over 4 years
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@Zoltan Alte Socke Thank you so much for taking the time to be detailed in your explanation of this suggestion
however, this is currently not something our developers would look to consider at this time. As suggested above by @Pauly7 whilst KP Swapping is a very common way of doing things within Fellowships, we have to take into account that not all Fellowships do this, and many Fellowships have a very specific way of doing it. It is for that reason a "KP Swap Assistant" as it were would not work for every FS out there. Each KP Swap Thread will be tailored differently to that of another and to create something so vast within the game that would cater for all potential swap scenarios would be extremely challenging.
Thank you again though for bringing this forward! A very thoughtful idea!
Kind Regards
Thank you again though for bringing this forward! A very thoughtful idea!
Kind Regards