about 2 months ago - Eternal Return - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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901s hello everyone and welcome back to
902s another episode of professors and we're
905s here once again with Superior how are
907s you doing here today hello hello it's
909s good to be back it's good to be back I
910s think it's been about uh like 10 months
912s now right since the last time yeah it's
915s been a pretty long time uh so it's
916s almost like uh you know you haven't been
918s here before it's G be like a clean slate
919s and I'm very excited uh to get this
922s started here and you know you probably
923s heard some of these questions before but
925s for the people that haven't you know
926s been on here uh everyone always is
928s curious how you started playing ER oh
932s yeah um actually I think one of my
934s friends just you know started playing uh
936s the game and I was playing League at the
938s time and you know I really enjoyed like
939s these mobile games like I went from
941s Smite to league and then you know I
943s heard about eternal return they were
945s playing uh and I just decided to you
948s know give it a try and ever since then
950s you know I've I've uh kind of stuck
953s around uh with the game so yeah 100%
956s yeah that's great I'm glad you stuck
957s around because it's been a very very
958s long time for the people that didn't
960s know I mean you've been here since like
961s what season 1 in Early
963s Access uh yeah yeah it's it it I think I
966s think season one yeah yeah so that's
970s great yeah it's such a long time so I'm
971s very excited that you're still here and
973s you know you're back here with us and
975s you know along with that you actually
976s won last season's ercs so of course
978s congratulations to that once again
980s taking back your guys' throne and I do
982s know that you guys have a a little bit
984s of a roster change this season so do you
986s kind of want to highlight that uh us on
988s that one yeah I think uh so originally
991s gobu wasn't going to play and and aimi
993s they weren't going to play this season
994s but uh I think they ended up you know
996s finding a different team uh I think so
999s like goou was going to be busy for the
1000s weekend he wasn't going to be able to
1001s practice but I think he ended up uh you
1003s know sort of you know making some
1004s adjustments and uh he was able to play
1007s nazimi uh ended up leaving because he
1009s wanted
1010s to uh he he orig was going to play for
1014s this season but I think N I asked him so
1016s you know he just agreed and then we I'm
1018s getting jaed cuz you know he kind of
1020s just asked me and uh we had like a slot
1022s open so you know I think J was like a
1024s perfect for our team he plays Alena you
1026s know we have this you know sort of dive
1028s comp with him and uh yla uh yla is a
1031s player that uh you know originally um
1034s not too many people you know had their
1035s eyes out on him and uh he was he was a
1038s really really good player and I ended up
1040s uh you know asking him I think about
1042s like four to five months uh beforehand
1044s you know if he was interested in playing
1046s uh competitive and uh eventually you
1049s know since we had some slots open uh you
1052s know we ended up getting him to join us
1054s as well that's awesome yeah I mean yo
1056s was kind of like the surprise one you
1058s know we hadn't really seen him around we
1059s barely saw him in ranked so he's kind of
1061s like new blood coming into the scene but
1063s he's been doing great things for you go
1065s for you guys along with J as well you
1066s guys had a pretty killer first uh
1068s weekend of ercs so it's been a very
1071s exciting ride and you know I think
1073s before actually we get into um the uh
1076s Professor segment uh we do also have a
1078s drag uh grab bag drop code that's what
1082s it is I had a very lot of difficulty
1084s saying that um so we have that as well
1085s for you guys which we'll Post in the
1087s chat which is available for an hour uh
1089s so make sure you guys put that in to get
1091s that code here as well and you know
1093s without further Ado I think we can get
1094s into the segment here we can start
1096s learning a little bit about Garnet which
1098s I know all of you guys are very excited
1099s about she is the newest uh character we
1102s have out here so we do have super
1103s joining us to you know teach us a little
1105s bit about her and I think we can just
1106s jump right in and get into uh the fun
1109s stuff here you know we're going to go
1110s over her build here first for you guys
1112s and yeah we'll just uh take it away here
1114s so if you want to bring up her uh build
1116s here that you have been running um yeah
1119s on your account and then we'll just go
1121s straight down the list yeah so there's
1124s actually uh two builds you could run on
1125s Garnett I would say which is uh I think
1128s so a lot of people kind of get baited by
1130s Garnett by playing her like more of a
1132s damage esque character but I think she's
1134s strictly like a full tank I would just
1136s consider her like a tank with like a lot
1138s of healing cuz she has damage reduction
1139s as well she's kind of just like a hard
1141s tank so I wouldn't build any damage on
1143s her just build full tank items you could
1145s either go uh this build with the sunset
1148s armor and the sword stopper or the EOD
1151s and the and the sword stopper uh and
1153s then you change your weapon uh depending
1155s on if you have CDR obviously or if you
1157s don't uh personally I prefer
1160s the uh the sunset armor build just
1163s because when you're playing the EOD
1164s build so this is a build that a lot of
1165s Tanks run but if you're running this
1167s build uh usually you you obviously want
1169s to transition your your chest piece
1171s first but when you do upgrade into your
1173s chest piece first you get that
1174s reflection and sword stopper already has
1177s reflection so you're basically you know
1179s losing one of the unique passives uh for
1183s one of your items so that's the reason
1185s why I personally prefer the Sens armor
1186s build because obviously you do get uh
1190s you know two uning passives and you are
1192s going to be able to you know upgrade
1193s into blazing dress first blazing dress
1195s is obviously going to be your uh your
1197s first pry and and yeah just the starting
1200s items would just be spy umbrella Sunset
1202s armor H banneret sword stopper and EOD
1206s boots so what's the route for that if
1208s you hit like next on the right here to
1210s yeah it's just uh Alli police Temple so
1213s it's kind of weird because Ali also has
1215s like a bottom spawn and when you get the
1217s bottom spawn in allei you could actually
1220s uh go Temple second so these three zones
1222s are kind of interchangeable so you can
1224s actually choose any of the three and
1225s depending on uh if one if one zone is
1227s more contested you like you could start
1229s in uh in each of the zones so if you get
1232s the bottom spawn in alley you want to
1234s just route into alley or sorry route
1236s into Temple second and you go police
1238s third and if you get the top spawn I
1241s think in Aly you could go to the gas
1242s station TP I'll go more into it uh when
1244s we do jump into a practice and I'll kind
1246s of show you guys you know how how I kind
1249s of Route with this uh build but yeah you
1253s the the the three uh routes or the three
1256s zones are basically uh interchangeable
1257s and you can kind of go through and any
1259s of the three so yeah that that's great
1262s yeah we can definitely touch on that
1263s when we go into practice tool and you
1264s know when we start with the custom games
1266s later uh you know let's jum right into
1268s TCT to uh tactic skills next um you know
1271s what are the options here and you know
1272s what would you prefer yeah so there's
1275s probably about four options for Garnett
1277s I would say you could run either blink
1279s if you want that Gap close Quake
1281s protocol or force field horce field
1284s works just because you know you know you
1285s really uh you do run you know that uh or
1288s a lot of HP items personally I think
1291s protocol is the best and I think it's
1293s one of the best uh tactical skills for
1295s tanks if you can utilize it correctly
1297s just because you know it provides so
1298s much uh combat power for your team if
1301s you are able to you know get it on
1302s yourself even if you get it on yourself
1304s it's 600 hp which is about equal to what
1307s uh force field gives you and um it's Max
1310s HP as well so it can't be heal cuted or
1313s it also can't be taken off by characters
1314s like maybe Luke you know who can take
1316s off like a force field shield and um you
1319s could go quake I think Quake is probably
1320s the second best if you want that extra
1322s damage and you want that extra CC for
1323s your team to maybe peel for them um and
1326s then I would say if you're not really
1329s comfortable with running protocol and
1331s you can't use protocol correctly you
1333s could go force field it's a lot easier
1334s to use you just press the button you get
1336s a big Shield uh since you know Garnet
1338s you're just supposed to be in the front
1339s line you're supposed to you know tank as
1340s much damage as possible for your team
1342s and then uh blink if you want that Gap
1344s close but I I personally wouldn't run
1346s run run blink on Garnet
1349s so yeah it's a lot of choices which is
1351s awesome I mean we definitely love to see
1352s that here and next we uh we can go into
1354s augments um you know just you can just
1356s take us through you know what you would
1358s build and you know if there's any like
1359s other options we can kind of just
1361s highlight them here yeah so Garnet is a
1363s really weird character because uh she
1366s can't really utilize any augment well
1370s compared to other characters so that's
1372s why you just have G on S so Sentinel is
1374s like an augment choice for characters I
1377s just can't use other a
1380s you
1383s can't of the purple the blue
1410s gives a lot of shielding for them and
1413s then for your sub augments for your
1415s greens you choose between dor shackles
1417s or coin toss personally I think Co
1418s shackles is pretty good because you know
1420s you do get a lot of CC on the garnet you
1423s know you do have that micro stun on your
1424s dash and you have rout on your W as well
1428s and you know when you do when you are
1429s dashing in and you are using like your
1431s abilities you know your team should be
1432s there to give you that extra damage as
1433s well coin toss is good if you want that
1436s extra credits if you if you want to you
1438s know try to to snowball your game and on
1440s the right side um it's either between
1443s Logistics or Penny Pincher personally
1445s Penny Pincher is one of the best
1447s augments uh in the game because you know
1449s 15 credits off one of your early buyin
1451s is really good you're able to Tempo out
1453s uh the game really nicely and uh
1455s especially for a character like Garnett
1457s with this build because uh we we can go
1460s straight into the builds like right
1461s after but uh you do uh or for the build
1464s I run you do run a lot of small
1466s transitions so you get a lot of value
1468s for uh Penny Pincher and then for your
1471s sub augments it's always got to be blue
1473s if you're playing a tank or a melee
1475s front liner you always want to run
1476s fortification as your secondary because
1478s you need that extra tankiness uh to make
1480s sure you're alive in the front line so
1482s for Garnett specifically uh painkiller
