about 3 years ago - anonglitch - Direct link
The game will bring you different challenges throughout different events to keep it fresh.

You received troop instant prizes before, in prior events. Therefore, some players who choose not to deplete themselves from these spells will have them available for this quest. Furthermore, @Thezza, we already had one day (5th day) where you could win these spells. We are sorry the negotiate aspect did not work for you, one more reason to never deplete your spells! Keepers always have!  
about 3 years ago - Herodite - Direct link
@Thezza We will feed this information back. Whilst I cannot speak for the reason why BETA didn't respond, we will definitely put your concerns forward once more. @Pauly7 as you know the alternative tasks were given to make things relatively easier however I understand the issue you've discussed makes that alternative just as difficult. Again, we'll feed it back to the Team.

Kind Regards

about 3 years ago - Proudfoot - Direct link
I hate to say it but i have never used any of my troop instances yet never needed to and if i was honest i forget they are even there.