25 days
ago -
Eternal Return
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | [Music] |
21s | [Music] |
29s | yeah |
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54s | [Music] |
59s | for |
62s | [Music] |
89s | for |
103s | [Music] |
119s | for fore |
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131s | [Music] |
146s | [Music] |
155s | [Music] |
176s | one |
204s | [Music] |
209s | spee |
219s | [Music] |
239s | for |
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246s | [Music] |
269s | for |
287s | [Music] |
299s | for |
329s | for for |
350s | [Music] |
389s | oh |
409s | [Music] |
414s | [Music] |
419s | for |
449s | for |
457s | [Music] |
465s | [Music] |
478s | for |
481s | [Music] |
492s | [Music] |
508s | for for |
558s | ladies and gentlemen hello hello hello |
560s | it has been two weeks and I know you've |
562s | been waiting for this one welcome back |
564s | to the eter return Masters season 5 |
567s | finals I don't have to say anything |
569s | additional there's no phases or anything |
571s | of the sort we're just done with the |
572s | finals now oh my goodness welcome |
574s | welcome welcome everybody but of course |
576s | it's not just the finals you guys can |
577s | read right underneath it it's the last |
579s | chance qualifiers last absolute chance |
582s | for any teams that are not in the finals |
584s | yet to make their way into that series |
587s | super how are you doing tonight I'm |
589s | doing fantastic thank you uh shui but |
592s | yeah I'm very excited um this is the |
594s | very final chance for these teams to |
596s | make it in they've been fighting two to |
597s | nail uh to make it here and yeah only |
600s | two teams will come out today and I |
603s | don't know if you guys know how this |
604s | format usually works CU Last Chance |
605s | qualifiers is a little weird it's not |
607s | some our usual uh you know qualifiers or |
610s | you know group stage but I think uh |
613s | we'll probably get into you know how |
615s | this format does uh end up working uh |
619s | very shortly here absolutely today is |
621s | going to be a little bit funny it's not |
623s | the usual format that we are used to |
625s | doing because it is the lcq so we'll |
628s | start talking about that in just just a |
630s | moment the format here we go actually |
632s | let's just talk about it now screw it |
633s | the overview for the season finals here |
635s | we go this is for the over overarching |
638s | finals itself right we're not talking |
639s | about phases anymore the schedule starts |
641s | like this today we got the last chance |
643s | qualifiers there's only one day of it |
645s | we're only looking at the finals of the |
647s | lcq we' already done the qualifiers for |
649s | the last chance qualifiers that's a lot |
651s | of similar words in there but that's |
653s | okay so today we are looking at the |
654s | final result this day right here |
656s | determines which teams goes to the |
658s | finals all right day one the the |
659s | semi-finals is going to be in two weeks |
661s | at the beginning of December and Grand |
664s | finals same thing the day right |
665s | afterwards for ERM specifically we got |
668s | the six rounds and then the 55 points |
670s | checkpoint for the grand finals 55 |
673s | points double checkpoint for today a |
675s | little bit funny we'll talk about that |
676s | in just a moment but for the season |
678s | finals prize pool you guys can see it |
679s | over there Champion with the overall |
682s | checkpoint system we'll get 4 million |
684s | Korean one on top of that if they also |
686s | get first place that's another 4 million |
689s | total PR of 20 million K one I think |
692s | that roughly translate to translates to |
695s | about 15 to 20,000 USD if you guys are |
698s | from um you know North America but yeah |
701s | this is going these are going to be the |
702s | teams coming in for today for the lcq |
705s | it's going to be blin Freya oob tangle |
708s | Dobby saber heading dyo and revenge yes |
712s | sir yes sir six to eight beautiful teams |
715s | that are going to be you know sitting |
717s | down today and just hunkering down for |
719s | that that whatever X number of games we |
722s | have going on for today and on that note |
724s | super let's talk a little bit about the |
725s | format that we're going to be doing |
726s | today yeah we got the double elimin well |
729s | not double elimination format double |
731s | checkpoint yes double checkpoint format |
733s | that's going to be coming around now if |
734s | you guys are familiar with the |
735s | checkpoint system first you have to get |
738s | 55 points in order to make yourself into |
740s | that checkpoint spot and then after that |
743s | you have to win a game in order to |
746s | finish the series usually that's how it |
747s | goes but today with the double |
749s | checkpoint format you need to do that |
752s | win but the series isn't over yet |
754s | there's seven teams still left and |
756s | there's one extra spot left going into |
758s | the season finals we're going to |
759s | continue playing with seven teams the |
761s | team that won with the checkpoint they |
763s | go they go to the season finals they're |
765s | done for the day but the rest of the |
767s | seven teams we keep going until another |
769s | team until someone wins exactly with the |
772s | exact same checkpoint format so we could |
775s | have a very very long series here double |
777s | checkpoint means it's a lot of funny |
780s | things can happen yeah CU it does bring |
783s | in a weird dynamic where it goes down to |
785s | seven teams I know a lot of these teams |
787s | probably aren't really um practice in |
790s | seven teams lobbies because you know |
791s | scrims are always the most of the time |
794s | they're always full I'm pretty sure 99% |
796s | of the time you know they're eight team |
797s | lobbies uh when you're playing in a |
799s | competitive scene it's always eight |
801s | teams but um obviously in ranked it does |
805s | sometimes come down into seven team so |
806s | you know these teams should be familiar |
808s | with the seven team format but it's just |
810s | you know in the competitive uh |
812s | scene and um for competitive as a whole |
816s | you know usually you don't get those 17 |
817s | lobbies so we're going to have to see |
819s | you know how these teams do adjust to I |
821s | guess the map being a little more open |
823s | for sure it's going to be a weird weird |
826s | thing for us to witness because it's not |
828s | a format that we typically tend to see a |
829s | lot when it comes to erm so to do expect |
832s | a lot of fun things to happen tonight |
834s | again this is the last chance qualifiers |
836s | as the name itself states it is going to |
838s | be the last chance for the eight teams |
840s | to secure two last spots going into the |
842s | season finals day one you don't get a |
844s | free pass into day two just because you |
846s | make it through lcq n that's not how |
848s | this happens it's going to be a fun |
850s | Series today super but for those of you |
852s | guys also in the chat it's going to be a |
854s | little bit of a fun day too I know some |
856s | people were asking about drops earlier |
858s | before we started the stream yes it's |
861s | the lcq we are starting the season |
863s | finals which means drops are going to be |
865s | a little bit funny on top of the hourly |
867s | boxes that you guys get you are also |
869s | going to be getting these emotes and the |
872s | profile icons of the Season 4 Champions |
875s | which was Ma and SED we got danana on |
877s | the left we got one Circle in the middle |
879s | and romtic got the you got the Theodore |
882s | the the classic one Circle pose the uh |
885s | put the hand on their hair that's that's |
888s | kind of swaggy you know it's pretty |
891s | slick actually like the Theodor one a |
894s | lot I know right it's super cool I in |
896s | general I like all of them I think |
898s | personally I like the nest the most |
900s | because it kind of fits with him a long |
902s | time ago when he used to be that 11 |
903s | player sitting up in the front lines I |
905s | know he's gone on to greener pastures a |
907s | little bit now but yeah it's a it's a |
910s | little bit of an omage back to when he |
911s | used to play a lot more of that 11 so I |
913s | love it I honestly thought he would go |
915s | for the Alonzo and then the the the like |
918s | cry but I already have that in the game |
920s | right yeah I think so something very |
922s | similar at least yeah yeah yeah because |
925s | it was part of their uh their uh season |
927s | bundle I think right mhm |
930s | ah you know it is what it is we've had a |
933s | lot of dreams about what these drops and |
935s | emotes could be like but this is what we |
937s | get and you know what as they are they |
939s | are absolutely beautiful pretty good |
940s | designs by the way as well yeah I mean |
943s | rantic is pretty is pretty nice as well |
945s | you know Rio shooting that uh that bow |
947s | obviously we know |
948s | romatic uh for that Rio pick because uh |
951s | I mean I don't think he's usually or he |
954s | hasn't really been playing it recently |
955s | just because you know I think usually |
957s | romatic and the top teams K they always |
960s | you know just swap to whatever is the |
961s | meta ADC at the moment don't think Rio |
963s | is uh at the very top just of yet but |
968s | you know maybe we might see some |
969s | adjustments for the season finals but |
971s | yeah quite yeah I don't think so either |
976s | actually yeah we did just get the last |
977s | patch and I don't think there were too |
978s | many R changes I think it's probably |
980s | still going to be maybe Nadine and Rosy |
981s | that are going to be at the top because |
982s | Nadine did get hit in the most recent |
984s | patch but you know Rie didn't get |
986s | touched at all and we saw the last uhm |
989s | you know it was just rotated between |
991s | Rousy and Nadine so yeah I mean we're |
995s | going to have the predictions coming up |
996s | here we have blanch taking 53% of the |
998s | votes for the lcq teams on the top side |
1001s | and on the bottom side we have heading |
1003s | Dino with 50% as well wow I mean Hing |
1006s | Dino is a team you know we haven't |
1007s | really seen at all and uh looks like |
1009s | they got a pretty big fan base here |
1010s | indeed indeed indeed this is pretty |
1012s | interesting because heading Dino you're |
1014s | exactly right this is the first time I'm |
1015s | actually seeing any of the members |
1017s | coming into the actual stage for eternal |
1020s | return Masters the fact that they are |
1022s | getting this much of a vote I can't tell |
1023s | if it's like one of those Underdog |
1025s | situations that are coming through or if |
1027s | they are players that are relatively |
1029s | well known in Korea and that's why a lot |
1031s | of teams are looking forward to them I |
1033s | can't tell but the fact that they do |
1035s | have this amount amount of votes I think |
1036s | I can have some confidence in the fact |
1038s | that they are going to be showing us |
1039s | something pretty interesting |
1041s | today yeah I mean we do have you know |
1043s | some older teams that we've seen before |
1045s | we've seen oob I think we've seen them a |
1047s | lot in I think it was season three with |
1049s | the Eva heart so I'm kind of curious to |
1051s | see you know if they do still end up |
1053s | picking those two characters because |
1055s | obviously you know the Eva heart combo |
1056s | doesn't really work anymore since they |
1058s | did uh rework Evo's ultimate so I'm |
1061s | really interested to see you know what |
1063s | their picks are going to be now and um |
1065s | you that's for the other teams you know |
1067s | we've seen Tangled Dobby we've seen team |
1068s | saber we're going have to see you know |
1070s | if they are going to be able to bring |
1071s | their aame for today yeah for sure it's |
1073s | going to be a fun one today for the |
1074s | series at least just looking at the |
1075s | predictions but a little bit of trivia |
1077s | for you super I know you're looking at |
1078s | the screen over over there you could see |
1080s | that it's not a frea TV anymore by the |
1082s | way it's a |
1084s | soup what is they changed their brand to |
1087s | soup oh I fre a TV is just called soup |
1090s | now yeah it's just soup and now I know |
1093s | if you're if you're speaking English |
1094s | that might seem like soup as in like the |
1096s | broth soup kind of thing but in Korean |
1099s | it's Forest it's |
1101s | Forest oh yeah that's the that's the |
1104s | translation of it they just took the the |
1106s | the pronunciation of forest and then |
1108s | directly just put as English for the |
1110s | English name itself but it's supposed to |
1112s | be |
1113s | Forest that's the |
1115s | definition I see I see I mean it's super |
1118s | 20 not the not a u right the yeah |
1121s | so I'm surprised they rebranded but I |
1124s | guess afria TV didn't really roll roll |
1126s | off the tongue so you know soup soup |
1129s | does sound a lot like a lot better I |
1131s | would say yeah I think they took their |
1132s | inspiration from somebody's name here |
1134s | you |
1136s | know they're taking away one of the ways |
1138s | that I call you actually I always call |
1140s | you soupman and stuff like that I don't |
1141s | know what's going on yeah now now I'm |
1144s | going to question you know if you're if |
1146s | you're asking me about uh a no |
1149s | say I'm going to go insane at this point |
1152s | but yes oh my God ltq we are finally |
1154s | here the fact that we got to this point |
1156s | after a season as chaotic as this one of |
1159s | these Seasons where we saw the most |
1162s | amount of new teams coming up on the |
1164s | Block and the most impressive |
1166s | performances from some of those teams |
1168s | all around I think this season finals is |
1170s | going to be standing up to be one of the |
1173s | best that we have ever seen |
1175s | honestly yeah new teams you know new |
1178s | Talent um even older talent but just you |
1180s | know um players who just haven't played |
1182s | competitive like like sad hands we had a |
1186s | really big upset with Mir s going eighth |
1188s | you know in the second phase so a lot of |
1193s | um a lot of good uh story lines I would |
1196s | say for this season yeah absolutely it's |
1199s | going to be a really really interesting |
1201s | way to see how all of those just kind of |
1203s | round out and we see how this chapter is |
1207s | going to end it's another chapter for |
1209s | for you and I at least when it comes to |
1211s | just watching eternal return Masters as |
1212s | a final because we saw one of those |
1214s | chapters end last season be and seong |
1217s | finally being able to win an eternal |
1219s | return Masters after such a long time |
1221s | they weren't able to always get there |
1222s | right just always cut off right before |
1225s | the end we saw some incredible |
1227s | incredible scenes where you know I'm not |
1229s | I'm never gonna forget danana standing |
1231s | up on the stage balling his eyes out |
1234s | that right there is a true Man story not |
1237s | sure if they're going to be able to do |
1238s | it again this season because again |
1239s | there's so many things that could go |
1241s | wrong for that team there's so many |
1242s | other teams that are vying for that spot |
1244s | this season on top of it it all just |
1246s | comes down to at least right now which |
1249s | teams can get out of lcq and at least |
1251s | cement themselves another possibility to |
1253s | move on a day two for the season |
1255s | finals yeah I think the competition this |
1258s | season is just so much Tire these teams |
1259s | you know I think have slowly caught up |
1261s | to Mar sang we've seen time and time |
1263s | again you know Mar sang Always winning |
1264s | out you know every tournament you know |
1266s | they always the most consistent but |
1268s | recently if you have you know watched |
1269s | the recent erms if you watched the |
1271s | recent National leagues they actually |
1273s | haven't been you know um or they haven't |
1276s | really had uh their dominance and uh you |
1281s | know a really big uh performance that |
1284s | they've had in the past mhm yeah 100% |
1287s | it's something that a lot of other video |
1289s | games a lot of other Esports also kind |
1291s | of struggle with right there's one team |
1293s | that is just super super dominant for |
1295s | such a long time A lot of times when |
1297s | they scrim it just doesn't feel like |
1299s | they're getting a lot of good experience |
1301s | but it provides other really good team |
1303s | other really good experience for other |
1305s | teams that are playing into them after |
1306s | all you're looking for that goal you're |
1309s | looking to try to overtake that goal |
1311s | whereas the team that is that everyone's |
1314s | trying to overtake well they don't |
1315s | really have that big of a rival but now |
1317s | the Gap is starting to close I think B |
1319s | song definitely has a lot to learn even |
1322s | from the games that they do tend to |
1323s | succeed on cuz sometimes even the games |
1325s | that do they do tend to succeed it seems |
1328s | like they falter a little bit here and |
1329s | there that's not something that we were |
1331s | able to say about miden seong many of |
1333s | seasons ago they almost just seem like a |
1335s | perfect |
1336s | team yeah I think um Team just have gone |
1340s | a lot better because you know they've |
1341s | been practicing they've been putting so |
1342s | much time into the game so it was great |
1344s | to see you know the the level of play |
1347s | you know just um kind of evolv you know |
1349s | over on the KR side M overall the |
1351s | quality of these teams just getting |
1353s | better that's something that we cannot |
1355s | as casters ever complain about I guess |
1358s | uh we're just taking a little bit look |
1359s | at the players and the teams again it's |
1361s | just interesting that we're not starting |
1363s | yet but maybe the players need a little |
1364s | bit more time if you guys need a |
1365s | refresher on some of the teams and the |
1367s | players that are going to be playing |
1368s | today blanch sin Freya and UOB we got |
1371s | tingle X saber heading dyo and revenge |
1374s | the two teams that came from the |
1376s | original seating after the circus points |
1379s | were done is blanch and sin and sin yeah |
1382s | all of the other teams came from each |
1385s | respective qualifier groups we had three |
1387s | this time around it was going to be |
1388s | Freya UOB coming from group A tingle |
1390s | Dobby and saber from Group B and heading |
1393s | Dino and revenge coming from Group C |
1396s | which by the way a couple of our |
1397s | sponsored teams that were also in the |
1400s | lcq qualifiers did not make it because |
1403s | of some of the teams that are in this |
1405s | Lobby yeah it just goes to show you know |
1407s | how |
1409s | uh how hard it is to make it into these |
1411s | uh into these LT Qs and to even qualify |
1414s | for ERM the skill level inry is just so |
1417s | high you know the cut off I think even |
1418s | to even make it in to even try to play |
1420s | these lcq it's probably I think about |
1424s | like maybe top 200 in KR or like about |
1426s | maybe top 300 top 400 because you know |
1429s | everyone's trying to VI for that spot |
1431s | you know lcq I think is the most uh |
1433s | competitive just because or the most |
1435s | competitive as in um you know everyone's |
1437s | going to be trying to buy you know for |
1438s | for that free ticket into the finals you |
1441s | know you don't have to really play an |
1442s | ERM you don't have to you know um you |
1446s | know kind of perform and in the ERM you |
1448s | just have to you know come out win in |
1450s | lcq and then you can go to the finals |
1452s | straight to uh I think it's the day |
1455s | young Esports Arena this time around |
1457s | again should be yeah it should be the |
1458s | same Arena and funny enough you say that |
1460s | too because we have actually had a team |
1463s | that's shown us something like this |
1464s | relatively recently I'm not going to say |
1466s | it was super recent it's been a bit of |
1468s | time since this has last happened if a |
1470s | lot of you guys remember team Mudkip |
1472s | from oh man a few seasons ago at this |
1475s | point that team was one of the teams |
1477s | that originally came up from the lcq |
1480s | they didn't have a single performance in |
1482s | their debut season of VM where they |
1484s | didn't participate at all throughout any |
1486s | of the seasons throughout the entire |
1488s | season itself and then they come out win |
1492s | lcq make it through day one of the |
1495s | Season finals and then go on to season |
1497s | go on to day two where they actually had |
1499s | a stellar performance we can we have |
1502s | seen examples of teams that do that in |
1504s | the past which is the reason why for me |
1506s | lcq seeing some of these new teams that |
1509s | we haven't seen throughout the entire |
1510s | course of the Season I'm anxious I'm |
1512s | really excited yeah definitely such a |
1515s | wild card I think for a lot of the top |
1518s | teams as well just because you know they |
1519s | don't really know or they don't really |
1520s | have that information probably on these |
1522s | other teams just because they probably |
1524s | don't really scream into them as much or |
1525s | they probably don't play into them as |
1527s | much cuz you you know if they don't make |
1529s | it to the to erm to the big stage they |
1531s | can't really practice into them right so |
1534s | you know having that wild card and the X |
1536s | Factor I think uh definitely can be |
1539s | quite a big strength for these teams |
1542s | when they are going to you know make it |
1543s | in for uh the season finals absolutely |
1547s | it's going to be a fun Series today |
1549s | again I don't know why we're taking so |
1550s | long starting sorry about that guys yeah |
1554s | looks like there's some like delays but |
1556s | yeah I'm not sure what's going on over |
1557s | there but it's okay you guys get to you |
1559s | guys get to listen to our voice turn it |
1560s | on as a radio or something if you guys |
1562s | are it's a little bit earlier in tonight |
1564s | it should be prime time for a lot of you |
1566s | Turnal return players especially over on |
1568s | the North American side of things sorry |
1569s | for intruding on your ranked grind that |
1572s | you guys were surely |
1574s | doing yeah well I mean most people are |
1577s | probably just going to tune in to the |
1578s | stream |
1579s | when when they're in Q I think I usually |
1583s | what probably happen so you know if you |
1584s | guys aren you uh hi how's it going but |
1588s | yeah uh |
1589s | hope your games tonight are good it's |
1590s | okay it's just uh it's just more time |
1592s | for you know people to farm the drops |
1593s | like it's so chill yeah exactly |
1596s | hopefully uh that's going to be all |
1598s | right okay let let's go back to the the |
1600s | prediction because I'm I'm looking at it |
1602s | it's up on the screen and it's slightly |
1603s | different now this makes a little bit |
1605s | more sense yeah yeah H was the one in |
1608s | saber's spot but actually was saber who |
1610s | had the % of the votes that makes a lot |
1613s | more sense because you know we've seen |
1614s | saber come out um in previous Seasons I |
1618s | think they they always make it to lcq |
1620s | they always make it to so it's not |
1622s | surprised that they have 50% of the |
1624s | votes on the bottom side and then |
1626s | obviously sin still with 54% of the |
1629s | votes because they did end up coming in |
1631s | from uh straight from the ERM just |
1634s | automatically qualifying in from their |
1636s | performance yeah listen I'm all for an |
1639s | Underdog Story if anything I should be |
1641s | the one that is all for in onog story |
1643s | but 50% for a team that we have never |
1645s | heard before seemed a little bit |
1647s | unrealistic this SC seems a lot more |
1649s | realistic now you're right team saber is |
1651s | a team that we have seen consistently in |
1653s | the past with some incredible incredible |
1655s | performances 50% of the votes definitely |
1657s | not a surprise ohob you mentioned it |
1660s | earlier they were team from the past |
1662s | season 3 was where they had one of the |
1664s | best performances I've ever seen them |
1666s | really have inm at all making a comeback |
1669s | now in season 5 the only performance |
1671s | we're going to be able to see from them |
1672s | will be the lcq they do well here today |
1675s | we'll be able to see them in the season |
1677s | finals of course where not exactly sure |
1679s | how that's going to work out |
1681s | yet looks like we are going to finally |
1684s | be jumping in here shui that correct |
1687s | let's take a look at what's going to |
1688s | happen character selection for game |
1690s | number one is underway we got some |
1692s | clouds with a little bit of wind to |
1693s | start out in game number one let us see |
1696s | what kind of characters and rosters |
1698s | these teams are going to feel for |
1700s | us yeah we do have the sin going to be |
1703s | playing the exact same comp we've seen |
1705s | them um you know play this comp I think |
1707s | in the recent M see phase three it |
1709s | looked really really strong Yan you know |
1711s | providing so much extra sustain for that |
1713s | Ki and that Khloe and Klo just able to |
1715s | do so much damage so we're going have to |
1717s | see you know how this does end up |
1718s | working out for them we actually do |
1719s | might have a my ban here think it is |
1722s | going to be locked in from team Revenge |
1724s | so there will be three my picks two |
1726s | Adriana picks as well I think it's only |
1729s | going to be the my coming out getting |
1731s | banned once again we know how strong |
1733s | this character is we've seen it time and |
1735s | time again she's just able to provide so |
1737s | much for her team and would you look at |
1739s | that shuy I think it says I think the |
1742s | soul stealer meta is uh soul soul |
1744s | stealer meta is still active here as we |
1746s | do have six teams that are going to be |
1747s | running this augment indeed you actually |
1749s | missed a ban by the way super this is a |
1751s | ban that I never realized was going to |
1752s | happen in irm a Kiara ban coming out oh |
1756s | my God wait a second you are absolutely |
1759s | right here what am I |
1760s | watching we do have a Kiara ban coming |
1764s | because yeah we have the Kiara pick |
1765s | coming from the my Priya and we have the |
1768s | Kiara from the Sylvia Yuki so a lot of |
1772s | interesting comps here kind of curious |
1774s | to see you know how the priia comp will |
1776s | end up doing because I feel like they're |
1777s | going to be locking a lot of damage |
1779s | exactly this is paying a little bit of |
1780s | an homage to one of our viewers older |
1783s | profile pictures on his Nimbo neuron |
1787s | account Mr Wendy he used to have that |
1788s | Kiara as his main profile picture back |
1791s | in those days I guess it's a little bit |
1793s | of an noage the lcq players just like |
1796s | yeah you know what wy's in the chat |
1798s | let's get get this character |
1800s | [Laughter] |
1803s | ban yeah I I wouldn't I would never have |
1806s | expected A Kar band here but um yeah I |
1809s | guess uh I guess we have to see you know |
1812s | how these teams end up utilizing this |
1814s | character it looked really strong with |
1816s | um you know team sin with the with the |
1818s | Johan and kiar together but I I don't |
1821s | know how how well these other teams will |
1823s | fair with it exactly that's a metric |
1825s | that I'm really confused about right now |
1826s | too right there's two things that I'm |
1828s | thinking about exactly at this moment |
1829s | one is how are other teams actually |
1831s | going to utilize this Kiara especially |
1833s | team blanch I've never seen them running |
1835s | a composition like this and looking at |
1837s | the Kiara and the priia now I'm really |
1839s | starting to wonder if they have enough |
1841s | damage and again I said this in the past |
1844s | that is what I was worried about as well |
1846s | PR uh it's good my but I don't know if |
1849s | it's execution damage good they're going |
1851s | they're going to have a lot of sustain |
1852s | though to live through these fights so |
1853s | if kiar can just you know just get in |
1855s | there get the PRI Shields get the my |
1857s | Shields you know maybe M hit a TA and |
1860s | then you know the the priia gets you |
1861s | know the flower explosion maybe it might |
1863s | be enough but I'm a little worried that |
1865s | they might not have enough but they do |
1866s | have a lot of sustain so maybe just |
1868s | going to be able to you know outlive you |
1869s | know in a lot of these fights exactly |
1871s | for the for the most part I think for |
1873s | team blanch if that plague doesn't last |
1876s | for longer than 10 seconds in each fight |
1878s | something's going wrong for team blanch |
1880s | it's either they popped it too early |
1882s | they popped it a little bit too late |
1884s | maybe they popped it because they were |
1886s | forced to either way that play has to go |
1888s | on a long time otherwise it's going to |
1892s | be a pretty pretty rough game but guys |
1894s | game one I know it's a little bit late |
1895s | but has been started a lot of our |
1897s | players starting to build up mum also |
1899s | making a little bit of a comeback to the |
1901s | eternal return Master scene we haven't |
1903s | seen this guy in quite a bit and |
1905s | actually interestingly enough I saw a |
1907s | video somebody sent me a video posted by |
1910s | Mojo a few days ago where he was doing |
1912s | going to die here's dead oh he lives on |
1917s | one HP does eat the food is just going |
1919s | to be it's going to be just barely |
1921s | enough but wait a second R is actually |
1923s | into the same Zone as the Chloe so maybe |
1926s | R can maybe look for an angle here but |
1929s | teams are going to be grouping up |
1930s | they're going to be able to trade their |
1931s | items I think majority of the teams uh |
1934s | these days they they should have routes |
1937s | where you know they they all link up |
1939s | together they drop their items and they |
1941s | get their builds up really quick because |
1942s | you want to look for these early game |
1943s | kills you know getting these points in |
1946s | um in these tournaments do matter quite |
1949s | a bit here as we do have an engage going |
1951s | onto the Yuki both cars are going to be |
1953s | popped here there is theud going to land |
1955s | on the Pria PR is going to be focused |
1956s | down but not going be enough damage and |
1958s | sustain coming out for team blanch I |
1961s | guess that is the power of you know the |
1963s | Priya and deay togethering so many |
1965s | Shields a great exclusive coming out |
1968s | from the m to pull him back and T is |
1970s | going to go wide but I don't think |
1971s | there's really much uh place for this |
1974s | Kar to go so they will end up Fallen as |
1976s | well so blanch going to be able to |
1977s | secure two kills for himself what the |
1979s | heck is this fight man it's still really |
1982s | early in the game the last judgment from |
1984s | playing not going to be doing too much |
1985s | damage that's why the shield in cen's |
1987s | Arsenal is such a good source of extra |
1990s | HP effective HP is something that I talk |
1992s | about quite a lot in play quite frankly |
1996s | I see sometimes last judgment at level |
1998s | one almost heals people it doesn't do |
2000s | anything doesn't do much of damage I |
2002s | think it seemed like hitting dinos they |
2003s | weren't really you know fully grouped |
2004s | they really have their builds just of |
2006s | yet so oh wait a second |
2009s | going to jump straight in C's going to |
2010s | actually K backwards here great there |
2012s | coming from the mine I think that is |
2013s | going to be the K going to follow here |
2015s | does end up coming out Curry going to |
2017s | make sure they're going to be able to |
2018s | stay far away there on the other side |
2020s | sin is going to jump in onto the Nadine |
2024s | looks like dangal Dai just barely lives |
2026s | there going to be able to get two |
2028s | members on out of there there's the |
2030s | double judgment coming in from the Kiara |
2032s | nice reset there coming in and uh Sylvia |
2036s | should be able to find this ARA here AR |
2038s | tries to use D Cube it's not going to be |
2040s | enough and heading Dino going to be able |
2042s | to secure a nice two kills as well |
2044s | Sylvia you know a pick we usually never |
2046s | see you know on the KR side nice to see |
2049s | some representation coming out today in |
2051s | lcq exactly that's going to be a fun one |
2053s | to see today on top of it whereas cine |
2055s | not really going to like what they're |
2056s | going to be seeing in this exact moment |
2059s | will get taken down unfortunately |
2060s | completely isolated away from the rest |
2061s | of their team but I think we just saw a |
2064s | big fault of the K compositions right |
2066s | where a couple of these k teams the |
2069s | moment you lose the Kiara especially if |
2070s | you're running a very Kiara focused |
2072s | composition you don't really have too |
2074s | much to work with you need the plague |
2076s | you need the last judgment you're always |
2078s | looking for those executions that if you |
2080s | lose the kiar I really don't see what |
2083s | the idea for a lot of these compositions |
2085s | to play is we've seen what team can do |
2088s | right we've seen what team s can do they |
2090s | they have an idea what about team |
2091s | heading dyo and team blanch what's their |
2094s | ideas yeah but I mean they probably |
2097s | played this com time and time again you |
2099s | know bringing out to lcq |
2102s | so I think they should have an idea on |
2104s | you know how to play but you know it is |
2106s | a pretty good point that kiar is a |
2109s | pretty committal character you know once |
2111s | he use that last uh judgment or that you |
2113s | know that |
2114s | ultimate you know teams can slowly just |
2116s | walk away right if they pull away from |
2117s | you you know the K is you know you know |
2119s | forced to use their ultimate in and then |
2121s | once the K is all isn't uh or once the |
2124s | kar's alt is down there's really not |
2126s | much uh you know the Kar can really do |
2129s | but o a nice um blast plant there coming |
2133s | out from the going to push the back and |
2136s | looks like s is just going to push on |
2137s | forward there the dirt is end up going |
2140s | to come down from Team a third party see |
2142s | on the other side heading Dino going to |
2144s | try jumping on the Kiara here as both |
2146s | members of team blunch are just going to |
2148s | leave their Kiara off for death and |
2150s | there is the totem sebbi is going to |
2153s | live but no thear is just going to get |
2156s | their Shield proc and and going to be |
2158s | able to take them out so heading down |
2160s | going to be able to secure a nice kill I |
2161s | think they did also end up getting the |
2163s | tree from Cemetery so nice pick up from |
2165s | them yeah all of our all of our Kiara is |
2167s | in the exact meteorite spot of all |
2169s | things here we go another fight as oh my |
2171s | goodness the roazzi just gets absolutely |
2172s | obliterated narara down on the ground |
2174s | Curry trying to poke out glove and he |
2175s | should be able to get it as deay |
2177s | completely isolated again away from |
2179s | their Laura who is surprisingly sitting |
2181s | on the Northwestern side of the map I |
2183s | was looking at the mini map their |
2184s | pointer was up towards the top left over |
2186s | there there we go inside a ghoul |
2188s | completely split apart and look at that |
2190s | the boots on the Lura we're seeing yet |
2192s | another interesting take on this Lura |
2194s | build nowadays we've seen this before |
2196s | right where be S was building things as |
2198s | like Guardian suit on this laora a bit |
2200s | more tankier this time around |
2203s | now yeah wild Walkers I mean wild |
2205s | Walkers really strong item it has that |
2207s | heal cut it has that HP it has that HP |
2210s | region I think HP region is a pretty |
2211s | underrated stats that a lot of players |
2213s | don't really you know see the value in |
2215s | but HP regen you know basically just |
2217s | gives you free HP because to get you |
2220s | know a lot more HP throughout our team |
2222s | fight from you know just your base HP |
2223s | regen so it is a pretty strong item I |
2226s | think I see a lot of uh people you know |
2229s | rushing it on the KR |
2231s | side but um yeah I mean it does cost a |
2234s | tree as well so it's definitely not a |
2237s | bad uh take cuz I think they were |
2239s | running the tachon shoes so it's just |
2240s | like a straight upgrade from that yeah |
2242s | exactly it's just surprising to see |
2244s | people in KR take lore a little bit to a |
2247s | tankier side of things but let's see oob |
2249s | still running the AA they have neory |
2251s | sitting on the a quick cut in from |
2253s | theuri he's taking about half of his HP |
2255s | and damage but the initiation from sin |
2257s | is good s yeah setting up nicely for the |
2260s | Kiara this is exactly what we know team |
2262s | sin is able to do it will be two members |
2264s | down of ouo he's just going to be |
2266s | sitting over at the end will take his |
2268s | death gracefully sitting in the corner |
2269s | poppy goes the win for the Battle Zone |
2271s | going to team sin on top of that two |
2273s | plus kills means that a mythro plus |
2275s | additional plus two points going into |
2277s | their hands night number two yeah that's |
2279s | probably the best feeling and probably |
2281s | the best outcome um for a battle Zone if |
2283s | you are just playing into one team get |
2285s | those two kills and you get the my thr |
2287s | as well so uh should be uh or sin should |
2291s | be in a really nice spot here but wait a |
2292s | second team saber they don't have any |
2293s | timer here so as long as team Revenge |
2295s | stays in the Drone should be enough but |
2297s | wait a second they're looking for an |
2298s | angle is going to go wide the exclusive |
2301s | is going to come out but yeah just not |
2302s | enough timer and team saber is going to |
2304s | be the one who falls here looked really |
2307s | good saber uh not saber Curry did get a |
2310s | lot of damage onto the lore but the L |
2312s | just going to be able to jump on away |
2314s | having so much mobility and yeah they |
2317s | will end up getting on out of there but |
2318s | I would like to go back into you know |
2320s | the the the team fight for team sin the |
2322s | chlo just able to do so much damage and |
2325s | um there's not really much uh these |
2327s | other teams can really do when you have |
2329s | you know Johan just speed boosting the |
2331s | Chloe forward or we was the forward and |
2335s | yeah yeah the chlo is just pelting |
2336s | bullets with Nina yeah |
2338s | you're exactly right and I think this is |
2340s | also really nice because it actually |
2342s | gave us a bit of a moment where we saw |
2344s | other alternative ways of Team sin |
2346s | initiating even without the Kiara having |
2348s | access to the quick cut play media combo |
2350s | right we saw the Khloe starting out the |
2352s | fight as soon as the angle looked a |
2354s | little bit finicky for the the Kiara |
2356s | this is the thing that we want to see |
2358s | from Team sin they're taking the whoa |
2360s | hold on a second Deon gate is already in |
2362s | they're trying to go in on this fight |
2364s | but no one's really attempting to |
2366s | actually fully invest them El in on this |
2368s | it's going be going to be a bit of a |
2370s | Mastery trade a little bit of Health |
2371s | exchange between the two teams and we |
2373s | will continue to move on as another |
2375s | round of Lumi credits wow look at that |
2377s | lum's giving out a lot of credits today |
2380s | yeah every uh team is getting their buys |
2382s | on on the cycle so Lumi is just going to |
2385s | be filled up instantly and going to be |
2386s | able to be proed again but yeah I think |
2390s | we've seen uh this team comp from Freya |
2393s | I think it was they and cyers that used |
2394s | to play this team comp and basally how |
2397s | it works is the Arda is the one who uh |
2399s | is supposed to jump in but oh wow great |
2401s | double fear coming out from the |
2403s | a going to do so much damage wait a |
2405s | second the damage coming out isn't going |
2407s | to be enough as Airline is going to be |
2409s | able to get a great bur going to hit |
2411s | three members and yeah there is going to |
2413s | be able to turn o OB going to be able to |
2414s | pick up two here as uh L going to come |
2417s | down with the last judgment the Q is |
2419s | going to be enough no and the K is going |
2421s | to be able to get a away into the other |
2422s | side wait a second the kar unfortunately |
2424s | is not going to be able to kill the |
2425s | Chloe with that Soul link going to be |
2428s | able to negate all that damage and it |
2431s | will be team sin coming out on top once |
2433s | again going to kill two members of Team |
2434s | heading D that's going to be a early |
2435s | minus 250 so devastating loss for this |
2439s | team they're going to have to you know |
2441s | try to get some Farm maybe try to get |
2443s | back into the game here starting it was |
2445s | really close so you know you kind of |
2447s | have to wonder if they did have you know |
2449s | that buy early maybe maybe they would |
2450s | have enough to kill that team exactly |
2452s | and it's looking shaky a little bit for |
2454s | some of our k teams they're eating a |
2455s | whole lot of damage team the Nina I'm |
2459s | Yan trying to eat a lot of damage and |
2461s | the slow coming through from the burn to |
2463s | crisp is enough to catch up to the Johan |
2465s | there one goes one down goes narahara |
2467s | over on the side of pond as well they |
2470s | just lost those two members I think |
2472s | revenge this is only a minus 500 instead |
2474s | of minus 1,000 because those members did |
2476s | die before day number three spawn but |
2478s | here we go another fight pushed into a |
2479s | corner is Fenix Park he's trying to get |
2481s | the damage up but it's not going to |
2482s | matter burned down by the Flames of |
2484s | Adriana not their own shukai cuz that |
2486s | would be weird knocking down the |
2489s | knocking down the Nadine is going to be |
2490s | good another fight inside of four |
2492s | Factory sorry as the last judgments |
2494s | coming in one and a two gone are the |
2496s | members of Team Freya team heading Dino |
2498s | will recover a little bit from their |
2500s | falter at the start of day number three |
2501s | and the shukai falls down as well oh |
2504s | rori also getting caught out glove if he |
2506s | finds this kill team Tangled DX they're |
2508s | going to be in a very very dire |
2510s | situation in game number one one kill |
2512s | blink over rori is going to have to |
2514s | invest a lot of time to get out of here |
2517s | yeah got to just walk up to the temple |
2518s | get the res here but yeah Tangi |
2520s | unfortunately finds I think revenge |
2523s | right after they resed and I think they |
2524s | just ran into a bush or maybe maybe they |
2526s | got they got Vision checked there as it |
2528s | will be team Tangled Dobby going to be |
2530s | forced to lose two members so another |
2532s | minus 500 so a lot of these teams losing |
2534s | out on a lot of credits and a lot of |
2536s | power this will definitely change the |
2539s | the dynamic going forward yeah and if |
2541s | anything I was about to say that this |
2543s | game's pacing was very very slow for the |
2545s | first few game for the first few minutes |
2546s | of the game in comparison to what we've |
2548s | seen in this season as a whole I can |
2551s | definitely say with confidence that it's |
2553s | been a very very slow game not too many |
2555s | kills not too many picks not too many |
2558s | overall team fights but right now as |
2560s | soon as day number three hits there have |
2561s | been so many players that have fallen |
2563s | that I think our credit count for resing |
2565s | fallen players already is somewhere in |
2567s | the mid 1000s or at least already at |
2570s | 2,000 that is a crazy number right |
2572s | before day number |
2574s | three yeah these teams I think have just |
2576s | been you know consistent fighting here |
2578s | we we have a lot of kills you know kind |
2580s | of going around but it will be a red box |
2583s | coming in for team s they're going to be |
2584s | able to wait on this I wonder what |
2587s | they're going to get here cuz I think |
2589s | they do have a lot of slots open they |
2590s | did minus 250 so they shouldn't have as |
2593s | many you know |
2594s | transitions maybe they get um what what |
2598s | what what would they really be looking |
2599s | for I think uh the K was only on three |
2601s | item so maybe a tap routs I think would |
2603s | be would be pretty good for them I I I I |
2606s | was about to say Necronomicon but |
2608s | Necronomicon is kind of weird cuz one of |
2610s | the main priority transitions for kiar |
2612s | nowadays early is the tindalos monarch |
2615s | there's the Nimrod gate coming in team |
2618s | Revenge sees a lot of teams there are |
2620s | four teams hanging around this area yeah |
2622s | I think team Revenge is one of the best |
2624s | teams that can be sitting here right now |
2626s | they have full information on how many |
2627s | teams there are probably a good idea for |
2629s | them to get themselves on that which is |
2631s | exactly what they do and team Hing Dino |
2633s | is going to move on up as well there's |
2635s | so many teams in this area here there is |
2637s | the damage coming out from Curry just |
2638s | going to one shot the shukai one bad |
2642s | thing about you know playing Shai's a |
2643s | tank is uh he's really susceptible |
2645s | getting bursted down doesn't really have |
2647s | you know the defensive capabilities as |
2651s | some of these other tanks does have the |
2652s | the heal and the defense on the W but |
2655s | you know sometimes just not enough here |
2656s | lot of damage coming out from the kiar |
2658s | is going to jump on forward going to |
2660s | Blink on out of there great to B going |
2662s | to hit two the Sylvia is actually going |
2664s | to |
2664s | hit is actually going to hit no one as |
2668s | Yuki is just going to fall |
2670s | there and it will be the Sy actually |
2673s | going to get traded down and yeah looks |
2674s | like they will and be falling here but |
2677s | wait a second I think this team |
2678s | recognizes there's a lot of teams in |
2680s | this area and Freya is just going to |
2682s | walk away team Freya is playing so smart |
2685s | right now they understand exactly the |
2687s | situation of the map MOG will get taken |
2689s | down our first team gone heading Dino |
2691s | unfortunately in a fight that they could |
2693s | have won the Arda I think nimrod's game |
2695s | was one of the best things that could |
2696s | happen two team they're going to take it |
2698s | out again and we are seeing the |
2700s | versatility of this character coming on |
2702s | online it's insane how effective that |
2705s | Nimrod gate is if you're able to |
2706s | coordinate it with your team we saw it |
