over 3 years ago - Silmaril - Direct link

Release Notes

Dear Humans and Elves,

We are updating our International worlds to version 1.117, tomorrow the 10th of November.

The list of changes can be found below:

Bug Fixes

As with every update, we've resolved a number of bugs, among which:

  • Building Menu - The Meditation Circle no longer incorrectly claims that a connection to two unique buildings is required. Instead, it correctly shows that it needs to be connected to one building, namely the Senate or another Meditation Circle.
  • Quests - The Chapter 1 quest "Basic Economy II" could not be aborted once Chapter 2 was reached. Now it follows the same behavior as any other story quest in a Chapter and can be skipped once the next Chapter was reached.
  • Buildings - The building "Sorcerers Gathering" no longer pretends to have a 4x4 footprint while only being 3x2 in size. Therefore it can be placed properly again in smaller spaces.
  • Tutorial - The tooltip for Supplies in the Milestone quests no longer displays "Object Object" as the game was taught not to forget the name of essential resources.
  • Shop - Fixed a set of missing translations for tooltips in the Diamond shop.


Note: the app version of the update is released separately from the browser version.

  • Added search functionality for Players and Fellowships in the "Join Fellowship" and "Invite player" menus.

  • Context menus for joining Fellowships and several other features, like sending messages and visiting are now available in the "Join Fellowship" and "Invite player" windows.

  • Research - Tournament Arena and Spire Library no longer show duplicated information about their benefits in their tooltips in the Research Tree.
  • Chat - Special characters, such as quotation marks, are no longer causing display issues in chat and now show up properly.
  • User Interface - The quest and notification panel are no longer hidden behind the notch of all variations of the iPhone 12.
If you are curious and want to experience these changes before they are released, please feel free to register an account on our Beta server, where they get released several days in advance for technical testing.

We hope you like the changes we're bringing with this update. Please let us know your feedback to the changes by leaving a comment in the discussion thread!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team  
over 3 years ago - Silmaril - Direct link
Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to discuss the update to version 1.117.

We're looking forward to your feedback!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team  
over 3 years ago - Silmaril - Direct link
There was a slight glitch with this that has now been resolved, you should find all of the missing Magic Ingredients now around your city although you may need to restart you game to see them.