1485s is really good just because um you do
1489s have a lot of Defense already in your
1492s build if you are running a full tank
1494s build on Garnet which you should be
1496s running right uh because you know Garnet
1498s is a tank
1499s so you get a lot of value out of
1500s painkiller a lot more than embolden
1502s embolden um is probably better if you're
1505s on like a more squishier amp build so if
1509s you want to run some damage but I mean I
1512s I I don't think it's ever Worth to run
1514s like any amp on Garnet like you have to
1515s play this character like as a tank or
1517s like you're like way too squishy and she
1519s does have like good HP uh value uh
1522s scaling as well so yeah it's always
1524s painkiller and then you want to run
1526s calic CLE dond Dash is probably fine too
1530s if you are not comfortable eating food
1532s correctly I know there's a lot of
1533s players that kind of struggle cuz um you
1536s know I do coaching as well and I see a
1538s lot of people just not being able to uh
1541s eat their food correctly during team
1542s fights mhm uh so you know if you if if
1546s you're one of those players you know you
1548s can you can take dond Dash but you know
1550s you definitely don't want to build that
1551s habit of not eating food because you
1553s know having that extra damage reduction
1554s just eating food yourself you know uh
1556s will just give you that extra value so
1559s yeah awesome uh which yeah I think we
1562s can go right into uh late game items
1564s here I know you kind of highlighted a
1565s little bit about it but you know we'll
1566s just kind of go over it once again for
1567s anyone that missed it here yeah so for
1570s your first transition you always want to
1572s go uh your chest piece uh as a tank
1575s chest piece is always the probably the
1577s first item you want to run just because
1579s it has so much value like if you look at
1581s the value between Sunset armor and
1583s blazing dress not only you get extra uh
1586s damage on the passive but you get 11
1587s defense and about uh it's not too much
1590s HP like 40 uh 40 HP but the 11 defense
1593s is really big uh for you know a
1595s character like Garnett because you know
1596s you are going to be able to heal a lot
1597s and you're going to be able to get a lot
1598s of that HP back so you know 11 11
1601s defense definitely goes a long way and
1603s then you could either transition and
1605s then oh sorry and then on your second
1607s transition you want to go into your ctip
1609s pons or you could go SSM so there are
1612s four score um counterparts that you
1615s could go as well if you if your team is
1617s you know really far ahead and you can
1619s get you know these fource cor bu in you
1620s go ghost prde for your chest piece
1622s instead you can go bunny hat instead of
1624s Crusaders helmet and you can also go
1625s solar system miniature instead of a
1628s sword stopper but if you want to play
1629s like a cheap build and I would probably
1631s recommend playing a cheaper build for a
1633s tank if you are playing Penny Pincher
1634s because you do get a lot more value out
1636s of your
1639s augment awesome uh and then other than
1642s that uh I think we have skill leveling
1644s next which I know this it'll be kind of
1646s a mouthful she has a lot stuff in her
1649s skills
1650s here yeah so first we have her Q which
1655s uh she is uh it's kind of just you know
1659s some damage it's a 6C cool down you just
1661s do uh two procs on it you have like a
1664s like a short- range uh little it's like
1666s it's like a little uh rectangle in front
1668s of you and then you know you use it
1670s twice a lot of people um kind of forget
1673s but her Q does give her two stacks of
1675s her
1676s W uh and her what her W does is uh
1680s basically every time you use an ability
1681s there's like a passive on it every time
1683s you use uh every time you use an ability
1686s uh you get one stack and the stacks
1690s basically enhance her W so she's able to
1692s get more damage on her W and she's able
1694s to heal for a lot more so uh yeah her W
1698s is basically like a circle it's like a
1699s big AOE circle around her you're able to
1701s hold it for I think about 1 second and
1704s she's able she's able to heal during um
1708s you know the duration of her W and if
1710s you stand in the full duration of the W
1713s uh you will get rooted and if she's and
1717s it if shees if she does just pop uh pop
1720s it early uh it'll just slow you instead
1722s it does do a lot of damage so you kind
1724s of have to watch out for that
1727s mhm uh and then next you have her Dash
1729s so her e her e is is just a a short
1732s range Dash It's a micro stun so you can
1734s use it to actually cancel a lot of
1736s Channel abilities so if you ever see
1737s like a Bianca maybe you know using their
1740s e in or if it's C and 11 you know using
1742s their taunt you could quickly you know
1743s stun them it's pretty I would say it
1746s it's a pretty important ability to kind
1748s of use uh and utilize throughout a team
1750s fight uh because you know you can also
1753s you know combo it with uh combo into
1755s your W you know to you know uh sort of
1757s uh self peel for your team as
1760s well and yeah now you have your main
1763s ability which is your ultimate the
1765s ultimate is probably um the most
1768s powerful of Garnet's kit because uh it
1771s is an execute but it's also really hard
1773s to land and it's also uh really hard to
1776s kind of get the proc on it because um it
1779s kind of requires a it kind of requires a
1781s lot of coordination from your team to
1783s you know get that enemy down to that
1785s threshold to you know sort of execute it
1787s it is also considered a route as well or
1789s or sorry not a route but like a 1 second
1791s stun actually is it a route or is a St I
1793s think it's a route it's a one second
1795s route so you are able to uh you know
1796s kind of peel for your team as well so
1798s you know make sure you're utilizing your
1800s all correctly
1803s MH then her passive is the last thing
1807s correct yeah you do have her passive
1809s which it's just some damage reduction uh
1812s from basic attacks so it actually works
1814s a lot of people don't know but it
1816s actually does work uh multiple times on
1819s characters that have multiple hits on
1821s auto attacks so for for an example like
1824s uh a character like uh people people who
1828s are using AR or or like heart who have
1830s like maybe three uh separate hits on
1832s their Auto attacks it actually procs
1834s three
1836s times so that is something to take note
1838s so you will take a lot less damage from
1840s those uh characters but you know they
1844s are adcs so they still will you know
1846s kind of shred you yeah for sure awesome
1849s well is there anything else you wanted
1850s to highlight here before we dropped into
1852s practice Tool uh oh yeah we could just
1854s go over the the here yeah thank you yes
1857s this is what I asked yeah yeah yeah yeah
1859s so obviously you want to level your e
1862s first you always want to level your
1864s Mobility skill as your first level on
1866s every character because you want to you
1867s know get that extra Mobility when you
1869s are doing your route and then uh you
1871s want to Max your W your W is your most
1873s important ability uh this is uh your
1876s main damage ability and also your you
1878s know uh main ability where you get a lot
1880s of your HP back and and what you heal
1884s and then um after that you want to Max
1886s your Q which is you know your second
1888s damage ability is just there for extra
1890s damage and then your e and then your and
1892s then your passive and then you want to
1894s level up your alt in between cuz you
1895s want the cool down for you all to be
1898s lower so I think we now have everything
1902s um yeah I think we can jump right into
1904s practice tool now and we can kind of you
1906s know start with the routing as per usual
1908s you know jump in kind of uh go through
1910s the route with us you know give us any
1912s pointers you can think of like when to
1914s grab leather when to grab Collectibles
1916s that kind of stuff yeah also share the
1918s build ID in uh twitch chat if anyone
1921s does end up wanting to use it it's just
1922s um you know I kind of just took you know
1925s a Korean build I think it was this one
1927s no no it was this one no wait oh wait I
1930s actually can't find it
1933s here it was it was this this one I
1935s originally took but I just kind of edit
1937s it like a tiny bit so mhm yeah let me
1940s let me jump in
1943s here yeah you can kind of just you know
1945s walk us through the route uh give us any
1947s tips on the routing part of it and then
1949s you know we'll go into what the
1951s abilities kind of look like and whatnot
1952s and then any tips and tricks you can
1954s think
1955s of yeah so I think it was this one I
1959s guess I swapped the force field by
1960s accident cuz I was clicking on it and I
1961s saved it so I'll have to swap it back
1963s but personally I think protocol is her
1966s best cuz um yeah she also has HP
1969s scalings so not only are you more tanky
1972s with the protocol uh you actually do
1974s more damage with it if you do get the
1976s proc off because you do have that extra
1977s HP so you get that extra damage and also
1980s protocol is really nice to use because
1982s she does have that damage reduction on
1983s her W so it's kind of like when you're
1985s playing Alonzo and uh you know if you
1987s use Alonzo ultimate or if you use Lonzo
1989s damage reduction you're able to you know
1991s get that protocol off like almost all
1993s the time so here uh we spawn on on the
1995s top side so what you always want to do
1998s um you know for for those of you guys
1999s who haven't seen my my looting video you
2002s always want to loot the box that's uh
2004s farthest away from where you want to
2006s path so for me I'm going to want to path
2008s down to this teleporter because uh it's
2011s actually closer than uh if I work the
2013s path down here into get police station
2015s which is my second zone so we'll we'll
2017s take the bottom box here and then we'll
2019s Pat like this like these
2021s boxes so I got everything so I could
2024s leave and then we'll take the two speed
2025s Gates
2026s here and then we'll be able to take the
2028s teleporter down into police
2033s station so while I'm on my route as well
2035s like usually most of the time you could
2037s just want to make your bread in te if
2038s you do uh uh if you can if you have if
2042s you need inventory space because BR is
2043s actually good for early game skirmishes
2045s if you do want to take any early game
2047s fights and yes so we got all our items
2049s here we looted our boxes and now we can
2051s go over to Temple you always want to
2053s loot your full distribution as well I'm
2055s going to need two leather in my build so
2057s I'm going to kill the two chickens here
2059s we'll quickly craft with the
2066s leather and yeah we'll just get our last
2068s couple items here and yeah that's it
2071s we're already done our build and then we
2072s can look to take a take some fights
2074s we'll be able to get the our last Le off
2076s the batt over
2077s here so it's a pretty fast build it's
2079s just a three zoner you're able to uh
2081s you're able to Route uh relatively
2082s quickly compared to before uh the last
2085s time I was on here you know routs were
2086s like somewhat slower but um yeah now
2090s usually you're able to get your build
2091s like about like 1 to two minutes into
2094s the game and yeah um what you can do
2098s after you finish your route is you can
2100s look for the first uh rotation of
