should always fall outwards, and shouldn't get stuck within the recess.
[*]PCP-DEFINITELY-D (if you know, you know. In-Joke).
[*]A fix has been implemented to combat an invisible wall that could appear and block the Player from accessing the engineer Liz Ryder.
[*]Liz…BE FREE! Someone else was stuck behind an invisible wall last time, remember? I swear they're in conversations with one another in game and just want to be left alone...
[*]Ship-launched-fighters no longer contribute to Conflict Zones at settlements.
[*]Relieves the chance of exploit.
[*]The Thermal Conduit experimental effect now provides a subtle change to the laser intensity to reflect how active the effect currently is.
[*]A fix has been implemented for an issue whereby players could become unable to retrieve their ship with cargo aboard, after dying on foot.

Lighting & VFX
[*]The Recharge Tool now has VFX that is visible when viewed by another player in the same instance.
[*]Various light fixes at Horizons settlement locations.
[*]The c*ckpit overheating VFX will now consistently trigger when appropriate.
[*]In addition, visual improvements have been made to the c*ckpit overheating VFX.
[*]Improvements made to the Thargoid “Portal” effect.
[*]The portal is the cool, swirly effect that goes with Thargoids coming and going.
[*]The Guardian Gauss Cannon explosion VFX has been rebalanced to be more compact.
[*]Damaged station VFX has been rebalanced.
[*]Lighting has been boosted in Fleet Carrier hangars.
[*]This will also boost the lighting in the livery when previewing items

[*]Further visual improvements to vehicle paint jobs to closer match their appearance in Horizons:
[*]Gladiator, Military and Tactical for the Taipan
[*]Ember & Taxi for Beluga, Dolphin, Hauler and Orca
[*]Asemic for Beluga and all other supported ships
[*]Emissary & Messenger for Beluga, Cutter, Dolphin, Courier, Cutter and Orca
[*]Military for Beluga & Federation Dropship
[*]Prestige for Beluga, Dolphin and Orca
[*]Pirate Faction for all ships
[*]Sheer Line for all ships
[*]Green United for Beluga and Orca
[*]Tactical Ice for Beluga
[*]Metallic SRV Paintjobs
[*]Chevron, Chrome, Gladiator, Iridescent, Military, Tactical & Vibrant for F63 Condor

Added mission contacts!
[*]These are characters that Commanders will meet during missions to fulfil various mission objectives.
[*]Added new mission types and a new mission variant to utilise mission contacts:
[*]Collection (from Contact).
[*]Added AI bounty hunter and Assassin ships into some Odyssey missions.
[*]If you are detected undertaking a mission against a faction, they may send a bounty hunter or Assassin after you (Yikes).
[*]These AI will try to interdict you to claim the bounty or enact revenge.
[*]Added flight risk targets to Assassination and Takedown missions.
[*]These characters will attempt to flee via a ship if commanders trigger a settlement's alarms or begin attacking the target.
[*]Failing to stop the target from reaching hyperspace will fail the mission.
[*]Covert Heist missions from mission providers should now appear more commonly.
[*]Larceny missions have been adjusted to appear more commonly.
[*]Fixed Passenger Missions displaying the wrong rewards in alternate routes.
[*]Fixed guaranteed target fleeing to a point of interest during Professional Takedown missions given by mission boards.
[*]Fixed Covert Espionage missions sometimes not displaying objectives correctly.
[*]Fixed Clean Assassination missions sometimes not displaying objectives correctly.
[*]Fixed Restore missions sometimes causing a disconnect upon Commanders being critically injured
[*]Fixed Commander inventories not updating when handing over items for delivery or collection missions

[*]The Alliance Crusader, Anaconda, Beluga, Federal Corvette, Imperial Cutter, Type9 and Type10 now support 4 players in multicrew.
[*]The 4th seat will appear automatically, there is no need to purchase a new ship.

Organics & Geologicals
[*]Ice-type spouts now have emissive properties.
[*]Visual improvements to Geysers and Ice fumaroles.
[*]Fix for multiple floating fumaroles, lava spouts and geysers on planet surfaces.


The team have been working hard on optimisation as part of this update 8 delivery, with extensive work carried out on Odyssey’s light and shadows, optimisation of glass, skin and particles, along with render layer optimisations and further improvements to the Navmesh.

These have delivered significant performance improvements to the on-foot experience during internal tests. We ARE continuing to investigate where further optimisation can be made and will continue to take feedback on player experiences on case by case basis.

Ok so for the notes below, it's really hard to use less technical language but I'm going to run with it anyway for your interest.
I hope by including GPU or CPU callouts might help a bit with this to provide more of that honed in insight.

[*]Switch made from tiled to clustered lighting lists which improves the performance of lighting in areas with lots of lights, especially when there is an abundance of semi-transparent materials
[*]Allows for GPU performance improvements to lit effects such as glass, skin, particles, as well as the GPU light culling.
[*]Various improvements made to shadow prioritisation to help with performance.
[*]Allows for CPU performance improvement.
[*]This was primarily to fix the visual flickering around shadows.
[*]We have a more refined way of choosing the priority of shadows that display that prevent them appearing. Instances are only fixed on a case by case basis so further reports will be addressed individually.
[*]Various optimisations to lighting systems and light rendering
[*]Irradiance shader and memory bandwidth optimisation (GPU performance improvement)
[*]Textured light shader optimisation to avoid the use of inverse trigonometry (GPU performance improvement)
[*]Replace a resolve pass with a typed UAV load on supported hardware (GPU performance improvement)
[*]Shadowed/textured spotlight instancing for less drawcalls (both CPU and GPU improvement)
[*]Removing unused lighting paths (GPU performance improvement)
[*]Shader scalarisation optimisations.
[*]Fix the ordering of terrain rendering to be more optimal around structures.
[*]Fixed performance drops when on-foot with a number of ships flying above your head.
[*]Various feature and mission optimisations.

Ship/SRV/Fighter Outfitting
[*]The transition effect that would play when selecting between ship or SRV paint jobs has returned.

[*]Additional set of fixes for the aliasing seen on planet surfaces.
[*]Otherwise known as: Visual improvements should be seen when peering close up on a planet surface.
[*]Fixes for hard seams that could appear in the planet on-foot textures have been made.
[*]Line lines across the floor. Instances of those should no longer be visible.
[*]Fix implemented for a hard line that could occasionally be seen when blending between textures on planet surfaces.
[*]Fix implemented for sections of the planet surface disappearing when flying low to the ground.
[*]Fix implemented for black triangles that could appear on planet surfaces when the Camera Suite cameras were positioned close by to it.

[*]Fix implemented for flickering and jagged looking shadows on multiple objects, including the SRV c*ckpit glass.
[*]Fix implemented for glass materials on weapons not rendering in the correct FOV, meaning they could appear offset from the model.
[*]Fix implemented for the glass on plasma weapons, so it will now render correctly when directly lit.
[*]Improvements to multiple decals/impact effects including:
[*]Buggy tyre tracks
[*]Laser trais
[*]Large explosion marks
[*]Items, weapons and accessories will now also fade along with your Commander model if another Commander stands within close range of your Commander model in social spaces.
[*]Did I make any sense at all? It's getting late...
[*]Improvements and fixes made to mining decals/impact effects on asteroids.
[*]Fixes implemented for the ship c*ckpit glass so that dirt, ice and condensation are more visible.
[*]Re-balances for c*ckpit glass dirt and scratches have been made.
[*]These effects have been re-connected to the wear and tear of the ship.
[*]Increased the depth of room clip volume checks to prevent objects in distant rooms sometimes being erroneously hidden.
[*]Depth of field/Draw distance stuff. So you can see things from further way, for example.

[*]Fixed an issue that prevented combat bonds and bounty vouchers from being awarded to team members after they have boarded another player's vessel.
[*]Fixed a Black Adder disconnect when boarding an SRV after another team member disembarks from it.
[*]Fixed an infrequent Scarlet Krait error when controlling a team member's fighter.
[*]Fixed an internal server error when fetching journal data from the companion API.
Well...that's one heck of a snake clear out at least!

