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So I was in the Deciat system (specifically Deciat 2) doing some planetary mining for some materials for engineer upgrades. While I was there, I get a mission proposal to go recover a "Damaged Escape Pod [Unique}".
So I accept, redock my SRV to my Adder, and take off for the nav beacon in the system. This was because the mission briefing only gave me a vague statement saying that it would be within the Deciat system.
I go to the nav beacon, scan it, and I get a mission update with the location. I jump to supercruise and head over to Deciat 6 D. I find the wreckage on the planet, pick up the pod, and get back into my ship.
Immediately, I get a message telling me to hop over to a military base [Davies's Watch] just on the other side of the planet and give me a bonus time limit, pay, yada yada.

The problem is, that I get there, and when I go to hand the mission in, it won't let me. I go to the missions tab, and it has the blue top-right corner for me to hand it in, but I don't get any option to hand it in. the S.A.R. contact won't take it either. I've logged out and back in, gone over to Garay Terminal, jumped out-of-system and back, and still, Davies's Watch will not allow me to turn in the mission.

Am I doing something wrong, somewhere?

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about 3 years ago - /u/frontier_support - Direct link

Greetings Commander,

Thanks for getting in touch. I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble in-game! Please could you submit a ticket to the team via https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us and we can assist!

~ Viking

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