about 1 year
ago -
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Version number: 487224
Greetings, Flameborn!
We have just released a new hotfix addressing the following problems:
• Several crashes have been fixed.
• Fixed a rare crash in the building menu.
• Fixed an issue that caused that the game wouldn’t start and show a message “Failed to initialize the graphics system” on older AMD graphics cards.
• CPUs that do not support AVX should now be able to host sessions with more than 2 players.
• Fixed an issue that on framerates above 60fps the mouse wheel could skip steps (mostly in the action bar and building menu).
Please check the Known Issues thread for more information on other problems we are working on.
Greetings, Flameborn!
We have just released a new hotfix addressing the following problems:
• Several crashes have been fixed.
• Fixed a rare crash in the building menu.
• Fixed an issue that caused that the game wouldn’t start and show a message “Failed to initialize the graphics system” on older AMD graphics cards.
• CPUs that do not support AVX should now be able to host sessions with more than 2 players.
• Fixed an issue that on framerates above 60fps the mouse wheel could skip steps (mostly in the action bar and building menu).
Please check the Known Issues thread for more information on other problems we are working on.