Settlements (Odyssey)
[*]Fix for recharge points being in the wrong position on a terminal at smaller research settlements.
[*]Workspace lab holograms will now correctly turn off when the settlement loses power.
[*]The anti-ship turret platform should no longer have rocks clipping through it.
[*]Fix for some landing pad details disappearing at certain distances.
[*]Fix for a flickering effects on a glass windows at Engineer Bases.

Settlements (Horizons)
[*]Fix implemented for materials sometimes spawning under the ground at Dav's Hope.
[*]Fixes implemented for various clipping and floating objects in various settlements.
[*]Fixes implemented for overlapping/clipping objects at various settlements.
[*]Fix implemented for tower bases clipping with terrain.
[*]Fix implemented for gas tank hitcheck and stretched textures at Industrial settlements.
[*]Basically these tanks will now be solid objects and look...well...pretty. For gas tanks...
[*]Fix for backface culling and LODs on multiple container props.
[*]Container “Glow-up”, basically. Again, Containers really are looking their best right now. You go, Containers!
[*]Fix implemented for an incorrect collision mesh with ladders at certain settlements.
[*]You could walk through ladders. You only really want to climb them so that was wrong.
[*]Fix for backface culling found on some Horizons biodomes.
[*]Same as containers, Horizons biodomes are looking fancy right now.
[*]Fix implemented for a number of hitcheck and alignment issues at an abandoned settlements.
[*]Really clamping down on players being able to walk through objects.
[*]Fix implemented for some floating vents on wrecked Anacondas.
[*]Fix implemented for backface culling on wrecked objects in some Horizons site locations.
[*]Fixes for multiple pieces of geometry at Horizons settlements.
[*]Visual improvement to ground materials at Thargoid sites.
[*]Fix implemented for some floating rocks at the Jameson crash site.
[*]Fix implemented to address some visible artefacts seen on some installation sites.
[*]These are like...what could be described as pixellation.
[*]Hitcheck fix on Thargoid barnacle.
[*]Can't walk through barnacles.

[*]Fixed a Black Adder error when docking a fighter when the ship's owner is controlling another fighter.
[*]Weapons with a non-legacy plasma slug modification no longer retain premium ammo benefits after refuelling.
[*]Beluga Camera Suite cameras will no longer clip into hangar walls.
[*]Corvette cameras as part of the Camera Suite will no longer clip through hangar walls.
[*]Fix implemented for the Railgun 2B and a variety of smaller weapons from not being able to fire when equipped on certain hardpoints.
[*]Fix implemented to the physics of the Imperial Clipper landing gear.
[*]No more weird movements or similar from that guy.
[*]The communications panel in the SRV should now overlap with the schematic UI less.

[*]Corrected an issue where the AI trainer ship attempts to dock instead of carrying out his scripted task.
[*]Rebel! Do as you're told!
[*]Reduced the likelihood of Dylan getting mad at you for looting when picking up consumables.
[*]I hear he's under a bit of pressure these days. I'm sure he'll be ok.
[*]Removed the ability to disembark inside inappropriate tutorial stations
Final Stretch...

[*]Fixed the interdiction UI not being visible.
[*]Suit HUD: Added a new wheel to select emotes.
[*]Suit HUD: Fixed top right objectives display so it no longer has blank space on mission objectives.
[*]Station Services: Hiding the main content of the UI when the loading spinner is being displayed.
[*]This makes sure the spinner will appear over an empty UI when the player's ship is being transferred to the hangar after choosing the Outfitting/Livery options.
[*]Livery: Amended the timing of when standby audio events are fired off to better match the appearance and disappearance of the loading spinner.
[*]Transfer Panel - Fixed an issue whereby if there was no image to display, it would use the last used one (often the player's ship).
[*]Comms Panel: Fixed a variety of issues, including side panel focusing issues, icon alignment and formatting and layout issues when opening and closing some side panels.
[*]Comms Panel: Fixed an issue where opening the comms panel when using the quickcomms option would cause some layout problems.
[*]Backpack: Added descriptions and titles to the empty states for the different sections.
[*]Odyssey Engineers: Added pin blueprint functionality
[*]Bartender: Added a pin icon for resources needed for pinned blueprints.
[*]Map Bookmarks: After editing or deleting a bookmark in the manager popup, the focus will remain on the position in the list instead of reverting to the first button.
[*]Map Bookmarks: Fixed an issue where the numbers for bookmarks being sent to the UI were incorrect.
[*]Map Bookmarks: Fixed an issue where player and squadron bookmarks weren't counted together in some instances.
[*]Horizons Engineers: Fixed an incorrect mission audio sound when opening the modules pop-up.
[*]Role Panel: Fixed an issue related to the panel triggering the wrong audio events.
[*]Item Wheel: Updated the way the ItemWheel UI handles resizing images so that we can have larger images for Emotes as they do not have item counts.
[*]Mission Board: Improved formatting for missions with long titles.
[*]c*ckpit: Added in-world Capture Points marker for on foot Conflict Zones
[*]Codex: Fixed an issue where the middle segment of the archive screen could not be navigated to by controller or keyboard.
[*]Mission Board: Fixed the planetary icon so it no longer overlaps the superpower icon.


Known Issues:
Please remember that it's impossible for me to list out every issue currently known and open in Elite Dangerous, however I'd like to share a few of the heavy hitters which hopefully help with any concerns from recent reports. We will of course continue to work through additional feedback and legacy issues moving forward where possible.
[*]Issues with Atmospheric Lighting:
[*]We've heard your reports on issues around Atmospheric Lighting, namely those included in the following Issue Tracker report: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/42691
[*]Internal investigation is ongoing.
[*]During on-foot combat at a conflict zone settlement, the player camera visibly recoils and shakes when taking damage (i.e. taking fire from enemy gunfire, grenade blasts) however sometimes this camera shaking continues after taking said damage, and becomes quite aggressive and uncontrollable.
[*]The c*ckpit of the Python does not show cracked glass and iced over effects at the moment.
[*]A Crash occurs when opening an inbox message from Professor Palin.
[*]This will affect those switching between Horizons and Odyssey / opening Odyssey mission contracts in Horizons.
[*]High priority to address and under investigation. Will update on progress asap.
[*]Commanders should be able to kick other players out of their Wing/Team, and currently cannot.
[*]Starting Frameshift makes the game freeze/lock (Horizons reported).
[*]This doesn't happen all of the time, but we want to acknowledge that we're aware it does happen and it's internally logged and being investigated at earliest convenience.
[*]Players are taking multiple of the same mission to a destination and are sometimes hitting an error. This is under investigation.
[*]Naming Bookmarks On Creation In The System Map Does Not currently Work
[*]When navigating into the System Map and selecting a location to bookmark (i.e. a settlement, planet, starport etc.) you are given the option to name the bookmark before confirming its creation. Despite entering a custom name into the field however, after confirming it a UI prompt appears displaying the location's default name (e.g. the name of the settlement) rather than the custom name you just entered.
[*]Rarity of Settlement Defence Plans.
[*]Still very much known and tracked.
[*]Thermal conduit too strong and gives incorrect damage increase.
[*]Still under internal investigation and tracked.
[*]Planets and Moons orbit lines not visible in the FSS when in VR.
[*]Still under internal investigation and tracked.
[*]Parts of the first person UI are visible when in the Camera Suite free cam, while in the 2nd or 3rd seat of a Type-10.


As always, thank you for being...you. We'll keep you updated across the forums and all social channels as to when the release of updates today shall fall.
Here as usual keeping a watchful eye, but will be needed on the other side of the curtain quite heavily in the build up to the updates going live.

o7 Commanders.
See you in the Updates.
Greetings Commanders.

Welcoming in today an update to Elite Dangerous: Horizons for Console Players, to tackle a couple of issues that fell out of the recent update, alongside Odyssey Update 7.

Servers will flick offline at approximately 10:00 UTC / 11:00 BST (give or take several minutes) and will be expected to be down for no longer than 10 minutes for the update to deploy.


