over 4 years ago - Natalino - Direct link
On 10/15/2019 at 5:23 PM, CallOfDoody said:

Dear @Natalino. I'm hoping you are able to give us a small update on the situation for the Emissary for South Africa. At first we had GlorifiedPig, and then Little77. Unfortunatley, it seems both have gone dormant on these forums. 

If either are no longer able or willing to man the post, I'd like to higlight my application for the position again (I've twice filled in the application over the last year). I am already very commited to the SA community, being one of the admins on the Escape From Tarkov Facebook page, Discord, and WhatsApp groups. Myself, along with the other unoffical community leaders are assiting the SA community daily. We're hoping we can legitimise this service through the Emisary program. 

Yes, I may not be very active on this forum, but the vast majority of our ~600 member community engage with each other on the groups I mentioned above. If, however, you see it fit, I would be happy to steer community engagments to the forum as well.

I hope you get to read this post, and find some time to respond.

Kind regards, The-Kraken_ZA (CallOfDoody)

Send me a PM

Add @TheWay in the conversation as well.