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I guess some of you knew that already... But with the construction hammer you can remove the ground too!?

When you hold Alt, you can see small icons on each selections : the building block(blue cube), the roof tiles (yellow triangle) and the terrain stuffs (green mountain). If you pick any of the terrain stuffs (my favorite right now is the Rock 2M, last row, number 2) you can right click to remove ground in your base area.

I was working my ass on a cave base with the pickaxe and I wanted to keep a natural look, so when I was doing mistakes I would use it to place back some rocks and I mistakenly right clicked... woooooow! You can rotate it, use Q + mouse wheel to go further or closer, etc. That works for all of the shapes, so now I use the 1st one in that row to quickly carve out the space I need (it's the cube) and then I play around with the rock to give back a natural look. Took me about 20mins to do an area that was about 4 foundations high, 8 long and 4 width :)

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8 months ago - /u/KeenToast - Direct link

Originally posted by shibii1111

Yeah swapping like in terraria instead of remove and add back would be great! Paint brush style like in some games perhaps? I'm sure the alchemist could find a way /u/KeenToast :P

Not a bad idea! Might be a good idea to see if it's on https://enshrouded.featureupvote.com/ ;)