about 2 months ago - Eternal Return - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

8s for Fore
11s spee
13s fore
17s foree
20s foree fore speech
50s speee foree
89s for for
150s w
160s for spee
209s spe
239s for
269s for
299s e fore
359s uh
389s for
419s for
449s for for
509s oh
538s ohow
568s for
598s for
628s fore
658s for for
718s for
748s e
778s for for
838s spe
868s for for
924s you got
945s spech
946s fore spech fore
980s chcken
1016s chicken wow
1032s fore
1078s you
1088s fore
1108s spee
1138s foree
1168s for
1176s e
1184s fore
1198s speee
1208s for
1211s Fore fore
1241s fore
1253s foree
1258s for
1263s fore fore
1268s speee
1271s foree
1275s fore
1277s foree spee
1318s for for
1377s ad
1407s for
1410s fore speee
1439s spr
1499s yo what the heck is that it is the Oney
1504s year anniversary of Eternal War return
1506s that's probably why they have it but
1507s guys that's not what we are here for we
1510s need those party hats too I know maybe
1512s we should be know maybe I should just
1514s put it on top of our heads maybe I'll
1516s find one in the middle of a game and
1518s we'll just toss it on right they got
1520s they got they got some party hats on and
1522s some flashy glasses like what the what
1524s what's going on over there yeah why
1526s didn't we get the memo what the heck
1529s guys welcome back it's been about 24
1531s hours which means it is time for another
1533s day of eternal return Masters this time
1535s around it is the wild card for phase
1538s number three yesterday was absolutely
1541s incredible the group stages were funny
1544s let's just say that I'm sure you're
1546s calling it by a lot it was quite funny
1548s when it came down to it but today we are
1550s here for the wild cards the next set of
1554s games that are going to be happening in
1555s the phase 3 rotation of course after
1558s everything thing that we saw yesterday I
1559s think expectations are running quite
1562s high and not in the way that we're
1563s thinking about cuz I'm not even just
1565s looking for good games today I'm looking
1566s for funny games
1568s today yeah I mean we got six games uh
1570s ahead of us obviously you know these
1572s teams fought two to nil to get here uh
1574s top six of
1576s the of the eight teams from yesterday uh
1580s it's not really the top six because
1581s obviously the top two of the top uh top
1583s six automatically made it to finals but
1585s you know from teams 22 six uh they're
1588s all here to
1589s to show you know if uh they have what it
1592s takes right to go to the finals for
1593s tomorrow yeah and the little slightly
1596s different thing about this wild cards
1598s I'm not bypassing the fact that this is
1600s still wild cards teams worked hard to
1601s get here but in comparison to I think
1604s previous erms this wild
1606s cart it it doesn't feel as competitive
1610s just kind of basing it off of yesterday
1612s right there was a lot of really fuz me
1614s business going on a lot of the teams
1616s that are here didn't really have too
1618s many points from yesterday to begin with
1620s because the score sheets from yesterday
1622s were very very
1623s topheavy so we'll see what ends up
1626s happening today but of course we're
1628s going back to the overview this is just
1630s the usual run-of-the-mill kind of things
1633s when it comes down to it but here we go
1634s from the left side schedule we did the
1636s group stage yesterday so we are on the
1638s Wild Card Center is the prize pool right
1641s there again we'll talk about why the
1643s champion is highlighted yellow if you
1645s don't know why that is the case tomorrow
1647s so make sure you guys come back during
1648s the finals for us to give you a little
1650s bit more of a brief explanation on why
1652s that is highlighted yellow and the
1654s circuit points what everybody in this
1656s series is trying to get into to at least
1659s secure a little bit of that yeah and now
1662s we're going to come back to our format
1664s obviously for people who weren't here
1665s yesterday for explation you know uh the
1667s group stages that's already done the top
1669s six teams uh have already been decided
1671s and you know our bottom to already went
1673s home from group A and B and now we are
1675s here for the wild cards it is going to
1677s be eight teams and the four we'll move
1679s it uh we'll move on to finals you know
1682s you say you say they were sent home but
1684s I think they already
1686s home yeah but you know like you know
1689s what I mean right like I know absolutely
1691s what you mean here are the teams that
1693s are going to be playing here guys we
1694s have Team chit tongam rocks saber and
1698s Tangle Dobby joining us from group a
1700s yesterday ton cybers DH cnj carpet DM
1704s and 500 MP joining us from Group B of
1708s course chus there's a lot of stories
1710s that I think team chit is going to have
1712s to overcome today yesterday was really
1714s insane with Team aser just popping off
1716s almost out of nowhere with the Yan on
1718s pied and miden SED just being miden
1721s sedong two seat of course the winners of
1723s phase number two they have a lot to
1725s prove the fact that they were sent down
1726s to the wild cards despite having an
1728s incredible performance stand the
1729s qualifiers for their specific group I
1732s think CHC really wants to show them or
1735s not just them I should say when I say
1737s them I mean the players but I think CHC
1739s wants to show the people watching their
1741s own fans that they really do have what
1743s it takes to even take away phase number
1745s three away from some of our top
1746s contending teams like team aser like
1749s team me song especially considering the
1751s fact that team fery isn't even here to
1753s begin with yeah I mean obviously TR you
1757s know playing a nice consistent uh you
1759s know series despite them you know
1761s dropping down to the wild cards I still
1763s think they had you know a nice uh
1765s performance in the group stages just
1767s unfortunate that didn't didn't really
1769s have you know one of uh one of those pop
1772s off games I think that's both Asher and
1775s um Mir s had so that's you know kind of
1777s why I didn't have enough points to
1778s qualify but I'm sure uh they're here you
1780s know to prove themselves once again as
1783s obviously you know they are our uh phase
1785s two winners so yeah they're definitely
1788s uh one of the strong teams to look out
1789s for for today indeed indeed indeed a lot
1792s of things that we can kind of expect out
1793s of them we know what their composition
1795s is going to be like that's not going to
1796s be too big of a surprise for us so it
1799s all comes down to whether or not they're
1800s actually going to be able to execute on
1802s what they actually can play but let's
1804s take a look at what the freak TV
1805s predictions are going to look like one
1807s of the most Landslide afria TV
1810s predictions that you and I have I think
1812s almost ever seen team CH SE as well as
1815s the dejun cyers having an incredible
1817s percentage coming into our series here
1819s today yeah both taking about over 60% of
1823s the votes so it's
1826s uh yeah I mean I guess people have
1828s already decided you know who they think
1830s the strong teams are in this group both
1831s CH and the young cybers uh definitely
1833s our Powerhouse teams uh for the group uh
1836s for today absolutely not too much of a
1838s surprise here either right I mean their
1839s performances in each of the groups
1840s yesterday were pretty much allowing them
1843s to be a possible Contender of getting
1845s out of the group stages just got eak out
1848s a little bit by the teams that ended up
1850s in second place not a surprise and team
1853s two yesterday was actually a really
1854s strong Contender for one of these
1856s predictions as well right they had a
1857s really high perc alongside
1860s team they had a really really tough
1862s group and they still held their own
1864s managed to get the third place
1866s spot I I I'm not surprised about these
1868s kind of Statistics at all today yeah I
1871s mean I mean I think they were able to
1872s win like one or two games as well uh at
1875s in their respective group it's just you
1877s know they didn't have that pop off game
1878s so that that's kind of why you know they
1880s are down in the wild cards but um yeah I
1882s mean I'm excited for the games today
1884s shui I'm sure you are as well we have
1886s six games so a little of a shorter day
1889s for today but um yeah I'm definitely
1893s here to see you know what these teams
1894s have to offer I am as well super excited
1897s to see what kind of picks are going to
1898s come through super excited to see what
1900s kind of bands are going to come through
1902s today as well right we actually did yeah
1904s maybe maybe we might have some bands
1906s today but I think we are going to jump
1908s straight into it going to see our picks
1910s here I think relatively speaking most of
1913s the teams looks like they're going to be
1915s playing uh a very similar you know style
1917s that they ended up playing yesterday
1920s exactly I'm seeing pretty much everybody
1923s just playing exactly what we normally
1925s expect I don't think satin was playing
1926s too many games yesterday but he will be
1929s playing the fure we saw this during
1930s phase 2 it's going to be the spear and I
1932s think you're somewhat familiar with this
1934s one as well since you did see it during
1936s nacs but spear Fiora making a really big
1939s comeback especially with the cosmic
1941s bident
1943s being that an Adriana B oh oh yeah it is
1948s going to be cuz we have rori Doza and
1951s hoit all combined into one lobby wow
1954s this is like the only three Adriana's
1957s ERM that we are ever going to be seeing
1959s all in one lobby CEST coincidence yeah I
1963s mean Adriana you know people we don't
1965s really see too often but um yeah I mean
1968s maybe maybe it's just a coincidence that
1970s all of the Adriana players are in this
1971s one lobby forcing the the band to
1973s actually come out here that is so so
1977s funny well we'll see see what the result
1978s of this is going to look like as you
1980s know today is going to be a fun day
1983s today is going to be a great day if we
1985s know anything from what we saw yesterday
1987s I think these players I'm hoping they
1989s fixed all the problems right I'm hoping
1991s they fixed all the micro problems all
1993s the macro problems whatever it is um I'm
1996s hoping we don't get to see it just so
1997s that we can see some really good games
1999s coming out from these guys where they
2000s won't have any problems with their own
2002s performances right we were talking about
2004s this yesterday where if you do start
2006s making those kind of mistakes where you
2007s make the mic macro decision Jack only
2010s hyperloop uh your team probably would
2013s hyper yeah it will throw you off
2015s absolutely so I'm hoping that teams
2017s today are going to be playing their own
2020s game and not making too many mistakes
2022s like that that could throw off their
2023s mental because that's where it starts to
2025s get a little bit frustrating cuz you
2027s have to remember that today is a
2028s six-game series and even if these
2031s players have been playing for a while
2033s six game series are still very very
2035s draining yeah I mean it is quite uh
2038s quite a bit of games you have to play
2040s but um that means there's more chances
2041s right for these teams to qualify it is
2043s just top four so you know six games is
2046s uh it's quite a bits uh to have right as
2048s a cushion for yourself even if you have
2051s you know one or two bad games you you
2052s you do have a you do have a lot to work
2054s with absolutely here we go guys get
2057s loading into game number one everybody
2059s all the adrianas down to the South side
2062s looks like they're all running the same
2064s exact build stting everyone's here
2066s everyone's here where else this is not
2069s going to be
2070s good oh boy
2073s toja he is going to be behind is that ho
2076s up above I think it is cuz kpum was in
2079s group b yesterday wow okay so ho is
2081s actually going to be slightly ahead of
2083s all the other adrianas and I'm not sure
2085s what the versatility levels of Adriana
2087s builds are right now from the looks of
2089s it at least the routes are the same
2090s maybe there's ones or different variants
2092s of items that you can run within the
2094s same route that at least goes for a
2096s little bit of different sets of items
2098s that could be a little bit of a um a
2102s little bit of a what should I
2105s say we have I don't know aggression here
2109s from saten canas is going to get him out
2111s to safety with the speed boost and the
2113s heal and S going to look for some more
2115s here but uh does end up withing the Al
2118s and yeah magnani is here to counter uh
2120s they are all grouped up so we be saten
2122s the one to fall here as yeah d uh D
2125s young cyber is going to be our first
2127s blood for this series stuff good stuff
2130s Bob also now getting caught out by sebbi
2132s but Yi is hanging around here do
2133s remember that this is a very very early
2135s game Aon he does not have any resets he
2138s just needs to solely rely on the over
2142s charge there we go on the inv venomz
2144s ultimate's coming through it's going to
2147s be resulting in a kill for themselves
2149s early game kill for team CH seats it's
2151s going to be a great way to start this
2152s game considering the fact that you know
2154s it it's still early game and these guys
2156s really have any easy ways to sustain
2157s that that overflow State good stuff
2160s coming through from sebie and also C
2162s joining him towards the end of the fight
2164s everybody else just casually going
2166s another slow paced early game from the
2168s looks of it for a lot of these teams not
2169s that much fights yeah should no able to
2172s you know join up as well but looks like
2174s it's going to be insane that's caught
2175s out here but the white lily is up so I
2177s think he's just going to be able to get
2178s to safety oh actually I did not know you
2180s could actually cancel the white lily
2184s blast with other knockbacks but yeah
2186s looks like it did end up getting
2187s canceled but uh you know they're not
2189s really there to follow up so not really
2191s much comes out of that
2194s down I didn't know about that either
2196s actually I think that's one of the more
2198s first times that I've ever seen it since
2200s Zine hasn't really been all too popular
2203s when it comes to the number that com
2206s holy crap all right well there goes one
2208s down sardab is going to instantly be
2210s eliminated from the fight glove is also
2212s trying to run away but of course as a my
2214s without the speed gate it will be a
2216s little difficult reor trying to get
2218s himself away but he does now have access
2220s to the speed Gates s trying to chase
2222s this down he doesn't have the range and
2224s the entire left side of the map seems to
2226s be pretty empty so suam should be coming
2228s back in just a moment our first team
2230s fight of the game it's going to be team
2231s saber that wins it yeah great lock down
2234s from the Alonzo and a great followup
2236s from satin and the Adena to just you
2238s know do so much damage onto the suami
2240s instantly killing her and making the
2242s fight 2v3 so uh very nice or very uh
2246s well played from Team saber there
2248s KY oh oh what a delay Tomahawk
2251s groundhouse corner kick that's pretty
2253s good sebie still trying to chase the
2255s through he will actually get the
2256s Overflow speed gate is not there seie
2260s going a little bit too far to you know
2263s thinking that there was the speak in
2264s that area but there isn't there is shom
2267s trying to jump in kcw on this yen is
2270s quite slippery when it comes down to it
2273s but he's missing a lot of skills yeah I
2275s don't think he getting away for re so
2279s looks like he will end up falling and I
2280s will beat you see thinking up another
2282s kill so two early kills for them is uh
2285s really nice uh a really nice spot you
2287s know to put yourself in especially
2290s because uh it is just top four right so
2292s any point counts here exactly top side
2295s seems to be pretty empty that should be
2296s a pretty free tree for team 2C but on
2298s the bottom side we are actually going to
2299s have a Prett emptive fight over this
2301s tree of life M Lally taken out of the
2304s fight D has the fast balls chunking one
2306s after another there's the auto attack
2308s pumping down knocking down mongani no
2311s Shield to deny his Autos blind is not
2314s there team Tong num Rock takes the win
2315s of the fight and takes away that tree of
2318s life yeah nice engage from the mai and
2322s great followup from you know both adcs
2324s this is uh you know the the power of the
2327s double ADC back line here just you know
2329s able to deal so much damage to you know
2331s these uh these dra tanks who are not
2332s able to really uh really heal back up
2335s there so yeah very well played from uh
2338s um s s rocks right yeah s rocks there
2343s you go
2345s yeah now we have tingle Dobby
2348s potentially looking for a fight up
2349s against team CHC but do remember that
2350s team CH is actually quite strong at the
2352s moment so Dobby opting to fight in on
2354s this going straight in on towards the
2356s subam he's actually holding the back
2358s line at the moment a lot of damage dealt
2360s over onto sardab a lot of damage the
2362s over on to se but he does have the force
2364s field actually is not forced to pop that
2366s just yet down goes to
2368s glove is in a whole heap of trouble will
2369s most likely have taken down and now rori
2372s is also in a whole heap of trouble
2373s thankfully sepi goes into exuviation so
2376s at least he's going to be fine but
2377s another two members of tingle dby going
2379s to fall that is a lot of lost time a lot
2382s of good damage a lot of good stuns
2384s coming in from kcw but he gets
2386s eliminated before anything else can
2388s happen yeah I mean kcw tried to go in
2391s there saw the angle but his team is
2393s nowhere to be found and just gets double
2395s polymorph and instantly locked up by
2397s team p m p very well played nice combo
2399s there from the Emma and it will be kcw
2402s dropping so DH going to lose two members
2403s and 500 MP you know getting a nice two
2406s kills for themselves going to get their
2407s Callins here they're sitting in a nice
2408s comfortable position yeah that kick
2410s would have been really nice I think if
2411s rori was standing in the same alley way
2414s he kicked everybody else in but because
2417s vori wasn't there wasn't really that
2419s much follow-up damage we talked about
2421s this composition yesterday where a lot
2423s of things are kind of meant to follow up
2425s after one another kcw can have a very
2428s successful result with the Y we saw it
2430s on P it's going to be very similar but
2432s you need the Adriana's damage you need
2434s the elen stunning potential to actually
2437s follow through on all that damage sebie
2439s trying to go in for another fight inside
2441s of cemetery from the looks of it white
2442s lily is going to be for him to reset
2444s from the fire and a lot of damage being
2446s exchanged this Alonzo trying to keep
2448s himself alive Satan is actually going to
2450s keep himself alive too but
2453s now absolutely zero damage this team is
2456s all about sustain damage Dage there is
2458s no sustained damage when the Lenny is on
2460s the other side good fight coming in from
2462s Team CH SE the hcj pxu looking for the
2465s alpha but I think he chose the wrong
2467s area to be spring trap is going to not
2470s pull him backwards flying he off he goes
2472s back into pond that will be an alpha
2474s picked up for team two
2476s seat yeah I mean the Lenny just keeping
2478s their team alive a nice angle from shom
2480s to actually uh catch out sadena when
2483s they did end up you know using the white
2485s lily to get away from the echon you know
2486s pushing them a little too far forward
2488s wow a nice pull there from the Lenox as
2491s Scarlet is down to 1 HP here they are
2494s going to get a lot of damage with this
2495s Adriana going to Zone them off here
2497s niage from po but the combo coming out
2500s from the Emma it will trade one for one
2502s maybe they can kill the body here they
2503s do and they actually get the execution
2505s bonus and I think that is going to let
2507s them win this battle Zone and it will as
2509s it will be carpm coming on top getting
2511s this uh nice mid for himself quite
2514s interesting quite interesting these
2515s fights right now are h i I don't know
2518s how to say this because it's a very good
2520s mix of some really explosive fights and
2523s a lot of fights that are also very
2525s sustained right we're seeing a
2526s combination of those two because of the
2528s way that these compositions are actually
2530s set up we have setups where you know got
2533s a Lenny you got a black Mok King ekon
2536s very very sustain worthy you have a
2538s composition that has a Dena very good at
2540s some of these sustained extended fights
2542s but then you also have some of these
2544s compositions like a Yan like 500 MP
2547s they're looking for the instant burst
2549s it's almost like you're playing rock
2550s paper scissors but sometimes Rock can't
2553s be stronger than paper as long as the
2554s rock is like two tons worth of weight I
2557s guess I don't
2559s know yeah I mean as long as you have
2561s enough items you know you can stat check
2563s some of these teams oh I like this
2564s Vision play here because there is a box
2566s coming so looks like they do want to try
2568s to catch out a team here and they do
2570s actually check it with the Recon drone
2573s so good awareness from Tangled Dobby to
2577s uh the check this here it looks like
2579s seum rocks is actually going to get
2580s locked up by F almost actually dropping
2583s there but uh yeah looks like a really
2586s nice exclusive from the ma is going to
2587s be able to keep them alive and they
2589s actually going to be able to stall them
2590s out but o they actually trade one for
2592s one and uh Dina going to try looking for
2595s some more but the rest is just going to
2596s go through and I think that's going to
2599s be Alonzo actually dying on the swap as
2601s well so will be a minus 250 for team
2603s saber indeed not the greatest start for
2606s team saber and there's a lot of team
2607s teams up right in school they were
2609s looking for the res but of course not
2611s going to find it immediately insane
2613s actually trying to look for an insane
2615s angle on the GW I don't know if that
2617s hook landed would I have even pulled
2619s there was a pretty far distance that the
2621s wall would have had to pull or insane to
2623s actually get that Yan over the wall not
2625s going to be able to find it police
2626s station pretty quiet southide also
2629s somewhat quiet but D looking for an
2631s angle in on towards Dina the moon
2633s meteorite not really going to do
2635s anything down goes Dina
2638s a result to the minus 500 on the side of
2640s Team saber they do have enough credits
2641s but we do need to see saon slowly move
2644s his way over onto transer console
2646s because the longer he stays Alive by
2647s himself the more dangerous it will be
2649s same situation for carp a beautiful
2652s blast wave from sanang will pull in same
2655s right back to where he came from goodbye
2657s my friend minus 500 to carum to start
2660s off day number three as well yeah looks
2662s like they got sandwiched by uh Team DH
2665s and by Team D young cyber so they were
2667s oh no it looks like 500 MP is stuck in
2669s this corner here o a nice uh jump over
2671s the wall though from the Emma just going
2673s to be able to get their team to safety
2675s going to try to get the reses off
2676s instantly here maybe DH or D young cyers
2678s does end up taking does end up noticing
2681s they do end up trying to maybe take the
2683s engage here a nice knock up o a great
2685s buffer though from rolu is that going to
2687s be enough it doesn't look like it as
2689s looks like it will be F RP just taking
2691s some red timer probably going to get the
2692s red up back in archery range yeah that's
2695s okay it's still game number one ooh they
2697s don't see this cyers let's see if team
2701s DHC andj is able to get anything done
2703s good reactions coming through from the
2704s members of ton cybers also Cadmus was
2707s really in never any danger in that spot
2709s which means I don't think revu
2711s necessarily would have been as well kcw
2713s kind of following up a little bit slowly
2715s from the Elena the distance was already
2717s made between the Yan and the Kia I don't
2719s think she was ever under any threats in
2721s that fight good stuff from te DHC and J
2724s to say hey we kind of threw the
2726s initiation of the fight back away don't
2728s need to Brute Force anything
2729s here yeah and now we just have uh all
2733s the teams you know Gathering up for the
2734s next objective it will be chce getting
2735s this free Omega and they're looking
2738s really strong they got five kills
2739s already uh they're going to get a nice
2741s for score here for free they're going to
2742s get that uh looks like it was the holy
2744s water so they are looking in a really
2746s nice comfortable position for themselves
2749s stuff good stuff M4 seconds to go before
2753s day four is going to begin and that's
2755s when we start seeing I think a lot of
2756s these teams start positioning around the
2758s center areas just from the looks of it
2761s right now I mean school's not closing
2762s Forest is not closing a lot of teams are
2764s going to have to look around focusing
2766s for that Wick line but the fight is
2767s going to begin on the South Side nice
2769s Shield tag on douchi man I don't know if
2771s that signature Fireball was exactly what
2773s D was looking for means that the
2775s entirety of Team saber is going to reset
2777s for a little bit if they want to go for
2780s the fight because as William doesn't
2782s have signature Fireball they're still
2783s going to have to be a little bit careful
2786s cuz again this team is all all about the
2787s sustained damage and what does a William
2790s with sustained fighting capabilities on
2791s the other side provide more chances for
2793s these Fireballs uh not fire fast balls I
2797s know ultimate for DDO here might
2800s be uh a little hard o but I'm also going
2803s to try looking for the taunt doesn't it
2804s does actually go wide here and the Lonzo
2806s Al is actually going to land on Two And
2808s it won be S going to be able to follow
2810s up there DDO trying to look for some
2812s more damage but just not enough but yeah
2814s I mean I think that's uh William not
2816s having that that's Fireball he just
2819s going to make it so they won't have
2820s enough damage and um I think the BR is
2823s walking up a little too far as well I
2824s think the uh delonzo get that alake
2827s there kind of seal the deal for uh that
2829s fight it's a little bit tough it's a
2831s little bit tough I'm surprised that the
2832s William didn't have enough damage
2834s because for the most part of the fight
2835s Lonzo didn't actually have a shield up
2836s facing forward throughout a couple Auto
2839s attacks from the fast ball maybe DDO is
2841s just slightly behind on items or it's
2843s just that duan's a little ahead on items
2845s we don't know yet that's
2847s over Ona Andi what a beautiful set up
2851s from he finds the angle blast waves
2854s straight into the Alonzo 1 two three and
2856s a four pop goes a weasel Dina douch
2859s Man's dead yeah it looks like U marox
2862s they do hear the Ping so they come back
2864s maybe try look for a third party but uh
2866s not able to find anything and looks like
2868s saber is going to have to walk away here
2870s not able to Res Lonzo so they are only
2872s going to be a Duo here with I think
2874s about four to five teams in school so
2876s this might be a little hard for to
2877s navigate around but um oh it looks like
2880s Fiora might be caught by team two seat
2882s I'm not too sure if the Fiora is going
2885s to be able to get on out of there they
2887s are looking to chase that down senine
2890s also you know on the chase there looks
2892s like he's just going to T some red one
2893s on other side we do have another fight
2894s here ri going to get some nice damage
2896s here coming in from the subam is just
2900s not enough as a sustain from the Yan
2902s just able to keep rolu alive and M going
2905s to try to engage here as yeah looks like
2907s they are going to lose two members a
2909s nice clean fight from The Young cyers
2912s this is why you always have to Overkill
2914s teams that have healing supports like
2915s the Yohan otherwise you're going to
2917s struggle towards the end you think oh we
2920s just barely killed them that's okay
2921s that's enough damage now they're going
2923s to heal throughout it you saw the
2925s Adriana I think she was a little bit
2927s reserved about throwing out her cocktail
2928s party while she had the fire the
2930s flamethrower going no you need to kill
2933s the um you need to kill the CIA you
2936s absolutely have to and then you can
2938s start thinking about the sua afterwards
2940s I mean quite frankly you might not even
2941s have enough to deal with the sua
2943s afterwards you might have to run away
2944s but you got to kill the kadia great
2947s blink dodged out by rori but he's still
2950s in a whole leap of trouble he has the
2951s credits for the but look nowhere for him
2954s to Res yeah Works in Avenue res in
2957s school it's a little hard for this team
2959s but looks like we do have carbonum being
2961s put on the back foot here a lot of
2962s damage going out onto this Alina are
2965s they going to be able to do enough here
2966s doesn't look like as both teams will
2968s just disengage there are so many teams
2972s hanging around a lot of the zones that
2974s are open I mean it's almost starting to
2976s hit critical point at the stage yiman in
2978s a whole heap of trouble he's stuck in
2980s nowhere there is no support coming for
2982s him as Fiora is the only one alive on
2984s this team down he goes saber again it is
2987s just not their series I suppose it's not
2989s just a Cathy that is causing that but
2991s for now it's just their own becoming not
2994s going to be looking good in game number
2995s one another fight inside of again these
2998s critical points the critical mass of all
3000s these players looking for fights to just
3002s barely dodging out on the snake bite but
3005s it seems like carpedm has actually got
3006s the upper hand
3009s of yeah they were able to get a nice