2102s animals which is going to be the walls
2104s so you can either do the walls in Poli
2106s station and the Ws in Temple so I'll do
2108s the ones in here and then I can rotate
2110s into the ones in police
2113s station and then you could start
2115s preparing for you know the night uh the
2118s nighttime swing which is going to be
2120s it's going to be either Bears so there's
2122s going to be Bears here in fire
2124s station uh police station fire station
2127s or you could do like maybe the Boris up
2129s here you could do you could come all the
2131s way and do the dogs up here if you want
2133s to path you know on the top side if you
2134s do do like Temple Police instead there's
2137s like a lot of different uh Farm
2138s rotations that you could do on this
2139s route or you know if you look at your
2142s teammates if you do have any teammates
2144s uh I obviously you know we don't have
2146s any teammates in this game but um you
2149s know if you see you know your teammate
2151s in warehouse for example where they have
2153s no TP you probably just want a TP from
2155s Temple or stream you know after you're
2157s done your build and and you can just TP
2158s on over to your teammates mhm yeah
2162s awesome yeah we can uh kind of go into
2164s like the abilities once again here you
2165s know now that we have like a visual uh
2167s thing with it um you know you can kind
2170s of highlight if there's anything we need
2171s to note on those as well yeah so Garnet
2173s is a pretty simple character there's
2174s really not too much to explain about I
2176s think the main thing for Garnett um if
2179s you're trying to learn the character and
2181s the main
2182s uh uh thing you uh you kind of need to
2185s keep track of is her W and you need to
2187s know when to poet early so want to e w
2190s and just walk away or want to hold it
2192s down when you're taking a lot of damage
2194s this is like the main difference between
2196s like a good garnet and like a really
2199s really good Garnet right is uh knowing
2201s knowing how to utilize a w to its full
2203s potential um something to keep note as
2205s well is uh your e r is not a true combo
2210s so you can't just press e and an R cuz R
2212s has a really uh long delay so yeah the r
2217s like is an ability you just kind of have
2218s to land yourself it's like a skill shot
2221s but um what I usually like to do
2223s especially when I'm playing tanks is uh
2226s when you're when you're about to take a
2227s fight you always run and drop protocol
2229s first and then you engage off the
2230s protocol
2232s so that means like the enemies will be
2234s forced to fight into your protocol which
2236s you know if they do step on the protocol
2238s they they'll they'll take more damage
2239s and you'll also be a lot more tanky and
2241s what her W you're going to be able to
2242s live uh a lot longer in in the protocol
2245s prop so you drop e down or you drop your
2247s protocol down you drop your uh or like
2250s you drop your PR down you e forward and
2252s then you can use your W for damage
2253s reduction as
2256s well nice um is there anything like with
2260s bat skill that we need to keep an eye on
2261s like people were asking how do you land
2263s like a good ultimate or a bat skill yeah
2266s so the bat skill you kind of just use
2269s and you kind of have to keep keep keep
2271s keep an eye on uh keep an eye out on the
2273s enemies uh during team fights and you
2275s kind of just use it to peel or if you
2276s can hit a good baskill into the wall
2278s uh I definitely can swing in team fights
2280s you can't really combo it I I don't
2282s think with anything maybe you can get
2283s like a ew if you get a full proc W and
2285s you get a route then you can maybe combo
2287s into a bad skill but uh yeah there's no
2290s real true combos uh on Garnet it's just
2293s it's kind of just like your ew your ew
2295s will always connect together and you
2298s should be utilizing these two abilities
2299s uh
2301s together awesome also this is just like
2303s a question I did see this from someone
2305s in the chat they were wondering if W
2306s heals more with protocol activated since
2308s it's missing HP on your
2311s W uh so it's kind of weird it's like so
2317s when you lose HP so here I'll lose
2321s HP very slowly it's going to take a
2323s while here I need to I need to get
2326s protol gives you Max HP so it actually
2328s makes it so your HP bar is still the
2334s same let me let me like spawn like a
2336s wick line mhm
2338s oh look at GMA oh my God we want
2342s go so H bar percent will still be the
2345s same but you'll just get like HP
2352s see so I got like 600 hp there with the
2356s with with the
2357s protocol
2359s so usually protocol procs after you get
2361s your W off anyways so it usually doesn't
2365s matter
2366s okay if
2368s if that makes sense cuz you want to you
2370s use your e and then you w and then W
2372s goes off first and then protocol procs
2374s mhm
2377s right but but you do get some HP back
2380s but it shouldn't matter like too much
2382s yeah uh someone was also asking if uh
2385s the Double speed gate up in alley is
2387s faster than taking the white
2389s lily um I don't even know I've never
2393s thought about that that is a good
2394s question I'm not too sure either cuz
2398s cuz uh the speed gate does give you a
2400s lot of movement speed mhm so I don't
2402s know I like I've I've never
2406s tested to answer that yeah I I would
2408s here I could I I could do a test maybe
2411s well can I do a test actually I don't
2412s think I can cuz it like the the speed
2414s Gates already disabled yeah but no it's
2416s definely something to keep in mind yeah
2417s I didn't even I would have ever thought
2419s about that either
2420s um I know I have a couple more questions
2422s but I can wait to ask those once we uh
2424s create the custom game Lobby unless
2426s there's anything else you wanted to
2427s highlight on in here before we move
2429s on um I I don't really think so like
2433s okay yeah it's just keep in mind garet
2436s is a tank with healing she's not a drain
2438s tank so do not treat her like a like a
2440s suwa or a kenet okay you cannot run in
2444s one V3 you need to you need to play like
2446s front to back and you need to let like
2447s your DPS do damage I think that's that's
2450s something like a lot of people forget
2451s about uh when they're playing Garnett or
2453s a lot of people just like don't
2454s understand about the character mhm is uh
2458s she she's just a tank a tank with like
2459s damage reduction and a lot of
2464s healing awesome well if you think that
2467s is everything we can definitely move on
2469s um into the custom games as everyone
2471s knows we do two of them their first come
2475s first serve anyone can join they'll be
2477s totally random um and then the winners
2480s get a chance at 300 event and he uh sent
2483s straight to all right yeah this is a fun
2485s part
2487s you have a second chance of going into
2489s the Hall of Fame or the Hall of Shame
2491s did I even win last time I don't think I
2492s did I thought you did I I don't remember
2495s honestly it's uh it's it's been a while
2498s so yeah it has been a while yeah um I'll
2501s post a code here for you so you can join
2504s um and then yeah I will get it out to
2506s everyone else here once you join because
2508s you know we have to have you there yeah
2510s yeah but but yeah the the main thing to
2512s to keep in mind on G is just like how
2513s you utilize your W sometimes you want to
2516s just proc it quickly and then you want
2517s to walk back into your team sometimes
2519s you want to hold it down if you're
2520s taking like a lot of damage and if like
2522s the melees are attacking you as well so
2524s you can get that that route right
2526s because because route is actually really
2528s big yeah no for sure okay here we go you
2531s are in all right I'm gonna post the code
2532s here for everyone else um so yeah like I
2534s said it is a first come first serve
2536s anyone can join uh and yeah it's totally
2539s random so it's gonna be a lot of fun uh
2541s super is going to have to play some
2542s Garnet which with that um do you have
2544s any plans on playing Garnet in ercs or
2546s are you just going to be SU all the
2549s way
2551s uh i' probably be Su but you know if if
2555s if it calls for me to play Garnett you
2557s know like I'm down to play
2559s Garnett you never know what if they what
2562s if there's like a time where I I've been
2565s I've been playing a lot gar is banned or
2568s something yeah exactly exactly I I I
2571s have been playing a lot of garet in
2572s ranked so like she is like probably like
2575s my favorite tank and if if if my team
2577s ends up a tank like if I'm playing on
2578s like like my other account then garet's
2581s the character that I'll default to so I
2583s do stream and uh I do play Garnet from
2587s time to time still so
2590s yeah yeah for sure and also uh just a
2593s reminder to everyone the winners do get
2595s 300 event uh NP sent to their mailbox if
2600s they win either custom so there is
2603s incentive to joining if you'd like to
2604s and of course you know you get a chance
2605s to play with you know whoever here CU
2607s there going to be be totally random so
2608s don't be shy you know come and join us
2611s and yeah there will be two games um I
2615s think what were some other questions I
2617s remember seeing here oh someone is
2619s asking if a bunny hat would be a first
2621s good uh like a first good
2625s transition I personally don't like bunny
2628s hat that much you are able to get the
2629s bunny hat proed like maybe two times a
2631s fight but gar is a character that has a
2633s lot of inbuilt healing and you know
2635s getting that extra you know defense just
2638s uh you know from your chest piece just
2640s gives you so much more value I would I
2642s would say and um I mean I don't think
2645s bunny had is bad though like if you can
2646s get that Force core early then you can
2648s just rush that bunny hat and you will be
2650s able to get that extra that extra shield
2652s value but uh personally I think uh what
2658s blazing dress is really good because uh
2660s sometimes they're actually able to cheat
2661s out a second transition before you know
2663s the first uh big objective which is
2665s going to be either alpha or Battle Zone
2666s right that's when you're supposed to be
2668s calling in uh right
2670s before uh right before you know your
2674s like first big uh big team fight
2677s so uh this one's kind of like okay this
2679s is kind of a long question so I'll try
2680s to break it down so they say that W
2683s reduces your ability cooldowns as you're
2685s charging it so should you try popping
2687s your other abilities like your q and
2689s your E before the W or is that not
2691s really an applicable oh yeah yeah for
2693s sure so so if you are able to like e and
2695s get your Q's off quickly then you
2697s definitely want to do that cuz you know
2698s you want to get some stacks on your W as
2700s well if you can but uh you know
2702s sometimes you just want to you know get
2704s in there you want to take uh soak up as
2706s much damage as possible so you want to
2707s just press ew uh and then you want to
2709s you know slowly back away but yeah
2711s throughout the team fight you want to be
2712s weaving in your cues uh when you can
2714s because you know you also want to be
2715s doing you know as much damage as
2717s possible even though you are playing a
2719s tank tanks still should be doing you
2721s know still should be contributing some
2722s damage you know in team fights um
2725s especially a character like Garnett you
2726s know who has
2728s just a lot of damage in her kit she
