about 4 years ago - - Direct link

University of California Riverside & Next Island Partnership

Pre-Survey Announcement for all Entropians

Greetings Entropians!

Next Island has partnered with the Social & Spatial Cognition lab at the University of California Riverside and we will be sharing paid opportunities to be involved in scientific research with the Entropia community soon. But first, we want to find out what other online games Entropians regularly play. As a reward, Next Island will issue a unique shirt with the lab logo to each avatar that takes the time to participate in this initial poll.

If you spend as much time (or more) in another online game as you spend in Entropia Universe, please respond to this quick one-question poll on the Next Island forum.


If your Next Island forum account name does not exactly match your full avatar name be sure to include your avatar's full name in the comments on the Next Island forum poll. The Next Island team will need this to hand out your shirt after this fall's partner content update.

Thanks in advance, and more to come soon!

Best regards
The Next Island team

about 4 years ago - - Direct link

University of California Riverside & Next Island Partnership

Greetings Entropians!

As originally mentioned in the preliminary announcement in June 2020, Next Island has partnered with the Social & Spatial Cognition Lab at the University of California Riverside to recruit Entropians for a paid research opportunity. 

In the finalized rendition of this experiment, all participants will receive their own unique shirt to be delivered by a University of California Riverside or Next Island official on Next Island for answering the first few questions of the experiment. Those that qualify and progress through the rest of the experiment (Approximately 30 Minutes) will be compensated with 50 PED in game. 



We are seeking Entropians who play another game as much as Entropia Universe. 

If that describes you, click this link to see if you qualify for the research opportunity.  If you qualify, you will be compensated 50 PED for approximately 30 minutes of your time. If you do not play any other games other than Entropia, simply input that you only play Entropia Universe in the ‘Other’ field and you will still receive a free shirt for your avatar!

Discussion Thread:

UCR Social & Spacial Cognition lab

*Note: Mobile device / tablet users are not eligible for this opportunity. Please only click the above link from a desktop / laptop computer.

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