2708s | in the team fight just now getting the |
2710s | Darko out of the last judgment range and |
2713s | just now getting themselves out of full |
2715s | immediate danger yeah just great great |
2717s | awareness from this team you know he's |
2718s | able to recognize when you know they |
2720s | they have an advantage using using the |
2723s | liod G in I think is the big one think |
2725s | fre team fya should know there is |
2727s | another team nearby so they don't really |
2728s | want to full send onto team tanglei just |
2731s | of yet they're going to walk back up |
2733s | they do have the diod gate as well so |
2734s | they could be able they could use a NR |
2736s | gate to maybe Escape through stream |
2738s | stream is going to be reopening as well |
2740s | here also real quick rori has a blood in |
2743s | his inventory they do not want to die |
2745s | right now wait they haven't crafted it |
2747s | yet I think you are correct here but |
2749s | they can't really choose to just sit and |
2751s | craft so uhoh here |
2754s | comes team sa team right in the middle |
2758s | here as looks like it will be team oh |
2761s | fre just going to leave but wait a |
2762s | second I think team tanglei or sorry not |
2764s | team Tangled but team fre know there's a |
2766s | happening here it will |
2769s | be the Phoenix Park going to fall on |
2771s | theine but at least he didn't lose the |
2773s | blood just going to be minus 250 from |
2774s | that team I think they do have enough |
2775s | credits to buy as well W line being |
2778s | pulled by Nina here don't think team sin |
2780s | wants to really pull this Qui they're |
2782s | going to walk |
2783s | away work line might go back onto this |
2787s | side of Team saber and uhoh looks like |
2789s | it's going to be the art that does end |
2791s | up falling here a lot of damage coming |
2793s | out from Curry great peel and it will be |
2796s | team saber going to or sorry team fre |
2799s | going to lose two members yeah fight |
2801s | after the wick line was finished legui |
2803s | actually going to be sending it back in |
2804s | Quick Cuts in as well there's the totem |
2805s | coming online but the gauge foru is a |
2808s | little bit too far he doesn't get the |
2810s | last judgment out and now it's time for |
2811s | Team o to try turning things around |
2813s | there's a beautiful knock up coming |
2814s | through but the sh is the first one to |
2815s | get taken down there is the explosion oh |
2819s | my goodness the damage coming from umu |
2820s | is absolutely massive they do end up |
2823s | knocking down the body of airine the |
2824s | execution bonus is pretty good but yeah |
2827s | look at that look at the mini map right |
2828s | now there's a team oh okay so both teams |
2831s | are going to recover from this the blood |
2834s | I think went over to nemory we see it in |
2836s | the inventory but the wickline buff went |
2838s | over to the members of Team Tangled |
2841s | Dobby or I think it was T no it was team |
2844s | s so going to try looking for something |
2847s | here but it's not going to be enough |
2848s | Freya going to fall as well but yeah um |
2853s | the a just walking out of the last |
2854s | judgment range just barely and the Kiara |
2858s | is too far forward there not going to be |
2860s | able to use you know their execute and |
2863s | great turn there coming out from oob |
2865s | going to be able to get that nice kill |
2867s | it's just going to be a one for one |
2868s | trade but the blood does go over to that |
2870s | team so they're going to be spinning in |
2872s | a nice comfortable spot now yeah it was |
2874s | really nice for team s to execute the |
2875s | body as well cuz the exec tioner bonus I |
2878s | think was what kept a couple of the |
2879s | members alive now as we are in day |
2882s | number five the map has gotten |
2884s | substantially smaller it's going to feel |
2886s | a lot more choked out we still have six |
2888s | teams alive very very high transition |
2890s | counts on a lot of our players we're |
2892s | seeing sharanga online legatus uh what |
2895s | is it |
2896s | the I always forget look at this a yeah |
2899s | those those two together when when you |
2900s | have a m ADC it is so strong that is |
2903s | like Max attack power yeah that triple |
2906s | four score build here so he is going to |
2908s | be doing a lot of damage but you know he |
2910s | is he is on a pretty squishy character |
2912s | so you know if a kiar just jumps on top |
2914s | of him he could end up going down |
2916s | instantly here sadden is also sitting on |
2918s | that Chaser as well so team saber is in |
2920s | a really nice spot team sin maybe going |
2924s | to try looking for an angle here Curry |
2925s | going to get some poke zones are closing |
2928s | and there are six teams left so will be |
2931s | it will get a little congested here |
2933s | these teams might start uh might have to |
2935s | start fighting very very shortly mhm |
2937s | we're going to see the teams in fire |
2939s | station starting to walk down too for |
2940s | now there's only team Gabi X but we do |
2943s | see Team blond sitting on the North side |
2944s | on top of four four teams no five teams |
2948s | up here I guess see I guess revenge is |
2951s | probably in uptown but yeah is going to |
2953s | be quite the final Zone here will be |
2956s | team Tangled Doby going to walk on the |
2959s | bottom side here oh my God look at all |
2960s | the Recon drones for this from these |
2963s | teams trying to get as much information |
2964s | as possible but the first damage coming |
2966s | out from EV |
2967s | tangle daby going to lose half their HP |
2969s | team sin I think they do end up |
2970s | recognizing they see they're the one |
2972s | with the console they should see all the |
2974s | stuff that's happening but they're just |
2976s | going to back away I think they also |
2977s | recognize there's way too many teams in |
2979s | the zone team Revenge also up in forc |
2981s | here probably going to hold that choke |
2982s | point to make sure no other teams get in |
2984s | here wonder if any of these other teams |
2986s | are going to maybe try teing down or if |
2988s | they are going to just play it out here |
2990s | I don't know if uh many teams have |
2992s | information that there are five teams in |
2994s | the zone I feel like otherwise they |
2996s | would be down so we're going to have uh |
3000s | quite the the temporary Zone on our |
3003s | hands here as I think all five teams |
3005s | will end up sitting here I don't think |
3007s | any team will end up going |
3009s | down yeah this is going to be uh quite |
3012s | quite the Zone Sho exactly we've pretty |
3014s | much seen School split half and half |
3016s | right now so far the entire left side of |
3018s | school has been completely isolated from |
3020s | the right side sin kind of merging that |
3022s | split a little bit now as they start |
3024s | stepping into the school building itself |
3026s | they're just going to go back straight |
3027s | to the CCTV cuz they want control of |
3029s | this area as much as possible blanch is |
3031s | the team that is sitting on top of the |
3033s | hyperloop out that is a good spot for |
3035s | them to be in but for team Tangled OBX |
3037s | they got to make a decision now RoR yep |
3039s | now they're split this is a really |
3041s | awkward situation to be in Fenix Park |
3043s | completely isolated out he's isolated |
3045s | completely by himself 18 seconds left on |
3047s | his timer he's got to make a decision |
3048s | and quick yeah I think it was a |
3050s | miscommunication by team Tangled here |
3053s | spark yeah there's going to get uh |
3055s | caught out by team |
3057s | I think that was team blos there on the |
3060s | bottom side RI is going to get caught as |
3062s | well think he will end up fallowing |
3064s | great side steps great blink as well wow |
3066s | going to be able to live just barely |
3068s | here 5 Seconds of timer they're not |
3070s | going to get any timer back as well and |
3071s | team Curry is or Curry is going to be |
3073s | the one who just feels the finishing |
3075s | blow Tangled Doby going to lose another |
3077s | member here fortunately it's going to |
3080s | come down to the Shuka here as team sin |
3082s | is going to be the one that controls |
3083s | final Zone first but look at the amount |
3085s | of teams that are kind of surrounding |
3087s | here Tangi no no die is going to fall |
3090s | here Tang going to be able to secure |
3091s | another kill here here's engage that is |
3093s | for a little early but wait a second |
3095s | third part is here ohob the laser is |
3097s | going to do a lot of damage Kiara going |
3098s | to have no Al now for this final fight |
3101s | on the other side it will actually be te |
3103s | laa did end up peeping on out of |
3106s | there uh yeah the Kiara is going to just |
3110s | walk away so team s is going to fall |
3112s | team oo is going to uh secure full Zone |
3114s | control here you have full Zone control |
3116s | on the |
3117s | Evas it is quite a bit of damage up here |
3121s | Curry is going to get pulled back in the |
3124s | is going to finish sand there and it is |
3127s | going to be o o going to be able to win |
3129s | this one out here going to get a nice |
3131s | third |
3132s | party Chloe wait a second the chlo is |
3134s | going to be able to kill one here |
3136s | ultimate the sink did he oh he didn't |
3138s | have it cool down wait look at I'm on |
3141s | look at his look at his timer look at |
3142s | his timer wait if he stays alive if the |
3144s | Shai dies if the Shai dies wait pop pop |
3146s | pop okay there's one neory still has 20 |
3148s | seconds oh no but he at least secures |
3151s | one that will be a res coming in for oob |
3154s | but man what a chaotic temp |
3157s | Zone yeah if you're team sin you would |
3159s | take that you know you get another kill |
3161s | you get another placement point for |
3162s | yourself there 11 kills third place is |
3164s | definitely not a bad spot for them they |
3168s | will be I think they will have about 15 |
3170s | points going into game number two so not |
3173s | too bad of a of a performance on their |
3175s | endend there but yeah what a what a IC |
3177s | final Zone there oh know kind of playing |
3180s | and navigating the final Zone really |
3182s | really nicely there you know coming up |
3183s | from the bottom side you know |
3185s | controlling the Zone with Eva so they |
3186s | have more timer than the other teams and |
3188s | then they just going to be able to run |
3190s | in there as both the teams are basically |
3191s | forced to fight because you know they |
3193s | don't have any timer and oob will reap |
3196s | all the rewards and get a nice easy |
3197s | third party exactly this is a really |
3199s | good spot for now team blonde to be and |
3201s | they did end up hyper looping out of |
3203s | school right before the temp Zone |
3204s | actually started so really smart on them |
3206s | they're the one that probably the by far |
3208s | the best position inside of school they |
3209s | opted to go to Chapel knock down their |
3212s | opposing team of I think it was Tangled |
3216s | Doby I can't remember for the life of me |
3217s | but now they have full control over the |
3219s | final Zone the only problem is they have |
3221s | to deal with an AA a lot of good damage |
3223s | coming down onto copine but most of it |
3225s | was to the shield timer on the side of |
3227s | oo not looking too great got full send |
3229s | it out this ma sitting in the front of |
3232s | things eating a lot of the damage having |
3234s | trouble dealing with this right now look |
3236s | at the laser is abelyan over te team |
3240s | they're stuck on the back now they don't |
3242s | have to off of down goes to kiar taking |
3245s | down to a tenth of their HP senine about |
3247s | to get taken down too umu is just |
3249s | running this entire for Zone down by |
3252s | themselves oh my God yeah the Eva just |
3256s | in the back just shooting laser just |
3258s | doing so much damage and great kite back |
3260s | and great po coming out from Team oob |
3263s | just able to you know outlive the plague |
3266s | and K back from the judgment and you |
3268s | know there's really not much Kiara can |
3269s | do when Kiara you know has forced to pop |
3271s | that totem early and team oo none of |
3276s | them are in execute range they took |
3277s | basically no damage at all the a you |
3280s | know dodging out on a lot of key |
3282s | abilities there it's able you know both |
3284s | backliners just able to stay super |
3286s | healthy kiar can't really Jump On In |
3288s | because F jumps on in instantly explodes |
3291s | plague runs out and once Sara doesn't |
3293s | have Al anymore it's free reain you just |
3295s | you just um you know go on in there and |
3298s | the Eva just doing so much damage yeah |
3300s | team blanch just got a huge reality |
3302s | check about how to deal with that |
3303s | composition if you're going to go you |
3305s | got to go you can't just you can't just |
3307s | send it halfway I saw them trying to |
3309s | send it onto the shukai but they decided |
3311s | to pull away and then the plague ended |
3312s | starting from there you have no game |
3314s | plan the problem the problem is is with |
3316s | their team comp they don't have enough |
3318s | damage to kill a tank you know so the |
3320s | shukai was just able to do so much |
3321s | they're able to provide so much damage |
3323s | so much um CC as well with the knockups |
3326s | I they knock up um you know two or three |
3329s | of their members two times in that team |
3331s | fight and yeah the Juke guy he's on full |
3334s | tank build he has that protocol |
3336s | violation as well he's able to live um |
3339s | so long there if the K does can't get |
3341s | his |
3342s | resets uh and you know can't really Jump |
3344s | On In there's not really much they could |
3347s | do into you know a straight front to |
3348s | back yeah it's exactly what you and I |
3350s | mentioned at the beginning of game one |
3352s | right we didn't think that that |
3353s | composition was going to have enough |
3354s | damage after a certain point Pria is |
3357s | pretty good we've learned throughout the |
3359s | course of recent Seasons that Pia hasn't |
3362s | only become a stable support now she's |
3365s | also a very good damage dealing Mage but |
3368s | it's not to the point where you can |
3369s | reliably get that damage off on a single |
3371s | Target and especially on the tank you're |
3374s | not going to have enough for a Kiara and |
3376s | a Pria to reliably get that damage down |
3379s | onto a tank in the front line where the |
3381s | execution with last judgment is going to |
3383s | come through and even if it does let's |
3384s | be real here the punishment that team is |
3387s | going to take trying to do all of that |
3389s | is going to be a lot and we saw that |
3390s | just now at the forest final Zone |
3392s | something at least to be expected I |
3394s | would have to say when we looked at the |
3396s | matches match up going into the two |
3398s | final teams oob and team blanch it it's |
3403s | it's just really not meant to be unless |
3404s | the items on team blanch is super super |
3408s | far ahead and maybe the shuai is |
3409s | slightly behind I I don't really see a |
3411s | world in which they are able to win that |
3413s | and that's exactly what happened yeah I |
3415s | think team blanch need to look for an |
3417s | angle onto the backline maybe the M can |
3418s | get a taunt with you know some pre |
3420s | follow-up damage they need to just poke |
3422s | out the backline enough where the where |
3424s | the car can maybe look for an execute |
3425s | yep but it's just really hard you know |
3427s | like the Sho guy is |
3430s | um has really good self peel when you |
3433s | know a ma or a prio will you know try to |
3436s | jump in or will jump in with that e |
3438s | knockup you know the the Shai will |
3439s | always be holding that e has that BR |
3442s | through chis as well for the slow and |
3446s | yeah I think play a straight front to |
3447s | back into that team you know we kind of |
3449s | just saw what happened there exactly |
3451s | what's going to happen where the ma and |
3454s | the Eva are just going to outdamage you |
3456s | exactly if you take a look at uob's |
3458s | composition it's almost like a castle |
3460s | where the shukai is just acting as the |
3461s | wall up in the front line and the amount |
3463s | of investment that the other team has to |
3465s | do to get through that wall is a lot and |
3467s | even if you do there's still the part |
3469s | about getting down from the wall right |
3471s | like you got to keep going past the wall |
3473s | the shukai is not going to let that |
3474s | happen so easily I love the way that the |
3477s | team oob is still kind of sticking to |
3479s | their omage with the AA of course we are |
3480s | seeing a change where neory is playing |
3482s | the a although I will say heart AOE |
3486s | ultimate a AOE Circle ultimate they're |
3489s | basically the same thing |
3490s | right |
3492s | uh that I'm |
3495s | joking but yeah I mean he will be |
3497s | playing you know that that's ADC here we |
3499s | do have the standings coming out from |
3501s | game number one will be team UB B |
3503s | winning out you know the first game |
3504s | going to be sitting in a nice |
3506s | comfortable lead with 20 points sin not |
3508s | too far behind with 15 for themsel and |
3510s | team saber with 13 and blanch in fourth |
3513s | with 12 pretty high point game |
3517s | considering how slow of an early game |
3519s | that was I'm actually quite surprised |
3521s | about that one there was a lot of reses |
3522s | in three yeah there were there were a |
3525s | lot of uh a lot of Team fights in the |
3527s | mid to late game I would say that's |
3528s | probably why you know there's so many |
3530s | points to go around we did have a lot of |
3532s | reses so you know a lot of kills |
3534s | basically you know throughout that |
3535s | entire game |
3537s | there so I'm not I'm not too surprised |
3540s | but yeah we'll end up changing you know |
3542s | the dynamic of how aggressive these |
3544s | teams are and I wonder if you know maybe |
3545s | some of these teams do end up swapping |
3547s | their routes to you know try to maybe |
3549s | avoid some of these other teams or maybe |
3552s | they decide you know we need to shut |
3554s | down oob and maybe they swap two routes |
3557s | uh that maybe contests that team as well |
3559s | but it looks like we're going to jump |
3560s | straight into game number two here with |
3564s | Kiara and Ma being banned so I wonder |
3566s | what team sakin is going to play and |
3568s | actually lury is going to play playing |
3569s | that Camilo Camilo pretty similar |
3572s | character to my I would or sorry to Kar |
3574s | I would say in the sense that he is that |
3578s | uh kind of drain tank character so we're |
3581s | going have to see you know how this does |
3582s | end up working out for them do have team |
3584s | blanch oh they're going to be playing |
3586s | their classic my or sorry |
3590s | um they Eon Jenny and a support this |
3595s | time is going to be the Charlotte mm I'm |
3598s | actually kind of surprised about this |
3599s | cuz I've seen really good results coming |
3600s | through from Lenny Sen's Lenny is one of |
3603s | the best that I've ever seen in KR |
3605s | worldwide actually almost so quite |
3608s | surprised that they are going to be |
3608s | running the Charlotte but we will see |
3610s | how that goes no soul stealer on that |
3612s | comp they're not going to be able to |
3613s | follow through it as healing win onto |
3615s | the charlott whereas everybody else |
3617s | running pretty standard compositions if |
3619s | you take a look at either the team |
3620s | specifics in the past or just the season |
3623s | as a whole but there is one switch up |
3625s | that I do want to talk about here wum |
3626s | sitting on theia he's actually mentioned |
3629s | something about this on the video that I |
3631s | was talking about this is the 1.34 patch |
3633s | by the way we're not playing on the |
3634s | newest patch moj's video title for the |
3636s | 1.34 tier list that he made was that |
3639s | whichever team plays Kia will probably |
3640s | take away the season finals I'm |
3642s | wondering if that's going to be proven |
3644s | here or if it's going to be a little bit |
3645s | of a bust cuz there's a lot of tanks in |
3648s | this Lobby that KIA very much struggles |
3650s | to puncture |
3651s | through yeah that is true but I think |
3654s | with their team comp they do have a lot |
3655s | of burst damage lot that Haze and that |
3658s | Estelle as well so I think this is a |
3660s | team comp we've actually seen team run |
3662s | last week in the so going to be |
3666s | interested to see you know how this team |
3667s | is going to be able to use this team |
3669s | comp and yeah we do have a glove going |
3672s | to be on their Nikki yes we yes we |
3677s | haven't seen Nikki I don't think for |
3679s | quite a while actually we have seen |
3681s | Nikki coming out from Team I think it |
3684s | was gor te right I think they were |
3687s | playing that |
3688s | Nikki Dela combo still |
3691s | so yeah going to see you know how glove |
3694s | does end up playing we know you know |
3695s | glove he always plays you know these |
3698s | glove characters with you know Nikki I |
3700s | think he also played Yan as well so it's |
3702s | great to see him back on his comfort |
3705s | indeed finally name checks out I know a |
3707s | lot of people throughout the entire |
3708s | course of the Season whenever we did see |
3710s | glove in the actual stages we wanted to |
3713s | see him play this Nikki we wanted to see |
3715s | him play something that was actually in |
3717s | tune with |
3718s | his n he's not going to get it this time |
3720s | around he's going to get himself over to |
3722s | no not archery range oh it's going to be |
3724s | into towards Pond this time around maybe |
3726s | he missed an item or something I can't |
3727s | tell no looks like they because they're |
3730s | playing Theo this time so they probably |
3733s | just have a different route for this |
3735s | which um glad the is prepared yeah I'm |
3739s | glad the see is prepared for the Kiara |
3740s | band cuz you know sometimes you have to |
3743s | make sure you know you're ready for |
3745s | these bands cuz they do or they could |
3748s | end up you know coming up out of nowhere |
3750s | maybe in scrims Kar was getting banned |
3752s | as well just cuz you know we have seen a |
3753s | lot of other teams try to swap over to |
3755s | the Kiara like we seen teamang you know |
3758s | picking one game so it's nice to see |
3760s | that they are prepared for this and yeah |
3763s | will be team Revenge going to pick up |
3764s | three kills actually already in the |
3767s | early game they must be feeling really |
3768s | good about that yeah it's not the |
3771s | Camillo just going to fall there through |
3773s | the Estelle and the other side here on |
3775s | uh Team saber we going to be able to |
3776s | pick up one actually going to be able to |
3778s | pick up actually yeah just one kill as |
3781s | team Hing Dino is going to be the one to |
3782s | pick up two from Team saber I can't tell |
3784s | what's going on anymore in this game |
3786s | it's completely different than what we |
3787s | saw in game number one now we're |
3789s | starting to see the picks now we're |
3790s | starting to see these teams group up |
3791s | looking for maybe two maybe three that |
3794s | splits off into one or two at this point |
3796s | sebbi completely isolated by himself |
3798s | he's in Dire Straits he's got the resets |
3800s | but there's a lot of control exactly |
3803s | we'll see if people are able to walk |
3805s | down he is playing Aon so you know he |
3807s | will be able to dash on out of there |
3811s | will be bear going just going to jump on |
3813s | out of there Haze is going to get some |
3816s | damage onto Blaster Blaster is just |
3818s | going to fall here great taunts great |
3820s | followup or not taunt great stun and |
3822s | great follow up there from the Estella |
3824s | as team as umu is actually going to be |
3826s | able to one |
3829s | onto the rosy but glove just going to |
3832s | come in with his ultimate going be able |
3834s | to secure that one for team Revenge |
3836s | actually kind of a win for team Revenge |
3837s | cuz Ry was level seven she's probably |
3840s | just about to hit level eight whereas |
3842s | unfortunately ubu he just taged level |
3844s | eight I think with the kill onto |
3846s | narahara he's going to have the extended |
3847s | death timer unfortunately for him |
3849s | Revenge actually picking up a kill there |
3851s | is the revenge for the for death on the |
3853s | ri as their name States them checks out |
3855s | we're seeing a lot of quote unquote name |
3856s | checks out moment in this series so far |
3858s | R super I'm liking it yeah I think team |
3862s | looks like team Tangled Doby is |
3863s | completely split here they're going |
3865s | going to try to get as much Farm as |
3866s | possible we usually see this a lot I |
3868s | think in the early game where you know |
3870s | teams are going |
3872s | to uh try to get as much Farm just |
3875s | because you want to make sure you can |
3877s | try to get that four in the early game |
3879s | cuz if you can get those you know three |
3881s | two to three you know four score early |
3883s | game Buys in it's a really big spike |
3885s | going into a battle Zone and going into |
3887s | the alpha for the next team fight |
3889s | so I am not surprised that these teams |
3892s | are splitting here as wait a second we |
3893s | do have ha on the bottom side while the |
3895s | C is on the top up here they're trying |
3897s | to get a lot of damage is going to get |
3898s | their reset here but another team wait a |
3900s | second the cam going to jump on over |
3902s | there as both teams are just going to |
3903s | disengage yeah he's just kind of |
3905s | chilling here now it's down to team |
3907s | blanch as well as team Sim are two teams |
3909s | coming in from the actual officials |
3912s | circuit points damage so far between the |
3914s | two teams are actually even but this |
3915s | works out actually in favor of the |
3917s | Charlotte right she can continue to heal |
3918s | nice timing on the faith and wavering to |
3920s | come outd he's pretty good but look at |
3923s | this it's problematic now team Blan |
3924s | stuck in the middle of everybody I think |
3926s | downtime for sebie on top of it are they |
3928s | going to be able to get out why is CI |
3929s | still alive down she goes there she is |
3931s | gone bear is also going to fall down in |
3933s | just a moment here as well right Lee |
3936s | trying to chase this down a couple Auto |
3937s | attacks should do it play dead is |
3939s | activated team sin loses out on a member |
3941s | as they're trying to Greed for a little |
3942s | bit on these two members as well I'm Yan |
3944s | running down the entire length of Temple |
3947s | he will at least be able to get out but |
3949s | what an absolute Massacre on the North |
3951s | side team Freya coming out on top as |
3952s | four kills and the tree going in their |
3954s | favor at day number two |
3956s | yeah nice awareness from this team to |
3958s | just kind of hover and just wait for |
3959s | these other two teams to fight and then |
3960s | come back in for that third party so |
3962s | really nice uh from them they're going |
3964s | to be sitting on four kills getting that |
3965s | tree to going to be the blood kill going |
3967s | over to that Haze as a still also gets |
3969s | their by so they have a really nice |
3972s | swing here maybe they he get that four |
3974s | score coming in on theia the is sitting |
3975s | on 320 credits just need about 30 more |
3979s | as it will be team sin maybe going to |
3982s | look for an angle onto team Revenge here |
3984s | looks like all the members of Team sin |
3985s | are TP on in here team Revenge they're |
3988s | only two right now they are missing |
3990s | their Laura Aura is sitting up in gas |
3992s | station looks like they got an RNG with |
3994s | that by theori just going to look on |
3996s | forward there the Camilo getting a lot |
3997s | of damage great combo but is that going |
4000s | to be enough the glove is going to jump |
4001s | back on in there with the ultimate |
4004s | there as team as s's just going to walk |
4007s | on over with the |
4008s | ultimate Great F rter going to be able |
4012s | to |
4012s | kill Yan there is oh no wait a second |
4016s | Falls as well so going to be the last |
4018s | one on team sin as looks going go |
4024s | for no no no no no narahara outplaying |
4029s | the members of Team sin and reading them |
4031s | like a book and now they're all gone |
4033s | that is not the start that they wanted |
4035s | especially with ligur sitting on the |
4036s | Camilo they had such a great start to |
4038s | this game that's a team composition that |
4040s | can scale beautifully the further and |
4042s | further this game goes they're not even |
4043s | going to have a chance now blaster in a |
4045s | little bit bit of trouble as team |
4046s | Revenge they're going to get that |
4048s | Revenge down unto them this time around |
4050s | Blaster will take the fall but |
4052s | unfortunately they are still the one |
4053s | that comes out on top team sin |
4055s | absolutely disintegrated from game |
4057s | number two sebie doing the exact same |
4059s | thing he's going to get taken down it's |
4060s | going to be by the members of team oob |
4063s | team Blan and dire straight 15 seconds |
4065s | to go until night number two starts |
4066s | nobody really in Prime position to |
4069s | contest quite frankly any objective at |
4071s | the stage of the game there's so many |
4073s | fights yeah I mean if you're team |
4075s | Revenge you would take any day of the |
4076s | week glove just you know just jumping on |
4079s | in just sacrificing himself to make sure |
4081s | team sin does end up wiping there do |
4084s | have an engage coming up from the Yuki K |
4085s | is going to hit one going to hit only |
4086s | num here a great combo from the Sylvia |
4090s | great followup as numy is going to be |
4091s | the one to fall here shukai is going to |
4094s | fall as well great knock into the wall |
4096s | from the ywn as he had nicely played |
4099s | there from Team heading Dino great |
4102s | engage from the Yuki and a nice follow |
4103s | up from the syvia going to be able to |
4105s | instantly kill one of their backliners |
4106s | as see will be they're going to lose two |
4108s | members but it is still day two so |
4110s | they're going to get the res shouldn't |
4112s | be any worry for them as Eva is going to |
4114s | hide up there in fire station KAG wasn't |
4118s | that great but I think the recovery was |
4120s | exactly where team heading Dino came |
4122s | through out on top this is what we want |
4124s | to see from Team heading Dino they have |
4125s | a lot of crowd control that can stack I |
4128s | think that's one of the biggest things |
4129s | that a a triple I'm going to consider |
4131s | Sylvia melee here of course that's not |
4133s | exactly the case but I'm going to |
4134s | consider it at least in this context |
4136s | triple melee does need to lock down |
4138s | somebody for a long period of time if |
4139s | they want to have any success in picking |
4141s | somebody off they have the crowd control |
4143s | and that time they actually did land it |
4145s | but here we go we're going to see no now |
4147s | popping the burn to a lot of slow it's a |
4149s | thing cord or this Adriana should be |
4151s | able to theoretically get a lot of |
4152s | damage down but they're not really doing |
4154s | it glove stuck in the corner he will get |
4156s | taken down Garner reverse not enough to |
4158s | keep him alive let's turn our attention |
4160s | to Temple there is the ultimate from the |
4162s | Charlotte coming through the shot from |
4164s | the C is just so good it's just raining |
4168s | down Hellfire one after another we're |
4170s | going to see bear probably falling down |
4171s | in just a moment here too the stun from |
4173s | the Estelle is it there yeah it's the |
4176s | slow oh my goodness never mind it's just |
4178s | a fire hydrant that allows them to get |
4179s | that seie now stuck in the horable |
4181s | situation to he's going to get taken |
4183s | down our two circuit point teams are |
4185s | gone from game number two yeah team |
4187s | blunch falling unfortunate third party |
4189s | there as team oob will be there at the |
4193s | perfect time to wipe uh launch and yeah |
4197s | you you saw blunch was on in the back |
4199s | pedal there just getting getting pelted |
4202s | by the haze rockets and then the C Al |
4205s | and the he's just you know able to |
4206s | follow up there clicking on forward |
4208s | getting that nice um SMG uh bomb there |
4212s | and going be able to finish them Yuki |
4214s | just going to instantly engage once |
4215s | again onto num great follow up once |
4217s | again from the not going to be enough as |
4219s | num lives on one HP and is going to be |
4221s | able to return so much damage on this ya |
4224s | using that |
4226s | uh assault rifle skill and oh my God |
4230s | theia does end up falling I think the |
4231s | syia did end up dying to that blood |
4233s | cloak there with that e passive and I |
4237s | will be team heading Dino again such an |
4240s | early minus uh 500 for this team not |
4243s | going to be looking too good for them as |
4244s | wait a second numy completely slit from |
4246s | his team going to get caught by Revenge |
4248s | as it will be oh will be going to lose |
4252s | one of their members as oh team Freya |
4255s | here here for the third party airine |
4258s | does have the tree can airine get out of |
4260s | here I don't think so the sh will get |
4262s | blocked looks like is playing really |
4263s | well they is staying on top of sh making |
4265s | sure he can't jump on out of here run oh |
4270s | oh will be minus 500 from this team as |
4272s | well and they lose a tree if they were |
4274s | able to at least Salvage a tree then it |
4276s | would have been something for that team |
4278s | but now down 500 credits they were |
4280s | waiting for the blood sample onto umu on |
4282s | top of it look at their credit counts |
4284s | near 400 plus plus they were looking for |
4286s | that 500 by Night number three but it's |
4288s | not going to happen anymore minus 500 |
4291s | going down the drain for Team U |
4292s | unfortunately as neory getting caught |
4294s | out first and then sticking the tree for |
4295s | airline gets caught out and down he goes |
4298s | unfortunate for those guys but they are |
4300s | still quite ahead I would have to say in |
4302s | this Lobby transitions for umu is still |
4304s | looking really fine we got the dragon |
4306s | fairy and the scale so you know maybe |
4309s | maybe eventually down the road Nimble |
4310s | neuron will release like a full Dragon |
4312s | set or something for the chest pie of |
4314s | the like |
4316s | yeah like a set this there you go we're |
4317s | playing an MMO out here |
4320s | boys do have uo B going to look to |
4323s | contest for this box here as team Freya |
4325s | is going to be in the area as well K is |
4328s | going to get some sniper skills off only |
4329s | going to hit one here comes the ultimate |
4330s | in a blitz going to hit two U Already |
4332s | Chu down to half HP I wonder if this |
4334s | team's going to look to maybe look for |
4335s | an engage here um oh wow the damage |
4339s | coming out from Kia going to be able to |
4341s | chunk them down with three |
4343s | Autos with the heal and the sustain |
4345s | coming out for team ouo is going to be a |
4347s | lot here a lot of poke and a lot of |
4349s | range for both of these teams with the |
4351s | the Eva versus the haze and aadia |
4355s | here box is going to come down and team |
4358s | Freya is actually just going to give it |
4359s | up here team o is going to be the one to |
4361s | grab it personally I like this decision |
4364s | I think for team Freya their main goal |
4366s | of course was going to be the purple box |
4368s | blue flare gone they can't really use |
4370s | this right now cuz they're in such an |
4371s | awkward spot like they can't put it |
4372s | Forward maybe they maybe put it behind |
4374s | them here I think they can use at this |
4377s | point no I just I just mean like they |
4378s | just can't really uh place it down |
4381s | yet yeah so it is going to be a little |
4383s | awkward for them to use the flare gun |
4385s | cuz they're getting contested here as |
4386s | team Freya they're going to look for an |
4387s | angle back in the soul is going to be |
4389s | proed here a lot of damage coming out |
4392s | good side stps coming out from the |
4393s | Estelle now on some of that Eva damage |
4396s | no going to try looking for oh they got |
4398s | a lucky spawn though look at look it's |
4400s | it's where the it's where the purple box |
4402s | oh they yeah yeah it looks like they it |
4403s | looks like they they they put the red |
4405s | box on top if you could see on the there |
4407s | on Temple well they got the blue one so |
4409s | it was random but they got the spot |
4411s | wanted it to be no no no the no the blue |
4413s | one you can pick where you want to drop |
4415s | the box maybe it's the red one I don't |
4416s | know either way the fight will begin |
4418s | Airline taken down to some dangerous |
4419s | levels of HP but umu is still healthy |
4421s | he's going to try to push everyone back |
4423s | everybody from the side of Team Freya a |
4425s | little bit on the backside this |
4426s | shouldn't kill anybody there we go the |
4427s | damage is still pretty good rocket |
4429s | launchers not going to be there ultimate |
4431s | also not exactly doing enough is a blood |
4433s | Crown oh my god oh that's good for |
4435s | upgrade yeah cuz a was sitting on that |
4437s | cowboy hat so that's a huge upgrade |
4439s | don't know if they still have the heal |
4440s | cut though because um you know the |
4442s | cowboy cowboy had does provide that for |
4445s | them and Freya is completely split here |
4447s | the a is sitting in the corner up here I |
4450s | actually really like this play because |
4453s | don't think the Kia could have gotten |
4454s | out in time and if they walked back in |
4456s | it might have been a disaster but just |
4458s | going to sit on there wait for you know |
4460s | the zone to swap so the other team |
4462s | leaves and then they just not TP on over |
4464s | exactly really nice Vision play from Mo |
4466s | this is what you would expect from a |
4467s | player who's been in the competitive |
4469s | team for quite a long time and even if |
4470s | he wasn't playing competitive he's |
4471s | always streaming so good play coming out |
4473s | from him making some good examples of |
4475s | some textbook eternal return Vision play |
4477s | as it was night time and now we are at |
4479s | day number four it almost feels like we |
4481s | should be a little bit further into the |
4482s | game state but nope absolutely not |
4484s | should be able to see him starting to |
4486s | hyperloop out in just a moment all those |
4487s | cameras at this point are just a little |
4489s | bit of decorations no one's really |
4490s | paying attention to you you're too deep |
4492s | far in into the |
4493s | bed yeah and uhoh shoot uh the Sylvia |
4497s | there deep in red as well I think they |
4498s | end up getting the right so you know |
4500s | trying to get as many items as possible |
4501s | here looks like heading Dino is a little |
4503s | behind so only sitting on two items but |
4505s | going to be able to get that meteorite |
4506s | maybe going to slam |
4508s | that uh Devil's Marksman it is a pretty |
4511s | big upgrade for that syvia if they are |
4512s | going to be able to get that off here |
4514s | umu and team oo just going to set up in |
4517s | Cemetery here as Wick line is going to |
4519s | be shown that it will be coming into |
4521s | Cemetery but I don't know if you saw |
4523s | team saber I think that was the Nadine |
4526s | already sitting on that blood crossbow |
4528s | so they're going to be really really |
4530s | strong here hey is also having that |
4532s | Hellfire already as well so a lot of |
4534s | these teams are quite accelerated in |
4536s | this game going to try probably going to |
4538s | be able to to contest for this Wick line |
4540s | exactly hitting those damage break |
4541s | points that everyone wants to be looking |
4542s | for shanga on the flip side for Phoenix |
4544s | Park he's not going to have access to |
4546s | that blood half moon at least for quite |
4547s | a while I don't think their teams even |
4549s | looking to contest for |
4551s | the difficult Airline eating a lot the |
4554s | lasers coming out good damage the only |
4556s | problem is airline's taking a lot of |
4557s | damage on his end too the damage coming |
4559s | out from Curry is not going to be enough |
4561s | actually s it is going to be enough as |
4563s | gets taken down Airline gets taken down |
4565s | everybody on the side of U will be |
4567s | sitting right in the center of cemetery |
4569s | they will get wiped out good fight |
4571s | coming through from Team saber but they |
4573s | have a little bit more to push through |
4575s | because now look where they are they got |
4576s | to push through all the way to the wick |
4578s | line if they want even a chance at that |
4579s | objective a lot of cool Downs are gone |
4581s | and they're just going to give it up |
4583s | yeah very nicely played from Team saber |
4585s | there just able to K back so well Curry |
4587s | you know DPS racing with the a is going |
4588s | to be able to win that with the Estel |
4590s | ultimate I think the Estel ultimate |
4592s | basically saved them there and just able |
4594s | to turn it very very nicely done by team |
4596s | saber rori also just you know getting a |
4598s | lot of nice damage a lot of nice long |
4600s | range damage with those uh mov cocktails |
4603s | yeah it's a bit unfortunate that they |
4604s | weren't able to capitalize on the wick |
4606s | on top of that because team Freo was |
4608s | already in position to take it but this |
4610s | really just goes to show you that team |
4612s | saber is keeping track of the map they |
4613s | knew that a team was there they didn't |
4615s | want to over push especially when their |
4617s | cool Downs were gone I I like the play |
4619s | so far coming out from Team saber they |
4620s | are doing really well here today it it's |
4623s | one of those situations where I'm hoping |
4625s | that it continues cuz team saber is one |
4626s | of those teams where they have these pop |
4628s | off games and then they just kind of |
4630s | seem to die off a little bit I'm hoping |
4632s | this isn't a oneand done |
4634s | thing here comes engage from Team |
4636s | heading down looks like they want the |
4637s | full send here I think they might |
4641s | recognize jumping on forward there gets |
4643s | instantly punished a great resp |
4646s | from team Revenge with |
4648s | the uh P uppercut into the follow up |
4651s | with the lower R and yeah they're just |
4653s | going to instantly fall there and that's |
4654s | going to be it I think for team heading |
4656s | Dino I don't think the syvia is going to |
4658s | be able to do much here Lumi is going to |
4660s | come down so maybe the Sylvia can walk |
4662s | to the bottom side here maybe cat Lumi |
4664s | coming going to be coming into red on |
4666s | the into dark in uptown but yeah it's |
4670s | not looking too good for this team |
4671s | anymore uh is the Yan on on glove or TFA |
4675s | he just kind of sat there as soon as he |
4677s | missed his combo he didn't try to |
4679s | reflect any damage so I'm assuming he's |
4681s | glove on glove right okay yeah that |
4683s | makes a little bit more sense you can't |
4685s | do that as a y we've seen too many teams |
4687s | punish for making plays like that |
4688s | throughout the course of the Season |
4689s | whereas Blaster he routed a little bit |
4691s | weird and the blink shotgun comes in |
4694s | from Yama beautiful play coming through |
4696s | from the haze and they're still trying |
4698s | to chase on through narara now getting |
4699s | ran down by Cho this is a little bit of |
4701s | an awkward situation SX does land so the |
4704s | slow is there trying to chase on through |
4706s | he's got the shots is it going to happen |
4708s | there's the one there's the two a lot of |
4710s | damage through this is problematic nice |
4713s | block from glove holy crap that would |
4715s | have killed that 100% would have killed |
4717s | glove coming in with the que to actually |
4720s | block the damage very nicely done but |
4723s | yeah team Revenge going to lose theora |
4724s | there I think theora probably thought |
4726s | they were safe with the soul sealer but |
4728s | you know when when another team has soul |
4730s | stealer they all they're also going to |
4731s | have the exact same movement speed as |
4733s | you to chase you down so so yeah Revenge |
4737s | going to lose their Lura as we might |
4739s | actually have a fight on the top side |
4740s | here team tanglei going to get a lot of |
4742s | poke from the Adriana here rori actually |
4745s | not going to be able to return any of |
4747s | the damage um you know from the other |
4750s | Adriana's soul is going to be proed |
4752s | they're going to look for an engage on |
4753s | forward here Fenix Park going to kite |
4756s | back going to get a lot of damage but |
4757s | the ultimate is already invested from |
4758s | this Nadine |
4759s | here two very similar comps but it will |
4762s | be the Estelle versus the shukai which |
4764s | one is going to come out on yeah I think |
4766s | even more so than that it's going to be |
4767s | the shanga versus the blood half moon at |
4769s | the moment this is the reason why team |
4770s | Tangled dox even though they it seemed |
4772s | like they were at a slight Advantage |
4773s | just now running down to the center of |
4776s | beach they're not looking to fight this |
4778s | at the moment they're just trying to |
4779s | hold their ground not fighting team |
4780s | saber at all they don't have the blood |
4782s | Happ I feel like they should oh my God |
4783s | look at the damage coming out they can |
4784s | but this is |
4785s | a s is going to win the trade here on |
4789s | the adrianas s's going to get a lot more |
4791s | damage here oh is Ultimate yeah there is |
4795s | ultimate on Curry is just going to be |
4798s | able to win the 1 V one as Curry is |
4800s | going to have a lot more items and you |
4802s | know have that ultimate as well and it |
4804s | will be team saber going to pick up |
4806s | another team WIP here very very nicely |
4808s | played and very clean from this team |
4810s | going to be able to wipe uh tangle dabby |
4812s | off the map Satan Just Landing a lot |
4813s | more useful cocktail parties as well as |
4816s | the oil yeah I think yeah I think they |
4818s | basically just both W the their |
4821s | characters rori kind of just um fumbled |
4824s | yeah yeah he's not hitting the cocktail |
4827s | parties as saten is going to be able to |
4828s | hit all of them going to be able to you |
4830s | know get get uh good tracking off their |
4832s | que as well and Fenix Park you know |
4836s | losing the 1 V one |
4838s | into Cur as well the item differences |
4840s | are a little bit too strong I think at |
4842s | least when it comes to the Nadine 1 V |
4843s | one right blood Half Moon is always |
4845s | going to beat out on shanga no matter |
4847s | how good the stats on that item is we |
4849s | had the pryo on team saber with all of |
4851s | those items and now they're about to be |
