about 2 months ago - Eternal Return - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s for
60s wow
89s for
119s for
149s for
179s for for
239s spe
269s for
299s for
329s for
359s for for
403s spee
449s look
478s for
508s for for
553s for
587s B
608s spee foreign
628s spee
642s fore fore
662s chicken
698s chicken wow
720s she can e me
764s fore
798s fore
808s spee
812s for
818s foree Fore speee
868s spee
884s for
890s speee
898s Fore
924s for
928s spee
940s for
945s foree Fore
948s speech
958s foree fore speee
988s spee
1018s for for
1079s w a
1109s you done
1142s okay ladies and gentlemen it's been
1144s another two weeks ever since we saw you
1146s guys right back to this spot you guys
1148s know what that means it's time for
1151s another phase of eternal return Masters
1153s in season 4 welcome back everybody we
1156s are right back with eternal return
1158s Master season 4 phase number three group
1160s stage here today because it is a Friday
1163s my name is Shu Senpai I'll be one of
1165s your casters today and we got somebody
1167s back it's been four weeks yeah it's been
1170s four weeks for me you know you've been
1171s saying it's been two weeks but you know
1173s I wasn't here for phase two so you know
1174s I'm really excited to see you know how
1176s these teams you know shape up especially
1178s since you know on my end I haven't
1180s really seen you know how these teams do
1182s or uh how these teams really play around
1184s these new Final zones so yeah I'm really
1186s excited juy oh yeah I excited to have
1188s you back by the way I hope you had a lot
1190s of fun two weeks ago abandoning me to
1193s the
1194s dust leaving me with some it's okay I
1196s mean you w weak you had weak I'm sure
1199s fantastic job I don't know man he was
1200s having an identity crisis the entire
1202s weekend kept changing up his reactive I
1204s don't understand where that came from oh
1206s oh I see I see like did did he change it
1208s from like Yuki to like some other
1210s character yeah he had yuk he had regular
1212s Yuki one day and then he had shuichi for
1215s some reason on Saturday and then we went
1217s back to yeah went back to a different
1219s skin of Yuki on Sunday I don't think
1222s I've ever seen mik shigi so that is kind
1224s of surprising for me but maybe I don't
1226s know maybe he was doing something with
1227s his friends so he just decided to you
1229s know end up doing that but I think we're
1230s going to jump into the overview shui
1232s it's going to be the same as usual but
1234s you know for the people who you know
1236s don't really come around to these events
1237s would you like to uh you know kind of
1239s give the rundown to them absolutely
1241s let's start from the very far left we'll
1243s just go in the way that we normally tend
1245s to read unless you're Japanese in which
1246s case it's a little different but for us
1248s it's from left to right schedule same as
1251s usual as super said it's just going to
1252s be the group stages today the wild cards
1254s tomorrow and the finals on Sunday Center
1257s is going to be the prize pool of of
1259s course 5 million King one in total again
1262s if it's your first time here we'll talk
1264s about the champion prize pull and why
1265s it's highlighted in a different time
1267s most likely during the finals just a
1269s little bit of some information you can
1271s look forward to and on the far right
1273s side is going to be our total circuit
1275s points that all of these teams are going
1276s to be fighting over when it comes to the
1278s finals and guys it's phase number three
1281s it is the last chance for these teams to
1283s get circuit points this one's going to
1285s matter a
1285s lot and obviously there's a big
1287s difference between first and
1289s uh second place about 110 Point
1291s difference so you know getting first uh
1293s or even getting second place you know
1295s will definitely matter to these teams
1297s and uh you know or just like any amount
1299s of circuit points cuz you know some of
1300s these teams we haven't really seen
1302s before you know make it to the finals
1304s here obviously you know we do know I
1306s think the league of of Legends pro team
1309s so a bunch of pro pro players that did
1311s play in League they did end up making it
1314s uh out of the group stages this time so
1316s we will see them uh for today yeah 100%
1319s and that's going to be a team we're
1320s going to be talking about not just yet
1322s we're going to have to wait until Group
1324s B until that comes through but yeah team
1326s carpedm is going to be playing here with
1327s us this weekend which is super super
1329s exciting but even before we talk about
1331s all that stuff format for the group
1333s stages today we're going to have two
1335s different groups that play I just
1336s mentioned the group b or Go Figure We
1338s Got Each group's playing four different
1340s rounds and with those four rounds we're
1344s going to have the top two teams from
1345s each respective group go straight into
1347s the finals on Sunday they're not going
1348s to going to have to play through the
1349s wild cards tomorrow teams that place in
1352s 3rd through 6th they will have to play
1354s in the wild cards tomorrow it's not
1357s going to be that bad of course top six
1358s teams getting through but that leaves
1361s seventh and eighth place teams and
1363s they're going to get eliminated here
1364s today so there are still some inherent
1366s risk although as I just said six out of
1368s eight teams moving on not that bad of
1370s odds that you will go
1372s through yeah I mean we're going to have
1374s to see you know these teams fought two
1375s to nail I heard the qualifiers was
1377s really hard to get through
1379s uh for this uh this uh phase I guess cuz
1384s obviously I think we had one of our
1385s stronger teams team Ferry they did end
1387s up dropping in the qualifiers we won't
1389s be seeing them today but um you know
1391s they did end up uh earning a lot of
1392s circuit points throughout the first two
1394s phases so hopefully that's enough for
1395s them to secure thems in the
1398s finals yeah hopefully that is going to
1400s be the case but of course even if team
1403s fairy didn't make it these are the teams
1405s that did top four teams of course are
1407s the seated ones they're always going to
1408s be here each of the group stages for
1410s each of the phases don't need to worry
1412s too much about that m is rocks Asher and
1415s O inan but the teams that made it
1418s through from the qualifier saber tangle
1420s Dobby chit and UOB of course team chit
1424s the one that won team uh that won that
1426s won phase two I should say last time
1428s around when we came through the
1430s incredible rotation of what they were
1432s able to bring through to the table in
1434s the past couple of the final games
1437s during that set it's going to be pretty
1438s interesting to to see what kind of
1439s things they were able to cook and bring
1441s to the table because super I don't know
1443s if you know I don't know if a lot of
1445s people know in the chat they might know
1446s if they were watching our little podcast
1448s we had a couple days ago but CH see the
1451s only team during the qualifiers with
1453s their respective groups to actually
1455s break a 100 points through the series
1458s but you just talked about how some of
1460s these groups were really difficult to
1461s get out of chi was actually in my
1464s opinion in the group of death and they
1465s managed to get over 100 points so Chi
1469s looking very very strong here during
1470s phase three as well I mean they're also
1472s one of the teams that play a really
1473s unique team comp you know it's uh I
1475s think in phase two they did end up
1477s winning with that Lenny Eon and Jenny
1479s team comp you know not the typical front
1481s to back that you usually see you know
1482s from these teams so I'm really excited
1484s to see you know how they utilize you
1486s know their characters especially since
1487s uh I think this is the patch that Jenny
1490s did end up getting uh nerfed a little I
1492s think she ended up losing
1494s 0.4% amp uh per level so kind of want to
1498s see if they do end up sticking with that
1500s pick as obviously we know shom is a
1501s monster on that character you know maybe
1504s maybe the Nerfs uh didn't really affect
1505s him too much there has like you said you
1507s know they did end up getting 100 points
1509s in their qualifier group so exactly I
1511s think one of the biggest things about
1512s shom when it comes to the jeny isn't
1515s that he plays like a lot of other
1517s regular adcs right when you think of
1519s Jenny you just kind of want to pump out
1520s Auto attacks but that's not Shin's game
1522s play style he's just going to send it
1524s full in blink red carpet acceptance
1527s speech he's got the entire kit of Jenny
1529s under his fingers it's actually insane
1532s what he's able to bring to the table and
1533s one of the biggest reasons I talked
1535s about during phase number two why team
1537s chus is able to do so well is because
1540s Shin's quote unquote psychon is matched
1543s by cop's psychist on that Lenny another
1547s character that unfortunately got nerfed
1548s in the most recent patch super when it
1550s comes to the live tourn when it comes to
1552s the live client but because we've only
1555s had that patch for a couple of days
1556s we're going to be playing today on the
1557s 1.25 patch on the stream this
1561s weekend yeah so it's not too bad for
1563s them I think it's just mainly the Lenny
1566s uh or sorry not the Lenny but the but
1567s the Jenny uh hit I think would affect
1569s that team the most but you know they do
1571s have you know their fourth member as
1572s well that they could rotate out but I
1573s think we are going to jump into the frea
1575s predictions here obviously it's no
1576s surprise group A Mir said J taking 60%
1580s of the votes they have been shown yet
1583s time and time again while they are the
1584s most consistent team I think in Korea as
1587s uh they ended up placing I think second
1589s place right in phase two as well so yeah
1592s you know I talked about this a while ago
1594s but mid and seong with this format of
1597s checkpoint they're cursed they're always
1599s cursed to never win when it comes to a
1601s checkpoint format like this and
1602s hopefully with them playing this weekend
1604s it will turn things around well you're
1606s going to have to see if they are going
1607s to be able to one make it to finals and
1609s two if they're actually going to be able
1611s to win if it doesn't happen the curse
1613s strikes yet again if it does happen they
1616s will finally be able to break the curse
1617s for themselves and actually take away a
1619s phase Victory but of course we can't
1622s count out the teams from the qualified
1624s team section either two seat there is a
1626s reason why they're so popular right now
1628s too yeah 50% of the votes for themselves
1631s there I mean they W phase two I'm sure
1634s they are back to bring their aame here
1637s to you know close out phase number three
1639s as well but obviously I think with their
1641s win in phase two they should definitely
1642s have a spot already you know secured in
1645s uh for the season finals but you know
1647s we'll have to see you know if they end
1648s up having a nice another consistent
1650s performance for phase three maybe
1652s they'll jump straight into day two yeah
1654s I'm pretty excited about this one one of
1656s the biggest things that I'm wondering
1657s about this phase specifically is whether
1661s or not some of our you know upand
1663s cominging teams that maybe haven't had
1665s any really good performances during
1667s phase 1 and two whether or not they're
1669s going to be able to turn the table and
1671s actually have excellent performances
1673s throughout the weekend here today
1674s because super as I mentioned earlier it
1676s is going to be our last phase for these
1678s teams
1679s to get circuit points but here we go
1681s character selections is a go for game
1684s number one Sandstorm actually for game
1686s number one two when it comes to
1688s weather yeah um I love to see you know
1692s uh what the Korean meta is right now and
1694s it looks like we do have a lot of unique
1696s picks here I don't think we're going to
1698s have any bands coming out here we have
1699s two hearts two shoot guys but uh yeah no
1703s team really picking three of the same
1705s character here two maybe hazes as well
1708s romatic might be playing that Haze here
1710s I haven't really seen him on a on a mage
1712s but I'm definitely excited to see uh
1715s what these teams have uh to bring to the
1717s table here yeah and actually you know
1719s this is quite an interesting pick danana
1722s on the Lennox I don't think I've ever
1724s really seen him play this character you
1726s know when it comes to the character
1728s Arsenal Tana usually brings to the table
1730s it's like 11 Nikki my those kind of
1734s characters I think correct me if I'm
1737s wrong I don't know if you're going to
1738s this either but um I think this might be
1740s the first time I actually ever see
1742s denana on lenx on the competitive
1745s stage I think he might be right but um
1748s you know danana is such a flexible tank
1749s player in career probably the best tank
1751s player over there so not really
1752s surprised to see you know him end up
1755s pulling it out here probably did end up
1757s getting a lot of practice you know
1758s playing scrims and stuff with it so
1759s we're going have to see you know if it
1760s does end up working out for them but you
1762s know I think Lenox is probably a nice uh
1765s pick here cuz uh you know getting those
1767s opportunities with that hook right and
1769s the fs is going to be able to enable his
1771s team so much yeah it's actually really
1773s funny I'm kind of feeling bad for danana
1775s nowadays cuz Nimble neuron and their
1777s Affiliates are doing danana a little
1780s dirty when it comes to the
1782s memes this guy has gotten so many um
1785s video thumbnails recently I don't know
1787s if you've been keeping up with any of
1788s the Korean videos that's been coming out
1790s with both um the Korean Caster Shia
1794s having the interviews with these
1796s National League teams and also the ERM
1799s highlight videos yeah they they've been
1802s they've been giving away some like
1803s quality memes of denana recently and
1806s hopefully they're going to be able to do
1807s the same thing here for midong right the
1810s whole idea behind this team's uh I think
1813s identity right now according to nian and
1815s their Affiliates is that denana is
1817s carrying one Circle and romatic on his
1821s wide wide shoulders so we'll see if
1824s that's going to be a factor here this
1826s weekend I swear if you haven't seen
1828s those pict you got to go for it it
1830s sounds so funny like the way you're
1832s putting it so I I probably will like
1834s take a look after but I mean t players
1836s they definitely you know don't get as
1837s much credit as you know they should cuz
1840s uh they're the ones that you know enable
1843s their their teams to you know kind of
1844s follow up and and do damage so you know
1848s it's no surprise to me that um you know
1851s he's getting the credit he deserves cuz
1852s Zana you know obviously one of the best
1854s tank players in in Korea yeah not too
1857s worried about that when it comes down to
1858s it right you said it yourself I think
1861s there is a reason why a lot of people
1863s are voting for team M and sedong it's
1865s just their consistency throughout a lot
1867s of tournaments of course when it comes
1869s to actually winning it might be a little
1871s bit different but yeah douchi man just
1873s going to take the fall but that healing
1875s drone is definitely not help he taking
1877s yeah he's just sitting there he just
1878s wasted like an extra 5 10 seconds that's
1881s a little unfortunate I think he just
1882s wanted to die as fast as possible but um
1884s him not having to really do anything
1886s there he does end up going down Dina