Updates Of Note:
[*]A fix has been implemented for engineered weapons dealing extreme amounts of damage.
[*]Console players can no longer go Supersize for an extra 'X credits' (McDonald's references? Come on, Sally...).
[*]Other issues with values/damage multipliers across regular weapons have also been addressed.
[*]A fix has been implemented to address an issue whereby extremely large value combat bonds would be displayed incorrectly, preventing hand-in.
[*]This issue actually looked more like you were being swindled by Interstellar Factors for an overinflated number of credits. This was actually an issue with how the game was choking a bit on really high numbers.
[*]Top bounties now display correctly in each system.
[*]No more 'fake news' with crime stats.
[*]Improvements have been made to material fragments when they are mined from deposits.
[*]This will reduce the likelihood of fragments getting stuck inside asteroids.
[*]Fix for a server crash.
[*]Again, one of those infamous blips which in 'server land' definitely aren't random, but they're a bit complex to run through in the notes here.

If you don't see your issue in these notes but you have had acknowledgement of it through conversations in the forums, please know that it's not being ignored - it just isn't in the notes because more time is needed to investigate and address.
(Need to preserve a little time in the day to ease off answering those particular queries, but updates will come proactively when more info on progress is known).


General Progress Recap:
Still very much working hard to see where issues lie in Horizons across all platforms and Odyssey.
Issues with Fleet Carriers (functionality and problems with the UI) are getting a thorough
seeing to internally, along with other issues noted outside of this like missing session logs and archives.
As I've mentioned a few times and as I hope you can tell from discussions across the forums, there are many issues coming through comments and direct which I appreciate you would all like an update on individually. We'll do our best to cover as many as possible where we can.

o7 Commanders and thank you once again for your continued support.
Greetings Commanders!

Ok, full system checks, throttle...working, view is nice. Things are looking good so let's go:


At Approximately 13:00 BST (12:00 UTC)
'Servers will be offline in one hour' warning deployed ✅

At Approximately 14:00 BST (13:00 UTC)
Servers will be offline for ALL PLATFORMS (Consoles and PC) ✅

At Approximately 15:00 BST (14:00 UTC)
Update 8 for Odyssey and the Horizons Update will be available to download and then play.


To recap on the notes and conversation so far, if you've not already had the chance to look over things as they currently stand, we have:

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 8 Notes HERE.
Elite Dangerous: Horizons Update Notes HERE.


Please remember that not all servers will spool up at the same time, on the nose of 15:00 BST. Everything needs to wake up at a healthy pace with one another, so there may be a little turbulence here and there at that time.

We'll be here watching and joining you for the journey, of course o7

So then! Let's go!!!
Greetings Commanders.

Thanks for all of the discussion today following the release of Update 9 for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.

There are naturally many of you wondering what I've been doing with the conversations we've been having throughout the day, so just to summarise things here's a current list of 'Issues of Note' under internal investigation right now.

These issues are currently in internal investigation phase, so I cannot provide an ETA of addressing currently or fix schedule. We'll keep you posted on any specific developments.

PLEASE REMEMBER: These issues in the below list do not negate other issues reported. These ones either immediately impact gameplay following Update 9 or are previously reported issues which require a further look into, to see why they remain in game following the update, after having had some prior attention.

For other information regarding general known issues outside of Update 9, you can refer to the Odyssey Update 9 Known Issues List (at the bottom of the post), Horizons Known Issues List (at the bottom of the post) and of course the most recent Tracker Top Issues thread here.


Issues Of Note:
[*]Firegroups cleared and trouble with firegroup modification.
[*]Many players experienced a reset of their firegroups.
[*]Some experienced issues with modifying them.
[*]Scanning Biologicals seems to be a little broken for several players. Examples being.
[*]Many players are experiencing the inability to scan biologicals any more than 3 times, tops.
[*]Some Commanders are reporting being able to scan some biologicals, but not others (thank you to those who have specified which! For example "I've been able to scan Aleoida and Stratum, but not Tussock".
[*]Unable to replenish missile ammo for The Scorpion.
[*]Says it on the tin with this one. The team are aware and investigating.
[*]Broken Shipyards. Numerous Issues, including.
[*]Shipyard fails to open at stations with stored ships (timeout on loading).
[*]Ship skins (on other player’s ships) are still not visible when using the camera suite.
[*]Further investigation required to see why this issue remains present in game.
[*]Outfitting cameras appearing incorrectly placed for the Scorpion.
[*]Front, Right, and Left decal cameras are aiming a little incorrectly.
[*]May sound like a more minor issue than most, but the team have this as part of their issue investigations too.


Thank you all for your constructive contribution with reporting these immediate issues.
Once again, please remember that this list doesn't invalidate any other "lesser heard issues". Everything is valuable and we'll do all we can to continue closely monitoring your reports and experiences.

o7 Commanders.
Greetings Commanders, hope you're doing well this fine Wednesday.

So first up, apologies that this may be coming in a little on the late side following your reports from the end of last week, but after catching up today and with further discussion held, I'm here with some clarity on the issue you've been facing with attempts to modify the newly rewarded FSD module as part of a recent Community Goal.

To recap the discussion:
Lots of discussion and confusion around since the release of the CG FSD last week, with many of you attempting to modify/apply experimentals once aquired, only to find you were hitting a 'server error'.

Some clarification:
I can confirm that it is by design that pre-engineered modules cannot be further modified.
As this FSD is a pre-engineered, this falls into the 'cannot further modify/add experimentals category of module.

The Issue ("Server Error"):
There's really no other way for me to word this, other than with raw honesty right now but - we absolutely see that by simply displaying 'Server Error' is not a clear indication that you are unable to further modify pre-engineered modules.
Displaying 'Server Error' only makes things look as though you can further modify the module because the option is available for you to do so, but you can't because to you it looks as though 'something is broken regarding the server'.

While I know this will come as highly frustrating news for many of you, the team have this morning established a priority action plan to address the messaging of this to be clear, as we move toward Update 9. These action points include (but are not limited to, where other options may become available from here on through development toward U9):
[*]Players will be prevented from selecting pre-engineered modules for further modification (button greyed out + message in the module selection popup).
[*]The proposal of specific indicatation through new iconography, to show which modules are pre-engineered and cannot be further modified or take experimental effect, so that Commanders know in advance of putting all their efforts and hard work into achieving a pre-engineered module which cannot be further modified/tinkered with.
Again, our sincere apologies for the confusion on this - the team have had a really good discussion as I say, this morning, so we can further futureproof against the current scenario you've been experiencing.

Very best as always.
See you in the Black o7
Greetings Commanders,  

As we reach the end of another month, we are delighted to share the latest development progress from the team.

Last week saw the release of Odyssey Update 7 which brings big changes to Conflict Zones such as anti-air defences, rocket troopers, and dogfighting. If you missed last month’s Development Update, you can check out the turrets in action here or you can jump into Odyssey right now to try it for yourself!

Issue Watch
We’ve had a lot of feedback since our August post and have been hard at work tackling your most pressing issues: not just from the Issue Tracker, but from all corners of our community. We’re pleased to report that with Update 7 we tackled a number of pertinent bugs and those issues have now been closed on the tracker.

You can see Update 7’s full release notes here for more information.

To kick things off, we would like to update you on the key issues as voted for by our community on the Issue Tracker. Remember, you can visit the Issue Tracker any time to vote for your top issues or make a report. 

1. FPS performance in Odyssey 

With the bulk of our navmesh optimisations now in place with Update 7, alongside a number of other changes, our code team is now looking at further optimisations with an immediate focus on lighting, slated for release in Update 8. Further work is also underway for Update 9. 

2. Anti-Aliasing on Foot

In Update 7 we improved anti-aliasing on planetary terrain in close-up. Further improvements will arrive in Update 8 and we will be looking at other areas for improvement in future updates.

3. FPS stuttering at on-foot settlements, apparent after Update 5

We have identified further improvements to the navmesh to be made in Update 8 which we believe will substantially improve instances of stuttering upon disembarking at a settlement.

4. Ship-Launched Fighter Potential Exploit

We made changes to address this issue for Horizons in this month’s 3.8.5 release. We’re pleased to confirm these will be coming to Odyssey in Update 8.

Additionally, we hope to address a number of other issues in our Update 8 development. Keep an eye on our channels for regular updates!