4852s | fed team Revenge or are they going to be |
4854s | fed |
4856s | poke damage oh my God coming up from |
4858s | rori here they can maybe look for an |
4860s | angle I think glove needs to maybe find |
4862s | an angle onto the back line as well with |
4864s | dut but s just able to hit so much the |
4868s | Poke damage and oh the Chaser oh my God |
4873s | the que is too much for just completely |
4878s | eviscerates team Revenge able to just |
4881s | track and just wipe Blaster and then the |
4884s | follow there from the Estelle just going |
4886s | to be able to kill the Ry as well so |
4888s | very niely played from S I think he |
4890s | singlehandedly killed narara Blaster I |
4893s | don't think there was any additional |
4894s | damage that came through fromell or The |
4896s | N he just single-handedly burned them |
4898s | all the way down I think Curry had like |
4900s | one or two Q's but I don't think |
4903s | so I mean n don't do that much anyways |
4906s | but that's true on |
4908s | Cross s kind of just yeah he just he |
4911s | just completely just killed that team by |
4913s | himself yeah now they have positional |
4915s | Advantage because team Freya they were |
4916s | looking to hyperloop him maybe look for |
4918s | a third party but now this actually puts |
4920s | them at a positional disadvantage for |
4922s | this final Zone traps are coming down |
4924s | you see the squirrel traps down Mo he is |
4926s | sitting on this Kia the damage is still |
4928s | pretty good on this team the only |
4930s | problem is look at the items on Cho why |
4932s | is he sitting on just the Iron Maidens |
4934s | what is |
4935s | that yeah I'm actually not too sure cuz |
4937s | iron maidens doesn't seem like a great |
4939s | item for an Estella maybe for some |
4941s | damage here great return damage onto |
4943s | Curry there both estels are for use her |
4945s | ultimate s going to try to look for some |
4947s | more poke here isn't going to really get |
4950s | that much damage the sniper shots are |
4951s | going to come out it will hit one C is |
4954s | going to be chunk down to half HP both |
4956s | team on going to reset and it will be |
4957s | team saber going to take Zone control |
4959s | here going to have so many Wards the |
4962s | Nadine squirrel traps are down as well |
4963s | and you got you got to play into this uh |
4965s | Adriana which you know it's going to be |
4967s | a little rough for this team but oh |
4969s | those oil slicks buy more time yeah they |
4972s | can play for the range here here comes |
4974s | the |
4975s | one W coming |
4977s | out four there's a rock gone no Shield |
4982s | four didn't here The Shield is going to |
4984s | be placed a lot of poke coming out from |
4987s | s that mtop isn't going to hit but great |
4991s | Q damage they're going to send it on |
4992s | forward here both sios are proed one is |
4995s | going to come out Curry is going to do a |
4996s | lot of damage onto the the haze as both |
4999s | the stells alts are forced down again as |
5003s | it looks like the cot is completely but |
5005s | look at the timer difference between |
5006s | this team this team is basically forced |
5008s | on in here Curry is going to be able to |
5010s | get eia and that's going to be it team |
5012s | saber playing so well s just able to |
5017s | deal so much damage and you know Curry |
5019s | just able to follow up it will be a 13 |
5021s | kill game for team saber what an |
5024s | absolute Master Class coming through |
5025s | from Team saber 13 team kills for game |
5027s | number two they will take away first |
5029s | place GG's to this team and I want to |
5032s | emphasize a little bit more on that too |
5033s | by the way by Satan I wish we had a |
5035s | replay system here because I I could |
5038s | honestly go through every single oil |
5040s | slick and cocktail party he put until |
5042s | the fight was actually sent from saan it |
5045s | pretty much bought so much time for the |
5047s | side of Team saber there was one where |
5050s | mujam was sitting right around like the |
5052s | corner behind the hyperloop and there |
5054s | was an oil sick ping almost um like 45° |
5057s | angle up from the corner that locked |
5059s | moam from walking in cu the burn damage |
5061s | would do too much that bought like four |
5063s | extra seconds of time they keep walking |
5065s | in now they're in the central Lane into |
5068s | the final Zone the oil slicks were |
5070s | placed perpendicular like he he placed |
5072s | it kind of like a sidewalk would be in |
5074s | between the lanes you can't walk through |
5076s | that as squishies this late into the |
5077s | game especially up against an Adriana |
5079s | sitting on Chaser and things like that |
5081s | you're going to take way too much damage |
5082s | and that bot so much time too every |
5085s | single o like in cocktail party satten |
5087s | throughout before the fight started had |
5089s | meaning and that is so hard to do on |
5092s | Adriana yeah it's actually crazy the |
5094s | amount of poke that's and and the amount |
5096s | like his accuracy on the skill shots |
5098s | he's just hitting every single you know |
5099s | molil [ __ ] party with the w with the oil |
5103s | STI as well so has so much poke and |
5106s | Adriana is such a strong character with |
5108s | this longrange poke because of I think |
5111s | of that chaser with the with the spirit |
5113s | Harvest right because not only do you |
5116s | take the bird damage but the spirit |
5117s | Harvest will proc on you and then the |
5119s | spe hover will instantly you know get |
5121s | the second proc as well because of that |
5122s | burn that's lingering on top so |
5125s | it's just uh it's just really hard you |
5127s | know to play into especially if you |
5130s | don't have uh you know final Zone |
5131s | control as well so you basically Force |
5133s | the play to Adriana adri is just able to |
5134s | get you know so much poke down before |
5136s | you even able to walk like slightly |
5139s | forward like as soon as you walk um and |
5142s | get into that 's range you're going to |
5143s | be down high absolutely 100% and on top |
5147s | of that too even asides from the damage |
5149s | we were also able to see the setup angle |
5152s | that Adriana is also able to look for |
5154s | right where she's just kind of setting |
5156s | up her teammates to succeed in a lot of |
5158s | these fights whether it's by locking |
5160s | players from walking in and not getting |
5162s | p and getting punished or whether it's |
5164s | from leaving them right like letting |
5166s | them leave and not getting punished you |
5168s | got to pick between the two Adriana it |
5169s | doesn't really let you do that in a lot |
5171s | of cases if you're going to do something |
5173s | you're going to get punished that is |
5175s | exactly how Adriana wants to play and |
5177s | that is exactly what we saw Satan do in |
5179s | pretty much the past 5 minutes of the |
5181s | game we saw it on beach it was beautiful |
5184s | we saw it in Uptown it was beautiful |
5186s | Satan is just on point with Adriana |
5188s | today that I don't think a lot of teams |
5191s | are going to be able to deal with that |
5192s | well I see two Adriana picks I just |
5194s | don't see anyone else picking it in this |
5197s | Lobby I I'm not aware of any other |
5199s | Adriana players in this Lobby so Satan's |
5201s | going to be on full blast throughout the |
5204s | course of tonight it's going to help |
5205s | team saber a |
5206s | lot yeah but going into game number |
5209s | three we will have the Kiara and the ma |
5212s | going to be back on the table here and I |
5214s | think Kiara |
5215s | you know can be an answer to this |
5216s | Adriana if the car is going to be able |
5217s | to get on top and you know get that last |
5220s | judgment maybe one shot you know the |
5222s | adrion in the back here so we're well |
5223s | going to have to see how these teams uh |
5225s | do end up swapping their picks maybe to |
5228s | try to combat uh the two characters that |
5230s | are going to be back on the table going |
5231s | into game number three there's so many |
5233s | things that can change around but there |
5235s | was no bance I think going into game |
5236s | number three though right like you were |
5238s | just talking about the kiar and the mai |
5239s | coming back I don't think there's |
5241s | anything banned for game number three |
5243s | that's also really big it provides a lot |
5245s | more versatile picks for these teams we |
5248s | should theoretically see a very similar |
5251s | Lobby to game number one I don't think |
5253s | any team has been necessarily completely |
5255s | put in the dirt as of yet right so we |
5257s | know that these compositions are working |
5259s | it's just who's ahead who isn't who's |
5261s | making better micro decisions in these |
5262s | fights that that's all it is it's not a |
5264s | team composition thing maybe save I |
5267s | don't know I kind of want to say maybe |
5269s | safe for heading Dino but we've seen |
5271s | their team comp winning fights so it's |
5273s | not that |
5275s | yeah I think it's just you know who's |
5276s | playing the best eternal return you know |
5278s | for uh the lcq here so I don't think |
5282s | we're going to see too many subs or too |
5283s | many swaps but you know will be the |
5286s | break point you know since we did just |
5288s | finish game number two these teams will |
5290s | have the option to maybe swap out one of |
5292s | their team members and you know maybe |
5294s | swap it around a little bit here as we |
5296s | do have the total standings now coming |
5298s | out team saber after winning that |
5300s | will'll be um in a nice comfortable lead |
5302s | in first place with 34 points for |
5305s | themsel oh OB following suit with 25 |
5308s | didn't really have a too good of a game |
5309s | two revenge and sin with 22 and 16 |
5314s | respectively tied with Freya for report |
5317s | exactly pretty good spread across the |
5320s | board I would say when it comes to the |
5322s | standings in it of itself right now team |
5324s | saber of course sitting way far ahead of |
5326s | anybody else when it comes to the |
5328s | competition but this is a double |
5330s | checkpoint for as you mentioned exactly |
5332s | at the beginning 21 points 21 which is a |
5336s | first it would |
5338s | be 13 kills yeah 13 kill first we've |
5342s | known some of these teams to be able to |
5343s | do that but that's still quite tough I |
5345s | would have to expect at least a game |
5347s | number four to come through before a |
5348s | team is going to be in checkpoint but |
5350s | who knows that can absolutely change |
5352s | either way super that was game number |
5354s | two exactly as you said which means we |
5356s | are about to go on a break so for all of |
5357s | you guys in the chat make sure you guys |
5358s | go grab some water go grab a snack and |
5360s | go take a stretch we will see you guys |
5362s | back here for games three and four for |
5364s | the LC you take care take care |
5419s | spee |
5437s | spe |
5483s | com com |
5524s | spe |
5540s | [Applause] |
5563s | spee |
5573s | spee |
5583s | for |
5585s | Fore |
5587s | foreign |
5595s | fore |
5603s | fore |
5619s | foree speech speech |
5630s | [Music] |
5636s | [Music] |
5650s | [Music] |
5652s | fore fore |
5664s | [Laughter] |
5672s | speech |
5675s | fore fore fore |
5684s | [Music] |
5693s | speech |
5723s | for |
5736s | [Music] |
5744s | fore |
5753s | fore |
5760s | [Music] |
5764s | for spee spee |
5793s | fore foreign fore |
5828s | ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the |
5830s | turnover return Master season 5 finals |
5832s | for the lcq hopefully all of you guys |
5834s | had a fantastic break we are just coming |
5837s | back from Games 1 and two where we saw a |
5839s | couple of teams actually having some |
5841s | incredible performances especially with |
5842s | Team saber winning game number two |
5844s | cementing themselves in the first place |
5846s | at the moment with 34 points 21 points |
5849s | away from the checkpoint system on top |
5851s | of that we do have the double checkpoint |
5853s | system today so we have a long way to go |
5855s | but right now we are back for games |
5857s | three and four until our next break yeah |
5860s | remember if you guys don't know how the |
5862s | double checkpoint system works for those |
5864s | of you guys who weren't here at the very |
5865s | start of the stream basically a team |
5868s | needs to get to that 55 checkpoint break |
5870s | point so it's just normal checkpoint |
5871s | format but when a team does end up |
5873s | winning they will be rotated out and it |
5875s | will be a seven team Lobby until we have |
5878s | our top two teams exactly and then we do |
5881s | it again another checkpoint format run |
5883s | where another team has to win those two |
5885s | teams will move on into the season |
5886s | finals yada y y you guys get the gist |
5889s | all you guys are here for is the games |
5890s | anyways leave the logistics to us we'll |
5892s | tell you when a team moves on but for |
5894s | that right now let's move on into game |
5896s | number three we got a little bit of rain |
5897s | we got a little bit of win that's Lumia |
5899s | Island for game number three everybody |
5901s | is back no band going into game number |
5904s | which means the K and the my readily |
5906s | available we are immediately seeing team |
5908s | s go back to that one |
5910s | my three my already so my will be banned |
5914s | once again will the Kiara get banned |
5917s | again is the question here one two |
5920s | dog me dog is he going to pick the K |
5923s | he's going go on the ywn okay so it's |
5925s | just going to be the my going to get |
5928s | that's going to be be getting banned for |
5929s | game number four yeah I kind of like |
5931s | this from heading Dino I think the Yan |
5933s | has a a lot more potential especially |
5935s | with the composition that team heading |
5936s | Dino actually has not Li sorry Kiara |
5939s | does have crowd control but it's it's |
5941s | only one really if you want to take a |
5942s | look at it right the chain it's not |
5944s | exactly reliable it's kind of hard to |
5946s | hit I've seen a lot more Yan combos land |
5949s | K chains land even |
5951s | inm I do agree I think Yan is better for |
5953s | the follow-up and does have a lot more |
5955s | you know CC so they're going to be able |
5957s | to get that nice chain CC with the |
5959s | Sylvia followup so yeah are playing that |
5961s | you know double front line plus that Sil |
5964s | you know to support him in that dive he |
5966s | is playing Tom for this time I going to |
5967s | check that so if I don't see him using |
5969s | the quick spin there's going to be |
5973s | issues I can't tell about last game I'll |
5975s | have to check back later actually I |
5977s | don't want to check back maybe I'm going |
5979s | to just assume that he was playing glove |
5980s | and you just didn't didn't have quick |
5981s | spin right even if he was playing Toma |
5984s | whatever I don't care at this point this |
5986s | game though I know I'm I'm looking I'm |
5987s | keeping my eyes on you me |
5991s | dog I think team tangle is going to swap |
5993s | up as we have the Carla and the Marcus |
5995s | coming out once again we haven't really |
5997s | seen Marcus too much after this patch |
6001s | but you know we've only really had you |
6002s | know dcq to you know kind of gauge on |
6005s | you know what these teams are playing |
6007s | and you know what the meta is uh you |
6010s | know sort sort of sitting at but very |
6012s | very interested to see you know how this |
6014s | you know team Dynamic does end up |
6015s | working out exactly the patch for 1.34 |
6018s | was basically to hit Marcus right this |
6020s | was right after phase three where we we |
6024s | saw an exuberant number of Marcus his |
6026s | stats were also through the roof when it |
6028s | comes to the statistics this character |
6029s | was just innately good especially when |
6031s | she got solar system miniature almost |
6032s | felt like a juggernaut sitting up in the |
6034s | front line that's not Marcus anymore |
6036s | it's still it still is but it's not |
6038s | exactly that anymore right he's a little |
6040s | bit more controlled a little bit evident |
6042s | by the fact that not a lot of teams are |
6044s | going to be running that character so we |
6046s | are going to see slight swap UPS aatan |
6048s | getting taken down by midg that's the |
6050s | early game execution possibilities of |
6052s | that Yan the mar also getting chased |
6054s | down the slow from The Shield actually |
6056s | did land so chill could directly chase |
6058s | this through the knock up not there yeah |
6061s | and there's not really much a tail is |
6064s | all this time yeah I can't really Chase |
6066s | with the speed Gates there as the I will |
6068s | be getting on out of there here comes |
6070s | the ultimate coming out from horrific |
6071s | going to actually find a nice angle onto |
6073s | the Chloe but the Chloe ooh dodging out |
6075s | on that last W there going to be able to |
6077s | get the kill but going to trade back and |
6080s | it will be a one for one trade between |
6081s | revenge and sin yeah had the S link K |
6085s | Chloe only level five didn't really have |
6087s | that up just in time a nice side step |
6088s | though but it's not going to be enough |
6090s | wait a second love is just going to die |
6092s | to number here horrific going to respawn |
6094s | right on top as well not really going to |
6095s | have anything in the tank as they really |
6098s | use all their cool Downs respawn on half |
6099s | HP and it will be team OU will going to |
6102s | pick up a nice two kills for thems even |
6104s | if they're taking the L I'm actually |
6105s | liking the way that horrific is playing |
6107s | right now we saw two cases where he's |
6109s | playing the macro game extremely well |
6110s | too he was keeping track of the the |
6112s | kloe's level he knows that said the |
6113s | Chloe doesn't have soul soul link so he |
6116s | actually completely prioritized all of |
6117s | his damage onto the Chloe without even |
6119s | giving a care in the world about the the |
6122s | Kiara and the Johan he does end up |
6124s | killing the Chloe which means it's a one |
6126s | for one trade and just now up the top |
6128s | side he knew also that he didn't have |
6130s | too much left in his tank he sacrifices |
6132s | nice oh wow and blink on out of there |
6135s | umu actually playing this fight really |
6136s | really well with getting the speed gate |
6138s | as well going to be able to get on out |
6139s | of there don't go back walk back in |
6142s | going look for some more damage going to |
6143s | be a little greedy there but yeah just |
6145s | going to walk on out of there umu able |
6147s | to get that nice kill on the Yan and |
6149s | going to be able to Blink the cud the |
6152s | gro there as well so great reaction from |
6153s | him going to be able to get a nice kill |
6155s | I I kind of want to see the mini map |
6157s | right now exactly as is remember how |
6159s | yeah look how split all these teams are |
6161s | you see how there's so many solos around |
6163s | the map split farming is really strong |
6166s | right now in this meta in the early game |
6169s | at least for you know day one or night |
6170s | one because you want to make sure you |
6172s | get enough credits to get those early |
6175s | game four score buys the early game four |
6176s | score buys is such a uh big swing for |
6179s | your team because if you get two or |
6180s | three uh four scores before you know the |
6183s | alpha or the Omega to or sorry not the |
6185s | alpha or Omega but the alpha or the batt |
6186s | Zone to contest you're basically |
6188s | guaranteed to win into these other teams |
6191s | that don't have that for score exactly |
6193s | but what this allows is it opens up |
6195s | opportunities for characters like the |
6197s | Yan that has a lot of crowd control and |
6199s | a lot of early game damage in these solo |
6200s | 1 V one fights to get picks we've |
6202s | already seen MOG picking two players off |
6204s | in the beginning of the game they just |
6206s | got another one sitting inside of |
6208s | archery range I'm Johan he is in Hell |
6210s | he's just getting ran down from the |
6212s | right side of the map all the way to the |
6213s | left he's sitting in hotel now are you |
6216s | going to be grouping up with your |
6217s | teammates we do know that I'm Yan also |
6219s | does like this spit we talked about this |
6220s | during the season itself but here we go |
6222s | potential fight Bruin as Curry he's |
6224s | cornering Airline but now airline's just |
6226s | sitting in the corner he jumps over okay |
6229s | the fight still goes on I don't know if |
6230s | Freya wants to fight this though the N |
6232s | is going to disappear |
6234s | and there it goes Y is going to get |
6235s | taken down that is brutal the timing was |
6238s | just not right yeah the gate ran out um |
6241s | just barely there and it will be the Su |
6243s | that does end up falling had a good |
6244s | angle got a nice knock up onto Curry and |
6246s | then a good Bas into the wall but not |
6248s | going to be an off as oh looks like the |
6250s | Sylvia actually gets a nice engage going |
6253s | to use their uh their passive and their |
6257s | hit uh to actually deny the the the |
6260s | white lily there so actually very nicely |
6262s | played from the sil going to be able to |
6263s | get that kill heading din sitting on |
6264s | four kills already ooh the Y not going |
6267s | to be able to get that combo not going |
6268s | to be able to push the prya into the |
6270s | wall there into the tetron DI is going |
6273s | to jump on forward they're going to play |
6274s | on forward as well but a great great |
6276s | response from the PRI just going to use |
6278s | their instantly here great Parry coming |
6281s | out from the Yuki but a third party is |
6283s | here is going to be very unfortunate as |
6285s | Sil is not going to be able to follow up |
6287s | and they will end up going down there so |
6288s | team heading D now they will lose two |
6290s | members team Revenge they do end up |
6292s | coming and reaping one of the kills uh I |
6295s | think that was a bit of an overreach |
6296s | from mg if I'm going to be honest with |
6297s | you if the Sylvia was maybe level 11 I |
6300s | would be okay with it cuz then her fuel |
6302s | economy becomes a little bit better but |
6303s | a level 10 Sylvia sitting on level one |
6305s | shift gear is not exactly the best at |
6308s | following up on a blink over a big |
6310s | corner like that especially when the |
6311s | Yan's trying to look for angles nice try |
6314s | from Team heading Dino they are |
6315s | unfortunately going to lose two members |
6316s | and the objective on top of it which |
6318s | actually fits in line with for what is |
6320s | it the other team which was team blanch |
6322s | they secured Tre of life for themselves |
6324s | I think it was these guys I can't tell |
6326s | who got it yeah it was the PRI are going |
6328s | to be sitting on that blood cloak so |
6330s | they're going to have a lot of good poke |
6332s | there as you can see Team BL actually |
6334s | get another RNG to that meites and |
6337s | they're sitting on a lot of crits as |
6339s | well so they definitely want to get |
6340s | their fource score buys and here it |
6341s | comes the is going to buy that fource |
6342s | score going to be probably going over to |
6345s | that Ki with a cortier going to buy |
6348s | another fource score there as you can |
6349s | see all these teams they're getting |
6351s | their buys they're getting these fource |
6352s | scores they're going to be having quite |
6355s | big spikes coming in they went Hermes |
6359s | first yeah okay that's that's |
6362s | interesting two far cars yeah yeah I |
6364s | know a lot of teams have been heavily |
6366s | prioritizing Hermes and for good reason |
6368s | the amount of value you get out of that |
6369s | item nowadays like you put it on Mages |
6371s | too that's how good that item |
6373s | is yeah I mean Hermes is a really really |
6376s | good tank it especially for a character |
6377s | like Kar who oh my God the damage coming |
6379s | out Kara is forced to use her ultimate |
6381s | no uh |
6383s | fored out either and a great followup |
6385s | going to be able to secure him out of |
6387s | the um the totem there as wait a second |
6390s | the the chlo just going to be able to |
6393s | win one V2 by himself with the Yan oh |
6395s | the K is not going to make it into the |
6397s | Zone sorry 23 K is not making it into |
6399s | the Zone that's a little bit weird Fenix |
6401s | Park about to get taken down there's the |
6402s | cut down he goes Carla is dead no denell |
6405s | trying to run same thing for the Sylvia |
6406s | he's trying to do the same thing but for |
6408s | him he's trying to stay alive up against |
6409s | the Marcus bouncy house around for the |
6411s | Marcus right now does he get the kill |
6413s | yes he does one will get taken down but |
6415s | it's a two for one Exchange in favor of |
6417s | Team heading Dino where the Battle Zone |
6419s | for Chapel it begins there is no there |
6422s | is no ultimates available for team s CU |
6424s | they just came out of a fight down goes |
6426s | I'm Yohan UOB pick themselves up a myth |
6429s | just gets completely eviscerated by the |
6433s | Eva and the a they instantly died they |
6435s | didn't get their totem off there and uh |
6437s | yeah s going to lose the Battle Zone |
6440s | there as team oob going to get a nice my |
6443s | and they're going to be sitting in a |
6444s | really nice spot now yeah a little bit |
6447s | of an unfortunate situation for a couple |
6448s | of these teams but I will say at least |
6450s | inside a chapel I don't think team sing |
6452s | can be too sad about that one they did |
6454s | win out on the fight just before that |
6455s | too a lot of investments just what is |
6458s | going to end up happening now we have a |
6459s | fight between team heading dyo and team |
6461s | Tango but it's |
6463s | over doing a little bit of again yeah |
6466s | and does end up getting caught no |
6468s | followup from Team heading Dino as it |
6470s | will be team |
6473s | uh Tangled Doby going to be able to pick |
6474s | up a nice kill for himself and it looks |
6476s | like wait a second do have uh Lumby here |
6479s | we actually do have the ARA they don't |
6481s | really know they haven't checked this |
6482s | bush so you know not really disciplined |
6485s | enough to check here as I think team |
6488s | Freya I mean team Freo they're |
6490s | completely split off they're not going |
6491s | to be able to really do anything Nina |
6493s | does end up falling here as chloee will |
6495s | let going shortly s going to lose a |
6497s | member to team Tangled team Tangi |
6499s | they're on three kills they're looking |
6500s | in a pretty nice comfortable spot |
6502s | probably going to walk down to that |
6504s | stream tree going to be able to grab |
6506s | that as well exactly pretty standard |
6508s | game I will say it's not anything too |
6511s | crazy I think this is just about the |
6512s | game we would normally expect for season |
6514s | five game in competitive right the past |
6517s | couple games have been a kind of extreme |
6520s | case up on the slower side and then the |
6522s | faster side game three just seems like a |
6524s | perfect fitting between both this is the |
6526s | kind of pace that I want a lot of these |
6528s | teams to go for but now that it is about |
6530s | to start going into the eve of day |
6532s | number three we will see minus 250 |
6534s | starting to come online these teams have |
6535s | to be a lot more careful whenever they |
6538s | take these fights we know that these |
6539s | teams know about it we know that we know |
6541s | about it how will it go though that is |
6543s | the question transitions wise a lot of |
6545s | these teams are in line with each other |
6547s | I don't see any teams too far behind |
6549s | right now but our first fight is going |
6550s | to begin the bouncy house is there still |
6552s | enough time things to go through oh the |
6555s | faith and wavering just wasn't there in |
6556s | time and there's a cut coming through |
6558s | sakin in a little bit of trouble one |
6560s | gets taken down the Yan is not going to |
6562s | get taken down oh a beautiful pop from |
6565s | the syvia down goes two members of Team |
6568s | Sim minus 500 going towards that team |
6570s | and the Chloe is in Dire Straits look at |
6572s | her health bar if she gets found up by |
6573s | anybody if somebody breathes on her she |
6575s | is so dead yeah this time is heading |
6577s | Dino they finally able to win the 3v3 |
6580s | early right out right on the day three |
6582s | Swap and they're not going to be the |
6583s | ones to 500 this time to minus 500 this |
6585s | time as well team BL going to be able to |
6587s | get a nice Kill from team oob team o |
6590s | fortunately going to have to spend that |
6592s | 250 but yeah heading Dino great followup |
6595s | great CC going to be able to instantly |
6596s | lock down that Ki KI forced to use their |
6598s | totem and heading Dino going to be able |
6600s | to instantly kill them coming out of it |
6603s | as well so very nicely done by team |
6604s | heading dyo great followup great dive |
6608s | and I think the Yuki just W the One V |
6609s | one into Chloe as well yeah they're |
6611s | looking to chase this too umu is just |
6613s | not going to be able to get out of this |
6614s | one bear has the TA there is down can't |
6616s | really get away as a Eva Eva doesn't |
6619s | really have any Mobility as a character |
6622s | just that e but the e you know doesn't |
6624s | really doesn't really give you much |
6625s | distance so unfortunately K you will be |
6628s | anotherus 250- 500 in total for this |
6631s | team and yeah they're not going to be |
6633s | looking in a good spot for this game but |
6637s | should be able to you know get some Farm |
6639s | back up and maybe get back into this mhm |
6642s | with this I think this guarantees |
6643s | another game where umu is going to be |
6645s | ending up with an UGI Pearl last game he |
6647s | did the exact same thing where we saw |
6649s | the minus 500 coming out a little bit |
6651s | later into the game but because because |
6653s | of that he was down on credits and |
6655s | didn't want to invest too much into |
6656s | Chaser he stuck onto the Uki Pearl |
6658s | instead we're going to see a fight |
6660s | between team sin and team blanch we've |
6662s | seen this team fight so far in the |
6664s | series it's worked a little bit |
6665s | interestingly plague has been popped |
6667s | there's the follow through everybody's |
6668s | trying to get the damage down there's |
6670s | first coming down I'm about to get taken |
6672s | down down he goes Chloe is still |
6674s | relatively healthy no absolutely not |
6676s | she's about to get taken down s link is |
6677s | gone the plag is over two but the |
6680s | members of Team blanch are on full run |
6682s | they're trying to chase down the members |
6683s | of Team sin lior is going to get taken |
6685s | down Chloe gets out again but that's |
6687s | another minus 500 for that team yeah |
6690s | they that that is a disaster for team |
6692s | sin as they're going to be basically |
6695s | down a th000 credits I think team uh |
6699s | Team blanch just playing it really well |
6700s | with that Pria the priia is able to do |
6702s | so much AOE damage to that team able to |
6704s | provide so much uh and yeah it will be |
6707s | team sin going to lose two members wait |
6710s | a second maybe the kar is getting the |
6711s | self Forest here no it looks like there |
6713s | go did end up finding them see going to |
6716s | get that Force c as well yeah the priia |
6718s | already sitting on four items that's |
6719s | that's why we saw you know the HP bars |
6722s | drop really heavily on the side of Team |
6725s | sin the access of the earth into you |
6727s | know the double flower pops just just do |
6730s | so much if you are able to get it off |
6732s | yeah but you can definitely see that the |
6733s | Yan Nerfs 4 1.34 is affecting the |
6736s | survivability of Team sin a little bit |
6738s | there the defense down the healing down |
6740s | it just doesn't allow them to |
6742s | consistently keep up the up time on this |
6744s | Kiara any longer quite frankly even the |
6746s | Yan to he got bursted down inside of |
6749s | faith and wavering that is just what |
6750s | happens when you have enough damage and |
6752s | the defensive bonuses of ultimates just |
6755s | don't come online for you anymore team |
6757s | blanch they just have more |
6759s | sustainability with the pre effective HP |
6761s | Shields and all that jazz so really nice |
6763s | fight coming out from them and the Kiara |
6765s | as well you know providing extra heal |
6767s | cut with their passive so oh true yeah |
6769s | but there's no there's no Shield cutting |
6771s | for K right with the with the stick yeah |
6774s | yeah it's just it's just heal cut so |
6776s | that's you know one of the reasons I |
6777s | think why they didn't really they |
6779s | weren't able to really sustain that much |
6780s | right o they Su tried to jump on in |
6783s | there wait a second there's the ink |
6785s | engage on |
6786s | the enough wait a great turn there |
6789s | coming out from the Yan I think the |
6790s | Darko is going to instantly fall here |
6792s | Yuki winning the 1 V2 in the back |
6793s | there's engage I think that was a little |
6795s | too far forward this Sy or the Yan not |
6798s | really having any HP wait a second syia |
6800s | going to jump on forward it's not going |
6801s | to be enough as able to get that damage |
6804s | and I think that will be oh a great bat |
6807s | skill coming out from the Su there and I |
6810s | think that is going to be it yeah I |
6811s | don't think has any damage to the |
6814s | sustain and the healing coming out from |
6815s | Su was going to be too much very nicely |
6818s | done from the sua great bat skill into |
6820s | the wall to deny the Yuki from finishing |
6822s | them off think the ARA getting that self |
6824s | reses actually he's pressing the self |
6825s | reses button uh really early on in that |
6827s | team fight so was was able to get back |
6830s | into that as well but yeah I think um |
6833s | they play a little too fast you know |
6834s | they had a down early on but the ya just |
6836s | going on forward you know overextending |
6838s | once again instantly punished by the Su |
6841s | and it will be uh Team heading down |
6842s | going to fall in seventh place quite |
6845s | brutal for the members still in this |
6847s | game now seven teams oo trying to do get |
6849s | out up against tangle Doby a Rockets are |
6852s | a little bit annoying to deal with |
6853s | especially when you're this far away but |
6855s | team uo be they're going to hanging out |
6858s | over there fire station and police |
6859s | station is quite heavily populated as we |
6862s | have four teams around this area Wick |
6864s | line is not oh no it isn't fire station |
6868s | that's why a lot of these teams are here |
6869s | all right |
6870s | good yeah all these teams going to be |
6873s | preparing for this Wick here team Freya |
6875s | they don't really look that strong there |
6877s | as uh I think it was just a su that had |
6879s | a lot of items but the Darko is only |
6880s | sitting on that Halo so don't think |
6882s | they're going to be contesting Wick but |
6883s | look at how many teams are coming in |
6885s | look how many teams are funling in we |
6886s | got three teams in the police we got |
6889s | about four in fire no three in fire as |
6891s | well so six of the seven teams are on |
6894s | the top side of the map going to try |
6895s | playing for this quick line great taunt |
6897s | coming out for Bear they're going to be |
6899s | enough damage here seie is going to |
6901s | actually land the chain but great |
6904s | ultimate coming out from the my going to |
6906s | be able to get them safely on out of |
6909s | there as |
6910s | uho going to lose two members here |
6913s | as he's going to fall for that don't |
6915s | think he's going to be able to get on |
6916s | out of here going to try getting some |
6917s | damage off maybe going to try trading |
6919s | one it's not going to be enough team |
6921s | Kang do going to be able to secure a |
6922s | nice nice three kills to himself then |
6924s | reg greed he should not have walked back |
6925s | in while the Sho was taking damage but |
6927s | here we go Su is going to be able to |
6928s | pick that one up the steel on the wick |
6930s | buff is actually going to come online I |
6932s | think that was the Odyssey to do it so |
6934s | nicely done another fight on the north |
6935s | side of the map I'm Yan going to be |
6936s | forced to use the faith and wavering |
6938s | down goes to May that's one but the get |
6940s | taken down too no totem available you're |
6942s | right sakin about to get taken down the |
6944s | auto attacks coming from Curry is just |
6946s | way too much Vision check it doesn't |
6947s | even matter and I think this is going to |
6950s | be it for team sin you're absolutely |
6951s | right down in the dirt when it comes to |
6953s | credit down in the dirt when it comes to |
6955s | the amount of Effectiveness they have |
6956s | the damage from Yan is actually pretty |
6958s | good one more radiant Brilliance might |
6960s | do it saan is just going to back away |
6962s | from this one so they are going to keep |
6964s | themselves alive but they're still in |
6965s | the dirt look at their credit count |
6967s | Johan is not farming all those credits |
6969s | back up and even if you do it's a Chloe |
6971s | or akr you don't really have too much |
6973s | leniency on how far you can run away |
6975s | with the remaining players team Sim |
6977s | might be down for the count yeah we only |
6979s | saw the middle of that fight but I think |
6980s | the K probably still had totem up didn't |
6982s | end getting it off in time and yeah just |
6986s | instantly falls down to Curry I think he |
6987s | overextended probably thought he was |
6989s | going to live but gets bursted down by |
6991s | the the DQ plus you know two two to |
6994s | three Auto attacks you know the need is |
6995s | on that crit there uhoh cine |
6997s | overextended here the bur blink way oh |
7002s | my God the damage from K is going to be |
7004s | able to instantly kill both the |
7007s | backliners |
7008s | and Demarcus is going to have to run |
7010s | away what the hell was that damage |
7012s | they're trying to keep cine alive comes |
7014s | back up but it's going to get instantly |
7015s | taken down third party is there I don't |
7018s | think the plague is going to come back |
7019s | up for sebbi that's unfortunate they |
7021s | weren't able to knock down any of the |
7022s | bodies no executioner bonus for the cool |
7024s | Downs coming back up quick cut in it |
7026s | does not matter there is no burst |
7028s | without the plague down goes sebie two |
7030s | members down for team blanch minus 500 |
7032s | for that team but it's day number five |
7034s | bear doesn't even have enough credits |
7036s | he's also in the dirt when it comes to |
7037s | his positioning he's going to get taken |
7039s | down blanch will unfortunately most |
7041s | likely get eliminated here don't think |
7042s | team fre is going to let is running up |
7045s | team tangle is in the area as well |
7047s | they're going to be forced into this |
7048s | other team I think they actually hear |
7050s | the teams on the bottom side here saber |
7053s | going try look in I think they do know |
7055s | there's a team under them so not going |
7056s | to fully extend just on in there just |
7059s | yet team saber they could still make it |
7061s | in I think they need 13 kills so they if |
7064s | they get the rest of the kills in this |
7065s | lob here maybe if they even just kill |
7067s | two teams should be enough to guarantee |
7069s | them something oh yeah they they know |
7072s | there's a team that just used Lumi and |
7075s | they're going to walk on out of there I |
7077s | think they do recognize that the team's |
7078s | going to TP I'm surprised they're not |
7079s | going to try |
7081s | sending it's it's a it's a no flame |
7083s | classic for that one honestly I think uh |
7086s | I think saber maybe they don't have full |
7087s | timer they don't have full timer you |
7089s | can't really take that risk and you |
7091s | can't really send it onto another team |
7093s | that's in Red |
7095s | so I was actually thinking exactly that |
7097s | too cuz I was looking at that situation |
7099s | I'm like I swear I've seen this |
7101s | situation before in na |
7104s | yeah usually if you're full timer and |
7105s | you're stronger the team like you always |
7108s | oh did we see Curry's timer there for |
7109s | second I number there I missed it too oh |
7113s | yohan's found out oh he makes it out oh |
7117s | no straight into the waiting |
7119s | hands there's the wavering he's still |
7121s | alive for now the rocket |
7123s | Lacher good side steps oh my God run run |
7127s | y the movement speed oh |
7133s | no great hit from the haze there great |
7135s | effort though from Yan yeah that was |
7139s | pretty |
7140s | close I've never seen Yan be able to get |
7142s | away from those kind of situations as |
7143s | well as |
7145s | he oh wait a second I get a full send |
7148s | here but they just have the gate on out |
7151s | of there going to use that gate over the |
7152s | wall AR is able to to Traverse the map |
7155s | so well here oh going to get tagged by |
7158s | the Theodor Q This is a classic uh what |
7161s | is it artist spot though we we see the |
7163s | spot time yeah you just keep going back |
7165s | and forth here and there's really not |
7166s | much uh these other teams can do team |
7168s | saber is able to pick up all these kills |
7170s | they should be able to make it in but |
7171s | they have to basically kill everyone |
7173s | here mhm we's see they are sitting at |
7176s | the left side of stream at the moment as |
7179s | the placements are right now that is a |
7181s | possibility if team Freya opts to leave |
7185s | then yeah it's not happening anymore |
7187s | team Revenge though still sitting in |
7188s | this area we'll see which teams are |
7190s | going to stick inside a stream |
7193s | team saber moving their way up we still |
7195s | see should check the C here I think they |
7197s | do recognize team now yeah so it's a |
7201s | little it's a little a weird situation |
7203s | because there's three teams in the zone |
7205s | now oh looks like will be they're going |
7207s | to TP on out of there and we're going to |
7209s | have two separate 33s I do like this |
7211s | play making it um you know a lot less |
7214s | coin flippy for the final Zone your F |
7216s | your your fate is kind of in your hands |
7218s | now to win this 3v3 exactly I think the |
7221s | play here has to be has to use the yep |
7223s | there's the nimrod's gate in this is the |
7226s | play that I think team Freya has to look |
7228s | for without taking that much punishment |
7230s | before the fight itself begins CH taking |
7232s | a little bit on his end there is the |
7234s | knock up they're looking for another |
7235s | angle I think with this with this nimr's |
7238s | gate that's the only way this double |
7239s | melee is ever going to have access to |
7241s | the back line there it is but the |
7242s | angle's really weird that's not what |
7244s | they were looking for Mo also also taken |
7246s | down to about a quarter they're trying |
7247s | to use everything jumping in there's 5 |
7249s | seconds left on the sua this is one of |
7251s | the worst |
7252s | to be that's great sh anchor to look at |
7255s | the damage coming out all they need to |
7257s | do is poke there is the smash SMI down |
7260s | one sua is dead ARA is dead |
7264s | tlex very nicely played from Team Tango |
7266s | Lobby they're able to fight back so well |
7268s | they're able to recognize you know going |
7271s | to be dropping in and they just play |
7273s | around it and there's really not much uh |
7275s | Team fre can do know you're playing into |
7278s | uh playing into a carot and a haze so |
7282s | just so so much damage to you know kind |
7284s | of run into there on the top side team |
7286s | saber is going to be able to win it out |
7287s | there so will be team tangle Doby versus |
7289s | Team saber fortunately team saber not |
7291s | getting enough kills because team Freya |
7294s | did end up teing on out of there so they |
7295s | won't be able to make into the into |
7296s | checkpoint but if they do end up winning |
7298s | this final 3v3 they'll be about two |
7300s | points away well there is a world in |
7301s | which they just let tingled Doby res a |
7303s | little bit cuz they do have positional |
7305s | advantage and it's also Satan again this |
7308s | is a bit of a bigger Zone to play off of |
7310s | so Satan's not going to have much of an |
7311s | easier time there's also multiple |
7313s | Avenues into the final Zone on top of it |
7316s | you can see the complete split coming |
7317s | through from Team tingled ax to split my |
7320s | is not going to be able to kill the |
7321s | Marcus Marcus is really good at killing |
7323s | that there's the blast Pine out he's |
7324s | going to leave for now positional |
7326s | Advantage I think is still on team sa |
7328s | side but no now is completely on the |
7331s | back side there's a fire escape too sa's |
7332s | in trouble he's completely isolated |
7334s | curry in the corner same thing look at |
7336s | the jump holy crap they actually managed |
7338s | to kill Phoenix Park this Mark is |
7339s | sitting up in the front side he's trying |
7341s | to get the damage in the shot burst is |
7343s | not there the damage just wasn't good |
7346s | team saber again 11 kills in first place |
7350s | will bump themselves up into 53 we are |
7352s | not seeing a 54 Point curse but man that |
7355s | is an unfortunate game for a team saber |
7357s | they still win it though really really |
7359s | solid game wow the Marcus had the flank |
7361s | I thought I thought it was going to be |
7362s | it for team saber but they just find an |
7364s | angle onto Fenix park on the back there |
7367s | I think Fenix Park you know |
7367s | overextending maybe thinking the Marcus |
7370s | was going to be there in time but they |
7371s | just completely kill them they turn they |
7373s | flipped the scrip on them and then a |
7375s | great exclusive coming out from the ma |
7377s | to block the SMG burst cuz it was a |
7380s | double flip into the SMG burst but all |
7382s | the damage was negated with that |
7385s | exclusive so very nicely played from |
7386s | Team saber we always see one SMG burst |
7389s | kill onto somebody with a haze I think |
7392s | it I think that's been one consistent |
7393s | thing right we saw somebody die in |
7396s | almost every single phase in the season |
7398s | to an SMG burst from hay dis lead into |
7400s | the game Thinking hey this should be an |
7402s | easy kill no absolutely not don't stand |
7403s | in melee range of a haze you just going |
7405s | to get shredded to Pieces but with the |
7407s | exclusive we are denied that so at least |
7410s | that isn't marked off for today yet we |
7412s | should be able to see that hopefully |
7414s | later down in the road but yes you're |
7415s | exactly right team saber just playing |
7417s | that perfectly dealing with the flank |
7419s | sometimes means you don't deal it with |
7421s | deal with it at all you just deal with |
7422s | the other side that's you deal with the |
7424s | other side exactly because and it was |
7427s | perfect uh recognition from that team |
7429s | because there's a Marcus coming from the |
7430s | top side but now that the tank is |