3011s clean fight there Lan playing the fights
3013s and navigating the fight so well dodging
3014s so many scill shots and just able to uh
3016s do so much damage on this subam so they
3019s will get a nice two kills for thems
3021s they're going to get a lot of crits as
3022s well so they're going to be sitting in
3024s nice comfortable position maybe going to
3025s be able to get some buyin in hospital we
3028s have to see you know if they do end up
3029s maybe saving for this blood on that
3031s Lenox as they are sitting close to 500
3033s credits but uh here is true seat looking
3035s for an angle onto 500 MP but 500 MP
3037s don't really want any of it so they will
3039s just walk into red and teleport on out
3042s of here or actually they're going to
3043s walk all the way around it's actually
3045s pretty goodidea police station yeah and
3049s saber might be coming up here oh no well
3052s I mean he's the only one there so pretty
3054s much wherever he goes the entirety of
3056s Sabre goes at the stage
3058s unfortunately you know they did not have
3060s enough credits it will actually be uh
3063s two members you know going to have to R
3064s it out for the team two solos looks like
3066s we do have carpia maybe going to look
3067s for an angle onto Rox here be a little
3071s bit careful L if he doesn't get easy
3072s access over onto the back line o Bob M's
3074s initiation actually not really looking
3076s to be a great start and ddl going a
3079s little bit too close means that there's
3080s a lot of crowd control to deny the up
3082s time on that fast ball health bars both
3085s on the sides of Team sun rocks and car
3087s looking a little bit tough but with this
3089s bernes popping these ballistic
3091s advantages it will buy the rest of sunam
3094s rocks a little bit more time to heal you
3095s can see DDO at Max HP Bosa also about to
3098s reach Max HP as well signature Fireball
3101s up in about 5 Seconds D can fight again
3104s in just a
3105s moment yeah but no exclusive for another
3108s maybe 15 seconds here so this is the
3109s opportunity that KPM need to take if
3111s they do want to take this fight it's
3113s probably going to be up uh By the time
3115s Rox do look for an engage here
3117s as the soul sealer is proed here is the
3120s dash forward a nice FL backwards it does
3122s end up hit counting Lan and insane just
3124s taking so much damage the ultimate does
3125s come in exclusive is good but uh it's
3127s the 1 V one between Bernice and the and
3131s the subam and they do actually end up
3133s killing the Bernice here so they need to
3135s play Slow Lan able to get so much damage
3137s spacing so well po going to be able to
3140s get some poke off as well as Lan comes
3142s back in and he will he will drop DDO and
3145s it will be carpet DM coming out out on
3147s top mely played by lokan just navigating
3150s that fight so well incredible fight from
3152s team carpedm they have a very long way
3154s to walk insane I yo you got you got 15
3157s seconds of time wait does he even have
3159s enough to start walking you might be in
3161s a little bit of trouble 10 seconds
3163s remember this wind stream is facing way
3166s I don't think he's got it unless he has
3168s blink he has a blood sample on his h on
3171s his body that's a minus one he will
3174s drop no that is a disaster greting for
3178s that blood just the game here and I
3182s think that will be it for carum as they
3184s do end up getting spotted out by the
3185s young cybers they played the fight so
3188s well wait a second maybe Adriana can do
3190s something here no it's not enough the
3192s Johan just out heals everything and
3194s guess what now team T cyers gets a free
3196s flood sample oh this is tragic is this
3199s going to go into the Widow Maker for
3203s revu I mean what are the items that this
3205s team can run no it's going to go
3206s straight into a red shoes from mongani
3209s so maybe just maybe revu is already
3213s sitting on that high noon at the moment
3215s what a disaster for
3216s team that is so unfortunate because you
3220s have to wonder right if the downstream
3222s was in their favor they definitely would
3223s have made it in right so yeah but that's
3225s not a direction where the downstream
3227s ever faces up it's always down oh oh is
3230s that the case oh yeah yeah I think so
3232s I've never seen that one face
3235s upwards I don't think there unfortunate
3237s but uh yeah looks like the Lenny on CH
3240s SE is already dead so I think it will
3243s come down to a tangle Dobby versus D
3246s young cybers uh 3v3 I mean we're going
3249s to have to see if chit is going to be
3251s able to oh wait a second oh no way oh
3254s wait a second they're teing over oh
3257s right into the hands of the young cyers
3259s it looks like uh Team CH is going to get
3262s the zone for free I think maybe team
3265s dang Tangled Dobby thoughts ch was a
3267s full team so they're actually opting to
3269s fight a different team cuz they don't
3270s want to fight CH SE is my guess and here
3273s comes glove gl's going to get the taunt
3274s on to CAD miss here but here comes the
3277s heal that's the healing one and ultimate
3279s RoR or rolu just taking so much damage
3281s though but they actually trade one for
3282s one
3283s onto the subam and do they have enough
3286s damage to kill the sua nice taunt bori
3288s trying to get enough damage here and
3290s they will actually kill the Su and I
3292s think it will be team tangle Dobby
3295s actually it worked in their favor they
3296s speed over they got a nice three kills
3298s they were able to win the Battle Zone
3300s but um two's all back up and alive
3304s so is this really in their favor cuz
3306s maybe they could have just killed CHC
3307s and then they could have won a 33 at the
3308s very end yeah I'm not entirely sure what
3310s the idea there from Tangled Doby was cuz
3313s they should not okay they don't have
3315s information of course because it's right
3317s before the temp Zone phase they don't
3318s have access to CCTV but they should have
3321s an idea of what the map state looks like
3323s they should have an idea of what team is
3325s hanging around there they should no
3327s right I mean I think they might have
3328s yeah I think they might have thought CH
3330s SE was a full team cuz obviously you
3331s know did go down to three and then was
3334s but oh triple trumpet triple trumpet on
3338s everybody rori is just so isolated away
3340s from this fight and there's no shot CHC
3344s just gets given a free game by team Tang
3346s Babi a great way to start the game a
3349s great way to start the series a great
3351s way to end it for team CH seed being
3353s given a little bit of a free I'm not
3355s even sure if they even understand what
3356s what
3357s happened yeah I mean you have to wonder
3360s you know I guess the team just didn't
3362s know they were a full team but uh I
3364s think in that scenario you know you kind
3365s of have to you know read the numbers
3368s read the teams and you have to assume
3370s right this team could be a Duo but
3372s unfortunately you know they made the
3373s wrong call and they do end up paying the
3375s price for it exactly we get a funny
3377s business but T2 seat sitting on top of
3380s their Thrones GG well played to team CH
3383s seat at least they held on I mean look
3385s even if the Lenny is dead
3387s sometimes that just happens we saw it a
3389s lot during yesterday where teams were
3390s trying to actively make those kind of
3392s plays but it just didn't work out in
3394s their favor because the hyperloop
3395s timings were off or people just made
3397s some really critical mistakes where you
3400s know you were trying to hyperloop but
3401s you shouldn't have because your team
3402s wasn't going to make it anyways a lot of
3404s shenanigans like that at least for Tang
3406s Gabi this time around they were actually
3408s really on point with Hyper looping with
3410s just barely enough time leaving about 12
3413s seconds before the temporary zones
3414s actually begin and in the end they
3416s actually won their own temporary Zone
3418s they got the three additional points for
3419s getting the kills I don't think it's a
3421s bad result for team tangle at all but of
3423s course at the same time I said all this
3425s stuff earlier they probably should have
3427s known what the state of fire station was
3429s going to look like and the fact that
3430s they actually had an
3432s advantage yeah I mean they still were
3434s able to win their Battle Zone they got
3435s second place with three extra kills so
3437s it's not too bad of a result for them
3438s but you know you kind of have to wonder
3439s right if they just stayed in that Battle
3441s Zone would they maybe have gone first
3442s place with eight kills instead instead
3444s of six with second so
3449s well big what
3451s if yeah but um you know uh the results
3455s are here obviously CH seed coming out on
3457s top they were able to get that free
3458s Battle Zone they're able to get that
3460s revive off and they're able to close out
3463s the game so you know very well played
3465s obviously we know you see you know one
3466s of the PowerHouse teams they had over
3467s 60% of the votes so it's no surprise you
3470s know uh that they were able to come out
3472s on top there yeah and um TGC was also
3475s the one that actually picked up the wick
3476s line in that game so they actually had
3479s access to a blood sample nobody else was
3481s really contesting it which means all of
3482s the items as well as the benefits that
3484s the wick bleed buff also gives you it's
3487s pretty easily handed over to team CH
3489s seat I don't know maybe some of the
3492s other teams if that happened to them it
3494s would have been okay for team tingled
3495s Dobby but the fact that what is it the
3498s ma got teleported right in front of the
3500s Lenny cine had the perfect timing on the
3502s spring trap to catch rori immediately
3504s out of the invol vulnerability phase
3507s from the hyperloop that just sealed the
3509s deal triple trumpet was just an
3511s additional um additional kind of cream
3515s of the cake I guess I suppose the fight
3517s was already
3519s over yeah yeah they got the TP I think
3522s the my probably should have maybe walked
3524s a little further back before letting
3525s their teams TP in uh but obviously they
3528s had no information right um Team two
3531s seed coming up from the bottom side just
3532s in time as you know both the carries
3534s tped in and then it's a little too late
3536s to be cuz's in range to get the stun and
3538s get the spring trap so yeah a it is a
3541s little unfortunate but um it did just
3544s work out in ch's favor that's okay with
3547s me always love to see Team CH continuing
3549s to do well I think with this kind of
3551s composition it brings a whole new face
3553s to really synergizing how each of these
3555s players play again I'll talk about this
3557s one more time shom plays like an
3559s absolute psycho on that on that Jenny
3561s and that's a compliment by the way this
3562s guy has always strived to make plays on
3565s the Jenny he just didn't really have
3566s teammates that were able to actually
3568s follow up on it but with cine and sebie
3570s on hand he's making these plays very
3572s very confidently and we're seeing the
3574s results of that
3575s exactly yeah and here are the round
3577s results for game number one here CH seed
3579s coming out on top with 19 points
3582s securing them themselves in first place
3584s with a seven point uh difference uh
3587s between the first place and the second
3588s Point uh Second Place team as Z young
3590s cyers coming in second place with 12
3593s points despite them going down in third
3595s place in that game as he did have two
3597s extra kills over dangel Dobby stuff good
3600s stuff all righty game number two is
3604s going to be quite interesting as I don't
3607s believe we had any bands oh no no no we
3609s did have adri adri ad oh man what a
3612s weird weird ban um right I don't think I
3615s don't remember the last time adrion has
3616s been banned in ERM maybe in season one
3620s oh gosh even maybe I'm I'm even thinking
3623s in pre-release at this point if they're
3626s but this might have also been like the
3628s um the super old band system where teams
3632s were only allowed to play a certain
3633s character a certain number of times in
3635s the series you remember that yeah yeah
3638s yeah they would have to swap like one of
3640s the players right
3642s yeah or I think their whole roster at
3644s this swap I'm not too sure I don't I
3646s don't remember the whole um KR ban
3649s system for squads back then I know solos
3653s didn't really have a band system right
3655s yeah
3657s but I think it was uh you just can't
3659s play the same exact team comp uh back to
3661s back game so one of the your members had
3663s to had to swap yeah that was a thing as
3666s well just across the board I I don't
3668s think Adrian ban has been too popular
3670s again this is a another situation where
3673s it's almost one in a million all of the
3675s Adriana players just kind of shoved into
3677s one lobby very akin to what we actually
3679s saw during I think it was Phase 2 or
3681s phase one I'm thinking it was phase one
3684s where we just had all the Eon players in
3686s one Lobby right we had like um we had
3689s sebbi in there we had I think pied was
3692s also one of them and then there was
3694s somebody else that was playing Eon as
3696s well just a bunch of eons in one lobby
3698s this time around it's going to be the
3699s triple Adriana just shoved into one
3701s which means I really want to see what
3703s rori will play cuz only him on oh looks
3706s like he's going to play Haz and dogma's
3708s also going to play Haz so both are
3709s Adriana players I wonder if Ho's gonna
3710s play Haze too
3713s oh he's gonna play my so we're gonna
3715s have a my ban now
3716s okay well Hy and insane are just going
3719s to flipflop the rolls one after another
3721s with these two guys all right insane
3723s going to be on the Tom fayan and then
3725s hoit going to be on the M we talked
3728s about theen again it's going to be Tom
3729s fayan same thing for kcw these guys are
3732s just looking for kill credits these guys
3734s are looking for the assists the setup to
3736s the fights setting up their subam with
3739s toja on the ha and pxu on the Estelle
3742s it's going to be a little bit of a
3743s different way to run the Y composition
3745s but of course for team kpdm it's very
3748s straightforward you have Yan as the
3750s potential initiate you have ma as the
3752s potential initiate subam should be able
3754s to follow up on that and bada be bada
3755s boom there's a team fight yeah I mean if
3758s theay is able to get a nice taunt you
3759s know the Y can just follow up you know
3761s get that burst and uh you know maybe
3763s close up the fight you know start the
3765s fight into a 2v3 but we're going to have
3767s to see you know how it does end up
3769s working out for uh this team here as uh
3772s obviously um their other team comp
3775s definitely worked out in their favor but
3776s you know now that's Adriana is bad they
3779s will have to swap it up
3781s here my ban coming in for game number
3783s three not a surprise for you and I this
3785s is pretty common when it comes to the
3787s KRC but it is quite interesting to see
3789s it now of all times right we saw it I
3792s think once yesterday if I remember
3794s correctly during the group stages I
3795s think it was in group a where we had
3797s just exactly three M maybe it was four
3800s an entirely sure during Group B I'm kind
3802s of mixing some of the history of what
3804s happened yesterday cuz it was so wild
3807s uh there was one game where there was a
3809s my ban and I think it was four M that
3811s caused it I can't again remember if it
3813s was a group b or group a but this time
3816s around we're just going to see a simple
3817s May ban coming through in the early
3818s stages very versatile character very
3821s utility focused character but all the
3823s other teams running different kind of
3824s Tanks I mean they all have things too
3827s there's a reason why we were seeing
3828s multiple tanks being picked out
3830s yesterday a Max of seven different tanks
3833s in one lobby yesterday during ev's group
3837s yeah I mean a lot different from
3839s obviously phase one and I'm not too sure
3841s at phase two if there was a lot of uh my
3844s band there but phase one you know M
3846s being such a dominant tank but I think
3848s after you know the Nerfs Haunter her in
3850s the patch you know
3853s 1.25 it definitely uh does affect you
3855s know these uh tank players from picking
3857s her so that's why you kind of see like a
3859s lot more variety now which I think is
3861s definitely a good thing right so
3862s obviously my still dominant in The Meta
3865s just because you know of her kits with
3867s her exclusive her taunts you know even
3870s her damage is still um you know somewhat
3872s high so yeah I mean just a really nice
3875s uh versatile tank to play and um it's no
3879s surprise that we do see her getting
3881s banned but looks like we do have an
3882s engage here from son going to pop the
3883s ultimate here magnani not really going
3885s to take any damage here as Dina also
3887s coming into the freay but magnani
3888s actually getting chunk down from theora
3891s all three and uh Dina just going to be
3894s able to get that nice on conjunction and
3896s yeah looks like it will be the young
3898s cyber going to lose two members as saber
3899s is going to pick up three kills in the
3902s early game it actually looked pretty
3903s good for team tigon cyers there it's
3905s almost a repeat of what happened in game
3907s number one but this time around tigon
3909s cyers they were not ready for the
3911s entirety of saber to all be together and
3914s the big damage portion of that fight was
3916s the fact that a sunc from Dina just came
3918s out of nowhere from inside of the Bush
3920s nobody at Deon cyers actually knew the
3922s Adida was coming he saw the timings from
3924s last game and thought hey maybe we're
3926s going to be okay taking this fight
3928s absolutely not just gets demolished by
3930s the power of this another kill going
3932s into the hands of Team carpet DM that is
3935s going to be the first one of the game
3936s actually down goes uh the I think that
3939s that was to I believe there's so many
3942s hazes yeah a nice uh exclusive forward
3945s into the blink and the Yan just going to
3947s be able to lock up that Haze so nice uh
3950s early kill for them as well uh these
3952s early kills definitely add up for these
3953s teams and um you know if you're a
3955s tournament player
3956s you know how much uh you know these
3958s early kills can matter and um it's just
3961s a nice morale boost as well you know
3962s getting you know these nice early points
3964s and it looks like sebie is going to try
3966s to get the resets here almost getting
3968s away going to do a lot of damage I think
3970s he tried to look for that white lily but
3971s fortunately wasn't able to get out there
3974s and they will be um yeah said going to
3978s drop there to carpet D I'm going to pick
3979s up another kill for himself yeah
3981s unfortunately I think the amp drone
3982s being up from the Yan just allowed
3985s barely enough damage for the Eon to be
3987s taken down right cuz he dashed through
3988s one wall he dashed back and he tried to
3991s get to the white lily but dashed through
3992s another wall all within the time span of
3994s the amp drone being up so he ate a whole
3996s ton of damage from each of those walls
3998s that the tetrion this stuff coming
4000s through I mean these are pretty much the
4001s early game kills that you and I would
4003s normally expect for a lot of these teams
4005s to be grabbing here and there but now we
4008s should see these things not working
4011s there's the pull oh it's not going to
4013s work going to get taken down IG exactly
4016s and it seems like insane is actually
4018s bringing on a lot of the things that we
4020s saw yesterday from ped the success on
4022s the Yan really comes down to catching
4023s people off guard making sure that your
4025s tetron is in place to knock down a lot
4028s of the fighting potential of the other
4030s team by just bouncing around inside of
4032s the tetron he's doing that right now as
4034s well and yeah might have only been a
4036s pick it might have been a situation
4038s where sebbi is not exactly in favor of
4040s the fight but it's still the Eon that
4042s we've always been talking about it's
4043s se's Eon one of the slipperiest eons
4045s we've SE seen in quite a while he's
4047s still doing it but on the south side
4048s we're going to see another fight a four
4051s stack glove a lot of good damage going
4053s down onto the tank glove does not have
4055s the sh Veil a little bit too late on the
4057s activation he will get taken down on the
4059s North side fight between two teams this
4061s time around it's going to be carpium and
4062s team CH looking for the tree of light
4064s but this time around CH is all grouped
4066s up carpium absolutely not wanting to
4069s take that fight anymore yeah Seb just
4071s you know living through everything there
4073s with that Lenny is going to be able to
4075s get that tree for himself probably going
4076s to upgrade uh his weapon maybe or
4079s probably the chest piece we're going to
4080s have to see what to use as Tre on here
4083s as it will be kpum just going to walk
4084s away but you know it's not too bad for
4087s them they they did get a nice three
4088s early kills for themselves so they're
4090s just going to look to maybe buy here and
4091s set up for the next objective stuff good
4093s stuff basically what we want to be
4095s seeing no funny business in this game
4097s right now right all these players are
4098s locked in they're doing exactly what
4100s they need to be winning fights they are
4101s doing exactly what needs to be done to
4102s win the game but pulling yourself
4104s straight towards your teammates like
4105s that is not EX
4108s ofi getting chased down by I don't know
4111s if he wants to chasing this especially
4113s with those level 12 wolves chunking away
4115s at his health bar will back away but man
4118s that could have definitely gone worse
4119s for team tingled Dobby just have to
4121s understand when you got to cut your
4122s losses as a as well yeah the burst
4125s damage coming out from the Fior is just
4127s too much for this m to tank and it will
4130s be the M from tangle just dropping
4132s instantly as saber picks up another one
4134s five kills already so they are looking
4136s comfortable here to score as many points
4138s as possible in this game oh gosh oh gosh
4141s a minute until the battle zones are
4143s going to begin kill counts even though
4147s it seems like we've been fighting for a
4149s long long time in this game isn't really
4152s all too high it's actually a lot more
4154s centralized to a couple of teams I
4156s believe what is that saber five kills
4158s for themselves and there is three four
4161s carp DM all the other teams that even
4164s have points are sitting on what 2-1 it's
4166s not that much
4167s actually yeah I mean only about I think
4169s 10 kills or probably like 12 kills
4171s respectively around these teams but um
4174s now that the objectives are spawning
4176s here we do have the alphas and the
4177s battle zones you know more kills are
4179s going to go around we do have RX here
4181s going to walk down into this battle Zone
4183s going to fight team
4184s saber Dina going to get some poke down
4186s onto basa going to Chun him down to 70%
4190s but uh yeah looks like they just want to
4192s take these Bears here as they did end up
4193s respawning before you know the Battle
4195s Zone starts duim maybe going to look for
4196s an angle here going get the stun the
4200s ghost spry did end up proing already but
4201s I'm also actually going to look for a
4203s dash forward here duchon going to be a
4206s little too far up he's going to take a
4207s lot of poke damage here as uh o a nice
4210s engage from duim going to actually lock
4212s down the Berne on one HP here he does
4216s end up falling but they do actually end
4217s up trading sden for thata going to try
4219s doing some damage and nice alaki there
4222s going to lock up DDO and Dina able to
4224s follow up with that nice Sun conjunct
4225s and it will be team saber going to come
4227s out on top here h no matter how good B
4229s mosa is no matter how good the buy is of
4232s dealing damage to some of these
4233s characters Adena is a little bit too
4235s good at sustaining throughout the fight
4237s he gets the Executioner bonus but that's
4238s not going to matter huge start to the
4240s fight coming through from the Yan but I
4242s don't know if that's going to be enough
4244s to sustain on the side of teden cyers a
4246s little bit too good DHC andj in a whole
4248s heap of trouble we see the Yan knocking
4251s down the kcw also going to be locked
4253s down which only leaves the Estelle as
4256s The Last One Alive on the side of DHC
4258s andj for the upcoming 30 seconds exactly
4261s the greatest way to start for this team
4263s texu he doesn't have access to the Elena
4266s anymore she's not he's not as disruptive
4268s throughout a fight as an Elena can be
4270s he's just sitting there as a front line
4272s with the shields looking for those stuns
4274s looking for the shields with the
4275s ultimate I gosh he's got to take a
4279s little bit more charge of the fight than
4280s that they can't be stuck in Corners like
4282s that
4282s too yeah and um I don't know if they
4285s have enough damage to really kill you
4286s know the sua Yan team but we're going
4289s have to see you know if they they will
4291s be able to kind of adapt I think that's
4292s probably one of the teams they should
4294s avoid as um you know as as a Yan and
4297s Haze I mean if you have enough if you do
4299s get you know the nice um angle to maybe
4302s kill one of the backliners you know you
4303s will have enough burst but you know once
4305s you use up all your cool Downs you know
4307s it's going to be hard for you to kill
4309s you know those two uh those two
4311s characters exactly right we got about 30
4314s seconds now left in night number two
4316s slowly moving on towards the next set of
4318s objective Tree of Life meter right
4320s inside a stream from the looks of it
4321s right now not exactly sure where the
4323s other one is going to be and I'm
4325s actually not entirely sure what
4326s transition stage for a lot of these
4328s teams are looking like Satan sitting on
4330s two we have sardab sitting on one of
4332s course I mentioned this right tanks not
4335s really getting any items for the most
4337s part until super late into the game
4338s where all of their carries actually have
4340s items to begin with it's going to be the
4342s same thing here glove is not going to
4343s have any transitions for himself oh oh
4345s goodness gracious that those tanks are
4347s going to be a lot squishier than I think
4349s people think it's just all coming down
4350s to what the utility brings to the table
4352s which is why I think things like the mai
4354s things like the Estelle things like the
4356s Alonzo that what happened with son here
4358s he was in redtime I think he tried
4359s taking the tree but he saw there was
4361s maybe p in Chapel so opted actually not
4364s to take it and end up losing using a lot
4367s of his timer not getting any objectives
4369s there as well so a little unfortunate
4371s for team saber but um yeah they they
4374s will be grouped up uh back up in
4377s uh Chapel here and looks like we do have
4380s Dogma here actually caught out by
4381s himself here the St all does end up
4383s coming through but and the Damage coming
4384s out maybe they're going to be able to
4385s turn it on to fauna here Faun going down
4388s to one HP but it's not going to be
4389s enough and yeah going to have to wonder
4392s why they ended up splitting up like that
4393s as they do end up losing two members and
4396s that is not what you want to see you
4397s know when you are or when the day three
4400s uh swap does end up happening as both
4402s your members do end up going down I
4404s suppose macro mistakes are still slowly
4406s seeping in for some of these teams maybe
4408s it's a little bit too early into the
4410s series maybe these players needs to wake
4412s up a little bit get the comms going but
4414s there is not that much of the series
4416s left I mean there's only four games left
4418s after this one for team DHC andj not
4421s going to be a great setup going into
4423s game number three if they're already
4424s down minus 500 credits at the start of
4426s day three another fight potentially
4428s proving inside a school nice Shield
4430s coming in from M Nani no taunt is going
4431s to actually land on the revu just allow
4433s him to casually walk himself on out of
4436s the fight but for Ted cybers they've
4438s already seen the signature Fireball
4439s coming down from DDO they do not want to
4441s let this opportunity go revelation will
4443s find out Yi a little bit but it will be
4445s the wind up St out M Nani he trying to
4448s run through the shield and The Traps are
4450s down on the ground catas trying his best
4452s to actually follow through multiple
4454s targets hit with the in Blitz a lot of
4455s damage de over on the bomb also but the
4457s distance
4458s has the third party is there they could
4461s have watched their back and carpm just
4463s assassinates Cadmus I didn't even see
4465s the
4466s you know I didn't even know they're
4467s behind them but yeah looks like carpet D
4470s just yeah like you said just
4472s assassinates uh Cadmus there and D young
4474s cyers is forced to you know lose their
4477s member and they don't really have enough
4478s credits right now to buy so they're not
4480s looking in a comfortable position it
4482s will be uh DHC andj going to be able to
4485s get the res off here in Cemetery but um
4489s it's not really looking too good for
4490s them as team Sabers in the area they're
4491s taking this Omega for free and they're
4493s going to look pretty strong I'm
4494s surprised that a a lot of these
4495s objectives are being taken as freely as
4497s they are right I talked about last game
4499s how wickle line was taken pretty much
4501s for free by team CH seat this time
4503s around team saber actually has sole
4505s control over the Omega it almost makes
4507s me think that you know if some of these
4509s teams aren't looking for the objective
4511s at the start of the game or the start of
4513s the objective timer I should say for
4515s Omega for example the one's probably
4518s going to be taking that for quite a
4519s while there is no one looking to contest
4521s at all for some of these objectives and
4523s I can't tell if that's for safety