2730s should be doing at least like I would
2732s say maybe about like maybe oneir you
2734s know of the of the team okay maybe not
2736s one third one one like fifth or 1/4th of
2739s the team's damage
2741s yeah yeah for sure um if you're on Quake
2746s uh what would you say would be a bigger
2747s pry getting Quake level two or your
2749s blazing
2750s dress now if you're on Quake I think
2753s it's Quake level two cuz Quake level one
2754s is just really bad like it doesn't give
2756s any damage but qu to gives that uh that
2758s burning effect uh they are going to be
2760s changing it uh in the mid-season patch
2762s though so yeah uh I don't think it's
2766s going to matter like my answer because
2768s yeah I don't know what like like what's
2770s going to be better after the mid-season
2772s patch
2773s MH uh since yeah it's it's getting
2776s adjusted yeah I think someone did
2778s mention that they were wondering if uh
2780s Quake would still be a good T skill
2782s after the midseason patch hits but yeah
2784s we don't really know yet until we get
2786s numb yeah because cuz uh in the
2789s mid-season patch notes it did say uh the
2792s damage is going to be front loaded so
2794s it's going to be like a like a burst
2795s damage at the start so you just press it
2797s and it's just like one one tick I think
2800s instead of uh the like little burning
2801s effect or instead of quick one just not
2803s doing any damage at all but um there's
2805s no real way to know yet until we
2806s actually get like you know the actual
2808s patch notes with like all the details
2811s yeah yeah I know for sure uh yeah it'll
2814s be interesting to see that is one thing
2817s I'm very excited to see here we still
2819s have about four slots available here um
2821s so if anyone wants to join feel free uh
2824s it's a fun time totally random Lobby I
2826s disabled foggy so we don't have to worry
2827s about foggy you know coming through on
2830s here
2831s um I was trying to see if we had any
2834s other questions here or you know if you
2836s have anything you wanted to talk about
2838s here uh someone did ask like why no one
2840s plays blink and I know you kind of
2841s highlighted that already but I mean it's
2843s something we can talk about a little bit
2844s here while we're waiting for the lobby
2845s to fill link is nice and a good Gap
2847s closer but I feel like if you're
2849s blinking forward on Garnett you're going
2851s to be a little too far forward like I
2853s said I think Garnett is a character
2854s where you just playing like as a peel
2856s tank instead of playing her as like you
2859s know like a drain tank 1v3 character
2861s where you have to you know get in there
2862s it is a nice Gap closer because uh I
2864s think one thing that gunet struggles
2865s with is uh is that she gets you know out
2868s ranged and kited uh really easily
2870s because her range is so short with her
2872s Dash but I think just having that extra
2874s you know tankiness you know having that
2876s that protocol or having that uh force
2878s field uh is going to be a lot better in
2880s the long run because you know it's going
2881s to let your uh you know your backliners
2884s and your DPS you know kind of um kind of
2887s win the trade you know in like the the
2889s front to back oh for sure yeah looks
2892s like we have one more spot if someone
2894s would like to fill you get the chance
2896s for 300 event NP which is exciting get
2898s like a new emote or something sent
2900s straight to the mailbox it's not like
2902s you have to worry about putting a code
2903s it just gets St St say said straight to
2905s you talking has been a struggle today as
2908s ercs was a long weekend but it was a lot
2910s of fun I know you're G yeah it was a lot
2913s of fun though it was a a great start to
2915s the season I was very very happy to see
2918s everything that was happening um yeah I
2920s think uh I think a lot of teams you know
2921s played well you know I was playing in it
2922s and then I ended up watching you know
2924s the other group as well so yeah it was
2926s it was a great week yeah oh for sure and
2929s oh there we go R filled the last spot
2931s thank you redin okay so I'm gonna random
2934s shuffle this and then we are gonna get
2936s going here
2938s all right all right let's
2941s see all right I will just lock in the
2943s garnet here and yeah um yeah you know we
2947s can kind of talk about this while we're
2949s loading in here you know what what are
2950s some good teammates uh for Garnet like
2952s is there a certain team comp that you're
2954s looking for yeah so Garner is just like
2956s a hard tank so preferably you know you'd
2958s kind of want uh you know two
2962s backliners um just a standard you know
2964s front line double back line comp like
2966s maybe like a Mage and ADC would be fine
2968s another maybe a Bruiser or I would say
2972s in ranked the best team comp is probably
2975s like a tank a Bruiser and like a
2977s backline like ADC or like a backline
2979s like damage heing Mage
2981s mhm but um yeah looks like we got I
2986s think uh I don't know if this Nikki is a
2989s I think the Nikki is somewhat of a
2991s Bruiser so like this comp would be like
2993s okay yeah yeah Nikki's kind of like that
2996s like awkward like you know Middle Ground
2998s she's like yeah exactly she's like a
2999s Bruiser but also like a tank cuz he
3001s builds like tank item so this is going
3003s to be like a little awkward we just have
3004s to maybe peel out R here and I think we
3007s should be good yeah for sure yeah it's
3009s uh it'll be a fun time most definitely
3012s as we uh get loaded in here um is there
3015s any like characters that Garnett isn't
3017s good against like that is just like
3019s really like a hard
3021s counter uh yeah so like I was saying
3024s earlier she does struggle with uh you
3026s know her effective range so if enemies
3028s are playing their range really well it
3029s is really hard you know for you to
3032s engage um so just like you know range
3035s characters kind of just counter her but
3037s obviously you know like you're supposed
3038s to have a team that's going to be able
3039s to you know help me or or or help you
3041s you know out kind of uh I'll DPS the
3043s other team and uh win the trade
3049s so so I don't know if there's any
3051s specific character I would say or like I
3054s don't is there is there oh actually I
3056s guess it would be like heart because
3058s heart can actually counter your ultimate
3060s so if you try to execute someone the
3062s heart can actually drop their alt on top
3064s and it would actually cancel your alt
3066s would they have to like can they just
3068s like throw it down once the alt
3070s animation's going off yeah yeah if
3071s they're if if they're on top of you and
3073s and the coffin uh they could they could
3075s just Al the coffin and then your execute
3078s won't actually
3079s execute that's interesting I know
3081s there's also wasn't there like some
3083s weird reaction it's like Lenor as
3085s well l
3087s yeah
3089s with I'm not too sure cuz I don't think
3091s I've uh I've had that interaction yet so
3094s I wouldn't I wouldn't know yeah I swear
3095s I remember hearing something about that
3097s but it could be something from her
3099s release but yeah that's a good point if
3100s there's a heart in the lobby I mean kind
3102s of invalidates your ulti a little bit
3105s Yeah although your all you don't really
3107s get too often in a fight but I mean if
3109s you are able to get your ultimate uh it
3112s can definitely like win your team fights
3114s another thing to keep in mind as well is
3115s when you're using your alt you are out
3117s out of the team fight so keep in mind uh
3120s you're not going to be able to peel for
3121s your tank and you're you're like your
3123s other two uh players if they're not
3125s positioned well and you use your alts
3127s right like you you are gone for about
3129s like 5 Seconds of the team fight like
3130s while you're in there well it's not 5
3132s seconds it's probably like two or 3
3134s seconds but you're completely
3136s untargetable you can't do anything it's
3138s just something to note down yeah when
3140s you using it for sure oh we got a
3144s partner that is not good
3148s uh okay and we got we only got two boxes
3152s it's okay looks like he doesn't need
3154s rubber so we're actually able to get our
3156s items here and we got the bottom spawn
3158s so we're going to go do Temple
3161s first B of A change up
3164s here
3166s yeah going to grab the
3174s chickens and we can just go down to D oh
3177s please and we should be
3184s done is there any characters that you
3186s run into on your route that kill you
3189s early uh I don't think so usually I get
3193s my route really or I get my build done
3194s really quick and I can actually be the
3195s aggressor and I can look for people to
3197s fight okay so here I'm already done like
3200s most of my build if the Martina stay I
3203s probably would have been able to kill
3203s him I'm done like almost everything I
3205s just need leather so I could I start
3207s looking here we go we're going to
3210s probably going to be able to get this
3212s okay maybe
3213s not just kidding they might be out of
3216s there yeah I didn't have my ALT yet
3217s there I think I've had my ALT but I
3219s think we get this far bro
3220s here we're going to pop uh w a little
3224s early because you want to get that slow
3225s oh he blinked past I'm going to execute
3228s him here
3230s okay yeah so he blinked past the the
3232s speed gate something you don't you like
3233s don't want to do cuz not only uh not
3238s only do you not get the speed gate but
3240s like the enemy will get it and they'll
3241s be able to catch up with you so it is
3248s unfortunate yeah so like when you're
3250s chasing uh someone and if you're taking
3251s a team fight like you just want to pop
3253s like your W early instead of holding it
3254s down so like yeah the main thing about
3257s her kit and the main thing you kind of
3258s need to play around is like you know
3260s when to pop your W and like how long you
3262s need to hold it for
3265s mhm get
3269s we can maybe look
3272s for we're going to hold it down here cuz
3274s we're going to be able to get the full
3275s duration off get pork chopped my
3278s teammates here we good
3281s look oh we were able to get actually
3283s that Al off oh we have two
3288s protocols should die here
3291s nice I actually don't know how the
3293s interaction with two protocols work I
3295s don't think I don't think you can proc
3296s twice can
3297s I don't think so either I probably
3299s should have uh swapped I wasn't paying
3301s attention cuz two protocols is not good
3304s I
3306s think uh so usually if it's really early
3310s off Lumi you want to buy either cams or
3314s mocha bread but after like the first
3316s rotation you want to start buying
3317s medkits if you don't if you don't if you
3319s don't want to buy like the transitions
3320s cuz Med kits are actually really good
3323s like a lot of people underestimate like
3324s how strong uh gold food is
3327s both's like really really
3329s strong like an extra about yeah it's
3333s it's like an extra about like 300 HP you
3335s know uh for team fights
3337s mhm so you're basically playing like a
3340s full transition up into like enemy
3342s teams we look for
3345s this I get a early W get the low going
3349s to drop a ward for his uh for
3354s Enis and now we could just play for like
3357s maybe Temple Tree we can rob the Bears
3358s up here cuz there's Bears on this
3361s rotation we weren't able to get the pack
3363s though but uh should be
3367s fine all the Bears are up so we do the
3369s Bears and maybe we can set up with this
