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Introducing Skrill

MindArk is pleased to introduce Skrill Wallet as a new deposit method for Entropia Universe. Skrill Wallet is now available both as a regular deposit method and in the Entropia Universe Webshop at https://account.entropiauniverse.com.

By using Skrill Wallet, participants in Entropia Universe can add funds to their avatar accounts. The unique real-cash economy of Entropia Universe allows participants to fund their avatars’ activities for entertainment or to build their own businesses inside the unique MMO game experience of Entropia Universe. The Entropia Universe currency PED is tied to the value of the real-world USD at a rate of 10 PED to 1 USD.

Skrill Wallet is available for transfers over 10 USD or the equivalent in other currencies. A currency exchange fee of 9% will be included in deposits from Skrill Wallet to PED. No exchange fee is added when using Skrill Wallet in the Entropia Universe Webshop.

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