Upcoming Updates and Content 
Please note: These are at varying stages of progress. This is not an exhaustive list of everything that is being considered. They are not final, so they are subject to change. We will keep you updated with news and details as they progress, and we expect the content to release over the coming few updates. With that said, here’s a look at just some of the features and content in consideration, to go alongside the other development work required for future updates. 

Update 8
The team have been incredibly busy working not only on optimisations and fixes but to bring new and exciting content to Odyssey. You can see a preview of some of the features slated to release in Update 8 below:


You asked for them! Update 8 will bring a new way to not only express yourself, but also physically communicate with a series of emotes coming to the game. The full set features the following emotes: Wave, Applaud, Point, Agree, Disagree, Stop, Go and of course Salute. These emotes are context sensitive so can be directed towards fellow Commanders. The ‘point’ emote will also provide in-world makers to highlight points of interest/objectives to other Commanders in your Team.

Let us know in the comments what you think of these new emotes!

Four-Player Multicrew
As mentioned in Development Update 3, we are pleased to confirm that the following ships will all receive an extra seat to enable four Commanders to board them: Anaconda, Beluga Liner, Federal Corvette, Imperial Cutter, Type 9, Type 10, and the Alliance Crusader.

Odyssey Engineers in Colonia
For those far from the bubble in Colonia, the release of Update 8 will add four new Engineers for Commanders to visit, offering various ways to enhance your weapons and suits.

Megaship Interiors
With Update 8, Megaships will receive interiors for Commanders to visit once they have docked. These interiors will offer various services that can be found on stations such as Vista Genomics and Frontline Solutions. Rescue Megaships will not feature interiors at this time.

Horizons Cosmetics in Odyssey
We’re pleased to confirm that this work is now complete! From Update 8 you will be able to use your flight suit cosmetics with Odyssey’s suits.

[ATTACH type="full" width="629px" alt="MicrosoftTeams-image (5).png"]265476[/ATTACH][ATTACH type="full" width="614px" alt="MicrosoftTeams-image (6).png"]265477[/ATTACH]

Mission Additions and Improvements
Missions in Odyssey will receive additional features in Update 8. These include hostile agents attempting to intercept you while en-route, contacts you can meet at settlements, and NPCs attempting to use shuttles to flee to Hyperspace!

Content In Future Updates
We are pleased to announce the following features are currently in development and will be released in updates beyond Update 8:

Twin-Seat Combat SRV
We’re thrilled to announce that a new twin-seat combat SRV is in advanced development! A full reveal including a deep-dive into its features and capabilities can be expected closer to release.

Further Mission Additions and Improvements
We also have exciting plans to further extend Odyssey’s mission set. This will add further mission variety and elements, making the gameplay experience much more dynamic.

Fleet Carrier Interiors
Following the incredible reception to the announcement of Megaship interiors, we are delighted to confirm Fleet Carrier Interiors will be coming to Odyssey in the coming months! You can expect more details on these very soon.

We hope that this update has given you plenty to be excited about as bring new and exciting experiences to the Elite galaxy. What we’ve shared today is just a snapshot of what we’re working on and more details will come on all of the above in future monthly development updates and across our other channels! 

Thank you as always for your continued feedback and support. 

Greetings Commanders.

Regarding the latest post on addressing confusion around the inability to add further modification/experimentals to the latest CG FSD reward: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/elite-dangerous-community-goal-fsd-reward-and-modification-application-of-experimentals.593774/

I thought this information below would be better in a new post for you, just incase this statement got drowned out in the original post.

I can absolutely confirm from all sides that:
Any future improvements made to in game UI clarification of the inability to not further modify/add experimentals to pre-modified module rewards, will not negate any previous modifications/added experimentals you have to currently owned reward modules already acquired.

To be double clear,
you will not be able to add experimentals on the new CG FSD reward from the latest CG.

I'd also like to add that we are not stating that all future reward modules will not be able to accommodate applied experimentals.
We just need to be clear with which are able to and which aren't. This is all in heavy discussion and noted.

Moving forward on this issue:
It goes without saying that conversations had from today have left us with more to discuss internally as to how we handle your interactions and expectations with reward modules.
I know at first I mentioned that we would aim to fix the In-game UI indication of whether a reward module could be further "tweaked" or not as an aim for Update 9, but the experience as a whole needs deeper rework based off feedback gathered and discussed today, so I can no longer confidently say that timeframe is possible (of course, we'll keep you updated as we go).

We will do what we can to make it clear if a reward is able to be tweaked or not by other means still in discussion (watch our..spaces).

The positive I want us to take from this though is that we have this all flagged up with all of your feedback and we will keep you in the loop with developments as we move forward on plans and discussions ahead around the matter.

Again, my apologies for the confusion and any frustration caused.
Greetings Commanders!

As we're at the start of a new week, let's look ahead to what the Elite Dangerous galaxy holds for us in the coming days:

Community Highlights:
Bruce & Zac will be sharing the best bits from the Elite Dangerous community this Tuesday.

Stellar Screenshots: The competition rolls on as we approach the end of the year, there's still a chance to get your shots in this year's Hall of Fame!

Odyssey Missions Stream:
Arthur & Sally will be taking on some more Odyssey missions on stream this week!

Community Goal: Make sure to set aside some time to dive into Elite this Thursday!

Commander Creations:
From artwork to videos, we love to see your creations! Make sure to submit your latest #CommanderCreations by Friday for a chance to be featured.

See you in the week, Commanders!

Greetings Commanders!

What a week, eh? It's time to sit back and relax as we roll into the weekend with the latest of your Commander Creations.

'But I Like This' By Brightened Gold

We don't usually post memes in Commander Creations but this one by Brightened Gold was simply too good to ignore. The references, the Scorpion, the tie ins to our Elite Sports show. Love it!

Alternate Scorpion Trailer By Galnet News Digest


Galnet News Digest have released their own in-universe parody version of our brand new Scorpion trailer, and let's just say some of the jokes hit us a bit hard, but we'll laugh along with you. The Scorpion does indeed jump like a brick, but that adds to its charm.

Elite Glass Pane By Kirito2420

Reddit user Kirito2420 has done a wonderful job of transferring the Elite logo onto this glass pane! This would make a fantastic desk decoration in the studio - maybe I'll drop them a quick message...

Call To Arms By J-Dog


This well put together video from J-Dog is a voice recording of their motivational Anti-Thargoid speech! It's certainly one worth listening to if you're about to head to the nebulae systems and do some damage. Remember, everything within is fan-fiction and you don't have to agree with it!

That's all for this week folks,

Ho ho ho7 Commanders!

Season's greetings to you all, and you know what season it is! It's that time of the year where the marvelously festive Elite Dangerous cosmetics make their reappearance in the Store! Not only can you wrap up your ship in a festive delight of a paintjob, you can also fill your proverbial stockings with in-c*ckpit customisation options from Santa Claus bobbleheads to festive lights!

Check out some examples below:

There are plenty of variations to the Festive paintjob (which comes in at 2220 ARX), including different colourways and a choice of ships to apply it to!

Bobbleheads available for 6470 ARX:

[*]Snowflake Bobblehead
[*]Santa Claus Bobblehead
[*]Christmas Tree Bobblehead
[*]Snowman Bobblehead
[*]Candle Ornament
[*]Cosy Fireplace Ornament
[*]Festive Gifts Ornament

These items are available on the Store now until the 10th of January 2022!


Similarly to last year, we'll also be kicking off our Festive Countdown very soon, so keep an eye out next week for more details on what will be available throughout the month.

Have a great weekend Commanders,



Store link: https://dlc.elitedangerous.com/
Greetings Commanders.

A short but important note for you this early evening to let you know that we're working with the intent to deploy a number of fixes for both Odyssey and Horizons players on all platforms on Monday December 13, to address some of your current high priorty issues that have arisen from the most recent updates.

Full update notes and expected release timeline will be available on Monday ahead of deployment, so watch this space.

Thank you for your continued patience, Commanders o7

See you Monday.
Greetings Commanders!

Let's take a look at what the week ahead has in store for us in the latest community schedule:

Supercruise News #49:
Bruce & Zac will be sharing the latest development insights, as well as the best bits from the community!

