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Special Edition AMA now under way!

MindArk will be conducting an AMA (with a new twist) on Planet Calypso Forum, starting on October 14, 2020. The question submission period will run for two weeks, until October 28.

A special AMA sub-forum has been added to the Dev’s Corner forum section on This AMA sub-forum allows each member to submit a single question for the AMA, in the form of an individual forum thread. This will help to keep the discussion of diverse topics separate and easier to follow for everyone involved.

To raise the stakes from the last AMA, this version will feature a video of responses directly from members of the MindArk team!

Each participant may submit a single question thread in the AMA sub-forum before the submission deadline, October 28, 2020. During the submission period, thread replies are disabled. After the video is released, the question threads will be opened up for community discussion.

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, Oct. 28, 17:00 UTC

MindArk Participants

  • Henrik Nel - Chief Executive Officer
  • Magnus Eriksson - Chief Operating Officer
  • Dennis Antonsson - Entropia Universe Product Owner
  • Justin Sorrell - Planet Calypso Product Owner
  • Magnus Ryme - Lead Developer
  • Mathias Gustavsson - Marketing Manager
  • My Antonsson - Community Relations Manager
  • Robert Persson - Sound Designer / Musical Composer
  • Sally - Balancing Manager
  • Hank - Junior Level Designer
  • Jennefer Lind - Technical Game Designer
  • Andreu Ramírez - Senior Software Engineer

AMA Question Guidelines


  • Post questions that are clear and concise.
  • Post questions that are directly related to Entropia Universe or MindArk.
  • Post questions in a mature and polite manner.
  • Post questions that MindArk representatives can reasonably be expected to be able to answer on a public internet forum.



  • Post more than one question thread, or creature multiple forum accounts to bypass the limit.
  • Post requests for in-game support, or questions relating to open support cases, account bans, etc.
  • Post questions directly related to internal Entropia Universe balancing mechanics (e.g. 'Why is my loot so bad?!' or 'When will more of xxxx start dropping?' etc.).
  • Post questions directly related to specific Entropia Universe avatars or societies.
  • Post rhetorical and/or loaded questions whose only purpose is to promote a particular response or viewpoint.
  • Post questions whose content is defamatory or slanderous to MindArk or to any of MindArk's affiliates, employees, or planet partners.
  • Post questions or content in violation of the Entropia Universe EULA or TOU.



  • Any questions not adhering to the above guidelines will be removed from the AMA sub-forum and will not receive a response.
  • Question threads for duplicate or very similar topics may be merged.
  • Due to time constraints, there is no guarantee that the MindArk team will be able to answer every question posted. However, we will do our best to cover as many questions and topics as possible.
  • Questions that require a more in-depth or detailed response may receive a supplemental response in text format, and/or may not appear in the video.


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