about 5 years
ago -
Fairy Dust
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Dear Humans and Elves,
Another year has passed in the beautiful world of Elvenar. As you are preparing to celebrate the end of the year, we'll be getting into the story of Elvenezer Scratch, who has made a fortune selling tasty Elvenade in his warehouse. But since his good and only friend Marlow passed away some years ago, Elvenezer has become even more greedy and resentful...
Winter Magic!
Another year has passed in the beautiful world of Elvenar. As you are preparing to celebrate the end of the year, we'll be getting into the story of Elvenezer Scratch, who has made a fortune selling tasty Elvenade in his warehouse. But since his good and only friend Marlow passed away some years ago, Elvenezer has become even more greedy and resentful...
Winter Magic!