New items will be introduced to boxes and will be available for disassembly after our maintenance on Thursday, April 11th. As a result, the probabilities of obtaining certain items from boxes and disassembly will be updated.
For detailed information on these changes, please refer to the links below.
1. Box List (1 Category) ■ Skin Data Box
*You can check current, to-be and previous probabilities below.
■ Current (Ver. 1.19)
- Box Probabilities [[
{LINK REMOVED}url=]See More[/url]]
- Disassemble Probabilities [[
{LINK REMOVED}url=]See More[/url]]
■ To-Be (Ver. 1.20)
- Box Probabilities [[
{LINK REMOVED}url=]See More[/url]]
- Disassemble Probabilities
{LINK REMOVED}[See More]■ Previous (ver. 1.18)
- Box Probabilities [[
{LINK REMOVED}url=]See More[/url]]
- Disassemble Probabilities [[
{LINK REMOVED}url=]See More[/url]]