4524s purposes or if that's because people are
4527s a little bit too busy looking for fights
4529s but we've seen how many fights there are
4530s in the middle of the game it's actually
4532s not that much compared to yesterday team
4533s should have a little bit more leeway and
4535s focusing down some of these objectives
4536s but we're not seeing
4538s anybody yeah I'm guessing it's just uh
4540s you know the timing for some of these
4541s teams maybe you know they're not in the
4543s area for you know those Omega contests
4545s so you're just opting to get you know
4546s the safer objective which is probably
4548s like a box or you know the the tree or
4550s the meteor so that's my guess but um
4554s yeah I do want to see you know some of
4555s the seems be more aggressive especially
4556s when they're in a nice uh position to
4558s maybe contest uh the oh a nice double
4561s taunt here coming from
4563s basa the baa does end up coming through
4565s as well D just going to try jumping on
4567s the back line nice Flash Forward there
4569s that's going to instantly kill the subam
4571s and that will be rori also going to drop
4573s here as well but theay is going to be
4575s able to get away but wait a second I
4577s think theay does end up getting caught
4578s out here by carpet DM is are they going
4581s to to get away I think they are looks
4583s like the combat pings are finished here
4585s we might have another fight on the
4587s bottom side here between team saber and
4589s team DHC andj to kill the shield on dou
4592s otherwise this fight is going to be
4594s impossible whether it's the shotgun
4595s whether it's something is going allow
4597s pix to get out 7 seconds left for S but
4600s again duim Shield is still alive pxu
4603s needs to kill that with anything on his
4605s kid to allow kcw to actually catch that
4607s character out deny all the crowd control
4610s but that's not exactly the start time of
4612s the fight douchan still is so healthy
4614s down kcw down goes pxu and that right
4618s there guys is the reason why you break
4620s Alonzo Shield before the fight begins
4622s kcw can't stack like that when the
4623s Alonzo is not going to be
4625s cancelable yeah that's the one downside
4627s of playing you know that double melee uh
4629s comp is you know you you do stack up
4633s because you do want to attack the same
4634s Target and when you stack up like that
4636s the AOE you know coming out from Team uh
4639s saber is just going to shred through
4641s them both the fal and you know the Dena
4644s damage is just
4645s it's just too much for them to to Really
4647s hang there yeah that's brutal and it's
4649s not like hay has an easy way of breaking
4651s the shield either right if you get hit
4652s by if you hit the Alonzo with the
4654s shotgun then you're already in a bad
4656s spot to begin with a little bit
4658s unfortunate for team DHC andj yeah this
4660s just doesn't seem to be like their
4663s Series so far we still have a long way
4665s to go before the series is over maybe
4667s games three 4 5 and six will be a bit of
4669s a turnaround for them since you know
4671s they ended fourth in their group stage
4674s yesterday not that bad of a result they
4676s just need to replicate it here yeah as
4678s long as they top four they will be able
4680s to get away here as we do have the wick
4681s line actually spawning in cemer I don't
4683s think there are any teams down there
4684s just yet not too sure I think there
4687s might be one or two teams on the bottom
4688s side maybe they're going to come and go
4690s contest I think two seat is going to
4692s make their way down actually they's
4693s going to go and up the Colin as well a
4696s nice check there from s Harang going to
4697s be able to uh actually push all the
4700s members out of that bush from carpet DM
4703s as they do end up walking to the bottom
4704s side here
4706s east side of the map covered by members
4708s of Team DHC andj actually finding the
4711s wick line foref for themselves of it
4713s insane reacting over onto Bob M the
4716s coming up from the wind up DD actually
4719s chunk of damage thanks to the quick spin
4722s good damage exchange between these
4723s players I mean insane's about down oh my
4727s God hangi gets taken down he just got
4729s completely CAU oh my God lokan just
4733s using the subal to actually are are on
4735s the my body and jumps right over that
4737s wall very well played there and yeah J
4741s catches uh the off guard there and uh
4743s they will end up falling very very
4745s massively played from lokan once again
4747s just showing why he's such a menace on
4749s this uh sub character dude I keep
4751s forgetting the fact that
4753s hugama hugama death seal is just the
4756s assassination technique is just so good
4758s at closing the distance I mean
4760s especially for Bernice he doesn't have
4762s any Mobility to get away from that that
4763s easily the fight inside of fire station
4767s sebie trying to get himself on out fa is
4770s already dead on the ground acceptance
4771s spe is going to be a little bit more of
4772s a formality at this point down goes the
4775s Chloe but another fight towards the west
4776s side of the Zone down goes insane down
4779s goes wa the players just coming out of a
4781s good fight not going to be able to find
4783s one Len isol not good they need to get
4786s the res off here they don't have any
4787s time gosh 15 seconds hang oh not going
4790s to die but he's absolutely that right my
4793s God yeah where it is Lo TP here he needs
4796s to get this res off here I don't think
4798s it's going to he's going to be able to
4799s get it off it looks like that is going
4800s to be very unfortunate so carp DM only
4802s going to be able to play on one but a
4803s stun coming out from Dina going to be
4805s able to lock up Scarlet down to 1 HP
4807s here adiman going to be able to engage
4810s onto Fara and Scarlet actually does end
4812s up falling I think he might have missed
4814s the jump over the wall looks like and
4816s yeah looks like saber is going to pick
4817s up another another two kills Lan did end
4820s up getting caught out by the hcnj so
4824s that will be carum also falling down
4825s there not a bad game for team carpedm
4827s though six kills right now they're
4829s actually two ahead of all of their
4831s adversaries that are dead right now too
4833s 500 MP sitting on four and then tanglei
4835s also two points behind 500 MP by two
4838s sitting at two k themselves carp DM
4841s finding these nice kills but just
4843s unfortunately you know just I think the
4844s macro play just isn't there yet for this
4846s team but I'm sure you know they still
4847s have two more games here oh looks like
4849s seb's going to get a nice engage onto
4851s the back line here taking no damage
4853s going to be able to do a lot of damage
4854s on his Haze but the return turn fire
4855s nice CC from kcw trying to help here but
4859s the sustain coming out from senine is
4862s just too much and yeah looks like this
4864s team is just going to be on the back
4865s foot here going to walk back in the
4867s Rockets coming out is going to be enough
4868s I don't think so sebie going to jump in
4870s onto the St and the st's going to fall
4873s here Dogma tried to look for some angles
4876s onto the Lenny here it's just not going
4877s to be enough as sebbi just going to get
4879s his ultimate back up and that will be it
4881s ooh a nice act double stun there from
4882s kcw going to be able to keep them alive
4886s for a little longer here I think kcw is
4889s just going to end up falling and yeah
4891s looks like the HC andj going to lose two
4893s members actually going to get caught out
4894s by team saber and they will end up
4896s wiping it's actually crazy how
4898s controlled seb's ekon feels it almost
4901s feels like every single part of the
4902s movements that he does never takes him
4905s over anywhere he wants to go wherever he
4908s sends any of his dashes it it lands him
4910s exactly where he wants to be his resets
4912s are unstoppable wherever he goes there's
4914s a Target he tries to dash on through he
4917s calculates everything down oh a Mis
4919s communication here as they actually beat
4923s two separate zones so I think they might
4924s be caught here uh sh going to get the
4927s ultimate off here going to be able to
4929s live but the play dead does end up
4931s proing are they to be able to finish
4933s here it looks like No And they just
4935s going to run away and they're actually
4937s alive wow I can't believe it the fact
4940s that they have stayed alive throughout
4941s this ton cyers does want to chase this
4943s down but school is a very very vastly
4945s open area not going to be the easiest to
4947s try catching up to a what is it an Egon
4950s a Lenny as well as a Jenny you try
4952s closing a little bit too far on on this
4954s sh Nomi will be able to turn the fight
4957s around a little bit but this is exactly
4959s what ton cyers do yeah I think they just
4961s want to reset wait for the play to come
4963s back up here as uh that is a pivotal
4966s ability for these team fights so they're
4969s just going to play it slow here the
4970s temporary zones are going to proc so two
4974s seats uh yeah looks like they're just
4975s going to back away they're going to wait
4977s for this uh this play that to come up
4979s Kia is going to be massive the range
4980s Advantage the containers we talked about
4982s school multiple times in the past this
4985s zone is very difficult for a lot of
4986s these melee Centric very close range
4989s teams to actually deal with Jenny not
4991s too far of a distance damage dealer in
4994s comparison to the kadia of course seie
4995s has to just keep going in and in and
4997s into these fights we'll see how team 2C
5000s navigates around this fight that's about
5001s to start in 20 seconds and yeah they
5004s need to look here here as uh we do see
5006s C's timer 15 seconds it's not the full
5008s 30 so they got to look for a down a
5010s little early on here or they will end up
5012s head exploding looks like team dong
5015s cyber is going to back away here s sebie
5017s does having all just going to engage
5019s here going to get a lot of damage onto
5020s revolu just going to stick on him here
5022s is he going to be able to do enough here
5024s as wait a second magnani explodes oh
5027s that is devastating and another breath
5030s of fresh life as team two seat what
5032s happened to M I think he's standing
5034s right top bar right on top of the
5037s barrier and he get taken down how this
5039s is
5043s happening another crucial macro mistake
5046s in these temporary final zones as he
5049s just didn't realize that you know do the
5050s walls were coming up and he just stayed
5052s on top of it or he he like slightly
5054s walked slightly walked away and just
5057s head popped there oh Devastation for
5061s team for team Ted on cybers you do not
5064s want your game to end like that but that
5066s is exactly how the game is going to end
5068s for that team that is really unfortunate
5071s it really is but again team Che seat the
5073s second time they've been given a breath
5075s of fresh life in this series alone and
5077s we're only on our second game almost
5079s feels like team ju is just the chosen
5081s ones I don't know what else to tell
5083s you yeah I mean they do they will be
5086s able to take his Zone control as well da
5088s going to try to for poke here SEI taking
5090s no damage from that sun conjunct but we
5093s know he is on the full I think uh black
5095s bomai or actually I think that's side
5097s wer and uh oh here comes yiman going to
5099s get the engage here ghost bride doesn't
5102s a procing but you know no damage again
5104s looks like they are going to look for a
5106s better position maybe a better angle to
5109s look for one of these uh backliners here
5111s as I don't think you're going to be able
5113s to burst down sebbi just too tanky
5115s especially with that Lenny as well douan
5117s actually going to engage it here going
5118s to pop the the force field here as they
5122s do actually get a lot of damage onto
5123s sebie here SE down HP L's keeping him
5126s alive here going to be chunk down to 40%
5129s as looks like oh no s's going to fall
5132s instantly here but wait a second Dina
5133s can maybe look for the trade onto sebie
5134s Seb is just going to dash on out of
5136s there they do get the play dead proc
5138s here Dina can maybe look the HPS are
5140s looking good they actually do end up
5142s finishing shinan here Dina look for a
5144s double spring trap coming out from
5145s shinan that might be enough it looks
5148s like SE as Falls as well I think that
5150s was to the the burn there from dena's uh
5155s probably Suns yeah I oh my god wow how
5160s did this fight happen end up
5162s winning oh my God team 2C they got such
5165s a beautiful combo off on site in
5167s acceptance speech springtrap by the way
5170s from sen pulled the spear furer back in
5173s but it is going to be oh my God I can't
5176s believe it it is going to be team saber
5177s to take it away in the end what a great
5179s fight from Dina and duchan at the end to
5181s hold the line even despite Satan falling
5184s down the sunburn nobody thinks about
5187s that until it's a little bit too late it
5189s wasn't even the conjug it was just the
5191s regular sunburn that you get if you tag
5193s somebody with any single sun
5197s damage never seen anyone kill with that
5200s I'm guessing uh Dina might have had a
5202s decomposition as well is my guess just
5204s because you know decomposition does so
5206s much damage into those High HP tanks MH
5209s and that probably did enough to seal the
5211s deal there wow Thea playing out of his
5213s mind in that fight just able to do so
5214s much damage able to navigate their spell
5216s so well and uh yeah I mean despite you
5220s know um s going down a little early HP
5223s Advantage was there for that team and
5224s they were able to close it out I don't
5227s know if
5229s sebbi thought that he had his force
5231s field timing back up because after Satan
5234s died the realistic idea for that is to
5237s just reset right cuz even if saan comes
5240s back up you understand what your
5242s fighting capabilities are and the Jenny
5243s actually has an invest did her play
5245s thatb by that point but sebbi sends it
5247s straight in and actually gets taken down
5248s to very very low HP that kind of forces
5251s him out of the fight and it causes the
5253s double backliners to start pushing into
5256s an Alonzo and instead of being able to
5257s Target down the the Adena which is the
5260s actual problem there they're forced to
5261s actually deal with the Alonzo first
5263s while sebbi is away from the fight
5265s double range characters from the
5266s backline staying stacked up together
5268s means that Adena has a lot of control
5270s over the fight we saw the moon Doritos
5272s all over the ground we saw the sun con
5274s coming out buta did so much to end that
5277s last fight and it was all kind of set up
5279s by the fact that SEI full sented towards
5281s the end too yeah I mean I was a little
5283s surprised at how much damage they were
5284s able to do on sebbi considering you know
5286s he is full tank but you know that ghost
5287s Sprite that defense sh I think it was
5289s just too much and yeah that will be
5291s lights out they were able to get shinomi
5293s as well I think shinomi uh probably
5295s thought the fight Was Won walked a
5296s little too far forward and uh end up
5299s getting locked up the the play that did
5300s end up proing and adiman was just able
5303s to be there to uh secure
5305s that's uh Jenny coming out from that
5307s passive and yeah it will be saber coming
5310s on top here as we look at the round
5311s results with 24 points fors a 16 kill
5315s game so they're sitting in a nice
5316s comfortable looks like second place here
5318s is obviously two SE winning the first
5320s game getting a nice second place for
5322s themsel in the game number two as well
5324s so you know nice consistent series for
5326s them so far as you do have D young cyers
5328s and karp DM in third and fourth place
5331s respectively they're going to be tied
5332s with Team sunam rocks though right
5334s sitting on 14 points for both they're
5336s just eing It Out by two additional fi
5338s kills on the side of carpet DM but just
5340s just because we're looking at that
5341s doesn't mean the rest of the series is
5343s still over right 500 MP and Tangled
5345s Dobby also sitting on 13 points
5347s respectively for both of those teams
5349s this is a very very close series and
5350s we're only done with two games none of
5353s these games so far has been I think way
5356s too topheavy safe for this one because
5358s hung rocks was a able to pick up 24
5360s points by themselves but this series is
5363s still close they is a chance for all
5365s these teams to still qualify ladies and
5368s gentlemen that was game two which means
5369s we're going to go to a break after we
5371s come back we'll be right back with games
5373s three and four so go grab a snack go
5375s grab some water take a stretch we'll see
5377s you guys back here in a few
5378s minutes take care take care
5416s coming in
5437s this
5471s best
5485s coming in
5541s you got taken
5543s down
5560s fore
5561s forch spe
5573s speee for
5632s chicken wow
5654s chcken
5693s for foree
5738s speee
5753s fore
5783s forey foree
5839s all right ladies and gentlemen welcome
5840s back from the break hopefully you guys
5843s had a good break because I definitely
5844s had a good break talking and having a
5846s date with Superior on the backside you
5848s will you guys will never hear what we
5851s talk about in the
5852s back yeah um it was fun um but I'm
5856s excited chy we do have four more games
5858s here I think it's still up you know in
5860s the air which teams can really qualify
5862s here four games is a lot right
5864s so yeah i' still um I think any of these
5868s teams can definitely uh show up and have
5869s a nice pop off game absolutely Point Gap
5872s difference between fourth and eighth
5873s place right now it's not that high and
5875s if you want to really talk about it
5876s being close if you start going down the
5878s list from fourth place it is even closer
5880s cuz I believe it was
5883s 144 1313 and like six or eight it is an
5887s extremely close series towards the
5888s bottom of that leaderboards right now
5890s which means top four is attainable for
5892s any of our teams all you just need is
5894s either pop off game or consistency for
5897s the rest of the series and I think some
5899s teams have a very very solid chance of
5901s going in even if their performances
5902s during game one and two were a little
5905s bit weak that's okay yeah it's only I
5908s think the top two teams I think they
5909s have a lot of points over the rest of
5911s the lobby so yeah it's a pretty top uh
5914s heavy weighted uh series I would say but
5917s um I think we're just going to jump
5918s straight into a chuv looks like as uh
5922s yeah our picks are coming out here
5923s Adriana back on the table will we get
5925s another adri ban here will Team Swap
5927s back to it we do have rori already
5928s swapping back ho going to swap back as
5930s well just need dogma and he will end up
5933s locking it in so we do have the Adriana
5935s ban maybe it's just uh maybe some of
5938s these teams decide to swap it up here
5941s but um yeah I mean
5945s Adriana these teams or these players are
5947s all really prominent on this character
5949s so um you know playing their comfort
5950s pick I think is definitely um you know a
5954s good thing and um me Adriana is able to
5957s provide a lot for you know these teams
5958s as well you know get getting that
5959s defense shred getting that burn damage
5962s from uh quite far away so yeah I mean
5965s we're going to have to see you know how
5966s these teams utilize this pick again it
5968s does seem like we are going to be seeing
5970s the same builds coming out from these
5971s three right we see four down on the S
5973s south side where you know Warehouse is
5975s going to be quite full of pyromaniacs
5978s for the first couple seconds of the game
5981s we'll see which one's actually able to
5983s get out of the Zone first cuz last time
5985s around it was I believe hoit had the
5988s advantage over everybody else they were
5990s inside a chapel way way before anyone
5992s else which means this time around it
5994s could be a little bit different and
5996s those small minute differences of Spawn
5998s spots you know it really really goes a
5999s long way but here we go guys character
6002s selections are in nothing too surprising
6004s once again from any of our teams 500 MP
6007s still running that composition they've
6008s been running for quite a bit now I think
6011s this composition would have worked a
6013s little bit better when tank Khloe was
6015s actually a little bit more of a thing or
6016s even amp kloe from back in the days cuz
6019s this version of Chloe makes it very
6021s difficult I think to keep themselves
6023s alive we see a lot of times where fa is
6025s in the thick of fights it's just not
6027s enough time for scarlet or even San to
6030s get that much damage down as the Seline
6032s as the Emma they need to rotate through
6034s their cool Downs whereas Khloe she's
6036s looking for those really big continuous
6038s fights thanks to her
6040s ultimate yeah I mean I think five MP
6042s comp is trying to really be capitalize
6044s on either the knock up you know from the
6046s Chloe or you know maybe like a a double
6049s poly from the Emma so they just trying
6051s to rotate that CC if they are able to
6053s catch it you know they will be able to
6054s burst you know whoever got uh whoever is
6056s the one who got caught down um even you
6059s know tanks as well cuz you know they're
6061s all playing damage healers so they do a
6062s lot of damage they're able to just dish
6064s out so much um but yeah I mean we do
6067s actually have two teams running uh the
6070s same damage dealers we have um two subam
6075s Adriana teams kind of curious on what
6078s your thoughts are on that I kind of
6080s talked about it yesterday but the sub
6082s Adriana really makes me think that the
6084s entire idea of those compositions is to
6087s give a lot of spacing for the subam you
6089s see how good she is in a lot of these
6091s fights that actually go extended because
6093s of her way of marking and procing the
6096s marks right it's really easy for her to
6099s isolate isolate a single Target and
6101s actually just do continuous damage as
6102s long as your targeting is correct and
6105s the Adriana actually sets up a little
6107s arena for you to do that with her oil
6109s slicks making it very difficult for
6110s other people to actually React to what
6112s you're trying to do so I like I like the
6114s idea around the Adriana and the subam
6116s compositions the only problem with it is
6119s that if the subam Falls consistent
6121s damage is going to be a very very rare
6124s occurrence for those two teams Adriana
6126s is not exactly the easiest character to
6128s dish out continuous damage unless you
6130s have a lot of things left in your kit
6132s but usually when your saami dies you're
6134s probably running out of things in your
6136s kit that you can use as an Adriana so
6139s yeah a little bit on the tough side the
6140s zuam has to play really well but that's
6142s again the reason why players like lokan
6145s is playing that character players like
6147s uh I don't know who's playing it in
6148s tangle Dobby but yeah oh sby is running
6151s it on tingle there we go that's the
6152s player running it it's very very good
6155s and very very consistent players that
6156s are playing the subam because they know
6158s how high impact of a role that it's
6159s going
6160s be yeah it looks like we do have a fight
6162s on the bottom side here a lot of damage
6164s coming out onto rolu but the heal coming
6166s out from uh Cadmus is going to keep his
6169s team alive here Scarlet maybe going to
6171s try looking for an angle here magnani
6172s going to get a nice uh
6174s book Mark here the actually comes
6176s through and yeah it looks like they are
6178s going to follow up but wait a second the
6179s return damage is that going to be enough
6180s no it's not as the ultimate actually
6181s coming out from the Yan is going to keep
6184s the team alive for bomb does end up
6186s hitting here as fa does end up losing
6187s Nina so I think they will end up falling
6190s as well here a nice turn but um yeah I
6194s mean I was surprised that Emma did end
6195s up toing there but I think they would
6197s have gotten hit by that double bookmark
6200s and they would have gotten stunned and a
6201s level be on going down so nice two early
6203s kills for D young cybers going to be
6205s looking in a nice spot for thems here
6207s the thing is even if you do get stunned
6209s by the double double Odyssey you don't
6212s leave the mark on yourself to get
6214s knocked up I think yeah still been yeah
6218s B better get done yeah I don't think the
6222s totem was correct cuz I think maybe if
6225s if um you know the sua did engage there
6228s the fom maybe would have been able or
6230s his team would have been able to maybe
6231s follow up and maybe kill the on that
6232s engage so
6234s yeah a little um little questionable but
6236s um you know I can't really blame him for
6238s using the totem because maybe the
6240s ultimate would have killed if it did end
6242s up hitting I'm not too sure yeah could
6245s have been the case if anything it just
6247s bought even more time for their backline
6249s to push up with the totem too there's a
6251s lot of different ways that could have
6252s gone a lot of wh ifs in that situation
6254s but for us we got that exact situation
6256s that's what happens if you use totem at
6258s the wrong spot sometimes Scarlet now
6260s trying to jump in on towards Seb he's
6262s got the reset though actually keeping
6264s himself alive Nina actually giving him a
6266s little bit of a freebie Escape easy
6268s target to dash around Chloe making it
6270s very easy for that character
6272s R yeah I mean almost dying there just
6276s not enough damage as obviously Eon is on
6278s that tankier build so a little
6280s unfortunate for 500 MP not going to be
6282s able to pick that one up but uh looks
6284s like they do want to play for this tree
6285s here as they will walk up it looks like
6289s shinan is going to sit in the bottom
6291s Bush here maybe going to be able to find
6292s an angle UL are coming down from s maybe
6294s going to try to Zone off this Jenny here
6297s as they do look for the here ply does
6300s end up going through but now there's no
6302s uh real threat to stop sebbi from
6305s jumping onto the backline here but wait
6306s a second the damage coming out the
6308s return sebbi is going to fall here as
6310s both members are going to Dr with a nice
6312s spring trap
6314s from H senine is just going to lock up S
6317s herang and yeah will be a two for one
6319s trade from SE going to be able to win
6321s that and pick up that tree tree of light
6323s and yeah's just going to be able to
6325s upgrade his weapon there yeah I think
6326s the spring trp was a lot more impactful
6328s than a lot of people are catching up on
6330s because if they weren't able to kill
6332s sanang the control over actually picking
6334s the Eon back up would have been really
6336s awkward and he's the one that actually
6338s picked up the tree of life so there
6339s would have been a lot of risk for that
6340s team to try to deal with that tree of
6342s life situation so the spring trap from
6344s cine actually makes a huge difference in
6347s how much control they're able to
6348s actually have during day number two they
6350s don't have to waste time trying to deal
6352s with the echon resurrection with a
6354s Seline as well as an Emma trying to
6356s prevent that from
6357s happening yeah and they will be able to
6360s secure that nice two kills it looks like
6362s teams are just going to buy here I think
6364s revolu actually slamming the chain of
6366s thorns first item I haven't really seen
6368s that on Kaja but I think it's a more
6371s unique build especially since uh they do
6373s have a pretty unique comp here with that
6376s uh Yohan plus sua so yeah we're going to
6379s have to see you know how they utilize uh
6381s that bi yeah something that I'm also not
6383s noticing here for that team is they're
6385s doing the classic ADC Strat where you
6388s run electric shift and you actually
6389s don't level it to level two you keep the
6391s 100 credits which means you're able to
6393s call a force score at the middle or
6396s close to the beginning of day three of
6398s day two depending on how well you've
6400s been farming that allows everybody else
6402s to start building items for you
6403s intervention I saw unlock for the kadia
6406s but on the south side there is a big
6407s fight happening kcw as well as pxu stuck
6409s in the middle of nowhere rori is taken
6411s down already on top of it so tangled
6414s Dobby taken out of the fight same thing
6416s for DHC andj getting caught out in a
6417s corner like that up against the Nery not
6420s exactly the best thing to do but it
6421s doesn't result in any catastrophic
6423s damages for both of the teams although I
6425s will have to say about 20 to 30 second
6427s death timers at this stage in the game
6429s is still going to hurt a lot yeah they
6431s do end up traing some kills here but um
6433s the objectives are spawning so they're
6435s not going to be able to get anything uh
6437s done on the cycle here as it will be
6439s looks like 5 MP going to be able to
6441s secure that nice alha for themsel in
6442s Warehouse and I going to grab the one in
6446s school so going to be able to get those
6449s up and saer going to be able to grab the
6451s Bears down here I think they also got
6452s the battle for free in um Hotel so
6455s they're going to be sitting in a nice
6456s spot nobody really looking to contest
6458s for battle zones in this one it seems
6461s with a couple teams already taken down
6462s it was a very evenly distributed map kcw
6466s getting isolated Again by himself
6468s missing the leaping knee and his fate is
6470s sealed sardab is going to be able to
6472s pick that one up one of the easiest
6473s kills of his life in the irm my goodness
6476s kcw again just completely isolated away
6478s from his team yeah nice Al to drop to
6481s dodge that um you know leaping knee
6483s there and yeah we'll just be kcw getting
6485s locked up and yeah tangle Doby going to
6487s pick up another one so they're on
6488s they're sitting on three kills you know
6489s not too bad for themsel here as uh looks
6492s like we do have Dogma actually split up
6494s from his team TCW was also or qcw was
6498s the one that was in alley so guess they
6500s were you know pretty split together
