3 months ago - anonglitch - Direct link
Dear Humans and Elves,

We have our winners, and we already granted all the prizes to everybody.

@Barbar= 3 correct
@Lelanya= 3 correct
@Smiki= 3 correct
@BlueBlou= 3 correct
@Sharazukah= 2 correct
@Flamele= 2 correct

This means we have a quadruple tie, so, we will ask politely to ChatGPT Gods to choose the destiny:

We have a quadruple tie with the following users:
@Barbar, @Lelanya, @Smiki, @BlueBlou
Can you please randomly assign the first to the fourth position?

The answer:

Certainly! Here's a random assignment of positions for the users:

1. **@Smiki**
2. **@Barbar**
3. **@BlueBlou**
4. **@Lelanya**

Let me know if you'd like another random assignment!

We gotta be polite to machines too :) So destiny (or ChatGPT) has spoken, and the screenshot is below as well.


Fourth to Sixth (we wish we had more!) get 100 Diamonds, but still, for the fun of it:

How about: @Sharazukah= 2 correct
@Flamele= 2 correct
ChatGPT said:
To assign positions randomly based on your input:

@Sharazukah = 2 correct
@Flamele = 2 correct

Sooooooooo, our final list is:

1. **@Smiki**
2. **@Barbar**
3. **@BlueBlou**
4. **@Lelanya**
5. **@Sharazukah
6. **@Flamele**

We have already sent the Diamonds to:
* @Smiki (300) - We added to your Inventory: A Gravity Inn, 1 Pet Food, 1 Blueprint, 3 Combining Catalysts, and 1 x 5 hour Booster
@Barbar (250) - We added to your Inventory: 2 Combining Catalysts, 1 Blueprint, and 3x 1h Boosters.
* @BlueBlou (200)
* @Lelanya, @Sharazukah, @Flamele (100)

Thank you,
Your Elvenar Team.
3 months ago - Silmaril - Direct link
Happy to give this detail, this was written to allow for two possibilities in the game: To head to Mrs Sniffles and/or her Witch's Hut was one of these OR the Goddess of Wishes would also have been happily accepted