7433s | flanking there's really not much defense |
7435s | or really not much peel for their |
7437s | backliners and they just instantly you |
7439s | know find that read and they jump onto |
7441s | that Carla Carla not going to be able to |
7444s | really do much about it and yeah they're |
7446s | able to you know punch their way through |
7447s | onto you know the the bottom side |
7450s | instead this is the reason why earlier |
7452s | today too I was mentioning that team |
7454s | saber needs to make sure that they |
7456s | continuously play well this is a team |
7458s | that will struggle after a first couple |
7460s | few games where they do good they start |
7462s | to kind of drop out a little bit they |
7463s | don't do terrible but they just kind of |
7466s | disappear from our radar for the rest of |
7468s | the series this time around though two |
7470s | games in a row they were able to win |
7472s | macro play was absolutely incredible |
7474s | their decision making today is also |
7476s | really really on point the biggest thing |
7479s | about pushing into the other two when |
7480s | somebody is flanking something like a |
7482s | Marcus is the timing in which you push |
7484s | through there's a there's a point of no |
7486s | return when you decide to do something |
7488s | like that if the flanker is a little bit |
7490s | too far in then you're already too far |
7491s | gone |
7492s | but I think the timing in which they |
7494s | took it was like literally the last |
7495s | moment cuz we saw Curry stuck in the |
7497s | corner thanks to the Marcus we saw saon |
7500s | with no fire escape with the Marcus |
7502s | starting to come collapse on him as well |
7504s | that was just about the last moment they |
7506s | could have sent it to try to win out on |
7508s | the flip side and they did they sent it |
7510s | right there and they |
7511s | won yeah just very nicely played from |
7513s | Team saber and I think uh yeah |
7516s | unfortunately they're two points short |
7518s | but they're basically probably |
7520s | guaranteed going into game number |
7522s | five or so going into game number six |
7526s | because they only need two points I I |
7529s | don't think I've ever seen any team in |
7532s | or so far at least in the games you know |
7534s | get less than two points per game so I I |
7538s | pretty sure they should be good to go |
7539s | for game number six uh and maybe they |
7541s | could look to try to King make someone |
7543s | maybe they could look to try to deny |
7544s | some of these other teams to get into |
7546s | checkpoint mhm I think team saber just |
7548s | needs to keep doing what they're doing |
7549s | anyways it doesn't really matter what |
7550s | the rest of the lobby is looking like |
7551s | for for those guys whatever they've |
7553s | cooked up for the past couple of games |
7555s | is working out Delo no my for game |
7558s | number four right that's the one slight |
7560s | caveat to what they're going to have to |
7561s | play in the upcoming game they did just |
7564s | bust out the m and have some really good |
7566s | results with it we saw the effective use |
7567s | of the exclusive as you mentioned pretty |
7570s | extensively they're not they're not in |
7572s | checkpoint right now so they're going to |
7573s | have it for the checkpoint um game which |
7576s | I think a lot better yeah exactly |
7580s | because there's no real incentive to |
7583s | score extra points I think in the lcq |
7585s | just because you know there's no like |
7587s | prize difference it's just you get into |
7589s | the checkpoint you got to win your game |
7591s | and checkpoint to make it uh to the |
7592s | season finals absolutely all right Super |
7596s | Man game three was an absolute blast but |
7598s | we got to start talking about the |
7599s | logistics behind it the score should be |
7601s | coming up in just a moment so let's see |
7603s | what we are looking at going into game |
7605s | number four and look at that team saber |
7609s | miles ahead of second place team Revenge |
7612s | sitting on 29 Points they are nearly |
7614s | double that for team saber they put |
7616s | themselves a very very comfortable leag |
7618s | going into our fourth game most likely |
7621s | will be our only team in checkpoint |
7623s | after game four as well and look how |
7626s | close it |
7627s | is God second to eight yeah it's only an |
7630s | eight-point difference it's only team |
7632s | saber that is dominating this lobby |
7634s | while all the other team fighting to to |
7636s | nail for that second spot think saber is |
7640s | probably going to be the one that gets |
7641s | the first one but who knows you know |
7643s | anything could happen in checkpoint |
7644s | format once you are in that checkpoint |
7646s | it's going to be a lot harder to win |
7647s | because all the teams will be eyeing for |
7649s | you to try to shut you down exactly team |
7652s | saber has to run away with this if they |
7654s | don't as soon as one team from the |
7656s | bottom seven starts climbing up to |
7658s | checkpoint everyone else is going to be |
7660s | that's just how close this series is |
7662s | right now I wow what what a score sheet |
7665s | honestly really really really you and I |
7667s | have been surprised by some incredible |
7669s | score sheets throughout the course of |
7670s | the season but this is yet another one |
7671s | that kind of catches my end it's like |
7673s | wow this is possible and 29 28 27 26 and |
7678s | then jumps three down and then it goes |
7680s | in order again for 23 22 21 so yeah |
7685s | eight point difference between second |
7687s | and eth so it's still anyone's game |
7689s | anyone can still make it in here think |
7691s | team saber does have a nice lead fors |
7694s | though and they definitely deserve it |
7695s | you know considering how well they're |
7696s | playing today exactly it's going to be a |
7698s | great great rest of the series I will |
7701s | mention to you those super are two teams |
7703s | coming in directly from the circuit |
7705s | Point seatings it feels like they're |
7707s | kind of cannibalizing themselves a |
7708s | little bit today aren't they yeah |
7711s | they've definitely been uh killing each |
7712s | other |
7714s | and going into game number four I mean k |
7717s | is still on the table so I think team |
7718s | sin should still be okay may is going to |
7720s | be off the table though for so I think |
7723s | um don't know what they're which tank |
7725s | they're going to be playing for team |
7726s | blanch but we're going to have to see |
7727s | you know how these teams do adjust to |
7729s | these bands and yeah I think like you |
7732s | said they've been uh they kind of been |
7734s | out each other's throats here yeah I I |
7736s | think it kind of looks like this for |
7737s | team launch right now if the my isn't |
7740s | Bann but the K is I think they'll be |
7742s | playing the the my demma and um what is |
7746s | it I I think it's the Pria that they |
7748s | typically tend to play for their third |
7751s | it's just the my getting banned right |
7753s | now is the is the big cut off to them |
7754s | playing that kind of composition I would |
7756s | expect them to go back to their Eon |
7758s | Jenny and I I would assume Charlotte I |
7762s | kind of want to see |
7763s | the they went to that team comp because |
7766s | my and K got banned so just one of them |
7768s | getting banned maybe see the kiar priia |
7770s | we're going to have to see oh yeah they |
7773s | I did see a hover on the Debbie so we |
7776s | we'll see it's just we know how team |
7778s | blanch plays with the debm Marlin they |
7780s | really rely on the ma to lock down the |
7783s | additional sustainability on that |
7784s | character this is why I think this is a |
7786s | bit smarter for this compos for this |
7788s | team right now they just can't do what |
7790s | they did in game two zero kill 7 place |
7792s | you cannot let that kind of performance |
7793s | go exactly right now when you're in |
7795s | eighth place and the score sheet is this |
7798s | close at the moment you can't let game |
7800s | four go it looks like they are going to |
7802s | swap back to the Jenny and the Eon and |
7806s | then M dog is going to be the one to |
7808s | swap to Kiara so Kiara is not going to |
7811s | be banned because looks like teams are |
7813s | swapping it back up uh and yeah it looks |
7817s | like no bands going again into game |
7820s | number five here looks like the rotation |
7822s | is just going to be the ma and then |
7824s | possibly the Kiara for um you know at |
7828s | the odd number round yeah and I will |
7830s | also say this too it seems like rori is |
7832s | just going to stay off of the Adriana |
7835s | it's a little bit heartbreaking to see |
7837s | that of course because we know rori is |
7839s | one of the best Adriana players on the |
7841s | Korean side of things Satan has just |
7844s | almost shattered his spirits though I |
7845s | think like that game number two or game |
7847s | number three performance where he just |
7848s | completely outplayed him inside a beach |
7850s | it's just there was no contest really |
7853s | yeah but I mean hay is probably one of |
7856s | the best Mages I think on this patch as |
7858s | well so no it's no surprised that he's |
7860s | going to be playing the haze instead hay |
7862s | has that you know short range first |
7864s | damage while also providing you know a |
7866s | lot of poke I'm playing pretty similar |
7868s | to Adriana I would say |
7870s | so we're going to have to see how they |
7872s | do utilize it we do have two hazes this |
7874s | game so again a lot of duplicate picks |
7876s | but no real band coming |
7878s | out uh going into game number five |
7881s | absolutely let's see how this goes we |
7883s | should see at least one team going to |
7885s | checkpoint again we should see the score |
7886s | sheet actually as soon as the game |
7888s | begins they typically tend to do that so |
7890s | we'll we'll quickly go over it again |
7892s | when the score sheet actually starts |
7893s | coming online but do expect one team to |
7895s | be in checkpoint after this one |
7897s | guys oh excuse me I'm sorry this is a |
7900s | double checkpoint format so even if team |
7902s | saber does make it into the season |
7904s | finals off of winning the potential |
7906s | fifth game where they are in checkpoint |
7908s | it does not mean the end of the series |
7910s | just yet I know you guys want a long |
7911s | series series I know I technically won a |
7913s | long series not not really but uh just |
7916s | because one team makes it in it's not |
7918s | the end of the series we still have a |
7920s | lot more games that we're going to be |
7922s | seeing so let's go let's start taking a |
7924s | look at what happens in Game number four |
7925s | because the teams already and we are now |
7926s | loaded into to Lumia Island yeah double |
7929s | checkpoint means two teams need to win |
7932s | in checkpoint basically once one team is |
7935s | once one team wins they'll be done for |
7937s | the night and they'll basically set out |
7939s | and they'll be guaranteed a spot into |
7941s | the finals while these other seven teams |
7943s | will have to play |
7944s | so I think it will be a very interesting |
7947s | Dynamic once team saber our lobby |
7950s | dominant um team right now if they do |
7954s | end up you know just getting into the |
7955s | checkpoint and then making it so they're |
7958s | out wonder which team will step up to |
7960s | the play and you know kind of take their |
7962s | spot yeah for me too it really puts a |
7965s | strange Dynamic on this game as a whole |
7967s | when you have a score sheet that's as |
7969s | close as this you can see it over on the |
7970s | right for those of you guys who missed |
7971s | it just now 53 points for team saber 55 |
7974s | points as checkpoint so we should see |
7976s | that team coming online in this one at |
7978s | least grabbing those two securing |
7980s | themselves in that spot every other team |
7983s | though 29 to 21 it's an eight-point |
7985s | difference from second to eighth place |
7987s | very very very very close series it's |
7990s | what you would normally expect for an |
7991s | lcq stage as well where all these teams |
7994s | were fighting through to the nail to get |
7996s | themselves to the stage to begin with it |
7998s | was a very very competitive um lcq two |
8002s | qualifiers so yeah out of there sebie |
8004s | sebie he's put oh dude oh he oh my |
8008s | God wait a second he just stood still |
8011s | though as go back in does not have any |
8014s | resets and oh wait a second the force is |
8016s | going to be enough the he's he |
8021s | does he's |
8023s | out he's greeing the CFT here okay yeah |
8026s | he does have the speed gate right near |
8028s | him yeah he will be getting on out of |
8031s | there great there great SMG burst with |
8034s | that stun and that K Auto is going to be |
8037s | able to seal the deal so Freya going to |
8039s | be able to get a nice kill that's crazy |
8041s | if I was that Aon I'd Die |
8043s | there uh seevi still alive he is still |
8046s | keeping himself to whatever possible |
8048s | degree of sustainability can he will |
8050s | overflow try to just get the dash resets |
8053s | bear is here this actually really weird |
8055s | place for this team to meet usually they |
8056s | meet up on the Northern side of the map |
8058s | neory using the electric shift I'm not |
8059s | sure if that's the right idea down he |
8061s | goes that's a little bit weird they're |
8062s | going to pick themselves a couple kills |
8064s | here Airline will get the speed gate |
8065s | another speed gate he's going to just |
8066s | trudge himself down back in towards |
8068s | Cemetery but that's a kill pick up for |
8070s | the side of Team lunch whereas stream a |
8073s | couple fights happening still Blaster |
8075s | about to get taken down down goes one no |
8078s | the oh there's execution bonus hello |
8081s | horrific they're trying to heal through |
8082s | this what the oh my God nice guard |
8084s | reverse but no oh he's got guts yeah I |
8087s | mean it's a it's a full tank Marcus you |
8090s | can't really or you don't really have |
8092s | enough damage to kill through the Marcus |
8093s | as a Fiora and a Nikki especially in the |
8095s | early game you know F doesn't do that |
8097s | much damage you need those app items as |
8101s | I think it was the DOR in the back they |
8103s | and I'm getting caught by the two |
8104s | backliners just going to or not |
8106s | backliners but um I think yeah what was |
8108s | the back Haze and the car is going to |
8111s | jump on in and going to be able to |
8113s | finish him finish him off I love how I |
8115s | also say that no den now's got guts I |
8118s | know this guy man if anything that is |
8120s | exactly the play I should be expecting |
8121s | from noell it's just been a while since |
8123s | I've seen him at this big of a stage I |
8126s | he's before your time super I'm sorry to |
8128s | say that one but it's like a it's like a |
8130s | me thing it's like a me vix serious |
8132s | thing where we know what no denell is |
8134s | capable of and look at him this is |
8135s | exactly what he does look at |
8137s | that I've definitely seen his uh his |
8140s | Magnus I ah yes I do remember his Magnus |
8143s | back in the day yeah I think with Marcus |
8145s | he can do that even more though we're |
8147s | not going to be seeing some funny bike |
8148s | sends he used to do from back in the |
8150s | days but Marcus is very interestingly |
8154s | enough very similar in what he used to |
8156s | do as the Magnus is just super tanky |
8160s | super tanky super annoying always wants |
8162s | to just send it with smash to smithin |
8163s | similarly to bike from hell he doesn't |
8166s | have spins but he's got the God of War |
8168s | Auto attacks those are really good too |
8171s | yeah that is true here oh it's num going |
8173s | to get caught here Sylvia is going to |
8175s | walk on forward here Yuki is going to |
8176s | use the ultimate to make sure the a |
8179s | doesn't walk on forward there is going |
8181s | to get caught by thear the is going to |
8183s | be able to finish that off there on the |
8184s | other side looks like lug is going to be |
8187s | the one Fallen here as the objectives |
8189s | are spawning will be both the soul |
8192s | sealers going to be proed here as oh the |
8194s | hel attack second gets cancelled by |
8197s | dhiman very nicely played from the |
8199s | Estelle on the side of Team saber as |
8201s | team saber going to pick up two kills |
8204s | look like they will be guaranteed into |
8206s | checkpoint after this skill there we go |
8210s | fre is lose their as Curry on the B side |
8213s | ooh gets a tree of life I to get those |
8217s | wolves for themselves as well so nice |
8219s | pick up from team saber but doesn't |
8222s | really matter anymore they don't really |
8224s | need to win this game but obviously you |
8227s | know if you are able to get wins it's a |
8229s | nice morale boost there uhoh L not going |
8232s | to be able to find finish on curry curry |
8236s | can maybe look for a turn here but I |
8237s | think he's probably wary of his |
8239s | teammates that are going to be nearby oh |
8242s | Li is overstepping man I think okay he's |
8244s | just going to go back to his team walk |
8246s | away but yeah team saber they're |
8248s | guaranteed in now they can do whatever |
8249s | they want they could try maybe try |
8251s | shooting some other teams down that |
8254s | points for themselves but we saw earlier |
8256s | in the scoreboard all the teams are |
8258s | pretty close you can't it's not really |
8260s | uh you know a team to really look out |
8261s | for I think in this series aside from |
8263s | Team saber as looks like they will find |
8266s | the K the K is still not having their |
8268s | ultimate up just yet as he did end up |
8270s | using it in the fight with Cur a little |
8273s | beforehand I same saber they're going to |
8275s | be buying their four scores here perfect |
8278s | timing on that too they found them right |
8279s | before the plate came back up you can |
8282s | see it on the bottom side of your screen |
8283s | it is available now as soon as he's dead |
8286s | nice catch from Team saber they just |
8288s | picked themselves up a persona for saan |
8290s | they are really well set there's the |
8292s | dice of Destiny online too team saver is |
8295s | activated man they don't even need this |
8297s | game but they're going yeah that this is |
8299s | what I'm talking about right like you |
8300s | get the split Farm you get a lot of farm |
8302s | on the map and then you get these early |
8304s | game four score buys three four score |
8305s | buys for team saber Persona look at this |
8308s | and a dice of Destiny for uh Team saber |
8312s | so their carries are just going to do so |
8314s | much damage especially if you're a team |
8316s | that doesn't have or didn't get the |
8317s | force score Buys in you're playing at |
8319s | such a disadvantage because four scares |
8321s | they're worth about two transitions |
8323s | right it's worth like the tree Adam |
8324s | meteor mhm um combined |
8327s | so like the advantage uh and like the |
8330s | amount of uh damage and stats he'll have |
8332s | over other teams that don't have those |
8333s | four S bias is quite a bit here as |
8337s | there's the damage coming out the F and |
8338s | waving is but look at com out from Curry |
8341s | it's way too much the ultimate is going |
8344s | to go on in there as team sin is going |
8347s | to fall here I don't know if Tim sin I |
8350s | don't know if they got any of their four |
8351s | score buas in but I'm guessing they did |
8353s | not so we're going to have to see here |
8354s | uh in very shortly you know their credit |
8356s | count team s they didn't even buy at all |
8358s | look at their credit counts they're |
8359s | sitting at 400 so is just yeah there's |
8362s | really not much they could do into a |
8364s | team that has uh |
8366s | basically seven items three four scores |
8368s | and then they got that tree off the |
8372s | uh off the wolf but nicely played there |
8375s | from the from rior going to be able to |
8377s | get but oh not enough damage going to |
8381s | explode there looks like the self res |
8383s | did end going through for team Freya but |
8385s | yeah they're going to be the ones to |
8387s | fall that's brutal I will mention this |
8389s | on top of it by the way I think oh wait |
8392s | no never mind let's take a look at this |
8393s | fight Blaster is just immediately gone |
8395s | he could not stand anything from the |
8397s | side of Team healing dyo as we are going |
8399s | to see the Chloe coming back online for |
8401s | M dog I like this choice we were talking |
8403s | about how it doesn't how the Yan kind of |
8406s | fits their team's persona but I've SE |
8408s | we've seen what M dog has done yeah I |
8410s | think uh yeah I think the kiar is |
8412s | probably a lot better just because it's |
8413s | more consistent yeah you can't full send |
8415s | it on that guy on on on K well you can |
8418s | but not as much as Yen and you won't be |
8420s | completely isol since you are running |
8423s | totem yeah and it will be team heading |
8425s | Dino going to be able to get a nice two |
8427s | kills the Yuki had a really good flank |
8429s | that CAG going to be able to you know |
8431s | zone out and actually I think it did |
8433s | connect onto the deodor so deodor going |
8434s | to instantly fall there looks like team |
8437s | heading Dino going to try to play The |
8438s | Vision game thinking there's a team |
8440s | under them but there actually a team |
8441s | above them wonder if they're going to |
8443s | play for this tree of life spawning very |
8444s | shortly in 20 seconds but I do like um |
8448s | you know these active plays from this uh |
8450s | from from these teams you know you know |
8451s | playing around uh the night vision and |
8453s | you know just you know the console |
8455s | Vision as well yes sir yes sir 10 |
8458s | seconds to go until day number three we |
8460s | know what that we know what time it is |
8461s | super minus 250 team Mage in the chat |
8463s | everybody Double Dragons set up now for |
8466s | umu everybody starting to look for |
8468s | transitions now coming online number |
8470s | three nice Dodge out on the smash of |
8472s | Smith r no now still sitting up in the |
8473s | front lines getting those God of War |
8475s | Auto attacks off there is a lot of poke |
8477s | coming through from the backside as well |
8479s | that is a beautiful shackling anchor |
8480s | it's going to force them members of |
8481s | Freya away that is the hel attack stat |
8483s | out I think team Freya doesn't have that |
8485s | much left in the tank to fight for this |
8487s | tree of life they're trying to look |
8488s | around for this tried to use the vision |
8490s | plant keeping themselves in the dark but |
8493s | yeah tree of life going to be secured by |
8494s | no Den now that's going to be an |
8495s | objective picked up for team tangle DX |
8497s | nice push out and slight slight fight |
8501s | between team Frey and tangx yeah I do |
8503s | like the instant stack there from cuz |
8506s | was trapped in the middle not really |
8508s | much uh not really any place St could go |
8511s | aside from us your ultimate to get on |
8512s | out of there so good recognition there |
8514s | as might have a fight between our two |
8517s | hazes as again Freya going to try |
8520s | looking for some damage onto the Marcus |
8523s | smin is going to connect but the knockup |
8525s | is not going |
8526s | to a lot of damage coming out from both |
8528s | sides but not going to be enough as this |
8530s | Marcus is a little too tanky for this |
8532s | Kia to break through there was a lot of |
8535s | Autos that did end up going out but the |
8536s | Markus only being chunk down to half HP |
8538s | if anything I think team Freo should |
8539s | have held the the Bridge a little bit |
8541s | more cuz shooting shooting Haze Rockets |
8544s | down a straight line is much easier when |
8546s | than shooting it through open areas like |
8547s | they were pushed out but either way |
8549s | they're all alive nobody's still falling |
8551s | down even though we are about a minute |
8553s | past the day number three start Seb a |
8556s | bit isolated this is problematic for the |
8559s | members of team they got to decide right |
8560s | now C is about to get taken down there's |
8562s | a dash of Hope trying to keep themselves |
8564s | alive it's going to be even the |
8565s | investment of the of the ultimate from |
8568s | Jenny to keep themselves alive I don't |
8570s | know how much longer they got it looks |
8572s | like they're okay but uhoh they're stuck |
8575s | in the corner here they're going to be |
8576s | completely cut off by s s be is going to |
8580s | be completely taken down look at the |
8582s | damage coming out the play dead is proed |
8585s | Jenny is going to fall here SE is going |
8587s | to try to run away and that's going to |
8588s | be blanch I don't really like the way |
8590s | they uh kind of paed there as uh they |
8593s | they tried to stay in the corner or they |
8595s | weren't they all weren't on board on |
8596s | what they wanted to do as maybe they |
8598s | thought Tangled Dobby was also still in |
8599s | the area but sometimes you know you have |
8600s | to take that |
8602s | risk um yeah but will be Blan going to |
8605s | lose a member be minus 250 for that team |
8608s | as we have another fight here CA going |
8610s | to actually connect on to zero looks |
8613s | like they're going to look for an angle |
8614s | in here they're going to do a lot of |
8616s | damage the K living for so long good uh |
8619s | kite good kite and peel there and a nice |
8621s | execute but the Perry was mistimed by |
8625s | horrific as the Perry didn't end up |
8627s | coming down but did not actually block |
8628s | the damage from the Judgment there as it |
8631s | will be team Hing Dino going to pick a |
8634s | nice two kills from team Revenge and |
8637s | they will be sitting at six kills for |
8639s | themselves that is uncharacteristic for |
8641s | a horrific man usually he's not the one |
8643s | to miss those kind of Parry skills but |
8645s | there it is curry dodging out on the |
8647s | knockup sebie trying to run away he's |
8649s | using the inviz trying to keep himself |
8651s | alive he will get the healing from copim |
8653s | but this means that Jenny still down on |
8655s | the ground oh team blanch in a lot of |
8659s | trouble sebie and copine they're just |
8661s | not going to be able to bring back bear |
8663s | yet this composition just seems to have |
8665s | gotten out of out of touch really it |
8668s | doesn't seem like there's any pressure |
8670s | throughout the course of the game seie |
8671s | sitting on 5 Seconds now of time or two |
8674s | he should make it |
8676s | out now or |
8679s | Y they are going to TP straight |
8682s | into fire station and they should be |
8684s | able to get the res off here for the |
8686s | Jenny but yeah like you said I think |
8688s | this composition you know it's done |
8691s | wonders but you know I think in the |
8692s | current meta it's not as good as you |
8694s | know it has been in the past I'll be |
8696s | honest with you I don't think Bear's |
8698s | performance on Jenny is also even |
8700s | remotely comparable to shinan yeah it's |
8703s | felt lackluster I I apparently heard |
8705s | there was some kind of controversy or |
8708s | something that sh n got cut up on that's |
8710s | why he hasn't been playing much as a |
8711s | flate I don't know too much about that |
8713s | but if that is the case then that's |
8715s | really unfortunate be's performance has |
8717s | I really hate to say it but just has not |
8719s | been to the level that we've seen this |
8721s | team work with Shin no it's not exactly |
8724s | what I think team Blan wants to look for |
8726s | it's not exactly what their members want |
8728s | to look for either way there that's what |
8729s | they got going for them team saber |
8732s | pushed into the red for these guys of |
8733s | course they want to take the fight again |
8735s | okay they're just going to rest up here |
8737s | yeah great P coming out from the haze |
8738s | here as they're going to have to play |
8739s | into two |
8740s | Mages anchor going to hit both |
8742s | backliners here's the soul stealer are |
8744s | they going to try looking to run forward |
8746s | here duim going to try looking for an |
8747s | angle back in the Frailty is already |
8750s | proed there |
8751s | going to get a lot of damage he drone |
8752s | already down as well on there wait a |
8755s | second going to try |
8758s | try going to get |
8759s | instantly uh denied and rori finds an |
8762s | angle going to be able to uh get one but |
8764s | wait a second rori or sorry s is going |
8766s | to be able to trade one kill but they |
8769s | will be losing two members and look at |
8771s | the credits of Team saber here they are |
8773s | sitting on 500 on each member kind of |
8777s | have to wonder you know if they had |
8779s | their buys they would have been able to |
8780s | win but you know that other team just |
8781s | completely denying any opportunity for |
8783s | them to buy in in hospital so will be a |
8785s | minus 250 coming out for orus 500 coming |
8789s | out for team saber blood will go over to |
8791s | the side of the Adriana as you do end up |
8795s | using the kiosk on the top side I think |
8796s | this is still okay by the way for team |
8798s | saver because well of course anything |
8801s | that happens in this game is still fine |
8802s | they live because saton was able to pick |
8804s | up Phoenix Park the rest of the members |
8806s | of tingle ex have to turn around to kill |
8808s | Satan it actually allowed the EST to get |
8811s | out that that's really big for team |
8813s | saber for what it is I don't think they |
8815s | should have lived yeah considering um |
8817s | considering the item difference I would |
8819s | say between the two teams that saber was |
8820s | sitting on 1.5k credits they actually |
8823s | played that pretty well but oh the |
8825s | ultimate is actually going to go wide |
8826s | from the Yuki but wait a second they're |
8828s | able to find the Chloe as the chlo is |
8830s | going to pop the S link a little too |
8832s | early and take that extra damage and it |
8834s | will be team 10 Dino going to be able to |
8836s | wipe team sin off the map with Nine |
8839s | Kills to himself and they going to able |
8840s | to secure a wick line for for free as |
8842s | well I didn't see too many people around |
8844s | them they don't have their ultimates |
8845s | right now but they got to pick this up |
8848s | Seb the only one here this is awkward |
8849s | yep he's just got to leave this team is |
8851s | so far behind right now with the number |
8853s | of reses they've had to go for even put |
8856s | on mythal helmet for Aon that is not an |
8860s | item you want I think on this guy it's |
8861s | pretty good but you're wasting a stat of |
8863s | the CDR God look at how strong Hing din |
8866s | is they're all full gold look at the |
8867s | credit counts they have about 1,000 |
8869s | credits here your name is |
8872s | definitely tap out here maybe get |
8873s | another Blood going get a holy water |
8875s | onto the Yuki oh actually going go onto |
8877s | the Kiara that's going to be really |
8879s | strong my God the blood is probably |
8882s | going to go over as well yeah so they're |
8884s | just fing this K even more holy crap |
8887s | definitely set up to win this game here |
8889s | they are so much stronger than the rest |
8892s | of the lobby duchan going to get some |
8894s | damage but look at the damage and the |
8896s | Poke coming out from the other side here |
8898s | is s already chunk down half HP trying |
8900s | to do some damage back it's not going to |
8902s | be enough but and the burst damage |
8903s | coming out from the hze SMG burst going |
8905s | to be way too much wait a second they do |
8906s | get a trade though is going to be able |
8908s | to actually finish um the Marcus here as |
8911s | Fenix going to Blink on forward going to |
8913s | take a lot of damage and blink on |
8915s | forward as for Mori as well as both |
8917s | carries are down to one HP looks like |
8919s | team saber is going to be forced to back |
8920s | on out of here maybe try getting the res |
8922s | off in |
8924s | no there's not enough time oh my God |
8927s | they are playing with me man my heart is |
8929s | shaking from them |
8931s | back got enough points again to |
8933s | checkpoint it doesn't really this game |
8935s | doesn't really matter that much to |
8937s | them yeah at this point what they're |
8939s | doing is by killing off these members |
8941s | they're reducing the number of possible |
8943s | kills that everybody else in the lobby |
8944s | can get that's a big thing too nine |
8948s | points that is true uh looks like team |
8951s | Tangled Doby going to try looking for a |
8953s | fight but team Revenge just going to |
8955s | walk on out of there completely fine |
8957s | team Revenge slightly behind we saw |
8959s | horrific d earlier a couple times Curry |
8962s | should be falling here there we go team |
8964s | blanch finding a little bit of |
8965s | sustenance by killing that sattim will |
8969s | also fall there goes team saver they are |
8971s | still in checkpoint as we mentioned it |
8973s | does not matter for them they did good |
8976s | the only team to be sitting in |
8977s | checkpoint going to game five yeah and |
8980s | they're in a pretty good spot now it |
8981s | doesn't really matter game doesn't |
8983s | didn't really matter to them just that |
8985s | two points and now uhoh wait a second |
8988s | cine we got to check this walking by |
8991s | here just in time team Seb is going to |
8994s | go |
8996s | forward great soul stealer in response |
8998s | and both carries are going to K on back |
9000s | here going to get their ultimate down |
9003s | they Al or played already forced to proc |
9006s | here SE going to try looking for an |
9007s | angle onto the Kia I think he should be |
9009s | able to get it here and if he does I |
9011s | think the fight is going to |
9013s | turn suain coming out is going to be too |
9016s | much and yeah there will be team blanch |
9019s | going to come out on top here here the |
9021s | haze is not going to have enough damage |
9023s | with the wait a second the haze is going |
9025s | to be able to pick up one but it's not |
9027s | going to be enough and team blanch able |
9030s | to win that one out but look at how deep |
9031s | they are in red they got to go yeah they |
9033s | got to get the res immediately start |
9035s | walking down they got a couple kills so |
9036s | at least the timer is going to be given |
9038s | back but they've been eating timer this |
9040s | entire time so we should see Team blanch |
9042s | sitting around maybe 15 even less than |
9045s | that and now they're getting gate CPP |
9047s | there's no ultimates available for this |
9048s | team cudra lands on two the HP cut is |
9052s | gone play dead is dead bear is dead |
9055s | timer pop pop pop down goes to team |
9057s | healing Dino sitting on 12 and team |
9059s | blanch put in the |
9060s | dirt yeah heading Dino they looking |
9063s | really really nice here getting another |
9066s | two kills so getting some more credits |
9069s | they can maybe get a couple more Buys in |
9071s | maybe maybe get a couple more holy |
9072s | Waters oh my God the |
9074s | Nikki into the backline here Fenix Park |
9077s | already down to half HP glove isn't |
9078s | going to be able to do anything else |
9079s | though as on the other side no D is |
9082s | winning the One V one into Fiora Fiora |
9084s | not having enough damage into a tank I |
9086s | think he needs to look for an angle onto |
9087s | the back line here but ultimate is |
9088s | already invested a lot of damage coming |
9091s | out lot of coming out from yeah team |
9093s | blunch is in the area as well but they |
9094s | find an angle onto Blaster Blaster is |
9096s | going to be the one who falls here as |
9099s | team blanch is going to walk on down to |
9102s | the bottom |
9104s | side they're going to have so many teams |
9106s | going to be funneling in onto the bottom |
9108s | side uh-oh team l not in a good spot |
9111s | here as team Tangled Dobby is also |
9112s | coming in from red team blunch is forced |
9116s | in Bear still one HP think they were |
9119s | able to get on out but the timers are |
9121s | looking a little low on the side of Team |
9123s | blanch here team tangle Lobby I don't |
9125s | think they want to take this fight they |
9126s | do know oob is also in the area team |
9128s | blanch has to leave right now there are |
9130s | four teams in this area they got get |
9132s | into Zone they got to control |
9134s | Zone I think they just have to leave |
9136s | they have to hyperloop out but no |
9138s | they're going to stay they know how many |
9139s | teams are around here it's to big of a |
9140s | risk to teleport out at the moment with |
9142s | this little time on top of it team |
9144s | blanch is in dire strait but the fight |
9146s | begins on the North side there's a kill |
9147s | over onto Phoenix part not just yet how |
9149s | is he still alive the Carla is still |
9151s | alive how is that even happening he's |
9153s | alive but the third party comes in ohob |
9156s | they're going to shuffle in and this |
9157s | only helps team blanch they're still |
9159s | alive they're keeping their timers |
9160s | intact team Tangled Alx they're in |
9162s | trouble will get taken down in just a |
9164s | moment what is going on sebbi he is |
9166s | walking out right now he cannot do that |
9167s | he's got 15 seconds left on his timer oh |
9169s | you OB they're wasting a lot of time or |
9171s | trying to get the members of Team |
9172s | tanglei X this only helps the members |
9175s | again of Team blunch 27 seconds in |
9177s | counting for the members of oob umu |
9179s | sitting on 14 they have less than sevy |
9181s | right now if they just survive they have |
9184s | to do this 12 |
9186s | seconds he need to walk up they need to |
9188s | do some damage you got to get a |
9190s | killage on oh they get rori and they get |
9193s | now so they get some timer back able to |
9194s | actually take the fight here and it's |
9196s | going to be the side of Team blanch it's |
9197s | not going to have any timer left and |
9199s | it's going to be team oob going to come |
9201s | out on top they couldn't see no denal |
9203s | they didn't see the single person |
9205s | sitting on the left side UOB gets the |
9207s | kill credit they timers are refresh and |
9209s | starting from there it is a downfall for |
9212s | the members of Team blondes they at |
9213s | least secure themselves an extra |
9214s | placement point but that's all they get |
9215s | from |
9217s | Uptown yeah and oh oh wait a second this |
9219s | will be team heading Dino actually going |
9221s | to be able to secure the Zone first |
9223s | because team oo be decided to get some |
9226s | buys and you know maybe fully get their |
9229s | car and their tank out have to flank |
9232s | here man they have to flank there's no |
9234s | way that I like this angle from thei I |
9237s | really like this angle he's actually |
9238s | sitting on the bottom side in a blind |
9239s | spot here the ward is and uh the camera |
9242s | is end up placing down on the bottom |
9244s | side so they should actually see the |
9245s | Yuki coming around but here we go for an |
9248s | angle going to be able to get a second |
9250s | Dash but on away there from the |
9253s | backliner is going to be able to get on |
9254s | out of there to is proed early but wait |
9256s | a second the yeah the ey is dead and |
9259s | they should be able to finish oh my God |
9261s | they did it the flank from the Yuki |
9263s | actually does work they push onto the |
9264s | backline too much invested running away |
9266s | team heading Dino 15 kills in first |
9270s | place to get 23 points off of this game |
9272s | and that right there is the performance |
9274s | we wanted to see from hang Dino well |
9276s | played to this team one of our newcomers |
9278s | to the lcq scene I've actually never |
9280s | seen the wind screen for the for the |
9282s | skin before that is |
9285s | that that is pretty cool but yeah very |
9288s | nicely played from the Yuki the Yuki |
9291s | actually using the tank as taxi so you |
9294s | know the Yuki e on forward gets the |
9297s | reset uh cool down on the E instantly |
9299s | presses his uh button up and has e again |
9302s | instantly and it's able to dash on in to |
9304s | the backline able to get both of them uh |
9307s | to blow their uh movement tactical skill |
9312s | because he does end up using quake and |
9313s | then just instantly ripping the Cuda gr |
9315s | so both of them already forced to Blink |
9317s | or use e shift away and the followup is |
9319s | just there for or the side of Team uh |
9322s | Doo and yeah that's very very nicely |
9325s | played by them so huge man I again I I |
9328s | I'm surprised that it was Hing Dino that |
9330s | showed us this kind of performance |
9331s | especially with a comp like that too you |
9334s | see a composition like that it's very |
9336s | very very absurdly difficult to get |
9339s | access onto Ana but the flank angle was |
9341s | there I think you called it beautifully |
9343s | hanging outside of the camera vision I |
9345s | thought him walking in was a little bit |
9347s | troll but no it worked out cuz somehow |
9350s | he just double dashed in he used the e |
9352s | used the tank as a taxi got the reset |
9355s | press the button up had the E again just |
9357s | dashed on into the backline press that |
9358s | quick button and you know that's going |
9360s | to be it very nicely played I think the |
9362s | Yuki just able to set up the fight so |
9364s | well for that team and uh able to win |
9366s | out for them he didn't end up Landing |
9368s | the kugon to anybody I think even dodged |
9371s | out but yeah it doesn't matter because |
9373s | so much was invested yeah he forced |
9375s | their blink and their like and their e |
9377s | shift so that's all you really need |
9379s | because when both when like your |
9381s | Tactical skills are down as a backliner |
9383s | you're really uh vulnerable to just |
9386s | getting jumped on by you know a d like |
9389s | since heading D is playing a full dive |
9391s | team right since you don't have your |
9393s | blink or your e-shift you can't really |
9395s | react to a Sylvia blinking on into you |
9398s | and you know just using their Cc or a |
9400s | Yan blinking on you as well using their |
9402s | CC so you know once their tactical |
9404s | skills were invested there they kind of |
9406s | sealed the deal yeah and I think it's |
9407s | even worse too by the way that they are |
9409s | running a shoot |
9410s | it's funny because earlier we were |
9412s | talking about how shukai is very easy to |
9414s | not allow some people to walk past them |
9416s | with but there's a limit to how much he |
9418s | can do that and plus if he does end up |
9420s | doing that he can't help his team |
9422s | anymore cuz they're so far away he used |
9424s | the soul stealer but his entire backline |
9427s | was so busy running away that the shukai |
9429s | used his e once knocked up somebody from |
9431s | the side of Team uh from heading Dino |
9434s | and he had to walk over there by the |
9435s | time he got to his back line they were |
9438s | dead yeah the I I think was I think the |
9441s | I had tried to use their ultimate but it |
9443s | just wasn't enough uh to peel them away |
9445s | and yeah once you get you know chainy SE |
9449s | into a Yan Sylvia or Yuki Sylvia you |
9452s | can't really uh can't really live you |
9455s | know so yep you're |
9457s | dead very nice that is going to be 23 |
9460s | points for them I think because they got |
9462s | 15 uh field kill so it actually might be |
9465s | very close to checkpoint as well I don't |
9467s | think we're going to have two teams in |
9468s | checkpoint yeah we cuz the the other |
9470s | teams were a little too far away but we |
9472s | will have Team saber um going into |
9474s | checkpoint for game number five I think |
9476s | we'll have other teams um getting to |
9478s | checkpoint very shortly as well right |
9479s | after them yeah heading Dino setting |
9482s | themselves up really nicely to go into |
9483s | checkpoint after game number five but |
9485s | they do need to get there right that's |
9487s | the biggest problem that we see a lot of |
9488s | these teams have I believe whichever |
9491s | team was in second had 29 Points so |
9494s | anything below that so 23 points |
9496s | absolutely will not enable team heading |
9498s | Dino to get in the checkpoint point we |
9500s | know that this team has faltered in the |
9502s | earlier stages of the series 2 just |
9504s | because they got a really good game off |
9506s | in game number four does not mean that |
9507s | they are safe to try to get themselves |
9509s | in a checkpoint after game number five I |
9511s | don't think that is the case whereas for |
9513s | team saber we said yeah they'll probably |
9514s | get there and they did team heading dyo |
9517s | their composition is a little bit shaky |
9518s | we know how they play we know that their |
9520s | plays have also been a bit shaky too on |
9522s | top of that I'm not going to give them |
9526s | the benefit of my doubt just yet we'll |
9527s | have to see what happens in game number |
9529s | five to see whether not they'll make it |
9530s | into checkpoint after that one but for |
9532s | now they've given themselves that |
9533s | cushion they've given themselves that |
9535s | platform to actually make it in there in |
9536s | game five yeah they should be pretty |
9539s | close after that game because they were |
9541s | yeah if we look at the standings here |
9545s | they got 2 23 points that game so |
9547s | they're sitting at 45 points for |
9549s | themselves they only need 10 for the |
9550s | next game if they want toe into the |
9551s | checkpoint same thing with o OB they |
9554s | only in a 14 point game and team saber |
9557s | will be our only team at checkpoint |
9558s | going into game number five with 58 |
9560s | points but still anyone's game here |
9563s | there there we need two teams to get the |
9566s | checkpoint and to win a game so yeah the |
9569s | door is still wide open and team saber |
9572s | they are they they definitely have a |
9574s | Target on their back now |
9575s | so they definitely have to watch out if |
9578s | they do want to make it into the finals |
9580s | yeah I feel a little bit bad for these |
9582s | teams too here by the way because lcq is |
9584s | not a place where you're fighting for a |
9585s | prize pull you're only really fighting |
9588s | for this spot so yeah that's like the |
9591s | one downside is like once you get to |
9593s | checkpoint the points don't really |
9594s | matter to you anymore you don't really |
9596s | want to look for like a high kill game |
9597s | you just need to win right exactly we'll |
9601s | see what ends up happening super yeah |
9602s | like while while an ERM and an ercs um |
9605s | obviously in like the finals you still |
9607s | want to play for that placement because |
9609s | you want to get as many points as |
9610s | possible yep indeed but super that was |
9613s | game number four which means we have our |
9614s | break coming up so grab yourself some |
9615s | water go grab a snack go take a stretch |
9617s | we'll see you guys back here for games |
9618s | five and six of E I'll take Q take care |
9621s | take care |
9650s | coming in |
9686s | com |
9739s | think |
9753s | [Applause] |
9768s | best |
9778s | [Music] |
9780s | for |
9781s | Fore spee |
9798s | spee |
9807s | foree |
9811s | fore |
9817s | fore |
9828s | foree |
9833s | for |
9843s | [Music] |
9848s | [Music] |
9858s | speee |