6502s maybe trying to look for some Farm
6503s around the map maybe try just tping onto
6505s you know whatever is free but um you
6507s know these death timers are getting
6509s staggered it's looking a little rough
6511s for them now and um have Dogma getting
6514s some damage here but actually trading
6516s him him getting the ultimate down it's
6519s not going to hit as it will get blocked
6520s here but Dogma on 1 HP here as obviously
6523s D young cyber is going to try looking
6525s for some more here unfortunately for
6527s team 2C they got the exact taste of what
6529s the last game's final Zone looked like
6530s as hung rocks is going to be able to
6532s knock down I believe that was shinan 30
6535s second death time for that one pxu
6537s trying to run away from this waiting for
6538s the skate to come online there we go
6540s Elena is going to be able to get
6542s themselves on out of here ton cybers
6544s with the sustain esque comp is just
6545s brute forcing everything as the sua not
6548s letting up on the chase at all Kia
6550s slowly but surely pushing their way back
6551s in but it's just bani oh my God and he
6554s gets the rage for the full swing as well
6556s what the heck it's just a misho at this
6558s stage Auto attack from rebu is going to
6560s knock down kcw down goes pxu as well
6563s luckily it's a night to death but my
6565s goodness Deon cybers they are just an
6567s Unstoppable Force they just keep
6569s chugging
6570s along yeah it's so hard to get away from
6572s a sua and a Johan you know giving the
6574s sua speed boost so yeah it will be uh D
6577s young cyber is going to be able to pick
6578s up two kills it is only day two so they
6580s will be able to come back into the game
6582s here and D young cyber is obviously not
6584s going to be able to get any objectives
6586s here as they did end up chasing but
6587s obviously two kills you definitely take
6589s that over um any Tree of Life or meteor
6591s spawn and one the funniest things about
6594s that composition now that I think about
6595s it the sua and the Johan is
6597s interchangeably using their Mobility
6599s skills right because one of the things
6601s that kind of causes an issue with the
6604s sua is that if you just keep dashing
6606s around everywhere you're going to lose
6608s your backline especially if it's someone
6610s like a Kia that's kind of immobile right
6613s her skill doesn't really give her that
6615s much space it's on a pretty long cool
6617s down it's going to be really difficult
6619s for Revue to catch up so what do they do
6621s whenever the Don kote timing is up sua
6624s uses the donot but then he gives the
6626s buff Johan gives the buff to the to the
6628s Kio so she can walk faster and then when
6632s they want the sua to keep chasing they
6634s give the they give the buff to the sua
6636s instead so cool stuff happening there
6638s but here we go two fights happening all
6640s at the same time one inside of Warehouse
6642s one inside of archery range SEI trying
6644s to get damage over onto the backline
6645s it's another uh Team saber versus Team
6648s 2C a third party coming in oh my what
6651s the hell just happen on just blew up the
6654s entirety of Warehouse my God a whole lot
6658s of kills going one way two way threeway
6660s fourway as two members fall from Team 2C
6663s their credit count not looking the
6665s greatest same thing for team saber they
6667s both have enough but it's pretty much
6668s going to cost them their entire
6669s inventory of credits to bring anybody
6672s back yeah um 500 MP there at the perfect
6675s time some wrong is G going to be able to
6677s land a nice four bomb with Scarlet you
6678s know following up with that W just so
6681s much AOE damage going to be able to I
6682s think all three kills down there in that
6684s third party and yeah they're just there
6686s they're on dock now they're going to be
6688s able to set up for this Omega and
6689s they're going to be looking at a nice
6691s spot for themselves here as we do have
6692s saber actually resing in Chapel uh looks
6695s like the HC andj are on the other side
6697s maybe going to try to collapse looks
6699s like uh we do have the Lena going in
6702s here taking a lot of damage but looks
6704s like s is actually getting locked up
6706s here but they actually trade for kcw and
6709s it looks like it will be saber coming on
6711s top in this fight I'm not sure sure if
6713s they targeting was the right decision
6714s right Satan is is kind of tanky he's
6717s still a Melee character right spear also
6719s has a lot of really good internal
6721s defensive stats and once you get caught
6723s out by the Alonzo I mean it's just free
6725s pickings for meteorites the moons to
6727s come through from the Adena you saw
6729s exactly how kcw fell he got pointed by
6732s the Alonzo and while he was rooted and
6733s stunned right there in the ground a moon
6736s just Falls over his head and then he's
6737s dead that's exactly how the game plan of
6740s Team saber goes they just keep falling
6742s forward I'm not entirely sure if the
6744s targeting on the F was the right idea
6746s they always need to get on the on the
6749s Adena first if they cannot kill the
6750s Adena I'm not entirely sure if there's
6753s any teams in this Lobby that can
6754s actually win against team saber they
6757s have to kill her
6758s first yeah but uh obviously Dena
6761s obviously going to not allow that to
6762s happen right Dena is one of the best or
6765s probably the best ad Dina in um Korea
6768s and uh they's able to space so well but
6770s it looks like we might actually have a
6771s fight on our hands here's actually is a
6773s little split up here I don't know if you
6775s saw but uh ber full items the I think
6779s the William had a chaser already so they
6781s are looking really really strong here
6783s DDO going to walk up rori going to be
6786s able to Blink on out of there actually
6787s going to Blink that baa going to be able
6789s to get the safety as uh Team Rox I think
6791s they know they're caught in the middle
6792s of two teams so definitely want to look
6794s for something probably going to try
6796s chasing uh tangle Dobby down as they do
6798s see that they are relatively weak the
6800s white lily does end up going through
6803s from the alinaa here are they going to
6805s be able to get away the stun does end up
6806s proing here as the Yan is going to try
6808s jumping forward no actually they are
6811s going to be able to get out and Yeah on
6812s one HP wow force field value is just so
6816s huge there now the issue for team tingle
6818s Doby is that they had a long way to walk
6820s up on the North side and we also just
6822s saw that s rock is able to easily
6824s dispatch this team although KPM they're
6827s actually really split they can't take
6828s advantage of this yeah they're not
6830s grouped up so a little unfortunate that
6832s you know they weren't able to capitalize
6834s on that t that random TP into uh stream
6837s there as uh looks like the members of uh
6841s the hcj went back into cemetery and they
6844s got punished for it as F NP was there to
6847s capitalize Cina is going actually going
6850s to be able to get away and uh yeah looks
6852s like it's going to be glove just going
6853s to go on forward there saber try to do
6856s damage but the ultimate from the subam
6860s is just going to be able to get onto
6861s Adon and they're just going to be able
6862s to on that and kill Dina here as it will
6865s be I think saber fully wiping there
6867s exactly as I said right you have to kill
6869s the Adena and herab finds the angle what
6872s a fantastic fight coming through from
6874s Team tabi all out the back of the stami
6877s being able to execute that Adena there
6879s is no additional crowd control no
6881s additional healing good fight coming in
6883s and I know what you were looking at 1
6885s second left on Doza there is nowhere for
6887s this team to run a beautiful combo
6889s coming in toza effectively taken out of
6891s the fight he's still chugging down
6893s damage with those cocktails but is it
6895s going to be enough as kcw is going to
6896s take the fall ddl pumping out the damage
6899s pixu is going to take the fall it is
6901s just not the game of DHC andj so many
6903s blinking health bars on the bottom side
6905s of our screen Lan about to get taken
6906s down this carpet DM loses a member on
6909s their side zero kills for that team
6911s right now but their credit count 527 on
6915s side of the lenx I think the adri just
6917s reses here yeah I think you save for
6920s this Blood I think the blood is going to
6921s be quite strong strong for this team so
6925s I think they are going to let the
6926s Adriana get the resz off so that the
6928s blood can be Bots maybe for Lan we're
6932s going to have to see yeah it looks like
6933s adri did end up resing here and uh is
6935s the blood going to be bought yes f is
6937s going to be bought for that team so
6940s despite them losing one it's only a
6941s minus 250 they're still looking in uh
6943s you know not too bad of a swap for
6944s themselves here as a will be D young
6945s cyber is going to be able to get this
6946s Wick line for free good stuff coming in
6948s unfortunately for mangani it was just
6950s the Zen Vitality that came in no
6952s additional transition item from the side
6954s of Wick but they are going to hold on to
6955s that Wick buff for quite a bit now
6959s taking a look at carpedm they actually
6960s ended of picking up a red shoes I'm not
6962s entirely sure if that was from a box I
6964s have I've been kind of keeping track of
6966s them and I don't know if they actually
6967s built a weapon with the blood sample
6970s we'll maybe check that later down the
6971s road when we do see the items of the
6974s members of kpdm if they haven't built
6977s the Black Lotus shuriken already then I
6979s think you go for that over the Chaser
6981s because we've seen Lan on the subam
6984s being such a threat in a lot of these
6986s fights whereas as I said earlier the
6988s main idea around this Adriana is to set
6990s up the arena so the subam can actually
6994s isolate
6997s targets oh yeah
6999s um I do like that c DM are sitting in
7002s this bush I don't know if they if any
7004s teams know that they're in here so maybe
7007s the young cybers are going to buy here
7010s they don't know yet they oh but nice
7013s pull is that going to be enough the
7014s spell shield does end up going through
7016s here m is going to do a lot of damage
7017s and L getting chunk down to 1 HP Rola
7020s going to
7021s try and Hoy does end up tanking it and
7024s they're actually okay Jesus that was so
7027s scary for team carp DM I thought they
7030s had the damage but the reaction coming
7031s through from M denied the Whiplash back
7034s from insane and unfortunately I believe
7036s there was enough time for oh l no is
7040s going to get assassinated is just way
7042s too good at gauging his blast weave
7044s distance frame and Pixel Perfect to pull
7048s that subam back absolutely no reactions
7050s coming through from lokan which is going
7052s to put Hoy in a really really bad spot 5
7055s seconds left on his timer six teams left
7057s in total we are down to 16 members alive
7061s in this game Hoy has to somehow go all
7063s the way till the end because his team
7064s right now sitting on zero kills they
7066s need something happening in game three
7069s yeah but he has no timer as well here
7071s comes the polymorph but the spell just
7073s denies it entirely as uh looks like 500p
7076s is on Full Retreat now oh my God the
7078s damage coming out from a these Auto
7080s attacks are just chunking these uh
7083s damage dealers as obviously you know
7084s when you are playing a triple backline
7085s comp that is what you are susceptible to
7087s just you know getting bursted down by
7090s these ohing does end up connecting and
7093s it will be scarlet droing and now 500 MP
7096s down to only two
7098s members so it's not looking too good for
7100s them I think ear phase 3 in season 4 has
7104s been one of the best representations of
7106s the capabilities of control Mages in a
7109s lot of these fights senine has been
7111s really good but the fact that he's able
7113s to pull out some of these spring traps
7115s like he did in Phase 2 in combination
7117s with tadang playing again and you see a
7119s lot of these Adriana players controlling
7122s these fights throughout these games it
7123s is incredible how strong of an archetype
7126s those kind of characters are ho isolated
7129s will get found out will get taken down
7131s goodbye my friend
7133s zero kills and sixth place they will at
7135s least get one point from the placement
7137s but that's all they get off of game
7139s three yeah right into the hands of
7142s tangle Dobby that is a little
7143s unfortunate there as you know he did get
7145s end up getting caught out but now we we
7147s are down to five teams for this
7149s temporary Zone kind of want to see you
7151s know what these teams decide to do and
7153s which zones they they decide to contest
7155s here as maybe RX gets the free zone
7157s maybe you know RX I think is looking
7159s like they are the strongest team in the
7161s lobby here with DD sitting on that
7163s Chaser I think both basa and um the B on
7167s Fall items as well but who knows maybe
7168s TR does end up coming down to contest
7170s here we have to see I'm actually quite
7172s interested in the option for the Bernice
7175s to take the psyches blade because
7177s psyches blade is a pen item that
7179s actually loses out on a few stats in
7181s comparison to something like the chain
7182s of thorns you've been sitting on full
7184s items for quite a while now that makes
7186s me think that you know they had enough
7187s time to buy a four score or even
7190s something like the mythal arm band which
7191s was really popular on the bernes for
7193s quite a long time but no they just have
7195s to go for something else instead we'll
7196s stick onto the psyches blade for the
7198s remainder of the game on this bernes
7200s team 2C being pushed towards the back a
7202s little bit and here we go the fight is
7205s going to begin the full swing is
7206s actually going to pull cenim back into
7207s the wall which means he's been a little
7209s bit problematic the triple spring trap
7212s is so good and the damage is just not
7214s there holy crap the sustain coming in
7217s from this Johan is absolutely Bonkers
7219s zpp is about to get taken down he
7220s doesn't have force field a health on the
7222s side of ton cyers is just refusing to go
7224s down shom again is going to get taken
7227s down there is no play dead to save you
7229s from that one sebbi and senine has to
7232s book it out four teams left they're
7234s looking for an angle back in on this but
7236s I don't know if team T cyers is even
7239s going to risk it but they have to go
7241s back in this is the only Zone they can
7242s go back to yeah but there is another
7245s team coming so maybe they can look for a
7246s third party here but yeah I mean the
7247s sustain coming out from the suwa and
7249s from the Yan is able to keep them alive
7251s this wasn't enough damage is barely not
7253s enough here Here Comes engage from glove
7255s is that going to be enough a nice spell
7256s shield actually to deny any damage
7257s coming out from Rolo here but uh good
7260s ultimates coming out from marori here's
7262s uh it will be team Tangled Doby going to
7266s be able to control the zone as uh yeah
7268s looks like CH not having any timer here
7270s just going to feed the kills into tangle
7271s daby they're going to get both kills
7273s here going to get a lot more timer to
7274s work with and the resets glove already
7277s down to half HP though so they might
7279s have to full reset here as they do have
7280s the timer from getting those two kills
7283s from Chito they will end up resetting
7286s here the traps do come down though on
7288s the side of the young cyber the emps are
7291s coming down as well though it looks like
7293s the ultimate coming out from subam
7294s they're going to try oh my God he gets
7297s bursted down and it will be D young
7298s cyber is actually going to come out on
7299s top here as I don't think there's much
7302s more RoR can do God revu is so good at
7305s targeting these threats down a lot of
7308s times these 8 they're not going to make
7309s it they're not going to make it oh
7312s my God oh my God but they have the
7313s ballistic Advantage holy crap imagine if
7316s it wasn't for the sniper skill you could
7317s have check over the wall really really
7319s good check coming through from that team
7321s but yeah I mean what a great fight
7322s coming in from ton cybers this team is
7324s just dealing with all these threats so
7327s reversibly well usually the subam goes
7330s in like that I mean the ADC is dead but
7332s cadas just popping out all the heals
7334s exactly when he needs to sitting on the
7335s elf dress is's able to give the
7337s additional buff over onto revu he's
7339s sitting at 375 attack power right now
7342s with what 20% armor penetration sitting
7344s on that chain of thorns if he gets a
7346s single Sharpshooter and the Ashen Reaper
7348s Auto off like you are going to get
7350s chunked yeah this is not uh adding on I
7353s think the oh God nice blink yeah nice
7356s blink out coming up from the B already
7358s down to half HP though looks like R is
7361s just going to eship forward going to get
7362s going to try to do some more damage here
7364s as I think RX is going to be forced to
7365s reset so the young cyber is going to be
7368s able to control the Zone here God
7371s actually hits all three so that will
7373s delay rox's chance to reset but yeah I
7376s mean Here Comes ddl maybe he look for an
7379s angle does have the three fast
7381s balls DDO has to go big DDO has to go
7384s big full information for ton cyers they
7386s know exactly what's going on but there's
7388s no blink this time around for the
7389s Bernice hangi gets taken down mongani
7391s sets up the fight revu getting out the
7393s damage but it's going to be enough he
7395s will go down but in the end DDO goes
7398s down to Ash and Reaper Auto attacks over
7400s the fast balls in this game down goes
7402s Bob MSA GG's to team ton cybers as the
7406s camera just okay bye oh yeah it hands
7409s over to the right but yeah I mean
7410s magnani there coming out big for that
7412s team getting a nice double stun eting
7414s forward getting that bat skill just
7415s locking up at that ber Bern not able to
7417s do anything there as you know they were
7419s able to use or get the blink out a
7421s little earlier in the first uh engage
7424s and yeah that will be it for team Rox
7427s and yeah the young cyers coming on top
7429s there with uh I think that was 11 kills
7432s mhm this was what I was talking about
7434s yesterday during scrims a lot of these
7436s times when these teams are kind of
7437s forced into these very small areas like
7440s uh finer final zone for example right
7443s sometimes it's actually really good to
7445s just make someone on the enemy team blow
7447s a really big cool down like the blink
7449s not entirely sure if hungi had it up
7452s to up to level three I don't think it
7456s was because the Bernice didn't have it
7458s up again in the next fight but if you
7460s make somebody actually use those blinks
7463s and keep track of the timers you can do
7464s exactly what Mong was able to do Bernice
7467s does not have any Mobility skills to get
7469s out of a double Odyssey especially if he
7470s gets caught out by the middle of the
7472s first one it was just a really good OPP
7474s the deal because it got the slow and
7476s then the stun and then a nice
7478s capitalization uh you know to dash
7480s forward get that bat skill you know
7481s that's the difference between obviously
7482s you know playing bat and Hammer is um
7485s you know if you are able to get that
7486s crucial B skill in these team fights
7488s you're just able to uh you know close
7490s out these fights really easily for your
7491s team oh yeah I'm really glad that
7494s throughout all the chaos and atrocities
7495s that we've watched throughout the course
7497s of the weekend so far this game was a
7499s lot more by the books I don't think
7501s there was anything too crazy about this
7502s one everything was genuinely just down
7504s to textbook um even the fight in the
7506s cemetery temporary Zone was pretty much
7508s Hing was pretty much textbook coming
7510s from both of the teams as well final
7512s Zone was a lot more controlled than I
7513s normally expected it would have been
7515s yeah that's exactly what we want to see
7517s from these teams and funny enough
7519s actually hung rocks doing something they
7521s used to do I believe it was in season
7523s two or season 3 super where they just
7526s play for the final Zone remember that
7528s yeah yeah I do remember I think they
7531s were they went by team strike back then
7533s right they just always you know got Wick
7535s line played Final Zone they were able to
7537s always get that nice third party off
7539s like they just knew exactly when to come
7541s in for that third party and yeah it was
7543s just you know they always just played a
7545s nice textbook game but um yeah I mean
7547s now right um they can't really do that
7550s right they can't really go for the
7552s parties anymore because obviously the
7553s zones are locked up but um with that we
7556s do have the round results for this game
7558s obviously D young cyers coming on top
7559s with 19 points 11 field kills so yeah I
7564s think they're going to be sitting in a
7566s nice comfortable spot forsel good stuff
7568s coming out for that team T rocks
7569s unfortunately even though taking away
7571s first they just couldn't get that many
7572s field kills in this game which you know
7574s again if we go back to season three this
7576s was kind of the way that Tong rocks
7578s played even back as team strike he
7580s really didn't get that many kills in the
7581s early stages of the game cuz their main
7583s core idea was to get the William set up
7585s towards the end and then just play for
7587s the final Zone a lot of their ping came
7589s from the placement because they ended up
7590s winning so many games after the wick
7592s line into the final Zone this is exactly
7595s as you said and exactly as I said
7597s textbook for teams hung them rocks it
7599s will actually jump them up to fifth
7600s place in the spot right now for the
7602s total leader board just one point behind
7603s Ting Wabi who is holding the line with
7605s 27 points carpedm dropping down to
7607s seventh as they really could not pick up
7609s that many points this time around chy
7612s still sitting in first with 40 ton cyers
7614s 37 saber 34 and Tangle Dobby to round
7617s out the top four with 27 again yeah the
7620s top three is getting a little wider for
7623s the bottom uh half of the the teams but
7627s I mean if you look at it at the
7628s difference between fourth fifth and six
7630s it's only two points so it's still
7631s anyone's game to qualify here even
7633s carpet DM only 12 points behind there's
7635s still three more games left so
7637s definitely there's definitely still room
7638s for these teams to you know get that pop
7640s off game and get their spots to the
7642s finals for sure just really excited to
7645s see what they're going to be bringing to
7646s the table in game number four cuz I do
7648s believe we are going back to the Adriana
7650s ban again which means players like rori
7652s Hoy as well as toja they're all going to
7655s have to play something else we saw some
7657s of the options they were able to bring
7658s to the table during game number two a
7660s couple of them was the Adriana coming
7662s from I believe it was toja and rori
7667s whereas on the flip side for team
7669s carpedm they opted to run insane on Yan
7673s and then Ma
7674s on uh on hoit so we're going to see
7678s something similar again where insane and
7680s Hy are going to swap flip-flop their
7682s roles are we going to see something else
7684s I'm not entirely sure what carpet DM has
7686s prepared because yesterday was pretty
7688s much just a straight beline for the
7690s exact same composition they decided to
7692s run yeah I'm guessing they to go back to
7694s it cuz you know I think it did look
7695s pretty good for them uh just
7697s Unfortunately they got they they they
7699s did end up getting third partied I think
7700s in that game so
7702s yeah we're going to have to see I think
7703s it might rotate between this Ma and this
7705s Adriana ban but um who knows maybe some
7709s of these teams have you know a another
7710s unique team comp or or maybe another
7713s pocket pick um in the back here that
7715s they will end up pulling out yeah you
7717s and I were talking about this but if
7718s kpdm does end up going back into the Yan
7721s and my rotation their macro play needs
7724s to be a lot better throughout some of
7725s these fights I think insane needs to
7729s have I think more so than insane looking
7732s for opportunities insane needs to play
7735s around lokan and wait for hoit to
7738s actually initiate cuz the problem with
7740s Yan is that if he fails his initiation
7743s he's really just stuck in the middle of
7745s nowhere because a lot of his kid kind of
7746s deals with him resetting his cooldowns
7749s through his unyielding Stacks if he's
7750s not able to weave in Auto attacks here
7753s and there even when you're playing Toma
7755s it's really difficult to do that even
7757s with the tetragon up nowadays where cool
7759s down is so low that sometimes you just
7762s don't get those skills sometimes you get
7764s those skills a little bit too fast for
7765s you to build up those unyielding Stacks
7768s I'm hoping that insane is able to pull
7769s out some of those insane initiations
7771s that we were seeing in game number two
7773s but I think this time around just kind
7774s of scale it back let ho take care of all
7776s the dirty work and follow up with lokan
7778s to make sure that the damage is there
7780s exactly when you need it yeah it looks
7782s like ho is going to go back on the my
7784s but we have basa swapping or staying on
7786s the shoe guy this time not swapping back
7788s to the ma when it is available so we're
7790s actually going to have no bands this
7792s game so you know it's the first time in
7793s this uh Series so far that um yeah no
7797s character bands are picked I think we
7800s have a lot of duplicates though we do
7801s have like two M two yawn I think we have
7804s two hazes as well but once again you
7807s know not or none of the characters are
7809s picked three times so so there will be
7811s no ban exactly and a fairly unique pick
7813s as The Observers are going to figure
7815s that out for themselves as well the
7817s Aiden coming in for sirabi not too
7820s surprising I think of a character that
7822s sardab is going to be able to play for
7823s himself right I mean we knew him way
7824s back in the days for his Luke this time
7827s around it's going to be the Aiden KR
7829s loves their Aiden man if this guy is is
7832s even remotely like I I think even
7835s remotely if na considers him B tier over
7837s in KR he is getting overplayed to hell
7840s so not too surprising he will be
7842s boasting that false oath for himself so
7844s definitely looking for kill
7845s opportunities on that Amper pistol we'll
7847s see if this aen pick is going to work
7849s out for team Tangled Dobby they got
7851s pretty good game off in game number
7853s three just couldn't round it off in the
7855s end of the game phase see if this time
7857s around it's going to be a little bit
7858s different with this unique character
7860s pick that not a lot of people are going
7861s to know how to deal with in the
7862s competitive stage just yet yeah we're
7864s going to have to see especially since
7866s obviously you know we know his ultimate
7867s God change as well how he can take it um
7870s you know without hitting any Targets but
7873s it's no surprise that uh you know KR
7874s does love aen aen is you know one of
7876s those uh really high skill characters
7878s especially you know in the higher ELO
7881s lobbies obviously you know
7883s um uh these these players can definitely
7885s perform on these characters you know
7887s yeah I think it really helps in a lot of
7890s cases for these players that they are
7892s running such low ping cuz it's been
7895s pretty common knowledge that there is a
7896s lot of Animation cancelling on the side
7898s of Aiden it's really muscle memory for a
7900s lot of these players they know exactly
7902s how this character works and the exact
7903s time they need to run this character to
7905s get maximum efficiency on every single
7907s one of their skills I really like the
7909s Aden pick and again we are going to see
7912s th hcj taking the fall inside of forest
7915s this time around just completely
7916s isolated is going to be the Estelle no
7918s additional support coming in from the
7919s back
7920s side so Reviving back and force he needs
7923s to find a couple more items and then
7924s after that he should be on out of here
7925s to support the rest of his team yeah
7927s saber getting a nice kill you we know
7929s they always group up here and wow
7931s magnani actually gets a double spell
7933s shield does end up blocking the poly but
7935s it will be F going to Blink on forward
7936s there and going to lock him up and yeah
7938s it will be 500 MP going to be able to
7940s get a nice early kill for them here as I
7942s think magnani tried to get or tried to
7944s look for you know an early kill but
7946s obviously you know when you see there
7949s are you know these players that are
7950s isolated in the 1 V one you know you
7953s know they their team is hiding somewhere
7955s in the shadows and you're going to get
7957s jumped by by another member so oh yeah
7960s think that's exactly what happened to
7961s magnani there absolutely more skirmishes
7964s happening across the board oh oh oh oh
7968s okay at least it's level two blank okay
7970s we we can forgive him for it it's not
7971s going to be 3 minutes cool down that
7973s he's going to be oh wait oh it is 3
7976s minutes cuz the change to Blink cool
7977s down level one came in uh came in this
7979s patch with 1.26 okay so man it could
7982s have been worse but it's not going to be
7984s just yet assassinated is going to be kcw
7986s taken down to the ground by his
7988s counterpart Yan good kill coming in good
7990s Bush check coming in from that team
7992s nicely done and carpedm doing better
7995s than what they did in last game one
7996s point ahead with the kills going in
7998s their favor and right before night
8000s number one
8002s yeah I mean it's nice to see you know
8004s the team getting some early kills for
8005s himself as uh getting that nice early
8008s kill is always a good sign and it will
