over 4 years
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On a dark, moonless night, mists flood your city and the woods surrounding it. Residents are anxious and stay inside their homes. While taking a stroll through the streets and making sure everything is okay, you see what seems to be the flicker of a candlelight coming from the woods. Who would possibly be out there at this time of the night? Getting closer, you hear a woman's voice, and she sounds worried. She is obviously looking for something and doesn't seem to notice you. When she finally does, she jumps and lets out a scream.
"AAAAAAHHH! You scared me there. I thought you were some sort of ghost or something. Like an evil one, not the nice type, you know?" she says while collecting her breath. "Did you see Bruno on your way here? He is yay big, bright green, and a cat spirit - you cant miss him, he is always floating about. You see, I was brewing this potion when Bruno knocked over one of the ingredients, and POOF, it all exploded. Help me find my things and rebuild my house and I shall reward you!"
From October 22nd until November 11th you can assist Mrs. Sniffle in her search for Magic Ingredients and help her rebuild her Witch's Hut in your city!
Solve quests and search your city outskirts to gain Magic Ingredients, which you can trade for Magical Lights that help you find your way through the Misty Forest.

Your goal is to comb through the forest in search for Friendly Spirits and Lost Items. To do so, you advance from left to right and clear the thick fog that shrouds your view. Whenever at least one fog tile is cleared by a Magical Light in the rightmost column, a new row of misty tiles is unlocked next to it, moving you further to the right. Use Magical Lights strategically to clear out as many tiles as possible and collect all rewards you can find. Is an unlocked reward scrolling out of view? No worries, it automatically gets collected for you!
There are three types of Magical Lights that will help you advance in the Misty Forest:
- Candles uncover one patch of fog at a time and can only be used on tiles that are still covered in mist.
- Lanterns clear an entire column from top to bottom, unless their light beam is interrupted by an obstacle. They need to be placed on a tile that was previously uncovered.
- Flash Flasks remove the fog on all patches directly adjacent to where it was placed. They also need to be placed on a tile that was previously uncovered.

Mrs. Sniffle will share some of the Magic Ingredients that she has found to support you in your journey. Simply log in daily to collect them in the quest window.
With every new day you will find new Daily Exclusive rewards in the Misty Forest, including brand new buildings, buildings that have returned from older Halloween-themed events, and other exciting rewards. You will also encounter Friendly Spirits roaming the Misty Forest. Locate 20 of them, and you will unlock one of the many Grand Prizes of the event, including Witch's Huts Artifacts to upgrade the Witch's Hut building that you unlock after finishing 5 quests of the event:

(4x4 Population + Culture and more bonuses depending on chapter and stage)
And as if those rewards weren't enough yet, you will also be rewarded with Milestone Rewards as you progress in the quest line of the event. Please keep in mind that the questline has one new quest added on every new day of the event. If you reached the last quest available on any given day, simply return on the next and you will be able to continue. The last quest of the event will be unlocked on the last full day of the event.
Looking for more information on the event still? Make sure to visit our dedicated wiki page or watch the event video once it gets shared in the game!
We wish you all the courage you'll need on your journey through the Misty Forest and would love to hear your feedback in our discussion thread!
Happy Haunting,
Your Elvenar Team
Disclaimer: Please note that the final day of the event spans more than 24 hours, in order to not have the event end during the night (CEST). That means the Daily Exclusive on November 11th is the final Daily Exclusive reward that is also available for some more hours in the morning (CEST) of November 12th. No new event quest is added to the quest line on November 12th, the final Quest Milestone can be unlocked on November 11th.