1887s also getting caught here looks like by
1890s team tangle here and looks like he will
1892s fall as well so some early aggression
1894s you know from these teams you know is
1896s what you like to see right these teams
1897s grouping up relatively early and they
1900s just able to find you know some nice
1901s picks for themselves good stuff good
1903s stuff quite surprised that we've only
1905s had two kills so far this is actually a
1907s little bit different than what I saw
1909s during phase number two a lot of people
1912s actually getting picked off in the early
1913s stages it doesn't seem like we're
1915s looking at early groups up for the most
1917s part in the zones that were quite
1920s heavily populated in the last time uh
1922s during phase number two specifically
1924s Cemetery although I guess that's a
1926s little bit more of a bnk fear X thing
1928s which is not a team that's playing in
1930s this specific group so maybe we'll see a
1932s little bit more of that during the next
1935s set of group players that we're going to
1937s see Airline getting chased yeah but out
1940s out of here I don't think L has enough
1942s damage to kill a shoot guy and yeah it
1944s looks like we'll have oob G to group up
1947s here in
1949s hospital as well so yeah I mean teams
1951s slowly starting to group up here looks
1953s like you're I think you're correct we do
1955s have a lot of teams just split farming
1956s in the early game here Nota relatively
1959s uh fully grouped you know a lot of these
1961s te like msj they're not really grouped
1963s yet one circle is going to start dping
1964s though I think fairly soon here but I
1966s think he knows there is a Willam nearby
1967s so he's going to op out to surprising if
1970s I'm going to be real with you just kind
1972s of casually walking up against a lot of
1974s people out of nowhere he will have
1975s enough time to pop that piece maker he's
1979s actually going to take the sandstorm
1980s should be
1981s oh well he does end up getting over the
1985s wall and yeah he will get away here wow
1988s but oh no other side here Mo is going to
1990s be taken down but we do see oob this is
1993s a strategy that we saw I think in Phase
1995s number one as well where they just split
1996s Farm here to try to farm as many credits
1998s as possible but uh looks like it's not
2000s really working out for them as uh their
2003s deaths are getting staggered neory going
2004s to follow as well J claiming another
2007s kill for them yeah fantastic double Blue
2009s Viper tag from denana and that was when
2011s de already used all of his flanger shots
2013s so really nice targeting coming through
2015s from miden really nice to see this team
2018s still grouping up with one another but
2020s as you mentioned earlier one Circle a
2022s little bit far away cuz he couldn't
2023s really find the opportunity to hyperloop
2025s and again there is another team inside
2028s of hotel which is going to kind of put a
2030s stop to his plans when it comes to
2032s grouping back up with this team we do
2034s have an Adriana right again this is not
2036s too surprising because it is RoR we saw
2038s this two for that team engleby not
2042s exactly a team that you see all the time
2044s when it comes to turnover turn Masters
2046s so really glad to see that they are back
2048s and playing during phase number three
2050s yeah I'm glad to see rori you know back
2052s on the stage cuz um I think he was part
2054s of the team that I did end up playing
2056s into uh I think he was on team shark
2059s back then so you know kind of excited to
2061s see him you know bring out this Adriana
2062s pick as you know it's one of the picks
2064s we don't really see too often being
2066s played you know on the big stage so ooh
2068s nice pull from denana nice FL as well
2070s Juma taking getting chunk half HP here
2072s actually hitting a nice uh rocket as
2074s well in the back line going to chunk
2075s them down here and look at the range and
2077s the spacing coming out from hermatic is
2079s or sorry from one Circle there is just
2081s insane and it will be jumo actually
2082s falling here but you know it looks like
2085s it will be always in Chong that is the
2087s one that grabs the tree of life here so
2089s they do end up picking up a kill but
2091s they don't end up getting the objective
2092s for uh this cycle a little bit of a
2095s mishap when it comes to positioning for
2096s be and S but they got a Kill not too
2099s complaining but not too much complaints
2101s about that one I would say a little bit
2102s more of a scuffle on the south side and
2104s on the western side of the map from the
2106s looks of it team aser stuck in the
2108s middle of a lot of difficult places to
2110s be in pied trying to knock down one
2112s Circle there is shackling Anchor to come
2114s through but the slow is there there is
2116s the salvages coming through as well my
2118s just completely out of here super also
2120s going to get taken down no G down on the
2122s ground on top of it good stuff coming in
2124s from meid and sedong again a team that
2127s we always see playing very consistently
2129s but this time around they want to start
2130s off a little bit explosively five kills
2132s on hand yeah I'm guessing Asher maybe
2134s tped in tried to get the the Wolves
2136s there but Mir is there to answer and uh
2139s theay end up not not keeping I think
2141s it's definitely the right call so yeah
2142s Asher not going to wipe but uh just
2145s feeding two kills to Mar Seung marong is
2147s looking so comfortable now with five
2149s kills you know you're a tournament
2150s player you know how uh how good it feels
2153s to have that five kills early on you're
2155s just in a nice comfortable position you
2157s know you got you got a lot of credits as
2158s well you know from those kills so
2160s they're going to they're going to look
2161s to buy it looks like they aring that uh
2163s looks like they got a holy orders up on
2165s that P so yeah they're going to look
2167s pretty strong I think for this next
2169s upcoming objective which I think they're
2170s probably going to play the Battle Zone
2172s here in school looks like should be
2174s looking forward if they do end up
2175s fighting this one it's going to be
2176s pretty big one of the greatest things
2178s about a composition like the hay Lennox
2181s and the Carla is that they can actually
2183s use the entire variety of transitions
2185s that exist in the game plenty of uses
2187s for the mythal on that team plenty of
2189s uses for the beer and and trees plenty
2191s of uses for the force cor on that side
2193s as well very versatile team when it
2195s comes to the Transitions and I'm not
2197s even just talking about the tank right
2199s I'm just talking about the damage
2200s dealing players on that team so let's
2203s see what the result of Knight number two
2205s is going to look like saravi putting a
2207s little bit of poke early
2209s on a bit more going but this is a three
2213s stack chap Battle Zone three people are
2216s in this battle Zone here so whoever wins
2217s this is going to be in a really nice
2219s comfortable position they're going to
2220s get a fource score but I think you know
2222s obviously how these three teams Battle
2223s Zone works is you know two of these
2225s teams are going to fight and then
2226s another team is going to have free reign
2228s to third party here looks like they're
2229s going to engage nice uh peel back from
2231s Airline here but he's getting shredded
2233s by the backliners nice uh follow up
2236s there from moriori and you know the
2238s subam just going to be able to get free
2241s Autos there and here comes the third
2242s party it looks like team oob is going to
2245s fall here but a lot of damage from umu
2247s just shredding the team from oh my God
2251s the DDO is the one that ends up falling
2253s and it will be yeah looks like R team is
2255s going to be the one to to come out on
2257s top here good for tingle wait a second
2259s oh
2261s the okay heart is going to pop The
2263s Peacemaker this is actually going to buy
2264s a little bit of time for Team tingled do
2266s to get a little bit of timer but U is
2270s already ripping through people like no
2272s tomorrow he's got the bread cutter set
2274s up that comes out on top of this battle
2276s Zone unless to turn things around but I
2279s don't know as a bernes you're not going
2280s to be able to just walk casually in yeah
2282s exactly without getting punished oh you
2283s OB what a beast U already in the early
2287s game is able to pump out so much damage
2290s and this kind of comes off of the fact
2291s that they haven't really been
2292s prioritizing transitions onto umu at all
2296s as of late they've been prioritizing a
2297s lot of the heavy hitting items over onto
2299s the heart that's crazy how he was able
2301s to manage that fight yeah you would not
2304s expect them to come out on top there as
2306s they did end up losing you know their
2307s shoot so early but uh wow just massively
2311s played by umu there just oh my God and
2313s is that a disc got an item it looks like
2316s from uh Team TR seat there so they're
2318s going to be sitting in a nice uh spot
2320s but yeah I mean Bo just shredding both
2323s teams with this Eva just showing why you
2325s know it's such a dominant pick it's such
2327s a nice uh character to Zone off you know
2329s uh enemies that are you know funneling
2331s in so yeah very very well played from
2333s Team oob going to be able to claim that
2335s four score I think I did see a dragon
2337s skill being
2339s uh uh made for the Eva but jumo going to
2343s try getting a taunt in onto uh the
2345s shukai but ends up going wide here P
2348s trying to get some damage here but uh
2350s not really able to find an angle and
2351s looks like the subam is going to be forc
2353s to run away here and yeah looks like it
2356s will be team Ash going to going to be
2357s the ones to fall was that a day three D
2359s I think it was we don't see a timer on
2361s to the Yan and it looks like ash you're
2363s going to lose 500 credits on the swap
2365s that is not what you want to see oh what
2367s an unfortunate timing the initiation
2369s started awkward the middle of the fight
2371s was weird played into a fast ball
2374s William none the of all things as well
2376s it's unfortunately just going to be the
2377s subam that stays alive but DDO without
2379s any coold Downs will unfortunately take
2381s the ball so that is a minus 250 going
2383s onto a team that just won a team fight
2386s not exactly where you want to be but for
2388s Team suong rocks I don't think they're
2389s complaining too much right now because
2391s when you have zero ultimates on this
2393s side of the team be and song is not an
2395s easy team to run away from so the fact
2397s that they only lost one not a bad result
2399s of course not going to be the best thing
2401s on the round but you'll take
2403s it yeah I think D is going to be dead
2405s for a little while here as uh these
2408s kiosk are excuse me a little contested
2410s so oh here comes the Poke oh my God one
2413s Circle getting chk down to half HP o b
2416s probably going to look for an angle here
2417s but i thinkir s is just going to run
2419s through red here don't really have
2421s anything to worry about as uh they still
2423s have a lot of credits if you look at the
2424s bottom left screen there they have I
2427s think one almost ready for his blood
2429s call in here and both hay and the Lenox
2433s over 350 so they both they definitely
2436s have enough to get like three four
2437s scores so they probably don't want to
2438s take any fight here oh looks like we do
2439s have zebi a nice spring trap from the
2442s Lenny and it looks like it will be U
2444s actually not going to fall here a nice
2445s protocol and going to get healed up by
2448s the shukai here Great Peacemaker but now
2450s num is too far in a nice blink on out of
2453s there U trying to do damage into sebbi
2456s but it's not going to be enough here as
2457s one Aon is on top of your carries
2459s especially in Eva who has no Mobility
2461s there's not really much that they could
2462s do wait a second
2466s oh end up dropping as he ends up chasing
2469s a little too far there and uh it looks
2471s like it will be a one for one trade fact
2473s that got out is so big on the side of U
2476s will be as well right I mean 5 seconds
2478s left on their timer 6 seconds never mind
2480s is a little bit of a difficult time to
2482s deal with and Airline also losing a lot
2484s of his timer going to have to walk
2485s towards Forest to actually make up all
2488s that not going to be the greatest thing
2490s all around for team oob but they're
2492s alive and that's the important part for
2493s that team Yu is going to be brought back
2496s up on the line of as well not too big of
2499s a deal down on the South Side it is
2501s going to be a purple box contested over
2503s between the members of Team saber and
2504s tingle Doby it was secured already from
2507s s 10 so nothing to really contest over
2509s in this area team saber is just going to
2511s can walk it on out of there yeah I think
2514s the Lenny from Shi did end up getting
2516s res as well so didn't actually lose any
2518s credits for that they just traded you
2519s know one one for one kill I think uh was
2523s uh s Haram right or they did end up
2525s getting that uh kill for themsel but uh
2528s looks like we actually might have a
2529s fight here both teams trying to get some
2533s uh trying to get some poke damage we do
2535s have the Dena ooh looks like douchan is
2538s going to go in taking a lot of damage
2540s though from both backliners rori
2542s returning a lot of fire here Dina
2544s getting chunk down half HP S kind of uh
2546s stuck a little far forward trying to get
2548s that console but going to get punished
2550s here going to get Chu down half HP does
2552s end up using the ultimate but he is
2554s getting shredded here but wait a second
2555s a nice ultimate to stun and looks like
2557s they're actually able to turn it glove
2558s is the one who goes down and deiman is
2561s going to not actually kill the subam
2564s Dina going to jump in and that will be
2567s it it looks like a nice uh two for one
2569s here looks like for team saber what an
2572s awkward fight between these two teams it
2574s was such a long rotation of back and
2576s forth and back and forth while all that
2578s happens team Asher Falls it's actually
2580s going to be team oob sitting on 11 total
2583s team kills right now of course five are
2585s the only one that matters but another
2587s fight inside of arery range about to
2589s kind of go crazy there's the helac sack
2593s coming through from TX keeping Cherry
2595s alive up against romatic health bars on
2597s the side of Team M song is a little bit
2599s low but look at the mini map right now
2601s super we got 15 seconds until these two
2603s zones closes there a long way to walk
2606s and Romantics got the rocket gets up
2608s let's see if always in turn is able to
2609s walk through this yeah it's going to be
2612s Mar oh my God the burst damage coming
2614s out from Cherry nice four bomb from the
2617s Seline here and uh yeah me sang on the
2620s back foot here but they do have to chase
2622s into a double Mage so maybe romatic in
2624s one Circle can do something if it's
2625s anyone it's going to be these two nice
2627s poke damage luminal getting chunk down
2628s half HP But Here Comes the third party
2630s do they see it do they hear it I think
2633s they do romatic on the top side here
2634s going to actually hide on the top in
2637s that top corner and I think he's going
2639s to live so they will be able to get
2641s their B off maybe one Circle going to
2643s actually walk his body down as it will
2645s be uh tangle here trying to look for the
2648s fights and there is a big HP Advantage
2652s here can they look for an angle here
2653s they are going to get some damage onto
2655s the Stell but the burst damage again
2657s coming out from the St great ultimate to
2659s actually get him to safety here will be
2660s able to get away no actually looks like
2662s the subam is going to be able to finish