8011s be actually the bres from Team RX going
8013s to fall to sh I think it looks like they
8016s are maybe splitting up maybe they
8018s saw maybe they saw stream you know say
8021s you know there's zero people so maybe
8022s just TP in there to try to get some
8024s extra Farm but oh yeah looks like he got
8027s baited and looks like yeah insane
8029s actually going to dodge out but the
8030s triple man knockup actually coming out
8032s from the Estelle is it going to be
8033s enough here as Lan taking a lot of poke
8035s damage from this Estelle's going to try
8037s jumping back in actually does end up St
8039s their Dash Midway maybe lan can look for
8041s an angle here kcw going to heal back up
8044s from you know the the region from the
8047s food here as he's back up to full HP L
8050s going to dash on back here ho maybe
8052s takeing look for an angle H does end up
8054s going through onto the Estelle here and
8056s a nice lock up a great stun coming up
8059s the wall and that is going to be it dosu
8062s going to fall here kcw going to try
8063s looking for an angle but the the kite
8066s back coming out from lokan is uh is just
8069s too much that is exactly I think the way
8071s that I wanted to see team carpedm play
8074s see how insane never really overreached
8076s and tried going for anything crazy after
8079s he was initially taken out of the fight
8081s by team DHC andj he was actually playing
8084s around the sole source of his Dam of
8086s damage on his team outside of himself
8088s which was lokan he never really went too
8091s far away away from him I'm pretty sure
8092s if you were looking at the specific
8094s camera POV of each individual players he
8096s was probably able to see lokan the
8098s entire time if he kept himself unlocked
8100s cameras nice spring trap to push Bob MOA
8103s away this is going to allow CHC to
8104s actually secure the Tree of Life chin
8106s know looking for a little bit more my
8108s god dude hold off you're okay don't
8111s worry about it you guys already won with
8112s the objective they're still looking for
8114s it though dude sen and shin do I swear
8116s these guys are a matchmate in heaven
8117s what the heck oh the comes in for spring
8120s tra here and
8122s going to be the
8125s one oh the passive almost doing enough
8129s damage here and nobody to dash forward
8131s and yeah I will be to fall surprised
8134s that they just decid to you know aggress
8137s there but you know there's no real risk
8138s I guess because you know the Jenny still
8140s has the play that and you know there's a
8142s Lenny there to to support jeez would you
8146s have ever followed up on shinomi if you
8147s were his teammate like you yourself
8149s would you have ever done it in that I
8151s mean I mean if if she know is going you
8154s know like he probably know something so
8157s I guess I guess you know I kind of have
8158s to right goodness gracious and this is
8161s what I was talking about before right I
8162s mean sheina Nate plays like a psycho we
8164s know about this and again it's it's a
8166s compliment it's not a bad thing this guy
8168s just goes in and sets up his own fights
8170s this guy does that all the time but
8172s there hasn't been anyone to actually
8173s follow up on it and the fact that c just
8175s follows it's just like shom has a
8177s personal pet just kind of following
8179s after him that just does everything he
8180s asks for
8182s with with no questions asked it's full
8184s on loyalty over here it's great I love
8187s this yeah and definitely is working in
8189s their favor as uh yeah they're able to
8191s get you know DDO that spring trap coming
8193s out big for you know that team and oh we
8196s actually might have a another fight on
8197s our hand here as we do have duchan
8199s coming over through the bush there s
8202s going to jump on forward there going to
8203s get the ultimates procs on glove but a
8206s great exclusive actually to counter
8208s satin's uh R3 and is going to be able to
8212s return any damage here maybe going to be
8214s able to trade one for one yes they're
8215s actually going to be able to kill S as
8216s well so yeah both members are just going
8219s or both teams are just going to lose a
8220s member here but it will be team saber
8222s going to be able to pick them back up in
8224s time for the Battle Zone I think they're
8226s going to be able to get a free Battle
8227s Zone for themselves on the south side
8229s too cuz the only team that was hanging
8230s around here was tingle Dobby they've
8232s already lost the m and the corpse is
8233s confirmed so free objective going in
8236s favor of Team saber they're going to
8237s either pick themselves up a tree of life
8239s or a metor right from the looks of it it
8240s is going to be guaranteed to be the
8242s meteorite for themselves s Rox is also
8245s going to pick up themselves a meteorite
8247s from the looks of it for their own free
8249s Battle Zone but on the North side inside
8251s gas station two teams are going to have
8253s to fight for it here we go cnj versus
8256s Team carpedm who is going to be able to
8257s win it out pixu doing a lot of damage
8259s but the Estelle is going to be forced to
8260s use the hel attack stat healing drone is
8262s keeping insane actually relatively
8264s healthy perfect quick spin coming in and
8266s it is going to be the exclusive to deny
8268s even more of where that came from kcw
8270s looking for a little bit more of an
8271s angle back in Lan straight into a quick
8273s spin is not looking too great he's still
8275s keeping himself alive and they take the
8277s Battle Zone Logan's positioning and
8279s kiting is absolutely off the charts yeah
8282s and here comes the oh my God that was a
8284s really nice ba there coming out from the
8286s Bice and it looks like CMAs will fall as
8288s well don't know where magnani is I think
8289s it looks like uh maybe they thought you
8292s know um theones were threee he is in
8295s Temple and yeah will be two members of
8297s the young cyber going to fall here but
8299s it is still day two so they will be able
8301s to get back up in time with no
8304s repercussions it's quite rare that ton
8306s cyers actually has zero kills at the
8308s stage in the game right usually they
8309s just kind of push their lead if they
8311s even have one even if they don't I think
8313s they're relatively confident enough with
8314s the amount of sustain that this team has
8316s to just straight up Brute for some of
8318s these fights uh T cyber sitting on zero
8321s kills not exactly sure what happened
8322s there but maybe they'll start picking up
8323s their Pace as soon as day three hits
8325s starting from there super minus 250 is a
8328s go yeah and it looks like we do have iro
8331s uh group up on the bottom side you're
8332s going to get able to grab all the farm I
8334s think the tree of life is probably going
8335s to be free as well but on the top side
8337s here we do have H maybe looking for an
8339s angle here getting back and the a is
8343s still lingering and it will be glove
8345s getting taken down here very nicely
8347s played from ho actually going to be able
8349s to hold their E2 in time I don't think
8352s love realized that um hoit still had his
8354s Dash up and yeah getting locked up there
8357s very nice followup from that team and
8359s yeah we be Tangled dobbies mine just
8361s going to fall there I think he was
8363s waiting for his own opportunity to go
8365s back in but by the time he actually
8367s opted to go back in his sha veil was
8369s gone and the timing from uh who is it
8372s timing from hit's initiation back in
8374s with the Str was actually really good
8376s because again it was right when the shil
8378s was gone so subam actually dealing a ton
8380s of damage in that fight was actually
8382s massive carpedm doing actually pretty
8384s good for themselves sitting on four
8385s kills of course the seven from overalls
8389s team kills is in their favor but those
8391s three points are not going to
8393s count
8395s Seb carpet DM just going to grab the box
8398s and they're going to try to get on out
8399s of here but TR SE looking to maybe look
8403s to fight here as nobody's going to dash
8404s on forward there Bo taking go they got a
8407s fight now I think for carpet DM they
8408s just got to go oh my God it looks like
8411s uh Lan taking so much damage but the
8413s ultimate coming back and it's not going
8415s to be enough as the spring trap coming
8417s out as Bo does end up getting locked up
8419s so we be a minus 250 they end up getting
8420s the Box so not too bad for that team but
8423s now look at their positioning they are
8424s in a really bad spot as they are stuck
8426s in between two teams here oh no in
8428s getting caught out here tried to Blink
8431s on over the wall and yeah it's not going
8433s to be enough as we actually be a minus
8436s 500 now for carpet DM uh I I think in
8439s those kind of situations you just have
8440s to send it I mean CH is just going to
8441s full send right the psycho gameplay C
8443s and shin once they lock in on a Target
8445s they're just going to go look at them go
8447s they are just eating all the haze
8448s rockets and grenade launchers in the
8450s world but they're still going seie going
8452s to reset his gauge reset some of his
8454s cool Downs especially the dash he is
8456s still charging forward they are not
8459s letting go of the sights of team cnj
8463s they don't really take any poke damage
8464s because the Len just keeps them back up
8466s and sebie going to try looking but I
8467s think they do know that they were going
8469s to get third partied and they just back
8470s away sa I think knowing or actually
8473s they're actually a Duo so that's
8474s probably why they didn't want to engage
8476s there my God I yeah teams are going to
8479s actually have to deal with team CHC
8482s they're just going to you just have to
8483s understand that they're going to chase
8485s right they have to just kind of come to
8486s peace with that and actually deal with
8488s them because as soon as I said carpedm
8490s should have fought they needed to turn I
8492s think that was a really great
8493s opportunity for especially insane to go
8496s in and get a triple tetragon bounce back
8498s with Tom Hawk roundhouse but he didn't
8500s take it he was a little bit too scared
8502s he still was trying to run away from
8503s Team CH seat you got to go they're going
8505s to chase you infinitely and they're
8507s actually not that bad at poking
8508s especially with the spotlight on the
8510s side of the Jenny and cine if he ever
8512s gets an angle onto Spring trapping you
8514s yeah you're going to die you might as
8515s well just
8516s fight yeah and it looks like team chus
8520s is actually going to give up this uh
8522s Omega here to D Young cyers D young
8525s cyers looking really strong now as looks
8527s like magnani is going to be on full
8529s build getting the holy Waters as well so
8530s they're going to be really tanky and
8533s maybe carpet DM are they going to look
8535s for an angle here onto CJ CJ just
8537s chilling in the bush as they don't
8539s really recognize there is another team
8541s in think in the zone as yeah they had
8543s they they had no
8545s vision okay Sardi getting tagged out by
8548s atic advantage means that he's going to
8549s be split away from his team love going
8551s to eat the explosive baa but that is
8553s only on towards the M DDO investing the
8556s signature Fireball shil is not there but
8558s the exclusive is going to be SOI looking
8561s for a fight back in but this isn't the
8562s duration of the fast ball
8565s guys yeah I think um I think the the
8569s Aiden thought you know he an angle onto
8571s D but D just able to dash on back there
8574s but here comes the first damage onto
8576s sebbi is just not enough they don't
8577s really do enough damage onto this team
8579s as the heal uh healing win comes through
8583s as well and they just able to keep their
8584s team alive as yeah the Lenny is just
8586s having so much stain for this team and
8588s just having no uh not enough damage as
8591s oh a third party comes through as well
8592s oh no it's going to be sa going to wipe
8595s yeah to that third party from 5 b and
8598s that takes care of a big adversity that
8600s team CHC was able to not deal with a
8602s couple of times in game number two of
8603s course in the end they were able to take
8606s the 3-0 I think against team saber in
8608s the end in game number three but this
8610s time around they're not going to have to
8611s deal with that team at all anymore
8613s fantastic fight coming through from CH I
8615s talked about dealing with the Adena
8617s early on but if she's so focused on
8619s trying to get herself away she's not
8620s going to be able to provide the support
8622s over on towards her teams as much as she
8624s wants to for some reason I don't know
8626s how this happened the Alonzo was on top
8629s of the Adena they were actually rued
8631s really close proximity so a lot of the
8632s time spent from the Adena inside of that
8634s fight was spent trying to run away yeah
8637s we might have another fight here as the
8638s HR looking for an angle here Estelle
8640s already chunk down to half HP but there
8642s comes the sniper skills they know
8644s there's a team here they don't want
8645s anything they're just going to jump on
8646s out there good decision sebbi keeping
8648s himself alive no never mind blast wave
8650s is going to be enough but remember oh my
8652s God it's a double four stack shom and CI
8654s both eats it each of the shots coming
8656s through from swong is going to hurt a
8657s lot blast wave not going to be there for
8659s swong to push the lead sebie down on the
8662s ground really good catch out with the
8663s blast wave yeah I'm guessing they just
8666s were able to lock up sebbi there and you
8668s know like we were saying it's a triple
8670s backline comp so it is able to deal so
8672s much damage here as it looks like insane
8673s has caught a nice B coming out from uh
8677s Rox and he will end up falling so will
8680s be another minus 250 for this team as uh
8683s Team I think there's another team nearby
8685s trying to look for you know these two
8687s rats here as uh they do know they're not
8689s really split as Here Comes
8692s call L is going to be caught out here as
8696s they're going to walk into red I don't
8697s think they have enough timer to TP so
8700s yeah looks like they're forced back up
8701s here as uh if DH do end up checking or
8705s RX do end up checking might be the end
8708s for team karp DM as they don't have
8710s enough timer to get on out of here yeah
8712s this is really bad they're stuck in the
8714s middle of nowhere it's about to turn
8716s into Knight four all of the consoles are
8718s just in the worst spot possible the
8720s moment moment they step out of that
8721s corner it's not going to be good for
8722s them but they're going to be forced to
8723s in just a few seconds think the only
8725s saving grace is the simple fact that
8727s there are nobody around the hyperloop
8729s and they're going to try to full send it
8730s in towards that one the only option that
8732s this team has is the only Road available
8734s to them very lucky on the side of Team
8736s carpet DM they should be able to get on
8738s out are going to go to factory here
8740s instead but I did think I see a couple
8743s teams inside that area to see oh no they
8747s tried to get the
8749s res yeah and it will be anotherus 250
8752s and a minus one for them actually
8754s because uh the M did end up exploding so
8757s that is very unfortunate as uh we do
8759s have a team Tangled Doby just sitting in
8761s the corner there in hos maybe going to
8763s try to look for an angle going to try to
8765s jump you know some of these teams that
8766s maybe are going to try getting those WS
8768s on the top side here as CH SE do end up
8770s do end up funneling in into uh Pond here
8773s so we have three teams in this really
8775s small zone so we're going to have to see
8776s you know if these teams do end up taking
8779s the fight so console is going to be
8780s taken now and I think team should
8782s recognize that probably shouldn't take
8785s this fight here as Chi is going to be
8787s able to see everything yeah at least Rox
8789s should definitely know there's a team
8790s hanging around here this is why they're
8792s so cautious about even taking this fight
8794s putting a camera down just so they can
8795s keep track of Team B uh Team DHC andj
8799s but those cameras on the left side are
8800s just solely there to deny any other
8802s teams from looking for opportunities DC
8805s andj they're getting pushed into a
8806s corner exposive baola is invested The
8808s Shield is actually going to soak up a
8810s ton of damage and look at how
8812s methodically Ro is playing they still
8814s refusing to push CU they know there's a
8816s sandwich possibility still coming
8819s through yeah they know there's another
8821s team in the zone they know you know both
8823s teams don't have console so they're not
8825s going to push too far in they're just
8827s going to try to maybe force uh the other
8830s team to maybe jump on
8832s over um or maybe you know Force the
8835s other team into the team that's uh you
8837s know on the console so look like they
8840s will end up walking around here and team
8842s CH SE is going to be the one that's in
8844s the sandwich now as
8845s senine is uh a little split from his
8848s theme they're split a fart right now as
8850s well the camera near the jump pad should
8852s signify to team CH SE that they are the
8854s ones in lead in the sandwich situation
8856s DHC andj seeing that there could be
8859s another team I think they have an idea
8861s of the fact that there is three teams
8862s hanging around right cuz sebie is not
8864s part of a team that has a sniper rifle
8866s on their team so yeah seeing that should
8868s signify stuff a lot of good damage over
8870s onto Scarlet these pops oh my God two
8875s three they have to send it God it is not
8879s the day for 500 MPS hungan gets taken
8881s down Scarlet gets taken down fa has to
8884s invest the souling that's going to
8885s disappear revu is on the chase the
8887s wolves are not going to help and down he
8889s goes in the corner of factory you cannot
8891s tank a triple ultimate from Kaja as a
8894s triple backline team as it just does so
8898s much damage right so you know having
8900s that tank you know it definitely did end
8903s up costing them um their lives there as
8906s yeah 500 MP just ends up going down as
8908s you know great ultimate from rol going
8910s to be able to hit all three members of 5
8911s MP that right there is where the value
8913s of something like chain of thorns starts
8915s to come in the amount of damage that you
8917s do with the in a blitz is going to be
8918s Amplified by so much when you hit
8921s targets like that again a Lobby just
8923s kind of made in match for heaven so for
8926s Ru I suppose the build of this doesn't
8928s usually work a lot right A lot of people
8930s actually out to go for the radar instead
8931s just because of the photon Cannon and
8933s the additional crit but in this kind of
8935s Lobby where you do have possibilities of
8937s Landing multiple in the blitz shot up
8939s against very very squishy backline
8941s characters oh hell yeah you'll take the
8943s chain of
8944s thorns I think uh both you know there's
8947s like a little standoff between CH SE and
8949s um the H there cuz I think they know
8952s there's another team nearby with uh
8954s having console and okay the ultimate
8957s does go wide and he does up walking away
8961s from his team so he will just end up
8963s falling here as yeah I mean Aiden not
8967s really working out for this team it
8968s looks like it's a little bit awkward um
8971s very difficult for Aiden to walk up in a
8973s lot of these matchups cuz the only one
8975s that he can actually get Stacks with his
8979s Q is just the tanks and a lot of these
8982s tanks are utility based tanks so they
8984s have stuns very easy sources of crow
8986s every single team here where I don't
8988s think there's any team on the bottom
8990s back factory zone right look at how
8992s many oh maybe carp gets a free res here
8995s correct right no way I mean look at Team
8999s what is it team cyers there are five
9001s teams yeah in this zone three four five
9004s yeah it's only subab in the factory zone
9005s so lets like carpium will actually get
9007s the free res back up for free yeah and
9009s there's no hyperloop in the zone so we
9011s are going to have quite the fight on our
9013s hands here as five teams are going to
9016s fight for the Zone ain't no way there is
9018s 35 seconds but there are too many teams
9020s in this area for anybody start moving
9022s for free this is problematic T rock is
9024s going to try full sending it they know
9026s what the situation is they don't want to
9027s get stuck in the situation by hungi
9029s getting stuck in the middle of nowhere
9030s he's still keeping himself alive down he
9032s goes revu gets taken down though it now
9034s needs to come down to mangani he needs
9036s to win out on this fight get the blinds
9038s off onto DDO the fast balls are chunking
9040s through everybody's health bars but the
9042s damage the remnant damage is still there
9044s the re is going to come through but the
9045s third party coming in DDO the knock him
9048s gets canceled
9051s The Rock ra through Cadmus gets
9053s eliminated down he goes M he gets locked
9056s out oh no he get locked out again two
9061s games in a row and all he can do is just
9063s sit back and watch as carpan will come
9066s back to seek it's annihilated on theth
9068s side yeah looks like it will be C&J
9071s coming out on top here and I think they
9073s will be the ones to win the batt as
9074s they're they're the full team alive
9076s they're the only full team Alive Now
9078s what the hell
9080s is going to give the kill over because
9082s he does not want to minus one his team
9083s carpet DM they're all back up and alive
9086s so if they can maybe they could get a
9087s Buy in here with that with those credits
9089s onami they could be looking in a
9090s comfortable spot the Rockets coming out
9092s from rori chunking down Dogma down to
9095s half HP and kcw
9097s maybe spin uh quick spin coming out from
9100s kcw and that is going to seal the deal
9102s as C&J going to come out on top on this
9104s battle Zone as it will come down to both
9107s carpet DM and the uh DHC and
9111s carpedm is wondering what the hell just
9113s happened I mean these guys were just
9114s kind of chilling a factory for the whole
9115s time there was six lobbies there were
9118s six teams alive that's crazy that there
9119s six teams and they got the zone for free
9122s yeah okay well I mean we take those
9124s especially for team carpedm they're not
9126s too behind on items right I don't think
9130s let's not look at ho side okay never
9131s mind they're behind on items okay never
9133s mind they're going to start looking for
9134s a couple but I don't y don't think the
9138s hcj is going to let that happen for free
9140s subam still has 246 credit she's not
9143s going to be able to call anything like a
9144s mithil or a tree or meteorite they've
9147s lost positioning on the transfer console
9149s too 15 seconds to go until final zones
9151s are going to start to pop it's inside of
9153s hospital it's a pretty open area very
9156s good for things like the yam very good
9158s things for like the subam to make use of
9160s all the space let's see if team carpm is
9163s able to do this they desperately need
9165s this win to lock down more points since
9167s they're in seventh place right now
9170s yeah and here comes engage here the NATO
9173s actually going to push kcw back in maybe
9175s going to look for an angle here does end
9176s up popping the shil maybe getting a
9178s taunt onto the haze is that going to be
9181s enough no follow up on that and the
9183s Damage though coming out into the
9184s Estelle Lan doing so much damage here as
9187s it looks like they are going to back
9188s away in going to try looking for an
9190s angle as I think both teams have to
9191s reset here yeah remember you can't rest
9193s inside of the final zone so teams are
9195s just kind of hanging around the outside
9196s trying to get as much health back as
9197s possible look at the side of team carped
9199s this is last fight don't have that much
9202s get isolated down he goes Haz is dead
9205s carpm just has two more targets to take
9208s down down goes one to get the
9209s Executioner bonus kcw is not going to be
9212s able to knock down ho pixu will be able
9214s to but that is it ladies and gentlemen
9216s carpa of the league pro team will take
9218s away a game in the Wild Card phase three
9222s game four goes in their favor GG's well
9224s played seven kills a nice angle from
9227s lokan jumping onto that Haze here able
9229s to lock him up with the followup on the
9231s ma and that will be it for game number
9235s three we'll see the subam victory pose
9239s absolutely incredible game coming
9240s through from Team uh carpedm a very
9244s quiet but I'll be a very useful day
9247s number six I believe for that team the
9249s temporary zones just going completely
9251s for free in their favor and ladies and
9253s gentlemen that right there is why you
9255s never give up hope in the current day
9258s and age of eternal return not this your
9260s absolutely in the down low you don't
9263s escape you just wait it out maybe pray
9265s that you get a single isolated temp what
9268s a storyline six teams they get the final
9271s Zone in Factory for free and yeah
9273s they're just able to close out the game
9274s there getting that uh pick onto the haze
9278s definitely end up winning uh definitely
9280s uh letting them win that that team fight
9284s there absolutely Bonkers oh my goodness
9286s that is the funniest way for a game like
9289s that to finish but for carpedm it's a
9290s breath of fresh life a very very good um
9294s what is it oh I'm forgetting the the
9296s term but it's like the Saving Grace no
9300s that there's a different term that I'm
9301s looking for uh something with like a
9305s line you know what I'm thinking of huh
9308s Lifeline there you go there's the word
9311s the lifeline they've been looking for
9312s thank you what would I do without
9314s you yeah I mean just able to get that uh
9319s that needed win right right cuz
9320s obviously they were in seventh place
9321s they didn't have a good game number
9323s three but coming out winning game number
9324s four not too many kills but you know
9327s getting those first place points is
9329s always just you know something nice to
9331s have for your team especially you know
9333s going into the last two games here I
9335s talked about how for some of our bottom
9336s Place teams consistency is what matters
9339s game three might have been a little bit
9341s of a backst step for team carpet DM but
9344s this game right here should signify to
9346s them that they still have a chance at
9347s making it into the finals kpet DM their
9349s story throughout the season has been a
9351s little bit on the melancholic side with
9354s not making the rating cut during phase
9356s number one not making it through
9357s qualifiers in phase two but if they're
9360s at least able to make it to the finals
9362s in phase three what a story it would be
9364s for a team that just organized the
9367s season that'll be an incredible upset
9370s for what it is they have a couple more
9372s games to go that was just game number
9374s four super which means we're going to go
9376s into a break in just a moment after the
9378s scoreboards come out but after after
9380s that it's the home stretch for the wild
9382s cards yeah they just need to play a nice
9384s consistent uh game five and six I I
9387s definitely think they could do it you
9388s know they've been having a nice Series
9390s so far in game number one and game
9392s number two they were winning team fights
9394s it only came down you know to their
9395s macro decisions which you know
9396s unfortunately didn't end up costing
9398s those games game number three didn't
9399s really go too well for them but uh game
9401s number four they just came out and they
9402s were able to you know close it out
9404s despite you know their uh their
9407s unfortunate um I guess situ in their
9410s game where it did end up coming down to
9412s just a subam but somehow they were able
9415s to come out you know on top funny enough
9417s I think this composition is just better
9419s than what they've been running I don't
9420s think it'd be a bad idea for them to
9422s just stick onto this instead of sending
9423s ho onto the Adriana in game number five
9425s even if she comes
9426s back yeah I mean we'll have to see right
9429s if they do decide to go back to the
9431s Adriana comp or if they do end up
9433s deciding to stay on this one but um I
9435s think usually what happens is if teams
9437s are able to get you know that win if
9439s they if they do know the comp is working
9440s then they will end up sticking to it so
9443s maybe right maybe we'll see them uh play
9445s and stick on to this my Yan comp but um
9450s we'll have to see after the break yeah
9452s it's a little bit weird because Adriana
9454s is able to cut off a lot of entrances
9456s for Yan since again she kind of sets up
9458s the arena inside of the fight Yan isn't
9460s really good at dealing with those kind
9462s of stuff he sets up his own Arena he
9463s doesn't want to deal with anybody else's
9465s but here we go ladies and gentlemen the
9467s round results for game number four is on
9469s the screen right now not too weighted
9471s across the board 14 points for carp DM
9475s 13 yeah they did get the minus one which
9478s is going to result in them losing a
9480s point from the placement which also
9482s results in a very very close round
9484s overall there is no team that went above
9486s 20 points in this one of course carpedm
9489s not getting that many points themselves
9490s off of field kills it's not going to
9493s have too much going into game number
9494s five but this is going to be as you told
9496s me a Lifeline for this team as they are
9499s still going to be stuck down in the
9500s Seventh Place spot but they have
9502s definitely closed the gap between
9503s themselves and fourth place yeah it's
9505s only a seven-point difference between
9507s third actually and fourth because they
9509s are tied as the point difference is
9512s pretty close now after that game as um
9515s yeah I mean our top two teams definitely
9517s weren't able to really get too many
9518s points that game and our bottom teams
9519s were able to you know come up on top
9522s there so yeah I mean if you look at the
9524s point difference it's only a 26 Point
9526s difference after four games between
9527s first and eight so it's really anyone's
9529s game here here only 16 points uh
