over 4 years
ago -
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Greetings @elvenprincess2 I can imagine this is frustrating for you and members of your FS however I don't believe there is a way to restrict other players outside of the FS from contributing to your AWs. Have you noticed if it's the same Neighbours that continue to Contribute? Is it a particular FS that keeps doing this?
They may be under the impression they are helping and most certainly wont be aware that you would prefer it only from FS Members.
I would maybe contact the Players concerned and advise them (Kindly) that whilst you appreciate the help, you're FS has a strict policy concerning AW Research.
If you have space, and they are without an FS, even go as far to invite them if you so wish
Let me know how you get on!
Kind Regards
They may be under the impression they are helping and most certainly wont be aware that you would prefer it only from FS Members.
I would maybe contact the Players concerned and advise them (Kindly) that whilst you appreciate the help, you're FS has a strict policy concerning AW Research.
If you have space, and they are without an FS, even go as far to invite them if you so wish
Let me know how you get on!
Kind Regards