2664s them off and uh Waits oh a nice blink on
2667s out of there body's going to blow up
2669s here and M J they're still alive they're
2672s coming back oh this is so weird this is
2674s so weird Cherry needs to keep him
2676s himself alive he should see up on the
2677s North side that there was another team
2679s he blinks in he couldn't see the members
2681s of MAA and seong that is going to be the
2683s entirety of always in and falling
2685s Tangled Dobby also falls immediately
2687s after as well
2690s goded they fall the on but they come
2693s back to
2695s life yeah they're the ones that come out
2697s on top there oh my god there goes the
2699s shoot guy but the return damage from the
2702s double ADC comp we've seen you know uh
2704s this team play this comp uh time and
2707s time again they're really really
2708s comfortable on it maybe they can look
2709s for an angle here nobody can res here
2711s until the Box gets picked up o wait a
2713s second D actually gets stunned here but
2715s Dio jumps on over and actually kills
2718s Dina and it's going to be S uh Sun Nom
2723s Rox going to come out on top there oh my
2725s God that right there is the mechanic
2727s remember if you're close to a wall as a
2728s William there is a high chance when of
2730s your baseballs is going to go over the
2731s wall he takes full advantage of that
2733s Autos gets the baseball drop over the
2735s wall straight on top of the Adena who
2737s the heck cares if she blinks over you
2740s just slide right on through the wall one
2741s more Auto attack does it what an
2743s incredible play coming through from DDO
2745s it will keep his entire team alive of
2747s course a little bit of time or spent but
2749s when it comes down to it you'll take
2751s that
2752s 100% yeah I was a little scared when he
2754s did end up getting stunned by the e but
2758s um yeah just going to be able to jump on
2760s over there and just get on top of that
2763s Adena and it will be lights out for team
2766s saber so yeah very very well played from
2768s DDO you know showing you know why he is
2772s probably the best William Ina absolutely
2775s Bonkers but super we saw that there was
2778s a team just picking up wick for
2780s completely free I mean that really goes
2782s to show how contested this map has been
2784s over all that all these other teams now
2786s really being able to pay
2789s does oob know that their console has
2792s just been taken under the nose by team
2794s marang they are going to take the fight
2796s here actually I I'm surprised they're
2798s actually taking this as seizes the whole
2801s thing and yeah Will
2804s beu going to fall to DDO but yeah here
2807s comes the third party and it will be
2809s team Mar is going to be able to clean
2811s this one up here as uh the Bice is not
2814s going to be able to get away and yeah
2815s I'm really surprised that uh Team oob
2818s did ended up taking that cuz both teams
2821s will end up losing a member and um I
2824s think it will be lights out for them to
2825s maybe win this game as uh it's going to
2827s be CH SE and may Ser the only two teams
2828s that have a full team left Turnal return
2831s 101 you do not fight when another person
2834s or team has access to the CCTV and you
2837s don't fight especially right underneath
2839s it that is one of the bigest are in
2841s Factory too I think they just weren't
2843s aware that SM Ser just ended up taking
2846s the console under the nose so so yeah I
2848s mean a little unfortunate um kind of
2850s surprising to see you know a team make a
2852s mistake like that but you know it does
2853s end up happening it's only game one they
2855s still have three more games to come back
2857s here and who knows maybe if the if the
2860s two full teams end up fighting in their
2862s temporary Zone you know they will be
2863s able to get back into this game yeah
2865s looking at it right now I think be and
2868s seong actually does have a possibility
2871s looking for the other temp Zone we've
2873s seen this team play actually really
2874s aggressive neory oh okay there we go Bob
2877s MSA has been found out he is just going
2878s to take the jump over the wall but of
2880s course that is a heart will just jump
2881s over himself as well sebie waiting in
2883s the area senine trying to chase this in
2885s as well shinan trying to chase the other
2887s Shu Kai there goes one down on the
2889s ground ohob be going to be stuck in the
2891s middle of nowhere never of being found
2893s now 5 seconds left on this timer he's
2894s going to try to use the flinger but of
2896s course Shin's Auto attack is there Bob
2899s MOA full on Salvage effort coming
2901s through from him trying to keep his team
2902s alive his dreams alive for game number
2904s one we'll get away for now thanks to the
2906s bear stun coming through but now he is
2908s stuck genuinely in the middle of nowhere
2911s the only chance he's got if s decides to
2913s walk it out but with the amount of
2915s cameras they investing in this area not
2917s entirely sure if that's going to happen
2919s we do have two SE coming down though so
2922s maybe do we might have you know a weird
2924s final Zone where both teams are going to
2926s have to fight for a temporary Zone but
2928s uh I don't know if they want to take
2929s that risk here you know I think getting
2930s the second place just securing that spot
2932s might be might be uh what they want to
2934s do but sebie can maybe look for an angle
2936s they they still do have that Wick uh
2939s line buff so if they do want to take
2940s advantage of this looks like they do
2942s want to send it here sebbi on the brink
2946s of going into his form here maybe going
2948s to try looking for an
2949s angle oh looks like he does end up
2951s taking it here but nice FL from nice K
2954s back but one Circle already down to half
2956s HP sebie just going to go in here ooh a
2958s nice jump from one Circle they're
2960s cutting back so well but sebie just
2962s getting all these resets from these
2964s animals here is going to be able to do
2965s so much damage and uh
2968s it looks like they're all down to half
2969s HP just not enough here nice force field
2971s proc the spring trap actually goes a
2972s little wide here oh my God it will be
2975s shinomi that's going to be the one that
2976s actually pox her played and I will trade
2978s one for one okay oh my God Seb still on
2982s downtime Shin should get taken down from
2985s the looks of it senine is on really low
2987s HP at the moment as well sebie does not
2989s want to let this go through but their
2990s health bars a little bit too low they're
2992s just going to have to completely book it
2994s which means now I think hospital is just
2996s complet completely out of commission for
2998s team 2C they're going to have to walk it
2999s all the way back around to fire station
3002s maybe hope to find that you know hung
3005s rocks is shuai Bob mosa is still hanging
3007s around going go I think M understands
3011s that they are going to try to get the
3013s top zone for free they're going to
3014s t uh o it's going to be Mind Games here
3017s if CH maybe stayed in the red zone and
3019s then maybe mind game it and then walked
3021s back into hospital that probably would
3022s have been better I think mang yeah
3025s they're going to TP in it looks like
3026s last second oh they're coming oh wait a
3029s second the shoot guy though ends up
3030s tping down but wait they're going to TP
3031s back one Circle one Circle T top oh
3034s shoot they're going to have a 2 2v2 now
3036s 22 one oh my God it's a 2 two one
3038s romatic CPS romatic TP as well they just
3042s through the game the game they really
3044s threw the game Bosa should get taken
3046s down I don't think they're going to be
3047s able to do it but look at the timers on
3048s the side of Team CH they to get the kill
3052s didn't get the kill donana he has no
3054s clue right now he has no clue he's
3056s walking away away from the final Zone
3058s he's has absolutely no clue he could
3060s definitely put a wrench in this he just
3062s oh he had exploded to not give them the
3065s point
3066s and yeah oh no that is not what you want
3070s to see from one of your top teams here
3073s as uh it looks like it will be a two
3075s seed Victory as uh they tried to TP so
3077s there was like some b games going two
3079s seed end up tping back but looks like
3081s they split their TP and rtic wasn't able
3083s to get it off he did end up tping in but
3086s because the Zone swap you're not allowed
3087s to TP into battle zone so he just
3088s instantly head exploded and that will be
3091s lights out looks like I mean even if
3092s vertic got the TP off you know all three
3095s members weren't on board and they split
3097s their TPS so yeah looks like it will be
3099s a two seed Victory uh this is such a
3101s weird way to start out phase number
3103s three it seems like greed is going to be
3105s the first thing that puts a wrench in
3107s the plans of Team MAA and song I'm
3109s hoping this is not a curse that begins
3111s throughout the course of the weekend he
3113s has a long way to go if he even wants a
3115s remote chance at winning this with sen I
3117s think with shinomi coming back it's
3120s quite impossible for him to even pick up
3122s one if it was just senine and sebie
3125s maybe I'd say there's a chance right
3127s cuz car does quite a lot of damage maybe
3130s take out cine and then sepi doesn't take
3132s one circle out in time but when shom is
3134s on the table here I think this is a
3138s little bit an of an overreach for one
3139s Circle to try to pick up great Dodge on
3142s the things coming through but yeah it's
3145s over what a weird way to start off our
3148s series super but game one team CH going
3151s to be picking it up five kills on hand
3154s GG's yeah I mean very well played from
3157s Team CH here you know obviously they
3159s didn't end up winning the 3v3 to Bar s
3161s but you know they had the last laugh it
3163s looks like so I I'm just you know I'm
3167s kind of in shock I'm not going to lie
3168s you know I was I like one of the teams I
3170s would I like I definitely wouldn't
3171s expect to make a play like that is Mira
3173s Jong you know yeah but cuz they they
3176s they're such a textbook team so to see
3178s them make like a mistake like uh these
3180s TPS I know these final zones are uh new
3184s so you know I don't really blame them
3185s but yeah you know it is what it is I
3188s guess you know it happens it happens
3190s yeah there is two things that I do want
3192s to mention about that one and this is
3193s one of the reasons why when I was first
3195s looking over the entire change setups of
3199s how these temp zones were going to work
3200s on my stream I'm not going to trigger
3203s coat that part but when I was talking
3205s about it to people I was coming up with
3207s all these very bizarre situations of how
3209s to really push this system to its limits
3212s and this right here is a perfect example
3215s of why I want to think about those cases
3218s because if Nimble neuron hasn't thr up
3219s of those cases then teams are going to
3221s suffer for it and we saw a team we
3223s didn't sedong 100% suffering for that
3226s one and yes while there were decision-
3228s making errors while there were micro
3230s decision errors macro decision errors
3233s that's one of those situations that you
3234s really honestly cannot prepare yourself
3237s for all the time so really weird
3240s situation that we were thrown under in
3242s this specific game but you know this is
3244s one of those very bizarre cases that it
3247s doesn't happen very often but yeah it
3249s can happen we just saw it yeah I'm
3252s guessing it was just a miscommunication
3253s from this team you know I think some te
3255s some of the players wanted to maybe stay
3257s in the zone and some players wanted to
3258s TP so yeah D or I think what happened
3262s was um because I think one Circle tpd
3265s early uh and then juy end up deeping
3267s back I think
3270s maybe uh danana did end up making a call
3272s to maybe stay because they ended up
3274s seeing you know TPS coming back in so
3276s they wanted them to you know come back
3277s to hospital but then you know just it
3280s just doesn't really work like that right
3281s like you can't really split your team up
3283s when it comes down to a situation like a
3285s like if there's any team that has two
3286s members alive you need to all stay as as
3288s a group of three yeah it's so weird the
3291s way that this happened but again this is
3293s one of those very bizarre cases I think
3295s if it wasn't for Bob MSA being alive and
3298s kind of throwing in a little bit of The
3300s X Factor inside of hospital it would
3303s have been okay but it's because of that
3305s weird Extrusion that kind of threw this
3308s entire game all up in the face of Team
3311s Meen Hedon but of course that's just
3313s game number one I mean they still did
3314s really good they had had yeah I think
3317s they had about 13 kills second place
3319s performance so still pretty solid from
3321s Team Mar young even though you know they
3323s did end up having that mishap at the end
3324s of the game T end up ending up taking or
3327s coming out you know in first place I
3329s think they had less points than marang
3330s so marang will still be our point leader
3333s but um just kind of sucks you know when
3334s you are in that position to win the game
3337s and then you end up throwing it like
3338s this you know I could definitely
3339s probably feel their frustration so I'm
3341s I'm I'm sure they're not really happy
3342s about you know how they ended up playing
3344s that final Zone but you know if there's
3346s any you know team that will come out on
3348s top here will be uh Team Serio and I
3350s think they already did if I'm going to
3352s be honest with you I'm not going to say
3353s that they don't have any frustrations
3354s off of what happened just now but I
3357s think the fact that denana was able to
3358s go away and something that's really
3360s important about that death if he did end
3362s up head popping I couldn't remember if I
3364s saw the banner coming up on the left
3365s side super but if it did he that was a
3368s second place pop so it actually doesn't
3371s negatively affect his team score at all
3373s right cuz Bob mosa fell first and then
3375s denana started walking over towards that
3377s barrier so he's actually keeping a
3379s really clear head even with an extrusion
3383s kind of situation like that I'm really
3385s happy about the result of what kind of
3387s decision making denana was able to bring
3389s to the table but of course guys here are
3391s the round results of game number one
3393s despite the fact that CH SE got first
3395s place me and S with the performance that
3397s we just talked about they will take the
3399s fall and it actually does like they only
3402s got a minus one it's only a minus one so
3404s I think that was the romatic teleport so
3407s I think oh no no no no no it was one
3409s Circle popping oh yeah it was the yeah
3411s you're right it's the Romantic hyperloop
3412s I completely forgot about that one cuz
3414s he popped immediately he popped
3415s instantly yeah yeah so he just instantly
3418s went down so it looks like theana did
3419s end up getting the kill over toi seat
3421s but you know it's fine right cuz it
3423s looks like they still are in quite the
3425s lead here for themselves man still what
3429s a great decision making coming through
3430s from danana and in a lot of cases that
3432s does actually work if you're trying to
3433s deny points away from the other team but
3435s they were the second place team like
3437s just a weird Point Matrix thing the
3440s weird temp Zone thing all just kind of
3442s combined into one maybe maybe he tried
3444s to pop so he get rest Maybe don't have
3447s like a full idea of how the temporary
3450s zones work not too sure to be honest
3452s because exactly yeah you can't really
3454s split your TPS cuz Okay so so how how
3457s these temporary zones work is it works
3459s like a battle Zone where once the battle
3462s zone is completed your team weights will