Stellar Screenshots: Found a planet you just can't get enough of? Got a new paintjob for your favourite ship? Why not show them off in our weekly photography competition?

Odyssey Open Play:
Chaos will likely ensue as we embark on another venture into the open galaxy of Elite Dangerous this Thursday!

Community Goal: Prepare for a new CG to kick off this Thursday, more details later this week!

Commander Creations:
We love to end the week by sharing the fantastic creativity of our Commanders, so get your #CommanderCreations submitted by Friday!


Odyssey Update 8

Our next update for Odyssey (Update 8) has been moved to next week as we polish the various bugfixes and new content. Details of that update can be found in our latest Development Update post.

See you in the week Commanders,

Greetings Commanders o7

It was reported yesterday that Thargoid Combat Bonds were capping at 20 million credits, despite values displaying otherwise .
The team are set to deploy a fix for this issue today, but in order to do so the Elite Dangerous: Horizons servers for all platforms will need to come offline for approximately 5 minutes. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey players will not be affected.
The fix will be applied to both PC and Console versions of the game.

Servers scheduled to go offline at approximately 16:00 BST (15:00 UTC)
Approximate Server Downtime: A matter of minutes (Let's say...2-5 minutes just in case)


As usual following any major update to Elite Dangerous, thank you so, so much for the feedback and reports here in the Forums.

A few issues captured I will mention from the magic notebook (primarily for Odyssey at this moment but thought you might be interested) are:
[*]Investigations into Colonia Engineer progression issues.
[*]Larceny missions failing to give correct/any rewards.
[*]Facilities list in System Map is appearing blank (Horizons Console).
[*]Some odd behaviour with reactivation, massacre, restore missions not completing for Commanders.
[*]Looking into other issues around missions in general, including ship rewards for on foot missions queries.
[*]Wild camera shake during on foot AND Thargoid combat (I know it's scary sometimes, but jeez...)
[*]Delayed loading of stations (pop!)
[*]Strange behaviour around Unrestricted Access areas acting Restricted.
[*]"Backward Engine Trails" (Elite...I love you but why?)
Forgive me if I don't list everything on the plate right now, this isn't me claiming that this is "THE list of issues in Elite Dangerous", don't worry, I just wanted to add a few top layer ones to sprinkle a little reassurance of listening, amidst the wild ride of keeping track with Forum comments.


Odyssey Performance:
As a closing note! We'd also like to thank you all for your latest feedback on performance in Odyssey following Update 8. You've all been reporting things so constructively (including videos along with your system specs without me even asking!) which is massively appreciated, all things considered. You're never expected to go to the lengths you are doing, but many of you do - so thank you o7

It's been great to see those of you reporting major improvements but of course we are still absolutely continuing to note and dig into the remaining instances of performance issues when flagged.


Have a great day, Commanders o7
See you in the Forums.
Also the black.
Greetings Commanders,

Spooky season is here and with it the end of another month in our Earth-based calendar. As such, we are delighted to share with you the latest development progress from the team.

This week saw the release of Odyssey Update 8. This brought a number of new and exciting features into our galaxy, ranging from emotes and four-player multicrew to new social spaces in Megaships. We’ve been elated watching Commanders coming together to experience everything that Odyssey has to offer. If you would like to see some of the highlights from Update 8 you can watch our highlights video here.

As Update 8 has just arrived, we won’t be doing an issue breakdown as part of this post. Instead, you’ll be able to find more as Update 9 work progresses through our Supercruise News livestreams in November. That said, we want to provide you with some detailed insight on our optimisations for game performance, a number of which have arrived in Update 8 with more still to come.

Performance Optimisation

Engineers all across the team, from render, to AI, to low-level game systems, have been working hard on optimisation. As part of Update 8, extensive work has been carried out on Odyssey’s light and shadows, improvements to glass, skin, and particles, along with high-level rendering optimisations and further improvements to the Navmesh. These have delivered significant performance improvements to the on-foot experience in a number of areas. We have tested a number of different hardware configurations, and while not every system is identical, we have seen strong improvements across the board in areas such as planet port social spaces and planet surfaces more widely. That however is not to say our work is done.

Update 9 will see further improvement with optimisation already well underway for character animation, mid-far distance planet rendering, lighting, scatter rocks, object physics, AI and character models and much more, contributing to an ever better Odyssey experience.

Upcoming Updates and Content

Please note: These are at varying stages of progress. This is not an exhaustive list of everything that is being considered or currently being developed. They are not final, so they are subject to change. We will keep you updated with news and details as they progress. With that said, here’s a look at just some of the features and content in consideration, to go alongside the other development work required for future updates.

Update 9

The team have been incredibly busy working not only on optimisation and fixes, but to bring new and exciting content to Odyssey. You can see a preview of some of the features slated for release in Update 9 below.

Twin-Seat Combat SRV

We are making fantastic strides towards releasing our new SRV and we’re almost ready for our full reveal. Stay tuned to our channels for more details and in the meantime we hope you enjoy the small teaser below…

[ATTACH type="full"]271683[/ATTACH]

Further Mission Additions and Improvements

We continue to expand player missions and their complexity, striving to make each mission more diverse and dynamic. As we previously mentioned we are continuing to work on this, below are just some of the examples of what mission features we will be adding for Update 9. Please remember this is only a snapshot of we have planned and will of course share more with you in the future!

Mission Contacts at POIs

Similar to the mission contacts recently added in Update 8, we'll also be adding new scenarios and related missions to help or meet individuals outside of the confines of settlements. Some of these individuals might need the player's help to get their ship running, or may be waiting for a courier to complete the next step of a sensitive delivery. Sometimes you may find you are just in time to save them from opportunistic raiders.

Settlement Mission-Providers

As we have in social spaces, some of the inhabitants at a settlement may also have requests they can make of the player. These missions are a lot more personal and will be granted by actual inhabitants who you visit again later to complete the mission.

Multi Limpet Controller

The multi limpet controller is a new module that works in addition to existing limpet controllers, allowing players to deploy multiple limpet types using a single module slot. This new controller is not intended to replace the existing dedicated limpet controllers and will be balanced against these within the game, allowing basic use of multiple limpet types without a dedicated slot for each.

After Update 9

Fleet Carrier Interiors

[ATTACH type="full"]271684[/ATTACH]

We previously announced that we are bringing interiors to Fleet Carriers just as we did for Megaships in Update 8. As you might imagine, this poses a greater challenge due to a number of variables. These include allowing players to transport multiple other Commanders and their ships while existing in the same social space. We are pleased to say that we are making strong progress towards this and more details can be seen below.

Fleet Carrier interiors will reflect some of the existing services you choose to add to your carrier. For example, adding a Shipyard will add the ability for players to buy ships while on foot.

New optional services will be available to carrier owners. We’ll share more on these closer to launch.

Fleet Carrier interiors will feature escape pods, meaning that any player stranded aboard another Commander’s carrier will be able to abandon ship.

Commanders will be able to experience a hyperspace jump seated inside a carrier and enjoy the view!

Further details will be announced soon - we hope you will join us for a very special VIP Fleet Carrier tour in December!


We’re pleased to see you getting involved and enjoying the current ongoing narrative around the Azimuth Saga. Without giving anything away, we have a lot more planned for 2022!

More to Come!

We hope you’re enjoying four-player multicrew and Megaship interiors from Update 8, and looking forward to pairing up in the new SRV come Update 9. As always, this is just a small look at some of the content that’s on its way and you can expect further mentions of bug fixes, performance improvements, plus new content in January 2022.

Thank you as always for your continued feedback and support.

~ The Elite Dangerous Team
Greetings Commanders.

Following very recent discussions had around modification issues with the latest Community Goal FSD reward (https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/elite-dangerous-fsd-reward-issues-remodifications-experimentals-follow-up.593785/page-22#post-9613457), I'm here to share the following update on developments since issues arose and imminent action to follow this evening:

FSD modules from the Phase 2 Colonia Bridge Community Goal will allow Experimental Effects to be applied to them for both Odyssey & Horizons Commanders.

