6 months ago - Enshrouded - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s you wanted more tips we got you some
2s more tips the glider is the quickest way
5s to get around in the world of un
6s shrouded you can jump from Heights and
8s use it to travel long distances
10s relatively
12s safely there's another problem with the
14s glider and is that it's easy to run out
16s of the stamina when using it especially
18s at lower levels results can be pretty
22s dramatic so here's something you can do
25s if you're thinking that you're going to
26s run out of stamina before getting to a
28s safe landing spot Stow Your Glass with a
30s mouse to button or B on your controller
32s and Free Fall until you're close to the
34s ground at the last second reopen your
36s glider to drop your momentum and save
39s your life we hope you enjoy using the
40s glider to explore the world of unshed
42s and always remember you can't stumble
44s upon treasure if your feet aren't
45s touching the ground take care and we'll
47s see you in the next one