9531s difference as well between third and
9532s eighth as well so they could still they
9535s could still make it in yes sir yes sir
9537s these kind of close series is what I
9538s like to see cuz it's no fun when you
9540s know obviously who is going to be able
9542s to make it through right you got to
9543s always have the you got to have us on
9545s the edge of our seats all the way to the
9547s end the drum rolls coming in at the game
9549s number six Mark that's what we want to
9551s see ladies and gentlemen I believe we
9553s are going to be sending it to a break in
9555s just a moment again we just finished
9557s game number four and this is the wild
9559s cards games five and six are going to be
9561s underway when the intermission is going
9563s to end and the last chance for these
9566s teams to actually flip-flop some of
9568s their members if they also choose that
9570s their members are not sufficient for
9571s games five and six yeah I don't think
9574s we' really had any roster changes at all
9577s I think in this entire phase so far so
9581s I'm kind of curious if you know if any
9583s of these teams do end up you know
9584s decided to use their for member for
9586s today for the wild cards maybe we might
9588s see in the finals tomorrow as well you
9589s know for you know the checkpoint format
9592s but yeah I
9594s mean wow what a what a great four game
9596s so far shv what absolutely what a great
9599s four games so far and what a great two
9602s games we're going to be able to see in
9603s just a moment ladies and gentlemen we'll
9605s be sending into a break so grab yourself
9606s a snack grab some water go take a
9608s stretch and we'll see you guys back here
9609s in a few minutes for games five and
9611s six take care take care
9625s coming
9648s in
9678s e for
9738s speeech
9744s for for
9779s foree
9826s chicken
9849s W Fore
9889s need fore
9938s spee
9940s spee
9948s fore fore fore
9954s spee
9956s fore speee
9998s foree
10026s spee
10030s fore fore
10071s all right ladies and gentlemen welcome
10072s back from the break now I have no idea
10075s why they decided to show the intro again
10078s um very weird timings they decided to
10081s bring that out yesterday it was in the
10084s second half of Group B this time around
10087s it's after games three and four of the
10089s Wild Card stages either way I love the
10091s intro I hope you guys have a fun time
10093s watching those as well cuz they're
10094s always a banger every season but yes
10097s welcome back from the intermission we
10099s just finished games three and four of
10101s the wild cards which means we are down
10102s to our final two games games five and
10105s six yeah I'm excited but I think we are
10108s just going to jump straight into a sh no
10110s time wasted here as yeah I mean no banss
10113s this time around but uh o wait a second
10116s we have two Emma picks this time I think
10118s we have the
10121s uh uh DHC and J going to swap up their
10124s comp entirely with the Emma and the 11
10127s pick here I'm liking it hey pbba is
10129s going to be making a comeback onto this
10131s team right when they were known as
10133s tricksters it used to be pxu and PBA as
10135s one of the two priority character
10137s players in this team it was the diin and
10139s the Emma picked almost every single time
10142s but with PEX opting to actually go for a
10144s little bit more of the traditional tank
10145s line buo is going to have a little bit
10147s more free reain up in the front lines as
10149s well just pumping out damage or if he
10151s wants to go for the bunny Mar for for of
10153s course I must have been doing quite a
10155s lot of pixu sitting on the 11 it is
10158s absolutely impressing for me if I'm
10160s going to be honest with you as a lead
10161s Island Enthusiast to see a man ejected
10164s from his hopes and dreams and relegated
10167s to the take position yeah carpet DM also
10170s swapping their comp and K as well
10171s they're sitting on the Lenox uh Theodor
10175s Kaja now so all three of them are
10177s playing uh unique characters that we
10179s haven't seen I'm guessing it's because
10180s they probably you know didn't really uh
10183s Vibe with the other comps because
10184s although they did end up winning the
10185s game you know they didn't really have
10187s like a good early game and they probably
10188s weren't winning team fights M so they
10190s decided to maybe swap up everything
10191s entirely but like you said before
10193s yesterday you know how yesterday we had
10195s seven unique tanks I think we have the
10197s same thing in this game here as I think
10199s we have six unique tanks here we have a
10201s we have a Lenox we got 11 we got a ma we
10204s got Alonzo we got a shoot guy and we got
10207s NE freaking 500 MP and T on cybers man
10211s where's our
10214s tanks all right though they were playing
10216s their own unique compositions and if it
10218s works out it is for both of those teams
10220s ton cyers we've seen it time and time
10222s again throughout the course of the
10223s morning that this is a team composition
10225s that actually works in an environment
10227s like this they're able to just push
10228s their issues give the boss as the Yan to
10230s whoever is deciding to fight it out up
10232s in the front lines whether it's trying
10234s to help out Mangan catch up or if it's
10236s revolute helping him to catch up to the
10238s rest of his team quite honestly cuz
10240s aadia is a little bit slow to catch up
10242s to everybody else fantastic team
10244s composition we've seen it succeed we've
10246s also seen it have its problems on the
10249s flip side though super 500 MP I mean
10251s this composition is very unique in that
10253s we are seeing the triple backline but we
10255s are absolutely seeing the faults for
10257s teams that actually know how to deal
10258s with
10259s this yeah you know um one of the big
10261s downsides to obviously the triple back
10263s line is you have no front line just hook
10264s up any damage so everyone is really
10266s squishy but at the same time they also
10268s are able to deal so much damage you know
10271s uh back so if they are able to get these
10272s nice picks from you know the polymorph
10275s or maybe the Chloe knockup and then you
10278s know both uh teammates are able to
10280s follow up they can you know burst these
10282s tanks down but you know if they if they
10284s aren't able to do that um you know
10286s defaults do end up uh probably
10289s outweighing uh the the benefits for
10292s their team comp exactly and one of the
10294s things that I'm noticing about the
10296s composition of 500 NP as a couple people
10298s are going to get taken down in cemetery
10300s is that when you compare it to something
10301s that we know a little bit much more
10303s familiar with right Lexi draw running
10305s the classic triple Mage composition
10307s every now and then we saw it in RC yes
10309s we see it in scrims every now and then
10311s for that team as well they have a heart
10314s right patara runs heart and heart is
10316s really good in that we saw it in the
10318s clips you saw it during the during the
10320s podcast as well where she sends The
10322s Peacemaker and if a front line is a
10324s little bit too isolated they will get
10326s punished the double backliners are going
10328s to be eventually able to chunk down the
10330s health bar on the Alonzo and he will die
10332s whereas on the flip side the other two
10334s damage dealers are doing absolutely
10335s nothing cuz they're dancing around
10336s having a good old time by themselves
10338s this this is not a composition that does
10340s that yeah hard is one of those
10342s backliners that can enable your two
10343s other backliners because you know of
10345s that Peacemaker you're just able to get
10347s you know that um that uh nice three-man
10351s Peacemaker and just able to isolate you
10352s know some of these teams here and
10354s actually we do have a lot of members
10356s falling down from both saber and the
10358s hcnj and it looks like we do have 5 MP
10361s able to clean up actually and get two
10363s kills for themselves so they're sitting
10364s in a nice spot now as despite you know
10366s their early mishap in you know the early
10368s game skirm
10369s they are able to bring it back here as
10371s we do have Bernice going to drop a trap
10374s in the bush but you know the trap in the
10375s bush doesn't really see too much here
10378s but they are going to be able to walk
10379s away good stuff for him consistently
10382s split apart I've seen a lot of these
10384s bernes right it's really weird why
10386s they're the ones opting to split apart
10387s when they're the most immobile on their
10389s team uh it's not really saying much when
10391s you have a William of course the only
10393s Mobility skill that it really has is
10394s going to be the signature Fireball but
10396s still all Bernice can really do is just
10398s kind of run
10401s yeah I mean they do have the ultimate
10402s like and The Traps like this that they
10403s can K back with but um yeah I'm
10405s surprised as well that oh I'm curious
10408s why they are split looks like they just
10409s want to maybe try getting as much Farm
10411s as possible CU you know these early game
10412s deaths don't matter too much but you
10414s know if they if you get if you die too
10416s many times they definitely do end up
10417s stacking up and you know your Tempo gets
10419s step back quite a bit so we're going to
10421s have to see I think now at this time
10423s every team should be grouped and they're
10424s going to be looking forward to next
10425s objective actually
10427s magnani um not group with his team as he
10430s is going to try looking for an angle
10431s here maybe thinking that you know senine
10434s is split from his team but um yeah then
10437s it's not going to not going to chase it
10439s is a sua you know it is hard and almost
10441s impossible to really catch a sua you
10443s know in the early game the entire Nord
10445s side is just completely a blank slate
10446s for pretty much every team outside of CH
10449s it's a good idea for M to not risk
10451s anything especially so close to D number
10453s two oh catmas oh yeah goodbye my friend
10456s this Johan you know you can pray all you
10459s want but you're not going to be able to
10460s LEAP yourself on out of Archer range
10462s goodbye my friend finger point will
10463s range Supreme as duim man is going to be
10465s able to lock that player down good kill
10467s going in favor of Team saber they're
10469s going to have full control over archery
10471s range when those mutant hordes start
10472s popping out that's going to be a good
10474s heal saber is going to be able to e but
10476s on the side of cemetery oh my God that
10479s ultimate from glove is going to save
10482s rior as the blast wave was a beautiful
10484s start to the fight but that's an
10485s exclusive already expended sanang
10487s already putting down the pressure sirabi
10489s is not going to be able to walk up until
10490s SW lefts him yeah on the top side here
10493s we do have Rox actually win the team
10495s fight they're going to be able to get I
10495s think the tree of life for them CH see
10497s going to walk back in here going to try
10499s getting some damage it looks like they
10500s do get the tree this time so will be Rox
10503s coming out on top uh in this game
10506s finally going to be able to get that
10507s tree early as usually it is sh that is
10510s the one that does end up winning the
10511s Skirmish but yeah now they were they are
10514s going to be able to get that nice early
10515s game uh lead so maybe RX is going to be
10517s able to have a nice fighting in this
10519s game here as sebie going to dash on
10521s forward here going to be cut into that
10523s exuviation very soon as yeah looks like
10526s both teams are just going to walk away I
10527s actually wonder what the difference was
10529s this time around for team CH versus ham
10532s rocks cuz we had this situation earlier
10534s up on the North side and Tong rocks
10536s actually lost that fight they got pushed
10537s away right but this time I don't know
10539s what they did right whatever they did it
10542s was the right thing to do yeah I think
10543s this time suum rocks was in the position
10547s where they were on the tree side so they
10549s were so the other so true seed had to be
10552s pushed into them right which is why at
10554s the very end of the fight you saw you
10556s know the their positioning it was on the
10557s the top side here as oh no carp DM
10560s actually getting a buy here sebbi just
10562s going to jump onto the back line Lan
10564s doing a lot of damage on this Kaja here
10565s is it going to be enough as insane
10567s taking so much damage but is able to get
10569s the proc from the passive as the damage
10572s return here is too much as yeah looks
10574s like insane is going to be able to get
10575s them I think they're going to WIP is
10577s going to get wiped down here as are they
10580s going to be able to get the Box in time
10582s a nice play the double prob does end up
10584s going through but
10586s insane maybe oh I'm surprised he didn't
10588s use the busher to proc his passive but
10590s he is going to be able to get away here
10591s just in time so yeah they get a nice
10594s three kills are able to wipe true seat
10596s the lobby leaders and to get the box so
10598s you will take that any day harp DM
10601s putting their foot on the ground and
10602s it's exactly as you said super actually
10604s you predicted it right I mean this team
10606s was maybe considering the fact that the
10608s the composition they were running before
10610s yeah they won the game but the early
10611s game was just not sufficient for these
10613s guys' satisfactions completely swapping
10615s it around the damage is there against
10618s team CH SE no less that is an incredible
10621s feat to accomplish this early on into
10622s the game absolutely well done damage
10625s return trying get in a little bit more
10628s it's a sua 1 V2 situation rior just
10630s doesn't have the lock down potential the
10632s blink is going to come in there's the
10634s donkeyote stabs R right in the heart
10636s down he goes Love's going to take down
10639s in just a moment there we go there's the
10640s bookmark clap coming in with the Odyssey
10642s M will take the Battle Zone down on the
10644s souths side as he picks up a mid throw
10646s for his team yeah nicely played back by
10648s magnani they're actually able to catch
10650s the subam going to be able to I think
10652s the subam got a little too complacent
10653s there end up getting hit by the
10655s bookmarks and is able to you know punish
10657s that and they will be able to close it
10659s out so yeah nicely done by them as looks
10662s like on the top side we do have the hcj
10664s going to be able to get this Alpha and a
10666s couple of bears for themselves so
10667s they're going to be sitting in a nice
10669s spot as well stuff good stuff I like the
10672s pace of the I like the change of pace in
10673s this game I mean CH SE falling down a
10676s lot of teams have trouble dealing with
10678s Team CHC but for some reason carp DM's
10681s composition actually dealt with it and
10682s at a really really good time too right
10685s cuz this is a composition that can scill
10687s really really easily especially right
10689s now by the way because of the Nerfs to
10692s Guardian suit we see a lot of eons
10695s actually opting to not run the guardian
10697s suit anymore oh my God that is not lucky
10700s at
10702s all goodbye and there's another one
10704s falling down in just a moment too pixu
10706s needs to run beautiful white lily it's
10708s actually going to
10710s watch I don't think pixu dies here yeah
10713s he's okay um but yeah this is exactly
10717s the time when CH seed is weak because
10719s aon's build has gotten miles cheaper
10721s since he doesn't need to use a force
10722s score for the guardian suit anymore he
10724s opts to use the meterorite for the
10726s battle suit now he changed his helmet
10728s from Tree of Life upgrade of the dwarf's
10729s helmet to the mythal helm but it's still
10732s so much cheaper than what you used to
10733s run before so the scaling the power
10735s spike is so much faster compared to yeah
10737s and if you can look at the credits as
10738s well they did not buy so they were just
10741s uh down a lot of items it looks like but
10742s the damage coming up from theor nice Q
10746s from the Theodor able to lock that up as
10749s wait a second the sniper
10750s skill the
10752s chicken yeah but wow yeah Theodor still
10756s you know showing why he's such A's
10757s strong character maybe some of these
10759s charact maybe some of these teams you
10760s know forgot um how to play against this
10762s because you know Theodor hasn't been
10763s really picked much at all in these games
10766s so yeah I mean insane playing pretty
10769s insane you know able to get these uh
10771s these nice uh the joke R itself dude
10776s balls oh my to the here and here comes
10780s the the the sex is just going to spread
10782s all three of the members and I think
10784s that's going to be it for the hcnj no
10788s the 11 actually gets away is the haze
10790s going to be able to get away as well I
10792s think they do the Blue Viper does end up
10794s coming through but the plant is going to
10795s be able to keep them alive I was fully
10797s expecting that to not hit how the hell
10799s did it hit the haze that is crazy it
10801s might have been quite literally the
10804s Pixel Perfect max distance max range
10807s ultimate or as possible Bosa what the
10811s heck is happening we've seen that once
10814s again where you know bamasa is a little
10816s too far forward and they end up getting
10818s locked up by both the kajra and the
10821s deodor and it looks like carpet DM they
10823s are playing out of their mind already on
10825s six kills they're looking really good
10827s they got so many credits as well I don't
10828s know how but they are just farming kills
10830s inside a police station and fire station
10832s right now nobody is being able to match
10834s up to them I don't know why they're
10835s continuously fighting into that little
10837s region but everybody's opting to do it
10839s and it's costing them their lives a lot
10842s of credits being lost into the work of
10844s Team carpedm a lot of these kills are
10846s resulting in minus 250s right now cuz it
10848s is number
10849s three but on the south side of the map
10851s on the east side of the map too team
10853s still looking for objectives as Omega
10855s going to spawn inside of cemetery hiton
10858s cyers looking to get positioning they
10859s are looking really
10861s strong already on five items and they're
10864s going to grab a box and it looks like a
10867s Omega for themselves so they are going
10869s to be looking really comfortable but
10870s we've seen it time and time again the
10871s young cyers they're always fully
10873s transitioned they have so many items
10875s they just need to be able to be able to
10876s close out you know the game with you
10878s know their objective lead we're going to
10880s have to see if they are going to be able
10881s to to do that this game have carpet DM
10883s try to look for an angle onto CJ
10886s here just going to both play a little
10889s slow going to try getting some poke off
10891s and yeah looks like carpm going to drop
10893s console maybe another fight on the top
10895s side here as saber going to look for an
10896s angle here the point does disconnect as
10900s jump forward with Fireball ulate comes
10903s out as well so they trying to look the
10906s forcea here but now there's no ultimate
10908s sa they definitely want to look for
10909s something uh no 100% they should be
10911s looking for this there there was so much
10913s invested from the side of tongam Rox
10915s that was almost unnecessary but they're
10917s going to try to do something okay uh
10920s pigu looking for an angle back in guys
10922s you guys are in the grinding Zone 14
10926s carpm what the heck is happening
10928s everybody is just feeding into carpedm
10930s inside a fire station BBA and Bea has to
10932s just limp away as one of their members
10935s just got absolutely obliterated inside
10938s Rox they turned the fight against team
10939s saber down is Adena down is douchan it's
10942s a clean two for zero in favor of Rox
10945s somehow they turned it around even with
10947s the signature Fireball cuz it's look
10949s it's right there it's up for William
10951s yeah I think the Bola ended up
10952s connecting onto Dina ended up locking
10954s them down and yeah they just grouped up
10956s DDO was just able to you know get their
10958s Fireballs off even though they didn't
10960s have the fireball he just were able to
10962s deal so much damage and yeah saber is
10964s going to be the one to fall there as it
10966s will be a minus 250 but look at the
10967s credits onto team saber they don't have
10970s anything here so it's not looking really
10972s it's not looking too good for them that
10973s is actually tragic I'm surprised they
10975s ended up losing out on the five maybe
10977s over chased a little bit that's one of
10979s the benefits of playing these double
10981s backliners that you have a lot of Chase
10982s potential and a lot of catch up
10984s potential especially with the Beres
10985s explosive baa oh so good there's a
10988s triple hit again with the in the blitz a
10991s lot of team members getting taking
10992s dangerously low on the side of Team
10994s Tangled Doby that white lily was good
10996s but it splits everybody apart the Auto
10998s attacks from revu is just ripping people
11000s to shreds cabi is split rori is split
11003s the auto attacks are just raining true B
11005s blinks over the walls Herby in a whole
11007s heap of trouble just one more thing
11009s should do it but no oh it's the
11011s ballistic advantage that's crazy perfect
11015s calculations sir Dobby gets taken down
11017s another fight inside of school it's
11019s another fight between carpedm and team s
11021s rocks but this time around t d Rock has
11023s got it pxu is just going to have to run
11025s away never mind it's not carpet DM it's
11027s D CJ oh my goodness sarx five kills
11031s these guys are looking straight on as
11033s well yeah they're able to get uh they're
11035s footing back to this game able to get so
11037s many kills all the credits are going to
11038s pour in they're going to be sitting in a
11039s nice spot now and yeah it's going to be
11042s oh no the H or DHC andj is going to get
11045s CAU out here and the burn from the
11047s Adriana is going to be just enough as
11049s Babble does end up getting taken out
11051s here oh no as it looks like Rox is going
11054s to Zone off their body as well and look
11055s at the credit count of the HC andj it's
11058s night four or day four night four is
11060s going to come up very shortly here ain't
11062s looking too good as team saber also gets
11064s caught s going to fall here and that
11066s will be it for team saber do get one but
11069s the pork chop actually getting the 11
11071s back out to safety that is a mutant Bo
11074s that I think the that is the only reason
11075s why they're able to get away wow that's
11078s so lucky that it was a mutant four I
11080s mean what are the odds that it was good
11081s stuff for pxu he still does keep himself
11084s alive but it doesn't change the
11086s situation the magnitude of his situation
11088s at all his credit count is still very
11090s low it's about to turn into Knight
11091s number four he's an 11 he's not going to
11093s be able to farm really well pxu trying
11095s to run run explosive B get cancelled the
11099s on air is gone perfect timing from the
11104s Bice oh my God man I I mean it's just a
11109s show it's actually just a
11111s show yeah fantastic baa there coming out
11114s from the Bernice there just able to lock
11116s up and can that 11's uh Dash there and
11121s yeah that will be it for team DHC andj
11124s that's very unfortunate cuz they are I
11126s think the eighth place team here as it
11128s looks like it's going to be D young
11130s cyers once again getting Wick line for
11132s free no teams contesting here uh very
11135s surprised you know I think this is this
11136s is probably the third or fourth game now
11138s that they're just able to take Wick line
11140s as no no other team you know wants to
11141s fight especially considering the fact
11143s that ched is gone right I mean they're
11144s not going to be here to contest the wick
11146s line at all it's Soul free for that team
11148s all right good stuff coming in s marox
11150s pushed into a corner this is not a good
11152s spot to be in up against an Adriana DDO
11155s pushing himself out of this area as well
11157s the call outm has just been in police
11160s the whole time like they have not they
11162s have not they have not left their Zone
11164s here I think I think they know you know
11165s this is a hot spot this is where they're
11167s getting all their kills we might as well
11168s just stay oh that's a triple hit
11170s again oh my God DDO down to half HP
11174s maybe oh a nice engage though from Bas
11177s is that going to be enough it looks like
11178s like it just going to try to dissuade
11180s the other team from engaging as
11181s obviously we did see oh my God was that
11183s br's bird there you
11186s see I can love see that bird just trying
11189s to dissuade any engages there as you
11191s know both their backliners was down to
11193s half HP so you know nothing really
11195s coming out of that as uh looks like it
11197s will be hangel Dobby just going to stay
11199s in the gymnasium
11201s here okay game slowing down 15 seconds
11204s to go until day five hits going be a
11207s pretty classic final Zone sprad from the
11209s looks of it we've seen this a lot fire
11211s station school and Forest being open
11213s course a couple extra zones are going to
11215s be predicted to close after that one and
11217s then we will finally see what the actual
11218s zes are but this is bad Bob Moss is
11221s completely split apart thankfully he is
11223s on the dagger clo and Dagger will allow
11225s him to get himself on out of here fire
11227s station is going to close which most
11229s likely means that it is going to be
11231s this my God if that
11233s pulled yeah nice side step from DDO not
11236s going to be able to uh or going to be
11238s able to dodge out on that one here as it
11240s looks like we do have tangle Doby just
11242s going to
11243s walk as well and oh my God we see so
11246s many wait what oh no he Auto
11250s attacked
11252s what
11254s what dude what
11258s God W and that cost him it's not a minus
11262s one cuz he got tagged by the ballistic
11263s Advantage buto are you
11265s serious I think yeah I mean the best
11268s Advantage also slowed him enough to for
11271s him to not get in there but yeah that is
11273s not that is a that is a big mistake you
11276s do not want to see you know and um why
11278s did he Auto the
11280s camera I don't know I I don't know I
11282s mean I want to be able to tell you
11284s myself I think he just thought he would
11286s be able to get in but you know the
11287s ballistic flowed him enough as well just
11290s just in time and yeah looks like he will
11293s fall really are seeing everything aren't
11295s we
11298s oh goodness gracious all right well
11300s hopefully tabi is able to recover
11302s mentally from that oh it is disaster for
11306s carpium and that's going to tag holy
11309s crap the spear straight through Logan's
11312s heart once again m is just driving the
11315s nail into the hearts of many tonight and
11318s I don't mean that in a literal sense I
11319s mean that in quite a physical sense yeah
11322s I mean not checking these bushes is uh
11324s is devastating right they have btic
11327s Advantage they have two of them actually
11328s and they have the D of Revelation you
11330s know just walking up by yourself as a
11333s Theodor you get caught out like that you
11335s just die so you know that's not what you
11337s want to see from your backline is on
11339s cover DM but um who knows maybe the
11342s situation happens again right to where
11344s they get a free zone and they're able to
11346s rest that would actually be diabolical
11349s if they're able to do that um happen
11353s again who knows yeah uh interestingly
11355s enough glove is going to start making
11356s his way down to down to Uptown right uh
11359s we do have song on rocks and we also
11361s have 500 MP sitting on this bottom side
11363s of the map glove does not have that much
11365s timer he's going to start looking to
11367s escape his way in towards for or in
11369s towards Chapel whoa yeah let's not walk
11371s back he has no time but on the side of
11374s carpedm I think the lenx still has some
11376s timer to play with if we get into a wet
11379s noodle fight between the lenx
11381s and God where did his health bar go that
11384s is the power of the double Blood on the
11387s he just
11388s obliterated that is a full tank that is
11391s a full tank shoe guy with like I think
11393s at least three or four items and he just
11394s obliterated that's the power of the
11396s triple backline team when they have
11397s items what the hell what what what did
11401s we just witness all right well 500p
11404s sitting on seven kills there is no shot
11407s they leave this area there is no shot
11409s ton cybers leave this area too there is
11412s a little bit more of a possibility that
11414s 500 MP decides to leave because their
11416s temporary zone is a lot closer to the
11418s hyperloop than it is for team titon
11419s cybers you can see that they have
11421s absolutely no intention of leaving this
11423s area you can also see up at the top side
11425s of the screen these players know that
11427s it's a 3311 spread it could be a 3221
11430s spread but High likely chance a 3311
11434s spread so uh yeah they're just going to
11436s hold their own I like this right we saw
11438s some teams doing some funny business in
11440s the past couple of days this time no
11442s funny business coming out from 500 MP
11444s and the Deon cyers glove will most
11446s likely Fall for he does doesn't have
11448s that much timer in comparison to carp he
11450s just going to try waiting out maybe try
11451s to get that extra placement for himself
11453s but there is no dice he's already lost
11455s too much timer yeah looks like he will
11458s fall here and I think carpm will secure
11461s a third place with eight kills so it's
11462s not too bad for them as well right even
11465s though you know they weren't able to
11467s close out this game will end up falling
11470s here as it will come down to our final
11473s 3v3 going to have to see you know if
11474s they have enough damage to out uh outdo
11477s this Johan healing and Johan sustain but
11480s um 500 MP has a lot they everyone's
