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Transcript (by Youtube)

250s foreign
258s and we are live welcome everyone to yet
262s another elvenar q a I am Jada and I'm
265s here with Thiago to explore with you
268s What Lies Beneath so we're going to
271s explore the new Fantastic event secrets
274s of alchemy Thiago what can you say about
278s the new event well as we remember from
280s the last uh sorcerer's event we had the
284s pilgrimage starting with zafiel and the
287s new apprentices
288s and while they were traveling the world
290s there was these rumors about the life
293s the
295s the secret that Lies Beneath yes and if
299s you remember well the stories I feel
300s could hear something he could hear a
303s voice he could he feel an energy
305s actually
307s drawing him to the Forbidden ruins from
311s one of the last open crevices in the
313s continent
315s and now that he managed to
317s strengthen a little bit a bit more the
319s apprentices and investigated further
322s these secret he goes back to where the
326s Forbidden ruins were before
328s and tried to get a hold on to the
331s situation what is actually the this
334s power this energy
336s and the interesting part is that he
338s really finds out he finds laying
340s somewhere pieces of a different golem
343s completely uh the opposite of the Golem
348s he built before the wise Golem a
350s different golem yes
352s he finds a piece of a team Golem
358s yes
360s and this Golem
362s yeah these guys here the size of that
365s fun so in his studies he actually
369s realizes that when he summoned the wise
371s Golem the wise Golem was not alone there
374s were two golems that use it to balance
377s that their power by being together as
380s soon as the wise Golem is created on
383s elvenar the other Golem had no
386s counterpart to balance its energy and
389s then the crevices started to open in the
392s whole continent of elvenar and now
394s zafiel understands that it's not only
396s the power of magic but also the power of
398s alchemy that work that use it together
401s will bring the balance back to Alana and
404s he now works together with our players
407s to rebuild these uh steam Golem
411s and learn more about the secrets of
413s alchemy to bring elvenar back to balance
416s so that is the mission that our players
418s are invited now to join that field help
421s him complete the quest collect knowledge
424s and manage to bring to life the twin
428s brother of the wise golden the our brand
431s new
432s um Evolution building the wise Golem
435s super cool so that's it that is why uh
438s the column was calling because people
441s needed
442s exactly to balance everything out
445s exactly he was trying to reach for his
449s brother the crevices were not trying to
451s destroy him but he was actually trying
453s to reach to his brother and contact him
457s so they could go back into balance and
460s now that device golden is on top of uh
463s the land the wise the steam goalie has
465s to come out
467s and uh
469s the team golden per se is a very
471s incredible creation from zafiel as you
473s might have uh heard yes I I saw I saw
476s the art and again that is spectacular
479s like always but the steam Golem starts
482s off like a little bit beat up
484s it looks like it has seen better days
487s yes it starts like a pile of remains but
491s also just assembling the Golem would not
494s be so easy if you don't know the secrets
496s to actually activate it if you remember
498s the wise goalie it was a summoning
500s Circle and then you had the golden being
502s summoned and this is an Alchemy one that
504s has to be built has to be shaped and it
508s has to be put to work so people would
511s need some sorcerer knowledge to do that
513s definitely
515s and that feel also so the player ends
518s after we collect the sorcerer knowledge
520s and the goaling will be constructed he
523s will start really small and as the more
525s source of Technology being brought the
528s more uh zafio is able to build these uh
531s the pieces and then you're gonna see the
533s golden growing size getting bigger and
536s bigger and bigger and then in the end
539s when that field really managed to have
542s the goaling operational he understands
544s that he should also increase his
548s knowledge over Alchemy and other
550s different buildings that our brand new
553s daily buildings can be built around it
556s so our centerpiece of the event is the
560s steam Golem but not we will not only
563s have the steam Golem we're gonna have
565s the Brewing Institute that is a very
569s high population and cultural building
571s where players will learn how to
574s create the potions oh I love I like I
578s love all of the little mechanism that
580s that building has I love it like uh it's
584s it's really high population though like
586s it's uh
588s it's something that can really help if
591s you're lucky population in your city
592s exactly and of course if you have a
595s brewing Institute you need a
597s experimental Distillery to learn how to
601s create a different fluids need needed
603s for these to Brewing after the portion
606s is brewed we move it on to the potion
609s distribution center that is also a
612s building that gives you culture and a
613s little bit of mana and if you build it
616s around the wise Golem you can see that
618s the wise Golem is providing energy to
620s everything and the whole process of