9863s | [Music] |
9866s | fore |
9868s | spee |
9870s | for |
9877s | [Laughter] |
9888s | spee fore fore spee |
9897s | [Music] |
9934s | fore |
9937s | spee |
9948s | fore |
9957s | for foree |
9966s | [Music] |
9973s | [Music] |
10006s | fore fore for |
10038s | speech keep |
10042s | all right ladies and gentlemen I |
10044s | misclicked the button but here we go |
10045s | welcome back to the turnover return |
10047s | Master season 5 finals |
10049s | lcq we are just coming back from the |
10051s | break after games three and four where |
10053s | we had a couple of interesting things |
10055s | happen team heading Dino with an |
10057s | incredible game number four they managed |
10059s | to boost them all the way up close to |
10061s | the checkpoint Mark but they're not just |
10063s | there yet which means the only team |
10065s | after game number four that is in |
10067s | checkpoint right now is team saber they |
10069s | have a couple of games possibly assuming |
10071s | that you know some other teams don't |
10073s | make it in a checkpoint after game |
10074s | number five to get themselves with the |
10076s | win and secure their slot in the final |
10079s | otherwise we're going to have a series |
10080s | where team saber is going to have to |
10081s | Duke it out up against multiple teams |
10083s | that could theoretically be in |
10084s | checkpoint yeah and team saber they're |
10086s | going to have this m available back on |
10088s | the table for game number five for their |
10090s | main comp so very excited to see I think |
10092s | um all the LC Qs we've C always one team |
10097s | you know that kind of dominates and you |
10098s | know they're they usually just get in uh |
10101s | maybe in game in five to six games and |
10103s | then you know all the other teams there |
10104s | to fight for that last spot so we're |
10105s | going to have to see if that will be the |
10107s | case again for today if Saber will be |
10109s | able to get uh in and |
10111s | out early before you know these other |
10114s | teams do have that chance to you know |
10116s | eye for their spot as well indeed indeed |
10119s | indeed here we go ladies and gentlemen |
10120s | game five is underway character |
10122s | selection is a go weather is a little |
10125s | bit weird I told you about this kind of |
10126s | weather before right do you remember |
10128s | what we call it in Korean |
10130s | uh the sunny plus the thunder it's okay |
10133s | if you I don't remember it's like the |
10134s | the fox the fox weather thing remember |
10137s | the |
10138s | trickster I have you told me I don't |
10140s | even remember I don't remember this I'm |
10142s | all right I see how it is it is what it |
10144s | is all right here we go though character |
10145s | selections are locked in I do see a |
10147s | player substitution and this is what I |
10149s | do want to see shinan n is going to be |
10150s | substituted in for Bear this is this is |
10154s | good oh yeah he's here I wonder why he |
10156s | wasn't been I I'm kind of curious to or |
10159s | I kind of wonder why he hasn't been |
10160s | playing maybe maybe he was busy with |
10162s | like work or something or you know maybe |
10163s | something came up but he will be in for |
10166s | bear and we're actually not going to |
10169s | have |
10170s | a my |
10174s | so yeah s uh |
10176s | Team saber will be able to play you know |
10179s | their original again going into game |
10182s | number six I'm still a little bit |
10184s | disappointed in team blanch they're not |
10186s | running cine on the Lenny right now I I |
10189s | think Lenny would be a lot more valuable |
10191s | in these kind of games they need the |
10193s | additional crowd control they need the |
10195s | additional sources of catch up potential |
10197s | with the springtrap everything that |
10199s | we've seen so far from the cine has been |
10201s | reactive there is nothing that I think |
10203s | team blanch has shown us where they're |
10205s | taking the initiative Lenny allows you |
10207s | to do that are they just not confident |
10209s | with the amount of Nerfs that came to |
10210s | their main original composition but even |
10213s | then I think Lenny is a really good pick |
10214s | in 1.34 I've seen some really good |
10216s | results with this character which is why |
10218s | I'm very surprised about the Charlotte |
10219s | pick right |
10220s | now yeah I mean maybe they just going |
10223s | over for consistency over you know the |
10225s | aggressiveness with the Len Charlotte is |
10228s | able to provide you know heals all of |
10231s | her abilities are basically point and |
10232s | click you can't really go wrong with it |
10233s | so |
10235s | true probably my guess yeah and you know |
10238s | you're able to provide that elfis and |
10240s | that heal Factor so just extra damage |
10242s | for that team might be what they need |
10246s | but we're going to have to see you know |
10247s | how it does end up going for them with |
10249s | chin being subed in you know their star |
10252s | player I would say because uh we've seen |
10255s | you know how good chin is on this gen |
10257s | mhm we just have to see how comfortable |
10259s | they are going to be running with the |
10260s | Charlotte here instead a lot of the |
10262s | initiation that came from Team blanch |
10264s | whenever they ran shinan is because |
10267s | senine and shinonome played so well off |
10270s | of each other the bouncy house that they |
10271s | were able to set up with the red carpet |
10273s | and the springtrap on top of it with the |
10275s | trumpet stunning into the acceptance |
10278s | speach the combo was insane but with the |
10280s | Charlotte not going to be able to do |
10281s | that so we'll see what ends up happening |
10283s | though guys game five is loaded in |
10285s | characters are loaded in as well we will |
10287s | see if team saber is able to get |
10290s | themselves a win after they are the only |
10292s | ones in checkpoint or if the other teams |
10294s | in this Lobby are going to be able to |
10295s | stop that we shoots the checkpoint the |
10297s | not the checkpoint but the scoreboard in |
10299s | just a little bit I believe team heading |
10301s | Dino is in second place right now with |
10302s | 45 there is still a bit of space that |
10305s | team sa can work with Team heading Dino |
10308s | with 45 oob with 41 and Tangle dbby with |
10311s | 38 so I think any of these teams can |
10313s | realistically also get into that |
10314s | checkpoint break point tangle dbby they |
10316s | only need a they need about 17 points so |
10319s | a nine kill win which is pretty doable |
10322s | and it's pretty if you're winning a game |
10324s | usually you have about Nine Kills I |
10325s | would say oob they only need 14 tning D |
10329s | only need 10 so could have a lot of a |
10332s | lot more teams going into checkpoint |
10333s | going into game number six if team saber |
10335s | isn't able to close it out here yeah |
10337s | they have to I give them a little bit of |
10339s | extra space because as I mentioned |
10341s | before we started here heading Dino is a |
10342s | team that has been a little bit shaky |
10344s | when it comes to their performance they |
10345s | had a really good one in game for but I |
10347s | don't want to give them the benefit of |
10349s | the doubt just yet when it comes to them |
10351s | they went back onto the the yawn I'm |
10353s | surprised considering how well they did |
10355s | in the previous game on the |
10357s | Kiara well this is a little bit |
10359s | unfortunate for sebie though right yeah |
10361s | and you're right I'm surprised that this |
10362s | is happening too the kiar performance |
10364s | was probably by far one of the best and |
10366s | I think the Kiara was actually a big |
10368s | factor as to why they were able to win |
10369s | the game yes so I'm surprised they are |
10372s | picking this ywn but maybe um maybe they |
10374s | think they need the extra CC here for |
10376s | these backline |
10377s | teams Su is going to actually sit on |
10382s | the the the cone and uh going to be able |
10385s | that's actually so smart I've never |
10387s | really thought about that you just sit |
10388s | on top so Theo guy can't hit it and then |
10391s | the Sho guy jumps on forward and then |
10393s | the Su just follows up with the blink |
10395s | there and it will be a nice kill going |
10397s | over to team fre off they actually got |
10400s | two because I think on the other side |
10402s | that's the reason why she was blocking |
10403s | the the cone because then it forces the |
10405s | Shu Kai to run down the other two were |
10407s | killing somebody else down on the South |
10409s | Side they were able to pick up two kills |
10410s | in Factory huge play coming out from the |
10412s | members of Freya very very solid start |
10415s | same thing for heading Dynamo they're |
10416s | going to be sitting on two kills same |
10417s | thing for team Revenge also sitting on |
10420s | two yeah and uh-oh this is what you see |
10424s | uh during this part of the game is a lot |
10425s | of teams are splitting up both Sylvia |
10427s | and the e both not with their team |
10430s | trying to get some spit Farm but it will |
10432s | be team Freya all together and they're |
10435s | going to just completely lock down this |
10437s | Eon and eventually kill him and will be |
10440s | another kill going over to team Freya |
10442s | here the Yon going to try looking for |
10445s | some damage going to try looking for the |
10447s | my it's not going to be enough going to |
10448s | be able to live and it will be team ping |
10451s | down going to lose another member and |
10453s | team sa going to be able to pick that |
10455s | one up that's completely fine I think |
10457s | for team heading Dino there's still a |
10458s | lot picked up two early kills for |
10460s | themselves that's what two out of the 10 |
10462s | they need keep track of a check I saw |
10464s | you guys doing in ercs I want to see |
10465s | those fractions coming out two out of 10 |
10467s | please in the chat I want to see those |
10468s | numbers tally them up throughout the |
10470s | course of the series I want to see it |
10472s | yeah two early kills especially for a |
10474s | team that's really close |
10476s | intock so it's pretty nice blink on out |
10479s | of there for that Sylvia they are going |
10480s | to get away as seems as sebie is going |
10482s | to win the One V one |
10484s | and uh M dog and blanch is going to be |
10486s | able to get a nice kill still isolated |
10488s | by the way Airline going to be trying to |
10491s | jump on to sebie he's taken down already |
10493s | down to yeah 1 HP here so I'm surprised |
10497s | surprised I actually decided to send it |
10499s | on in here cine going to get TC by the |
10501s | ultimate by the a as all members of team |
10505s | blos are going to be able to get on out |
10506s | of there he's |
10508s | healing yeah what he was super low he |
10512s | just kind of sent it without the |
10513s | Charlotte assistance but he still |
10514s | recovered more HP than he took I guess |
10516s | the early game a damage is a little bit |
10517s | on the down low in the end black m King |
10520s | ekon still early game does build full |
10522s | tank when it comes to all of their items |
10524s | so yeah that's what it is liery will |
10526s | probably get taken down sin on a little |
10528s | bit of a downward spiral for this team |
10530s | this is what happened during phase |
10531s | number three for these guys too they had |
10533s | a very solid start to the series but |
10536s | after that it just kind of started |
10537s | falling apart that's what we're seeing |
10538s | to see Team sing go through there is the |
10541s | Papyrus will be able to lock down the |
10542s | gria fight on the North side U will be |
10544s | struggling a little bit as n gets taken |
10546s | down Airline trying to get himself away |
10548s | but there is a third party coming in I |
10550s | do not believe that shukai will be able |
10552s | to live oh shukai jumps back on in here |
10554s | as airine is completely isolated as the |
10556s | right team heading Dino going be able to |
10558s | get that met for themselves here yeah |
10561s | Airline going to get hit into the wall |
10563s | Phenix Park as a wait a second now we |
10565s | have no die completely isolated from his |
10567s | team he is completely split here as |
10570s | Carla is just going to get on out of |
10571s | there it's heading Dino going able to |
10573s | get another kill so they're already at |
10575s | four kills they just need six more |
10576s | points and they should be able to get |
10578s | themselves the checkpoint as well the |
10580s | meteor going to go over to the Yana |
10581s | looks like I'm actually surprised |
10582s | they're not slamming the um Devil's |
10586s | Marksman but the obsidian GK is also a |
10589s | really nice item for them to go as a |
10591s | kill the Eva as well from Team o will be |
10594s | so five field kills already from the |
10596s | looks of it in my opinion I think the |
10597s | Sylvia is a little bit more just there |
10599s | to proc the the uh the Frailty I think |
10602s | the Yan is going to be where a big chunk |
10604s | of their damage comes from obsidian GT |
10605s | is such a valuable item in the earlier |
10607s | stages of the game oh nice block from |
10609s | lier that I do like the option |
10611s | personally for the obsidian G we will |
10614s | see the shukai getting taken down it |
10615s | will be the last judgment bestowed upon |
10617s | to Airline down he goes beautiful kill |
10620s | going over to the team of teamon it's |
10622s | the first kill of the game not going to |
10623s | be the most amount of kills we've seen |
10625s | for this team in the earlier stages but |
10627s | it's a great |
10628s | start team L on the back pedal here the |
10631s | Kiara or sorry the the charlot is not |
10633s | with them just of yet sh GNA just walk |
10637s | on out of there fortunately blanch they |
10639s | want to get their buys look at their |
10640s | credit counts they're sitting on 400 |
10643s | credits each but getting uh zoned off |
10646s | there from the kiosk is pretty |
10649s | devastating it's definitely going to um |
10651s | slow down their Tempo quite a bit here I |
10653s | think they're going to TP on out of |
10654s | there they don't they know they don't |
10655s | want to fight the team that's going to |
10656s | have their Buys in Temple so yeah looks |
10659s | like they're going to TP on over to |
10661s | Hotel get their get get their Buys in |
10663s | over here and maybe play for those Beach |
10664s | bearss Yep this is still a pretty stable |
10667s | game I will say for the the most part |
10669s | everybody's buying up their transitions |
10670s | I saw UOB just picking up the dragon f |
10673s | for umu I saw the holy order picked up |
10675s | for Tang Gabi onto the onto the haze |
10679s | transition timings are actually really |
10680s | good for everybody I'm not sure if |
10682s | anyone's uncomfortable fighting at this |
10684s | stage the uh the battle zones might be a |
10686s | little bit finicky I do see some teams |
10688s | hanging around with a bit of credits on |
10690s | their side but these are the credit |
10692s | break points the teams already have |
10694s | invested into lier looking to invest |
10696s | into it there we go plague has been po |
10698s | beautiful route coming in from the |
10700s | radiant Brilliance keeps everybody in |
10702s | the plag and it will continue nicely |
10704s | done from the members of Team sin nicely |
10706s | done from Aman to lock down the members |
10708s | trying to run away yeah Aman finding |
10711s | that nice queue there and able to to |
10714s | deal not only are they able to get a lot |
10717s | of but yeah that route able to lock the |
10719s | members in place so the K gets the full |
10721s | value of the plague and then the last |
10723s | judgment is just there to finish the |
10725s | finish the deal there so yeah very |
10726s | nicely played from that team from Team |
10729s | sin so looks like team saber they're |
10731s | going to walk on out of there I think |
10732s | team saber did end up getting the Battle |
10733s | Zone and archery for free so they're |
10735s | sitting in a nice spot they don't really |
10737s | want to take any unnecessary risk they |
10738s | need to just make sure they're able to |
10740s | you know scale up uh as much as they can |
10742s | so they can you know close out this game |
10744s | absolutely scaling up is pretty much the |
10746s | name of the game for a lot of these |
10747s | teams we've seen how fast they're able |
10749s | to do that a lot of blood transitions |
10751s | coming through NOS fatu's online blood |
10754s | Happ on happens all the time I don't |
10757s | think this is going to enable them yeah |
10759s | exposion shot perfectly timed the |
10760s | projectile speed actually was perfectly |
10762s | positioned too nicely done going to be |
10764s | one kill going in favor of Team saber as |
10766s | they are continuing to snowball their |
10768s | way into a possible win here we go |
10770s | though nice shotgun coming through this |
10772s | Yuki stuck in the middle of nowhere |
10774s | Perry is good but the damage is just way |
10777s | too much Yan stuck in the middle of |
10779s | nowhere stunned into the wall he's going |
10780s | to try to dash over but there is the |
10781s | follow through from do now great quick |
10783s | spin but it's not going to be enough |
10785s | it's night two death it's not going to |
10787s | be too bad of a deal for team heading |
10788s | Dino but they are five points away from |
10790s | getting themselves into checkpoint this |
10792s | is a bit of a pit stop for these guys |
10793s | they're going to have to regroup and |
10794s | recalculate what their winning game plan |
10796s | is yeah just great self PE from both the |
10799s | backliners of Team uh tanglei when the |
10802s | backliners just know what they're doing |
10803s | it's able to you know play off you you |
10806s | see you know what what happened there |
10808s | the Yuki tried to go in but you know |
10810s | shotgun coming out from the haze to get |
10813s | that |
10813s | stun and you know Carly is able to deal |
10816s | so much damage as well and and the Yuki |
10819s | you know just ends up falling there as |
10821s | uhoh looks like um they're going to look |
10822s | for an engage here the flag is popped a |
10825s | little early get to jump on forward |
10826s | there they're going to try bursting down |
10827s | the the kiar is going to be enough The |
10829s | Shield is going to go through WF is also |
10831s | propped here wait a second takes the the |
10835s | Judgment in and here comes the third |
10837s | party team saber they're not going to |
10840s | take or lose any members as it looks |
10842s | like the side of team Revenge is to send |
10844s | it right onto team sin and team sin is |
10846s | going to lose two members so will be - |
10849s | 500 and they don't have enough credits |
10851s | to get all their teams back up teammates |
10853s | back alive here oh we're getting a lot |
10855s | of uh cancels going little unsure on |
10859s | where did he be a little indecisive here |
10861s | it will be team it will be fire station |
10865s | I think they're probably looking at the |
10866s | mini map and probably looking at you |
10868s | know which items were being taken off |
10870s | the map that's probably my guess because |
10874s | um that's something you kind of have to |
10875s | read right Y and recognize like where |
10878s | teams are you just open up your map |
10880s | while they teleporting or you know while |
10882s | you're not really doing anything during |
10884s | the game and you could see you know |
10886s | trees of life you could see meteorites |
10888s | you could see boxes you know the purple |
10890s | boxes slowly disappear off the map and |
10892s | that's when you can you know recognize |
10893s | where you know each team is I will say |
10896s | team sin it's messy it's really really |
10898s | messy for this |
10899s | team in what world do you send the play |
10902s | there right and and it works out in your |
10903s | favor your Chloe already ran away your |
10906s | positioning is really weird you don't |
10908s | have to direct access to the backline |
10909s | you're dealing damage to a m of All |
10912s | Things by the way as a as an early game |
10913s | K with not that many Transitions and a |
10915s | Chloe even on top of |
10918s | it I I don't know man teamon they're |
10921s | struggling I think the Judgment in there |
10923s | was a little too much because the K just |
10925s | gets instantly taunted and there's |
10927s | really not much k k can do without their |
10930s | flag |
10931s | so unfortunate team sin will definitely |
10934s | pay the price they will be down 500 crit |
10936s | so they got no they got no credits to |
10938s | really get any of their bias in wait a |
10939s | second Yuki is completely isolated Perry |
10941s | is Ultimate is going to get sent on |
10943s | forward but the knockup is not going to |
10945s | connect there there is the on in double |
10949s | bat skill into the wall and there's not |
10951s | much the Yuki can do great chain CC |
10954s | coming out from Team Freya they're going |
10956s | to jump back on in and looks like |
10960s | team uh Team hitting Dino they were able |
10963s | to get the rest though so not too bad |
10964s | they're still they're still sitting on |
10966s | five uh field kills so they only need |
10968s | five more points to make it into that |
10970s | checkpoint break point exactly everyone |
10971s | is still doing exactly what they need to |
10973s | be doing heading Dino they are still |
10974s | getting transitions too only 1us 250 is |
10977s | not the end of the world especially if |
10979s | you already pick up five kills at the |
10981s | start of the game too right you already |
10982s | snowballed a little bit this is one of |
10985s | the old this is one of the freest omegas |
10987s | I've seen in a while but |
10988s | okay yeah team fre are going to be able |
10990s | to get this but look at the credit |
10991s | counts of Team saber I just want to |
10993s | point this out because they are going to |
10994s | be calling in Bloods and four scores and |
10997s | they're going to be looking |
10999s | basically set to win this game as long |
11000s | as they can get to a kiosk and you know |
11002s | not get contested they are sitting on |
11004s | 500 coming up for theine 500 for |
11008s | the adri actually yeah I think they're |
11012s | just playing for the cap out here |
11013s | because they just need to win so if they |
11015s | get these blood items onto these carries |
11017s | uh all these other teams are probably |
11019s | not going to contest them because |
11020s | they're also eyeing for a spot into the |
11021s | finals and they need as many points as |
11023s | possible yeah no need to rush anything |
11025s | you still have your own game that you do |
11026s | need to play you're not looking for |
11028s | points either so as long as you're just |
11029s | playing your own game you're completely |
11031s | fine the teams probably aren't going to |
11033s | be willing to you know send uh and maybe |
11037s | try to you know one for one for team |
11039s | saber just because they're in checkpoint |
11041s | because you know there's there is two |
11042s | spots right there's two spots to go |
11044s | around for the the lcq and you don't |
11048s | really want |
11050s | to uh to like self-destructing another |
11052s | team when you're not even guaranteed to |
11054s | make it in just yet yep you're |
11056s | absolutely right all right I did did see |
11058s | the blood Half Moon built up for team |
11059s | saber that's one transition online |
11061s | there's the other blood being called in |
11063s | that should be the Chaser so exactly as |
11065s | you mentioned super team saber is Turbo |
11067s | strong right now exactly as they are but |
11069s | still you just play your own game no |
11071s | need to force anything you don't want to |
11072s | put yourself in a sandwi situation third |
11075s | party right now is going to be |
11076s | devastating for your team anyways might |
11078s | as well not go for it here we go umu |
11080s | doing a lot of damage over on the |
11081s | backside M dog is taken down to about a |
11083s | third actually does end up Landing it oh |
11086s | this is a little bit weird though the |
11087s | blank cartridge didn't allow the syia to |
11089s | get denied so for now the a is still |
11091s | down U is in a little bit of trouble |
11093s | he's still trying to body block the body |
11095s | block is pretty good but the tomahawk |
11097s | round this is insane he's still alive oh |
11099s | it's a trade but there is no way a |
11101s | shukai wins against the Yan there it is |
11103s | two kills eight kills now for team |
11105s | heading Dino they just need one more |
11107s | point one more team to disappear MOG |
11111s | finally yeah we doubting his yawn but he |
11113s | came out huge in this team fight able to |
11115s | just basically rip team will be the |
11118s | shreds able to get these knockups able |
11120s | to win these ones finding finding these |
11123s | backliners and yeah that will be team |
11125s | head Dino going to be able to win a nice |
11127s | three oh looks like are going to jump on |
11129s | out of there but the Su is not the but |
11132s | yeah actually it is the Su was in there |
11137s | as the Babalon gate expired |
11140s | and yeah we be the Su going to be |
11143s | falling there I think the ARA tried to |
11144s | use the gate again the n gate but it |
11146s | just wasn't enough |
11149s | as they will be losing a member arog |
11152s | actually opting not to TP here as I |
11154s | think the Darko is probably going to TP |
11156s | to them mhm oh that's a little bit |
11159s | unfortunate they actually did that |
11160s | earlier and it worked for team frgs |
11162s | actually funny enough against the exact |
11164s | same team where you leave the gate up |
11167s | for a long |
11170s | time they got to go |
11173s | somewhere oh 85 |
11178s | saber is getting the wick line as well |
11180s | they are basically set up to win this |
11182s | game here they just need to make sure |
11184s | they can get Zone control and you know |
11185s | Force these other teams got to get lby |
11188s | before it leaves oh my |
11191s | God we'll see is is the res going to |
11193s | come through let's see let's see is the |
11195s | sua up is the sua up oh dude I think |
11198s | they missed |
11199s | it oh no yeah that that's pretty bad cuz |
11204s | they don't really have a a good spot to |
11205s | rest here maybe Chapel like they could |
11207s | jump on over and chap I think hotel is |
11209s | still or hospital is still red so they |
11210s | can't really res in hospital team launch |
11213s | maybe going to try to look for an angle |
11214s | maybe they're going to try to look for a |
11215s | fight but I think they know there's |
11216s | another team under them so they don't |
11217s | want to take any unnecessary risk don't |
11219s | really want to risk any third party |
11221s | Shenanigans they just going to walk over |
11223s | into Hotel shom they're sitting on the |
11225s | red shoes they are really really strong |
11227s | right now exactly this is a very |
11230s | terrifying comp man there's a good |
11231s | reason why everyone's starting to run |
11233s | away from this team it's the first time |
11234s | where blanch I think in the series has |
11236s | actually played slowly up until this |
11238s | point they've gotten their Transitions |
11240s | and everything on top of it this is |
11242s | exactly where sebie wants to be right he |
11243s | doesn't need he's not sitting on mythal |
11245s | helmet he's sitting on the dwarf hmet |
11247s | he's got his smash totem he's got his |
11248s | Guardian suit this is exactly where an |
11251s | ekon wants to be exactly right now I |
11253s | mean best case scenario you have the red |
11255s | shoes but you're not always looking for |
11258s | that one he has prep for the Hermes on |
11260s | top of it blunch this is their game to |
11263s | win honestly if this this is probably by |
11266s | far the best game I've seen them play in |
11268s | while but I would agree with you but I |
11271s | think it's saber's game to win right now |
11272s | saber has oh oh I mean like it's up to |
11275s | them to win this game I I I I'm not |
11277s | saying that it's their game physically |
11279s | too okay that that actually yeah you're |
11281s | right it came out weird but yeah they |
11282s | have this is probably by far one of the |
11284s | best chances I've seen this team having |
11287s | a chance to win throughout the course of |
11289s | the series so far tonight that's what I |
11291s | mean yeah oh yeah for sure for |
11293s | sure looks like team BL oh sebie |
11298s | sit there maybe maybe try taunting the |
11300s | enemies as uh he does know and you can't |
11303s | really catch an eon so you know Aon can |
11305s | just you know slowly taunt wait a second |
11309s | gate is going to be dropped on forward |
11310s | but not going to be uh not going to be |
11313s | too aggressive not going to use it just |
11316s | yet as team sin they're going to try |
11318s | sending it onto heading Dino team |
11319s | heading Dino I think they know they need |
11321s | to play safe here they just need two |
11322s | more points they could just play for |
11324s | that placement and should be guaranteed |
11326s | themsel and and they should guarantee |
11327s | themselves into checkpoint as well after |
11330s | you get to that checkpoint break point |
11331s | you know the points don't really matter |
11333s | so they just need to get two more points |
11335s | here mhm everybody on beach they are |
11338s | looking for a spot but for team launch |
11340s | they know that there are multiple teams |
11342s | around this area will not look for any |
11344s | initiations funnily enough same teams |
11347s | are just kind of swapping in and out of |
11348s | the places everyone's camping out |
11350s | remember right here heading dinos was |
11351s | there team tingle Dobby was sitting |
11353s | there and now they just swapped out for |
11354s | the members of Team sin who's going to |
11355s | be controlling that top side now look at |
11359s | yeah and team saber they just have Zone |
11361s | control this is what you want uh when |
11363s | you are when you are the strongest in |
11366s | the lobby you just you know hold down a |
11367s | Zone you force everyone else into the |
11369s | other Zone and you just guaranteed the |
11370s | 3v3 at the end you just have to win that |
11371s | 3v3 and then you just win you just win |
11374s | the the series in this case saber you |
11378s | just need to win that 33 at the end and |
11379s | they'll probably be guaranteed a spot |
11381s | unless these other teams have anything |
11383s | to say about it we do have actually |
11384s | revenge in the school zone and I think |
11386s | team Freya might be testing as well team |
11389s | blch they're going to try looking for a |
11392s | fight onto team tanglei they're going to |
11395s | try getting the camera here team sin |
11396s | also in the area so yeah a little a |
11399s | little tough for these teams it's going |
11401s | to be a lot of teams actually don't know |
11403s | if these teams are going to choose to |
11404s | either opt up into team saber if they're |
11406s | going to opt down into the beach uh Zone |
11409s | here but I think these teams know the |
11412s | mission and they do want to stop team |
11414s | saber but wait a second uh oh that's not |
11416s | good looks like a lot of damage was done |
11419s | onto |
11422s | Nar Darko blinks on forward and instant |
11426s | third party and it will be Revenge |
11429s | instantly falling and heading Dino |
11431s | should be guaranteed as they got one |
11433s | extra kill and it will be the RN 7th as |
11436s | well oh Darko is just going to find M |
11440s | dog here as team heading Dino there |
11442s | really not much left for heading Dino |
11444s | here as their Yan is gone but that's |
11447s | okay |
11449s | they got all the points they need they |
11450s | should need checkpoint they don't really |
11452s | need to get any more here as we do have |
11454s | a lot of fights on the bottom side here |
11456s | team sin was stuck in the middle FL was |
11458s | already invested as team Freya is also |
11461s | here to join the frey as a lot of teams |
11465s | four teams here on the bottom side while |
11467s | we have Team saber chilling on the top |
11470s | side as a Lobby leader with I think |
11471s | probably three or four bloods on their |
11472s | team oh my God the combo is insane CH |
11477s | just gets a |
11479s | no they use the gate over and they get |
11481s | instantly punished with um yeah the CC |
11484s | coming out from Team |
11486s | tanglei you know with that explosive |
11488s | shot just way too much as uhoh here |
11490s | comes the ultimate going to send it on |
11491s | for it's not going to be enough damage |
11493s | but the Q will connect and it will be |
11495s | enough here as shom is going to be the |
11497s | last one left H oh wait a second shom is |
11500s | actually going to get on the top side |
11501s | but he's going to actually fall here as |
11503s | team blanch they just straight lose to |
11505s | 3v3 into team uh sin I don't know man |
11508s | their micro is a little bit finicky here |
11510s | today too especially with the the the |
11512s | Charlotte but here we go we still have |
11514s | three teams left inside of this area one |
11516s | still sitting on two unfortunately Freya |
11518s | not going to be able to find too much |
11520s | but but we see Team s trying to force |
11524s | this I don't know if that plague was |
11526s | worth it man cuz you still have to deal |
11527s | with Team Tangled x i okay there's the |
11531s | Pops I don't know if the execution bonus |
11533s | is going to be enough the Q even misses |
11535s | for leer it's just not going to happen |
11537s | I'm Yan still alive plague should be up |
11538s | in about 2 seconds here Phoenix Park if |
11541s | he keeps eating damage then there is a |
11543s | possibility where Li gets it he does |
11545s | have up getting it but it doesn't get |
11546s | the reset there is no more plague Left |
11548s | Alive for this for this Kiara he's still |
11550s | trying to keep himself alive it's just |
11552s | not going to happen Shield of course is |
11554s | not going to be enough to keep lier |
11555s | alive the chain will land but you cannot |
11557s | walk up any further against Demarcus |
11559s | goodbye to team sin seven kills and |
11561s | that's it yeah considering their items I |
11563s | think sin will definitely take that the |
11565s | car is only sitting on three items they |
11567s | were probably the |
11568s | in the in this group down here and they |
11571s | get a sec they get a third place they |
11573s | get three to four kills I think that's |
11574s | the reason why they had to really send |
11576s | there but here come here it comes it |
11577s | comes down to the final 3v3 team saber |
11580s | they're in checkpoint they have such a |
11582s | big item Advantage I think over team |
11584s | Tangled Dobby I think we saw the Carlo |
11587s | sitting only on three items here |
11589s | Demarcus not having their their boots |
11592s | finish as well it's only rori sitting on |
11594s | full items with that oh my God look at |
11596s | the |
11598s | coming down from satin and from Curry is |
11601s | just way too much as Fenix spark is |
11603s | actually forced to go all the way around |
11606s | here he he did end up getting that blood |
11608s | actually I think he already had that |
11609s | blood weapon but he did end up getting |
11612s | that um I think it was the the arm piece |
11616s | there so they're actually pretty strong |
11618s | they could definitely try contesting |
11620s | team saber here looks like they're |
11622s | actually going for a full flank here but |
11623s | Fenix Park is here by himself can to get |
11626s | the catch here de and it's not going to |
11629s | be a 2v3 and I think that's it team |
11630s | saber should be out of here |
11634s | as if I don't think uh I don't think |
11637s | team Tangi can win the 2v3 here unless |
11641s | maybe they rori can find a burst angle |
11643s | with Nal die maybe he looks for a flip |
11646s | and they try one shotting the backliners |
11647s | but Fenix spk completely Miss |
11649s | positioning able to uh instantly punish |
11653s | oh wait a second the double flip they're |
11654s | just going to Blink on away I think |
11656s | that's going to be it he going to peel |
11658s | back here Marcus going to slowly fall to |
11661s | the |
11663s | Nadine one more damage going to die as |
11666s | well and that is going to be it as team |
11668s | saber they're our first team to make it |
11671s | out of lcq like we said you know these |
11674s | teams uh there's always that one there's |
11676s | always that one just really dominant |
11677s | team in lcq and they're able to get out |
11679s | instantly yeah and if anything I will |
11681s | really really congratulate and signify |
11684s | the importance of how good the macro |
11686s | plays of team te saber has been today |
11688s | this is probably the best I've seen them |
11690s | in actually Seasons when it comes to |
11692s | their decision making overall no matter |
11694s | what ends up happening they see a flank |
11696s | they immediately make the decision to |
11697s | just send it to the other side usually a |
11700s | Cara is extremely difficult to catch but |
11703s | the Wolves came in at the perfect time |
11705s | one when one when uh what is it the |
11707s | Carla used her grappling maneuver away |
11710s | and then the other one when she blinked |
11712s | away two worst case scenarios for the |
11714s | Carla and it perfectly set up the amount |
11716s | of time in needed for team saber to |
11719s | catch up they get the pick off and then |
11720s | immediately 2v3 is almost impossible |
11722s | with the haze especially when the other |
11724s | team has that has a m we talked about |
11727s | this earlier exclusiv into the SMG bur |
11729s | it just doesn't happen instant |
11731s | recognization as well from Team saber |
11733s | just instantly pop the soul stealer to |
11735s | you know be line down into the Mis |
11737s | positioned Carla and then like you said |
11741s | the double wolf assaults they did it did |
11743s | way too much damage with Nadine you know |
11745s | getting like two two to three Auto |
11746s | attacks m and then the Adriana all they |
11749s | all the Adriana need that oil slick and |
11752s | you know that was just enough to kill |
11754s | the Carla and that sealed the deal for |
11757s | that team you can't really win a 2v3 you |
11759s | know at especially at the high at the |
11761s | highest level here it's really hard you |
11762s | know to play down a member especially |
11764s | one of your big DPS Mages so very nicely |
11768s | done from Team saber they will be our |
11769s | first team out of here as now it comes |
11772s | down to our seven teams right so it |
11775s | opens up the door because all these |
11776s | other teams they were really close and |
11779s | team saber just showed such a dominant |
11781s | performance in this Lobby so funny |
11783s | because hey super who's the one team |
11785s | that's also now in checkpoint I I don't |
11787s | know about any other teams but we know |
11788s | for sure that one team is in checkpoint |
11791s | after game number five team heading |
11793s | dinos of all teams our newcomer for the |
11796s | season again showing us some incredible |
11798s | performances they played the Yan this |
11801s | time around and it looked a little bit |
11803s | good here and there right mg actually |
11804s | showing some pretty good prowess on that |
11806s | character but still not banned and |
11808s | that's the character they won with in |
11809s | game number four are we going to be able |
11811s | to see that again and will be ended in |
11813s | game number six yeah let's see if they |
11815s | bring out the Kiara because the Kiara |
11818s | did end up working out for them so I'm |
11819s | surprised they didn't end up swapping |
11820s | back to it but I think we will probably |
11823s | see them going back to the Kiara for |
11824s | game six as I think it is only heading |
11827s | Dino that is our only other team that is |
11830s | in checkpoint here but we do have a lot |
11832s | of other teams you know slowly catching |
11833s | up they getting a lot of points here and |
11835s | we might see maybe three or four teams |
11838s | you know going into checkpoint for game |
11839s | number seven if tting Dino isn't able to |
11843s | close it out yeah I didn't give them the |
11846s | benefit of the doubt for game number |
11848s | five they made it they made it and |
11850s | that's really good but I still don't |
11851s | think I can give them the benefit of the |
11853s | doubt of winning until I start seeing |
11855s | maybe the k then I'll start believing a |
11857s | little bit B Dog Yen has been pretty |
11859s | good at finding picks in the earlier |
11860s | stages of the game but I think he has |
11862s | like this weird um what is it it's like |
11865s | stage fight kind of when it comes to |
11866s | these big fights |
11867s | he just doesn't seem to be confident in |
11869s | landing the skills on the people that he |
11871s | needs to so he under reaches a bit which |
11873s | causes him to miss a lot of his combos |
11875s | we've seen him blinking in with the with |
11878s | the what is it the leaping knee and he |
11880s | just misses everybody and then he's just |
11882s | sitting in the middle of nowhere not |
11883s | being able to do anything he did have a |
11885s | really good fight in uptown so he |
11887s | definitely has a skill set to you know |
11890s | get to get these engages and play this |
11892s | yawn but I think it's just a little too |
11894s | inconsistent so I would hope to see him |
11896s | back on the Ki I think I think the Ki is |
11898s | probably the best for their team um |
11902s | considering you know how well they did |
11904s | in game number three but we're going to |
11905s | have to see you know if they do end up |
11906s | swapping back to it or if they do just |
11908s | decide to stick on a yawn for sure we'll |
11910s | take a look at the scores first before |
11912s | anything of that sort happens game |
11914s | number six is about to come underway but |
11915s | what is it looking like indeed it is |
11918s | only heading Dino that is going to be |
11919s | sitting in checkpoint that is a massive |
11921s | Advantage going for this team whose |
11923s | performance has been very shaky |
11924s | throughout the course of the series it's |
11926s | just that game one that game four |
11928s | performance that really shot themselves |
11930s | up into how high they are on the score |
11932s | sheet right now and then the Bare Bones |
11935s | requirement they were able to meet in |
11937s | game number five just now allows them to |
11940s | be in checkpoint that is really really |
11942s | good yeah we have uh these other teams |
11944s | are pretty close as well team tanglei 52 |
11946s | so only need three only needing three |
11948s | points oob and Freya needing 12 and uh |
11951s | 13 respectively it's pretty easy to get |
11953s | you know 12 to 13 point games just have |
11955s | to get a nice consistent you know second |
11957s | or third and you know get a decent |
11958s | amount of points but shui look at our |
11961s | bottom two teams they are both our yeah |
11965s | the ERM and uh they're just not having a |
11967s | good performance here for the |
11970s | lcq I talked about it in games after |
11972s | games one and two it felt like they were |
11973s | cannibalizing each other they're not |
11975s | even doing that anymore it's |
11977s | just I don't know what's going wrong |
11979s | team blanches again I talked about their |
11981s | composition already with the c with the |
11984s | Charlotte it just doesn't seem like they |
11985s | have enough pick potential when they're |
11987s | team really needs to look for those X |
11989s | factors with the Lenny Charlotte doesn't |
11991s | provide that to you it's just much more |
11993s | consistent as you mentioned but their |
11994s | consistency isn't netting them any kills |
11997s | that's the big part about that Charlotte |
11999s | whereas on the flip side for team |
12001s | sin I I don't know I their composition |
12004s | is just doing what what it's supposed to |
12006s | be doing but they're just not getting |
12007s | the damage pumped out yeah I think uh |
12010s | it's because team sin I think they they |
12012s | they really struggle into these front to |
12014s | back teams and I think there's a lot of |
12016s | these front to back teams in the lcq |
12019s | especially um because you know we did |
12022s | have obviously our lobby leaders and our |
12024s | dominant team here team saber they're |
12026s | playing that Ma with the double backline |
12030s | Haze and the Nadine so it's really hard |
12033s | to really get on into that team and yeah |
12036s | Nadine kind of just shreds the Kiara |
12039s | there's really not much a Kiara can do |
12042s | and then like you said you know the |
12043s | Nerfs uh that did end up coming out for |
12045s | Johan just make makes it so you know |
12047s | they're a lot less tanky mhm there is |
12049s | one small caveat to the fact that team |
12052s | saber does make it out there is a |
12054s | possibility that M doesn't get banned |
12056s | every other game now because one of our |
12058s | primary my players are gone series that |
12062s | is true yeah M should be on the table |
12063s | for this of the series here I don't |
12065s | think well I don't actually I don't even |
12067s | think M was banned last game though |
12069s | because yeah there's only two yeah so |
12073s | every character should be on the table |
12074s | coming out for game number six I wonder |
12076s | if these team comps will end up shifting |
12079s | a little bit or if they everyone's just |
12081s | going to play you know what they're used |
12082s | to and um you know try |
12086s | to try to get into that checkpoint break |
12088s | point or for heading team heading Dino |
12091s | um if they will be able to close out the |
12093s | series we definitely need to see |
12095s | something change for team blanch I think |
12096s | bringing in shinan N was the right call |
12098s | we did see a little bit more consistency |
12100s | for that team they just couldn't find |
12101s | any kills with the the change in team |
12105s | sin they just need to keep what they're |
12106s | doing but just do it better |
12107s | realistically speaking that's all I got |
12109s | for them they're playing their main |
12110s | composition I I I can't really tell them |
12112s | to change things up cuz this is the comp |
12114s | they've had the most success with they |
12116s | just need to find different Avenues of |
12118s | making their composition work in this |
12119s | Lobby so we'll see what ends up |
12120s | happening here's the character select |
12122s | going underway for game number six we |
12124s | got some sandstorms going on with the |
12126s | wind it's a it's a pretty it's a pretty |
12128s | bad dust bow from the looks of |
12131s | it yeah and we'll be heading Dino me dog |
12134s | is he going to lock in the yawn or |
12138s | o I like that they're swapping the |
12140s | Charlotte I don't I don't really like |
12142s | the Charlotte pick but yeah looks like |
12143s | they're going to go to Leni it has to so |
12145s | they're going to go to their original |
12147s | comp here Revenge Blaster is going to be |
12149s | actually on the t wait a second |
12153s | yes and yeah will be M Dog they are |
12155s | going to be swapping over to that Kiara |
12157s | as well so wait a second we do have a |
