over 4 years ago - Herodite - Direct link
@DeputyDoggz thank you for putting these ideas forward! Both are excellent and I will take them forward to the Team for you. I very much like the second idea as well. I know I would be happy to help my FS if ever I had some spare Time Instants and they needed a hand! As always, these things take time so whilst I cannot give an immediate answer, they will be considered, and I will get back to you once I have one :)

Kind Regards

over 4 years ago - Rilian - Direct link
The big argument against a global Chat imo is that it would require in-game moderation.
Sadly, any community the size of an Elvenar world has a few individuals who delight in offending. The FS chat can be effectively moderated by the AM and the officers (not to mention the members themselves), a global chat would need someone with the authority and power to provide consequences to the few that would break the rules.  
almost 4 years ago - anonglitch - Direct link
Furthermore, while the idea is awesome, especially for the boosters, we have another issue. Allowing someone to gift boosters to other people will yield to more Push accounts. We will let our developers know still for them to consider it.