Well, long story short : bought Oculus Quest 2 and Hotas. Cost me a lot but wanted to enjoy ED in VR
I tried Airlink, Virtual desktop, i followed one hudreead guides about it : the game is still blurry like HELL ! Feels like i'm playing an 1995 games in 240p. Thats atrocious
I decided to order a cable to not use Airlink or VD, but is it still not working, i'm going for à refund. And yeah, PC connected to Ethernet, i tried every setting you can imagine, i'm just speechless how it can be so frustrating to make that think work. I spent 8h on this, can't take it no more
Sorry, just needed to vent i guess. Hopefully the cable will solve everything but i have not much hope. If anyone been throught it recently and can help à bit, would be awesome
Please Excuse my English, not my native langage. GN
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