The deployment to enable this action comes with two caveats:
[*]Commanders currently online will need to log out to the main menu and back in again before a sudden game client error that will appear (reported as a station services server error) goes away, once this deployment has been made.
[*]Commanders who use engineering to apply a Experimental Effect will see in their UI that their level 5 double-engineered module gets reset down to level 1 or 2 of a normal engineering mod.
[*]This is a cosmetic issue and goes away when you relog to the main menu again for the game to read changes in the server's database.
[*]Please be careful to not try to use normal engineering on your frame shift drives, as you risk permanently losing their unique nature.

On hand to read continued thoughts and feedback.
Thank you all for the conversation previously on the matter and once again, apologies for frustration and inconveniences caused.

o7 Commanders.
Greetings Commanders!

As promised in last Friday's post, the Elite Dangerous Festive Countdown returns for another year!

Free ARX

Over the next 12 days (until the 25th December 2021), you'll receive free ARX just for logging in to the game!

Golden & Chromed Paintjobs

We'll also be releasing Golden and Chromed paintjobs on the Store, with new ships becoming available each day! There will be new paintjobs up until the 25th December, and those paintjobs will remain on the store for purchase until the 10th January 2022! Let's take a look at a couple of examples of today's paintjobs:

As of 12PM today, the Gold and Chromed paintjobs are available for:
[*]Alliance Crusader
[*]Federal Gunship
[*]Federal Fighter

Have a Happy Holidays, Commanders!



Store link: https://dlc.elitedangerous.com/
Greetings Commanders!

This is likely to be the last full Community Schedule of the year, so let's take one last look at the week ahead, shall we?

Elite Dangerous Patch: We're aiming to deploy a patch later today to address some of the issues discovered since the launch of Odyssey Update 9 and the recent patch to Horizons. This will apply to all platforms.

Festive Countdown Begins: The Elite Festive Countdown is underway! From today, you can receive free ARX just by logging into the game!

Supercruise News #53:
We'll be taking a look at the Scorpion SRV and chatting to some of the developers that worked on the new machine on the final Supercruise News show of the year.

Stellar Screenshots:
It's your last chance of the year to submit and win Stellar Screenshots! There's always hot competition but we expect to see some fantastic entries this time round, maybe a few new atmospheric lighting shots?

Christmas Stream:
Thursday will be our last show of the year, and we're looking to celebrate with you all in a fun Christmas stream, where we'll also be talking more about Fleet Carrier Interiors.

Commander Creations:
The final instalment of this year's Commander Creations takes place on Friday! It's been a fantastic year of creativity from you all, and I look forward to seeing what's in store this week.

Private Elite Virtual Meetup: For those of you who purchased a ticket for our in-person charity meetup, we'll be hosting a virtual meetup in its place this Friday due to the new COVID-19 restrictions. The main meetup will still be going ahead next year, but we wanted to do something this side of the break too! If you're eligible, you'll be receiving more information on how to join soon.



Where are my Elite Sports rewards?

Anyone who submitted a valid stunt should now have the paintjobs in their account! Message me if that is not the case please!

When is the Elite Dangerous patch?
We're currently aiming for late afternoon for today's patch, we'll let you know when we have a more concrete time.

Do you have any information on Odyssey on consoles?
There currently isn't any new information to share in terms of Odyssey on consoles. We hear you, as soon as we do have something worth sharing with you, we will. At the moment, work is focused on PC optimisation.

If I purchase a ticket for the community meetup, will I be able to attend the private virtual meetup too?
Yes, if you purchase a ticket, we'll do our best to give you access to the virtual meetup.

How do I access the virtual meetup?
This will likely be via a Zoom video call, which we will invite you to via a link in the next few days.

Do the Festive Countdown ARX Rewards stack?
No, you will have to log in to the game each day to claim that day's reward.

When is the next Development Update post?
You can expect the next Elite Development Update in the new year.

Where is the Community Calendar?
It's close! The calendar is now in the final stages of development and testing and we're excited to get it in your hands soon.

Can Monday be '(insert random person here) Appreciation Day' on the schedule?
HA! We have things happening on Monday today - so definitely no appreciation day.


Today's Patch & Known Issues

We're aiming to deploy a patch later this afternoon to address some of the high priority issues discovered since the launch of Update 9 - as a reminder here are the known issues from last Friday:

[*]Firegroups cleared and trouble with firegroup modification.
[*]Many players experienced a reset of their firegroups.
[*]Some experienced issues with modifying them.
[*]Scanning Biologicals seems to be a little broken for several players.
[*]Unable to replenish missile ammo for the Scorpion.
[*]Issues with Shipyards
[*]Ship skins (on other player’s ships) are still not visible when using the camera suite.
[*]Further investigation required to see why this issue remains present in game.
[*]Outfitting cameras appearing incorrectly placed for the Scorpion.
[*]Front, Right, and Left decal cameras are aiming a little incorrectly.


We'll bring you the patch notes for today's fixes as soon as we can - and we'll let you know ahead of time when the patch will take place, so keep an eye on the forums/socials.


Heavy Duty Multi Limpet Controllers

Turns out those Multi Limpet Controllers may have been slightly on the heavier side, eh? We've heard your feedback on this, and the team are currently working on adjusting the weight of them, so that you can place them in your smaller ships and actually be able to take off.

The Scorpion's First Days

A lot of you (myself included) have been getting your hands on the Scorpion for the first time, and it's been a wild ride! Particularly of note, we've seen a lot of you praising the handling of the Scorpion, which is certainly designed to be a slower, more robust vehicle than the Scarab. Less time focusing on driving, more on inflicting doom on the enemy, right? On the note of inflicting doom, aside from the current issue with missile ammo replenishment, I've also seen many of you mention the initial spread on the Surge Repeater. I've fed this back to the design team, and we'll monitor for a little while.

It will be interesting to see where the Scorpion falls in terms of its general use by Commanders, and what jobs you opt to take the Scorpion for instead of the Scarab - we've already noted that it seems to a useful tool for gathering certain materials as well as it's combat prowess, especially against ships. As always, we're open to feedback, and are able to make changes if we feel they are necessary based on your response!

The Holiday Season Is Here!

We're finally on the countdown to the Holidays, and however you choose to celebrate, there's certainly a reason to log in to Elite! Today kicks off our Festive Countdown, which rewards you with free ARX daily, and there'll be Chromed and Golden paintjobs appearing on the store throughout the run up to Christmas. You can read more details on that here.

You can also acquire some festive decorations for your c*ckpit, or pick up one the popular Festive paintjobs on the ship of your choice from now until the 10th January 2022.

Store link: https://dlc.elitedangerous.com/


Galaxy Report

This has been an extremely busy week for Commanders interesting in the ongoing narrative - with 3 CGs to participate in! Rumour has it that a fourth activity is also underway, but details remain obscured. Many Commanders have been assisting Salvation in the gathering of equipment to create new Anti-Thargoid superweapons in three systems, with the word actually coming from ex-Alliance Defence Force member, Commodore Halloran.

Elsewhere, the standoff between Theta Seven and ACT appears to be reaching boiling point, with Theta Seven holding hostage thousands of Far God cultists in the Mudhrid system.


Community Spotlight

Source: https://twitter.com/MissionFarsight/status/1467589589430947845

Mission Farsight by Commander Picard has been an ongoing expedition for almost 5 years now! We're always in awe of the photography on display here, and highly recommend giving them a follow on Twitter if you enjoy exploration in the world of Elite Dangerous! Congratulations to Commander Picard, and here's to many more years out in the black!


Question of the Week

How are you finding the Scorpion? What do you think is its best use? Have you discovered any niche uses for it yet?


And that's a wrap on this week's roundup! Speaking of roundups, as it looks like you enjoy this format, it may be worth re-naming to something less 'schedule' and more 'summary' focused. If you have any naming suggestions, I'm all ears!

That's also a wrap on schedules for this year, as myself and the rest of the community team will be on lighter duties from next week and over the Holiday period. On a personal note, I'd like to give a big thank you to all of you, the Elite community, for welcoming me into the fold this year! I can't believe I've been doing this for a year now (literally, as of tomorrow!) and it's been an incredible learning experience. We've certainly been through the highs and lows, but there's still plenty to come as we move forward, both in terms of the game and our plans as a team, as Arf mentioned in his Holiday message.

