over 3 years ago - anonglitch - Direct link

New Spire of Eternity rewards!

Dear Humans and Elves,
With our next Spire of Eternity, starting on Sunday, January 24th, we will be making some changes to the rewards that can be obtained from the Spire of Eternity, available for a limited time of six weeks. These changes include:

  • The Moonstone Library building set is removed from the Spire of Eternity's reward pool, and Phoenix Artifacts are added as the new main reward. These Artifacts can be used to evolve any Storm, Fire, and Aureate Phoenixes. For those who do not already own those buildings (either in the City or the Inventory), their Stage 1 version can be obtained through Crafting in the Magic Academy.
  • For players in Chapters 3 to 5, we are exchanging the Portal Profit 10% Instants with Supply Windfall 50% Instants, as Portal Profit only becomes useful from Chapter 6 on. The same change is applied for Portal Profits 15%, 25%, and 50%, to be replaced with multiple Supply Windfall 50% Instants.
Reward chests
  • Supply Windfall Instants 20% are added in several chests.
  • Phoenix Artifacts are added in several chests.
Mystery chests
  • Coin Rain 20% and Supply Windfall 20% are added in Rare chests.
  • Booster 8h Instants are added in Epic chests.
  • The Epic and Legendary chests will contain a Phoenix Artifact.
We're looking forward to hearing your thoughts on these changes. Please leave your comments in our discussion thread!
Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team