12160s | ban this game it it will be the haze ban |
12162s | coming out for game number seven yeah |
12165s | narara and Yana can be swapping over |
12167s | onto that one rori al already swapped to |
12169s | that one earlier in the series and now |
12171s | with the now with the adrion of saen |
12174s | gone I guess rori still doesn't want to |
12176s | bring it back but either way pretty |
12178s | much's forced to bring it back the next |
12180s | game so true that is true and quite |
12184s | frankly getting the hay band here is |
12185s | actually pretty good in my opinion |
12186s | because she has been very very strong at |
12189s | shutting down some of these closer range |
12190s | compositions and we know some of these |
12192s | teams like running |
12194s | those yeah but yeah we do we are down to |
12198s | seven teams now I think uh I mean the |
12200s | reason why is because our team team |
12203s | saber they already qualified it is that |
12205s | double checkpoint Series |
12206s | so it's just going to be up to these |
12208s | seven teams to you know try to make it |
12211s | out here it's the only one spot left and |
12213s | it's really up to |
12215s | anyone but you know since we are down to |
12218s | seven teams it does definitely change |
12219s | the dynamic for this Lobby just because |
12221s | you know it's a sevenam Lobby so that |
12223s | means there going to be a lot less kills |
12225s | and map's going to be a lot more open oh |
12226s | yeah |
12227s | yeah and one less team means you know |
12232s | there's going to be more loot as well so |
12234s | have to see how these teams you know |
12236s | adjust to the seven team environment we |
12238s | should see these teams accelerating much |
12241s | more especially with how frequently |
12243s | these teams have been split farming the |
12245s | map is much more open three players gone |
12247s | three players that could potentially |
12249s | also be split farming being gone like |
12251s | this is really really big and team saber |
12253s | has been so dominant in a lot of these |
12255s | matches that the map seem really |
12257s | constricted even if it wasn't them |
12259s | necessarily killing people right the |
12261s | fact that they just existed on the map |
12263s | makes it seem like it's already |
12264s | congested enough now that they're gone |
12266s | now the map seems so |
12268s | open yeah and obviously team saber the |
12271s | lobby leaders are winning every like |
12273s | almost every single the they have now |
12277s | that you know one of the stronger teams |
12278s | is out of the lobby it will be a lot |
12280s | easier you know for these teams to you |
12282s | know slowly play the game and maybe try |
12284s | to get the objectives and oh that is |
12288s | probably one of the worst feelings I |
12289s | would say when you are you know trying |
12291s | to kill someone in the early game is the |
12293s | the guy walks away one HP and someone |
12295s | just pulls up says hey I'll be taking |
12297s | that thank you for the kill and it will |
12299s | be team L they be able to get actually |
12302s | be able to get another kill as well off |
12304s | of him so M getting two kills for |
12307s | himself that is actually got to be even |
12309s | worse right now you now you just stacked |
12311s | it up with the fact that you died to the |
12312s | same team that just stole your |
12314s | kill o |
12317s | oh does end up connecting as uh he back |
12321s | oh he didn't on in I don't think the |
12323s | soling would have saved him because both |
12325s | the Nina and the Chloe were both in it |
12327s | so oh yeah yeah no I'm asking if it was |
12329s | if he popped it because then they would |
12330s | have taken bonus both damage oh yeah but |
12333s | no it was just just simply enough damage |
12335s | to kill the Chloe that's crazy yeah very |
12337s | nicely played |
12339s | fromi actually able to get one of the |
12341s | kill we know blaster on this Taza pick |
12343s | he's really really good on this |
12345s | character so have see if this Tazia will |
12349s | be you know what they need to you know |
12351s | slowly get back into the series ah the |
12353s | start to this game is already getting me |
12354s | excited for what's coming up for the |
12356s | rest of game number six man this is not |
12358s | the start that I anticipated for for |
12360s | this game at all we're seeing some of |
12361s | these teams that really need to be |
12363s | getting kills we're seeing teams that |
12364s | swapped up their team compositions |
12366s | starting to find a little bit of success |
12368s | right for team blanch they've already |
12369s | picked up two I've been talking about |
12371s | this Ling for quite a while now they |
12372s | make the change and they're already kind |
12374s | funny if you look at the fire station |
12376s | it's four different teams actually no |
12378s | actually afraa is uh somewhat grouped up |
12381s | there's like two of the members looks |
12384s | like they're actually going to look for |
12384s | a blaster here but this is this is this |
12388s | is what you've uh what we've been seeing |
12390s | this entire Series where you know teams |
12392s | are basically just split they're trying |
12394s | to get as much Farm as possible and |
12395s | especially when it goes down to you know |
12397s | one less team as well Jes map is more |
12399s | open there will be a lot more Farm on |
12401s | the map here but Blas going to get |
12403s | caught by team Hing Dino they're going |
12404s | to be able to get a nice kill for thems |
12407s | as they probably look for some more Farm |
12409s | but I think all of school is farm so |
12411s | they're not going to be sitting too com |
12414s | and too comfortable with a spot right |
12415s | now a lot of our solo players that are |
12417s | split farming are really understanding |
12419s | why this game has the horor tag attached |
12421s | to it on |
12422s | Steam oh yeah everywhere they walk it's |
12425s | just players and players and players a |
12427s | little bit unfortunate for Blaster but |
12428s | this should now give them a chance to |
12430s | group back up with their teammates level |
12432s | eight so that timer was a little bit |
12434s | long which is annoying it's all good |
12435s | though |
12437s | team heading down looks like they're |
12438s | going to TP on I wonder where they're |
12440s | going to TP to maybe into Cemetery here |
12443s | team oo sh Guai is going to pick up some |
12446s | potato so lot quieter game but it's |
12449s | probably because there's one less team |
12450s | on the map so you the map is a lot more |
12453s | open here I think we might have a team |
12455s | fight coming up into Beach here as team |
12457s | heading Dino actually they just going to |
12460s | TP down into hospital just play for the |
12463s | dogs coming in hospital so probably just |
12465s | playing safe going to play a more |
12467s | consistent game get more Farm maybe try |
12470s | to look for a high roll game with the |
12473s | you know wolf RNG we're going have to |
12474s | see how it does end up working out for |
12476s | them we've also seen that kind of |
12477s | strategy not work out though right we've |
12479s | seen some teams actually place it oh God |
12482s | all right well all he's still split |
12484s | farming he's going to get caught out |
12485s | will get taken down team s still split |
12487s | farming this late into the game |
12489s | interesting about that I think it's okay |
12490s | but cuz if you look at Team s's credit |
12492s | counts they already have enough for the |
12494s | four scores this early on so why is Yan |
12496s | the high level on that team yeah I think |
12499s | it's just cuz of the that is a good |
12501s | question I think I guess Johan got like |
12503s | a lot of farm Yan is actually pretty |
12506s | decent at farming just because you know |
12508s | he does have I think extra damage |
12510s | animals yeah yeah and the AOE as well so |
12514s | they will be able to get so many credits |
12517s | already I think they just want to group |
12518s | up and try to get their Buys in here |
12520s | they're still splitting up jeez man I |
12524s | wonder if they will end up grouping cine |
12526s | is also split up so so many teams are |
12528s | still split from their team just trying |
12530s | to get as many credits get those four |
12532s | scores C going to get caught though I |
12534s | think they will end up uh falling here |
12537s | FL on forward from the haze oh |
12540s | the Q is going to miss but it's not |
12542s | going to matter they do end up picking |
12544s | up that kill so Freya going to be on |
12547s | three field kills for himself getting |
12549s | closer and closer to checkpoint as well |
12550s | I think they were also another team that |
12552s | was pretty close I think they only |
12553s | needed about 12 |
12555s | points should be able to get in there |
12557s | very shortly exactly little bit of a |
12560s | funny thing there by the way copine used |
12563s | his trumpet right after the shotgun |
12565s | blast came in so a double cone stun for |
12568s | both of those two players that were |
12569s | trying to Duke it out and also the |
12571s | carrot launcher did steal the wolfy XP |
12573s | away from the haze which is annoying but |
12577s | either way the kill goes in favor of |
12579s | team I think that was Freo right was it |
12583s | I don't remember who it |
12584s | was um I really see either but yeah okay |
12589s | looks like teams going to get their |
12591s | Callins here we are at that time where |
12594s | you know teams want to just get their |
12596s | buys and make sure they're ready to |
12597s | contest for these objectives team Freya |
12600s | I think one of the only teams that |
12601s | didn't get their buys if you look at the |
12602s | credit counts of all these other teams |
12604s | they are basically fully Ked out here |
12607s | make sure to use all the credits oh a |
12608s | great find from Nel die actually not |
12611s | going to be able to connect the ultimate |
12613s | as the evil just going to jump on out of |
12616s | there as num is getting healed up from |
12618s | the heal drone from the Shai and that's |
12621s | going to be it they do actually trade |
12623s | one kill in the batt Zone but it's not |
12625s | going to really matter kills don't |
12626s | really matter uh they don't really give |
12628s | you any points in the Battle Zone here |
12630s | totem is going to pop great ultimate |
12632s | going to try to return some damage but |
12635s | it's not going to be enough the sustain |
12636s | coming out from Team s is way too much |
12637s | from this Yan as it will be a nice clean |
12640s | three 0 into team heading down and |
12642s | that's kind of what you want to see you |
12645s | know if you're these other teams you |
12646s | want to make sure team Henri Dino is as |
12649s | far back um as far back in terms of |
12654s | items as possible yeah look at how much |
12656s | aggressive team blanch is playing with |
12658s | with the ly why haven't they been doing |
12660s | this before look at him go gloves going |
12662s | to get taken down too nobody gets the |
12663s | kill I think they wipe here dead yeah |
12666s | like what do you do okay I'm telling you |
12669s | man I know sometimes my predictions go |
12671s | absolute whack but this kind of |
12673s | prediction here has to come through |
12674s | earlier right like the Lenny it allows |
12676s | them to play so much more aggressive you |
12678s | see the pick possibility that comes |
12680s | through for team Blan they have the most |
12682s | amount of kills they've ever had in the |
12683s | series and it's only night two yeah I'm |
12686s | surprised they didn't end up pulling out |
12687s | the Lenny a lot ear does end up |
12690s | providing you know that perck potential |
12691s | a lot more CC and I think you know if |
12694s | you're playing um a team comp like Eon |
12697s | and Jenny who don't really have much CC |
12699s | and really anything to really play off |
12701s | of Len is probably a lot better than the |
12703s | Charlotte so I'm happy yeah kind of you |
12706s | kind of have to wonder you know why |
12708s | didn't why didn't they uh play the Lenny |
12710s | you know from the very beginning |
12713s | uh you know what all I can all I can say |
12715s | is I'm just happy that they decided to |
12717s | pull it out now of all times they need |
12719s | it they absolutely need this Lenny pick |
12721s | it makes it so much easier for them to |
12723s | find kills which they need cuz they're |
12724s | quite frankly behind on on points right |
12727s | now I think they're seventh or eighth |
12730s | place at the moment I think you |
12731s | mentioned that our two uh circuit point |
12733s | teams down they need these points five |
12736s | points is a great start for these guys |
12737s | even if it's game number six I think the |
12739s | fact that their Lenny is starting to |
12740s | give them a little bit more of a head |
12743s | start in this Lobby right now this |
12746s | should kind of signify that they will |
12748s | need the leny nobody on that composition |
12750s | is getting banned by the way in the |
12751s | series so you can keep running this over |
12753s | and over and they need to make sure they |
12755s | shut down team heading dyo cuz team |
12757s | heading heading dyo you know as much as |
12759s | uh all these points um are good for team |
12762s | blanch if they win the series The Points |
12764s | aren't going to really matter here is oh |
12766s | my God find so much damage and so many |
12769s | resets on the backliners here he's able |
12771s | to wak so much Havoc oh interrupted to |
12775s | yeah looks like |
12776s | uhel is going to fall there as uh Team |
12779s | BL they find another kill very nicely |
12781s | played by sebie just able to disrupt the |
12784s | backliners yes just get on in there do |
12787s | so much damage on his Aon this is what |
12789s | I'm saying man claps in the chat like |
12790s | the Lenny I'm okay I I got to stop |
12793s | talking about this I'm I feel like I'm |
12795s | biased because the this is the |
12796s | composition that I've wanted to see from |
12797s | Team blanch for such a long time but |
12800s | that right there it opens up sebbi for |
12802s | doing so much more because now the Lenny |
12804s | actually has consistent crowd control |
12806s | they cancelled the hel attack that there |
12808s | is no additional support coming for the |
12809s | rest Shin n has enough damage on the |
12811s | Jenny to knock down the front line and |
12813s | there you go it it's like a match come |
12815s | to it's like a dream come true at this |
12816s | point they've got their composition |
12818s | they're starting to get their |
12819s | transitions online now they have to |
12821s | actually transition this lead into the |
12823s | late game right like they're doing good |
12825s | but they need to finish it that's the |
12826s | big part |
12827s | now yeah and sebie like sebbi just |
12830s | played that fight so well like young |
12832s | character is able to get the resets and |
12833s | able to just jump on the backline and |
12836s | wreak havoc there's really not much um |
12838s | you know these other teams can do |
12841s | because I can just able to get so much |
12843s | damage off able to tank for so much uh |
12845s | for for so long as well that just gives |
12847s | and buys so much space for shom and |
12851s | for uh cine to you know deal with the |
12854s | front line as well Frank I don't think |
12856s | team blanch is good at just playing |
12859s | front to back I think they just want to |
12861s | send it this is a team that just knows |
12863s | how to full CER that's all they know how |
12865s | to do which is something that I like |
12867s | sebie they're |
12868s | position yeah they can't bring senine |
12872s | over just yet we'll just reset a little |
12874s | bit there's the teleports coming back in |
12876s | do they want to fight U Seb sebie just |
12880s | use their or they just went to form so |
12883s | they have to wait for it to come out but |
12885s | I think they do want to take this fight |
12886s | here I I probably would but oob I think |
12889s | I saw the Eva already on five items so |
12891s | it might be a little tough but I think |
12893s | they are slightly stronger so they do |
12895s | want to take this fight team oob is |
12897s | going to back on out of there I think |
12899s | they have a pretty good match up into |
12900s | team oob just because they are playing |
12902s | that double back line as well so if Eon |
12903s | is able to get on in there and and to |
12905s | Eva too an Eva can't really do that much |
12907s | damage to kill an eon cuz Eon can just |
12911s | you know Dash on around and kind of |
12913s | bypass a lot of the Eva's damage so yeah |
12916s | be interruped really easily yeah they |
12919s | will give it up and the four score is |
12922s | going to go over to team blanch as |
12925s | copine is going to slam that for thean |
12928s | time piece so team blanch they're |
12930s | looking in a really really comfortable |
12931s | spot now mhm if we do see the tillian |
12933s | time piece coming online for blanch they |
12935s | already have the holy orders on the on |
12937s | the Jenny right that's the two core |
12939s | items that she needs maybe the racing |
12941s | helmet but that's really easy to get the |
12943s | photon cannon from that thing is going |
12945s | to be much easier to get the and the |
12946s | force scores which are usually the |
12948s | heavier prios that Jenny needs in order |
12950s | to ramp up her damage like crazy and now |
12952s | they should be a bit more confident |
12954s | although yeah this com right here is a |
12956s | little bit annoying cuz the Johan |
12958s | definitely puts a dab on what team |
12961s | blunch is able to do they're looking for |
12963s | extended fights Yohan stops that yeah |
12966s | cuz I think eon's damage is not that |
12970s | high but he is able to have a assistant |
12973s | damage so when you have like a character |
12974s | like Johan to just sustain most of it |
12977s | back up there really not much that's um |
12979s | you know to but bch is going to look for |
12982s | an angle in there team heading Dino just |
12986s | completely on the back pedal here |
12987s | they're just going to give up the |
12989s | Kiara and so w be a minus 2504 team |
12992s | heading Dino is uh the item uh status on |
12995s | team ping Dino is not looking very good |
12998s | and not really in the position to win |
12999s | this game here so we might be forced |
13001s | into game number seven d you do let the |
13003s | syvia res here right you got to keep all |
13005s | your credits that you have although C is |
13009s | dead okay that's a little bit weird it's |
13010s | okay they have the credits to Res back |
13013s | oh my God healing Dino let the Yuki res |
13016s | what what do you mean healing Dino let |
13019s | the Yuki res he was close to a blood |
13021s | sample oh I mean it's fine they're just |
13025s | going to get like smaller items so it's |
13027s | not the end of the world but I do think |
13029s | I do think blood items are probably |
13030s | better if you are trying to play for the |
13031s | win just because you know you want to |
13033s | you want to try capping out um capping |
13036s | out higher but I think in their position |
13039s | right now because they're so far behind |
13041s | they just need they just need as SL |
13042s | items are they far behind they only I I |
13045s | think it's the firstus 250 isn't it um |
13048s | it's the first minus 250 but they |
13050s | haven't been getting that much farm and |
13053s | they also have not been contesting |
13054s | objectives so in tr's other teams |
13056s | they're actually really far behind I |
13058s | suppose huh I I suppose at this point |
13060s | maybe they did get Devil's Marksman and |
13063s | the ey of Argos right so maybe those two |
13064s | transitions are worth of NOS Fatu on on |
13067s | the K which I'm still a little bit |
13070s | hesitant about but I can see where |
13071s | they're coming from in the end that's |
13073s | the decision they made they're going to |
13074s | have to just run with it yeah and uhoh |
13077s | team Hing Dino is kind of stuck in the |
13078s | middle here as Team LA going to full |
13081s | send will they be able to find an angle |
13082s | the Yuki's on in maybe into the back |
13085s | line here but the peel on the kite back |
13087s | might be good they can't kill anyone man |
13090s | oh wait the the play dead is proed here |
13092s | as they actually trade one for one as |
13094s | they kill cine as well but a nice |
13096s | followup there from the Sylvia Sylvia |
13098s | will actually kill the Jenny on their |
13100s | down after they get out of the play that |
13103s | as it will be Team D heading Dino |
13106s | actually going to be able to win that |
13106s | one up trading uh two kills for one but |
13111s | they're going to be able to get the r |
13112s | off so actually not going to they're not |
13113s | going to lose any credits there as uhoh |
13115s | team ohob going to fall to team sin team |
13119s | sin finally finding their stride able to |
13121s | just use um all their Mobility to just |
13124s | run down the backline of that team as |
13126s | they will be the ones to get that for |
13129s | themsel and they're going to be able to |
13130s | get this quick line as well look at the |
13132s | items as well on |
13134s | the uh Chloe already so they're going to |
13136s | be sitting in a nice spot to win this |
13138s | game I think the blood sample will go |
13140s | over to the K probably going to get a |
13142s | bikini I would say here I think that's |
13144s | probably their Best Buy because they |
13146s | were sitting on that doctor's gown |
13147s | doctor's gown not really yet too good of |
13149s | an item yeah this lead into the game |
13151s | it's really good at the beginning cuz |
13152s | raw HP is really nice yeah bikini is |
13156s | ended up being made for team sin and |
13158s | look at the credit counts for team sin |
13159s | as well team s yeah they have enough for |
13163s | two extra Bloods here so they they're |
13166s | definitely in the position to win we've |
13167s | seen red shoes coming for liery right in |
13170s | the past with this composition we've |
13172s | seen um what is it the blood Lotus |
13174s | shuriken for sakin those two should be |
13178s | coming up in just a moment I highly |
13179s | doubt team Frey or not team Freya but |
13182s | tangle WX is going to be able to stop |
13183s | this as soon as you see the wick let's |
13186s | see what ends up going through there's |
13187s | one blood sample picked up this should |
13189s | be the red shoes the other blood sample |
13191s | picked up that should be the blood Lotus |
13193s | shuriken there oh no there's the nosu oh |
13196s | okay I see it they got the they got the |
13198s | bikini they got the Nosferatu I forgot |
13200s | that |
13202s | Heap so just want more DPS on this team |
13206s | they are looking really really strong |
13208s | now I would say for team |
13210s | sin and I don't think there's any |
13212s | there's really any other teams I can |
13214s | contest they also get a holy water for |
13216s | the Kiara as well so that is really big |
13219s | Kiara is going to have you know just |
13221s | that extra tank stat that they kind of |
13222s | need but look at Team Freya the they are |
13225s | not really strong themselves it's the |
13227s | Estelle only having the upper Mass to uh |
13230s | to their name so they're not really that |
13232s | tanky team launch they're going to try |
13234s | to look for an angle here tangle Dobby I |
13236s | think also not really that strong |
13238s | themselves as well I think the Haz only |
13239s | sitting on two items too so it's really |
13242s | up to um Team sin and team launch to |
13246s | shut down the team heading dino by the |
13248s | way I think this is the first game we've |
13249s | seen this entire Series where team |
13250s | blanch managed to make it to day five |
13252s | with their timer |
13254s | intact they're full they're full 30 |
13256s | seconds they are full aggressive here |
13258s | just looking for an angle Fenix Park |
13259s | already down to 1 HP oh no does get |
13262s | tagged by the rocket and it will be a |
13265s | kill going to the side of Team Freya |
13268s | team Tangled daby will end up losing one |
13270s | member where is Lumi now is Lumi |
13273s | anywhere around I don't see it on like |
13276s | are they going look for send no team |
13279s | heading Dino was trying to play Passive |
13281s | we've seen this work sometimes for teams |
13283s | that you know want to just win after the |
13285s | checkpoint but we've also seen |
13287s | situations where playing passive kind of |
13289s | screws with you a little bit se's going |
13290s | to full send it they lost against this |
13292s | team earlier remember but they want to |
13293s | try it one more time is Seb yep team |
13297s | heading din getting sent to the north |
13298s | side of the map they got to try to not |
13300s | get third parted they're pushing their |
13301s | way on through shom gets tagged all the |
13303s | way down but the third part is coming in |
13305s | the Yuki out now he needs to run away |
13307s | the Parry is actually going to kill him |
13310s | no down he goes the Yuki will fall down |
13313s | holy crap the damage what oh my God okay |
13316s | yeah s shom is going to fall here as |
13318s | another third part here in the area can |
13320s | heading down get the res here Yuki is |
13322s | still alive 15 seconds I don't think |
13325s | he's going to be able to get on out of |
13326s | here maybe Yuki can sneak his body into |
13328s | Chapel here but Lumi was also just |
13331s | recently bought wait a second wait a |
13332s | second Lum is coming down |
13334s | oh might be able to get the or heading |
13337s | Dino might be able to get the res here |
13339s | as uh Lumi is going to run straight into |
13340s | the hands of Team heading Dino and it do |
13343s | get the res off oh team sin's not there |
13345s | to to reciprocate the the call it's |
13349s | that's really bad for this Lobby team |
13351s | blanch has been eliminated team sin is |
13353s | still sitting around we got 30 seconds |
13355s | to go until the temporary Z is too |
13357s | strong I don't think I don't think |
13358s | they're I don't think they can lose this |
13360s | fight but here comes the ultimate |
13361s | they're going to send it on in look at |
13363s | the damage syvia already down to one HP |
13365s | both K alts are going to go through they |
13367s | try look for an angle on the back line |
13368s | Yuki is goingon to fall and yeah that's |
13370s | going to be it team sin is going to be |
13372s | the ones that come out on top silia |
13374s | tries to go in they do end up trading |
13375s | one but team heading Dino will end up |
13378s | falling here so we will go to a game |
13381s | number seven this is sin's game to win |
13383s | they have so many items they're on two |
13385s | bloods they're on holy water on the |
13387s | Kiara they got some more credits so they |
13389s | get some more Buys in here as team |
13392s | tangel Dobby they're going to try |
13393s | looking what is this a rot kit |
13396s | oh they're trying to deny points this is |
13397s | so smart that's kind of smart |
13400s | yeah team yeah even asides from heading |
13403s | Dino I don't think anyone getting a |
13404s | checkpoint after this game the kill |
13405s | counts are too low even for team sin |
13408s | team Freya I think they |
13411s | are remember how many points they had I |
13413s | think they need like one more I think |
13414s | they they need 12 and of course of all |
13417s | people it's no Den now to come up with |
13418s | the strategy man this guy always comes |
13420s | up with the funniest things to do on |
13422s | Lumia Island if I showed this clip to |
13424s | vik Sirus I think he would completely |
13426s | agree this is one of those things that |
13427s | it's like a no the now kind of thought |
13429s | process you |
13431s | know yeah team okay so team Freya they |
13433s | need |
13435s | 13 uh cuz they're on 42 so they need to |
13438s | get two kills here at |
13441s | least at the very least two kills |
13444s | obviously if they get three like they |
13445s | already win but they just need |
13449s | two all right we'll see Team sin is |
13451s | absurdly strong you and I have already |
13453s | mentioned that we do have they got a |
13456s | blood Ripper as well they swapped the |
13457s | blood Ripper from the necro that's kind |
13459s | of crazy oh they gave it to the K look |
13461s | at the K item there three Bloods holy |
13464s | crap man the bikini actually no that was |
13466s | already that was already something we |
13467s | saw earlier cuz the Necronomicon was |
13470s | already built even before happened the |
13472s | necro just swapped cuz so the they want |
13474s | another Blood but they blood they they |
13476s | get the blood Ripper to oh the the Chloe |
13479s | the Chloe and then they swapped the |
13481s | necro to the Kiara so yeah the Kiara can |
13485s | basically just R press R R2 shot in back |
13489s | R R2 and Q this is the problem it's |
13491s | thing corridors right up against the |
13492s | hazes very very close range characters |
13495s | the knock up's not going to go but |
13497s | they've gotten position of Advantage liy |
13499s | oh wait talking oh that's not good oh |
13504s | but wait a second wait they're still |
13505s | going the totem com out there gine there |
13507s | was a guillotin oh wait this is really |
13509s | weird they're trying to still full send |
13510s | it this only buy time for the CL for the |
13512s | K to get ultimate back but the C is |
13514s | still going she still has |
13515s | but no wait a second the trade just |
13518s | isn't there liui doesn't have anything |
13520s | for himself he doesn't have the pl the |
13522s | damage is there but he doesn't land the |
13523s | chain buum still taking down low what is |
13525s | the cool down on the plague right now he |
13527s | is still buying time as much as possible |
13528s | what is buum doing he's still trying to |
13530s | heal back up where is the plag he's got |
13532s | about the time he's got the time Vis |
13535s | night vision he can't see he can't see |
13537s | what the hell is this he can't see no is |
13541s | oh my God what the what did I just watch |
13546s | man all right that means team Freya is a |
13548s | checkpoint what the hell a lot of |
13551s | misplays coming out from both sides here |
13554s | looks like the but I think sin they just |
13557s | tried to send it they pulled the trigger |
13558s | way too hard the K aled in tried to use |
13560s | the Q great peel back from Team Freya |
13563s | team fre just played it so well you know |
13565s | just capitalizing on all the misplays |
13566s | from Team sin I think team sin K aled |
13570s | forward Chloe didn't press R just burst |
13573s | it down and then the very at the very |
13576s | end there as well tried to use their R |
13577s | but not in range night vision can't of |
13579s | see anything and team Freya just |
13582s | capitalized on all their mistakes and |
13584s | they will take that win and it'll be our |
13586s | second team in checkpoint for |
13589s | technically third team in checkpoint |
13591s | because you like a team already |
13594s | qualified but second team uh or two |
13596s | teams will be in checkpoint now going |
13598s | into game number seven dude I don't I |
13601s | don't even know man and also like the |
13604s | sniper skill too was like why would like |
13606s | you sniper skill there like really if |
13609s | there if Kiara had cataclasm back up on |
13611s | on N foru she was absolutely dead yeah I |
13615s | don't know man that |
13617s | was that was uh that was quite the fight |
13620s | to watch yeah well it was at least funny |
13623s | for us game six is the time when we |
13624s | start getting a little bit tired that |
13625s | woke me up if anything so really funny |
13629s | and I guess in the end no Dell's efforts |
13631s | of not letting a team try to get |
13633s | checkpoint was in vain because team sin |
13636s | did a little bit of an oopsy it's all |
13637s | good though they did manage to pick up a |
13639s | couple kills towards the |
13642s | end they got second place like seven |
13644s | kills for themselves so not too bad of a |
13646s | game for them they got 12 points but |
13650s | definitely um you know if I was sin |
13654s | right like that's kind of devastating |
13658s | that's a mental boom yeah yeah luckily |
13661s | they're going to we're going to go into |
13662s | a break after this one so they should |
13663s | try to get their mental state back but |
13665s | but yeah that's a little bit which |
13667s | should have been a free first for them |
13669s | but they just decided to rush hard and |
13672s | you know they paid the price so |
13673s | hopefully they learn you know for the |
13674s | next upcoming games when you have such a |
13677s | big lead right so just let them play |
13679s | into you you don't have to full send it |
13680s | there you know you have that Chloe you |
13682s | have the Johan um you know poke as well |
13686s | I think a little too hasty probably just |
13688s | thinking you know we we have it in the |
13689s | bag I could just send it in you know get |
13691s | some damage on the backline but you know |
13693s | immediately it's punished exact exactly |
13695s | and I I I do kind of get why they wanted |
13698s | to rushan because the K already invested |
13701s | ultimate and even if that team goes into |
13704s | the final Zone I think with a Hayes and |
13706s | the and a karia eventually they'll get |
13708s | pushed out and they don't want that kind |
13710s | of situation to happen so I do see why |
13712s | they wanted to keep pushing it but K |
13715s | ultimate is not that long of a cool down |
13717s | this Lan into the game it really is not |
13720s | especially with the transitions that the |
13721s | kiar was sitting on that's like 20 |
13724s | seconds maybe 30 if you're not running |
13726s | recharge you should have probably played |
13730s | off of the plague that is your main |
13733s | damage Source I think on that |
13734s | composition especially if the Khloe |
13735s | isn't constantly throwing Autos which |
13737s | she couldn't cuz she was chasing |
13740s | people yeah I saw the angle for for the |
13743s | kar to jump in because if theara did end |
13745s | up you know using getting the ultimate |
13747s | damage and then getting the double Q on |
13749s | the backline it would have probably |
13751s | changed the fight of the fight because |
13753s | you know K sitting on those three Bloods |
13756s | I think one Q will do probably half of |
13758s | the backliners HP |
13761s | but quarter yeah the problem is uh you |
13764s | know you're playing in two you know |
13766s | pretty good players so they just were |
13768s | able to kite back well there and then |
13770s | they stge it out and they're able to |
13773s | punish and actually wait a second oh we |
13775s | have three teams on checkpoint here as T |
13778s | tackle Dobby also got in a mix here so |
13782s | yeah almost half of more than half of |
13784s | our teams will will be in checkpoint |
13786s | going into game number seven indeed |
13788s | tanglei is clawing their way up towards |
13790s | checkpoint Mark they've gotten through |
13792s | it 57 points congratulations to them |
13794s | they just have to win one more game in |
13795s | order to do so but on the flip side on |
13798s | the bottom half of our of our scoreboard |
13801s | are teams that actually started to step |
13802s | up starting from game number six we saw |
13804s | team blanch stepping up with the Lenny |
13806s | we saw team sin also doing pretty good |
13808s | in the game just now as well they |
13810s | started turning around their fade a |
13811s | little bit for game number six UOB has |
13814s | been playing relatively consistent |
13816s | throughout the course of today it's just |
13817s | their performance with the score aspect |
13820s | isn't showing but this is something that |
13821s | we've also seen team oob struggle with |
13823s | in the past cuz as an Ava unless the |
13826s | fight is straight up straightforward and |
13828s | you guys are doing a real 3v3 Ava pokes |
13831s | some people out and then they just leave |
13833s | so it's kind of hard to lock down some |
13834s | kills sometimes we'll see if they're |
13836s | able to succeed when they come back from |
13837s | the break but as I said we got a break |
13840s | super so all of you guys in the chat go |
13842s | grab some water go grab some snacks go |
13844s | take a stretch we'll see you guys back |
13845s | here for games seven eight potentially |
13847s | eight for the ER lcq yeah I think we're |
13851s | ending probably on eight but or seven |
13854s | eight like this is probably our last uh |
13856s | break here but who knows maybe uh maybe |
13858s | those teams uh come out and show us that |
13861s | we we'll go to a game nine or 10 but |
13864s | yeah we'll see you guys uh in a bit |
13904s | fore for |
13952s | foreign fore |
13955s | speee fore |
13986s | spee |
13993s | foreign for |
14018s | [Applause] |
14041s | spee |
14043s | [Music] |
14045s | spee |
14046s | fore spe |
14063s | spee |
14065s | foreign |
14083s | speee |
14088s | fore |
14095s | fore |
14098s | fore speech |
14108s | [Music] |
14113s | [Music] |
14128s | [Music] |
14134s | fore |
14135s | for |
14142s | [Laughter] |
14143s | spee |
14153s | fore foreign foreign |
14162s | [Music] |
14173s | speech |
14191s | for Fore |
14214s | [Music] |
14231s | [Music] |
14233s | for |
14238s | [Music] |
14242s | for foreign spe |
14263s | fore |
14269s | for |
14271s | for spee foreign |
14307s | all right ladies and gentlemen welcome |
14308s | back to the eternal return Master season |
14310s | 5 finals lcq you guys just came back |
14312s | from the break we had after games five |
14315s | and six during those two games we had |
14317s | one team already make it through thanks |
14319s | to the checkpoint format team saber is |
14321s | already guaranteed a spot in the season |
14322s | finals we are now just looking for one |
14324s | more team to take the last remaining |
14326s | spots after game number six we had three |
14329s | teams in checkpoint I believe it was |
14331s | Freya heading dinos and team tangle |
14334s | Dobby x a lot of the other teams are |
14336s | very very close when it comes to |
14337s | matching their checkpoint Point |
14339s | requirement we'll see what ends up |
14341s | happening in games seven and eight are |
14343s | we going to end it with game seven and |
14344s | have one of the three teams in |
14345s | checkpoint make it through are we going |
14347s | to have a game number eight and have |
14348s | even more teams in |
14350s | checkpoints yeah three teams in |
14352s | checkpoints so it's pretty likely to end |
14354s | here but yeah like you said if you know |
14357s | none of these three teams are P out and |
14360s | going to able to close out the series |
14362s | we'll probably have four or five teams |
14364s | in checkpoints so probably end on game |
14367s | eight but you know we've seen those |
14369s | golden rounds |
14370s | before could go to a nine could go to a |
14373s | 10 so we're going to have to see I think |
14376s | there was one ban coming in from game |
14380s | number six to S and it will be a haze |
14383s | ban so I'm really interested see you |
14384s | know what these other teams are going to |
14387s | be swapping to I |
14388s | think that but I don't know if these |
14391s | other uh teams have an answer for this |
14394s | ban here yeah absolutely rori getting |
14397s | the Adriana ban you are cutting out a |
14398s | little bit again super so I'll let you |
14399s | handle that real quick just for a moment |
14402s | but yeah you're right the Adriana is |
14403s | going to be an obvious solution for rori |
14405s | his Haze getting banned is not that big |
14407s | of a deal whereas on the flip side we |
14409s | haven't seen too many alternative picks |
14411s | for everybody else y considering the AA |
14415s | even while umu is sitting in the lobby |
14417s | Mojo I'm going to be considering the |
14418s | arback they're not going to be going to |
14420s | their original team comp they were |
14421s | running earlier in the series but |
14423s | will'll substitute out I believe it was |
14425s | the Darko in for the Eva instead whereas |
14429s | for team Revenge narara just going to be |
14430s | on the Nadine this is a pretty front to |
14432s | back composition as we know it got the |
14434s | ma in there do we have any bands after |
14437s | this one I do not believe we do yeah I |
14441s | don't think there are there are going to |
14443s | be any bands going into game number |
14444s | eight so all the teams will be able to |
14447s | pick what they're what they're |
14449s | comfortable with going into eight which |
14451s | possibly will be the last round but yeah |
14453s | we do have an is that a arons I think |
14456s | for the Hayes I think for the side of |
14459s | Team uh Freya |
14463s | so yeah Eva |
14466s | Arda Eva Arda |
14469s | plus that is that is a really weird comp |
14472s | yet to play around so we're going to |
14474s | have to see how how they do end up |
14475s | utilizing this but yeah we do have three |
14478s | teams in checkpoints really excited to |
14479s | see you know what these teams uh |
14481s | response are and if we will have any |
14485s | um any uh politics Shenanigans going on |
14489s | you know for the four teams that aren't |
14491s | in that checkpoint break point inde |
14493s | ladies and gentlemen here we go game |
14494s | number seven is locked and loaded |
14496s | players are loaded in we got seven teams |
14498s | and one last spot in the season finals |
14501s | that these teams are looking for and I |
14503s | just want to touch on the topic of Team |
14505s | Freo real quick again as well I actually |
14507s | think that the person with the hardest |
14509s | job on team Freya is going to be the |
14511s | Estelle Cho has to never let anyone pass |
14515s | the line of the barricade if she does |
14517s | then Arta yes he'll probably be able to |
14520s | do something about it but I think if ARA |
14521s | is investing skills to block entry from |
14524s | another player then they're not going to |
14525s | have enough damage to kill anyone so |
14528s | yeah that's what I'm worried about is |
14529s | team Freya I don't think I think they're |
14531s | lacking damage right they're playing |
14533s | it's just I mean the Eva is like their |
14535s | main source of DPS but if Eva doesn't |
14537s | isn't able to connect and you know the |
14540s | the spread of the team of the team |
14542s | that's you know fighting them goes wide |
14544s | they don't really have that much single |
14545s | Target DPS it's just the Evo plus the |
14549s | the ARA damage the art damage is like |
14550s | all AOE I guess the Estell does have |
14553s | some good damage with you know the WQ I |
14556s | don't think they're on the um ler truth |
14559s | though so you know missing out on some |
14561s | damage there so my question is worried |
14564s | about team fre how do you stop team |
14566s | blanch with that with that com yeah team |
14568s | blanch can just go in right the Eon can |
14571s | just jump in I guess the only way is for |
14574s | the nimron gate to you know teleport on |
14576s | out of there but uh oh looks like num is |
14578s | actually going to be able to get one of |
14580s | them maybe going to try looking for |
14581s | another Blaster is going to land that |
14582s | full common oh my God the a is just |
14585s | instantly deleted there able to get |
14588s | their for shards after hitting the a |
14589s | into the wall there and we'll be able to |
14594s | finish them off as on the other side we |
14596s | do have team Tangled Dobby going to try |
14597s | looking for one of the |
14599s | members of Team sin but looks like both |
14603s | members will just walk away yeah it's |
14606s | quite interesting to see how this Lobby |
14608s | Dynamic is already starting to devolve |
14610s | we're looking at these compositions |
14611s | we're looking at how some of these teams |
14613s | are positioning |
14614s | already yeah I think game number seven |
14616s | is going to be an interesting one it |
14618s | really is no matter whether or not we |
14620s | finish it off in this series it's going |
14622s | to be a situation where oh oh okay |
14625s | wow stuck this is a kill for team Freya |
14628s | well if it's a 1 V3 they definitely have |
14629s | enough damage right guys yeah should be |
14633s | very nicely played by the AR there |
14635s | actually using the nimr gate in and then |
14638s | just Auto attacking the white lily to |
14641s | make sure the Shai is not able to get on |
14643s | out of there and yeah will be |
14645s | team Freya going to be able to pick up |
14647s | one kill on this unorthodox comp but |
14649s | we're going to have to see you know how |
14650s | they they end up utilizing it here comes |
14652s | the judgment will be number going to |
14654s | fall there just going to stand still and |
14656s | try to Turret but not going to be enough |
14658s | damage team oob they're going to be a |
14662s | little split here but you know we've |
14663s | seen this team they're just basically |
14665s | just split farming all the time exactly |
14667s | as we mentioned in game number six after |
14669s | team saber left because they already |
14671s | qualified the map is much more open now |
14673s | that we have one less team to deal with |
14675s | and we saw how prioritized these teams |
14677s | were when it came to split farming in |
14678s | the first place Phoenix Park in a bit of |
14680s | an awkward situation he's absolutely |
14682s | dead there is no saving that one |
14684s | unfortunately Carlo will take the fall |
14686s | really good kill for team Revenge |
14687s | they're sitting on three that is a great |
14689s | start for this team spark already using |
14691s | their uh ability and then you know |
14694s | jumping on over with the white lily not |
14696s | going to be enough as n is just able to |
14700s | respond and basically just Auto them |
14703s | down say even if it's early game her |
14705s | damage is pretty good in the yeah will |
14708s | take the fall again |
14711s | yeah just standing still you just stand |
14713s | still in auto but I think he just |
14716s | recognizes you know there's not really |
14718s | much he could do in the situations like |
14720s | a Yuki is on basically on top of the of |
14722s | them and better to get their early uh |
14726s | death or get an earlier death so you |
14728s | know they could all group up here as uh |
14731s | here comes last going to get a lot of |
14733s | damage narar is going to pop be to pop |
14735s | the ultimate actually going to jump in |
14736s | straight into the Kiara but great |
14740s | followup there as they will be able to |
14742s | Bas off basically finished them off uh |
14746s | great CC combo from the ma great taunt |
14749s | and then the followup there from Blaster |
14752s | and from the Nadine let's be brutally |
14754s | honest here we've seen some pretty |
14756s | questionable plagues today haven't |
14758s | we yeah I would I would say so but oh |
14762s | numy again great snipe there from |
14765s | Blaster but num I think this is a third |
14767s | or fourth death already there's another |
14769s | one is going to die as well team o be is |
14773s | unable to find their funing in this game |
14775s | as you know they're split and getting |
14777s | picked off one by one n die is going to |
14780s | take the 1 V one into |
14782s | a oh wait into aazia but um that looks |
14787s | like rori was there to answer will be |
14789s | able to kill Blaster Revenge sitting on |
14793s | five kills though so they're sitting in |
14794s | a nice spot if they get think they were |
14796s | in eighth place but if they get enough |
