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Hi everyone!
We have a new Event and a new Feature releasing with it!
The Tournament of Magic brings fame and fortune to its victors, but this year’s champions are about to earn something far more thrilling—and daunting. As tradition dictates, they’re tasked with pursuing ancient knowledge to enrich sorcery itself. This time, their goal is Transcendence, the fabled state of magical euphoria and boundless power that’s been whispered about for centuries. With fragments of old scrolls and arcane insights gathered over the years, these sorcerers will attempt what few have dared.
And what of the rest of us? Well, we can only sit back, munch on Scorching Snacks, and hold our breath. Join us in the Magic of Yore event to witness history in the making as the greatest sorcerers aim for a power so wild it could make mountains dance!
Main Prize: Place of Convergence Evolving Building
The building has 7 stages, provides Culture and Population, and produces (base production) Boosted Sentient Goods, Evo Bonus: Vallorian Guards, Evo Bonus: 1 Knowledge Point.
Transcendence Bonus:
New Daily Exclusive Buildings
This event will also feature the Leagues system and the Royal Prize Pass
The Birth of Transcendence
Long ago, there existed a secretive and somewhat eccentric group of sorcerers called WAND – "Wizards Against Normalcy and Dullness". This peculiar band of magical misfits wasn’t satisfied with the usual fireballs and levitation tricks. No, they were after something far grander: a way to transcend the very limits of magic itself, to tap into the wild, untamed energies of the cosmos.
Through a series of wildly unpredictable experiments, the sorcerers stumbled upon a state they called Transcendence. This state was a magical euphoria, a brief moment where reality seemed to bend over backward to let you have your way. In Transcendence, spells were stronger, ideas brighter, and even the oddest of wishes came true... for a time. The only problem? This delightful state was as fleeting as a sneeze in a hurricane.
The Big Pop: How Not to Transcend
As with any group of overconfident magic users dabbling in forces they didn’t fully understand, something eventually went spectacularly wrong. During an ambitious attempt to prolong their Transcendence indefinitely, the sorcerers accidentally popped it like an enormous balloon, and the powerful magic within spread across the world.
This event, now famously known as The Big Pop, was kept secret for a long time. Magic went haywire at ground zero, the sky turned plaid, settlements floated away, fish flew through the air, and wizards found their beards swapping colors every other hour. It was a state of magical madness, and WAND? Well, they were too busy trying to untangle their own mess to notice that their precious secret of Transcendence had leaked out into the world.
The Rise of Volatile Sigils
In the midst of the magical chaos, some clever sorcerers and alchemists discovered a way to extend the fleeting moment of Transcendence. They began crafting Volatile Sigils, arcane symbols etched with a pinch of cosmic chaos left over from the popping of (not-so) infinite Transcendence itself. These sigils, when activated during Transcendence, could stretch the magical high a bit longer. But true to their name, these sigils were as volatile as a goblin with a firecracker. Each use drained them of their power, and over time, they became increasingly rare as the residual chaos from The Big Pop settled.
Volatile Sigils weren’t used to stabilize the chaotic magic—that ship had sailed (and was now floating somewhere in the sky). Instead, they acted as a temporary extension cord for your moment of magical brilliance. However, these sigils had to be used sparingly. Like any good addiction, each time a Volatile Sigil was activated to extend Transcendence, it would require even more to achieve the same effect the next time.
The Legacy of Transcendence
Now, Transcendence is a phenomenon known (or at least rumored) across the realms. Almost anything—whether a grand arcane tower, a modest village hut, or even a particularly enchanted outhouse—can become the focal point for this power if the conditions are just right. With a little bit of luck, a lot of skill, and a Volatile Sigil in hand, anyone can reach that peak of cosmic magic. The trick is knowing when to use it and when to let it go, lest you end up repeating the mistakes of WAND.
Today, Volatile Sigils are coveted treasures, sought after by those who wish to extend their moment in the magical spotlight. They’re rare, unpredictable, and not without risk, but for those who dare to dance on the edge of cosmic chaos, they’re worth every bit of the trouble. The story of Transcendence and The Big Pop serves as both a cautionary tale and a reminder that in the world of magic, sometimes the most fun paths lead to the most powerful destinations. Just remember to duck if the sky starts turning plaid again.
The Transcendence Mechanic
The Transcended Buildings are an extension of evolution buildings but with a twist. These buildings replicate the progression mechanics of traditional evolution buildings until they reach the final stage, upon which Transcendence is unlocked, offering temporary but significantly more potent bonuses than those provided by fully evolved standard buildings.
When the final evolution stage is reached, a new state called Transcendence activates, adding 2 new effects and improving the building's production.
Once the Transcendence state expires, the building keeps its final evolution stage production but loses Transcendence effects. However, this is not the end, since it still can be reactivated with Volatile Sigils. Volatile Sigils are a new currency that can extend the duration of the Transcendence state, offering a way to keep favorite buildings' productions functional for longer periods of time. Each Transcendence reactivation will require a higher amount of Volatile Sigils than the previous one.
For now, Volatile Sigils will be available by playing events and seasons. In the future, we want to add them also to Crafting and the Spire of Eternity.
We're happy to hear your feedback on the dedicated channel.
Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team
We have a new Event and a new Feature releasing with it!
