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about 1 year ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

its planned. we have it in arena

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by Buzzd-Lightyear


Y’all need to worry out rebalancing the low to mid-level combat experience, not trivial shit like this.

I'd say ~55 slayer is pretty spot on for low-mid level combat experience, champ.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by whiskey_wednesday1

As long as they don't smoke you through 5 piece crypt again that'd be nice lol

Gave em a play test today, after some of the rebalance to bring down their accuracy/dmg you can soul split afk in ~70 power gear, I'd imagine lower stats/gear are still comfortable too

5 months ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by LazyWolf2118

These are not the original developers. The new lead designer, Jens, you may notice he only started streaming a year ago right before Update 10 was released. This was their first major update. He was formally a player GM on White Tiger Server.

Jens is working here as designer for more than 4 years, we simply didn't have regular streams before that year and decided he'd be the best fit to do them. The company is also still owned and led by the same two people founding it over ten years ago - John and Milenko. It is natural that there is personnel fluctuation in over ten years.

Would be great if you stopped spreading such nonsense.

26 days ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by Strange_March6447

How about a 17 year old having a relationship with a 14 year old and turning 18 later on? I don't think Zoythrus is condoning pedophilia in any way shape or form, it's just that there are certain grey areas, as well as in legislation, that don't make this a black or white thing.


Pedophilia is wrong, full stop, but this is a gray area where I can't possibly know every possible combo of circumstances in this specific situation.

26 days ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by GEAX

Plenty of grandparents have had a perfectly good relationship start that way, but

This should not be an argument someone makes in the modern day? What's the purpose of communicating this. You can't use the argument for present day people, and you shouldn't make people think you would.

Oh, don't worry, I fully agree. Pedophilia, grooming, and etc are inherently bad, full stop.

But when it comes to this specific circumstance, as I stated, it really rides that legal and moral gray line where I really can't give a proper answer. Hence the "Well, it really depends."

26 days ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by ValyrianBone

Aw, f**k. Adults, don’t f**k 14 year olds. This isn’t difficult.

I fully agree. Seriously, that sort of relationship is wrong. Pedophilia has no place in modern society.

In this specific circumstance, it's a bit more legally and morally gray due to the closeness in ages, and I cant possibly know every possible circumstance, hence the non-answer.

26 days ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by ThisI5N0tAThr0waway

Exactly what I was going to say. It's more probable than not that a relationship between a 14yo and a 18 is/will be bad and toxic, but individual circumstance varies widely so who knows.

Out of the 100 billion humans, surely there's been two people, one 18, one 14, where they were in a healthy, loving relationship or whatever. The human experience is so diverse that I can't give a broad, blanket "no", as that wouldn't be fair.

But I'm not going to say "18-14 relationships are okay." In the vast majority of circumstances, no, it's not okay. The question that prompted this was clearly asked just to take it out of context and make me look bad. :/

26 days ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by GEAX

I believe you, though it's pretty unfortunate that any explanation walks the speaker right into a stand-up comedy routine

I agree. You can't try to give a nuanced answer that attempts to encompass the complexities of history and life without running into someone thinking you "wholly support" or "wholly reject" something.

I'm just saying that I cant possibly know everything.

That video was funny, though. Thanks for sharing.

26 days ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by ThisI5N0tAThr0waway

The human experience is so diverse that I can't give a broad, blanket "no", as that wouldn't be fair.

I disagree, there are such things that are always bad, but not that many. The possibly gray area is far bigger than most people would admit.

The question that prompted this was clearly asked just to take it out of context and make me look bad. :/

The fact that many people just want to be in a "gotcha" mode is one of the big reasons most socials have become toxic. Context matters, always. The algorithm doesn't care about context.

It's okay to disagree. It's a really wonky, specific situation where legality, morals, and tons of other variables collide into a gray mess. Is it right or wrong? I have no idea. I'm just saying that I, personally, am not a lawyer, a sociologist, or any other profession that can give a solid yes or no given the particular, highly specific circumstances.

And yeah, socials can be garbage. Now comes the fun part where I have to let everyone know that no, I'm not condoning pedophilia, illegal relationships, etc just because one guy wants to make me look bad.

26 days ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by TangeloCivil703

Huh. Wild

Hey, just to make myself clear, pedophilia, grooming, or anything unpleasant to do with a minor is wrong. Fully wrong. Full stop, no excuses.

But life is complicated and complex, and I can't possibly know the exact specifics at play in any given circumstance. I'm ultimately saying "I can't say yes or no to this highly specific circumstance (a hypothetical 18-14 relationship) because I can't possibly know everything related to it. I'm not the authority on this sort of thing."