11483s fully built s Wrong has two blood items
11485s but I think both the blood Ripper and
11488s the Chaser so he's sitting over on he's
11491s sitting like if you if you look at his
11493s stats he's on 1,000 amp with over I
11496s think 30% armor pen right because of the
11499s actually is blood Ripper pen per or is
11502s it flat I forget it should be percent it
11504s should be percent it's like
11505s 20% all right Chaser has about like 10%
11508s yep and he decreased it because he does
11510s have primordial hex 7% on the side of
11513s Chaser but I think primordial hex here
11515s is definitely worth it it's a really
11517s tight quarter right they got lucky with
11518s the entry way being Forest this is one
11520s of the worst spots to enter in if you're
11523s up against bombs look at the Seline
11525s bombs just getting completely zoned off
11527s here but magnani he's going to try
11529s looking for a flank angle they know this
11531s right I mean that's the only option does
11533s have the spell shield does end up using
11534s it and he's getting chunk down by F
11537s though F just able to Auto attack damage
11539s and God and look at the zoning from this
11543s Seline they're just not able to walk in
11544s here they will full reset but they have
11546s to look for an angle soon they just
11547s taking their timers down here he missed
11550s the uh what is it in the blitz also
11551s missed so there was no additional
11553s pressure coming in he just Ops to Blink
11555s all the way straight in he's going to
11556s look for the other side this is actually
11558s not that bad you look for multiple flank
11560s away angles but oh by God the blast wave
11565s so dude I love this guy what oh my God
11569s yeah it wasn't even close y that's the
11572s that's the power of the triple backline
11574s Zone when they get that uh when get
11576s final Zone and you have to walk into
11578s into a Seline Emma and a and
11582s a uh a Chloe you know it's like it's
11585s really impossible for them to play y
11587s that ain't happening all right you just
11589s called the 500 MP and this team
11591s desperately needed it they're also down
11592s in the dirt when it comes to the amount
11594s of points they have solid amount of
11596s kills I believe they they had 11 I'm not
11598s going to going to hedge my Bet On It
11600s just yet but I think they had 11 kills
11603s and first place massive massive game for
11606s 500 MP for a team that was struggling to
11608s make ends meet this is a huge step up in
11611s the progress towards making it out of
11612s the wild cards and having another shot
11615s at potentially winning this phase in the
11617s finals they desperately needed this but
11620s that doesn't mean that all the other
11621s teams aren't doing the same either I
11623s mean CH this is a game where they
11625s couldn't really do too much their scores
11626s are definitely going to suffer from this
11628s one a lot of other teams in third and
11630s fourth place are catching up too they
11632s went out eight with like zero kills so
11634s yeah I mean the Gap is definitely going
11636s to close the points uh totals were
11638s pretty close so we're going to have to
11639s see you know how it does end up shaking
11641s up the lobby and um who's really on you
11645s know the edge here to qualify and you
11648s know who's going to go home right this
11649s is going to be the last game for these
11652s teams the last uh tournament for some of
11653s these players as well with this last
11655s game I mean uh the scoreboard is going
11658s to be so so close I talked about being
11660s on the edge of my seat from some of
11662s these results I think game six is really
11664s going to put me at the furthest edge of
11667s my seat the bottom team I think 500 MP I
11671s believe they were the very last team
11672s getting that big of a game is going to
11674s close the gap between even first place
11677s and eighth place right I don't know if
11680s tongam rocks actually had that
11681s successful of the game they had a lot of
11683s fights that they won but each of those
11685s fights only netted them one kill for the
11686s most part they picked off one Target and
11688s everybody else ran away so their overall
11690s kills despite the amount of times they
11692s want to fight is not that high they also
11695s didn't get that great of a placement
11696s either so there's a lot of possibilities
11698s they were they were in fifth or sixth
11701s place as well right so they're
11702s definitely on the brink of elimination
11704s here maybe if they or they're definitely
11706s going to need a solid game number six
11708s here as uh yeah I mean it's really close
11712s it's really close oh my God I can't wait
11715s I can't wait to see what the results are
11717s going to look look like I can't wait to
11719s see what kind of an arena is going to be
11721s set for us in the F in the last game of
11724s the wild cards this may super just be
11726s one of our closest scoreboard in the
11729s last game of wild cards
11731s yet yeah I mean it just flipped right 5p
11735s was one of the teams that aren't weren't
11736s too high carpedm as well they were on
11738s the bottom side as well the young cybers
11741s I think were already pretty cemented
11743s into you know their first or second
11745s place so I think this will just uh
11747s cement them even further and S rocks
11749s also you know not a team that was too
11751s high up to so it's going to it's going
11753s to be really close like all these teams
11756s that you know weren't too high up are
11758s definitely going to get a little closer
11760s to getting into that top four spot the
11763s we'll see the overall results in just a
11765s moment 19 points for 500 MP is actually
11767s going to Skyrocket them to Second Place
11770s look at the look at the fifth six and
11773s seven team 41 I think DH cnj un
11777s fortunately it's not looking too good
11779s for them an 18-point difference
11780s between uh fourth and eth and there's
11783s like three other teams that are pretty
11785s close so this might be it I don't think
11788s they're going to be able to qualify but
11789s these other teams are really really
11792s close only a twoo difference between
11794s fourth and seventh absolutely oh my God
11798s this is absolutely Bonkers at the moment
11800s the bottom actually not even just the
11803s bottom even the top first and second
11805s spots are in
11808s danger I think a lot of these teams have
11811s been playing very aggressively we've
11812s seen games where multiple teams are
11814s above 10 kill counts with really good
11816s placement yeah if that happens and ton
11818s cyers gets a bad game or even team CH
11821s 500 yeah I think CH SE is also not safe
11824s yet it's only a five point difference
11826s between third and seventh I think the
11828s top two are relatively space uh safe cuz
11831s they have a nine and a 14 point buffer
11833s but and the bottom two are definitely
11836s not out of the picture just yet oh my
11838s God this really is one of our closest
11840s leaderboards they yet in the fin in the
11843s final game of wild cards what an
11846s absolutely insane Mark for us to be in
11848s 28 kills for Tong rocks 26 for carpet DM
11851s 25 for tanglei performance-wise of
11854s course ham Rock seems to be the most
11855s consistent when it comes to the amount
11856s of total field kills but tanglei is
11859s doing better when it comes to placement
11861s carpet just kind of snug fit right in
11863s the middle of those two we've seen how
11865s successful this team composition can be
11867s especially the idea that they need to
11870s change up their composition so they have
11871s a little bit more of that early game
11873s fighting prowess it worked out fire
11876s station was theirs pretty much the
11877s entire game until it closed they were
11879s sitting in that area for pretty much the
11881s whole time and were just fed kills over
11882s and over again yeah and then
11884s unfortunately you know the theer are
11886s walking a little too far forward without
11887s you know checking the bush end up
11889s getting caught by the suah and you know
11890s magn just able to you know go to town
11893s into that team I'm excited shuy I'm
11896s excited because like you said you know
11898s usually the wild cards it's uh it's
11900s pretty top weighted right we have one or
11901s two teams that do dominate but it's
11903s really up to anyone to qualify here even
11907s in game number five there's still seven
11909s teams that um you know come into
11912s question on who's going to who's going
11913s to make it out here exactly and the fact
11915s that it's not that top weighted of a
11917s score sheet also means that quite
11919s frankly all the teams that deserve to go
11922s to the finals got there he really did um
11925s the teams in the wild cards I mean don't
11927s deserve to be here necessarily when it
11928s comes to they did really badly during
11930s the group stages but they also are
11932s fighting really hard to stay in
11935s contention for the finals they
11936s definitely deserve to be here because
11938s they played well enough to get into the
11940s wild cards from yesterday but the fact
11942s that all of these teams are just this
11944s close together when it comes to the
11945s scores I mean this is mindboggling to me
11948s I have never seen this close of a wild
11950s cards in the life of ERM ever yeah I
11953s mean it's going to come down to the wire
11956s the game six
11958s it's clutch time we're going to have to
11960s see you know how these teams work Under
11961s Pressure because this is their
11963s tournament life on the line oh yeah oh
11966s oh yeah for four teams this is it last
11969s game they're going to play for phase
11971s three possibly for the rest of the
11972s season as lcq is on the horizon for you
11975s and I super but lcq a whole different
11978s monster of it ended of itself I've been
11980s talking about it over and over and over
11982s again throughout the weekend but I'm
11983s emphasizing it because it is going to be
11985s reality soon for so many of these teams
11989s oh I am so excited for this final game
11991s super how about we just send it straight
11994s in yeah we won't have any banss for game
11997s number six so every character is on the
12000s table we're going to have to see you
12001s know what these teams bring to the table
12003s here I think most teams are going to
12005s play their same team comps they going to
12007s play the Comfort picks I don't think we
12009s have any swaps from the previous game
12011s here as yeah looks like we have 500 mp
12014s on their triple back line carpet D I'm
12016s actually going to stick and going to
12017s stay onto the theater comp that you know
12020s they did have you know success on in the
12022s last game liking it I'm liking it I'm
12024s liking it last character being selected
12027s by glove considering the m at the moment
12030s no bands means everybody's going to be
12032s able to play whatever the heck they want
12034s Ena going to be sitting on the Stellar
12036s charge for himself as well and glove
12038s really going back to a classic favorite
12040s of his right I mean this is the
12041s character that glove made a name for
12043s himself on it's the
12045s Nikki yeah I like it I I mean Nikki
12048s still you know a nice tank going to have
12049s that P uppercut for that lock down and
12053s maybe the Adriana and the subam going to
12056s be able to follow up on
12059s that I love it this is going to be the
12061s allout blitz that we've been looking for
12063s all weekend long super so many of these
12066s teams this could be it the final
12069s pressure is underway character
12071s selections have been locked in we know
12072s what the weather is going to look like
12074s absolutely no bans this set of char
12077s guys is going to be it do or die for
12081s half of the teams in this Lobby I mean
12082s of course for DHC andj it might not be
12084s over just yet right the final game you
12086s never know what's going to happen they
12087s could absolutely pop off and just
12089s completely flip the scoreboard on its
12091s head realistically speaking we're down
12093s to seven teams contending for the top
12095s four spots in the wild cards with the
12098s bottom three team tied with 41 points
12101s fourth place holding the gate with 43
12103s the gate is crumbling right now for the
12106s top four it is clear weather so that
12109s will work into um AR roxx's favor
12113s because they are playing that Sho guy a
12114s lot of people don't know but shukai is
12117s really good in the clear weather because
12118s obviously you run the camping guide on
12120s that character and you're guaranteed
12122s those uh purple items and then you get
12124s that extra boost from uh the clear
12126s weather for that
12127s healing and yeah you have the chai
12130s passive on top of that as well to make
12132s your food really really strong it's
12134s insane I've seen what I think it was
12136s 1,400 00500 on some foods I think it's
12140s about 1,200 that high yeah okay okay
12143s okay maybe I'm maybe I'm thinking of
12145s some Bonkers numbers but yeah still
12147s either way I mean in comparison to any
12149s other regular food right like let's take
12151s for example breakfast sandwich just a
12153s regular one no Buffs from clear or
12156s anything what that 650 or something like
12158s that yes so was like almost double also
12159s we do have the poly coming in um yeah
12162s you guys don't know the interaction
12163s between Alonzo field and polymor
12167s actually goes through but oh my God wait
12168s a second saber actually going to come
12171s and get the counter engage here and it
12172s will be 5 MP going to drop there's SEL
12176s actually going to go down here also
12178s getting a nice Q going to be able to
12181s land that and yeah we seal deal for B
12184s there so 5 MP trying to look for some
12187s early kills but they're the ones that
12188s get sented on and it's going to be saber
12190s sitting in fourth place going to be able
12192s to get a nice two kill for himself
12193s they're going to be really happy as they
12195s are on the brink of of elimination here
12198s they're reinforcing the gate man the
12199s gate into fourth place is being
12201s reinforced but for ton cyers they're
12203s just solidifying their spot in first
12205s place with this kill that is going to
12206s happen down goes the haze saber looking
12210s for more kills again up against team 500
12212s MP a little bit of an awkward position
12214s that Scarlet is sitting on right now
12215s totem is going to be forced down the
12216s rest of the members of 500 MP deciding
12218s that this is not worth it will take the
12220s Le another kill in favor of Team uh Team
12224s saber from the looks of it continuing to
12226s solidify the reinforcements on that gate
12229s into the top four
12231s spots yeah three kills for them so you
12234s know these other teams that were on the
12236s 41 Point threshold they're going to need
12237s a little bit more ooh a nice uh white
12240s lily here onto shinomi are they going to
12242s be able to catch them as nice ultimate
12244s coming out and play dead is going to
12246s proc Ward instantly going to be dropped
12248s down and it will be a going to be
12252s falling here as Rox they need these
12253s kills as well they need these points and
12255s they're going to be able to get one for
12256s themselves perfect timing CH a little
12259s bit split apart I think they're kind of
12261s scared from what happened in game number
12262s five I'll be honest with usually by this
12264s time they're at least grouped up or
12266s somebody is grouped up but this team is
12268s just completely split they're not taking
12270s the chance they're not risking anything
12272s this time around you see sebie a lot of
12274s times in early game also looking for
12276s some small skirmishes as soon as he
12277s finishes his items none of that in this
12280s game he that was the first time he has
12282s ever had the swords flashing above his
12284s head above his character's icon on the
12286s bottom of the screen game as of what I
12288s know they are playing so passive they
12291s understand again the magnitude the
12292s gravity of the situation right now yeah
12295s I think most teams um looks like there's
12297s there's actually a lot of teams that are
12299s split up for you know this early game
12300s farm if you see here as well Rox you
12303s know both their backliners are here down
12304s here for these uh these mun packs with
12307s their Sho guy you know a little far in
12309s the back so yeah just teams just trying
12311s to farm up trying to get as many credits
12313s as possible so they can get these early
12315s Callins as um you know these early items
12317s can definitely um help you snowball uh
12320s your team to get that win absolutely
12323s love it oh boy oh boy oh boy critical
12326s mass is about to hit in about 15 to 20
12328s minutes here right last real chance for
12331s these teams to go through and at that
12332s point everything is going to explode
12334s depending on how many teams actually I
12335s think make it towards the day four day
12337s five Zone I think the interest level in
12340s this game is going to start spiking or
12342s slightly dropping right I mean we want
12343s to see these teams always fighting but
12345s third party is going to be a bit of an
12347s issue if that does end up happening but
12349s on the flip side if some of these teams
12351s start falling well I mean that's their
12352s dreams crushed right for phase number
12354s three you always hate to see that as
12356s well yeah and sebb is going to be the
12358s same teams fighting for this Temple Tree
12361s as dog going to get caught here saber
12364s going to get another kill for them so
12366s another point at Great spring trap onto
12370s but no follow up there as uh zebi was
12373s still on the tree but they still will
12375s kill Yi there as he will end up falling
12379s looks like DDO oh no wait there's a
12381s third party here
12383s wait DM are they going to find this the
12386s or this William that Theodor is not
12389s actually going to walk up there as okay
12391s that looks
12393s like5 dcj is going to lose PBA
12395s unfortunately down he goes pxu and P
12399s absolutely nowhere to be seen so there's
12400s still split farming for this team I'm
12402s not entirely sure what the idea is there
12406s yeah these teams are really just not
12407s taking any chances it's been a while
12409s since we've seen teams this split apart
12411s cuz even UOB the composition that we
12413s always talked about doing these kind of
12415s splits even they group up by day number
12417s two and start farming together because
12419s they understand the inherent risks of
12421s dying like this 2 seconds of timer is a
12423s long time to wait for especially if
12425s you're a damage do to come back yeah and
12427s also just feeding you know enemy kill uh
12429s enemy teams these points right is uh a
12431s little devastating cuz it just means
12434s that you're going to need you know one
12435s or two more points here because you gave
12437s the kill over but um looks like carpet
12440s DM they're already grouped they're going
12441s to start buying here looks like Lan
12443s probably getting his four score or
12445s actually it looks like he's just getting
12446s a small yeah he's getting a meteorite
12448s for himself so he's probably going to
12449s maybe buy two items for himself here and
12451s he going to look for the racing boots
12453s first I believe that is one of the
12454s priorities for kadas nowadays if you are
12457s running the um running the chain of
12460s thorns to supplement your attack speed a
12462s little bit you have plenty of attack
12463s power going the chain of thorns and all
12465s the other items especially the
12467s intervention that kadas have been loving
12469s to pick up nowadays so losing a little
12470s bit off of going Alexander versus the
12472s racing boots is going to be completely
12474s fine you supplement a little bit more of
12476s the attack speed which is one of the
12478s reasons why again I will say this and I
12480s will emphasize it the new items that are
12482s being added to crit makes it so much
12484s easier for you to itemize on crit
12486s characters which wasn't an option in the
12489s past yeah they they added so many like
12492s um you know the racing boots plus you
12494s know the chest piece I think right for
12496s for the attack speed as well so it's
12498s able to utilize you know your trees and
12500s your meteors a lot better looks like we
12502s might have a fight on our hands here
12503s team true seat is going to send it here
12505s the BR already getting chunk down to
12507s half HP but they're looking for an angle
12508s on shom shom is going to drop down no
12512s actually is actually going to be able to
12514s live nice Dodge God from theom onto the
12518s shukai there as yeah he's just going to
12519s get healed back up from um senine there
12523s and yeah they will win that Battle Zone
12525s exu on the 11 will be able to Out Tank
12528s the amount of damage that both sardab
12530s and rori was able to do we see this a
12533s lot by the way nowadays especially when
12535s it comes to turnover turn a lot of teams
12537s actually duking it out with the front
12538s line just kind of pushing into the back
12540s line it's always an ego tank fight
12542s amongst both of the tanks who can tank
12545s who can out tank the other the longest
12546s and this time around it was the 11 on
12548s the side of DHC andj Alpha is going to
12551s be picked up by lokan that's going to go
12552s in towards the kadia if she doesn't have
12555s intervention already should be no she's
12557s actually going to op for the Andromeda I
12559s think that's actually the minority here
12561s I think a lot of kodas have been running
12563s the intervention lately quite an
12564s interesting decision that lokan is
12566s opting to make tungi going to get taken
12568s down that is going to be a kill in favor
12569s of Team tingled dbby and now we're
12571s slowly but surely starting to attack the
12573s stack the amount of kills for each of
12575s these teams in this Lobby three for
12577s Tangled Dobby four for
12578s saber yeah and these other teams they're
12581s going to need to find an answer and
12582s they're going to need to find it now
12584s because they need points right they need
12586s points to qualify the points are so
12588s close sa already having four they they
12590s were the fourth place team so that just
12592s means these other teams need to get so
12594s much more at this point the teams that
12596s are in the bottom uh the bottom four
12599s right now they're having to increase the
12601s effectiveness of their battering ram
12603s more so than anything else rori just
12605s completely getting outplayed by satten
12608s another kill going in the hands of Team
12610s saber they're going to I don't know man
12612s I mean this gate it just seems
12613s impossible at this point for a lot of
12615s these teams to start breaking through
12616s bbo Stuck in the Middle everything
12618s thrown in the gauntlet to knock down
12620s this Eon but it's not
12622s enough is just taken down as sebie
12625s refuses to die yeah they tried to throw
12628s everything onto sebbi getting him down
12631s to I think about 20% HP but just not
12633s enough B you know you is using his full
12635s double poly combo the hay using his uh
12639s SMG burst as well it's just not enough
12641s here but it is day two so the haze will
12643s come back up here but now that is day
12645s two to get t has should be a little
12646s careful oh wait maybe they find Shoma
12648s here as they are completely sear split
12653s yeah look at the team of CH SE here that
12655s is not um something that you want to see
12658s yeah it looks like Chen is just going to
12660s die and that will be minus 250 for team
12662s ju see they got complacent they got the
12664s kills they thought it was completely
12665s open but then you get caught out by
12667s something like an Emma something like an
12668s 11 yeah they will have the chase
12670s potential you know the damage is there
12671s too because it is a control Mage like
12674s the Emma you get on top of somebody the
12676s damage damage is going to be there the
12677s taunt even coming through from the 11 is
12679s going to more things down turabi getting
12682s out of there Whirlwind is good for him
12684s to get the additional bonus movement
12686s speed to get out of the range from
12688s douchi man these fights are just
12690s teetering on the edge of explosion super
12693s it is my heart is trembling right now it
12695s really is yeah Duan was looking for an
12698s angle there trying to get the alake but
12699s just wasn't in range and looks like we
12701s actually have to fight uh again as sebie
12704s just going to be able to get onto the
12705s back line here the ha is taking so much
12707s damage from sebbi sebie is going to try
12709s to turn his attention over to the Emma
12711s does use the totem play that is proed
12714s here as maybe they can kill a nice
12716s Double T actually kill shinomi as uh it
12720s looks like CH might actually fall oh
12721s wait they return it back onto the haze
12724s here as the 11 is going to fall as well
12726s and a great spring trap and that going
12728s to wait a second babo is going to be
12730s able to get jump on out of there as they
12733s will keep the tournament lives align but
12735s look at the credit chuvie
12737s oh DHC andj pble griefed the body of
12741s shinan I think that's what exactly he
12743s was trying to do and it almost cost his
12745s life for it he does manage to get out
12746s you're right I think he was trying to
12748s farm the credits off the body of shom
12750s but the rest of the members of CH seed
12752s they were too focused on trying to knock
12754s down PBA the priority just wasn't there
12757s for PBA to too continuously do that did
12759s at least secure the body but I don't
12761s think he picked up the credits for it
12762s which means HC andj they're going to
12765s struggle in getting the Revis back it'll
12768s take a while and for a team that needs
12769s to get what 20 plus points to even
12773s remely make
12777s it yeah I think it might be lights out 4
12779s the C&J but um I believe in miracles you
12783s know this is going to need more than a
12785s miracle
12788s man yeah especially since saber was the
12790s fourth place team they did have they do
12792s have six kills so they're going to need
12793s over maybe like 25 plus points it's not
12796s looking too good but saber going
12798s actually find rori here on team dangle
12801s Dobby glove going to get the Perry off
12804s is that going to be enough no and it
12806s looks like yeah looks like s's going to
12809s be able to find that as well so will be
12811s a minus 250 for tangle Dobby that is not
12813s what you want to see especially since
12815s they were also a team that is in
12816s contention to qualify here at least they
12819s have the credits to Res but they were
12820s looking for some really big transitions
12822s sometime soon look 420 credits for the
12825s subam they're forced to actually use
12827s that right now the best case scenario
12829s you you res the Adriana first you make
12831s the Adriana res 335 credits on the Nikki
12835s oh they res the Nikki first
12838s dude oh they just spend all the credits
12840s on
12842s suame okay well you know some cause
12845s fallacy I suppose the damage coming out
12848s from rolu that is the range from kri
12851s just showing up here dong trying to look
12854s for an angle maybe back here does have a
12856s for stock not going to be able to hit on
12857s anyone they baited he
12860s good they're just going to walk away
12863s here as they probably don't want to
12864s fight a team like the young cyers as
12867s they have a lot of sustain and their
12868s damage is a little too high they
12871s remember last game man
12874s yeah oh all right 25 seconds to go until
12878s we are going to start hitting our true
12880s critical mass day four one of the places
12883s where a lot of teams typically tend to
12885s fall to is going to come back at the
12887s worst time possible de oh my God is
12890s doing damage but he has the force field
12892s the SMG burst cut down was good but now
12894s with PBA sitting on no timer I think
12896s he's going to be stuck my friend down
12898s goes pxu down most likely will go this
12901s Emma DH cnj going to be eliminated and
12905s that will be the end of their run in
12907s Phase number three thank you so much for
12909s playing this weekend and two seat laps
12911s of those kills say thank you very much
12913s sitting on eight kills when the hell did
12914s they get those yeah juit was our third
12917s place team as well o I like this play
12919s from tanglei but it is an Alonzo I think
12922s they just don't want to pull the trigger
12923s cuz they know he's a little too tanky
12925s but since they didn't check this bush
12926s they might be able to catch another one
12928s maybe Dina oh s the
12932s trigger trigger on to S but a nice
12935s reaction from him he's going to be able
12936s to instant get away no wait he actually
12939s trades subam are they going to be able
12941s to turn this I think they should be able
12942s to it is an Adena plus an Alonzo here
12946s Dina is over the wall though as he
12947s actually does end getting third partied
12949s on that side and I think that's going to
12951s be it for saber I oh saber it looks so
12954s good but it's not going to be enough 500
12957s MP finds gloves her Dobby is isolated
12959s he's going to die to check the bush they
12962s haven't checked the bush they didn't
12963s check the
12964s bush oh my God wait right is going to be
12968s able to selfes here but he needs to find
12971s the right time to press the self Button
12973s as you know obviously if they're a
12976s little too close 5 MP can hear it and I
12978s think the self is going off now oh my
12980s God absolutely no
12982s way holy crap and again 500 MP is the
12986s combo yeah with that is the full combo
12990s because I think the Emma is also on
12991s Frailty so you know the defense are just
12993s coming through and it just shreds the
12996s the shoai the Shai is sitting on Hermes
12999s as well so like he is relatively tanky
13002s and he just gets instantly shredded Maro
13004s X in trouble re and glove sitting on low
13007s timer her Dobby does end up coming back
13008s they'll have control over Chapel this is
13011s a lot of timer invested from the side of
13012s Team tingle Dobby plenty of kills to go
13015s around though super that timer can
13017s absolutely be mended there's the wick
13019s line pickup from the side of ton cyers
13021s again no contest over this objective in
13025s such a crucial game like game number six
13027s there's nobody willing to risk that Wick
