4 months
ago -
Elvenar Official
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | in the Tranquil Realm of elener the |
2s | night sky is set to unveil a spectacle |
4s | unlike any other the Autumn zodiac event |
6s | brings exciting new rewards that can be |
8s | unlocked by completing various |
10s | constellations spend your golden keys |
12s | wisely wind Glo the Dream Weaver an |
15s | evolving building that produces |
16s | population culture boosted basic Goods |
19s | Barrack Mages mana and knowledge points |
22s | depending on its level as a pet Lio also |
25s | has a feeding effect that provides the |
27s | latest boost to basic Goods of your |
28s | chapter perspire chest for 60 hours are |
31s | you prepared for a galactic Journey |