622s building these potions providing mana
625s and
627s preparing everything for the next
629s Alchemy Alchemy alchemic uh movement of
634s zafiel will be there
636s so it's a very beautiful Village
639s that you can build around the
641s Golan and I think it's going to look
643s incredible in our player cities yeah I
646s can't wait like but there is this uh new
650s building like it looks like a tent I saw
653s oh that is that is one of the the
656s several secrets we bring for our players
659s uh in this event as you you know we have
662s been developing and implementing in the
665s game several buildies that are expiring
668s but give our players a lot of value out
671s of it and for this event
674s we created a new building that is a
677s result of The alchemic Alchemist studies
681s from zafiel and it's called the manarun
684s so by learning how to build the the wise
686s golden they could also create these
688s mechanical manarun that is literally
691s standing in front of zafiel's tent
694s when zaphiel activates these monarun all
699s the Mana product produced in your
701s kingdom
702s will be increased for 15 days
706s oh that's what I wanted to hear yes yes
709s yes yes I I saw like it's a Teensy tiny
712s tiny building but it holds so much power
715s in that room I I can't wait to have it
718s yeah it's kind of uh the you have to
721s understand that when the the powers of
723s the magic on the wise golden and the
724s power of the Alchemy from the steam
727s Golem combined together they make Sophia
730s wiser and make him able to really uh
733s build these miracles
735s and we would also as always love to show
738s these to our players so for this event
742s everyone can get the money Rune either
745s on the grand prize lane or on the Royal
747s prize Lanes so we have two Mana runes
750s available
751s for our players they can either play
754s without the Royal prize pass or they can
757s also Acquire The Royal press pass and
759s get an extra amount of room so you for
762s players that get this the Royal prize
764s pass they will have 30 days of increased
767s Mana production
768s that is awesome
770s and not only
772s because yeah of course
774s we like this idea of giving our players
777s these uh expiring buildings and allowing
779s them to place these buildings whenever
781s they find more suitable these boosts
783s here and there to really make them move
785s forward when they need the most
788s so if you remember from the left
791s um event we had another expiring
794s building that was also quite uh
796s interesting the Sleepy Titan yes that
800s was awesome yes so we are bringing it
801s back on the Royal prize pass
804s yeah go for it uh just just a second
808s Tiago do you guys remember the Sleepy
810s Titan did you like it we we want you
813s guys to ask us questions also not just
816s uh explain to you because I would want
818s to be helpful to you and to what you
821s want to know about this event so
824s um please please please ask us questions
826s uh I see also that some already did
831s um uh write us a little bit and for
834s example Seoul Azia and zika uh I hope
837s it's Asia and not Asia I don't know like
840s I'm reading it in Italian
842s um but hi so hi again like thank you
845s guys I I see that you're uh looking uh
848s and coming to our Q A's regularly so
850s it's awesome to see you back here so
853s welcome uh and I can see that Giacomo
857s another Italian I guess uh hi uh it
861s Manchester United Davis put up some nice
863s videos he indeed did like they're
866s awesome uh go check him out uh because
869s after the stream uh if you if you are
872s interested in some strategy and and
874s something that looks a little bit into
877s like in-depth in the inner workings of
881s uh how to succeed in this event please
884s please check out uh our videos
889s also asked if we could provide videos in
892s French
893s I can already say that it's
897s unfortunately impossible for us to do
899s that but it's uh at the moment uh but we
903s do provide subtitles for many many
905s languages and for French for sure in all
909s our videos uh that is a point that we
912s can bring eternally if we could do them
915s in the future but I don't know Thiago
918s what do you think I think we can uh work
921s on the on the subtitles that for sure I
923s think it's very useful but
926s um considering how many markets and how
928s many countries we're actually bringing
930s elvenar it's really hard to try to have
933s everything translated or even the videos
934s we do it with a game with everything but
937s the efforts for the videos are a little
940s bit much but if you have any questions
943s any doubts about the event take this
945s opportunities talk to us right now we're
946s going to be here for half an hour
948s answering any questions that might come
950s up from the event from the game we are
953s complete you open so make sure to take
955s this opportunity write to us anything
958s and we are going to try our best to
960s either answer your questions and as you
963s guys that are here with us more often
965s and Jada knows if we can't answer your
967s question we will bring on the next live
969s q a and we will definitely bring you an
971s answer of course we have learned that
974s before
975s um so uh Asia Asia says you guys are the
980s best thinking about my health the
981s players with their cities
984s thank you thank you a lot thank you
988s um we have margarita
