about 2 months ago - Elvenar Official - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s Hi, my name is Alina and I'm a game design working  student here at Elvenar, meaning that I am working
7s as a game designer and also studying game  design and management at the same time at university.
17s I've been with Elvenar for around  four years, actually, of which two have been
24s as a mobile developer, before I kind of switched  careers, and yeah, changed my discipline to design.
31s My day-to-day work is actually looking  quite different, so kind of not- yeah every single
37s workday brings new challenges. I think for the  most part we spend a lot of time discussing
44s our ideas, we spend a lot of time discussing  community feedback that Community Management
49s has provided us with, and yeah for another great  portion of my day encompasses documenting all
57s of our ideas and documenting the features  that we would like to add to the game,
62s and when I write design documentation our developers  kind of take that document as a single source of
68s truth for when they are implementing those  features, and then it's just a bit of back
72s and forth communication trying to make sure  that the features really are implemented in
77s the way that we intended them to be. I think the  most challenging part is just the vast amount of
84s topics and ideas that we would like to tackle. So we have a huge backlog of ideas and things
91s that we would still like to do and that we would  like to see in the game, but of course our time
95s and resources are limited so it is sometimes  yeah a bit- a bit sad to see that we need to
102s cut some ideas short or that there are things  that we just cannot Implement.
108s My favorite part is actually discussing and ideating things  with my colleagues. So, there are many times that
116s we find ourselves trying to find solutions-  design solutions to a problem and I just
122s love us sitting in a meeting kind of in front  of a blank whiteboard, and then you see it being
128s gradually filled with ideas as we go, and yeah  that to me is the best part, and to me, that is also
134s the magic of game development - exchanging ideas  and yeah seeing how we could make things happen.