3371s tree cool so has been a while I actually
3375s learned a lot you know when I went to
3376s Korea in terms of like my macro game mhm
3379s I feel like before I was kind of like a
3381s ping
3382s Chaser like I would just Chase pings but
3387s yeah I I I basically learn learned a lot
3388s I think they're fighting here because we
3389s saw or they could be fighting the yeah
3392s we can just play Vision
3394s here we could play uh yeah they're going
3397s to come up they're actually not going to
3398s check maybe we get a jump on
3400s here Mara oh the just got into
3404s broadcast but we probably probably want
3406s to try to play front to back I'll get a
3407s slow maybe I'll get a rout execute him
3412s yeah maybe
3415s lck it's going to come back here we can
3417s maybe charge our
3419s W with the proc should die with the
3427s stun
3430s nice doing a lot of
3432s work yeah oh actually I guess on Martina
3436s it would be really really good because
3438s Martina Autos like the auto attack hits
3439s like five
3443s times oh actually yeah I shouldn't have
3445s res because she's spaw so I'll give the
3447s tree over to my ADC and I'll just buy
3450s for myself you want to you definitely
3452s want to give your items over to your uh
3455s here
3456s carries like the the items at least you
3458s get from
3461s uh you know from like objectives and
3463s stuff you want you definely don't want
3465s to get them as the as the
3470s tank but since this Rio or this Nikki
3473s bom me like uh myal I'll just use it
3478s he knows it's it's a professor stream
3479s you got to have make sure you're at tip
3481s top
3485s shape yeah like if you yeah if you're
3488s taking items uh from your carries as a
3490s tank like your team just not going to do
3492s enough damage like you you can be tanky
3494s but like if your carries don't do enough
3496s damage and you
3497s die or uh if you're the last one
3501s alive right you have no damage so like
3504s you're just not going to be able to
3507s the
3508s win so we got a meteor so I'll give this
3510s over as well I don't really actually I
3511s could use this but I think I'd rather
3514s our ADC AV it here I already have like
3517s two items so I'm I'm like pretty strong
3518s myself already I'm pretty
3524s tanky I know with uh this season they
3527s added the addition of like the cubes do
3529s you ever like prioritize those at all
3531s and oh my God you are so
3533s lucky I I guess we're just hit in this
3535s game I would rather you know I have this
3537s in my rank game my tournament games but
3539s this happens all the time I
3541s swear I guess I'll craft this here cuz
3543s the only upgrade for him would be like
3545s crimson bow but like it's probably
3547s better for him to save for
3548s blood also we need to we need to play
3550s for this
3552s now drop a
3556s ward oh he's going to go in we're going
3558s to have to look
3560s then going to get a full W actually got
3562s the [ __ ] on
3564s him going to get a stun
3567s all Ro
3569s nice hey well played guys well played
3572s yeah that was really
3575s good no silly heart interactions this
3577s time yeah uh so we have a Mythril but I
3581s don't need the Mythril so I
3584s well emote ping no because I don't need
3587s it I think emote wheel is also like
3589s something uh players should take note of
3591s because you need to have like some easy
3594s access uh like emotes to like kind of
3598s communicate with your teammates so I
3600s what I would recommend is I would
3602s recommend a no emote and a and like and
3604s like a please or something so like this
3607s can this can indicate like you want the
3608s RNG and then this can like indicate like
3611s like you don't need it mhm yeah I
3613s actually I loved the addition of the
3616s like the kiosk one oh yeah yeah I I us
3619s the kiosk one a lot yeah yeah like
3622s toos
3624s yeah yeah so you always want to like
3626s routing to kios when you have credits
3628s when your team when it's basically like
3630s when your team has like 200 credits
3632s each or when like you want to R to the
3635s kios you just tell your team you know
3636s you want to go to the kios you want to
3637s buy here so I want to get my buy I'm
3638s going to buy my
3640s meteor cuz I want to get my
3642s item always want to make sure you're uh
3644s keeping up uh and like with the tempo in
3646s the game you want to make sure you're
3647s calling items you're contesting so next
3649s week can maybe play for this uh this box
3651s down
3653s here and I'll ping my teammates over we
3656s see ping as well so we're going to have
3658s to take this team fight cuz this team 12
3660s also going to be playing for
3663s this there a c here so our team probably
3666s has Vision there's another ping over
3668s here so this could possibly be another
3669s team so we might have to be a little
3672s careful there's also a team up here as
3675s well this this team might ALS this team
3676s might also come down I'm going to take
3678s cams here then maybe good
3680s Lu pop W early good ultimate from thing
3683s and I was execute here and we good luck
3686s to finish as
3688s well that was a great find from the
3690s Nikki I just had to follow up
3695s mhm and I'll actually grab this kiosk
3698s cuz maybe we could use it to buy later
3699s and we'll be able to get this box as
3701s well thinking tanking red timer for RNG
3704s is also fine because timer is kind of
3706s fake until like the late game because uh
3709s when you get a knock you actually get 10
3710s seconds of your timer back so so
3712s actually burning my timer here is
3714s actually perfectly okay because CU it'll
3716s actually make our team like a little
3717s stronger and when our team is stronger
3719s we'll be able to win more team fights
3721s that timer back in no time so I'll give
3723s this meteor over to him cuz he needs it
3724s for his
3726s headpiece and yeah we can just save for
3729s the blood for our Rio here if he gets a
3730s blood bow it'll be really strong and I
3733s could also buy F key so I'm basically
3735s full build already I don't really need
3736s this Hermes the Hermes isn't that big
3738s for me but like in but like an item like
3740s a ghost spr for Nikki will be a lot
3742s better so I'll just save for like a four
3744s score for him
3753s oh oh there's a team actually sitting in
3755s here I think I'm dead I was going to try
3758s to Ping them off oh I think we're I
3760s think we're full dead oh
3765s okay I'll pick him over
3768s here
3770s oh they were just chilling in a bush
3773s that's crazy
3778s oh run
3782s zillis yeah so I can't really check
3784s bushes but I but like obviously I do
3786s want to just walk up cuz I'm like like
3788s the tank
3789s mhm
3793s yeah oh there's a thing here so you
3795s actually should just TP out maybe he
3797s could
3798s go maybe warehouse warehouse is always
3801s bad I never like teing Warehouse
3803s especially if you're trying to Res oh my
3804s God oh my God I think we're
3809s dead I think we may have found the
3812s reason why you don't like to go
3813s Warehouse
3814s yeah but okay we'll spectate the rest of
3816s the game and see what happens that's
3818s actually crazy that that just happened
3820s yeah so I mean like I can't really do
3821s anything there because I don't know why
3823s they're just sitting in this bush for
3824s like the whole time too like this
3826s bush uh I can't really do anything like
3830s because uh I'm like the tank and I and I
3832s need to face check it's like it's like
3833s up to like the ADC or like uh like a R2
3836s kind of a vision check
3838s there so yeah it is a little unfortunate
3841s um kind of surprised they're just
3842s sitting in this bush though because I
3845s didn't they didn't really make any pings
3846s either but I probably should have
3848s recognized uh you can actually tell if a
3850s team's In the Zone by looking at the
3851s cams mhm right if the cams is like taken
3855s then there's usually like a team that uh
3856s that has full vision on you and they're
3857s in the zone and you always want to make
3859s sure you're like checking these like
3860s corners and stuff and these bushes when
3863s uh when like vision is taken
3870s yeah that is definitely unfortunate
3875s indeed who knows maybe they'll get taken
3877s out for their the transgressions we'll
3879s have to see what
3880s happens with the rest of the lobby still
3882s like quite a bit of them alive actually
3884s still five
3885s teams yeah yeah there's uh I mean it's
3888s it was only it was like a day two death
3889s so it's really early dead even though we
3891s had a lot of kills and it was looking us
3893s yeah yeah we kind of just got cringed
3896s cuz they're just chilling in here
3899s so it's okay it happens to
3902s everyone I don't I I don't know if I had
3904s any Recons either but I did have a ward
3906s so I probably could have warded the bush
3908s which is probably what I should have
3909s done but um I think I was like when you
3912s walk up toward w a bush you're still in
3913s range for like a Magnus stun so I think
3915s I still would have died
3917s mhm that's okay there's a lot going on
3919s you got like people talking in your ear
3920s and try to explain everything yeah it's
3922s like it's like it's like early game as
3924s well so like I wouldn't have Recons
3925s either
3927s mhm not for sure oh my gosh that was a
3929s lot of damage on the heart I think I
3932s probably could have lived oh
3936s yeah that was kind of
3941s crazy the warehouse TP is very
3944s unfortunate too like one of the chances
3945s that you just go into the middle of two
3946s teams fighting at the same
3948s time
3951s yeah but I mean all in all it was a
3953s really good early game yeah yeah yeah
3956s I'm like like we we're just winning team
3957s fights it's just like we just lost
3958s because yeah they're just sitting in
3960s there I don't know how long they're
3961s sitting in there for
3963s so yeah I mean it happens it happens I
3967s think they they probably saw us uh maybe
3969s taking animals here and then they just
3971s decided to
3973s uh to sit in and maybe maybe to have
3976s like the jump on
3980s us it was the the double protocol
3984s curse yeah maybe I should have won for
3986s cuz if I I probably would have lived
3988s yeah
3989s maybe
3995s yeah as I say like we can get our our
3998s casting practice in but I feel like I'm
3999s all like casted out that was uh that was
4002s crazy oh Unfortunately n actually just
4004s eat out of the heart Alti that was that
4007s was
4009s something he hit the the
4014s wall that's crazy
4016s oh we have work line coming Line's
4018s coming school so a lot of teams are
4019s going to come over here
4021s yeah uh oh this guy's getting chased
4024s down no
4029s leave
4033s unfortunate oh did wiu just die was wiu
4036s the ywn he did yeah he did what did he
4039s what is he
4041s doing I think this team is uh really
4044s strong thaten and uh lower both full
4047s items oh playing
4050s forward lines up as
4052s well oh my God this rotation like when
4055s you're when you're the strongest in
4056s lobby you definitely want to play for
4057s Wick so like there a reason why team
4059s three did end up keeping uh down or
4061s keeping over to school because uh yeah
4064s they had like you aen on blood the
4067s lora's on five
4070s gold and then like thean has some items
4072s too so it's not bad um I have I have a
4076s question from Mr N Cash um he's asking
4080s how or what the professor's diet is to
4083s maintain his Stellar figure oh I I you
4087s don't want to ask me like I I do not e
4089s much
4092s so oh this is kind of crazy oh here's a
4096s third party though third party oh the
4098s third party of a Sentry wiu getting the
4100s wst on Esther it does it get out oh they