996s we are asked to gather certain amount of
998s gold or supplies or resources uh let us
1001s know when and uh where you find things
1005s difficult and we definitely will look
1007s into it Margarita do you mind if I do
1010s some spoiling a little bit to also use
1013s it to answer this question spoilers
1015s spoilers of course spoilers
1018s yes like for the players on the early
1020s chapters it might be a little bit more
1022s complicated of course you can use our uh
1026s coin rain or uh so the instant spells to
1030s provide coin supplies and whatever the
1031s quest is uh asked but not always not
1035s only that
1036s uh you know that what's gonna happen
1038s tomorrow right it's a very important day
1040s tomorrow
1042s what's gonna happen what's gonna happen
1043s I saw I saw some like pink petals flying
1047s through yes you know that
1050s as the time passes in elvenar you can
1053s see the seasons coming and going and
1054s changing right so we just left the
1057s season that reminded us of Halloween and
1061s winter so a little bit of the creepy
1064s dreams from Halloween and the good
1066s wishes from Winter and now the season is
1071s about to start
1072s so tomorrow we are very happy to release
1075s for all our markets our first elvenar
1079s season the season of Dreams completely
1082s themed around the good and the weird
1085s dreams from Halloween and winter and I
1088s can tell you something if you're having
1090s problems maybe getting something from
1092s the event
1093s the seasons were designed and
1097s tailor-made for players to
1100s be rewarded for their presence in the
1103s game you would not be asked to do any
1107s additional effort apart from coming
1110s together to the coming every day just
1112s doing your regular business collecting
1114s some coins producing some units maybe
1116s playing an event or
1120s um using the card room and every day as
1124s the player completes his four daily
1126s tasks he already gets a chest and from
1130s this chest you can get your coin range
1132s that will speed up your progression
1135s so together in we really believe that
1137s associating the main events that are a
1140s little bit more challenging they are a
1142s little bit more
1143s um
1144s you need to strategize a little bit more
1146s together with the flow of the seasons
1150s that will be your partner during the
1153s first 75 days of this season
1156s you can get your daily uh rewards and as
1160s you collect these petals complete these
1162s uh quests you also get main rewards like
1165s bigger rewards that are on the reward
1167s Lane so the association of these two a
1170s strategic more committed event together
1173s to a medium and long-term uh event
1177s working together it's going to be
1179s incredible and don't worry the seasons
1181s will be there whenever the event is
1184s running the seasons will run in parallel
1185s with main events with tournament with
1188s Spire with Fellowship Adventures
1191s everything and you can always get
1194s something in the seasons connected to
1196s the other events so it's not something
1198s specific for the season they'll need to
1200s stop and focus only that the idea is you
1203s log it in the game go check your Seasons
1205s season see if the quest which Quest you
1208s have there play your day and in the end
1211s just check if you completed I can assure
1213s you
1214s 95 of the time just by playing the game
1216s every day you're gonna complete the
1218s quest that I asked
1220s and sometimes you are not really playing
1223s some of the events maybe you don't know
1225s a little bit uh what to do but the
1227s seasons will reward you if you try them
1230s so it's really uh
1232s when we designed it we thought about
1234s making a companion to our players and I
1236s think that's what the seasons are it's a
1238s companion that shows you the game and
1241s then rewards you back so if you're as
1243s excited as us to see the seasons
1246s tomorrow for all markets we're going to
1249s be releasing our first season the season
1251s of Dreams
1252s and as the grand prize of the season of
1255s dreams you guys have to be very careful
1258s with each one because we made a re-skin
1263s so we got the burning pool
1267s and we repainted remade it change it and
1270s we created the somnia pool oh wow so
1273s it's the best Mana producer in the game
1276s slightly improved in production and the
1279s graphics are incredible you have a
1282s purple phoenix with a crystal in the
1285s middle I saw it I saw it Oh that's
1287s awesome and that's season of Dreams only
1290s so if you get it now you get it now
1293s next year
1295s we never know let's see
1297s but the players like our our veterans
1301s the one that know uh and also the ones
1305s that were at the last q a could have
1308s seen that uh we spoiled a little bit
1311s that it was going on beta very soon so
1314s this has been running in our beta server
1316s for us didn't it so if you want to see
1320s it before tomorrow you can go to Beta
1323s and check it out yeah it's been running
1325s on bitter since December and we have
1328s been working together with players with
1330s taking the player feedback and improving
1332s it because we want to release the most
1335s polished feature we can do so it's super
1339s beautiful I think
1340s uh was one of the most incredible
1343s features uh our team developed it's
1345s amazing
1347s yeah it's super cool because I mean it's