In particular, as you know I focus on them a lot, I'm looking forward to bringing you more high quality streams next year, akin to that of an Elite Sports show, or one of the recent Supercruise News episodes. We'll have more details soon on how that will all look, but we've taken a lot of your feedback on board in how you would like them structured, and the information you expect from one of our streams.

I'll no doubt see some of you throughout the week in the forums, Discord servers, on socials, and on the streams, but if not, I wish you the happiest of holidays and a great new year.

Greetings Commanders!

It's been a while since I've had the pleasure of finding some amazing creations to pick for our weekly #CommanderCreations post, so I'm looking forward to seeing what our incredible community have created over the past week! Remember you can get involved using the #CommanderCreations hashtag on Twitter, or by posting your creation in the replies to this thread. Let's get started!

Cactoida Cortexum 3D Print By LCU No Fool Like One

Not satisfied with decorations for their ship c*ckpit, LCU No Fool Like One has taken it to the next level by printing off their own little biological desk decoration!

Stellar Journeys Album By CMDR Nickweb85

Nickweb85 delivers once again with an incredible album for you to listen to on your travels throughout the galaxy. The album is composed of 8 tracks of chilled ambient space music, highly recommend!

Minecraft Beluga By Conshmea

Conshmea has definitely captured the grand scale of the Beluga with their recreation of it in Minecraft! We can't imagine how long this took to build, but we are in awe! Great job.

Silk Screen Elite Logo By Alec Turner

Alec Turner has been learning a new craft in the form of silk screen painting, and what better way to learn than with the beautiful Elite logo? We think you're already a master of the craft, Alec!

That's all for this week, folks!

Greetings Commanders.

As you may be aware, we held a rather special competition recently whereby a number of lucky Commanders could earn their chance to be immortalised in the Elite Dangerous Galaxy, with their name forever set on their very own Tourist Beacon.

To enter, Commanders were asked to submit a screenshot of the most interesting unpopulated systems, containing Earth-like worlds for all to admire.
Tricky thing here is that there were so many amazing entries, the guys really did have a wonderful but very heavy task on their hands when attempting to choose the lucky winning lot.

However! They got there in the end and we're now thrilled to share the list of winners, along with a little showcase of their efforts!

Source: https://youtu.be/PPMw1DCmn5s

Winning Commanders:

Alex Miner
Ivy Augustine Hall




De La Buse


Matt G




Kaitlyn Taylor




Edelgard von rhein








winter ihernglass

Bateay Srei


kitty kozlov


wol arn








kong angantyr

papa lost inspace

zulu romeo






Gregorio Cortez



Huge 'Congratulations', Commanders! Some absolutely gorgeous finds and equally stunning snapshots.

EDIT: Suzie and MOMIMOMI! Congratulations on your selection too! Unfortunately your screenshots haven't made it into the video due to a slight resolution issue BUT they're worthy all the same o7

If you have a second to celebrate everyone who entered of course (because they're totally worth it), the full thread of incredible entries can be found here.

Big o7

See you in the black.
Greetings Commanders o7

Wow. A Friday. I guess we made it!

As part of this 'very real feeling Friday' we're releasing a client side point update* for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey this morning, to address a number of issues the team have been able to tackle, following the release of Update 8 this week.

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey servers will be offline from approximately 11:00 BST (10:00 UCT)
Servers are expected to come back online, with the update available at around 11:15 BST (10:15 UTC - maybe even sooner. Not long anyway).

These are client side fixes, so an update to the game is required.

Horizons only players will not be affected by this downtime.

* As a reminder, "point updates" are updates which target specific issues in the immediate timeframe following a release (in this instance, Update 8). They do not include new feature content.

8.01 Update Notes:
[*]A fix has been implemented to address some severe camera shake persisting after a Thargoid Interceptor has scanned you (But who can deny, they can be pretty terrifying right?).
[*]A fix has been implemented to address camera shake persisting after players are shot multiple times in combat/in close proximity of heavy gunfire (no seriously, pull yourself together...).
[*]A fix has been implemented to address a crash that could occur during a Thargoid encounter.
[*]A fix has been implemented to address Russian characters appearing corrupted in multiple locations, including:
[*]Typing into the Galaxy Map Search Bar.
[*]Galnet Local News Articles.
[*]Typing into the on-foot comms panel.
[*]Larceny Missions will now grant rewards correctly (🙏).
[*]Takedown Missions will now once again grant goods, assets and data as mission rewards instead of ship engineering materials.
[*]Improvements made to invite tracking for on foot engineer Eleanor Bresa, when disembarking at settlements in Colonia system.


I'm going to copy these next bits along from my other thread yesterday on the Thargoid combat bonds cap fix for Horizons, just in case anyone missed it, DO because they're still very valid:

As usual following any major update to Elite Dangerous, thank you so, so much for the feedback and reports here in the Forums.
A few issues captured I will mention from the magic notebook (primarily for Odyssey at this moment but thought you might be interested) are:
[*]Investigations into Colonia Engineer progression issues.
[*]Facilities list in System Map is appearing blank (all platforms).
[*]Some odd behaviour with reactivation, massacre, restore missions not completing for Commanders.
[*]Delayed loading of stations (pop!)
[*]Strange behaviour around Unrestricted Access areas acting Restricted.
[*]Instances of Commanders being attacked for being in a Restricted Areas, but the area was not restricted.
[*]"Backward Engine Trails" (Elite...I love you but why?)
There are more individual experience reports coming in which aren't listed here, of course - this doesn't mean that all of those suddenly don't count. All very valid and valuable and being plucked away at amidst the rolling comments and feedback (thank you!). These are just a very select few to show a little nod to note taking.


Odyssey Performance:
We'd also like to thank you all for your latest feedback on performance in Odyssey following Update 8. You've all been reporting things so constructively (including videos along with your system specs without me even asking!) which is massively appreciated, all things considered. You're never expected to go to the lengths you are doing, but many of you do - so thank you o7

It's been great to see those of you reporting major improvements but of course we are still absolutely continuing to note and dig into the remaining instances of performance issues when flagged.


Alright then! Let's go for one final time (shouldn't have said that...) this week with a big o7

See you in the black, Commanders.
Greetings Commanders!

It's been an especially busy week here at Frontier Towers but that doesn't mean we've forgotten Commander Creations! Let's take a look at some of this week's highlights:

Mining Limpet Art Video By BeetleJude


Once again BeetleJude delivers with a fantastic art piece, whilst also providing some interesting information alongside the creation of the artwork!

The Call Of The Black By CMDR Buzz777


We love a good exploration video here, and CMDR Buzz777 has provided an excellent one to sit back and relax to whilst taking in the sights!

Buurian PMF Logo By Akey_UK

Commander Rheeney of the Buur Pit submitted this creation from Akey_UK for this week's Commander Creations! It's a very well done 3D print of the Buurian PMF logo and has made its way into Rheeney's computer, where it shall live forever more!

Elite Control Panel By Venniamin


Venniamin has been hard at work creating this awesome control panel to function with your ship within Elite! Very immersive.

That's all for this week!

Greetings Commanders!

It's time to sit back and take a break for 10 minutes whilst you enjoy this week's Commander Creations! Let's get straight into today's lineup:

PC Coriolis Decoration By CMDR Soliest

CMDR Soliest has decided to light up their PC with this Coriolis station! We're seeing more and more of these interior PC Elite decorations and we love them, keep sending them through!

Stop-Motion Travel To The Lagoon Nebula By BlueRabidRabbit


This amazing piece of work from BlueRabidRabbit showcases the galaxy and how your view of it changes as you move from the systems! In this case, they are getting ever closer to the Lagoon nebula!

Why Eros Is Going Exploring By Eros Madelung


This humourous video from Eros Madelung showcases the life of a Commander who has had enough of the rude people they come across in a settlement! Definitely worth a watch!

Everything Is Just Fine By KillenNick


Sound is definitely required for this one! KillenNick has taken a precarious situation and turned it into a great moment with a little help from a popular track in other space-faring galaxies.