Magic of Yore - Begins on the 23rd of January
The Tournament of Magic brings fame and fortune to its victors, but this year’s champions are about to earn something far more thrilling—and daunting. As tradition dictates, they’re tasked with pursuing ancient knowledge to enrich sorcery itself. This time, their goal is Transcendence, the fabled state of magical euphoria and boundless power that’s been whispered about for centuries. With fragments of old scrolls and arcane insights gathered over the years, these sorcerers will attempt what few have dared.
And what of the rest of us? Well, we can only sit back, munch on Scorching Snacks, and hold our breath. Join us in the Magic of Yore event to witness history in the making as the greatest sorcerers aim for a power so wild it could make mountains dance!
Main Prize: Place of Convergence Evolving Building
The building has 7 stages, provides Culture and Population, and produces (base production) Boosted Sentient Goods, Evo Bonus: Vallorian Guards, Evo Bonus: 1 Knowledge Point.
Transcendence Bonus:
- 175% Production Boost (only applied to base production, Evo bonuses are not affected)
- 3 Combining Catalyst
New Daily Exclusive Buildings
- The Scorching Snacks, which provides Culture, Population, and produces Orc Strategists.
- The Froggy Soda which provides Culture, Population, and produces Mana.
This event will also feature the Leagues system and the Royal Prize Pass
The Birth of Transcendence
Long ago, there existed a secretive and somewhat eccentric group of sorcerers called WAND – "Wizards Against Normalcy and Dullness". This peculiar band of magical misfits wasn’t satisfied with the usual fireballs and levitation tricks. No, they were after something far grander: a way to transcend the very limits of magic itself, to tap into the wild, untamed energies of the cosmos.
Through a series of wildly unpredictable experiments, the sorcerers stumbled upon a state they called Transcendence. This state was a magical euphoria, a brief moment where reality seemed to bend over backward to let you have your way. In Transcendence, spells were stronger, ideas brighter, and even the oddest of wishes came true... for a time. The only problem? This delightful state was as fleeting as a sneeze in a hurricane.
The Big Pop: How Not to Transcend
As with any group of overconfident magic users dabbling in forces they didn’t fully understand, something eventually went spectacularly wrong. During an ambitious attempt to prolong their Transcendence indefinitely, the sorcerers accidentally popped it like an enormous balloon, and the powerful magic within spread across the world.
This event, now famously known as The Big Pop, was kept secret for a long time. Magic went haywire at ground zero, the sky turned plaid, settlements floated away, fish flew through the air, and wizards found their beards swapping colors every other hour. It was a state of magical madness, and WAND? Well, they were too busy trying to untangle their own mess to notice that their precious secret of Transcendence had leaked out into the world.
The Rise of Volatile Sigils
In the midst of the magical chaos, some clever sorcerers and alchemists discovered a way to extend the fleeting moment of Transcendence. They began crafting Volatile Sigils, arcane symbols etched with a pinch of cosmic chaos left over from the popping of (not-so) infinite Transcendence itself. These sigils, when activated during Transcendence, could stretch the magical high a bit longer. But true to their name, these sigils were as volatile as a goblin with a firecracker. Each use drained them of their power, and over time, they became increasingly rare as the residual chaos from The Big Pop settled.
Volatile Sigils weren’t used to stabilize the chaotic magic—that ship had sailed (and was now floating somewhere in the sky). Instead, they acted as a temporary extension cord for your moment of magical brilliance. However, these sigils had to be used sparingly. Like any good addiction, each time a Volatile Sigil was activated to extend Transcendence, it would require even more to achieve the same effect the next time.
The Legacy of Transcendence
Now, Transcendence is a phenomenon known (or at least rumored) across the realms. Almost anything—whether a grand arcane tower, a modest village hut, or even a particularly enchanted outhouse—can become the focal point for this power if the conditions are just right. With a little bit of luck, a lot of skill, and a Volatile Sigil in hand, anyone can reach that peak of cosmic magic. The trick is knowing when to use it and when to let it go, lest you end up repeating the mistakes of WAND.
Today, Volatile Sigils are coveted treasures, sought after by those who wish to extend their moment in the magical spotlight. They’re rare, unpredictable, and not without risk, but for those who dare to dance on the edge of cosmic chaos, they’re worth every bit of the trouble. The story of Transcendence and The Big Pop serves as both a cautionary tale and a reminder that in the world of magic, sometimes the most fun paths lead to the most powerful destinations. Just remember to duck if the sky starts turning plaid again.
The Transcendence Mechanic
The Transcended Buildings are an extension of evolution buildings but with a twist. These buildings replicate the progression mechanics of traditional evolution buildings until they reach the final stage, upon which Transcendence is unlocked, offering temporary but significantly more potent bonuses than those provided by fully evolved standard buildings.
When the final evolution stage is reached, a new state called Transcendence activates, adding 2 new effects and improving the building's production.
Once the Transcendence state expires, the building keeps its final evolution stage production but loses Transcendence effects. However, this is not the end, since it still can be reactivated with Volatile Sigils. Volatile Sigils are a new currency that can extend the duration of the Transcendence state, offering a way to keep favorite buildings' productions functional for longer periods of time. Each Transcendence reactivation will require a higher amount of Volatile Sigils than the previous one.
For now, Volatile Sigils will be available by playing events and seasons. In the future, we want to add them also to Crafting and the Spire of Eternity.
We're happy to hear your feedback on the dedicated channel.
Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team