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Weird thing. Landed in a ground conflict zone and took part. We were victorious (gowron.gif). However, when I tried to recall my ship, it would not land, and instead just hovered about 300m above the surface.

This happened a few more times, even when I tried to recall it over the pad. No dice.

So I quit out to menu, thinking, maybe a relog will fix it.


A relog will teleport you back to the last station you were in, 3 star systems away. Oh, your ship? You'd like your ship? Well, it's "somewhere" in that OTHER star system. Now what? Taxi?

A bug? If not, I don't understand what the hell this gameplay is meant to represent.

Edit: The station it put me in had zero shipyards too!

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about 2 years ago - /u/frontier_support - Direct link


Feel free to send us a support ticket via: https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new so that our team can take a look.

- Ikaros

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