almost 2 years ago - Eternal Return - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Music]
16s my arrows will reveal the truth
23s pinpoint precision
25s [Music]
30s you can't stop me
35s go ahead keep moving
40s [Music]
42s my bow never wavered
46s [Music]
50s trust me i got this
54s easy
59s careful you might drown
66s i'm never losing water
75s bring it on
77s [Music]
83s maybe it's time to put the book down and
85s go on a little adventure myself
90s the first chapter of my summer
95s [Music]
96s want to hear a tale of the oceans
99s [Music]
101s um
102s i just didn't want them to interrupt my
104s vacation
106s listen to the sounds of summer
110s now that was a fun trip let's do it
112s again sometime