13029s line buff just for that little extra
13030s Edge beautiful Flash coming in from
13033s insane from Hoy my bad oh the spring
13035s trap it's going to catch Logan but it's
13037s not going to land the trumpet damage
13039s from both of the sides are actually
13041s pretty good but the healing coming in
13042s from the the is just a little bit too
13044s good those in the blitz shots pretty
13047s pretty fine but there really is no
13049s Mobility on the side of Team carpet even
13051s if continue the chase all they can do is
13054s just throw out a couple extra ballistic
13055s advantages the fight is going to reset
13058s ultimate the down low there's the catch
13060s out over onto DDO he's The Last One
13062s Alive on the side of n rocks I think
13065s that is it as well 5 seconds left it is
13067s the last hit for him he does get the
13069s kill but he can't get the sustain he
13072s can't assist he can't get get rest
13075s rest one but R is here and he finds the
13080s kill the Sharpshooter finds the
13082s Target and that's going to be it for Rox
13086s fortunately dropping in seventh place so
13087s that means they will be our second team
13089s eliminated here for today very
13091s unfortunate um you know they had you
13093s know some some good games but you know
13095s the compet I was a little too high today
13097s as uh yeah the point metric is so close
13100s carpet DM they're only on they're on
13102s zero kills as well they need to look for
13103s some points here as both team saber and
13105s team CH you know teams that are in
13108s fourth and uh third place respectively
13110s they have nine and eight kills so C DM
13113s they need to look for some points here
13115s even if that is the case you don't want
13116s to get overzealous right especially if
13118s you're playing a composition like this
13119s not that much Mobility there's a Lenny
13121s on the other side one springtrap will
13123s seal the deal there's the pull in okay
13126s but it's just a tank they're going to
13128s start the fight though there's the
13129s energy blast field coming out it is a
13130s post level 18 the auto attacks are
13132s insane and now is isolated but the third
13135s party comes in carp DM this might be it
13139s I don't think you're going to be able to
13142s do it they have the credits but what is
13145s it's day five it's day five they can't
13148s rest oh
13150s no yeah they had such an angle they
13152s winning that the Theodor hit a really
13155s nice a Theodor hit a really nice uh sex
13158s grenade but you know the third party
13160s coming up from behind them that's going
13162s to be it for carpet
13164s DM uh wait he's
13169s good even even decid to take a breath of
13173s something inside the temp inside the
13175s restrict area he's going
13177s pop yeah but I think that's it I think
13180s that seals tm's Faith unfortunately you
13183s know the third party for 500 MP all the
13185s teams falling down the factory one of
13187s the teams was bound to walk up and you
13189s know they didn't really have a ward
13190s behind them so you know they did end up
13193s falling to them and yeah we might have a
13197s fight though between saber and Tangle
13200s Dobby tangle Dobby another team that was
13201s in contention as well if they are able
13204s maybe kill s oh my God the my God wait
13210s they're going to be able to get the res
13210s though because uh looks like they're
13212s getting contested by day young cybers so
13214s it's not the end of the the world but um
13217s yeah it's not looking too good here as
13219s uh oh going to find it yeah they they
13222s want to look they're fight but their
13224s health bars are so
13226s low there's no chase that's going to end
13228s here right I mean wik line buff just
13230s ended for team t on cyers this is the
13231s best time to fight but the H bar is a
13233s little bit too low they're going to get
13235s cornered eventually guys you have to
13237s fight you're not getting away from this
13240s rori only on two items I think their
13242s item they are item disparity is pretty
13244s big here they are
13246s to magn but theing
13249s outu is just going to instantly kill
13252s rori in the back and I think that might
13254s be it for D or for tangle Davi as well
13257s they're going to have to look for a
13258s miracle here like um karp DM but I don't
13263s think there is they are going to be able
13264s to get one I don't think teams are going
13266s to let up right it's the final game the
13268s scoreboard was really close I don't
13269s think there's going to be any teams that
13270s really risk it I believe there will at
13273s least be a full Squad in each of our
13275s temporary zones there goes Tangled Doby
13278s four kills is all you get ending in
13280s fifth place or sixth place
13283s unfortunately man dreams are being
13285s crushed one after another Super CH SE
13287s sitting on eight kills right now looking
13288s for their 11 the 500 MP is able to pull
13290s this off they are going to secure their
13292s seventh and genuinely secure their spot
13295s in the finals yeahp might have a chance
13298s to get in here they need to get all the
13299s kills though they have to win these 3
13301s v3s insane going to look for an angle
13303s here 5 MP they don't want to pull the
13305s trigger onto insane cuz they know they
13307s don't want to use too many of their cool
13308s Downs before their fight against two CH
13310s seat they need to make sure up here they
13313s do end up taking it s gets a nice War
13315s Bomb as the 3v3 comes down to both these
13318s teams we're going to have to see you
13320s know if they have what it takes to beat
13321s you SE here zie needs to be careful
13323s remember this is a full late game triple
13325s Mage com first spring trap is going to
13327s miss inside a Chaple it's a chaos it's
13330s Mayhem over there as well Z control
13332s going to go be in favor of a lot of
13334s these teams the fight starts exactly the
13335s same time sk's going to have to back
13336s away change going to be on cool down for
13338s a little bit longer down goes one Cen
13341s will get taken down down as well VA the
13346s the play that is still there there is no
13347s more Nina one more shot Spotlight isn't
13349s going to be enough but sebbi runs in he
13352s charges like a maniac he gets the kills
13355s down goes Scarlet 500 MP finds one but
13358s that's all they on the flip side saber
13361s 14 kills super I believe we definitely
13365s two teams that are making it to the
13367s finals just able to solo Sarang and I
13370s think that sealed the deal Sarang was
13372s obviously I think np's main damage
13374s dealer and him just going down there fa
13376s tried his best able to get shom able to
13380s proc the play dead but it's just not
13381s enough such critical times for these
13384s transitions to come in High Noon built
13386s for shinan and it's going to be sebbi I
13388s believe that's the four core upgrade
13391s yeah or yeah a
13393s four as well so both these are looking
13396s really strong is that Spear of lus on
13399s Fiora then no I think he's on Rapier
13402s he's on Rapier you're right wait then oh
13404s my God the NOS
13407s falu yeah he's sitting on over 35% armor
13410s pen which 800 amp and he has the Hermes
13414s as well so he's is relatively tanky so
13417s yeah they if they are able to find the
13419s angle to burst one of these um these
13421s players down they are going to be able
13423s to capitalize on this it might be insane
13425s it will be a nice spring trap to proc
13430s yim's here we go here's damage coming
13432s out nice reset pull back in onto duim
13435s beautiful cancel his healing his healing
13437s drone is popping but he's dead oh my God
13440s what a beautiful combo straight off the
13442s Bad SEI about to get taken down but he
13444s gets the shield the trumpets are there
13446s Al fent is going to miss sha n joins the
13449s fight down goes the Fiora Dena I don't
13453s know about you man but I don't think
13454s you're doing anything against the force
13456s cord up SEI two seat will round out the
13461s wild cards game six going in their favor
13464s 14 kills on hand will knock down team
13466s saber to I mean they were already
13468s confirmed for the finals but ended out
13470s in style yeah they needed to get sebbi
13473s down there unfortunately I think s just
13475s missing that um last Q mhm still
13478s unfortunate but yeah I mean I don't
13480s think uh Team saber is uh disappointed
13483s with their performance at all they got a
13485s nice for 14 kill second place game and
13487s they will definitely secure thems as
13489s well into the finals
13490s so wow what a series shuy what a series
13494s indeed man oh man oh man we were kept to
13497s the edge of our seats all the way until
13499s the very end so many teams however
13502s losing and getting their dreams
13504s shattered right here on the final game
13507s of the Wild Card stages the end result I
13509s mean I haven't done the math myself I
13511s don't remember which team's got what
13512s placement which team's got how many
13514s kills except for the final two teams
13517s still up in the air for a lot of these
13518s teams but all I know super is that the
13520s scoreboards the scoreboards are going to
13522s be really really close and for the teams
13524s that didn't make it it is going to be a
13526s devastating heartbreak for those team
13529s members yeah but there is still lcq you
13532s know these teams still have a chance to
13534s make it into the finals that will be
13536s happening I think uh in 3 weeks from now
13538s so you know not the end of the line for
13541s them just yet but lcq uh it is pretty
13545s hard right cuz it is only going to be
13546s two teams it is also a checkpoint format
13548s over there as well
13550s so um yeah these teams will have to
13552s adapt to you know the lcq formats but
13555s you know if there's any teams I can do
13556s it there definitely the teams I made it
13557s here to the wild cards absolutely what
13559s an amazing show we got here today
13561s although I will say the amazing show had
13564s a little a little sprinkle of funny
13566s funny um I guess that's still something
13569s that's consistent throughout the course
13570s of the weekend a little bit of the weird
13572s situations happening with m a little bit
13574s of weird
13575s head pops here and there plenty business
13578s I suppose is still going to be going on
13580s for the weekend but tomorrow is the what
13581s is tomorrow is the finals start making
13583s those kind of mistakes they are going to
13584s get punished heavily especially with the
13587s teams that made it straight to the
13588s finals coming in from the group stages
13590s they were so so so dominant during those
13594s group stages super we talked about it
13596s top weight to heavy very very top
13598s weighted for the group stages all the
13601s teams that made it throughout the wild
13602s cards they're going to have to face up
13604s against those guys too
13606s yeah they're going to have to face up
13607s into the titans of you know Mara song
13610s bnk
13611s FX it's going to be a little hard for
13613s these teams but um yeah I mean they made
13615s it out of here uh they made it out of
13617s wild card so I'm sure you know they'll
13619s have a nice performance for themselves
13620s especially since you know two seat they
13623s only they did end up winning you know
13624s some of the games in the group stages it
13626s was pretty close right in uh for the top
13628s three teams in group A and them coming
13630s out here winning some of the games that
13632s I think they probably might have ended
13633s first place as well at the very end
13635s we're going to have to see you know
13636s after uh we get the scoreboard here cuz
13638s it did have a nice 14 kill first place
13641s to round out the final
13643s game what a great weekend we are having
13646s so far super I'm so excited about
13648s tomorrow I'm so excited to see what the
13649s scoreboard is going to be looking like
13651s cuz we should be getting that in just a
13653s moment now I'm a little conflicted super
13655s how are you feeling right now are you
13656s feeling tired or do you think you could
13658s go a little bit longer because something
13660s that I do want to mention is
13663s that after the Korean interview right
13665s we've usually been skipping them we just
13666s kind of talk about what's going to
13668s happen the day after what kind of events
13669s are happening but they do give us like a
13672s graphic of which teams are playing
13675s tomorrow so we've been just kind of
13677s conveniently skipping all the that for
13680s pretty much every single time we've been
13681s skipping the Korean interviews do you
13683s want to see that or should we just take
13684s a look at the scoreboard and say Hey I
13686s want I kind of want to go to
13688s sleep um well I mean we basically have
13691s an idea right of what the teams are
13693s going to be for tomorrow as uh
13698s today and we have uh or we already know
13701s like the teams that qualified from
13702s yesterday right
13704s so but I I mean I'm down like I'm still
13707s I'm still energetic you know I still
13708s have some in me if you do want to wait
13710s uh out the interview to you know have a
13713s clean overview of the teams but we we
13716s basically have an idea already of uh
13717s which teams are going to be playing uh
13719s for tomorrow but if you look at the
13721s round results here you have Team 2 SE
13723s coming out on top with 22 points saber
13725s in second place with 19 and the total
13727s leaderboard shuvi would you like to take
13729s it away absolutely 68 for Chi will be
13732s able to win it out e get just barely
13734s over ton cyber sitting at 64 points
13736s today very good performances from both
13738s of these teams the amount of total fuel
13740s kills very good for CH seed and saber
13742s who is sitting at 62 they're actually
13745s saber had the highest okay but there
13747s it's their placements right it's the
13749s placement performance that was a little
13750s bit shaky on team saber but they are
13752s going to make it through team TI and
13754s cybers on the other hand not that many
13755s fi kills but their performance was
13758s consistent throughout the course of the
13759s day here today which is going to net
13760s them the final result of second place so
13763s congratulations to those four teams I
13766s believe I didn't mention the last one so
13768s let me uh just go back in the VOD real
13770s quick 500 MP they just barely eak it out
13772s as well so FAA keeping his hopes and
13774s dreams alive of going to the season
13776s finals as
13777s well yeah you're going to get some nice
13779s circuit points all the teams here that
13781s did end up you know top four and they're
13783s basically guaranteed circuit points now
13784s cuz they are going to get to the finals
13785s going to guarantee some prize money as
13787s well for them so you know very nice for
13789s these
13790s teams as yeah we will have our finals
13793s for tomorrow shui we have I think both
13796s bnk FX gay young an8 I think from Group
13799s B and I think it was Mira song and Asher
13803s right from group a so those will be the
13805s other four teams that will be joining us
13807s for tomorrow that is going to be a
13809s really really fun show again I really
13811s hope that the funny business doesn't
13812s happen tomorrow cuz in the end we're the
13815s eight teams now that we're going to be
13816s watching tomorrow it's actually their
13818s last chance to get circuit points
13819s they're all going to get some but it
13821s doesn't hurt to have more compared to
13822s some of the other teams especially if
13824s you're a firsttime shower in these
13826s phases throughout the course of the
13828s Season 500 MP going to be very much in
13831s need of that pressured to get as much as
13834s possible don't actually know what the
13836s overall circuit points look like
13838s throughout the course of the Season at
13840s the moment if I'm going to be honest
13841s with you but I think a lot of the teams
13843s that played in Phase One also played in
13844s phase phe two for the finals so it it
13847s should be around the point where even a
13850s really good performance in phase three
13852s might actually net you a ticket to at
13853s least day one yeah they'll show it after
13856s the finals I think for tomorrow so we
13858s could uh we'll definitely stick around I
13861s think after the interview for that
13862s because um you know it will show us
13864s which teams are going to the finals
13866s which teams are going to go straight to
13867s day two day one and which teams are
13869s going to get sent straight to the wild
13871s cards I think the bottom two of the 14
13874s teams right mhm where the 12 teams they
13876s get uh sent straight into the wallet
13879s cards and they don't have to qualify for
13881s the wallet cards because there's um oh
13884s yeah yeah sorry not wild cards but lq
13886s yeah but they they get straight they
13889s they get sent straight into there so
13890s they don't have to play in like a little
13892s qualifier for that yeah it's actually
13894s kind of wild that a lot of a lot of the
13897s teams that we are still seeing here in
13900s the finals might actually get booted out
13902s into that position right even with a
13904s good performance because maybe they
13905s didn't have any previous good good
13908s performances they might be tossed down
13909s into the
13910s lcq I mean it's crazy this season has
13914s been so full of surprises so full of
13916s teams that have really gathered their
13918s players Al together came up with
13920s Incredible ideas on how to Pilot each
13922s compositions how to play compositions
13924s how to deal with other compositions to
13928s the point where theator has become
13929s pretty much minute in KR that is wild me
13933s that's what surprises me the most I
13934s think is uh theor is just not really
13936s played at all especially on cuz this is
13939s on the 1.25 patch where theor is
13941s actually still pretty strong right uh if
13943s you look um in the I think the the
13947s ranked ladder Theodor was still I think
13949s he had like a three% pick rates and you
13952s know over over like a 15 16% win rates
13956s in the 1.25 patch so he's still really
13958s really strong over there and it's just
13960s you know these teams you know kind of
13961s adjusted and they know how to play
13962s around this character now heck yeah
13965s ah I love it the versatility the
13968s fluidity the um what is the word that I
13970s put in into the document
13973s the
13976s uh what is it the word I forgot I'm
13979s going to go look it up give me a second
13980s I'm waiting until the the final standing
13983s show up I I ha I hate life I'm not
13987s sleeping well we got some time to kill
13989s so yeah I
13992s mean wow I'm just um you know I'm kind
13995s of surprised because obviously we did
13997s have though you know a couple mishaps
13999s today as well but overall you know the
14001s games were were really really good so
14005s MH we did have I I do hope you know
14007s magnani does end up realizing you know
14010s maybe I should be looking at my timer
14011s for these uh for these final circles but
14014s um I think in the situations where he
14016s does end up getting caught out right uh
14019s the fight is usually already lost at
14021s least the one in I think stream
14025s right his teammate was down he got hit
14027s by the rocket so like they probably
14028s already lost the fight but the one in
14030s school I think was was was pretty bad
14033s yeah there's a lot of situations where
14035s that happens I mean it's not even just
14036s that team too there's a lot of other
14038s macro mistakes that you and I have
14040s pointed out especially we were talking
14041s about it during some of our breaks right
14043s some of these teams really do need to
14044s get their macro in line their shot calls
14046s in line otherwise no matter how good the
14049s characters are no matter how good the
14050s players are we're going to see faults
14052s saw a ton of them here today
14055s yeah and I mean yesterday as well but
14056s obviously you know we are human we make
14058s mistakes yep I think I think what
14060s surprised me was uh it was msj that made
14063s you know like a
14064s like like that because they are the team
14067s they are like the textbook team
14072s right they're like the the like golden
14074s standard team you yep exactly that's the
14076s word I was looking for the gold standard
14078s team you're right yeah and seeing them
14080s make the mistake you know it just goes
14081s to show you you know these teams they or
14085s a lot of these uh players right um you
14088s know they can still fold under pressure
14090s and you know there can still be you know
14093s these big mistakes you know for these
14094s final zones especially since the final
14095s zones are relatively new as well so
14098s yes that we've also other seen outside
14100s of that though is the fact that recovery
14102s from those kind of situations is
14103s important I mean we saw it for team me
14105s and seong they made mistakes like that
14107s but then immediately pulled back and
14108s came up with what like a 20 bomb game so
14112s recovery is absolutely important I think
14114s this this is one of the reasons why you
14116s know we talked about the importance of
14117s shot callers and the lead shot callers
14119s yesterday but it's also another reason
14121s why I think teammate I think within a
14124s team of Esports having like the hype guy
14127s is really really important right like
14128s keep the morale of the team up make sure
14130s that everyone is still focused instead
14132s of dwelling on any previous mistakes or
14134s previous past errors you just got to
14137s look forward into the future you just
14139s have to continuously look forward don't
14140s dwell on previous mistakes because those
14142s kind of mistakes and dwelling on those
14144s kind of things is going to cause you to
14145s make even more mistakes by either
14147s playing too passive we saw that in game
14149s number six just now where a lot of teams
14151s were really split apart and I think I
14154s think especially um for was it team 2C
14158s they paid for it in the early stages of
14159s the game but of course kind of
14160s transition smoothly into the late game a
14162s lot of other teams don't have the luxury
14164s to do that once the mistakes start
14165s showing in the early game they play too
14167s passive they split apart they play too
14168s safe there is no recovery from that yeah
14171s I think uh you're absolutely correct
14173s because um
14175s yeah I mean these teams they needed to
14177s look for points as well right like a lot
14179s of these teams didn't have enough points
14180s to really play Passive they needed to
14182s look for these angles to you know try to
14184s get some kills try to make up the
14186s difference but you know it ended up not
14188s working in the favor I think all four
14190s teams that were you know they had the
14191s top four ended up keeping their spot so
14194s yep and then I feel really bad for kpdm
14197s they had a really good run uh looking at
14199s the pattern they had I mean group stage
14201s should have been the end of it right
14202s from not qualifying due to the rating
14204s cut getting into the qualifiers and then
14206s not making it to going through the going
14209s to the group stages if you just take a
14211s look at the pattern that's where they
14212s should have been cut but they fought
14214s through their lives bit the grit their
14216s teeth and actually made it to the wild
14217s cards they played an amazing series here
14220s today as well that game five effort with
14222s the Theo kadia lenux combo oh it look so
14226s good it gave us hope for a few seconds
14228s but then game number six even game one
14231s and two they winning team fights they
14232s just had you know these slight uh
14234s mechanic or these slight macro misplays
14235s you know with the L exploding in red
14237s trying to get that blood being a little
14239s greedy you know I could see the angle
14241s like why they went for it cuz you know
14243s getting that blood power Spike push your
14245s team ahead is definitely it's definitely
14247s something you need right
14249s but yeah it just uh it's just really
14251s unfortunate he just wasn't able to get
14253s in time you know the wind wasn't in
14254s their favor and they just ended up um
14258s paying for it yeah what are some good
14260s things we saw throughout the course of
14261s the weekend though because there's
14263s definitely a lot of things to criticize
14264s these players about that's the thing
14265s that's going to remain in our minds a
14267s lot right I mean we already still
14269s remembering the mistakes from yesterday
14270s for people just jumping over walls hey
14273s look let's hyperloop but what are some
14275s good things that you remember that
14276s happened throughout the course of the
14277s weekend that especially you since for me
14280s I I've just been casting a lot I'm not
14282s someone who plays professionally in the
14284s North American scene a lot but for you
14286s what are some kind of takeaways that you
14287s can take away from this and just kind of
14290s see oh I can learn from this and try to
14292s implement it into our own gameplay in
14294s the Pro scen
14296s um well obviously it's uh the fact that
14300s you know all these teams are playing you
14302s know these different types of characters
14304s right so makes it so you know there's a
14306s lot more uh variety and it's just nice
14309s to see you know the green meta uh
14311s compared to the na meta obviously and um
14315s oh wait I think they did end up showing
14317s the teams but it was only for a second n
14320s they haven't done it just yet there we
14321s go they're going to do it in just a
14324s second no oh I guess not oh you're right
14326s they already showed it okay my clean
14328s feed that I was watching was already
14329s gone uh I can fix that give me just a
14331s moment uh yeah they're showing the
14334s they're showing the events right now but
14336s yeah I can flip back over on this
14337s because we're not really under any
14338s pressure anymore so let's go over to the
14343s clean feed there we go there's the final
14344s standings those are the teams that are
14346s going to be playing tomorrow Meen hedong
14349s Asher bnk FX and kungi inate the four
14351s teams coming through Straight from the
14353s group stages and then we saw the teams
14355s today ched Deon cyber saber and 500 MP
14358s as the teams coming in from the wild
14360s cards tomorrow is going to be an
14361s absolute Banger super yeah these teams
14364s are stacked right we had uh Asher Mir
14369s Jang gang
14371s in8 and uh it
14374s was was uh B bnk FX yeah like all these
14379s teams they're consistent we have
14382s obviously G our winners from the
14383s National League
14385s the one of the most consistent teams
14387s same with bnk FX as well and obviously
14389s team Asher coming out uh big you know
14392s with the their I'm finding it yeah their
14395s new team comp that uh they've been you
14398s know practicing so yeah I'm very excited
14401s I'm very excited for the finals tomorrow
14403s exactly guys tomorrow is going to be fun
14405s but right now the fun is already
14407s beginning you guys can see on the screen
14408s it's in Korean but you probably know
14410s what it's about the one-year anniversary
14412s pass has been released on the eternal
14413s return game just one just one AP just
14416s one just one a coin you guys can
14418s probably get that like listen if you
14419s were watching and you got drops one of
14421s those drops are probably going to be500
14423s a coins it's right there go pick it up
14426s if you guys want the very easy missions
14427s that you can do every day to get those
14429s Mission passes and levels very very good
14431s rewards and very very good skins the
14433s moment you buy you get a ton of
14434s accessories already and they look
14436s fantastic so you guys are interested in
14439s getting the anniversary pass absolutely
14441s do go for it also keep track of any
14443s additional anniversary events that are
14445s going to be happening cuz I think on the
14447s road map on the website on the event
14448s page there was actually a few things
14450s that are still coming along so yeah keep
14452s track of that it's uh the path is
14454s basically free you know you just buy it
14455s in game oh yeah click on the pass on the
14457s right side make sure you guys get it
14458s there is also another anniversary event
14460s happening right now where you could uh
14462s as long as you sign up and you get
14464s tickets uh daily and you're playing the
14465s game you could actually enter some
14466s raffle so make sure you guys do that as
14468s well but um yeah I think other than that
14470s shuy I think that is going to be it for
14472s us indeed guys we'll see you guys
14474s tomorrow tomorrow for the finals that
14475s are going to be happening at the same
14476s time today started of course as usual
14479s 5:00 a.m. Central Time 6:00 a.m. eastern
14481s time and 3 a.m. Pacific Time right here
14484s on the eternal return game channel we
14486s know the teams that are going to be
14487s playing tomorrow you guys know the
14488s Caster that are going to be here and we
14490s hopefully are going to know some of you
14492s guys that are going to be joining us
14493s here today once again thank you so much
14495s for joining us here in the Wild Card
14497s stages I had a lot of fun I know super
14499s absolutely had a lot of fun and I hope
14501s that you guys had a lot of fun but
14503s that's going to be it from us we will
14504s see you guys tomorrow for the finals of
14506s ERM season 4 phase
14508s 3 yeah um I got to go to sleep you know
14512s I gotta I got finish my sandwich and
14514s sleep too Lumia Feud is coming up I
14517s think tonight at 8 uh 700 p.m I think
14520s it's gonna be on posted on CH so make
14523s sure you guys come out for that It's
14524s Gonna be Me versus
14527s Frankie we're going to have uh three I
14530s three uh teammates as well that is going
14532s to come out it's basically just going to
14533s be kind of like Family Feud but it's
14535s going to be eternal return basee it's
14537s going to be a lot of fun make sure you
14538s guys come out for that it's it will be
14540s at 700 p.m. estd super excited all right
14543s we'll see you guys tomorrow and for
14544s people who are interested in watching
14546s lumio Feud Superior we'll see you later
14548s have a good rest of your Saturday
14550s everybody we'll see you guys on Sunday
14551s right here for ERM good night take care
14554s guys good
14557s morning
14559s okay good night for the Koreans out
14562s there