3464s get res but since you know one Circle
3466s got a free zone obviously you know the
3468s Batts AR already finished over there so
3469s they weren't able to get the res off
3472s and since you know they end up spling
3475s their TPS one b already done uh you know
3478s at the bottom side they uh theana you
3482s know tried to die a little fast it
3484s doesn't really matter because you know
3485s the batt at top already finished so they
3486s weren't able to get the r off and
3488s obviously romatic instantly popping at
3490s the start of the Battle Zone as well or
3492s the temporary Zone didn't really help as
3494s well cuz obviously he can't get resist
3496s as well because the temporary Zone
3498s already finished instantly
3500s so it's kind of weird it's kind of weird
3502s yeah these temporary zones is like
3505s really hard to kind of navigate around
3506s especially when it comes down to you
3508s know like like a full team and then two
3511s rat teams you're going to have to try to
3512s you know have to try to you know try to
3516s hunt for these rats but also you you
3518s need to make it so you know you don't
3519s end up in a situation like mirang where
3522s you end up splitting your team and you
3523s end up losing the game for it so exactly
3526s one of the most common factors we've
3528s seen because this is actually not the
3529s first time we've seen it in season 4
3531s already this is actually the second time
3533s I believe we're seeing some extrusions
3535s like this happen because the other one
3537s actually happened in North American ercs
3539s I believe during week number two where I
3543s believe it was homeless laptops they
3545s pushed in from Factory into DOC The Zone
3548s started but I think it was Frank I think
3550s it was your team right that was Sting
3552s inside a factory yeah I think Frankie
3554s was sitting inside of there as a Sylvia
3556s body just kind of crawling down in the
3557s ground there was another team inside a
3559s factory but homeless laptops pushed into
3561s dock to kill somebody else the temporary
3564s Zone started and it was locked out right
3566s so homeless laptops they got a kill yeah
3568s but they had to take a minus two so
3570s there is a common factor out of all of
3571s this and it's greed these teams are
3574s looking for the kills yes it's not a bad
3576s decision the strategies are there but
3577s you got to keep track of timers yeah
3580s yeah they're trying to shut down these
3582s other teams or these Rats from resing
3584s which you know is understandable but
3586s yeah you need to make sure you're on top
3587s of your timers you need to make sure you
3589s know you don't get locked out you don't
3590s end up in a situation like this I
3591s actually had a situation uh a little
3593s earlier so a couple hours ago and I was
3595s playing on stream and ranked where uh
3597s we're chasing this one solo rat but then
3600s we ended up peeping back and forth from
3602s uh Factory and from stream and then what
3604s ended up happening was me and the other
3606s guy on my team we ended up tping stream
3608s and then he ended up tping Factory and
3610s we couldn't TP back in time and it just
3612s went down to to a One V one so three
3616s definitely uh is definitely a big factor
3618s you know because you want to try
3620s shutting down these rat teams but at the
3621s same time you know you can't let these
3622s situations happen you know exactly take
3624s it slow especially on the big stage mhm
3627s you got to take it slow the end goal is
3629s still as clear as day right just get
3631s first place get as many kills as you
3632s want you can't Greed for it there's
3634s strategies again it's textbook right 101
3637s when it comes to eternal return and now
3639s with 1.25 the textbook was a little bit
3641s updated so you might have to review
3643s those guidelines a little bit but it's
3645s still there right there in the textbook
3646s you should not be able to Greed even
3648s with these different mechanics that were
3650s added into the game especially with the
3651s tempson but guys here we go game number
3654s two something we forgot to mention by
3655s the way super no bands coming in for
3658s game number two because there was a wide
3659s variety of characters I was just playing
3661s in game one yeah looks like every team
3664s is sticking to what they know how to
3666s play looks like uh most of these teams
3668s probably practice on these team comps
3669s and I don't think we have any swaps here
3671s everything is going to be the exact same
3674s it looks like you see any swaps I don't
3677s believe I do this is actually pretty
3679s much the same thing the only one I see
3681s right now is actually Bob MSA on the myi
3683s but he's still kind of staying within
3685s the line of what he is normally played
3687s so not too surprising on that one if
3689s anything quite an interesting swap right
3692s they were maybe looking for a my ban but
3694s there's no other teams outside of asra
3696s that's running the M right now yeah I do
3700s think the M I think my did up did end up
3702s getting nerfed in 1.24 so yeah I'm not
3706s surprised to see you know the drop off
3708s in the my pick but obviously my still a
3711s really strong character you know has you
3713s know um what you really want in a tank
3715s in you know competitive setting you know
3717s having that exclusive you know being
3719s tanky having that nice engage as well so
3721s we have to see you know how these teams
3723s do end up utilizing this pick but um
3725s yeah me I'm kind of excited to jump into
3728s game number two here we will have a
3729s break after game number two so maybe we
3732s might see some roster changes and we
3733s might see some more unique picks coming
3734s out here we'll have to see yeah um
3737s really quick interesting statistic for
3739s you I don't know if you remember when
3740s they when we were talking about ERM
3742s during the podcast I talked about how
3744s there was actually a pretty versatile
3746s meta inside of KR right now it's not
3748s streamlined like we saw a lot of other
3750s Seasons be I don't know if You' noticed
3753s this but if it wasn't for the my dual
3755s pick we actually have a unique tank in
3758s every single team comp Lennox by Estelle
3763s Alonzo Elena Eon shukai seven different
3767s tanks that we were seeing in this game
3768s that's crazy it's nice to see it is nice
3771s to see you know that all these tanks are
3773s viable and you know it's just depending
3775s on you know what you know the player uh
3779s the the players play style or like what
3780s their team comp needs so it is it's nice
3783s to see you know a variety of uh these
3784s different picks cuz we also have you
3786s know a lot of like Mage picks as well
3787s right not just the tanks we have like
3789s Eva coming out from one of these teams
3791s we have Haze we have Carla so there
3795s there is a lot of variety and um it's
3797s just nice yeah I think e phase two and
3801s three for season 4 are going to be stat
3803s lovers Paradise since this is is
3806s definitely a little bit of a change up
3808s when it comes to what we normally see
3809s over on the Korean side of things and uh
3812s I put this on the notes when we were
3814s writing some stuff for the the
3817s podcast this is not reminiscent of what
3821s KR does at all this almost feels like
3822s what na would do where they just kind of
3824s play their own comfortable characters
3825s and for the most part it seems like
3827s they're doing exactly just that so we've
3829s done a complete one 180 when it comes to
3831s how individual regions decide to pick up
3833s their rosters but of course for these
3835s players it does really matter I mean
3836s they're good on quite literally
3838s everything which is why they're actually
3839s playing in the RM to begin with a couple
3841s of early kills starting through it's the
3843s exact same situation in story as game
3845s number one sitting on two kills right
3847s now by the time we hit about one day one
3849s minute left in day number one maybe
3851s we'll get more maybe we won't that's
3853s just depends on these players yeah I
3855s mean usually we see you know teams
3857s always you know pick to the meta and
3858s stuff but um I I guess there's just you
3861s know a lot of variety that you know
3862s these teams can opt into take them other
3865s on you know does a relatively good job
3867s in their
3868s balancing uh relatively speaking you
3870s know compared to like other games so
3873s it's just nice to see you know how all
3874s these teams you know having these
3875s different characters and uh looks like
3878s we do have Mir grouping up here in Ali
3880s they might be able to find some kills
3881s here don't know if they will be able to
3884s get any here but team Asher going to try
3885s getting um the Bice from Rox oo a nice
3889s exclusive though going to be able to
3890s pull him out there t going to look for
3893s something another exclusive and it looks
3894s like both teams are going to be able to
3895s get out wait a second there's a fight
3897s happening on our hands and the bottom
3899s side here will be
3901s uh uh subam from Asher going to be the
3904s one to fall and DDO is going to be the
3905s one to drop as well my God everyone's
3908s just dying inside a school from the
3909s looks of it these guys need to get
3911s themselves on out it's going to be a lot
3913s of kills so I suppose what I mentioned
3915s about maybe some of these teams getting
3916s additional kills in day number one it
3918s did indeed come to fruition at quite a
3920s rapid Pace three people falling
3922s immediately inside a school not going to
3924s be too big of an issue especially for
3925s some some rocks they lost two but Bob M
3929s keeping himself alive in and around the
3930s southside of school should be completely
3932s fine waiting for his teams to come back
3934s alive everybody else on the rest of the
3937s side of the map just casually farming
3938s right it's night number one pretty
3940s pretty important Transitions and well
3942s not transitions I should say but animal
3944s spawns coming in
3946s hungi where did you spawn my
3950s guy okay spawn Beach tried to get some
3953s uh maybe tried to look for some Farm but
3955s ended up you know dropping there so yeah
3959s nice pick up for team Asher on three
3961s kills already they're looking pretty
3962s good for themselves oh I like this
3963s Vision play from always in Chung here
3965s might be able to find you know one of
3967s these players walk on this side looks
3969s like they's going to walk on the other
3970s side so no they will actually get away
3972s here but s going to be able to actually
3974s look for the angle going to be able to
3975s kill that here romatic going to be chunk
3978s down to 1 HP here duim man actually
3981s going to turn back onto one Circle Dina
3984s try to look for some damage as well but
3986s they do end up getting The Thirst from s
3987s that's going to be enough to keep them
3988s alive I mean I don't think you really
3990s have to over fight this right you don't
3992s have to lose another person death timers
3994s are pretty short it's still a one for
3995s one when it comes to Raw kills
3997s regardless the hze not the haze sorry
3999s the F already taken down from the body
4001s double mes is going to be able to sweep
4002s that up pretty pretty cleanly coule of
4005s additional fights maybe starting down on
4006s the South Side as a meite will spawn
4009s down here team saber sitting inside of
4011s hotel from the looks of it by themselves
4013s DDO stuck in the middle of nowhere will
4014s actually get taunted by the
4016s no trying to pump down the damage over
4018s onto this William there are no baseballs
4020s left take it down Bob MSA completely
4022s isolated is going to start getting
4024s Whitted down little by little by P and
4027s with the loop around no way okay Bosa
4030s looking to get out he just used a
4031s catwalking strut so he can't jump the
4033s wall
4034s necessarily get second no Wards though
4039s so yeah he's going to fall yeah I don't
4041s think he really wants to invest any
4042s cameras specifically at this point in
4044s time right you want to look for the
4046s credits a lot yeah he didn't really have
4049s any of his inventory and there's no way
4050s he was going to buy one to you know live
4053s there 30 30 is a lot in the early game
4055s because you know it does delay your
4056s first buying so he's just going to take
4058s the fall here it's not not going to be
4060s too bad for them it is like an early
4061s game death so they'll come back up
4064s they're they're probably going to get
4064s their first Collins and they're they're
4066s going to look for the next objective
4067s yeah I don't think getting a minus 30
4069s isn't necessarly the worst thing
4071s possible but if you take a look at the
4072s credits right now they're actually
4073s aligned with the William and the ma
4075s that's exactly what you're looking for
4077s maybe looking for a double four score in
4079s the middle of day number two which is
4081s why you don't want to invest it and I
4082s really like the call here they're going
4084s to be perfectly fine I mean losing the M
4085s for a few seconds is really going to put
4087s any big wrenches on your plans at
4089s all yeah uh it looks like we do have you
4092s know a little bit of split farming from
4094s Tang madic a little far away from his
4096s team going to be able to grab some Farm
4098s but uh yeah here comes the next
4100s objectives in 45 seconds seems we're
4102s going to have to look for you know what
4103s they want to contest here and looks like
4105s Mir sang and team 2C maybe might just
4107s duke it out here in uh Playstation as
4110s Nana maybe going to try to look for an
4111s angle p goes wide sebie going to get his
4114s bar up here going to try to look for an
4116s angle on the back line here does end up
4117s getting Dash does have the reset but
4120s looks like Mar is going to just back
4121s away it does seem to be the case the
4124s sebie in a little bit of downtime on
4127s himself right no resets coming in just
4129s just yet doesn't want to fight team
4131s always in looking for a little bit team
4133s as looking for a little bit and look at
4135s that Beach going to be crowded we have
4137s another temp Zone that might have two
4139s three nope okay never mind I guess Team
4141s master is just going to step on out of
4143s there sitting on five kills themselves
4144s don't feel confident we'll just secure
4146s the myth roll instead not a bad decision
4148s considering what is going on nice pull
4151s coming in from denana it is going to
4152s pull T out of contest inside a cemetery
4156s Cherry taking pretty low luminol also
4157s taken pretty low down goes the Estelle
4160s now the members have always Inon in a
4162s little bit of trouble same saver they're
4164s going to slowly push up through the CH
4166s rori is going to try to pump out a
4167s little bit of damage s miss a couple of
4170s skills love is getting Chun and will
4172s actually get taken down Don mcab not
4174s really doing too much and now it's going
4176s to put a lot of pressure onto sardab and
4178s rori to see if they can round this fight
4180s out but of course Sarabi will fall there
4183s he goes rori will also take the fall in
4186s just a moment a throw picked up on the
4188s side of Team saber and on other side
4190s here we do have mirang actually going to
4192s try to do some damage U actually going
4193s to be the one to fall here and one
4195s Circle I think going to be able to get
4196s Airline here airine going to be able to
4198s jump on out of there on Circle maybe
4200s going to try look for an angle going to
4201s jump on in get the slow here here comes
4204s the slow
4205s Auto airline does get the jump again and
4208s I don't think one Circle will be able to
4209s chase here actually oh that's slow going
4212s wide here on going to jump in and yeah
4213s will be Airline going to be the one to
4215s fall ooh a nice pull from danana going
4217s to be able to lock that up here and Mir
4219s s a nice five kills again to start off
4222s this game so they're sitting in a nice
