over 2 years
ago -
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Release Notes
Dear Humans and Elves,
We will update our International Worlds to Version 1.160 tomorrow, September 27th.
Here are the changes below:
- The newer Battle-related expiring buildings now also grant back resources when being sold.
Bug Fixes
As with every update, we've resolved a number of bugs, among which:
- We fixed an issue with the quest "Have a Steel Manufactory of Level 34". It no longer demands Planks Manufactories to be build.
- We fixed an issue with the upgrade of the Harmony Grove in Chapter 20. It now displays the needed Diamonds for the upgrade again.
- We fixed an issue with the quest 'Train Vallorian Guards or Vallorian Veterans'. The quest now accepts heavy melee units of the barracks.
- We fixed an issue with the Royal Prize Pass. It no longer needs to be purchased again after leaving a Fellowship.
- We fixed an issue with some Cultural Buildings, where the culture bonus line was duplicated.
- We fixed an issue with wrong translations in Greek for the Winners Parade.
- We fixed an issue, where very new players weren't displayed in the Neighborly Help list right away.
- We fixed a display issue of Alloy Shrooms in the goods overview, when more than 1 Mio. Alloy Shrooms where available.
- We fixed an issue with the text display of Fellowship Perk names in the perk overview.
- We fixed an issue in the Trader, that could cause productions to be cancelled right away when starting them.
- We fixed a display issue, where Cultural Buildings without needed street connection where displayed as needing a street connected to them.
- We fixed a text issue in the Research Tree, where Research Names have been cut off.
- We fixed an issue in the Message Center, where the own avatar was displayed instead of the avatar of the other conversation partner.
- We fixed a text issue of inconsequent naming of Dwarven Style manufacturies.
- We fixed a sound issue, where no battle ending sound was played after completing a multiple-wave battle.
- We fixed an issue in the Spire of Eternity, where the order of troops where displayed incorrectly in a two-wave battle.
- We fixed a text issue in the Fellowship Ranking, to avoid long Fellowship names overlapping with the window UI.
- We fixed an issue in the Spire of Eternity that made it impossible to view a chest tooltip.
- We fixed an issue in the Magic Academy, that kept changing the order of displayed recipes.
- We fixed an issue in the Spire of Eternity, that made it hard to read the cooldown time to reach the next level of the Spire.
- We fixed an issue that caused the Ingenious Bakery to not be displayed correctly after placing it in the city.
- We slightly changed the positioning the of the 'Account Delete' button in the settings, as it was too close the logout button.
- We fixed an issue, where the number of Portal goods was not highlighted when boosted by the Ancient Wonder 'Vortex of Sorage'.
- We fixed a text issue of inconsequent naming of 'Summonings', as they were still called 'Buildings'.
- We fixed a text issue of inconsequent naming of the 'Magic Academy Library', as it was still called 'Enchantments Library'.
- We fixed an issue when trying to sell a building on mobile. The building name is now displayed again.
- We fixed an issue, where the Instants Tab had a different window outline than all other tabs in the Spells Inventory.
- We fixed an issue with weird layouts for some recipe costs.
- We fixed an issue in the Magic Academy, that caused the recipe costs to move from left to right.
- We fixed an issue with the intro screen for the Spire of Eternity.
- We fixed an issue that caused the Combining Catalyst icon to be missing in the Ancient Wonder overview.
- We fixed an issue that caused the Cultural Bonus to be displayed incorrectly.
If you are curious and want to experience these changes before they are released, please feel free to register an account on our Beta server, where they get released several days in advance for technical testing.
We hope you like the changes we're bringing with this update. Please let us know your feedback on the changes by leaving a comment in the discussion thread!
Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team