14797s | kills they can also potentially be in |
14799s | checkpoint coming into game number eight |
14801s | if it does end up going there mhm it's |
14804s | quite interesting because we're finally |
14806s | starting to see a game in eternal return |
14807s | Masters where people who are split |
14809s | farming are actually getting punished |
14811s | it's been while since we've seen |
14813s | something like that happen and for it to |
14814s | happen in game number seven of an lcq |
14817s | that's really surprising to me |
14820s | personally yeah I mean oh looks like umu |
14823s | is getting chased down here by the by |
14827s | all the members of Team blanch here they |
14829s | are still split farming and yeah looks |
14831s | like umu will end up falling here going |
14833s | spring into the hands of Team Freya on |
14835s | the other side great spring trap coming |
14837s | out from shomz here is the engage coming |
14841s | from the Estelle is going to be enough |
14843s | The Shield is going to be placed down as |
14845s | they're actually going to run away here |
14847s | I think the gate was used forward for |
14851s | the Ardon there's really not much that |
14853s | they could send on forward so I think |
14856s | it's I think it's a lot better if the |
14858s | Arta is just saves their ultimate for |
14860s | that um that dice indeed and I like the |
14863s | fact that Sen or I should say just the |
14865s | entirety of Team blanch was a little bit |
14866s | hesitant to take the fight because it is |
14868s | a thingin corridor and copine was also |
14869s | very low I think it was the right |
14871s | decision for them to hesitate a little |
14873s | bit it does result in them not being |
14875s | able to reinitiate after senane got to a |
14877s | reliable amount of HP for Ana to not |
14880s | deal with early game it's just the |
14882s | safety net of being make of making plays |
14884s | like that especially after you make a |
14886s | pick of all things that that's good I |
14888s | like it yeah you can see the mini map |
14890s | here num is actually on the bottom side |
14892s | just farming completely SP farming |
14894s | once again is the members of team will |
14898s | on top side here can he get this there |
14901s | no he's going to die once again another |
14903s | death coming from the I oh my God a |
14905s | great cudra going to hit two members |
14908s | going to hit both the Kiara and the Yan |
14911s | here as I think they're going to be able |
14913s | to find yeah two |
14915s | numbers from yeah I'm surprised the syia |
14919s | die but actually not really because the |
14920s | Chloe probably just Ed your soul link |
14922s | yeah the soul link is down and just just |
14924s | killed the syia on their engage it's |
14926s | really hard to kill you know a Chloe in |
14928s | the 1 V one because of that Soul link so |
14932s | guessing the Sylvia tried to look for an |
14933s | angle maybe jumped on in and then just |
14936s | died to the Chloe yep indeed we're going |
14938s | to see Lumi getting taken by team blanch |
14940s | it's actually quite lovely how I see |
14942s | Lumi being utilized by a lot of our |
14944s | teams because everyone is starting to |
14947s | utilize Lumi by even calling in Recon |
14949s | drones and telephoto cameras Lumi |
14951s | actually has credits to give up quite |
14952s | frequently in in ER you |
14956s | actually is dead again now is their |
14959s | sixth death I think in this game what is |
14962s | happening NE just walked in I I think |
14965s | they could have actually gotten away if |
14966s | they walked but here's what it is no |
14968s | denell he's going to use a smash smid |
14970s | doesn't get the burger flip backwards Li |
14972s | still going to be walking out I don't |
14974s | think he will make it cuz yeah there's |
14976s | the auto attack from Fenix park down |
14979s | goes the Kiara I'm Yan also in a little |
14982s | bit of trouble he's just going to take |
14983s | as much Master he can before he takes oh |
14985s | no that the white lily out he might be |
14987s | in a little bit of trouble himself 40 |
14989s | seconds to die before he's going to be |
14991s | in trouble but pops the S link he's |
14992s | still trying to run away there's the |
14997s | he dead yeah unfortunately just barely |
15000s | not able to connect that uh Q for that |
15002s | route and oh wait a second team launch |
15004s | is going to call in another item here |
15006s | they're going to full send it are they |
15008s | going to be able to find anyone in the |
15009s | back line here is already down to half |
15011s | HP great peel back from so much damage |
15015s | as they're going to look they do kill |
15016s | cine here One V one between syia and |
15019s | Jenny I think Jenny should be able to |
15020s | win this one this one out as Jenny still |
15022s | has to play that as well and team launch |
15025s | they're going to be able to actually |
15026s | they do secure their item as well looks |
15028s | like Eon just stuck uh the Box take and |
15032s | was able to grab it really nice I think |
15035s | response from Team blanch we saw earlier |
15037s | that heading Dino they actually ended up |
15039s | winning a fight where they had full |
15041s | access to the Jenny and the Lenny after |
15043s | after the soul link was over or not even |
15045s | the soul link sorry after all of the |
15047s | mobility skills from the pistol was over |
15050s | right moving reload they both have it |
15052s | but this time around as soon as that was |
15054s | over the only one that kind of had |
15055s | access to them was the Yuki that's |
15056s | usually not enough the kiar tried to |
15059s | send it onto the lny they did get the |
15060s | execute but immediately Falls right |
15061s | after to the Jenny as you said Sylvia |
15064s | does not beat Jenny I think this late |
15065s | this at least this early into the game |
15068s | maybe oh what |
15070s | the oh I think it's because yeah there's |
15072s | a fight happening here they end up |
15074s | getting their Buys so s kind of greeted |
15076s | on their buys here but wait a second |
15078s | Kiara is going to pop the use their Al |
15080s | but going to send their ultimate forward |
15082s | get a lot of damage onto the dean as um |
15084s | the members of |
15086s | team Revenge are basically forced it |
15088s | back away and they're going to be able |
15089s | to secure their box here we go backside |
15091s | we do see finally team o will be trying |
15093s | to Duke it out up against team blanch |
15096s | the damage com out from is going to be |
15098s | enough wait a second there's the pl dead |
15100s | SE actually leaves wait they don't want |
15101s | to fight this anymore did they just not |
15103s | not think they had it okay that's quite |
15105s | interesting |
15106s | senine trying to run away I Lenny should |
15109s | be able to right |
15111s | yeah going to be enough as yeah they're |
15113s | going to try to get their buys on the |
15115s | other side though revenge is actually |
15116s | winning the 3v3 into team head team din |
15119s | is |
15120s | out oh that is not good team sin also |
15123s | finding kills as there we go Blaster is |
15125s | dead then theine is dead too narara down |
15127s | Blaster down it's only going to be stove |
15130s | I think that was his IGN Left Alive as |
15132s | the last player on Revenge there going |
15133s | to get the reses back but that's a minus |
15135s | 500 what is devolving in the series |
15138s | anymore game number seven has been so |
15140s | confusing for me to watch and we're only |
15142s | what like 10 minutes into the game oh a |
15145s | great taunt there coming out from the oh |
15147s | he's got to pop it a lot of damage from |
15149s | the NAD that's going to be enough Nadine |
15151s | is going to be able to finish one Nina |
15153s | is going to die as well and also sin |
15157s | going to minus two orus 500 here is |
15160s | going to be very unfortunate for team |
15162s | sin here they're going to try to get the |
15164s | res maybe in the bottom side oh wait a |
15166s | second team tby it's in the area they're |
15169s | going try to get the res I think they |
15170s | should be able to get it safely here |
15172s | they have the map though I think they're |
15174s | off just oh they do they do no no no no |
15176s | they're good they're |
15177s | good team Freya is going to be getting |
15180s | that Lumi as uh I think the Omega is |
15182s | actually completely free as we see all |
15184s | the teams on the bottom side here oh no |
15186s | will be team UOB going to be able to |
15189s | grab it for himself is it oob or is it |
15191s | team Freya I can't tell no it's |
15194s | fre fre was on the Lumi yeah all right |
15197s | perfect we are finally in a little bit |
15199s | of a low phase as one team is gone the |
15201s | map is quite open can finally take a |
15204s | brether and actually look at what this |
15205s | game looks like now and I see Hing Dino |
15208s | as well one of our checkpoint teams so |
15210s | the door is wide open for these other |
15211s | teams they just need to shut down tangle |
15214s | Dobby and Freya and Freya is on in an |
15216s | off comp so exactly no denell is also on |
15219s | really good items right now I saw double |
15221s | Force core with the |
15224s | the boots upgrade as well as the AXA |
15227s | pangu this is exactly where Marcus wants |
15229s | to be at around night number three I |
15231s | don't know what rori is sitting on but I |
15234s | have to assume it's pretty decent at |
15235s | this |
15237s | point I think team Tangled Dobby are in |
15239s | a pretty good spot to win here yeah rori |
15242s | is on that Chaser already yeah L die is |
15245s | already on four items four tank items |
15248s | they're looking pretty good they have a |
15249s | tree in inventory as well wait a second |
15251s | uh the chlo is completely split here |
15254s | maybe they can look for an angle in look |
15256s | at the damage coming out from rori |
15258s | already down to half HP but don't think |
15260s | they could chase a chlo into red they're |
15262s | going to walk on out of there as they're |
15263s | going to regroup up in Chapel here but |
15266s | look at the Clos items they're only on |
15268s | two items they are not looking pretty |
15270s | they're they're not really looking |
15272s | strong here is they did actually minus |
15273s | 500 I think earlier in the game so yeah |
15275s | this pales in comparison what they had |
15277s | last |
15280s | gamei maybe going look for some more |
15282s | poke not going to be able to find |
15283s | anything |
15284s | as they're going to run straight into |
15286s | the hands of team Revenge does team |
15287s | Revenge want to look for an angle here |
15290s | looks like they do the soul seal is |
15293s | actually popped on forward here shuriken |
15296s | skill is going to be dropped going to |
15298s | slow down the members of team Revenge as |
15301s | what's going on not very good here |
15303s | Johan's taking so much damage already |
15305s | down to one HP but wait a second they |
15306s | completely turn it onto the mly Falls |
15309s | here One V one between the Chloe or |
15312s | sorry the the the actually does end up |
15314s | trading the k k did end up using their |
15318s | alt forward but yeah Chloe was able to |
15321s | win the One V one in the back how does |
15323s | the might die she didn't even use I'm |
15325s | surprised as well yeah the exclusive she |
15327s | didn't use exclusive herself either she |
15329s | had the W's too she didn't I don't think |
15331s | she really used the shils correctly |
15333s | there there's nothing on that team that |
15336s | denies a an exclusive except for the |
15339s | chlo knockup which was already invested |
15341s | I that's a little bit confusing but here |
15343s | we go team blanch now looking for a |
15344s | fight up against team Tangled Dobby that |
15346s | is a beautiful stun against the wall oh |
15348s | the spring trap is pretty good but |
15349s | unfortunately no denell also jumping in |
15351s | at the same time means that they have to |
15352s | deal with the Marcus first team blanch |
15354s | on the backside they're trying to run |
15355s | away there's another beautiful spring |
15357s | trap coming online no Den now taking |
15359s | down dangerously low and now this is |
15360s | where team blanch wants to be but it |
15362s | will be the Adriana cocktail party that |
15364s | does deny the reinitiation attempt team |
15366s | Tingley keeps all of their members alive |
15368s | for now it is team blanch with control |
15370s | over |
15371s | Forest yeah and on the other side here |
15374s | we do have team Freya going to try |
15376s | sending on forward into team oob but oob |
15379s | dealing so much damage wait a second the |
15381s | laser is way too much umu I think uh |
15385s | accidentally using the the laser |
15386s | backwards I mean we we've seen that |
15388s | mistake happened do a lot of Evas going |
15392s | to get a lot of damage trade U winning |
15395s | the trade for the Eva damage there there |
15396s | is the burn to Chris going to do a lot |
15399s | onto the side of Team Freya but in the |
15401s | extended fights team Freya should be |
15403s | able to just outp pooke and get that |
15404s | heal from |
15406s | that uh Ardon it should be it should be |
15408s | enough inde Wick line going into the |
15410s | hands of Team blanch this should be the |
15412s | H noon coming online that is a terrible |
15414s | teleport coming in from they just |
15416s | invested so much cool downs and lri has |
15418s | access to the backline Blake cartridge |
15420s | comes online but it just isn't enough it |
15421s | down goes umu down goes neory there is |
15424s | the snipe down onto the a ironically |
15426s | enough airine Left Alive by the loom |
15429s | some this is something that we've seen |
15431s | time and time again for this team they |
15433s | have the credits but Lumi just Walt us |
15435s | on by they can't res here going into |
15438s | Chapel is going to be the that is really |
15440s | bad cuz they want to get you know their |
15442s | items they want to get that blood and |
15443s | that Chaser or maybe the blood weapon |
15446s | for the a but yeah they're forced to |
15448s | basically buy back here I think they |
15450s | could still maybe get the blood off the |
15451s | Eva's credits but it's not looking too |
15453s | good for team oob anymore yeah it's |
15455s | weird you need the Hellfire I think I |
15457s | think the the damage coming out from the |
15459s | weapon she has right now it's good but |
15462s | it's not amazing you and I have been |
15464s | kind of baited I feel like by how good |
15466s | that item is we've always seen assault |
15468s | rifle players running it we saw it |
15469s | during phase number three but their |
15470s | damage out but still kind of suffer I |
15472s | think you need the Hellfire sebie is on |
15475s | the chase though he's looking for the |
15476s | resets airline there's one umu there's |
15478s | another is by himself in the backline |
15480s | but it doesn't matter everybody's trying |
15482s | to do damage Shi there's the pull back |
15484s | in there's the combo that we've been |
15485s | looking for acceptance speech lands onto |
15486s | the shuai zie trying to get the damage |
15488s | in it's just not going to work as of |
15490s | right now the third party comes in |
15493s | s is dead down |
15496s | go oh teams God they were one of the |
15501s | teams that was supposed to shut down |
15502s | these checkpoint teams but now they lose |
15504s | two members and it's just complete |
15506s | Devastation for team blanch as Lumi is |
15509s | all the way up in uptown and it's going |
15510s | to walk into red so this might be it for |
15512s | team blch here they're not going to be |
15514s | able to deny you know the two checkpoint |
15516s | teams that we do have |
15520s | left yeah what is he doing we need to |
15523s | see where he went I don't see him on any |
15525s | open zones at least in the we have I |
15527s | think he went Pond probably that's the |
15530s | only open area you can go for no oh yeah |
15532s | he tried getting the he didn't get it he |
15534s | didn't get it oh wait he's going to go |
15536s | for it again but he's not going to have |
15537s | enough time this time uh sacrificing his |
15540s | life for the greater good keeping two |
15541s | members alive maybe and |
15543s | then does their team have they do have |
15546s | enough creds to Res him again no they |
15548s | don't no they don't it's close that's a |
15551s | either way you would only spawn for six |
15553s | seconds anyway so it's not enough that |
15556s | is very unfortunate for team blos but I |
15559s | mean it's like the only option now you |
15561s | have two members maybe the two members |
15562s | can look to potentially uh King make you |
15566s | know another team because you know you |
15568s | just now you're just praying that you |
15571s | know the checkpoint teams aren't able to |
15572s | win here exactly we have three non- |
15574s | checkpoint teams versus two checkpoint |
15576s | teams Fully Alive at this point Revenge |
15579s | UOB and sin has to win here if you want |
15581s | to see game number eight ah a lot of our |
15584s | teams are quite strong sin seems to have |
15586s | caught up I did see the blood Lotus |
15587s | shuriken as well as the legatus all the |
15589s | crit items online for this Chloe as well |
15591s | as the damage needs the double blood for |
15593s | rori though bro T is so I think the |
15597s | double blood was also on Evo as well so |
15600s | both of these teams are my God that's a |
15602s | buy |
15603s | man oh my God and the Damage coming out |
15606s | from the attacks okay there is there's a |
15608s | snip wait a second here no my God that's |
15612s | not the team H going for wait wait wait |
15614s | wait wait oh Jack they Recon they |
15616s | reconed yeah that's one of our |
15618s | checkpoint teams they're going to lose a |
15619s | member and that's going to be big for |
15623s | team for these other teams that aren't |
15625s | in checkpoint but yeah team I think that |
15628s | was team Revenge they just they just uh |
15630s | completely sacrificed thems there the |
15632s | greater good I suppose right I mean at |
15634s | this point now it just comes down to |
15635s | team Freya they are quite strong but I |
15638s | haven't seen the items on those players |
15639s | in quite a while team sin now looking |
15641s | for a kill on to no now not going to |
15642s | find it he's going to use smash the SMI |
15644s | will take the right into the |
15647s | arms that's the horror aspect of this |
15650s | game down goes no now right yeah there |
15652s | he goes |
15653s | okay he's absolutely dead |
15658s | yeah oh wait can res do have oh they do |
15663s | they're back in it sebie he's half HP |
15665s | but this is a character that can heal |
15667s | for in here they don't have they don't |
15668s | have timer they don't have timer they're |
15669s | forced in this isn't the team that can |
15671s | heavily punish though this is a that we |
15673s | also mentioned how do they kill sebie |
15675s | how do they deal with this and that's |
15676s | how they do with it it's they brought |
15678s | skate out that's how they deal with |
15680s | this reaction great great nimr gate |
15684s | there oh my God look at the damage |
15686s | coming out from Evo forcing shom is |
15688s | Blink on out of OB look for something |
15692s | sebie is still on downtime here getting |
15695s | a lot of damage wait a second got reset |
15697s | what is he what he doing they can't let |
15699s | this happen right there's no way he is |
15702s | uh yeah Seb is just completely in the |
15704s | backline |
15705s | but again as uh yeah once Eon loses here |
15709s | they can look for another reage and the |
15712s | timer Advantage is definitely on the |
15714s | side of |
15715s | Team great spring |
15718s | trap is he dead oh he is he took the oh |
15721s | my God he took the portal the wrong way |
15723s | dude I'm telling you man Lenny is such a |
15726s | goat on this team they got to keep their |
15727s | timer intact 10 seconds are they going |
15729s | to get the kill yes they will team |
15731s | blanch has somehow Salvage the situation |
15734s | back oh my goodness they're somehow |
15736s | doing it mojam comes back to the Zone |
15738s | but it's just not going to matter cuz he |
15739s | should could takeen down soon whereas on |
15741s | the flip side in Chapel it is an |
15742s | absolute Massacre over there team sin |
15744s | picks it up and we are going to go to a |
15746s | game number eight we will see our two |
15749s | circuit seated teams coming into lcq as |
15752s | our final two teams 14 kills now looking |
15754s | for 17 for team sin this should send |
15756s | them straight into checkpoint if they |
15757s | aren't already team blanch on five |
15759s | looking for eight hopefully looking for |
15762s | enough points to get themselves in the |
15763s | checkpoint too but man oh man oh man I |
15766s | think revenge should also be in with 11 |
15769s | field kills for them I'm not too sure |
15771s | exactly how close these other teams were |
15772s | to get into checkpoint but team s for |
15775s | sure I think should uh should should get |
15777s | in here yeah they should quite frankly |
15780s | have this game too this is a very tough |
15782s | comp for team blanch to knock down and |
15784s | Sen shom has to go huge if shom can't go |
15787s | huge in this fight then it's certainly |
15790s | over although even if shinomi is huge I |
15793s | don't know how much of a difference |
15794s | it'll make there is so much sustain on |
15796s | the side of Team sin Lenny can sustain a |
15799s | bit but there is a limit to how this can |
15800s | go we'll |
15802s | see I think the Yan heal is going to be |
15804s | a little too much there is the oh there |
15806s | is the spring trap is going to be enough |
15807s | damage they are going to get a lot here |
15809s | as is also going to find an angle going |
15811s | to force the plague as uh uhoh the |
15814s | plague he not in range he's going to |
15815s | have to be forced on in but I got the |
15817s | damage is it going to be enough it's |
15819s | actually not going to be enough there as |
15820s | sebie is a full tank |
15823s | uh full tank Eon there so it's not going |
15827s | to be enough as say are going to send it |
15828s | back in |
15829s | because is on uh no ultimate here as uh |
15834s | sebie maybe they can find an angle they |
15835s | are going to be oh wait Seb s a little |
15838s | too far forward and he's just going to |
15839s | fall because it's going to be able to |
15841s | Auto him down as that's going to be it |
15843s | it will be team sin coming out winning |
15847s | game number seven and they will secure |
15850s | their spot in checkpoint as well with 17 |
15853s | field kills for himself I think sebie |
15855s | missed a dash he didn't get a reset |
15857s | which means he couldn't Dash after he |
15859s | got Rudy he couldn't leave the fight he |
15861s | couldn't get his gauge back to go in |
15862s | Overflow what a devastating loss for |
15865s | team blanch I'm honestly surprised that |
15866s | they decided to send it but maybe they |
15868s | were just looking for an opportunity |
15869s | while the plague was down either way |
15871s | team sin 17 kills what a huge game for |
15875s | this team first place and again this |
15877s | should send them directly into |
15878s | checkpoint we are at game number eight |
15881s | now yeah I think we're going to have |
15883s | four to five teams on checkpoint so |
15886s | almost half or majority of our lobby |
15889s | will be on checkpoint now it's just up |
15891s | to these teams if uh to see if they will |
15892s | be able to close out the series D but |
15895s | man dude I'm telling you Lenny was the |
15896s | pick for team blanch all along the pick |
15899s | on to Yana wow oh wow oh wow when is the |
15903s | last time you saw a Lenny springtrap in |
15906s | AA in ERM usually it should never happen |
15909s | it should theoretically never happen but |
15912s | we saw it today |
15915s | yeah I'm really excited because now that |
15918s | hay is back on a teams are going to be |
15921s | playing their comfort picks and their |
15922s | comfort comp so it's really all up to |
15925s | you know these teams to just either |
15928s | close out the series or tonight you know |
15930s | these other team are going to be in that |
15932s | checkpoint break point oh yeah Hayes is |
15934s | going to be a big stop to a lot of the |
15936s | teams that want to do what they want to |
15938s | do and quite frankly we could see a |
15941s | possibility where Hayes banned again |
15943s | because of how valuable she is to some |
15945s | of these teams I know rori has been |
15947s | really liking the haze ever since he |
15949s | started to move on to Hayes a little bit |
15951s | in the series itself we've seen some |
15952s | good results coming out from that team |
15955s | even the other players that's been |
15956s | running Hayes has shown some really good |
15958s | damage coming out from those rocket |
15959s | launchers that is a possibility are we |
15961s | going to see it up being banned in game |
15963s | number nine if we even get to that point |
15966s | I don't know soon when we go to the game |
15968s | number nine I'm going to guess it's |
15970s | going to end here because yeah most of |
15972s | our teams are going to be in checkpoint |
15973s | now but who knows maybe we get to that |
15975s | golden round I don't think we've quite a |
15977s | while yeah I don't think so either I |
15981s | there's still a couple teams that are |
15983s | doing pretty good in this Lobby that |
15985s | aren't in checkpoint though at least |
15986s | according to my calculations I don't |
15988s | think plch made it I do not believe they |
15991s | made it even with the second place |
15992s | placement just didn't have to kills they |
15995s | were down in like eighth place or |
15998s | seventh or eighth somewhere still there |
16000s | seven or yeah they weren't they weren't |
16002s | that high up but I know sin's in for |
16004s | sure I wonder if there's going to be |
16005s | another team that made didn't really do |
16007s | the |
16008s | math |
16010s | if what was the other teams that were |
16014s | close it was so we |
16017s | had I don't remember I'm not my brain's |
16020s | not functioning right now we'll see itby |
16022s | is in we |
16024s | had oh yeah yeah I think |
16028s | um team Revenge might be in as well cuz |
16030s | they had 11 kills for thems but I'm not |
16033s | sure exactly if they were close cuz they |
16034s | didn't really have too many too much |
16037s | placement oh my |
16040s | God bro this scori cannot be |
16044s | real oh yo with 54 revenge and bch with |
16050s | 52 they're so |
16052s | close but that means if we go to a game |
16055s | number nine it will be golden round most |
16058s | likely yeah the last time I saw team oob |
16063s | and re revenge or BL if they're able to |
16065s | pull through they we will go to a golden |
16068s | round that's actually crazy the last |
16070s | time we even saw a possibility of this |
16072s | was way back during pre-release when Mr |
16074s | Bubble Man was casting as our substitute |
16076s | for vik Serius oh my goodness what an |
16080s | insane score sheet now I kind of want to |
16082s | see a game number nine if I'm going to |
16083s | be honest with you I do want to go to |
16085s | sleep absolutely but seeing a golden |
16087s | round is not something you see every day |
16089s | when it comes to eternal return Masters |
16090s | if we're able to see it in lcq of all |
16092s | things oh baby yeah count me in for this |
16095s | one ah game eight is going to be |
16097s | exciting team oob team Revenge as well |
16100s | as team blanch are they going to be able |
16102s | to topple down the five teams that are |
16104s | in or well I say five the four teams |
16107s | that are in checkpoint right now and |
16108s | send us to a game number nine oh I |
16111s | really hope so I want to see the golden |
16113s | round super I really do hey I mean they |
16115s | also need to get at least three points |
16117s | okay we've seen we've seen teams they go |
16120s | out and eight zero kills or you know go |
16123s | on Seventh with like one or two kills |
16124s | and uh they don't really get any points |
16127s | in a round so maybe we don't have a |
16129s | golden round because you know if one of |
16131s | those teams do end up falling early oh |
16133s | boy now you're setting us up for game |
16135s | number 10 stop it oh I don't know about |
16138s | the game number 10 yeah don't do it I |
16142s | know I know Chad's super excited about a |
16143s | possibility of a game 10 guys the |
16145s | chances are astronomically low I'm not |
16147s | going to say that's impossible at least |
16149s | as of right now you're right super we |
16151s | can potentially one of our non- |
16153s | checkpoint teams go a quick eighth quick |
16155s | seventh without any single points with |
16156s | the TKS or F or field kills I should say |
16159s | um straight up and then have our other |
16162s | non- checkpoint team make it game nine |
16165s | that team wins we have game 10 |
16167s | possibility I'm not even entertaining it |
16169s | right now possibilities are endless shuy |
16173s | but yeah I it's most likely either going |
16175s | to end this game if not this game then |
16178s | it be the next game coming up but I |
16180s | think a lot of our you know good good |
16182s | consistent teams that have been uh you |
16184s | know performing well tonight are all in |
16186s | checkpoint already absolutely have to |
16188s | see if any of these other teams who |
16190s | haven't been playing as well if they |
16191s | will be able to step up and shut these |
16193s | other teams down but I think my point |
16195s | still stands after coming out from the |
16197s | break for games five and six the teams |
16199s | that are in the lower half of the score |
16201s | sheet at least post game number six have |
16203s | shown us improved performance throughout |
16206s | the course of the series we talked about |
16208s | team sin they just popped off we talked |
16209s | about team blanch they're also popping |
16211s | off with the Lenny pick now team Revenge |
16213s | has been consistently getting better you |
16215s | talked about how they got 11 kills this |
16216s | game they just had one more they would |
16218s | have been a checkpoint too but that's |
16220s | still an improved performance UOB |
16222s | they're playing |
16224s | consistent but this is exactly how UOB |
16226s | has always played their overall kill |
16228s | counts are pretty low their typical |
16231s | average placement is okay which is why |
16233s | they're in this place and this position |
16235s | to begin with it's it's a series it |
16238s | really is yeah and we'll have to see |
16241s | right what Haze back on the table I |
16243s | think a lot of their team comps who |
16245s | didn't really look too well in the last |
16247s | game um they're going to have the haze |
16250s | back and Hayes has definitely or |
16252s | definitely looked a lot better on a lot |
16254s | of these teams than obviously um you |
16256s | know that one team that swapped to the |
16258s | Arta Eva you know if they had you know |
16259s | the original team comp I think uh they |
16263s | were they they definitely looked a lot |
16266s | stronger and you know same thing with |
16267s | rori as well I think rori especially for |
16270s | their team cup I think the I think the |
16273s | Adriana poke is a little too slow but if |
16275s | they have that burst damage from that |
16277s | Haze I think it will round out round out |
16279s | their comp a little better absolutely in |
16281s | the end it's all about Comfort picks |
16283s | this super late into the series lcq is |
16285s | all about just playing what you want to |
16287s | play making sure that you're able to do |
16288s | all you can to put yourself in that spot |
16291s | where you are going to the season finals |
16293s | guys game eight is about to upcome oh my |
16295s | goodness I am exhausted right now but |
16297s | these games have been super exciting |
16299s | let's take a look at what the character |
16300s | selection is going to look like as we |
16301s | have a sunny weather with a slight bit |
16304s | of wind beautiful day for a game of |
16306s | eternal return yeah we'll be Revenge |
16309s | actually going to go for the |
16312s | classic msj comp or actually it was I |
16316s | think G in that original comp with the |
16318s | my Nadine and the hay we see we we saw |
16321s | this in ERM you know phase |
16324s | three and I wonder rori is hovering the |
16326s | Adriana is he actually going to oh he is |
16328s | going to lock in Adriana here going into |
16331s | game number eight here whereas the other |
16334s | teams I don't think there are many |
16336s | changes we actually have OU OB going to |
16338s | be on going to be actually so we have a |
16340s | double front line plus the Eva as the |
16342s | back I'm starting to wonder why they |
16345s | even chose the ya in the last game and |
16347s | what actually happened to n it almost |
16349s | felt like he mental boomed during the |
16351s | entire course yeah n died I think six |
16353s | times in that game seven in total |
16356s | because you know they didn't went up |
16357s | winning that game |
16358s | so and |
16360s | also we have the Eva still going to be |
16364s | locked in as well the Eva Arda the |
16366s | Estelle oh hey by the way I never |
16369s | noticed |
16370s | this um I'm looking at the the player |
16373s | chat for lcq right now they're rotating |
16377s | through teams and they're deciding the |
16380s | weather wait what do you mean like the |
16383s | the staff are pinging the members of |
16385s | certain teams every single game and |
16386s | they're asking what weather you |
16389s | want wait really yeah that's actually |
16391s | really cool I I could well okay it's all |
16393s | in Korean so you can't see it but if you |
16395s | like look at my screen in Discord |
16396s | they're they're like pinging all the |
16398s | players and they're asking are they are |
16400s | they like voting on a weather or yeah |
16403s | yeah they're asking a certain team what |
16405s | the main weather they want is it's like |
16407s | sunny sunny you know there's some um |
16410s | like oh that's kind of cool that they |
16411s | yeah they actually huh it's kind of |
16414s | sound like drafting then yeah that's a |
16416s | cool thing I never noticed |
16419s | that I didn't know that was that was a |
16421s | thing over on the side same that's |
16425s | fun yeah cuz you could you could kind of |
16427s | play around the certain weather types |
16429s | but I mean they don't contribute like as |
16432s | much into the game like obviously |
16433s | obviously you still need to play around |
16435s | Vision you still need to you know have |
16437s | good team fights |
16439s | but like sunny weather versus |
16443s | uh rainy |
16445s | weather no oh yeah yeah I guess Sans too |
16448s | but like Sunny versus I think rainy is |
16450s | like the big one where there's like |
16451s | pushes or there's less bushes I think |
16454s | that's like the main difference and also |
16456s | if you're playing shukai if you're |
16457s | playing Sunny you just get a |
16460s | nice that is absolutely true yeah the |
16462s | amount of food healing that you get off |
16463s | of shukai is insane in sunny weather |
16466s | especially if you're going for all of |
16467s | those potatoes which we've seen a lot of |
16469s | our shoai actually do right they're |
16470s | constantly picking up those potatoes we |
16472s | got the exactly the big ones how much |
16475s | healing are those during sunny is it |
16476s | like 1,600 it's uh it's should be 1,200 |
16480s | oh is it okay okay I thought it was |
16481s | higher than that but all right well |
16483s | either way that's a very very high |
16484s | number in these Eon in this |
16486s | economy yeah 1200 HP is nothing to scoff |
16489s | at like chai food uh it's really really |
16493s | strong because you just give your team |
16494s | like so much more HP especially if a |
16495s | team fight goes for an extended period |
16497s | of time you just make your team so much |
16499s | more tanky we do have a fight though |
16502s | sebie going to take the one V one to |
16503s | actually going to miss the dash there |
16505s | and uh I think n should be able to |
16507s | finish this one off TP on in but oh not |
16511s | going to be able to get the damage there |
16514s | SE is going to get a lot of damage off |
16516s | but it's not going to be enough do have |
16518s | another team fight between two Mages |
16519s | here |
16520s | Blaster and Y looks like Y's just going |
16523s | to walk away here as going to walk |
16525s | straight into the hands of a |
16527s | Marcus Airline not going to hit the |
16531s | smash smin but just going to walk on out |
16533s | of there yeah you know not really going |
16535s | to deal with it Blaster also Staying |
16537s | Alive as n will get taken down U trying |
16540s | to run the wolf assort actually lands |
16541s | onto umu is that going to be enough for |
16543s | them to catch up I don't know because |
16546s | Airline still hanging around he doesn't |
16548s | have though narara just one HP as the |
16551s | little Orbee could not finish that off |
16553s | Airline still looking for a little bit |
16554s | of a turn as glove he's still trying to |
16557s | lock that down SMG burst is just not |
16558s | going to be enough we will see Blaster |
16560s | fall down glove is now just getting |
16562s | chased down he uses the exclusive but I |
16564s | don't think it's going to really do that |
16565s | much for glove he will get taken down to |
16567s | Revenge losing two members early on not |
16569s | that good for a team that quite frankly |
16571s | needs to stopping some of these |
16572s | checkpoint te oh wow very nicely played |
16574s | from rior actually able to dodge out the |
16577s | knock up and then with being themselves |
16580s | on over four that way L going to be able |
16581s | to jump on so that revenge like you said |
16584s | losing two members earlier on and Tangle |
16587s | do going to lose one |
16588s | so pretty slow start in the game once |
16592s | again but obviously it is a 17 Lobby so |
16594s | lot less skills to go around and a lot |
16596s | more open map I think a lot of teams are |
16599s | also just split farming once again |
16600s | indeed look at the mini map man |
16602s | everybody is split apart we do not see |
16604s | any teams really being within one zone |
16607s | at all I think I may have seen one where |
16609s | there was a there was a set of three but |
16611s | that was Hospital there's not that much |
16612s | to go there at this stage in the game |
16614s | glove trying to run away we do see a |
16616s | couple members of sin trying to chase |
16618s | this down the Chloe yeah running it down |
16620s | but it's not going to work as a white |
16621s | Wily falls through liuy a little bit too |
16624s | split apart not going to be able to find |
16625s | the last judgment onto anyone it's just |
16627s | a quiet night number |
16629s | one yeah we do have uh Team H Team |
16633s | heading Dino here all grouped up |
16634s | together actually oh yeah the Yuki is |
16636s | coming in for a flank here are they |
16637s | going to be able to find Fenix Park |
16639s | Fenix park down to one HP here going to |
16641s | be out of there as a syvia is probably |
16644s | going to follow up and probably going to |
16646s | be able to kill Fenix Park o great |
16648s | explosive shot though |
16650s | Sylvia going to not be able to do enough |
16653s | there is the Q going to be able to |
16655s | finish them off as on the other side |
16656s | though wait a second we going to be able |
16658s | to |
16660s | kill the Kiara and the Yuki is just kind |
16664s | of onv twoing on this side able to deal |
16666s | so much damage on the Adriana although |
16668s | Sylvia is there to claim the tree of |
16670s | life for themselves so really nicely |
16672s | played from Team Hing Dano if the Yuki |
16674s | dies it's okay but the Yuki is going to |
16676s | be able to get on out of there with the |
16677s | white lily as well mhm that's actually |
16679s | really big for team heading Dino nice |
16681s | play from the Yuki to keep the dreams |
16683s | alive and the objective alive in their |
16685s | favor Kiara sacrificing their life a |
16687s | little bit but that's completely okay |
16689s | there's hyperloop coming in for team sin |
16691s | Yohan is he going to get taken down |
16693s | there's the push back and the electric |
16695s | shift is just barely enough norara |
16696s | secures that one Yan will get taken down |
16699s | team sin still split apart again |
16701s | constantly looking for these split Farm |
16704s | opportunities yeah and we do have all |
16707s | these teams just going to start getting |
16710s | slowly getting their Callins here team |
16711s | for uh Freya they already got their |
16713s | buyin from the Arda oh they're going to |
16716s | get their buys down here in Warehouse it |
16719s | looks like so game's definitely going to |
16721s | slow down down all these teams |
16722s | definitely want to get their bu in |
16723s | before these objectives great route |
16725s | there coming out from the Kiara going to |
16727s | try looking the plag is popped here but |
16730s | wait a second their team is completely |
16731s | split up as a Yan is getting focused |
16733s | down by the nadina I think it will be uh |
16738s | will go over oh great route there |
16739s | actually coming out from the yanas |
16741s | actually they're going to try looking to |
16742s | turn it here not enough damage coming |
16744s | out from the Kiara though as the Kiara |
16747s | is going to get away with the white lily |
16749s | and chlo is there uh chlo's out as well |
16753s | they are going to pop that soul stealer |
16755s | but ooh Gat actually gets the taunt as |
16758s | well onto oh the Chloe but the chlo does |
16761s | pop the S link there's the Rockets |
16762s | coming out from Blaster and it will be |
16765s | team sin losing two members of team |
16766s | Revenge they are getting a lot of kills |
16768s | this game oh Li is in trouble he needs |
16770s | to stay alive for about seven to eight |
16772s | seconds cuz look at the Johan look at |
16774s | their team they're not in a |
16777s | good he's there okay there we go I saw |
16780s | the Johan falling down inside a gas |
16782s | station there's a ton of teams there |
16784s | right now looking for that battle zone |
16786s | luri is still stuck in hell though he's |
16788s | not going to be able to get out |
16790s | of definitely dead here yeah there we go |
16793s | here's the oh it doesn't end up |
16795s | connecting but it doesn't really matter |
16796s | wait a second Chloe oh no the chlo just |
16798s | didn't revive yet there we go now the |
16800s | chlo's back up do have a team fight here |
16802s | team heading Dino is going to lose a |
16804s | member the Sylvia does end up going down |
16806s | tangle Dobby going to be able to get |
16808s | another one as team blanch is actually |
16810s | in the area here for the Third party SE |
16812s | is going to go straight on in he will be |
16814s | able to kill rori as I think that will |
16816s | that does mean all three of our teams if |
16818s | they if we do go to a game N I think |
16821s | that's enough points for everyone indeed |
16822s | absolutely team blanch actually no they |
16824s | need one more I think team blanch was |
16826s | also sa2 but yeah it's all right I mean |
16828s | their pacing right now in this game as |
16830s | it is is pretty good Johan chasing Aur |
16833s | is the last thing I expected to see |
16835s | blink away with the slice upep is going |
16836s | to allow at least the lure to get |
16838s | themselves on out Marcus looking for a |
16840s | possible opportunity the wall not going |
16842s | to come through |
16844s | which too much here yeah goodness |
16848s | gracious it just does not end the |
16849s | healing actually going to get dodged out |
16851s | I think the quick cut move the Kiara out |
16854s | of the radiant Brilliance they will both |
16856s | get taken down Chloe has The Last One |
16858s | Alive on that team for the time being |
16859s | for the next about 30 seconds yeah the |
16861s | burst damage is a little too much from |
16863s | the Laura you know the Laura just |
16864s | jumping on in hitting that card and then |
16867s | couple couple qes and it should be |
16869s | it so we be team oob going to be able to |
16872s | pick up some more kills fors here as |
16875s | they're sitting in a pretty comfortable |
16876s | spot I think team oob Revenge and blanch |
16879s | all three of our teams aren't in |
16880s | checkpoint they probably have the the |
16884s | biggest lead right now in this game so |
16886s | we could possibly go to game number nine |
16888s | yeah we will have to right for the three |
16890s | teams that aren't in checkpoint at the |
16892s | moment it's okay though there's still |
16894s | plenty of this game left there's a |
16895s | possibility where our checkpoint teams |
16897s | can end it with this one and I'm for |
16899s | sure thinking that the teams that aren't |
16901s | the checkpoint do not want that to |
16904s | happen yeah we do have these teams so |
16908s | getting their Buys in blanch on the |
16910s | other side here just waiting for sebie |
16911s | to get their engage teams in oh they |
16914s | bought it again sebie already going to |
16917s | be forced to go on in they're going to |
16918s | look for the backline as Chloe trying to |
16921s | deal some damage to get on back here |
16923s | shom is going to completely burst |
16925s | down the K the K is forced to use their |
16927s | ultimate in and it's not going to be |
16929s | enough it's going to be |
16931s | the Chloe going to try getting on out of |
16933s | there but Eon just able to get so many |
16936s | resets for free with Nina and team sin |
16939s | that is going to be minus I don't know |
16941s | how many credits I think it was 200 |
16942s | credits because it did end up getting a |
16944s | buy but it will get stolen from the side |
16946s | of Team L as that is that confirms it |
16949s | team L is going to be in checkpoint as |
16950s | well you're right as soon as this game |
16952s | is over it either ends the series or |
16954s | we're going to go to a golden round |
16955s | golden round in game number nine it's |
16957s | been a while since I've been in this |
16959s | spot but I'm happy to see it happen |
16961s | potentially no denell looking for an |
16962s | angle up against third where the heck is |
16966s | their third why is rior all the way on |
16968s | the south side of the map team blanch |
16970s | sees this but seb's a little bit too far |
16972s | away it's going to be timer invested by |
16973s | the members of Team tingle WX what is |
16975s | going on in this series I I |
16977s | really yeah rori is down here in do but |
16980s | he got a four score so maybe it was |
16983s | worth it at the end here but wait a |
16985s | second why is sin also split here what |
16988s | is happening they just all res they |
16989s | should be together look at the look at |
16991s | them look at their health |
16993s | play is going to just fall here be Aus |
16996s | 250 for team sin but wait a second |
16998s | here's a third party coming out is this |
17000s | going to be enough the Cuda is going to |
17002s | actually whiff the ultimate is going to |
17004s | go through senine is going to be able to |
17007s | get spring trap to push the Kiara on out |
17010s | of there and yeah we'll be team heading |
17012s | Dino they actually don't really get |
17013s | anything from |
17015s | that here comes the Poke from the Eva is |
17018s | it going to be enough team Revenge going |