4224s comfortable position you have to watch
4225s wonder you know if uh teams have an
4227s answer for this but one Circle actually
4228s going to get caught out from mamala
4231s going to ooh a nice Flash from ddl just
4232s going to instantly uh delete one Circle
4236s here and O A nice side step from the
4238s members of Mir Jong not going to get hit
4240s by that explosive Bola and yeah RX going
4242s to be able to pick up a nice kill my
4244s goodness team Tung RX luckily they were
4246s able to pick one up they've only had one
4248s kill throughout this game so far whereas
4249s a lot of other teams quite quite active
4252s o be actually losing out on neory
4254s somewhere around the map too so
4256s uh bit of an interesting night number
4258s two that we are having for ourselves in
4259s game number two
4260s super yeah um I will be G three anytime
4264s soon now so that means any members that
4268s do end up falling will have to pay that
4269s 250 credit so we're going to have to you
4271s know be mindful of this and uh most
4273s teams here just going to are looking to
4276s you know contest their next objectives I
4277s think most of the teams here are split
4279s and they do have you know their own free
4282s objective to contest here but Mira sang
4284s going to maybe find see that is split
4286s here cine going to get double Blue Viper
4289s here going to take a lot of damage here
4291s one Circle going to try to look and it
4293s looks like cine will be the one to fall
4294s here nice track like anchors as well to
4296s Zone off both shom and Seb and looks
4298s like shom will fall as well so that is
4301s not what you want to see from Team true
4302s se you know our winners from last game
4304s as it will be a minus 500 from this team
4307s but you know consolation prize they do
4309s get the Tre MH this is the decision that
4311s I really like to see from a lot of these
4313s teams just you know if you know you're
4315s going to lose the fight just call it
4317s quits early right just shinomi was dead
4319s to rights anyways as soon as he decided
4321s to go back in I like the call there just
4322s at least let's pick up a kill while
4324s we're at it we are sitting on zero right
4326s now might as well get something in
4327s exchange for shin getting taken down
4330s takes advantage of the play that of
4331s course you can't really take full
4332s advantage of it if there is another team
4334s standing right on top of you when you to
4335s come back and they know exactly where
4337s you are but for team 2C they'll take the
4338s kill they'll take the tree of life and
4341s run away with it right on top of a
4342s console will call something else as well
4345s so you for the side of that team but I
4346s don't think they're going to be too
4347s worried since we saw in game one's
4350s performance that they can hold their own
4352s another fight inside of hospital from
4353s the looks of
4354s it the middle of nowhere danana eating
4357s damage will take the fall no baseballs
4359s for D to try getting any additional
4361s damage over on the romantic and one
4362s Circle just going to buy them a little
4364s bit of time to run away especially with
4366s that strut missing from Bob MSA one for
4368s zero in favor of
4370s Team yeah that is one of the downsides
4372s to Lano is you know it's you know L has
4375s a lot of pick potential and a lot of
4377s damage but not as tanky as these other
4379s tanks so just going to fall straight
4381s down to you know both the double ADC
4384s comp of uh RX here and it looks like
4387s that will delay you know one circle's
4389s blood here as I think that's what he was
4390s saving for did end up having 600 credits
4392s but oh a nice engage and oh my God it
4394s will be Airline getting instantly
4396s deleted as team oob is going to have to
4400s uh be forced to retreat here as uh they
4402s do end up losing their shoot guy I'll be
4404s quite honest with you I don't know if
4404s they're meanly prioritizing the the
4406s blood sample on one Circle if you take a
4408s look at their credits romantic actually
4410s had enough to Res
4412s himself so I can't tell if that was
4415s pre-planned or if that was just one of
4416s those things oh I have enough credits
4418s let's go call if he wanted to save he
4420s could have saved I'm not entirely sure
4422s what the call out was that one for just
4423s just yet but he's still getting close
4425s already 4 he had like I think he had 600
4428s so I think he was definitely looking to
4429s buy at least something big or maybe yeah
4432s maybe this didn't have an angle oh my
4433s God a double knock up from here ooh a
4436s nice ultimate going to be able to keep
4437s Cherry alive though and actually the
4440s members are going to be able to turn o a
4441s nice engage again from P just going to
4443s be able to shut down both the backliners
4446s and oh my God Pi just showing up for
4450s team ashy here just going to be able to
4451s get two nice engages on both backliners
4455s from Team always inchan and always
4457s inchan is going to be the one to follow
4458s there oh no it looks so good for a
4462s second for team always in and it looked
4464s like they were going to turn around but
4466s they keep stacking up and this is one of
4467s the problems with playing Seline and
4469s Haze towards the middle of the fight no
4470s rocket launchers means you're going to
4472s be playing pretty close range as that
4473s Haze right within the same attacking
4476s range as the Seline just stood on top of
4478s each other and of course pet is not
4480s going to let that go that easily
4481s fantastic fight coming from Team master
4484s sitting on eight kills is actually the
4485s kill leaders of this Lobby now just
4488s needs to keep their consistent
4490s performance going through for the rest
4492s of the game we saw how it ended for game
4494s number one that's not the way that they
4495s wanted to go again oh nice poke from uo
4500s here looks like both teams don't really
4502s want to take the fight here as they
4504s don't really want to you know take the
4505s damage from these Pok mes both Adena and
4507s Eva you know both really strong right
4510s now I think they both have most of their
4512s items online here and looks like yeah
4513s looks like saber just going to walk away
4515s here probably going to get their Bas
4517s they do have a lot of money maybe the
4519s Dina will buy you know a fource score
4520s coming up here but uh yeah it looks like
4523s the members are going to play a little
4525s slow
4526s it's okay that's okay it's night number
4528s three no need to push anything overboard
4530s if you don't really want it just yet
4532s might see a fight inside a cemeter rori
4534s starting to push up a little bit those
4536s fire Trails will allow sun rocks to
4538s figure out that there is another team
4540s hanging it's probably going to be tingle
4541s Dobby you don't really see any other
4542s players playing that adrion as of late B
4545s MSA potentially looking for an angle
4547s they know exactly what's going on B MSA
4549s let's see who he decides to go for it is
4550s going to be romatic the damage is
4552s actually pretty good but the stun comes
4554s through he still gets Tak
4556s on the outside he still gets the damage
4558s in the fast balls are there the fast
4560s balls R true strike one and a two they
4563s don't get the third one but he needs to
4565s leave yeah a great angle there from basa
4568s able to find the taunt over the wall
4570s going to be able to lock down romatic
4572s and then the follow from DDO just
4574s massively played from Rox here as they
4576s end up shutting down
4577s marang and yeah will be Mar sergeon
4579s going to minus 500 but I don't think
4581s they have enough credits right now to
4583s you know buy back their team so I don't
4585s I even know if they're going to be able
4586s to get all their members back up here
4587s has UF Masher going to look for an uh
4589s look look for an angle here pied coming
4592s from
4593s behind of and ooh moo going to be
4597s instantly killed here and neory going to
4600s be the one to fall as well so a nice
4601s clean three from Masher very well played
4604s yeah what a hero play coming from this
4606s character you don't see the Yan every
4607s day nowadays he's making it work so the
4610s is going to dodge out on the Alat and
4612s that means sat going to get taken down
4616s there we go another member taken down
4618s saber down to ween S one Circle was
4621s found out right on top of the hyperloop
4623s by hung num rocks again seven kills for
4625s this team douchan trying to get himself
4627s out will manage to get himself on out of
4629s here will be able to Res one player back
4632s but his timer isn't looking the
4634s prettiest there's a long way to walk
4635s this Al waddle himself away exactly they
4639s don't have enough credits just yet to
4640s bring back that Adena about 50 credits
4643s more before they able to do so so still
4646s has to walk up towards chapel and pray
4648s that there are animals in this area
4649s there's a lot of hyper Loops in Cemetery
4651s but no hyper Loops into Forest where W
4655s is going to be yeah w l sping in Forest
4657s here I think CH have free rain over I
4659s don't think anyone contesting so they're
4661s going to be looking really strong here
4663s as uh here comes the the engage jumo
4665s trying to look for an angle does end up
4667s dashing back in but HS back to dash on
4669s out of their glove going to maybe going
4670s to get a freeze here onto jumo does end
4673s up hitting it be able to follow up here
4674s jumo getting chunk down to half HP but
4677s they don't really want to look for an
4678s angle here glove did end up PO being the
4679s force field you're already going to try
4681s getting some nice uh moltov there but
4684s it's not going to be enough as uh yeah
4685s looks like T as is going to walk into
4687s red to fully reset the fight and that
4689s right there ladies and gentlemen is a
4691s result of a buff that came to Elena in
4693s this patch right 110 Stacks 120 douchi
4697s man stuck in the
4698s midd will get taken down saber their
4702s plans are going to be halted as down
4704s goes the Alonzo will never be able to
4706s bring back their entire team comp maybe
4708s the Fiora has enough to bring back at
4710s least the Adena but they're positioning
4712s around the map and looking at the mini
4713s map it's not going to help there's the
4715s old coming in from zabi saten is going
4718s to take the fall down is going to miss
4720s the third
4722s party
4725s holy it's ins be it oh my God the triple
4730s man to from Asher as uh yeah tangle
4733s trying to look for an angle but they
4736s just get punished oh that's the greed
4738s again that's the greed again this is a
4740s completely different context compared to
4742s game number one but that's the greed
4744s right there why do you push for kills
4746s you don't need to expend everything and
4748s then you get caught out by a third party
4749s there's so many teams left you shouldn't
4751s be doing that glove going to be chased
4754s down all the way towards the end of
4755s forest but there was a team waiting
4757s right at the end I don't think saber
4759s wants anything to deal with this one
4760s they're making the right play they will
4761s be able to actually pick up the kill I
4763s think oh my God four kills for
4766s themselves sat now isolated completely
4768s he's not going to be able to get away
4769s unless oh what the heck okay what oh
4773s yeah um also Mir I think they ended up
4776s falling a while I don't know when they
4778s did end up dying but yeah looks like
4779s they just weren't able to get the res
4781s off so they do yeah they do end up going
4784s down with but they have seven kills so
4786s not too bad but uh yeah team Asher
4788s looking to close this game out here as
4789s uh piad showing uh why he's such you
4793s know forc to be reing with on this yaan
4795s and uh I
4797s mean they uh there might as well you
4799s know getting that thre man taunt was uh
4802s was pretty big for them there yeah this
4804s is a situation where this Yan is having
4806s so much success because a lot of these
4808s teams are running double Mage backliners
4810s or even double range characters in the
4812s back that actually play right within the
4814s same range of one another right we've
4817s seen multiple knockups at the same time
4818s we've seen multiple Tom HW round thises
4821s going into the exact same spot as well
4823s Dana caught out in the corner there is
4825s absolutely no to go will take takeen
4828s down down goes another member of saber
4831s and now it comes to Satan to try to hero
4832s play this once again but yeah I mean I
4835s think this yen is such a great pick into
4837s this Lobby everybody just playing within
4839s the same range that this Yen one blink
4841s in and the knockup but the fight's
4843s over yeah and then you know the followup
4845s as well if my is my if ma is the one to
4847s engage first you know getting that taunt
4848s you know p is able to follow up pretty
4851s easily but uh looks like CH going to try
4853s looking for an angle here they do have
4854s the wick line buff sebb going to
4856s actually just proc his exuviation here
4859s going to be able to maybe get the reset
4861s Force Asher away as uh the Amron is end
4864s up popping as well as the Y did end up
4866s ping use his alt but yeah looks like
4868s they're just going to walk around and S
4870s going to be caught in the middle here
4872s team Asher wait a second he's doing so
4874s much damage he's going to actually pop
4876s the play dead is that going to be enough
4877s maybe ped can follow up here but oh my
4879s God the heal oh again ped dude out big
4886s yes once again just going to be able to
4888s shut down Shan om as uh s is just going
4892s to ruin CH seat oh dude this is so weird
4896s Satan just acting as an agent for
4897s multiple teams across the board and of
4899s course this time around it's not
4900s conclusive because zebi did end up
4902s running away but my God a 17 kill game
4906s for team Asher these guys right now are
4908s on fire pied sitting on this Yen has
4911s been such a devastating Force to quite a
4914s lot of these teams and they're going to
4915s have to adjust to it right it's not a
4917s character that's going to get banned
4918s probably throughout this entire series a
4920s lot of teams haven't really had to
4921s practice up against this character
4922s either nobody plays this character in
4924s the current meta it's insane what P's
4927s been able to do sebbi he needs to get
4929s himself on out of here but he doesn't
4930s have the resets force field is going to
4932s be forced out and unfortunately do
4936s here will not be able to get out ended
4939s up falling but uh yeah I mean team aser
4942s also if you saw on the bottom side they
4944s were end they end up buying a blood
4947s sample I think they got a meteorite fors
4950s I think two bloods actually oh my God is
4951s two bloods look if you see in the chat
4953s there it says jumo
4955s ands so they're going to look they're
4957s going to be looking really strong for
4958s this final Zone my God the blood Tas
4962s okay I'm I'm actually looking forward to
4964s this one this is actually quite
4965s interesting cuz I completely forgot to
4967s mention this earlier but it is indeed a
4969s Toma Yan right that's not something you
4971s see every day nowadays either SM heads
4974s up play from actually tank red timer and
4976s take the jump pad over on the swap here
4978s so they could actually get Zone control
4979s first I really like that and uh yeah
4982s looks like you know we will have these
4984s teams fuddling in to the final here they
4987s know that P is coming on a flank a nice
4990s camera
4991s drop it will be RX that do end up taking
4994s control but oh my God the damage and
4996s it's just going to be the subam
4999s instantly falling a great Flash from uh
5003s Bernice just going to be able to shut
5004s down
5005s uh Noe there and yeah looks like it will
5007s be team Rox going to be the one to come
5009s out on top very well played and very
