Hi all. I have searched and tried most everything. I have been away from the game for a little over a year and have had the urge to get back in. My HOTAS (FF Cobra) which used to work just fine now only works a little; YAW, Pitch, Roll work but none of the buttons, triggers or hat works. I have confirmed that these buttons do work through calibration etc. so it is not hardware. I would love suggestions.
Things I have already done/tried:
- verified game files
- started from the ED executable in the directory and not Steam.
- Ensured that generic controller support is turned off in Steam
- I have tried setting up in VR and non VR modes, no joy (pardon the pun)
- about to uninstall and reinstall, however this is a new unplayed install to begin with as the PC is <4months old and as mentioned haven't played in a year and a bit, so low expectations.
Am running Windows 11, top tier gaming PC, all drivers up to date... Any suggestions would be appreciated (even get a better HOTAS, but regardless what was once working fine should still work now shouldn't it?)
Thanks in advance.
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