That's all for this week!

Greetings Commanders!

I'm back to share the best creations of the week from the Elite galaxy! Thanks to Sally for doing a grand job in finding your amazing work last week, but I reckon we've got just as good a selection today! Let's begin:

Elite Ship Dioramas By Phoebia

As featured in our latest Supercruise News show, these dioramas by Phoebia are a true work of art! I can't begin to explain the process in making these, but I do know they all originate from actual in-game screenshots.

Imperial Eagle In Minecraft By GrandBee

It's always fun seeing players recreate the iconic Elite ships in other games, and Minecraft has been a great platform for this - Grandbee's addition to the collection does not disappoint!

Near Bubble Exploration & Adventure Map By Mita Kondria

If you're looking for an in-depth travel map for the Bubble, look no further than this incredible map from Mita Kondria. Make sure to head to the tweet linked on their name to get the PDF and zoom in to all the glorious detail.

Ambush In Res By Sqwall

Here's a fantastic image all by itself from Sqwall on Reddit, however, when you look into the comments, you'll notice that they actually combined many different screenshots to create this compilation of beautiful imagery!

That's all for this week!

Greetings Commanders.

[ATTACH type="full" width="612px" alt="meetup_update.png"]278306[/ATTACH]

We're sorry to bring this sad news to you today but due to the current COVID crisis and government updates on the steady spread of the Omicron variant (with cases discovered in Cambridge), we have made the decision to postpone our Festive Community Meet Up, planned originally for December 10th 2021.

All Commanders who have purchased tickets will be entitled to a full refund of their ticket purchases if they wish, or tickets can naturally be carried over to the new planned date, confirmed for February 25th 2022.

Our EventBrite page will be updated imminently with the changes.

For those of you who have a ticket, what we would like to do is turn our Friday the 10th event into a special digital one, including the raffle with prizes!
Arf is still excited to do his Pub Quiz!
Watch out for our plans for this in the coming week ahead. We'll be sending out details directly when we have them.

Again, huge apologies for any inconvenience caused with this reschedule. We'll reach out to those who have bought tickets individually to issue desired refunds of ticket transfers.

We truly are looking forward to meeting you all in person in the new year.

o7 Commanders.


Greetings Commanders!

You should now (or in the next 5 minutes) have received your email invitation including the link for the virtual event tonight! There's more details within, but if you have any trouble, or don't receive an email 30 minutes after this message has been posted, let me know!

Greetings Commanders!

At the time of this post (16:15 UTC), our servers have just gone offline while we roll out a hotfix. Downtime is expected to last approximately 30 minutes so feel free to check out which changes are coming while you wait:

Fixes: Odyssey
[*]A stability issue encountered while cycling through Fire Groups was fixed.
[*]A stability issue when Commanders fly over planetary surfaces was fixed.
[*]A crash while encountering Guardian Sentinels at Guardian Sites was fixed.
[*]A stability issues caused when opening the Orrery View in the System Map was fixed.
[*]An issue preventing Commanders from restocking ammo for the Scorpion SRV after being destroyed was fixed.
[*]An issue affected textures on the Scorpion turret (while being used) was fixed.

Fixes: Horizons (PC & Console)
[*]A stability issue encountered while cycling through Fire Groups was fixed.
[*]A crash encountered while attempting to access modules in Outfitting was fixed.
[*]A text error regarding a new Community Goal-related commodity was fixed in English and French.
[*]A crash while encountering Guardian Sentinels at Guardian Sites was fixed.
[*]A stability issues caused when opening the Orrery View in the System Map was fixed.

Known Issues

The above fixes are designed to address the bulk of stability-related issues that arose following Update 9. We’re aware of other issues and are currently planning how to address them. They include but are not limited to:

[*]Hostile ships not being correctly marked on the radar
[*]Some deceased NPCs cannot be scanned or analysed
[*]“Floating” Guardian Materials at Guardian Sites
[*]The on-foot tutorial not completing
[*]Multi Limpet controllers having more mass than Commanders expected
[*]The Scorpion SRV is affected by texture issues around the chassis

The team is continuing to work hard on investigating issues and implementing fixes. As always, thank you all for your feedback and issue reports.

Greetings Commanders o7

I've got my Serious Voice on for this one. Apologies in advance o7

As many of you may be aware, we rolled out update 8.01 earlier today for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.

Within it we made, what checked out as being, a verified fix for the following issue:
[*]A fix has been implemented to address a crash that could occur during a Thargoid encounter.
Unfortunately, as many of you have reported across the day - there were more instances discovered of how this crash could occur than we first thought.

Thanks to your detailed and constructive reports, we're looking to bolster the initial fix this evening, so as to end this crash FOR GOOD as part of a new update: 8.02.

This update will only affect Odyssey players and will require you to upgrade your game client.

ETA OF FIX: 18:40 BST (17:40 UTC)

THERE WILL BE NO SERVER DOWNTIME: The next time you relog AFTER approximately 18:40 BST (17:40 UTC), an upgrade of the game will be available for you to implement the fix o7


The fix is, at the moment, heading in to our test phase within the next half an hour, with respectfully another hour or so left following that for checks and deployment set up.

To that end, we want to get this rolled out as soon as possible for you all, due to how close to the weekend we're getting.


I'll be around to issue the deployment time when I have it.
(Unconventional, I know, but let's go with it).

o7 Commanders.
Thanks for your understanding and patience on this current situation.
Greetings Commanders,

As we approach the end of the year, I thought I would do something different. Instead of the usual Development Update, I would like to show more than tell; specifically around Fleet Carriers! We will have a full Development Update in January 2022, and lay out our plans for communicating with you through updates, streams and social channels.

Update 9

Update 9 is planned for release next week, with full patch notes published on the same day. Once we have a confirmed date and time we will of course let you know! Here are the highlights of what Update 9 will bring:
[*]New Twin-Seat Combat Multicrew SRV
[*]Mission extensions
[*]Multi Limpet Controller
This update will also include a plethora of fixes and tweaks, including (but not limited to) the following:
[*]Issues relating to inactive AI at conflict zones will now be resolved.
[*]Issues relating to hatch breaker limpets when used on cargo hatch or escape pods on non-dockable megaships (Odyssey and Horizons)
[*]Thermal Conduit no longer has the incorrect damage increase and is correctly represented visually.
[*]Completing high influence missions will now affect Background Simulation as expected.
[*]Stations no longer 'pop' into existence when jumping out of supercruise
One of the tweaks we have looked at based on your feedback is atmospheric lighting. I would like to share some before and after pictures of what you can expect with Update 9. These lighting effects will be noticeable when stars are low on the horizon.

My thoughts on next year

One of the biggest aspects coming in 2022, literally and figuratively, is the addition of Fleet Carrier interiors. There is a huge amount that the team have been working on regarding this, so as promised we would much rather show you!

Join us on December 16th for our Christmas stream! This will be our last stream of the year and we want it to be special. Along with the usual fun you would expect for our end of year stream, we will be taking you on a tour around a Fleet Carrier interior for the first time. We will also be joined by a member of the development team to help us answer as many of your questions as we can.

Please remember that what we show will very much be work in progress and not final. There will also be some elements we will not show, as we feel some things are best experienced in-person, such as the all-important jump...

Outside of Fleet Carrier interiors, the development team are hard at work on new features and mission types, such as settlement defence that I cannot wait to share more on. We are also reviewing and assessing a number of areas that you have raised, such as the Engineering process, but as I said, I will leave those details for January!

One thing I am particularly excited for is the conclusion of the Azimuth Saga. We have been delighted to see our community engaging with this story arc and we cannot wait to expand on it ;). The narrative team and I are excited to entertain, perplex and thrill you with what we have in store next year!

It is fair to say this has been a challenging year for Elite Dangerous but we are proud and grateful of our community. It is our community’s continued love and support that drives us forward each and every day. To quote the first American female astronaut in space and physicist, Sally Ride - “The stars don’t look bigger, but they do look brighter.”

From the team and I, and all of us here at Frontier: have a wonderful holiday and we will see you in black!

O7 Commanders



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