17020s | to try looking for some damage CH to |
17021s | engage with the soul sealer Great Soul |
17023s | sealer oh the taunt the taunt was |
17026s | perfect onto the AR trying to use the |
17029s | gate on out of there seam renge will be |
17031s | able to pick up one it was pretty good |
17033s | for a second I like the idea of using |
17036s | these these what is it theod Gates over |
17038s | and over as a possible Escape tool that |
17040s | you just kind of leave there as an |
17041s | opportunity for your teammates to use |
17044s | but sometimes you can't really use it |
17046s | there is a time that it there there is a |
17049s | little bit of time there's the delay |
17050s | time it takes for the gate to actually |
17052s | land down onto the ground and that |
17053s | allowed the m to actually calculate how |
17055s | much uh distance she needs to move with |
17057s | that strut in order to get the taunts |
17059s | off she does it successfully one kill |
17061s | into the hands of what is that team I |
17064s | think that's Revenge up on the top |
17066s | side and team Revenge they're sitting in |
17068s | a nice spot they're on seven kills |
17071s | they're playing a pretty good comp as |
17072s | well we've seen this comp win erms we've |
17075s | seen this comp you know consistently win |
17077s | games looks like we have Team Freya in |
17080s | the frey with team Revenge shooting fre |
17081s | just going to walk down maybe try |
17083s | getting that tree but there is team |
17084s | heading dino already getting that purple |
17087s | box on the bottom side here so they |
17088s | should know there's another team in the |
17090s | area don't know how safe and how |
17092s | aggressive they want to play it team uh |
17095s | stream did just reopen so all the Bears |
17097s | are back up as well so there is a lot of |
17099s | arm to go around here wonder if team |
17102s | Revenge will end up walking down looks |
17104s | like the tree o actually not going to |
17106s | stick the tree here or they're going to |
17108s | go back and they're going to grab it why |
17111s | is the still |
17113s | up I think the St the St was going to |
17116s | grab it but I think maybe they thought |
17117s | there they got off of it I mean is it |
17120s | still up because stream was closed and |
17122s | it was red yeah yeah it wased just Reed |
17124s | yeah all right cool while all that was |
17127s | happening blanch picking up the Omega I |
17128s | saw the Lenny killing the Omega don't |
17130s | worry guys it wasn't just her that |
17132s | soloed it that would be pretty funny but |
17135s | really bigant oh my God is already full |
17138s | items here on the Lowa so they're going |
17142s | to look for an angle in here forced to |
17144s | use Blink R forced to Blink on out of |
17147s | there noral die going to split but they |
17149s | should just walk over to the TP and up |
17150s | down and they should be okay here but |
17153s | yeah our non checkpoint teams are all |
17155s | really really strong they have a lot of |
17157s | kills |
17158s | 537 they have a lot of credits they have |
17161s | a lot of |
17162s | items I'm worried |
17165s | Chuy I know you want to go to sleep but |
17167s | I don't think you might be going to |
17168s | sleep anytime soon their call timings |
17170s | this game have actually been pretty good |
17172s | too look at their credit count right now |
17174s | Knight number three is where you want to |
17175s | be looking for your blood sample calls |
17177s | Tangled Doby X will be able to get that |
17179s | soon team launch They Don't Really |
17181s | heavily prioritize those those those |
17184s | blood samples the a lot of the |
17186s | transitions they need that are heavy are |
17187s | just force course that's really it this |
17190s | team has most of the transitions they're |
17192s | looking for online smash totem should be |
17194s | next up for sebie he has the credit for |
17197s | it just can't find the console for that |
17199s | just yet I saw the force score earlier |
17201s | from omega as I said that should have |
17202s | gone over onto s over onto shinan I |
17206s | apologize I don't think we got to check |
17208s | on how many items he has item on Eva Eva |
17211s | is sitting on uh The Inquisitor D scale |
17215s | and the Chaser so team Freya is looking |
17219s | really strong for themsel as well so |
17221s | we're going have to see if they are |
17222s | going to be able to maybe close out the |
17224s | series here we do have team Revenge I |
17225s | think Team LA is probably going to look |
17227s | to full send here because there really |
17229s | not much um you know these other teams |
17231s | can |
17232s | really uh contest for yeah looks like we |
17236s | do have Blaster is you are correct here |
17239s | senine is in the middle though o a great |
17242s | spring trap going to push them in are |
17243s | they trade one for one no great on but a |
17246s | great ultimate coming out from shom and |
17249s | AARP going to be able to push thei back |
17251s | in they're going to be to kill one |
17253s | actually they're going to be to kill two |
17254s | and shom should be able to finish this |
17256s | one off as well oh will be team |
17259s | Revenge right oh |
17262s | one yeah so team Revenge is out for the |
17264s | count as the non checkpoint teams are |
17266s | cannibalizing each |
17268s | other team blanch they they're putting |
17271s | their foot down and they're basically |
17273s | saying we're going to win this game you |
17274s | guys don't have to worry about it yeah |
17276s | this is team blanch really getting that |
17277s | confidence booster I think they needed |
17279s | pretty much this entire series The Lenny |
17280s | play has been incredible so far copine |
17282s | Landing a huge spring trap perfectly |
17285s | placed over onto the haze 2 no blink |
17287s | reaction coming online and then after |
17289s | that the reaction from the rest of the |
17291s | team is just one step at a time they |
17294s | know exactly what they're doing they've |
17295s | ran this comp several times in the past |
17297s | it's just pretty much sure every other |
17299s | Sunday for team blanch really oh my God |
17303s | the Poke coming down from the Eva it's |
17306s | going to chunk down num down to 1 HP |
17309s | they're going to use the nimod gate back |
17310s | on forward they're going to try bursing |
17312s | down the wick line is it going to be |
17314s | enough I think it is cuz I think they |
17316s | see another team in the zone and they |
17317s | don't really want to contest here the |
17319s | wick does go over to the Eva they get |
17321s | the items as well so team uhoh wait a |
17325s | second team sin is getting collapsed on |
17327s | by team oh but wait second there's a |
17330s | third party here as |
17333s | team oh team oob actually lose a member |
17336s | as yeah they got completely split up |
17339s | they they were they were going to they |
17340s | basically got third partied and they |
17343s | can't really split uh their forces like |
17346s | that because team sends it on to Marcus |
17350s | says uhoh |
17352s | oh he missed up his Dash on over the |
17355s | wall so sh should be able to finish this |
17358s | one off okay there's a kill and team o |
17360s | OB another team that's not in checkpoint |
17363s | here going to lose out on two members |
17366s | they're going to be able to get the |
17367s | reses but they don't have timer yeah |
17369s | that's the problem right now I see timer |
17371s | they got to run down like right now as |
17374s | soon as they get the res they don't have |
17376s | enough timer yeah let's see let's see |
17379s | neory on Laura I think he needs to use |
17381s | his Twilight Heist on that little like |
17383s | wall right there directly to the left 17 |
17386s | okay he's actually fine okay okay okay |
17388s | wait did he get did he get a kill I |
17390s | guess I got a kill for timer back I |
17391s | thought he was on like 7 Seconds that's |
17393s | what I thought I thought I saw I saw |
17395s | 11 yeah maybe |
17399s | not well either way we are fully booked |
17402s | up six teams alive 18 players up and |
17405s | ready to go oo this is going to be crazy |
17407s | it's between team blanch and oob to send |
17410s | this to a game number nine we know team |
17412s | Blan is very well set UOB invested a lot |
17415s | of Tim but on the flip side shom also |
17417s | invested quite a bit trying to kill the |
17418s | Laura as well right I think they still |
17421s | need to get some stuff done right now if |
17423s | they want this game to possibly go in |
17425s | their favor playing around timer like we |
17427s | saw them do in last game is going to |
17430s | make my heart shrivel at this point man |
17432s | please don't do this to me blanch |
17433s | they're going to just full send it let's |
17435s | see what how the fight goes yeah I think |
17437s | he needs to look for an angle on the |
17438s | back line here the Uki is just going to |
17439s | Jump On In Here Comes the the syia as |
17441s | well with the am is going to be enough |
17443s | the oh he pushes come back and the |
17445s | ultimate is going to drop but wait a |
17447s | second is going to come out play that is |
17449s | going to be down here they need to |
17451s | finish they need to finish him sh is |
17453s | going to be the one to follow is getting |
17455s | focused down well the trade one for one |
17457s | I should be fine they do actually get |
17460s | the thirst here maybe they can kill |
17462s | senine is there a world in which they |
17464s | kill Aon |
17469s | really and he's dead and yes he going to |
17471s | come down to 2V1 the the the plag is |
17474s | probably going to come back up very |
17475s | shortly here as uhoh he's looking to |
17478s | grief the body because IDE there's |
17480s | really not much Eon can do here they do |
17482s | actually end up killing |
17484s | him here is the damage wait Lumi is |
17486s | right there lum's right there they're |
17488s | going to try to get it's not going to |
17492s | happen that's messed up that's messed up |
17495s | yes he just used the Luby so they |
17497s | couldn't res and oh he's trying to look |
17500s | for the 2v the V2 cuz there is seie can |
17503s | win that it's a late game Aon he has the |
17505s | oh they got the they got the res they |
17507s | they they they they they went to Red |
17509s | what did they actually got it okay this |
17511s | puts wait oh my God oob they took down |
17514s | some members of tanglei they're also |
17516s | sitting on one tangle is going to wipe |
17518s | okay so that's one gone now let's see |
17520s | what ends up happening team Freya and |
17521s | team sin trying to cannibalize each |
17522s | other it's a chapel final Zone U starts |
17525s | walking in on this this could look |
17527s | pretty good blanch almost seems to be |
17529s | out of this game right I mean they're |
17531s | sitting on just sebbi he barely has any |
17533s | timer I don't think he's going be able |
17535s | to catch that Lumi anymore I think he |
17536s | tried teing into red to Res but I don't |
17538s | think he had he just did I don't think |
17541s | he has any timer I I thought team launch |
17543s | lost a lot actually they did end up |
17544s | killing a heading Dino so maybe they do |
17546s | have enough time some reses here be oh |
17549s | they do get the res okay is it enough |
17552s | there's one he's got to go oh my God oh |
17555s | my God we have ourselves a game holy |
17557s | crap Chom is on yeah looks like they're |
17560s | going to have to take the fight the same |
17562s | team but wait a second we have Team sin |
17565s | coming up coming up as well |
17567s | here let's see you're going |
17571s | toage oh they all got hit by the |
17574s | CH send it they get the ga play that |
17578s | should be here already dead C is already |
17580s | dead but play that play that play that |
17581s | CL is good oh my goodness the damage is |
17584s | nuts SEI still alive though he's trying |
17586s | to go for it the shield is massive |
17588s | there's Max HP damage oh down go bring |
17592s | the body up bring the body up this is so |
17594s | weird starting to come up there down not |
17597s | like this heading so unfortunate for |
17599s | hitting Dino Hing Dino winning the 2v3 |
17603s | two time or sorry the 3v3 two times but |
17606s | this time unfortunately sin just in the |
17608s | perfect spot the perfect time oh and |
17611s | yeah it will be team Freya they're going |
17613s | to have to win this into team oob or |
17615s | team oob is going to have to win this to |
17617s | send us to a game number nine here will |
17620s | they be able to do it umu has to outplay |
17622s | team Freya but there is still that Kiara |
17626s | Factor up on the North side of map yeah |
17627s | heavy heading Dino is just coming in |
17629s | from the top side team sin is the free |
17631s | team inside of beach at the moment team |
17634s | oob they're getting so control over the |
17636s | zone are they going to feed the oh they |
17637s | sending on to checkpoint team they they |
17639s | do know that they want to try to deny |
17641s | them but wait a second they got to get |
17642s | the kills over to Yo though there's the |
17644s | one pop oh wait oh wait one for one oh |
17647s | this is weird the timer still in |
17649s | advantage of team oob it's a straight |
17651s | line cross this is so ad advantageous |
17653s | for umu they put down the nimron gay but |
17655s | is it going to be enough smoke screen |
17657s | comes down it's not going to be enough |
17658s | sitting on the backside they're trying |
17659s | to get the kill moam is on the backside |
17661s | they want to try getting access to this |
17662s | back but the ultimate from the AA is |
17665s | good holy crap the damage is it going to |
17667s | be enough oh it's a one for one trade no |
17670s | it's a two for one trade ohob takes the |
17672s | temp Zone and Chapel now we have sin |
17674s | versus UOB super it's all up to sin to |
17678s | close out the series or UOB to send us |
17680s | to a game n what's it going to be team |
17682s | sin they don't they're actually down a |
17684s | lot of items here they're not really |
17686s | looking too strong to win team oob |
17689s | they're sitting on full items Demarcus |
17691s | is getting a buy as well here so |
17694s | definitely in favor of Team oob here |
17696s | they do have the engage as well to maybe |
17697s | try one-shotting the Johan or the Khloe |
17701s | or even the Kiara here but we're going |
17703s | to have to see how this does end up |
17705s | turning out oh neory has to go huge |
17707s | neory has to go huge I think there's |
17710s | this need need to be a situation where |
17712s | team UOB gets as much poke as possible |
17714s | but it's not going to stick right they |
17715s | got to go in make team sin use a lot of |
17718s | their cooldowns back away and then fight |
17720s | while the cool Downs are gone it's what |
17722s | we seen pretty much from a lot of these |
17723s | teams throughout the course of the game |
17725s | just trying to deny these cars from |
17726s | having plague but we've seen a lot of |
17728s | teams actually pushing through even with |
17730s | those cool Downs gone and it kind of |
17731s | backfires on them we'll see how this |
17733s | goes yeah a lot of poke here coming out |
17735s | from umu but umu don't have now maybe |
17738s | they can look for an angle in do have a |
17740s | lot sustain from the Yan in the shields |
17743s | as well there's getting getting the |
17746s | chain here here comes a KL is going to |
17747s | be enough is going to be forced to pop |
17750s | totem really early the oh NE lives Nina |
17754s | is one HP does end up living it's it |
17757s | going to be enough oh what is happening |
17760s | no Wu's dead dead down goes that neor is |
17764s | going to get taken down our second team |
17767s | to move on will be team sin |
17768s | unfortunately OU will be will not be |
17770s | able to move this on to game number nine |
17772s | that is it for the lcq and we will have |
17775s | our Kiara Khloe and the Johan moving on |
17778s | to the season finals super close fight |
17780s | but it just was not enough the Ava |
17782s | damage not enough to knock down the |
17784s | Chloe great find from the Chloe just |
17786s | blinking on forward able to get so much |
17788s | free damage off and just Auto attack |
17790s | um yeah Auto attack them down and then |
17793s | you know still having that Soul link |
17794s | able to use it and it damage and that's |
17797s | going to be it team sin we saw you know |
17800s | how strong they were in ERM phase three |
17803s | and they are going to be the ones that |
17805s | are going to be uh coming out of here as |
17809s | our second team with Team saber that's |
17811s | so brutal too man oh man I guess I guess |
17815s | we'll have to leave the day of |
17816s | revisiting the golden round to another |
17818s | eventual series that we're going to see |
17820s | for checkpoint but for today that is |
17822s | going to be the end we know our two |
17823s | teams that will be moving on into the |
17825s | season finals from the lcq it will be |
17827s | team saber and team s in those two teams |
17832s | definitely deserve it I do feel really |
17833s | bad for our non- checkpoint teams in |
17835s | game number eight though they did so |
17837s | good trying to catch back up trying to |
17838s | deny a lot of our other teams but with |
17840s | blanch fortunately cannibalizing team |
17843s | Revenge that took down the chance them |
17845s | getting knocked down a couple pegs |
17846s | thanks to the work of Team heading |
17848s | dinos and then UOB be winning their temp |
17852s | Zone but unfortunately it seems like the |
17854s | Khloe was a little bit too much for the |
17855s | AA to overcome as the eruption yeah the |
17860s | chlo |
17861s | the Chloe just you know got so much |
17863s | damage out I think in that fight and |
17865s | then I think umu went back forward |
17868s | thinking he was able he was going to be |
17869s | able to maybe kill the Chloe but it just |
17872s | wasn't enough you are |
17875s | correct |
17876s | well that is how the series ends man I |
17879s | was kind of hoping for a game nine I'll |
17880s | be |
17882s | honest um I was too but at the same time |
17884s | I'm kind of glad you were finished |
17886s | because uh that does mean we can we can |
17890s | get some sleep that's been a long night |
17892s | it really has I'm quite said that we |
17894s | weren't able to watch the qualifiers |
17895s | live on stream but after watching today |
17897s | you guys can get a feel for how |
17899s | competitive the qualifiers themselves |
17900s | for lcq itself was too so yeah a lot of |
17904s | fun things happening for eternal return |
17905s | Masters as of late we had a very fun |
17908s | North American tournament qualifiers |
17909s | yesterday finals today we got this one |
17912s | that we just watched we got season |
17913s | finals happening in a couple of weeks |
17916s | alongside the Nationals Finals the same |
17918s | weekend as well then yeah next week we |
17921s | also have SE and EU |
17923s | fors as well so lot lot of eternal |
17926s | return to watch so you know make sure |
17929s | you guys um write write down all the |
17931s | dates you know on your calendar if you |
17933s | guys are interested in you know watching |
17935s | other regions and obviously watching the |
17936s | ERM finals coming up in two weeks MH and |
17939s | I hope a lot of you guys in chat also |
17941s | manag to pick up the drops again I will |
17944s | actually did I get rid of it oh I did |
17946s | get rid of it we have the emotes for |
17948s | actually you know here let me bring it |
17949s | up on the screen we're going to see some |
17951s | live scene editing today because I feel |
17953s | like it let's see yada yada yada it |
17956s | should be this one there it is wow look |
17958s | at this all |
17960s | right there that's probably centered |
17962s | there it is those are the three emotes |
17963s | that you were able to get as long as you |
17965s | watched one hour today that's all you |
17966s | needed to watch okay so make sure you |
17969s | guys check your Drops make sure you guys |
17970s | check your mailbox in the game because |
17973s | that's where it's going to be go to the |
17974s | mailbox go to the drop section and it |
17976s | should be there it'll be one of the many |
17978s | boxes that you guys have collected |
17979s | probably over over the course of this |
17981s | weekend make sure you guys pick them up |
17983s | cuz they look |
17984s | fantastic yeah they are I I really like |
17987s | um the one Circle |
17991s | one it's probably it's probably my |
17993s | favorite out of |
17995s | the I really like the denana one as I |
17997s | said at the beginning too ladies and |
17999s | Gentlemen let's take a look at the final |
18000s | scoreboard of today though just to see |
18002s | what it looked like overall nobody's |
18005s | really walking away with the prize pull |
18006s | because it's just the qualifiers into |
18008s | the season finals but for team saber and |
18010s | they managed to do it managed to secure |
18012s | the final two spots in the season finals |
18014s | congratulations we will see them in a |
18016s | couple of weeks in the ton or Arena |
18018s | first time that we're going to be seeing |
18020s | any members of Team sin in an offline |
18022s | event by the way so that'll be |
18023s | interesting to see how they look like |
18025s | yeah very excited and I think um a lot |
18029s | of people should be excited to see you |
18030s | know these teams come out as well I |
18031s | think they played very very very very um |
18034s | to see you know how they do compare into |
18036s | you know all the other teams that did |
18038s | end up making it into day number one and |
18040s | day number to straight up from their |
18041s | circuit points from the first three |
18044s | phases of the ERM so yeah very excited |
18047s | for the finals that is going to be |
18050s | coming up in two weeks but yeah you |
18052s | could see here as well every single team |
18054s | they had more than 55 points at the end |
18056s | so if we did go to that game number nine |
18059s | it would have been |
18061s | that golden round not going to happen |
18064s | today it was a fun series overall super |
18066s | I had a blast watching this it might |
18068s | have gone to an eight game series which |
18069s | is quite long um I still enjoyed it |
18072s | basically the same amount of games you |
18074s | watch in the phas group stage if I'm |
18075s | going to be real there uh hopefully all |
18078s | of you guys in the chat had fun we'll be |
18079s | back for the season finals in a couple |
18081s | of weeks I'll be here for both of the |
18083s | days super unfortunately can only be |
18084s | here for the first day we'll have a |
18086s | surprise guest Caster coming in for day |
18088s | two but it's going to be a fun weekend |
18090s | so make sure you guys keep track of |
18091s | dates make sure you guys also keep track |
18093s | of time as well because it's not the |
18095s | same time as this or no no no will'll be |
18098s | the same time as this so |
18101s | but won't be the same time as like the |
18103s | previous phases the previous phases were |
18105s | at 6:00 a.m. I think if I'm not mistaken |
18107s | EST check here let's let's flip it over |
18109s | to the the semi-finals should be at |
18111s | three I'm pretty sure 1700 kst jst I |
18115s | think that is yeah you're right it |
18116s | actually is the exact same time I think |
18118s | 2: a.m Central for for Central yeah but |
18122s | yeah make sure you guys come back for |
18125s | that it will be two weeks from now and |
18127s | we will have um SE and EU ER Cs on this |
18131s | channel next week I don't exactly know |
18134s | the exact time for those but they should |
18137s | be on both Saturday and Sunday resp is |
18141s | it Saturday I think it's Saturday and |
18142s | Sunday |
18143s | respectively and also by the way the |
18147s | announcement that we got at the |
18148s | beginning of the season when it comes to |
18149s | the season schedule that that's wrong |
18151s | then I'm looking at the post |
18153s | that oh really oh well they probably |
18157s | just adjusted or something I I don't |
18158s | know |
18160s | but yeah there's also the tier 2 |
18162s | tournament too that's finals today so |
18165s | make sure you guys uh go and watch for |
18167s | you know all all of you guys that are |
18169s | interested in you know eternal return |
18171s | Esports indeed ah we had a fun fun day |
18175s | today we got the Korean interview going |
18177s | I'll try to buy as much time as possible |
18179s | so that we can watch the replays I know |
18180s | some of you guys are looking for those |
18183s | Juicy Juicy Drops be here earlier man |
18187s | listen that's what else going for 5 |
18190s | hours already man yeah we've been here |
18191s | for quite a while we got a eight game |
18193s | series that's 4 hours of just ingame |
18195s | play alone what are you guys |
18197s | doing we'll have it back here for the |
18199s | season finals though that weekend we |
18201s | will have the same drops I'm pretty sure |
18203s | yeah if you guys miss the drops out for |
18205s | today you guys will be able to get it |
18208s | during the season |
18210s | finals probably actually I don't know if |
18213s | they're going to have it for the ercs |
18215s | I'm pretty sure they're not cuz it's |
18217s | like yeah I don't think they'll have it |
18219s | for RCS it's a little bit fortunate I |
18220s | mean we could ask we could ask if they |
18222s | could have it up forcs but I don't think |
18224s | I don't think they will yeah yeah it's |
18226s | not it's not relevant to there will be |
18229s | the season final drops again for finals |
18230s | because usually they always rerun for |
18233s | the finals if you did end up missing it |
18235s | for all the emotes so just make sure you |
18238s | guys come back for that if you guys do |
18240s | want those emotes and those player icons |
18243s | although I could have sworn they do some |
18245s | weird thing with season finals where day |
18247s | one you only get the profile pictures |
18248s | and day two you get the emotes or |
18250s | something like that remember remember |
18251s | when they used to do that yeah that was |
18252s | back in like season two and three I |
18254s | think but I don't know why they did that |
18257s | yeah I mean I think it's it's basically |
18259s | forces people to watch like both |
18261s | weekends I guess so ah getting the |
18263s | viewership up I see I see yeah I mean |
18267s | you know why not right but yeah now it's |
18270s | just you get all of them I don't know |
18272s | how the drops work on the KR side if uh |
18275s | I think I think soup has it it's |
18277s | basically okay yeah soup should have it |
18280s | I I for sure know that I think chii |
18282s | implemented it as well the the mirror |
18285s | version of it on CH s should have it I |
18287s | think that was one of their main |
18288s | priorities of trying to get that built |
18290s | up and developed as soon as twitch went |
18291s | down over on KR so I think they're okay |
18294s | okay yeah |
18297s | yeah how long is this interview going to |
18299s | go on |
18301s | for there you go hey you guys you guys |
18303s | want to watch it with no audio there you |
18304s | go is that |
18307s | interesting uh |
18311s | this I'm surprised they're interviewing |
18312s | sin but I guess maybe probably already |
18316s | left yeah they already left |
18318s | yeah they got out so early that's so |
18321s | good for team sa too because otherwise |
18323s | the rest of the games were such a |
18326s | cluster |
18329s | yeah I think it's because like yeah |
18334s | s was still there so yeah they's |
18336s | interviewing them that they're in |
18338s | because they all I'm I'm really |
18339s | interested on like what they're kind of |
18341s | talking about because this is like a |
18342s | team that we haven't really seen much |
18344s | and we've only really seen in in season |
18346s | 5 so it is like a newer |
18348s | team I might watch this interview back |
18351s | later because it's going to be good |
18352s | reference for me to use when I'm trying |
18354s | to analyze what their strategies are |
18357s | well their strategy is probably going to |
18359s | be mostly the same was wait cuz 1.35 |
18362s | should be the patch that we're playing |
18363s | the season finals on I don't think we're |
18365s | going to be playing a 1.36 cuz usually |
18368s | 1.36 will be |
18374s | it should be it should be the final |
18375s | patch of the season is what they're |
18376s | playing on no way CU 1.36 is going to be |
18379s | wait oh wait wait wait this is the final |
18382s | patch of the Season yeah 1.35 because we |
18384s | only have we have less than a week we |
18386s | have a less 1.35 yeah yeah yeah it |
18388s | should be there is no one more there is |
18390s | going to be no 1.36 it'll be 1 |
18393s | Point 36 but it'll be for the next |
18396s | season that should be the preseason |
18398s | update I think like by .1 every season |
18401s | so it should be 1.4 or something I don't |
18403s | know does it maybe I don't know we got |
18405s | some whack number we're on |
18408s | season3 oh that's true that's true maybe |
18410s | not then but yeah it'll be like the new |
18412s | season like preseason patch and |
18414s | everything they'll be playing they'll be |
18417s | playing on the 1.35 with the N Nerf I |
18420s | think didn't Yan get nerfed again this |
18422s | patch too by the |
18424s | way they sure I know they didn't really |
18428s | have too many changes in this uh the |
18430s | most recent |
18432s | patch |
18434s | but I know like the meta characters did |
18437s | end up getting hit like the oh yeah a |
18440s | little |
18441s | bit you might see reoccurrence of Theo |
18444s | back with all these heavy edcs getting |
18447s | nerfed |
18448s | again yo I mean maybe maybe we might see |
18451s | MJ on their |
18453s | signature |
18457s | Bice to definitely expect to see ha |
18460s | though with yongi inate in the finals |
18463s | with meong in the finals and even even |
18467s | Asher right even Asher in day two we are |
18470s | bound to see a lot of hazes oh ha ha end |
18473s | up getting hit as well I think she lost |
18475s | like |
18476s | 5% uh skill I'm scaling with her |
18479s | ultimate which doesn't sound like a lot |
18481s | but considering that he uses four |
18483s | Rockets yeah considering his shoots four |
18485s | Rockets it's like 20% so and super late |
18488s | game with Hellfire her amp number go to |
18490s | like 900 so when you take 5% of that |
18492s | that's 50 like nearly yeah for like each |
18495s | rocket hit so sorry when I when you take |
18496s | five yeah but I mean hay was a little |
18499s | too strong so what it |
18502s | is surprised he took them not this long |
18505s | change some numbers but for now let's |
18507s | bring it back over on us we're analyzing |
18509s | a lot of stuff about the season finals |
18511s | it's just going to be happening in two |
18513s | weeks though so we'll have to keep |
18515s | continuously keeping track of what |
18517s | actually happens throughout the course |
18518s | of this patch right there's still a week |
18520s | and a half left of 1.36 before the the |
18523s | season itself ends that's a lot of time |
18524s | for these teams to develop that's a lot |
18526s | of time for to change their comps maybe |
18531s | scrim they got uh they got quite a bit |
18533s | of time to you know just practice and |
18535s | and get ready for the finals here M I've |
18538s | already seen some new picks starting to |
18539s | come out in ranked even that could also |
18542s | be assimilated into some of these |
18543s | players compositions still plenty of |
18545s | time to think about what these teams |
18547s | want to do and I just want to point this |
18549s | out for team sin I think they need to |
18551s | have an alternative plan the the Chloe |
18554s | kiar Johan although I think the risk of |
18557s | it getting banned any of those |
18559s | characters banned is quite low we see |
18561s | that whenever they do get banned it is |
18564s | could cuz fa and then there could be |
18566s | another another person that just plays |
18568s | chlo because I think we did see the |
18570s | Khloe ban uh in the past right in the |
18572s | previous phase three of VM so there's a |
18575s | chance Khloe could get banned I don't |
18577s | think Kiara will get but oh yo wait |
18581s | saber they're here yeah they're doing it |
18584s | now do we just call it what what do we |
18586s | do do we just let the people who are |
18588s | waiting for drops just dip what's what's |
18590s | going on saber is indeed I'm surprised |
18593s | they stayed around for so long they've |
18594s | been how long has it been since they've |
18596s | gone now it's like it's like an hour or |
18598s | two hours yeah nearly two |
18602s | hours I'm I'm happy for this team though |
18605s | I always talked about this we have duim |
18606s | man that's also in there bi |
18611s | we see like how good curry is on the ADC |
18613s | so I'm glad he is |
18615s | a Al once again exactly a lot of people |
18618s | were I saw I saw some people in the chat |
18621s | saying things like I won't uh what is it |
18624s | like I |
18624s | won't put too much faith in curry or |
18627s | something like that they were just |
18628s | spamming it Curry is curry is really |
18630s | really good like I'm glad you know he's |
18634s | found uh his stride especially you know |
18637s | in the lcq this is his last chance |
18639s | obviously to make it in mhm and he is |
18642s | off the Rio cuz I don't think Rio's as |
18643s | strong and he's playing you know NAD I |
18645s | think |
18646s | Nadine NAD is uh quite quite the ADC |
18649s | right now and obviously we know most of |
18652s | the top adcs in Korea they could they |
18654s | they they all just flicks around you |
18655s | know whatever is meta at the time so |
18657s | it's no surprise that Cur can play |
18661s | Nadine and I don't know if he I don't |
18664s | I've never seen him play Ra sure you |
18667s | like Ry if uh then gets banned into |
18669s | finals cuz I think what's going to |
18670s | happen again is we're going to have the |
18673s | the ADC rotation where like Nadine |
18676s | Rosy then my's probably gonna get |
18679s | B I don't know about kadia but maybe |
18683s | maybe K is strong |
18686s | K do you think K actually had okay this |
18689s | series actually did make Kia look pretty |
18691s | good moom did some good stuff on the Kia |
18694s | but I can't tell if that's just because |
18696s | the lobby allowed it to happen or if |
18697s | it's because they played it well I'm |
18699s | sure sure there's both but I don't know |
18701s | what actually weighed heavier he landed |
18703s | a lot of really good |
18706s | Snipes yeah I don't I don't know I think |
18709s | kadia because kadia and Hayes kind of do |
18711s | like this like the same thing where you |
18714s | don't want to play two long range |
18716s | characters because K's damage is |
18718s | [Music] |
18720s | pretty it's shooting yeah yeah it's |
18723s | pretty slow compared to like Nadine |
18725s | who's able to get so many more Auto and |
18727s | you know has that extra extra burst |
18730s | damage from the you know wolf assult |
18733s | right so I mean I mean we'll have to see |
18736s | if the Nadine Nerf is going to be big |
18739s | enough to where you know they swap over |
18741s | to like Rio or kardia yeah Ashen Reaper |
18744s | is also extremely difficult to play |
18745s | around and I think one of the issues |
18748s | that when you're playing kadia I I saw |
18750s | it today too actually now that I think |
18751s | about it the biggest |
18754s | problem uh sorry I'm just checking |
18757s | something real quick the biggest problem |
18759s | that I do see with Kia builds nowadays |
18761s | in comparison to just classic crit is |
18762s | that if you're going for the chain of |
18765s | thorns you have to get that as your |
18767s | first item and we saw where credit were |
18769s | really weird for Mojo I I saw it in one |
18772s | game where he was sitting at like 330 |
18776s | right before night two so he didn't even |
18778s | have chain of thorns going into that |
18781s | that that what is it night two battles Z |
18784s | face if that starts to happen Kia's |
18786s | Effectiveness starts to drop |
18787s | significantly you need those items |
18789s | whereas when you're running standard |
18791s | crit meteorite tree of life there are so |
18794s | many crit items that you can build |
18795s | nowadays yeah and when you're playing |
18797s | like you know another character like |
18799s | Hayes for example because I think most |
18801s | teams will play Hay as their backliner |
18803s | you want to have like a character that |
18805s | kind of offsets they're they're downside |
18807s | right so Haze doesn't have that |
18809s | consistent damage in like the mid in |
18811s | like the mid-range but you know she does |
18813s | have that burst damage in the close |
18814s | range and then that long range you know |
18817s | poke with that ultimate right but if you |
18819s | pair like C and Haze together they both |
18822s | have long range poke and their damage is |
18825s | too uh I would say slow in the mid-range |
18829s | but you don't really have that mid-range |
18832s | DPS because um you know if you want to |
18835s | get that damage off ha if you want get |
18836s | that burst you have to |
18837s | EQ um so you have to be like pretty far |
18840s | up and then cut his damage it's good but |
18845s | it's obviously not comparable to like a |
18847s | Nadine damage in in the side |
18850s | in the sense of like the DPS that they |
18852s | both um you know kind of shoot out it's |
18855s | really weird these kind of burst kind |
18857s | burst characters make it really funny |
18859s | for me I always go up against them and |
18862s | it seems like they do a lot of damage |
18863s | but I always tend to run away right if I |
18865s | get take it too low it's it'll be weird |
18869s | I I don't think Kia is going to be |
18870s | heavily contested I'm just kind of |
18871s | bringing it up because mojam played it |
18873s | today and I'm still remembering the the |
18875s | YouTube video that he posted about the |
18877s | tier list in 1.34 it's still still weird |
18879s | to me how he considers Scotti as one of |
18881s | the main picks for the upcoming patch |
18884s | but it it is what it is he did play it |
18887s | he got some pretty good damage off he |
18888s | had some incredible ultimates |
18890s | unfortunately his team couldn't make it |
18892s | into the season finals but there are |
18894s | some players in in the season finals |
18897s | that can absolutely play something like |
18898s | aadia we've seen romatic play it before |
18900s | we've seen |
18902s | um I can't think of of anybody specific |
18905s | off the top of my head but I know |
18906s | romatic played it before so it's |
18908s | definitely a character that could |
18911s | theoretically be selected for those days |
18913s | and one last thing for yeah go ahead so |
18916s | I think um M did play the Kia Haze but |
18918s | they had a different tank I think the |
18921s | tank does matter in this in like what |
18923s | you are playing in that comp because um |
18925s | if you're playing like a mai I don't |
18927s | think Ma think Mai is really that great |
18929s | into the codan haze but if you're |
18930s | playing like an Estelle who has you know |
18932s | some extra damage to pump out and it was |
18934s | just there to just soak up damage with |
18936s | their Shield uh you could you know you |
18938s | could basically let the backliners sort |
18941s | of poke with um Hayes and Kia |
18945s | so they definitely not like bad charact |
18948s | two characters that are bad to go |
18949s | together but you definitely have to |
18951s | style indeed last thing that I want to |
18954s | ask after this one I'm just going to try |
18955s | to I'll probably just end up moving my |
18958s | screen over to the Korean interview |
18960s | because I'm starting to run out of |
18961s | things to talk about myself but last |
18963s | thing that I want to ask for you super |
18964s | today when it comes to the season finals |
18966s | is since we're going to be playing on |
18967s | the 1.35 patch we have to think think of |
18969s | a lot of things that did change and one |
18972s | of the things that did end up changing |
18973s | is soul stealer again getting nerfed the |
18975s | base speed that is true getting nerfed |
18977s | by that is true I think that is a pretty |
18980s | big change I don't know if teams will |
18981s | end up staying on the soul stealer |
18983s | because there are also some really good |
18985s | teamart arguments like the protocol |
18987s | violation for |
18988s | example um or if teams will just you |
18990s | know opt for a more defensive argument |
18992s | with uh the force field so we're G have |
18994s | to see because uh you know Soul sealer |
18996s | meta has been pretty dominant I would |
18998s | say throughout season five it's such a |
19001s | good augment to have right you're just |
19002s | able to slowly or you're just able to |
19005s | engage into team fights you're able to |
19006s | disengage into team |
19008s | fights and when you are you know players |
19011s | that do know how to play around uh the |
19013s | soul steal and you are able to get those |
19014s | resets it's just a really strong tool to |
19016s | have funny enough I actually think that |
19019s | the soul stealer change was probably by |
19022s | far the biggest change into how the game |
19023s | itself is going to be played in the |
19025s | season finals a lot of the character |
19026s | changes were relatively minute or at |
19029s | least it made sense in regards to how |
19031s | strong they were so yeah that soul |
19033s | stealer change is probably going to |
19034s | matter a lot we've even seen some |
19035s | support characters that should or would |
19038s | have been running soul stealer maybe the |
19040s | past couple of patches actually opting |
19041s | to run something like healing win now we |
19043s | saw cine opting to run healing win on |
19046s | both the the Charlotte and the Lenny did |
19049s | instead of running the the soul stealer |
19051s | we'll have to see I I genuinely think |
19053s | you're right in the idea that we're |
19055s | going to see less of soul stealer I |
19057s | still think we might see it cuz it still |
19059s | is is good for sure for sure it's still |
19061s | going to be like a good augment it's |
19063s | just going to just going to be a little |
19065s | less movement speed but still having |
19066s | that movement speed you know to like we |
19068s | out of fights is always just you know |
19070s | such a strong tool to have exactly super |
19072s | before we go though we have one final |
19074s | thing to show you guys this is the |
19075s | distribution of teams that will be |
19077s | playing in the season finals the teams |
19079s | that are highlighted in yellow or I |
19081s | guess that's like beige brown maybe are |
19084s | going to be the teams that are playing |
19085s | in day number two Auto Arms asra bnk FX |
19088s | and Meen hedong the four teams that were |
19090s | able to make it straight to day two off |
19091s | of the circuit points from the |
19093s | regulation season right there on our |
19095s | screen the rest of our eight teams not |
19097s | highly by the beige color are the teams |
19099s | that will be playing in day number one |
19100s | Sparkle Esports cartel kungi innate ton |
19103s | cyers DHC andj and sunam rocks are six |
19105s | teams from the circuit points going into |
19107s | day one and of course we have Team saber |
19110s | and sin as we saw today moving on from |
19112s | the |
19113s | lcq what a set of teams it is going to |
19116s | be really really competitive really |
19118s | excited to see who comes out on top we |
19120s | saw team Asher they won phase three m s |
19123s | won phase one and B bnk FX won phase two |
19127s | I think so a lot of different teams um |
19131s | you know have a chance to win a lot of |
19133s | good teams this season it's it's been uh |
19136s | it's been pretty competitive I would say |
19137s | at the indeed indeed indeed all right |
19140s | ladies and gentlemen the schedule for |
19141s | that weekend looks like this Friday well |
19143s | for us it's Thursday for us it starts |
19146s | Thursday in the morning and then Friday |
19148s | we'll will be the season five finals and |
19151s | then Sunday or Saturday I suppose is |
19153s | going to be the National League finals |
19154s | we won't be covering the national league |
19157s | here on the eternal return game channel |
19158s | but we will be covering the finals so |
19160s | make sure you guys drop on by and if you |
19162s | do want to see the national league I'm |
19163s | pretty sure there's going to be like |
19164s | Korean casts for it so make sure you |
19165s | guys go check that out too it should be |
19168s | on the Korean YouTube I think is usually |
19170s | where you could find the national league |
19173s | don't really have a um cast for that but |
19177s | it's been uh it's been great shuy I've |
19179s | had a lot of fun today I think uh the |
19181s | games were |
19182s | all um pretty nicely played and yeah um |
19187s | a nice eight game series yes sir yes sir |
19190s | it was a fun lcq series hopefully all of |
19192s | you guys had a great time as we did |
19194s | hopefully all of you guys also got your |
19196s | drops cuz I'm not extending the stream |
19197s | out any further more than this we want |
19199s | to also go to sleep I'll show the |
19201s | replays as soon as that decides to go |
19203s | over just waiting for the Korean can to |
19205s | S out of their head you guys only have |
19207s | like what maybe 5 minutes max of the |
19209s | stream left join us again for the season |
19212s | finals in a couple of weeks once again |
19215s | there is Horizon for na tonight at 6:00 |
19219s | p.m. central so make sure you guys go |
19221s | check that out all the links for those |
19223s | streams are going to be at the |
19225s | respective channels that will be |
19226s | streamed on I know that's very obvious |
19230s | but this we're not streaming it here |
19232s | this is this is not like an actual |
19233s | official ni it's uh it's a community |
19235s | tourm I think it's hosted by Swifty and |
19238s | we do have the brcs EU NSA will be |
19243s | happening on Saturday and Sunday next |
19244s | week so come out for that as well if you |
19246s | guys want to see you know these other |
19247s | regions go at it for the trophy I guess |
19252s | and a nice a nice price bowl for them |
19255s | but yeah I think that is going to be it |
19257s | for us today Shi yes sir yes sir the |
19260s | Korean casters still haven't B their |
19263s | heads but they're smiling surely they'll |
19265s | do it soon right super i d i actually |
19268s | completely ran things to say there we've |
19270s | been two interviews is a lot of time to |
19273s | buy |
19276s | yeah oh it's been it's been nice it's |
19280s | been quite a nice night but yeah I think |
19283s | that is going to be it for us today |
19285s | thank you guys so much for stopping by |
19287s | thank you guys so much for watching and |
19289s | we will see you guys back in two weeks |
19292s | all right see you everybody bye-bye take |
19294s | care take care bye-bye |
19322s | keep |
19341s | spe spee |
19381s | [Applause] |
19387s | you |
19392s | for spe |
19419s | com |
19440s | [Music] |
19459s | [Music] |
19464s | speee |
19465s | fore spe |
19477s | spee |
19482s | fore |
19483s | [Music] |
19492s | fore |
19496s | fore |
19507s | fore |
19517s | fore speech |
19527s | [Music] |
19532s | [Music] |
19547s | [Music] |
19549s | fore for |
19553s | spee |
19561s | [Laughter] |
19567s | fore forch |