1349s something on top right and like it
1352s replaces the repeating quests it's it's
1355s something that gives you something like
1358s more meaningful rewards and things that
1362s you anyway would do but just it gives
1367s you that one uh dreamy
1372s uh how do you say
1375s visuals as well like when I when I was
1379s playing in beta because I couldn't wait
1381s to see how how it worked and how it was
1384s it was going it's amazing because I'm
1386s just playing my city and every every now
1389s and then I see that I can get something
1391s more uh and
1393s um one thing that it's very very cool
1395s that I that I like is when there are
1397s multiple rewards that I can choose one
1399s from
1400s so that whenever whenever I encounter
1403s that I'm like hmm for this city I am
1406s choosing this DC units for example
1409s because I I need it but for my city that
1412s I have in my live server uh I could use
1415s uh some this other instant for example
1418s because I I like that one instant more
1420s and and I find it brilliant I love it
1424s yeah
1425s um when we designed the seasons as I
1427s told you like it's meant to be a friend
1428s so we're not gonna lock you in uh in
1433s anything that you must get we allow the
1437s players to look at the rewards and
1440s choose exactly what would be better for
1442s their cities so if you need more units
1444s you can get units maybe you don't need
1446s the unity time reductions no I don't
1448s need time reductions I need a resource I
1451s need marble yeah we want it to be
1454s a very friendly uh and uh supportive
1459s feature for our players that are
1462s um committed to come every day to play a
1465s little bit more so they can enjoy uh the
1467s game and get
1469s um
1471s everyday a meaningful reward
1475s yeah because there are the requests that
1477s are daily and the requests that are like
1480s throughout the seasons right there are
1482s weekly so it's super cool like it's it
1486s just adjusts to your playstyle and just
1488s give you rewards just for playing and I
1491s find it something that it's just just so
1494s good uh for our players yeah
1497s um I see uh more uh more questions uh
1501s guys thank you so much for all your
1503s questions I I see I see a lot of them
1504s and I have I have to go through them did
1508s you want uh to add anything on top of
1510s that or shall we go to the questions I
1512s am waiting forward to see to hear your
1514s feedback about the uh Seasons enough
1519s dreams we made it with a lot of hair and
1521s love for you guys yeah and looks amazing
1524s uh so Fernando asks uh hi Fernando I
1529s noticed that we get a total of 11 steel
1531s Garland upgrades and three uh
1535s golden upgrades maybe it would be better
1537s getting nine steam Golem and uh five
1541s golden upgrades so this is a veteran and
1544s he knows what he's looking at and he's
1547s really really precise do you do you know
1550s uh like the balancing
1553s um this decision that was done to to get
1557s to this situation Thiago did you
1559s understand uh can can Fernando maybe uh
1562s be more precise
1564s you know I know what we I know that
1567s we're getting two three four five six
1570s seven nine uh
1573s from the golden from the steam golden
1576s and what we are doing also is
1580s for players that uh want the
1583s um
1585s the for players that want the artifacts
1588s from the wise Golem we placed them on
1593s the grand prize inside a tome
1595s so for players that are actually really
1598s interested in working towards uh
1602s their wise golden progression and a
1605s really interesting playing with zafiel
1606s and progressing on their Alchemy skills
1610s we have the Tome of golden artifacts
1613s that will allow the player to select
1615s between the wise Golem and the steam
1619s Golem as well as the Tome of ancient
1621s golems that can give you another Golem
1624s if you feel like if I could hear that he
1627s mentioned that he wants to have two
1630s steam Golems it's absolutely possible
1632s and the good thing about the scene Golan
1634s is that it gives you combining catalysts
1636s and in unorium and it has a very small
1638s take a very small place of your siege so
1640s it's a great opportunity as well as we
1643s have uh portrait uh
1646s uh exclusive Avatar oh that's awesome
1650s yes for the Alchemy
1652s and the players that are playing the
1653s leagues will find as well
1657s the I saw that we have a new build like
1661s a building uh for for the golden uh
1664s League
1666s yes uh for the golden league and for the
1670s for the golden and for the silver
1672s leagues you can get the uh tone
1677s that contains the one of the set one of
1680s the pieces of the set building
1683s uh from last year so the Forbidden ruins
1686s as well as the
1689s evil artifact
1692s nice thank you
1695s um let's see so uh there is always a way
1699s around uh any event quest to make it
1702s easier uh to gain culture or like for
1705s example you can downgrade and then
1707s upgrade paths wow I mean this is a
1710s veteran as well like she knows uh her
1713s way around uh Quest that is a very very
1716s clever way to do that yes uh thank you
1720s for sharing uh it's awesome when I see
1722s the community helping each other with
1724s these things like it's so so cool
1726s because like the elvenar community is
1728s all about that and I can't can't wait to
1732s see more of it uh I can see
