5 months ago - - Direct link
Greetings Commanders, We have released a server side update today to address a balancing issues with the Thargoid war. Previously, Thargoid pod rescues would pushback every Titan system marked as "Counterstrike" around the Titan that abducted them. This was intended as a highly powerful method of pushing back the Thargoids control of systems. However, due to the size of the Thargoid controlled regions around the remaining 2 Titans, the number of systems marked as "Counterstrikes" is abnormally high, resulting in pod rescues being more powerful than intended. This is effecting the balance of the Thargoid Titan war. In order to bring this activity back in line with other Thargoid War activities, a deployment has been made server side which caps the number of counterstrike systems affected by this mechanic to 15; i.e. the furthest 15 counterstrike systems which have not already hit 100% score will be affected. Thank you for your support, only two Titans remain and we look forward to your efforts to take them down!

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