4104s get The Thirst they get the full heal
4106s they going to be able to turn Garnet
4108s no
4109s see have
4111s credits they do have credits to buy back
4113s so it's not too bad mhm you have about
4116s 30 seconds left
4119s too I think they know though and the
4121s garet isn't exploding heart is just in
4124s there and yeah the heart's just going to
4126s die
4129s okay the garade isn't are they trying to
4131s sell for
4133s us they are that's crazy oh I'm
4136s surprised yeah they're they're not
4137s getting the full res here or yeah yeah
4140s in this moment would you just
4143s like yeah I'll just explode because you
4145s have to look at you like your teammates
4146s positioning they're at a kiosk and uh
4149s you have enough credits so you actually
4151s don't want to take the risk cuz it's
4153s about to turn to day five as well so you
4155s don't want to take the risk of you know
4156s a team finding you killing you and then
4158s you know you're basically have to just
4160s play off luing res right it's it's
4163s better to not take the risk there but it
4164s looks like it end up paying off they
4166s didn't uh get the
4167s res and or sorry they end up getting the
4171s res and then they're
4173s back this is kind of an interesting one
4175s I don't even know if this team comp
4176s would ever happened but if you had a my
4178s on your team what would be the best uh
4180s my chest piece to go yeah so preferably
4182s you wouldn't want to play with toay
4184s because you don't want to play with two
4185s tanks right cuz if you're playing Garnet
4186s you're like you're playing her tank and
4189s two tanks is really bad like you never
4190s want to play two tanks together but if
4192s if you know you do end up playing two
4194s tanks uh it would just be like I mean it
4197s would just depend on your build because
4198s if you're playing like the if you're
4201s playing like the EOD build uh you could
4202s go the mid chest but if you're playing
4204s the Blazing dress build then it's just a
4206s blazing or Phantom jacket
4210s yeah yeah someone said I've seen three
4213s tanks win the professor segment before
4215s so you know oh really never say
4218s never a word I don't even
4221s know yeah I think it was uh fruitcake
4224s and two others I can't quite remember
4226s but um we did kind of talk about this a
4228s little bit earlier but we can kind of
4229s highlight it a bit again since we have a
4231s little bit of downtime uh someone was
4232s asking what the best partners are for
4234s Garnet oh yeah so you just so so Garnet
4237s is just like a true tank so I'll just
4239s play here with like you know two
4240s backliners like a ADC and a mage would
4242s be ideal I think in ranked um the
4245s easiest comp to play is probably like a
4247s a tank and a Bruiser and then a backline
4249s like ADC
4252s mhm wiu is getting chased
4259s this might be like a broad question I
4261s mean you can kind of take it both ways
4262s we can take it like for garnet and like
4263s in a broad way in general um someone was
4266s asking is Phantom jacket better than
4267s ghost
4269s Brides uh if it's Phantom jacket from
4274s my I'll would probably take Phantom
4277s jacket honestly I
4279s mean but ghost Pride ghost pride is also
4282s just really good cuz you get like that
4283s defense shred so I uh and it's a four
4287s score I'll probably take ghost prde okay
4289s ghost prde over Phantom jacket but I
4291s mean Phantom jacket is also just a tree
4292s so like you're comparing like a tree and
4293s a forar item right so yeah it's kind of
4296s hard yeah for
4297s sure yeah you can't really compare the
4300s two this is a silly one if you were
4302s Kenneth do you date Garnet or
4306s Charlotte uh personally even though I'm
4310s the G Professor like I don't I don't
4313s uh it would probably be Charlotte for me
4316s yeah all right you know this what I'm
4322s sorry I don't uh or
4326s like I don't really uh like like like
4329s personal preferences like I don't really
4331s like like the the like yondering crazy
4333s type in from anemy yeah yeah yeah
4338s yeah that's that's a good one that was
4340s funny but I do like playing Garnet you
4342s know so yeah
4346s I almost should have done like a poll
4347s for that to see what everyone else
4350s said I mean I mean I'm to L to run it i'
4353s be an interesting one to
4355s see Nana is devastated by your answer
4358s but you know that's
4360s okay no charlott's cute she has the pink
4362s hair too like like yeah that's it's like
4364s right up right alley yeah oh we have the
4368s final team fight coming up the final 3v3
4370s the final showdown oh my God
4376s just running right in there he doesn't
4377s oh wow what a great Dodge from n but
4381s he's getting aled oh wait links out way
4383s as well oh n doesn't get hit n's
4386s actually free a
4388s 23 reg steel plant out of his mind able
4392s to actually reaction blink wait they
4395s need to kill
4397s okay and I'm just try to pop damage but
4399s I don't think it's going to be that that
4400s was really well played for the Martina
4401s the Martina actually got like a
4403s reaction actually blink out of the uh
4406s the D Al I think yeah I know that was
4408s pretty crazy for
4411s sure crazy crazy first game I don't know
4414s it was it was
4415s like yeah yeah okay
4418s yeah show us the frauds with damage
4420s charts we can do a little little damage
4422s chart check now we get those like custom
4424s games it's kind of fun you get to see
4426s you know I mean I can show yeah you take
4429s I take a peek see what's going on
4437s be have a little bit of fun yeah G's a
4439s charact like a tank that does like a
4441s decent amount of damage so yeah that' be
4443s kind of nice to to
4446s see after these results are
4449s retrieved yeah see I did like basically
4451s the same as like my other my other uh
4455s teammates I guess
4457s shell indeed all right well first custom
4460s game done second one is always better
4463s that's that is what I always say so I'll
4465s get this over here to you and then I'll
4467s get this over to everyone else and then
4470s yeah we will do our second custom of the
4473s night and then I think that'll be all we
4476s have today but this next custom will be
4478s great I'm excited oh I got to disable
4479s foggy though that would be awkward and
4482s of course you know if anyone has any
4483s other questions please let me know
4484s please post them in the chat I'll try to
4486s ask them when I can throughout the
4487s game and
4490s oh oh oh sorry I'll join back I'll join
4494s back H right oh
4497s know I you know what if it would have
4499s filed without you that would have been
4503s crazy all right and again uh the winners
4506s do get 300 event NP sent to their
4508s mailbox uh so do not forget that here um
4511s so please join it's a lot of fun as you
4513s saw from our first game some um
4515s Shenanigans going
4517s on and of course any questions please
4520s let me know or if there's anything that
4521s um you missed in the beginning we could
4522s definitely highlight at that again as
4524s well if for anyone that's joining back
4526s in if there's anything you want to know
4528s uh just please post them in the
4530s chat and than that I think we have what
4532s three
4540s more two more to go other than that yeah
4543s I think um can't even think anything
4546s else off the top of my head I mean we
4547s kind of went through like comp some is
4550s there any battle zones that you prefer
4552s on Garnet or is it just kind of like you
4554s just play like I like for battle zones
4556s you just play like whatever's or I just
4558s play like whatever's highest Tempo so if
4560s there's like a alpha nearby or if it's
4562s near like a be Zone then I'll play for
4563s ibly play for that
4566s instead
4570s yeah I don't I don't think the don't
4573s matter too much yeah um if you did get
4576s like a VF um what would be like your pry
4579s on like VF
4581s items uh well you would usually give it
4583s to your teammates but um okay well what
4586s if they just really didn't want it yeah
4588s if like you really have to slam it then
4590s it would just be like probably your
4591s weapon I guess I mean you don't really
4593s have any other uh VF slams or maybe I
4595s mean if you don't have your head still
4597s open you haven't upgraded your head slot
4599s you could go like copper Mass copper
4600s Mass isn't that bad cuz it still has
4602s like 10 defense on it
4604s mhm he then do get like some amp so it's
4607s definitely not the
4611s worst you could also do like a uh
4616s like a tap rots plus uh Commander
4618s headset build if you do have like some 8
4620s your game like on your team you have
4622s some yeah you have some Auto
4624s attackers that's that's definitely like
4626s another option uh that I see like a lot
4628s of Tanks uh you know kind of transition
4630s to if they are running like
4632s uh uh the the banneret helmet uh build
4637s um with the EOD boots is yeah if you do
4639s ever get a to Roots you could transition
4640s into like a like a
4643s non a non CDR
4646s helmet yeah yeah makes all sense for
4649s sure we do still have two more slots
4654s everybody um and is our last custom of
4657s the evening so it is your your final
4659s chance to play with or the super guarded
4663s I I don't think I'm making it into no
4665s Fame yeah you don't think
4667s so I we'll have to see we'll have to see
4669s with this next game yeah you know your
4671s roles could be even better they could
4673s you know it could be it's just so many
4675s variables that could happen here oh okay
4677s looks like we're full all right um let
4679s me just double check okay no no fobby no
4681s foggy and then we'll randomize it here
4683s and then we'll get going all
4686s right into game number two who did we
4690s get this time we got oh Z again we got
4692s Shay let's hope we don't get uh Vision
4695s Bush cheese cringed again in my in my
4699s professor custom game there have been a
4702s lot of interesting things that have
4704s happened in professors
4708s yeah but uh you know hopefully hopefully
4710s it doesn't hop in this game yeah yeah
4712s for sure we'll have to see what happens
4715s here or I'll just have to be more like
4716s aware of it you know yeah no well for
4718s sure the first game is always like you
4720s got Jitters it definitely it definitely
4722s was a good play for them if they did
4723s like uh you know kind of set up for that
4724s and we walked in because we did walk in
4726s on school camps I think so you know they
4728s just had that recognition you know it's
4729s definitely something you kind of have to
4730s look out for uh especially you know um
4735s yeah when a team does have like console
4737s control like you need to be disciplined
4739s have can uncheck those uh those pushes
4741s obviously because I'm playing Garnet I
4743s can't really do that so yeah I mean I
4746s don't think I really like misplayed
4747s there like I did like I'm the tank and I
4750s did walk inverse so
4752s mhm yeah sometimes it's just unfortunate
4756s circumstances
4758s yeah all
4760s right scouting out the lobby anything
4764s anything like alarming anything that
4766s looks like not what you want to see uh
4769s not really I think uh I think all you
4770s know all these team comps are fine we do
4772s have you know the D night cash on that
4775s hen bonady I know he's been he's been
4778s running that and ranked notorious my
4782s bad I I may have caused
4786s that but it's fun I don't yeah I mean I
4788s don't think it's that bad like you have
4790s the you have
4792s the theut still do like a decent amount
4796s of damage mhm yeah maybe that'll be like
4798s a secret secret Professor segment in the
4800s future who knows