1737s uh
1739s uh Asia is also asking did you guys ever
1741s think about making a Fourth of July
1744s event
1745s wow so this uh Asia then I can I can
1749s definitely call you Asia because that's
1751s probably a U.S player
1753s um
1755s what's what's your what's your thoughts
1757s about that
1758s um
1763s what I feel is that uh when we when we
1766s create these events we try to actually
1769s not get not only bring real life events
1772s into elvenar but I think the game design
1774s thought process is
1776s if we would be on elvenar and we would
1779s have a party for example for the
1781s continent or for the city how would it
1783s look like
1784s so probably we've already had something
1787s like the 4th of July but of elvenar
1792s cool look for references maybe you're
1794s fine uh-huh
1796s good thank you Thiago thank you so much
1799s um let's see uh Andrew says this is very
1804s interesting very very cool uh I'm so
1806s happy that we can bring content that is
1809s interesting to you Andre uh Rachel uh
1814s she loves all the thought and backstory
1817s we put into this event and that we make
1819s Elena the elephant award feel more
1822s cohesive and uh more imaginative depth
1825s thank you thank you I love her as well
1828s like our artists and our devs are
1830s putting their heart into it and you can
1832s feel it be sure that game designers are
1835s writing pages and pages and pages and
1837s pages of Evernote and making sure that
1840s we don't kill any story every character
1842s we create is well thought has an idea
1845s and has a Direction
1846s yeah last four minutes guys get your
1850s questions uh I can see uh iron Guru that
1853s is asking the recent new feature The
1855s Cauldron got quite hard reviews from the
1857s beta communities are the developers
1860s satisfied uh with the implementation uh
1863s I mean it's very very new it's a very
1866s complex uh feature The Cauldron and I
1869s understand that it can be hard to adapt
1872s to a new cycle but I mean I love The
1875s Cauldron
1877s I I don't know if it's the witchy hat uh
1880s that I like to wear basically every day
1882s but uh no it's it's it's really it's
1886s really really important to get your
1888s feedback and we are uh listening because
1890s we have uh like weekly reports about uh
1895s what you guys uh feel about in The
1897s Cauldron and the new features in general
1899s and so we are looking into
1903s um whatever you are bringing and we have
1907s talked with developers about
1909s improvements that we could bring
1911s directly to live and we are trying it uh
1913s into beta we are implementing things
1915s into beta as well uh piago do you want
1918s to give a little bit more insight on
1920s this
1921s um I don't think I have much to add I
1923s think the cardroom was a very
1925s interesting feature to be developed and
1928s every time you bring a bigger feature it
1931s might be a little bit more complex in
1932s the beginning but I think we have very
1934s clever players and they will get a hold
1936s of it quite fast so I think uh might be
1940s in the beginning look like a little bit
1941s too much but in the long run the card
1942s room would be incredible I I am a a
1945s fighter myself and I love being able to
1948s have my units stronger to produce more
1950s so I'm I'm enjoying I'm loving it
1953s thank you for your answer so last few
1956s minutes uh Dave says season universe is
1960s working very well in beta much better
1962s than the old rotating quests I would
1964s prefer not to have a mini
1967s Adventure Farm permanently in my city
1971s but some of the new season quests are
1972s pushing me in that direction if we could
1974s move away from the need for uh workshops
1978s in order to do quests I think the
1981s seasons would be easier to handle thanks
1983s for putting this together do you have
1986s anything
1987s um we kept uh we have a expectation of
1991s how many workshops a player could should
1992s have in its City and we are using that
1995s uh to really build the requirements of
1998s the seasons uh we released on beta on a
2001s very small group of players we already
2003s adapted a little bit and now online
2005s we're going to keep on monitoring but
2007s the idea is to make it natural
2010s so if we see that on the long run it
2013s feels too much of a burden of course
2015s we're going to rebalance it
2018s thank you
2021s can I uh username American mix no
2026s Armenian I'm sorry Armenian mix asks how
2029s do you cast pet food potions
2031s like uh I am not super sure it's a
2035s instant spell just go to your inventory
2037s click it it's an enchantment just click
2040s on the inventory and use it on a patch
2042s but you have to have it that's what it
2044s oh thank you I didn't understand it at
2046s first like how do you ah okay because
2048s how do you use the pet food uh
2051s as like how how is it used yes uh as
2055s Thiago said you just go into inventory
2057s click on it and add it to the to the
2060s path that you want to feed the pet food
2063s too and that I'm sorry uh but the time
2067s is up already I see all these questions
2069s please come back next time so we can
2071s answer more thank you very much for all
2074s your time that you dedicate to us it
2076s means the world to us so uh have a
2079s lovely evening and see you in the next
2081s one
2082s see you and enjoy the Alchemy power yes
2087s enjoy the event guys