5011s nice uh to recognize that you know they
5014s actually ended up splitting their forces
5015s there uh just seeing the Bernice and the
5018s Mike you know kind of uh separated from
5020s their Yan as a Yan was trying to look
5021s for a flank angle but you know uh the
5024s one I guess downside of that is you know
5027s if your teammates get forced on you know
5028s you're going to have to make uh quite
5030s the journey to get to your teammates
5032s yeah a lot of times when you're looking
5033s for flanks like that the other needs to
5035s push the other members in so that the
5037s distance between your team and the
5038s flanker actually in actually decreases
5042s but s rocks actually saw that there were
5043s two and said hey screw it let's go kill
5045s the sub and I quite frankly I don't even
5048s think they knew there was a third player
5050s on that team I think they were just
5052s thinking that it was a two stack so they
5054s decided to push in and that stops well I
5056s mean I mean at that point you have to
5058s assume there's three right I went down
5061s to two teams and in the final Zone swap
5062s so it has to be three people but
5065s yeah just DB recognizing that you know
5067s these two were isolated and you know Yan
5069s was trying to look for an angle just you
5071s know very very well played and then the
5073s the Bernice just able to Blink on over
5075s the the wall to just finish off the
5078s ubame so yeah well hey I don't know but
5082s there is a world in which I think it
5084s could have been a 2v3 if there were
5085s maybe not sitting inside a semi or or
5088s Chapel when the zones changed over I
5091s don't know yeah yeah this is again
5093s another one of those things where it's
5094s one of those bizarre kind of cases but
5096s you have to think of everything right
5097s because I think with game number one
5099s these teams are like yo we've seen
5100s everything we got to just prepare for
5101s anything this point in the series um
5104s yeah pretty good results for hung rocks
5107s they were able to pick up I think it was
5109s three additional kills so they got 11 in
5111s comparison to the 17 of Team Asher but
5114s this does not really shy away from the
5116s fact that team Asher had an incredible
5118s game a great performance a great showing
5121s of what they've been preparing the Yan
5123s is just such an xfactor in the series
5125s right now yeah I mean team Asher
5127s definitely outscoring uh the winning
5129s team here obviously having three extra
5132s points in them because they had I think
5133s six extra kills than the second place
5136s team so you know despite even them going
5138s out in second place they still got you
5139s know a nice I think 22 points for
5141s themselves so yeah the ywn just showing
5144s up you know and just able to get these
5147s nice engages on these backliners is just
5149s insane I hope that the blink and the
5152s blink knee leaping knee strike from um
5155s pet isn't the at the end there isn't the
5157s thing that remains in the mind of
5159s everybody that watched this game because
5161s throughout the entire game he had
5163s incredible initiations coming through
5164s and in the end he was a little bit
5166s forced to try blinking over the wall
5168s just didn't have the range to knock up I
5170s think it was DDO he was targeting if he
5172s actually got knockup I think there is a
5174s chance there is a world in which that
5175s fight does go in the favor of a team um
5179s of Team what is it uh of Team Asher but
5182s it wasn't meant to be just didn't have
5184s enough range to get the knockup the
5185s fight didn't really go in their favor
5187s with subam getting taken down pretty
5189s much the only counter measure that you
5190s can come up with but a great game again
5192s from both of those teams and across the
5194s board I actually don't think it was a
5196s bad game for most of these guys either
5198s be sedon getting taken down early was a
5200s little bit of an interesting change up
5202s to the PACE but it pretty much removes
5205s one of the biggest contester contesters
5207s for the first and second place spot in
5209s this game hands
5210s down yeah but um we did have you know
5213s those teams going out early you know not
5214s getting that many kills I wonder if they
5215s will end up you know swapping around
5217s here as obviously we did have the first
5219s two games everyone playing the exact
5220s same team comp I think there's only
5221s really one switch which was um basa you
5225s know swapping off the shoot guy to the m
5227s and it end up working out for them they
5228s end up getting a nice win for themsel
5230s with 19 points obviously Asher coming
5233s out on top with 22 points even though
5235s they did end up not winning the round so
5238s yeah we have to see you know these maybe
5240s some of these teams that are you know
5241s near the bottom will they end up using
5243s the fourth member or will they end up
5244s maybe switching up their team comp it's
5246s fine it's fine it's fine we'll see what
5248s ends up happening after the break comes
5249s through but here we go round results for
5251s game number two 22 points for team Asher
5255s 19 for sun rocks very very heavy
5258s weighted towards the top two teams that
5260s played in this game guys I'm excited to
5262s to see what the scoreboard is going to
5264s look like cuz look at how many points
5266s the rest of our teams had it is
5268s absolutely nothing tongam Rock standing
5270s in first place 28 is actually going to
5272s overtake team miden s who is going to be
5274s sitting in second place but look at how
5277s close the scoreboard itself is for the
5279s top four teams 28 to 21 for the team of
5282s fourth place right now and of course for
5284s the bottom four it's actually pretty
5285s close there as well 12 to 5 yeah it's
5288s really anyone's game here there's still
5290s two more games to go so you know I'm
5291s kind of excited to see how these teams
5293s you know maybe change up their team comp
5295s you know if they are near the bottom or
5297s you know uh the teams at the top maybe
5299s them playing a nice consistent last two
5301s games for themselves we will have to see
5303s you know after the break right indeed
5305s indeed indeed two more games to go for
5307s the members in group a two more chances
5310s to decide whether or not they move on or
5312s they get eliminated out of this stage oh
5316s boy I'm pretty excited about this one
5318s super very very excited let's see what
5320s we are able to do as it seems like my
5323s stream is kind of dying so give me one
5325s quick moment here guys we're going to go
5327s into a break in just a moment so I'll
5329s try to get all this sorted out during
5330s the break but for you guys in the chat
5332s make sure you guys just uh have some fun
5335s going to get some snacks going to get
5337s some water and take a stretch too cuz
5340s after those two first two
5378s com
5399s com
5453s fore
5472s fore
5483s fore fore for
5542s wow chick
5548s CH chicken
5603s fore fore
5648s foree for
5655s foreign spee
5683s speech
5693s fore fore
5735s all right ladies and gentlemen welcome
5736s back from the break we are alive again
5739s with the Eternal turr Master season 4
5742s phase number three we just came from the
5744s break that ended up from group a Games 1
5747s and two so we still have six games ahead
5749s of us for now we just going to focus on
5751s games three and four of group a
5755s yeah and we have Rox taking the lead
5757s with 28 points and I think Mir S Young
5759s right behind them with 24 25 so yeah we
5763s going to have to see you know how these
5764s teams shape up if they do want to go
5766s straight to the finals or you know even
5768s make it out uh to the wild cards here
5770s you know out of the group stages yeah
5771s but it's not going to be that easy as
5773s you just mentioned super there's a lot
5775s of teams still looking for that spot
5777s very even scores across the board for
5779s the top four teams that are playing
5781s right now and for the bottom four teams
5783s that are also playing in this lobby as
5784s well for the top four teams I believe it
5786s was 28 right now for the first place
5789s team that you just mentioned with s num
5790s rocks and then CH sitting in fourth
5792s place right now with 21 so this series
5795s is not done just yet there is a lot of
5797s ways that this series can completely
5799s change around a lot of ways that the
5800s scoreboard itself can change around as
5803s well super but we're going to send it
5804s straight into game number three let's
5805s see what the character selection is like
5807s and if any team decided to swap out any
5810s of their members yeah I'm excited to see
5813s I think most of the roster is the same
5817s but is that a shichi pick shui are we
5820s back us no way 20 seconds to go right no
5824s way are we back is luminol is Shi back
5828s in business or is he going to
5831s swap I mean it looks like it's locked in
5834s here I mean maybe we're going to have to
5836s see here we do have douchi man also it
5838s looks like he's going to be playing
5840s Kathy I don't think SE Kathy too many
5843s and it looks like it's locked in juvie
5846s no way we are going to be seeing shuichi
5848s and this super is actually quite
5851s interesting because lumino did actually
5852s play shuichi once I believe during phase
5855s number two but 1.25 hit shuichi really
5860s hard um I'm not sure if I'm going to be
5863s honest with you it is luminal so I'm not
5865s going to doubt it just yet because we
5867s don't know what's going to happen I
5868s always talk about the shuichi factor
5869s existing but he's taking false oath and
5872s that in out of itself is already very
5874s very big stretch when it comes to
5875s shuichi right now in my opinion the fact
5878s that it's also happening after the Nerf
5880s that came to the shuichi too I'm a
5882s little bit scared for always in ton I
5884s mean this isn't the last game at least
5886s in the series so I'm kind of glad that
5887s they're bringing it out now maybe it
5889s does something maybe it doesn't it's a
5890s good test to see if this is going to be
5892s a good option for them in game number
5894s four but wow I I guess
5898s cool I mean I think at 1.25 you did end
5901s up getting some compensation Buffs right
5904s recently so it's not too bad I mean
5905s we're going to have to see I mean
5907s obviously we know uh you know the most
5910s recent downfall of you know this
5911s character you know them changing the r
5913s giving it an
5915s extra I think like an extra point two
5919s second delay and then also you know them
5922s getting rid of the dagger Dagger from
5925s yeah from the passive I think is like
5927s the big one so yeah we have to see you
5929s know if if anyone can do it it's
5931s definitely going to be luminal yeah I'm
5932s wondering if he's already adjusted to it
5934s by now I mean to be fair we are still
5936s playing at 1.25 so those changes have
5938s been in the game for quite a while I
5940s just haven't checked the play history of
5943s luminol during this patch I'm not sure
5944s what he's been practicing I'm not sure
5946s what he's been playing during ranked but
5947s if it is the shigi then yeah we'll be
5949s fine but if it's not the shuichi will he
5952s be able to bring out the top level of
5954s game play since you we've had the phony
5957s deal dagger drop for quite a while now
5960s and if it isn't going to drop anymore
5962s especially when you use the ruthless it
5965s can kind of throw a little bit of a stop
5967s in the rotation of shuichi and of course
5970s when you play shuichi a lot of this
5971s character has to do with muscle memory
5974s that muscle memory might come to kind of
5975s bite luminal in the back because not
5978s dropping daggers having the extra2
5980s seconds of the ruthless animation that
5983s hurts a lot for the shuichi's kind of
5985s smoothness of
5986s gameplay yeah and I mean um I'm sure
5989s luminol has practiced it or he probably
5991s has played before but here comes yeah
5993s looks like they're actually going to be
5994s able to kill sebbi here actually no it
5996s looks like Jui is already going to be
5998s group Here Comes ultimate the brot list
5999s oh wait LOL going to be able to yeah he
6002s does end up knocking sebie here and uh
6005s going to get two kills so you know oh
6007s wait oh the dagger just doesn't go over
6010s the wall little unfortunate but actually
6011s going to jump back on cine here copine
6013s kind of overstay is welcome I think
6015s they're going to be able to catch this
6016s and yeah looks like a nice Dash and uh
6019s maybe it's the shichi factor that you've
6021s been talking about Shi he I'm still a
6024s little bit doubtful but every single
6025s time I was doubtful of lumo's
6027s performance I mean this guy shows up so
6029s a great way to start the game I
6031s wondering who actually ended up getting
6033s the kills right it's not going to be
6034s that big but if you do end up getting
6036s the kills confirm I believe you do get a
6038s little bit of extra Mastery if you get
6040s that on the shuichi right now it might
6042s not be bad but the one that I'm actually
6043s looking at at the moment is going to be
6045s nyok on the Kenneth right cuz one of the
6048s biggest things about this team always in
6050s the past was that when Tong used to be
6052s on this team that y and he played was
6054s one of the best ways to set up for
6056s luminal to dish out the damage and with
6058s a Kenneth you can do the exact same
6059s thing so I kind of want to see the
6063s Kenneth actually doing good on this team
6065s before the shigi if
6067s anything yeah and it looks like we might
6069s have a catch here from tangle douan
6072s actually going to walk away so it's not
6073s going to be too bad for them and yeah I
6076s mean yeah I'm excited because I think
6078s they do have like a dest team comp here
6081s with uh yeah like you said D kenet going
6083s to be able to you know get some nice uh
6085s CC if they are able to land ultimate you
6088s know maybe it does end up locking them
6089s down for luminal to use that ruthless
6091s and O A nice knock up from Airline here
6094s but sebbi playing this Eon going to get
6097s that Dash reset and yeah Eon such a
6099s slippery character just going to be able
6100s to get away he bought himself enough
6102s time I mean the resets were coming
6104s through of course he had to use his
6105s weapon skill to try to reset the
6106s exuviation timer and a couple extra
6109s seconds especially with the Shields
6110s coming through from his W good stff
6113s stuff coming from sebbi to get out of
6116s that one uo still split away from umu
6119s you mentioned this in I think it was
6121s Game number one but this is a Prett
6122s classic strategy they run they know how
6124s to deal with a lot of the extraneous
6127s situations oh my God now they're grouped
6130s up umu still looking to farm a little
6132s bit tingled DOI starting to hyperloop in
6134s into this area but there's a lot of
6135s teams there's even team saber inside a
6137s cemetery so this tree of life is going
6138s to be heavily contested over even
6140s starting now D mcab down on the ground
6142s Peacemaker is actually pretty good from
6144s neory but sardab completely split apart
6146s looking for a flank over on towards U
6148s this is a pretty tight quarter that
6149s these players are falling into but the
6151s freeze comes in De Marie will take the
6153s fall damage over onto glove not that bad
6155s the flank coming in down he goes duim
6157s man is going to be able to pick that up
6158s another fight on the north side of the
6159s map as inside a police station fire
6161s station two people will fall it's a one
6162s for one so far DD down romatic down God
6165s camera work here from uh Theon is insane
6169s here and one Circle going to try to do
6171s some damage on bamasa here basa going to
6173s try to look for an engage the body is
6175s going to explode here they do get the
6176s thirst and it looks like RX is going to
6177s come out so just going to trade a one
6179s for one actually two s on the top side
6181s as we
