I prefer Representativey McRepresentativeface
Rolls right off the tongue
I prefer Representativey McRepresentativeface
Rolls right off the tongue
Clanny McClanface
Poor Radimus had to pay well over the expected rate in order to get men to deal with the extreme population; in-fact he used the entire quarter's Legend's Guild budget to keep YOU safe, that money was supposed to go on remodelling the garden, but no.
And all you have to say is you 'stand with the bears ?!
Go stand with the bears, see what happens. Have you ever seen a bear rip a man's face off?
Radimus has.
Don't show your face around here anymore. The Legend's Guild will not accept such insolence.
If I might offer a humble recommendation: The Enchanted Lyre has a customizable quick-tele option, perhaps you might be able to use that item's implementation for a customizable quick-tele for the next default left-click?
Will give it a look - TY
Hey Sponge! Thank you that's great to hear! Sorry if this came across as rude it just felt like the perfect time to ask, the update today will definitely make RC better!
Not rude at all - just felt it would answer a lot of questions by addressing immediately
The Passing Bracelet's first option is now rub instead of wear and the first Actionbar option whilst worn is also rub, instead of teleporting to the Hanging Gardens. The hope is to make it slightly less annoying to use whilst Runecrafting in Um.
Thanks for this, and I dont mean to sound ungrateful, but this update really emphasises why it would be nice to be able to select the default option for items on the actionbar.
I remember seeing a Jmod on twitter work on this along time ago, is there any plans to pick up this work again i the future?
Yo - I'm going to relook in the future at this + other tele items being more customisable in the future, but as this was done and more or less an improvement all-round I didn't see a need to stop this change prior to further updates
It's ardoon, fight me.
I called it Ah-ron-doh-ne for the first 25 years of my life, and i aint stoppin now.
That's a fascinating bit of Dev insight! I had always assumed that the dyed items operated this way, with the base item followed by a color config change. But I had no idea the OG items operated that way too!
As graphics have advanced in the game we've moved away from block colors (to an extent as a player you can see the difference turning on/off textures in game (if it stays the same it's probably using the older base colour system)
Stuff like dyed items tend to be retextures not recolours and therefore unfortunately take a lot more time to make
So does that mean the red party hat is the OG one? The only real party hat?
Hey this is a engine bug we've got a job in to fix.
Essentially, we have a command to make player clones (being used here/kerapac & a few other places) however for some reason the command doesn't pick up recolor data currently. (A lot of items; like partyhats (especially older items), use the same base model and are recolored in the item config and as a result the player clone will show the default color for the model.
Isn't there a way to make it customizable? like the Excalibur?
There are limitations to doing this but i'll see whats possible
Yo I changed this a little while back albeit it might not be the 'perfect' fix (the jobs currently awaiting QA)
I've moved the bracelets ops around - op1 will now 'rub' so the left click will no longer equip the item
Also when worn the op1 is Rub rather than a specific option so players don't have to right click if they have it equipped.
I _can_ change it over to just be haunt primary - my concern would be if for some reason one of the other options became 'primary' (a clue step or content at gardens etc) then we'd get arguments over which one is first
either way lmk thoughts.
Yo - no real update it was more an exploration than anything solid, and no way near finished additionally it's not really completable in gamejam due to the amount of art needed to fill out a new set of clue scroll rewards (if we wanna do the update 'properly').
General idea was seasonal clues you have a chance to get depending on the season that are less farmable and more 'wow moments' - so if you get one you wanna do it; you can find my rough design notes in the images on this page https://runescape.wiki/w/Game_Jam_(December_2023))
Would be nice to see it explored in the future
'So then I convinced thousands of them to work for me, for nothing more than the chance at a black paper hat'
Yeah - there's a combat backlog job for it; one of the guys will jump on it when time allows
At a quick glance it doesn't appear to be on their drop table'; The adrenaline urn and the armor is, but the commendations look like theyre from proper kalgs only
I don't actually. I think Rasial is over stacked in terms of progression rewards
tbf sponge has devved alot of mistakes in his time so far
I'll be the first to admit that