4802s oh but yeah it's uh it's been a lot of
4805s fun a lot of lot of stuff going on here
4807s and a lot of lot of people in the lobby
4809s that are
4810s recognizable not I cash a previous
4815s Professor all right let's see which
4818s spawn we get this time hopefully we get
4820s a different one so I can kind of
4821s showcase oh we got this one again yeah
4824s uh I'll route to a different maybe
4827s distribution so I can maybe showcase
4828s like a different uh route so I'll do
4831s like this one this time mhm oh there's
4833s someone here oh that's not
4836s good it's fine I think I got my
4840s items uh just missing like one
4843s rubber
4851s oh sacrificing your route speed for the
4854s viewers yeah it's
4865s fine uh able to get all
4869s these see you took your white
4871s lily yeah I mean it's fine so I kind of
4874s want to showcase this so when you do
4876s route this way you're actually able to
4878s utilize this
4880s uh this white lily and if you get the
4883s right corner here you can actually jump
4885s right here behind this wall and then the
4886s chickens are right here we need to farm
4888s the
4889s chickens yeah see that use quite a bit
4892s yeah this will speed up like your like a
4903s lot I always see them using it to go
4906s like into Temple over the big wall to
4907s the right of it
4911s yeah yeah yeah you also use it to like
4913s jump over this mhm
4917s so we're going to take a look at what
4918s our teammates are
4919s doing are they near TP I mean this guy's
4922s near TP so he can TP
4924s over but if he doesn't then we can TP on
4927s to
4929s him and
4932s our it's we saw Adriana respawned in up
4935s town so we'll T down to up town instead
4937s then
4946s do you ever um like Ping for your
4947s teammates to group up with you or do you
4949s just kind of like make the call to group
4950s up yeah yeah so usually usually if I'm
4953s playing like on PING up I'll ping like
4956s Cemetery cuz I think Cemetery Farm is
4957s probably or like the bottom side of the
4959s farm for like the night cycle is usually
4961s the best so I'll just go Cemetery here
4962s and I'll just pick my team over mhm come
4965s down here and we can maybe take these I
4967s really like taking Cemetery because uh
4970s the cemetery dogs you could Flex between
4972s hospital and chapel and it's like a and
4974s and and and the farm is really close as
4976s well so we're going to be able to grab
4977s these oh I missim
4980s that unfortunate but it's fine and we
4982s can maybe P the chole here they to grab
4984s the her as
4992s well yeah trel's been a pretty crazy
4994s Zone ever since the new season started
4996s with the new like animal rotations and
4998s whatnot
5001s yeah which there's animal changes coming
5004s next next patch so yeah everything is
5007s going to be changed so mhm stuff will be
5011s moved around a little bit
5014s here I'm going grab these there's chinin
5017s up here as well looks like so we got a
5019s lot of farm on this rotation looks like
5021s really
5023s good and we're going to make some food
5026s cuz we don't want to just sit on bread
5027s and tears for our
5030s food someone
5033s here kind I want to grab that light GL
5035s on the floor want to try to get as many
5037s prep uh items as possible for blazing
5040s dress because this item is really cringe
5043s to build you need three different
5045s items maybe we can find the pick
5047s here yeah I think blaz dress is still
5050s the only item where you need three
5051s transition items to make get the route
5057s here
5060s uh okay
5066s down to CER yeah Yuki is really hard to
5069s chase oh some reason our teammate still
5072s fighting should maybe place play for
5076s this yeah so you just want to Ping your
5078s teammate over if uh they on board you
5081s know
5089s mhm team here is it just two
5097s got protocol
5101s down probably finish
5103s this my w off I B kill
5113s him nice get the
5120s kill no ultimates on our teammate so he
5123s can Al in we get just back back away
5125s here and then if if the fight's over and
5127s you still have some W procs you can just
5128s po your W or some healing get your HP
5132s back let's use it use it to heal as well
5136s mhm that is a good thing to note for
5138s sure yeah now we probably want to look
5141s to maybe play for our next objective so
5144s on this rotation what I what I'm looking
5145s for when it's day two is I'm looking at
5149s where we could call in uh and then where
5152s we could contest for like a battle zone
5153s or like an alpha at the same time so I'm
5156s going to bring my teammates down to TP
5157s cuz we saw we saw P here so that means
5158s there's a team that already took the
5160s farm so we probably want to just TP and
5162s we want to look for like a Zone that's
5165s close uh to a Colin that's also close to
5168s the next objective that we can contest
5169s you kind of have to like kill two berser
5171s one stone and you want to be as
5173s efficient as possible so I'm going to TP
5174s Temple cuz maybe we get the temple call
5176s in and then we can walk in to uh to to
5178s stream Battle Zone
5189s there's a ping here though so we're
5191s going to have to be a little careful on
5192s our buy cuz this team might actually
5193s contest us if we get our buy off here
5197s I'll probably stand
5201s guard I'm going to drop a war on this
5203s side okay so we have full vision here
5206s should be safe to buy this seem's buying
5208s in with their call in we don't have time
5211s so I'm going to Ping our time that we
5212s need to get in
5215s and we can maybe play for the explosion
5218s here we have to walk up so we going have
5221s to wait for our Deb to
5226s craft oh looks like there's actually two
5228s teams cuz this drone is not exploding
5230s and this is the red one so we're just
5232s going to have to take the fight here
5233s before the other team comes maybe we
5235s could uh have a clean fight much High
5237s appealing for our bath liner oh looks
5239s like he's dead
5245s can I get a kill here no I got the third
5248s skill yeah so our back our our uh back
5251s ler was just like kind of Miss position
5253s there he walked up got caught and then I
5255s can really help him there so it's a
5259s unfortunate it's okay it's just a bey
5261s death yeah it's it's fine and now we
5263s want to look for like the next respawn
5265s so usually you want to respawn on be
5267s Zone there's uh there are people down
5269s here in warehouse and Doc but maybe we
5270s could take this
5273s fight there are going to be on Lumi
5275s right now so you actually see Lumi
5276s stopped I don't have any food so I'm
5277s going to quickly buy some food and maybe
5278s we could take this team fight
5281s quickly that's is something I see happen
5283s a lot a lot of fights happening around
5285s Lumi during the credits time so I spawn
5289s down here because this is the under wolf
5291s rotation so I'm going to look to maybe
5296s engage I can help heal
5300s here taking a lot of damage on alts oh
5304s actually miss missed Al on
5306s the we do actually kill
5309s one and I want H Al on the Tazia but I
5312s end up uh hitting the I'm going to use
5315s my w for damage reduction so he can't
5316s kill me and
5319s yeah so like those like those scenarios
5321s like you need to know when to PO your W
5323s and when to hold it
5328s down so now we can maybe play for the oh
5331s looks like the
5335s it looks like the the Bears are already
5337s dead but we could still buy here so I'm
5339s going to get my Buy
5340s in all the and the chickens are up as
5348s well I can play for the meteor spawning
5351s here as well so it's actually not too
5352s bad
5367s so here since you have um since you have
5369s enough for an FC would you call an FC
5371s here or would you just do like a cheap
5373s um I think I'm going to buy a meteor and
5376s I think two transitions is better and
5378s protocol buy like tax level two is
5380s actually really good as well so I'm
5383s actually going to buy two items instead
5384s of one cuz it's 185 and then I'm going
5386s to have really close to 185 I'm
5389s 180 and I'm just going to buy a meteor
5392s with that and I grabb that
5395s cuz I'm utilizing the the like honey
5397s pincher passive
5402s here we get the full proc on the W here
5404s cuz they're standing in it and I'm going
5406s to get the all oh yeah oh wow wa I die
5411s in that okay I'm fine
5413s though I thought the AL was actually
5415s going to save you there I guess you
5418s still take damage in all time like
5419s you're not Invincible cuz I think I died
5422s to the Yuki R2
5425s that's definitely something to knowe
5427s you're actually not Invincible at
5430s all you can still die to like take
5432s damage
5440s mhm all right seven teams left yeah we
5444s have a lot of items here so we can maybe
5445s look to maybe uh push our lead and maybe
5447s tort to like Omega or something or we
5449s can look for team
5450s fights definely want to look to contest
5452s for like the next objective here
5457s M kind of just going to rip a TP to fire
5459s we have credits as well so if we get a
5461s bad TP oh okay we look for team fight
5464s then I'm going to hold W off
5467s this may good Lu I'm going to drop my
5470s protocol in the front
5472s line try helping the
5475s peel I'm just going to look with the
5478s with demo
5484s oh we got hit by that I'm
5489s trying full
5495s Route One W 1
5497s W he's
5504s dead eat my
5507s food I'll K Lonzo here get him
5512s rooted nice
5518s they're probably going to Res here so we
5521s probably have to get the res down in
5523s Warehouse
5524s instead don't want to risk it cuz if
5526s they get the res there yeah they're
5527s actually getting the res you see the
5528s Ping so they're buying back we need to
5531s make sure we don't run into them while
5532s they're while they're up at
5540s man are up here as well so we just grab
5542s the r instead
5546s it all works out and need some food yeah
5549s we just lost 250 credits so we're
5551s actually we actually get sent a little
5552s far behind but we got a lot of uh like
5555s kills in Mastery for that so it's not
5556s too
5558s bad I'll C some food we play for the
5561s cube
5563s here there are going to be uh teams that
5565s are going to be a lot stronger than us
5566s though cuz we weren't able to get on
5568s this anything on this rotation and like
5569s the teams were able to get like Omega
5572s so have to be a little more careful
5574s careful now but I think we're still
5576s pretty strong on this
5577s uh on this rotation
5582s mhm we gra like all the farm
5584s everything's up and then we can maybe we
5585s and then we could probably get like our
5586s Buy in so now is a time where you would
5589s want to Ping like the
5590s console because all of us have over 200
5592s credits and we could get our next
5594s transition and you always want to make
5596s sure you're tempering out as many items
5597s as you can so you're stronger than like
5600s uh other teams right mhm so we could
5603s just do all these animals and then we
5606s can path over to I guess Chapel would be
5608s our closest by oh actually we could just
5610s use a kiosk we just got a Kos we got
5613s lucky and we just just SP
5618s here very lucky indeed do you ever like
5620s save the kiosk for later resing in the
5623s game or do you just like use it
5624s instantly if you um if you have the
5626s credits you just use it or I mean if
5628s you're close to another kiosk though
5629s like you don't have to use it you just
5631s walk to the kiosk but
5634s um it's better to just temp all your
5635s items as fast as you
5639s can yeah we're going to go over I could
5642s probably we could probably go over to
5643s Lumi here and I can get like some
5644s medkits to get some gold