6183s do the heart does end up coming back up
6186s but another kill coming out you know
6188s from Team tangle here so they're sitting
6190s in a nice comp position with three kills
6191s already for themselves I think safe for
6193s team Asher every team was fighting
6195s within the 30 seconds that we just
6196s watched cuz I specifically remember I
6198s think it was 38 seconds when the first
6200s fight started inside of uh police
6202s station or something like that or no it
6204s was in Chapel when teams started hyper
6206s looping in but this time around uh one
6208s circle gets caught out he's stck in the
6209s middle of all the M wolves in the world
6211s pied taking up a lot of damage of course
6213s but the healing drone and everything
6215s else from his team is going to keep
6217s himself alive against those mutant
6219s wolves two for zero in favor of team
6221s asers so I guess in the long run they
6223s did join the party so every single team
6226s in this game was part of a fight in the
6229s past I should say a minute and a half
6231s which is quite interesting very very
6233s fastpaced game
6234s yeah um I think what happened was m s
6236s probably teleported over and then they
6238s probably teleported right onto team
6239s Asher so you know the Lenox oping not to
6241s teleport but uh yeah the mash are going
6243s to get a nice two kills for thems looks
6245s like most teams here just going to you
6247s know start slowing it down going to get
6248s their bu their first buyin before you
6250s know the next objective what you
6252s typically see from these teams here is
6254s yeah I mean we still have team oob still
6255s split up you know they're still trying
6257s to get as many credits as possible to
6259s try to snowball get these credits get
6261s maybe the blood online get the fource
6262s scores online for it you know they hyper
6264s cares the shenanigans that actually
6266s happened during night number one did put
6270s a very very heavy delay I think on what
6273s team oob wanted to do they've been part
6275s of so many fights and also we saw the
6276s shukai falling down again on the south
6279s side of the map too so this is a team
6281s that desperately wants to catch up split
6282s farming a little bit is going to help
6284s out with that but they are grouped up
6285s now as we can see in the mini map at the
6287s moment inside of school nearby that
6289s console got archery arrange police
6291s station as well as one Zone on the
6293s Southside I couldn't tell if it was um
6296s doc or if it was the warehouse for our
6299s other temp zone or Battle
6303s Zone oh we do have two seats maybe going
6305s to try looking for oh wait a second we
6307s have uh Airline just going to teleport
6309s right into the middle of both teams I
6311s think Airline is not going to be able to
6313s get out here duim man does not end up
6314s hitting the suture there but who gets
6317s the kill it will be uh looks like it
6319s went to Rox here and uh D trying to get
6323s um
6324s some more damage is is not going to be
6325s enough Here Comes exclusive and yeah
6327s looks like both teams are going to get
6328s out here but wait a second damage
6330s from moo is going to be a lot but yeah
6333s they teleported in and it looks like
6335s another team did end up joining the
6337s party as well as team tangle going to
6340s try to look o a nice Blink from rori is
6342s that going to be able enough to kill
6343s duchan one more malov cocktail might be
6346s enough a nice
6347s slow I think oh great there and yeah
6353s they get away okay I don't I don't know
6356s what happened here I don't know why U
6357s will be hyper looped in into an area
6359s where they know their shukai is dead
6361s like why would you even risk that right
6363s maybe you're trying to go to clean
6364s something up but the shoai didn't do
6366s anything you saw a potential third party
6368s but as a heart and the and a Nava what
6371s are you really going to do you can't
6372s push your way into some of these fights
6374s either way they're going to keep
6375s themselves alive but a very very good
6377s attempt a very good Escape I should say
6379s coming from Team saber but here we go
6381s another awkward situation n getting
6383s taken down no not just yet the healing
6385s drone is there rori putting a lot of
6387s pressure over toover will catch him out
6390s AA stuck in a really awkward position
6392s phas Vortex actually giving him a little
6394s bit of time he will trade the one for
6396s one Airline is going to have to book it
6398s but the problem is look at this is he
6399s going to get out oh my God God with what
6402s HP he does end up hitting the white lily
6406s and he will get out oh my God that was
6408s that was a little too close shy a little
6410s too too close for comfort it's a one for
6412s two trade in favor of team tingi sitting
6414s on six kills for themselves but for oob
6416s I mean they're just not being given a
6418s chance to bre but so for a lot of these
6420s other teams down goes radic s d rocks
6423s once again putting a wrench into the
6425s plans of Team Meen seong it's still
6427s night number two they will come back but
6429s my God their Pace has been slowed down
6431s yeah Grace explosive Bola actually
6433s catching out that haze just going to get
6435s locked down and once again you know I
6436s think it's Rema the one that gets caught
6438s out here and yeah he will end up falling
6441s first and you know it's just going to be
6442s lights out for mirang one Circle still
6445s alive though so they will end up coming
6447s back but you know it will definitely
6448s slow slow down their their Tempo here oh
6451s my God what a fast-paced game all these
6454s players and teams decided to come out of
6455s the break and say hey we want the fight
6457s my goodness and fight indeed they are
6460s what a great Series so far Satan now
6462s getting caught out by himself will have
6463s to run away from this try to pick up the
6465s meteorite but there is no Adena hanging
6468s around just going to have to book it
6469s away from that one whereas Oho is just
6472s going to be able to pick up the tree of
6474s life for themselves I think hand it over
6476s onto the hearts what are you going to
6478s build from it the Alexander there we go
6480s alander yeah so just more damage onto
6482s their carries here as uh we do have team
6484s saber going to maybe try looking for an
6486s angle here I do like that they're
6488s playing around Vision playing around
6489s these uh I think that truck there maybe
6492s going to try look for an angle but yeah
6493s looks like they are going to try maybe
6496s we do have two seat going to check
6497s actually sebbi nice check from the Aon
6500s and they're just going to grab the halls
6502s for themselves
6504s gosh team ju is putting out so much
6506s pressure right I think this team was
6508s also maybe looking for a possible fight
6511s trying to secure the Tree of Life at the
6512s start of day number three but team 2C
6515s actually just straight up pushed them
6516s away I think team saber didn't even want
6517s to bother with it and it actually gave
6519s team two seed a free transition up on
6521s the North side another Tree of Life
6523s picked up for umu so not going to be bad
6525s of a situation but I think aside from
6528s maybe a glacial shoes Anda can't really
6530s use this but here we go nice check
6532s coming in with the Recon drone box is
6534s going to get picked up so rocks do you
6536s want to push into
6539s Ana yeah I think they do want to look
6541s for something here Dio does have his
6543s Fireball stacked
6545s um Yi going to get a nice Q onto the Eva
6550s but yeah looks like they don't really
6551s want to really push into the team but
6554s wait a second always in going to try
6555s looking for an angle here as they are a
6556s little caught out here but a nice
6558s Peacemaker is umu going to get a lot of
6560s damage here does end up getting a decent
6561s amount all members have always CH chunk
6563s down half HP luminal does end up proing
6565s his FAL so but not going to be able to
6566s find any angle here as uh yeah they're
6569s just chunked and it looks like n going
6570s to try looking for an angle just does
6572s end up blinking on forward there and it
6574s will be luminal actually the one to fall
6576s so despite them having a nice angle in a
6578s nice Peacemaker to kind of uh reset the
6581s fight there and uh Oho B just going to
6584s be able to yeah just return the all the
6588s damage back I think always in hesitated
6590s a little bit at the beginning of the
6591s fight I mean the canot sent it but the
6592s rest of the team just was not there to
6594s follow up The Peacemaker was also not
6596s interrupted by a lot of these members
6598s usually it's always inton that has a
6599s really good way of stopping that but
6601s this time around it wasn't going to be
6602s the case ju see now looking for a fight
6604s up against team tingled dabby on the
6606s south side there is the Overflow coming
6607s in from sebie everybody on the side of
6609s team tanglei is somewhat disengaged but
6612s sardab taking down a half from the
6613s damage of shinan he's going to have to
6615s back away from this one but look at the
6616s damage though onto the subam she will
6618s fall 25 seconds left over onto the
6620s Adriana he should be able to get himself
6622s out fine one for zero in favor of Team
6624s two
6625s seat yeah nice uh the Eon just you know
6628s able to split the team so so nicely
6630s there so very very well played from Team
6632s CH seat just isolating that subam and it
6635s will be shinomi going to be the one to
6636s fall or going to be the one to drop him
6638s and it looks like ddl just going to
6639s actually solo uh umu there a nice
6641s exclusive to keep DDO alive here and it
6644s will be Airline going to be the one to
6645s fall as well alsoo just going to be able
6648s just going to try looking for a taunt
6649s does end up hitting it here and DDO
6652s going to try uh dashing on out of there
6654s and yeah looks like oob will actually
6656s end up full wiping here to team Rox yep
6660s got chased down by hungi but another
6661s fight oh my God they didn't have vision
6664s control of Beach and now Bosa in a whole
6667s heap of trouble I think the the outside
6669s is also in trouble too Bosa oh my God
6672s the catwalking the Str is there hungi
6674s trying to walk it on out but it's AES
6677s there is nowhere for him to go inside a
6679s beach he's going to hide right behind
6681s the Bears
6683s what the heck am I watching wait get out
6687s nah there has oh
6690s my but basa actually going to be able to
6693s live on the on out of there nice catwalk
6695s there get on out of there a nice W hop
6697s from basa and yeah it looks like he will
6700s end up tping hopefully he gets a good TP
6702s it looks like he does end up choosing
6704s Alli I think that is probably smart here
6706s as he is going to be able to get the res
6708s in red but I'm pretty sure Mir seang did
6711s end up hearing the ping so maybe they
6713s might end up choosing to take this fight
6715s here yeah Bala this time around learning
6717s his lesson right actually grabbing
6718s Vision first before anything else he
6720s might have just wanted to run straight
6721s towards the console but grab CCTV first
6724s because all the pings happening right
6726s now north side of Aly that one CCTV is
6729s just such a good spot to hold things
6732s online they need to start building up
6734s fast balls they need to leave an animal
6736s for DDO look at them doing exactly just
6738s that maybe considering taking it down a
6741s lot of traps going down on the ground M
6743s HED looking for a fight back in white
6745s lily not really going to do anything but
6747s the taunt is there coming into romatic a
6749s lot of damage being exchanged now denana
6751s completely isolated by himself from
6752s attic he's going to have to get himself
6753s on out same thing for donana he has to
6755s invest the blink look at this DDO
6757s signature Fireball gone yungi explosive
6760s B gone I don't know about Bob mosa oh my
6762s God exclusive is gone this could be the
6764s fight that one circle is looking for he
6767s is hunting he is
6769s hunting I'm surprised uh basa pulled him
6771s back I think y was running by
6774s from danana that's going to be D going
6775s to be the one to fall here it will be
6779s going to be the one to fall as well a
6781s beautiful pull from danana going to be
6782s able to lock up Rox asir seang is the
6786s one to come out on top with a nice clean
6787s three off what a tragedy what an
6790s absolute tragedy that is Devastation
6792s that is not the way that you want to go
6794s always in ch lumo taken down to about 10
6796s his and he get
6798s Frozen he got frozen the Kenneth is
6801s still alive maybe he want to fight this
6803s out he needs to go back in he's not
6805s going to be allowed to get the res off
6807s but there's another team saber looking
6808s for it double taunt over on toward WS
6810s the zame and the ELA glove is just going
6813s to be able to skate on out of there but
6815s again loses another member tanglei down
6817s one that's minus
6819s 250 always in going to lose 500 credits
6823s here they are going to be able to get
6824s the res off here luimon going to try to
6826s look maybe as they do know the team is
6828s resin always in not really looking in a
6830s good spot as you could see the KET items
6833s only has that myth crop Jes so yeah they
6836s are not looking too good for themselves
6838s here as maybe they might look for an
6839s angle as they do end up playing this
6840s push no looks like they just going to
6842s walk away here as wline also spotting on
6845s the top side of the map I don't think
6846s that's in any available zone so I don't
6849s think any team is going to be able to
6850s really contest for it just yet and now
6852s I'm wondering if the shawii pick is even
6855s going to have damage to knock anybody
6857s down trip coming in there's the moon
6860s Dorito that is wait a second hold on the
6862s fight's actually kind of turning luminol
6864s is looking for an angle he actually gets
6865s a kill over onto Dena down he goes onto
6868s the ground D unfortunately he's taken
6870s down to waiting for the dagger to reset
6872s he doesn't get it there's the terminal
6874s over on to team always in Chun terminate
6878s is done and dusted there's another team
6881s falling down unfortunately the only one
6882s from Team saber that fell was Dena so
6884s that's a minus 250 the shichi just he
6888s got the kill but now he was stuck in the
6890s baren yeah it just a really unfortunate
6892s third party think for team always in
6893s Chan as they had the angle back in but
6895s this wasn't enough here as we do have
6897s team two SE here duim getting a nice
6898s suture actually going to hit too but
6900s they do end up losing Dina so another
6903s minus 250 I don't even think they're
6904s going to be able to get the res off here
6906s so yeah saber not looking too good for
6908s themselves in this game uh they're just
6911s going to have to R it out as a as a Duo
6913s you're right I mean everything is just
6914s happening so fast that it's quite
6917s honestly surprising to me that it's
6918s already day number five we don't even
6919s know which team got wi climb for the
6921s most part hash she even been taken I
6923s don't think it was Mir I think they did
6926s over into the temple like if you did see
6928s for like a second but yeah they were
6930s taking Mir uh D got wiland for free cuz
6932s yeah it spawned on the top side of the
6934s map and then it packed it into Temple it
6935s looks like so yeah so busy trying to
6939s fight yeah they are looking really
6941s strong though mung oh my God was that
6943s one circle on two bloods it is Jesus the
6946s Hellfire and the blood Ripper my God
6949s that Haze is so strong right
6951s now yeah oh sorry that was
6954s the yeah that was
6959s rtic he will get out okay so this my
6962s keeping himself at least alive and
6964s cooking where he actually went he's
6966s probably somewhere on the South Side I'm
6967s assuming do Factory yeah Factory or doc
