27 days ago - Silmaril - Direct link
I can confirm that the in-game news was live from 3rd to the 13th of May inclusive. Similar to our previous survey this was asking players to choose their preference for the upcoming events building effects. It was available across each of our servers without exception.
We launched our InnoBlog last year, to bring players interesting news and items from across our games, our previous one was based around our 9th Birthday and can be found here  
27 days ago - Silmaril - Direct link
Very rare we use the red pop-up, this is because the in-game news window pops up when you log in, so that days news is the first thing you see in your city. We rarely add a news item for just a few hours (unless final call for contests), they usually run over several days to give time for players to react, hence the 11 days of the last survey. So in theory even just a once a day player would be seeing this once a day as they log into their game.  
27 days ago - Silmaril - Direct link
I am sorry I cannot explain how it was missed, as it was present for that time window, admittedly amongst other news items as we had a lot running at that time due to our 9th Birthday celebrations across social media, changes to Android versions being supported etc: A full log-in is needed on the game to trigger the news to pop-up, so if some players are not actively closing down the game and doing a full log in, this does bypass the pop-up ability, as the game would see this as a refresh not a new gaming session. Not sure if that information helps at all.