5647s food I think you have a fan in the chat
5649s um they're asking if
5651s uh ssang wo is a good player s sang woo
5656s I don't
5658s know I want to be able I want to be able
5660s to comment
5662s yeah no comment from the Prof see
5665s there's resing here this team might
5668s probably come up or actually buying
5669s maybe we could look to probably fight
5671s them there's no cams on us so when you
5673s walk in the zone you always want to take
5674s a note if there's and in this specific
5676s scenario there wasn't any cams so that
5678s means uh there's going to be only this
5680s team that's in the zone so we can May
5682s luck to fight
5683s them so there's like no risk for us to
5685s get third partied here which is
5687s something you should always uh
5690s no going to draw protocol want to try oh
5695s oh uh I think our ad just died to the
5699s yawn I probably should have played a
5700s little farther back but I thought they
5702s would play a little more
5704s safe yeah so uh I don't really know
5707s where to go here probably just Forest
5709s cuz we have cameras here and
5715s safe and I can go back to uh Beach cuz
5718s it's reopening so the credit should be
5719s up and I can also maybe get the the the
5722s mobile Kos off the off the me
5725s what would you say um how well is garnet
5727s at farming
5729s solo a I mean she's a tank so it's just
5734s tank he's definitely better than a lot
5736s of other tanks at farming though I got
5738s to be a little careful cuz there a Red
5739s Box down
5741s here so that means there could be a team
5743s that maybe walks down and tries to
5744s contest the farm as
5750s well oh
5755s [ __ ] out a little bit
5757s there grab cams here see if anything
5760s walks in there is a blind spot uh like
5763s the
5764s bottom uh side but should be okay think
5769s I need to grab
5773s these wow the mutant
5777s Bears something to take note of she can
5780s solo them that's crazy and you got oh my
5782s God another one and yeah now I can drop
5786s the kiosk
5788s quickly the res
5803s off and I'll just make my boots here
5806s with this fource score we do have to
5808s make sure we get in I don't have any
5810s food which might be a problem
5814s just
5815s buy cuz you have one Med
5818s kit yeah but one medit is definitely not
5820s enough for like a team fight so you have
5822s to be like always want to make sure you
5824s have at least like maybe three pieces
5825s two pieces might be cutting a little
5828s close like sometimes fights can go for
5829s longer than 30 seconds so you always
5831s want to make sure you have at least like
5837s three I always want to make sure you're
5839s pressing tab as well whenever you see
5840s new teams you want to see like their
5842s item their item strength I haven't been
5844s doing it too much but just it's just
5846s something like you need to take a note
5847s of you always want to make sure you're
5849s Gathering as much information as
5850s possible with like the for like what's
5852s given to you so like looking at like
5855s your mini map and on like pressing
5857s tab so you can see uh where teams are
5860s and how strong they
5862s are sure this since kind of like a
5865s loaded question U well s it's just um
5868s this oh actually yeah before
5871s that we will wait a second as uh this
5874s seems pretty strong but they're not as
5876s strong that we can't fight them like we
5878s can definitely take this fight here if
5879s they want to
5881s contest I'm just going to craft my
5883s weapon
5887s here uh someone is saying when they play
5890s garage just
5894s kidding okay going drop my protocol on
5897s top try looking for maybe the Yuki the
5899s Yuki's on two hand I'm going to execute
5901s him
5905s all so 200an Yuki is really squishy cuz
5907s he's playing like full crit he's trying
5908s to one shot so he's able to take him
5910s down
5912s there as yeah just say he flashed that
5915s corner so fast um so someone another
5918s Garnet player in the chat say they they
5920s can hold their own in the like early
5922s game like they have a really good early
5923s game and the mid game it's pretty even
5925s but in the late game they find that
5926s they're like falling behind their
5928s teammates or they just like don't feel
5929s as impactful um what do you recommend to
5931s maintain at least like an equal to be
5934s like an equal carry in the later parts
5935s of the game so it's like it's not your
5939s job to carry late into the game as a
5941s tank like you're not supposed to be like
5943s the one dealing like most of the damage
5946s throughout a team fight in the later
5947s games you just need to make sure you're
5949s like soaking up damage for your team
5954s mhm so this guy should be dead here he
5957s going to try alting does he have timer I
5960s guess he doesn't have timer here
5964s oh actually well might be able to get
5966s one oh close so I'm going to hold all
5969s the credits here cuz I'm close to a
5970s blood and I could call a blood for my
5974s carry uh usually yeah so usually you
5977s want to juggle the the credits when you
5979s get um get it off the bodies but I just
5982s I personally just grab all of them cuz
5984s cuz like I kind of know how to manage
5986s well even for my team so like our like
5989s like our blood B is like the Best Buy
5991s and then he's going to going to be able
5992s to maybe call so I'll tell them you guys
5995s can go FFC for ghost
5999s prde cuz yeah because he wants ghost
6000s prde right CU G up straight upgrade from
6003s res armor and they could just go like
6005s half half so one person buys a tree one
6007s gets a
6010s meteor and then they could run the ghost
6012s spride here oh my God he doesn't have
6014s enough credits though he's he needs like
6015s seven credits do this very
6021s quickly okay
6026s yo what
6027s [Music]
6037s score uh we're get our Zone here there's
6039s three teams left drop the four score
6044s fir yeah okay
6057s yeah garet garet is a tank gar is not
6060s not
6061s a not a uh drain tank solo car a lot of
6065s people need to need to just uh keep that
6068s in mind like she's not she's not like
6069s caner like
6073s sua now we're playing they're playing a
6075s triple dive so I probably just have to
6077s maybe peel my
6079s backliner we playing Luke uh Yan Plus
6083s the key so they're probably just going
6084s to look for an angle like an all in
6085s angle on our on our
6088s Adriana don't have any emps here getting
6091s hit by that spne so I have to walk up to
6093s make sure Luke the Luke doesn't uh
6095s follow they're on four Bloods so they're
6097s really strong oh my gosh we got to watch
6101s out for the Luke here or the the
6106s yawn we just have to try try to let our
6108s Agri
6109s poke have to walk up here not taxi the
6112s loop
6115s an
6119s angle so just looking he's just straight
6122s be lining it playing
6134s back now hold my
6136s w I think I am
6146s nice just finish
6149s body I think my ping is just spiking I
6152s don't know why I don't I don't know if
6153s you can see on the bottom left but like
6155s yeah a little bit
6160s yeah and I still like 120 okay
6176s and maybe we get to execute for the
6178s win oh uh please there we go my god
6183s there you see Still Still In the Hall of
6187s Fame no no that was great yeah I mean
6190s you guys peeled very well for zelas for
6192s sure I definitely played that last fight
6194s bad but I like I was lagging a lot yeah
6197s that was so Weir yeah I saw that in the
6198s corner but it's
6202s okay Maiden Embrace whu so lucky
6207s guy oh Only You n
6211s i yeah no so yeah congrats uh to to you
6215s and you know your teammates uh this time
6217s around uh for being the winners here we
6219s can we show off the graph again if we
6221s wanted to or we could just move on here
6223s I'm just going to take a screenshot here
6225s of our winners so they know who to send
6227s the
6229s np2 and then yeah I mean anything else
6232s you wanted to highlight on here uh with
6235s the games um anything you wanted to say
6237s that you
6239s forgot uh I think that's everything I
6241s mean if there any questions you know in
6244s chat uh and like like anything else that
6247s you guys might have for me because uh I
6249s think I kind of went over like usually
6251s how or like yeah how I play the game uh
6255s kind of giving like my com the game
6257s hopefully you guys learn something
6258s because uh I usually don't do these uh
6261s like full commentary uh you know type uh
6267s I guess
6268s streams so it was kind of uh yeah it was
6270s kind of nice to just uh give you guys
6273s like the Insight on like how I think
6274s about uh the game and everything yeah
6277s for sure I mean yeah no the the stage is
6279s yours um if there's anything you know
6280s you'd like to shout out or say I mean
6283s now is the time to do so so yeah it's
6285s all yours you know if there's anything
6287s you want to say now that was the time I
6289s mean I I mean I just stream on Twitch
6290s too so yeah if you guys want to check me
6291s out uh yeah um I'm usually live like
6294s every other day for for ER awesome yeah
6298s um actually one question you know this
6299s could be nice for the chat too is how
6301s often do you offer coaching
6304s streams oh I do coaching streams like
6308s it's weird I just do it whenever
6311s so I I try like I'm trying to do it
6313s again like
6314s maybe uh I do have like coaching on my
6317s Discord is usually like how I
6319s prioritize MH but there's like a really
6321s long line so yeah I wouldn't I probably
6323s wouldn't be able to get any anytime soon
6326s but no not a problem yeah know it's
6329s still nice to know though for anyone
6330s that was curious and um of course thank
6332s you uh for joining us here once again um
6335s it's always a lot of fun you know
6336s getting to talk to you outside of you
6337s know playing the game or casting so a
6339s little bit of a different scenery for
6341s the both of us and I hope you had a lot
6342s of fun here yeah yeah it definitely was
6345s a lot of fun there there's actually one
6346s thing um there is going to be ERM I
6348s think this weekend and I will be casting
6352s so you know come on for that if you guys
6355s uh do want to watch some highle KR
6357s gameplay and obviously you know you do
6358s have the coming right so yeah for sure
6362s yeah no yeah you'll see uh super back
6364s here for ERM uh you'll see me back for
6366s ercs and then of course um I always kind
6369s of like to highlight the next uh
6370s professors um it'll be on November 4th
6373s uh same time 700 p.m. EST and we're
6376s trying to kind of do something different
6377s you know trying to prioritize those new
6378s characters so we're hoping to get a
6380s human Professor next he's be our next
6384s if you want to be the person to teach
6386s human make sure you continue to Q ranked
6388s obviously because that is uh what we're
6390s going to look out for to see who our
6391s best human is in the region and maybe
6393s they can be the one to teach us a little
6394s bit about him next time um but other
6397s than that I think we are good to go
6399s obviously uh thank you all for joining
6400s us um and thank you to our production
6402s staff in the background we cannot do it
6404s without you anyways make it such a clean
6406s smooth time so thank you everyone for
6408s joining us and of course Q ranked and I
6410s hope you guys all have a nice rest of
6411s your night yeah also we see you guys
6413s next time I'll see you guys back for ERM
6415s and for ercs you know me and shui and
6417s Lucy and meek I think right you are
6421s going casting again okay yeah take care
6424s [Music]
6533s n
6544s [Music]
6563s w
6576s [Music]
6594s oh
6610s [Music]
6622s [Music]
6632s oh