6970s either somewhere down there but uh yeah
6972s we do have a lot of teams I think
6974s covering the top side here
6976s marong I think they do know there is a
6979s rat team up here I think they they heard
6982s ping which is why they're checking the
6983s bushes but it looks like they're just
6984s going to TP on out again team Asher
6987s probably went down to factory as well so
6990s yeah a lot of teams you know hovering
6991s the top side Mir probably going to be
6993s able to get the
6994s stream zone for free as I don't think
6997s any team really wants to fight that team
6999s you know one of the stronger teams
7001s definitely and they got you know a quick
7003s line as well so they're sitting on a lot
7004s of items actually we do have team tangle
7007s you know sitting in the area maybe they
7009s do want to end up contesting this oh I
7012s don't know I mean rori even if you're an
7014s Adriana and these are thin
7016s corridors I don't know about this holy
7018s crap those rocket launchers hurt so much
7021s oh the pole comes in I don't know
7024s tanglei is being forced into a situation
7025s they really don't want to be in right
7027s now a lot of oh my God the shotgun to
7031s the nice herab he tried to brute force
7033s the issue and I like the idea but the
7035s forced issue was just not there to
7038s supplement the amount of power they
7039s actually had that's brutal there's
7041s another pull back in to put even more
7043s salt on the wound fortunate two for zero
7045s in favor of Team Meen HED Satan 10
7047s seconds left on his timer he's going to
7049s have to crawl his way up towards Pond
7051s and stream oh teams are just falling
7054s apart super I mean the angle looked good
7056s but yeah the SMG burst oh a nice pull
7058s actually going to be able to get sebie
7061s here but the resets do end up coming
7063s through and uh yeah looks like CHC
7065s they're just going to walk away as the
7066s two members of Team saber I think is
7068s going to be lights out for them douchi
7070s man going to try looking for an angle
7071s does end up hitting a nice suture
7073s but you know there's not really much
7074s that comes out of it as uh son going to
7076s try to run away here oh actually does
7079s end up using the ultimate for the pull
7081s nice actually um nice Recon drone to
7084s check the corner here I see Ash going to
7086s try looking for an angle ooh pied not
7088s going to be able to find anything with
7089s his uh blink engage as uh both members
7092s are going to try walking away I think
7094s they do need to get the full reset maybe
7096s wait for the cool to come back up try
7097s look for another angle as uh yep he had
7100s uh kind of kind of kind of away there
7103s you see it they need to play carefully
7105s team Asher is losing a lot of timer for
7107s this though right I don't think they're
7108s going to be able to make it to final
7110s Zone at the tempor temporary Zone at
7112s this rate they're going to have to Duke
7113s it out now no getting taken dangerously
7114s low that's subam is effectively out of
7116s the fight for now P getting pushed back
7118s again sened is just denying so many
7121s initiation attempts they get Chino but
7123s he has to play dead the fight is over
7125s jumo is going to have to completely book
7127s it sene man this guy's Lenny is so
7129s Bonkers he correctly targets every
7132s single person
7133s that possibly has a chance of ending the
7134s fight and he just spring traps them away
7136s this guy is so good on Lenny yeah just
7140s having the awareness to you know spring
7141s trap them back in uh you know on their
7143s engage and then spring trapping them
7145s back out like it's just insane from this
7148s guy oh gosh but for team 2C that can't
7151s be the end right I mean there's still so
7153s much to go through Ma and song Sitting
7156s on Nine Kills for themselves actually
7158s has control over the final Zone and it
7160s is a Carla versus some like Ana he is
7163s just going to get pulled back in a
7165s little bit he's pretty tanky enough to
7166s actually not deal with that so much that
7169s is a tree of life in that box right now
7171s by the way not that big of a transition
7173s but for this team though oo a nice call
7177s anding yeah looks like it came back on
7179s cool down but they will end up just
7181s securing shom I think that will be it
7183s for team CH SE here they're going to get
7186s able they're going to be able to get
7187s thirst from Shan and wait a second sebbi
7190s going to do a lot of damage maybe going
7192s to try killing romatic it's just not
7193s going to be enough and it will be mirun
7195s coming out on top in game number three
7197s with 12 kills oh my God great PS coming
7200s in from denana he's actually starting so
7202s many fights holding so many fights I
7204s mean this is pretty much the dream front
7206s line that you want to have in any of
7208s your games GG's to me S will be able to
7211s secure it finally in game number
7214s three yeah um a nice strong showing from
7218s team marang we know you know how
7219s consistent they are finally able to get
7221s a nice game from thems and this will
7222s probably cement them into first place
7225s inde it does seem like the memes were
7227s true super his shoulders are broad no
7229s one can get through his mighty width of
7232s the shoulders from the looks of it but
7234s yeah I mean again I think danana playing
7237s this lenx I don't know why he's only
7239s picking it up now when it comes to
7240s competitive because this is pretty much
7243s the bread and butter of Tanks right this
7245s is pretty much what you wanted tank to
7247s do where they have initiation
7249s possibilities be that very insane front
7252s line that doesn't really allow people to
7253s walk through because I don't think shom
7255s ever got a chance to Auto attack the
7258s backline for free he always got punished
7260s why some sort of crowd control from
7262s danana once he got pulled in that's what
7264s you want the front line to do initiation
7266s attempts danana landed some insane snake
7268s bites this fight this entire game he
7271s landed some really good hooks that
7273s either reinitiated a fight or started a
7275s fight on some pretty priority targets
7278s really good stuff I want to see more
7280s Lennox out of this guy yeah yeah I mean
7283s there is one obviously the big downside
7284s to Lenox is you know LX is a lot more
7286s squishy than these other tanks right cuz
7288s uh the other tanks have like you know an
7290s ability that gives them like defense or
7292s Dr but I think to off kind of offset
7295s that if you do you know um give your
7298s Lenox items you know if they if you are
7300s able to sball the game which you know we
7301s see time and time again you know Mir Ser
7304s the most consistent team on getting you
7305s know their items online uh the the pick
7308s can be uh can be really strong right um
7311s obviously uh teams obviously make sure
7314s they the or they don't make sure but the
7317s the tank is always the last pryo so you
7320s know Lenox not having any items right
7323s isn't uh you know as strong of a tank I
7325s think as these other picks but you know
7326s once she does get those items online she
7328s she becomes uh quite dominous yeah the
7330s thing is though I think with the way
7332s that donana plays his augment selection
7334s is actually right in a lot of the cases
7336s that we've seen recently of Lennox
7338s popping out they've been running heavy
7339s knee pads because it gives them the
7341s initial Shield and also gives them the
7343s cleans at the very beginning of the
7345s fight when The Shield's broken but I
7347s don't know if you noticed super but
7348s they've been running iron clad exactly
7351s so actually using that whip skill at the
7353s beginning of the fight kind of
7354s supplements for the missing damage
7356s reduction stat that the Lennox doesn't
7358s have in comparison to everybody else and
7360s I think a lot of people know that as of
7362s recently Lennox has really good uptime
7364s on her passive shield for some reason
7366s that the fight goes on really really
7368s long that's been keeping donana alive in
7371s a lot of these fights as well but the
7372s problem is for danana he doesn't really
7374s need to deal with those Shields CU a lot
7376s of times when he lands these also vital
7378s snake bites the fights are yeah yeah
7381s exactly they get one shot and then the
7382s fight turns into into like a 2v3 so yeah
7386s I mean uh this pick is definitely going
7387s to work out for them I'm glad to see it
7389s you know and uh hopefully they do end up
7392s uh you know playing it more in the
7394s future exactly but ladies and Gentlemen
7396s let's take a look at the round results
7397s for game number three 20 points for me
7400s sedong off of this game alone 12 total
7402s field kills in first place absolutely
7404s amazing performance coming out from them
7406s total points for two seed and right
7408s below them Asher right below them
7410s Tangled Dobby right below them saber man
7413s it's just like a
7414s domino yeah uh looks like it goes down
7417s from 12 all the way down to 9 in uh you
7419s know one point difference 12 11 109 and
7422s then we do have Rox always in ch and oob
7425s fortunately you know not able to find
7426s the funing in this game once again
7428s hopefully you know for the last game we
7430s do see them you know maybe try to shine
7433s here as uh yeah looks like we do have
7435s the Amir sang you know in first place
7437s with 45 points they have a pretty strong
7438s lead for themselves so you know almost
7441s already secured themselves in first
7443s place or in the top two slots but who
7445s knows you know Rox Asher CH SE they're
7448s all they're all relatively uh the same
7450s amount of points so if M song does end
7451s up you know maybe going eight here Rox
7454s Ash or 2C you know if they have a nice
7456s last fourth game you know could kick out
7458s M Ser in the top two spots but
7462s uh yeah I mean the bottom two teams they
7464s definitely need to find an answer and
7466s they need to find it now one of the
7467s teams that are in the bottom two right
7469s now is UOB these Tim this is this is
7471s going to sound really bad but it's
7473s actually a little bit of a compliment
7475s this team is a cockroach man they never
7476s die when it comes to group stages they
7479s always make it through they're always in
7481s the bottom too at the beginning of the
7482s series but somehow they make it out it's
7485s actually insane with this team is able
7486s to do so I'm not going to count out UOB
7489s just yet I'm not even gonna count out
7491s team o in Chan because I think lumino
7493s performances on other Mages has actually
7495s been really good as of late aside from
7497s the shuichi and I again I like the fact
7499s that he tested it out in game number
7501s three to gauge whether or not it was
7502s even going to work to begin
7504s with I'd say run something else yeah I
7508s feel if he will pick it again cuz you
7510s know it's kind of unfortunate what
7511s happened when they got third partied it
7512s was looking pretty good for them but um
7515s actually I don't know cuz I think
7516s relatively speaking you know the fights
7518s that they've been taken haven't hasn't
7520s been too favorable yeah they did end up
7522s losing a lot cuz at the very end of the
7524s game we did see you know them I think it
7527s was the kenet only having the myth crop
7529s so that means they probably spent a lot
7530s of money on on Reviving so mhm the
7533s fights that they did end up winning were
7535s ones they already had an advantage at
7537s the beginning of the fight whether it
7539s was just the Kenneth initiating or
7541s something like that any fight where they
7542s were on the back foot at the start like
7544s The Peacemaker from heart that that
7546s fight's over they don't have
7548s one yeah we'll have to see um you know
7551s uh any any any swaps any picks but I'm
7554s surprised you know like usually we have
7556s some character bands no character bands
7558s in in uh the group stage here for group
7561s a but maybe it might be different for
7563s for Group B yeah we do actually have a
7565s my ban though for game number four we
7567s actually had four oh we do yeah the last
7569s wow okay it's going to be a pretty big
7571s one coming in pretty important ban I
7573s should say so even more of a reason
7575s where I don't think always in Chun can
7577s play the Shi com because the my has been
7581s pretty crucial in keeping him alive at
7582s least half a second longer I don't know
7585s uh yeah so the my band coming through
7588s again as I mentioned earlier we saw
7590s seven unique tanks in some of these
7591s games they they they're going to have
7592s answers right to the fact that my is Ban
7595s they're going to have other tanks that
7596s all of these players can play it's not
7598s that big of a deal when it comes down to
7600s it my has still been pretty crucial
7603s thanks to the utility he brings to the
7604s table but as we saw with the lenux for
7606s example on danana that utility of
7608s keeping your teammates alive is not the
7610s only thing that people are looking in
7612s forign tanks it's the initiation it's
7613s the wall that's what you're looking for
7615s in front line yeah I mean wow even after
7619s the the Nerfs huh like we still have you
7621s know teams picking up uh or teams
7625s playing this uh character so much that
7627s she's going to get banned but you know
7629s it's just how it is you know Ma has
7631s always been a dominant pick I think in
7632s The Meta just because you know of how
7634s her kit works right with the exclusive
7636s get out of engage yeah the engage with
7639s her taunts and then you know still being
7641s you know like a relatively tanky and
7643s safe Taun or tank as well so yeah I mean
7646s we'll have to see right with this my ban
7649s you know what these teams kind of swap
7651s too I think probably basas probably
7652s might go back to the Sho guy we might
7654s have these other tanks you know go back
7655s to what they originally playing
7657s before but uh yeah I mean I'm excited
7659s for this last game exactly I am as well
7661s s rock is still in danger of getting
7664s eliminated 18 to 12 is not that big of a
7667s difference between Sixth and Seventh
7669s Place bottom two teams are still up in
7671s the air top two teams are still up in
7673s the air yeah game four is going to be
7675s good so as soon as we get into game of
7678s course we'll see what these teams are
7680s going to pick I don't want to see them
7682s divert away from what we've seen so far
7685s tonight because it seems for the most
7686s part that every team is comfortable
7688s running their own respective team
7689s compositions especially team Asher I
7691s mean the Yan maybe caught getting caught
7693s out here and there is not the greatest
7695s thing in the world but if their team
7696s composition works we know it's
7699s successful yeah um well see we'll have
7702s to see um I think we're going to jump
7704s into it very shortly here but uh wow
7708s what a great three games so far H shui
7710s yeah it's a great way to actually start
7711s phase number three too game number one
7714s ended of itself yeah that was so weird
7716s that
7718s was like what I don't know man like game
7721s number one I think uh definitely opened
7723s my eyes uh to you know these teams you
7727s know they're not Unstoppable right like
7728s they still make mistakes as well right
7730s we're all human uh and I think game game
7733s one definitely definitely showed that
7735s exactly at least for the most part it
7737s seems that M song has been able to
7739s bounce back which is good their mental
7741s state looked fine from decision- making
7743s that Deno was able to pull off in that
7745s game but it's not always guaranteed to
7748s allow that to happen for everybody on
7750s the team which is amazing to see that
7752s they've been able to bounce back and
7753s have such a successful performance as
7755s they did in game number three here we go
7758s everybody game number four the last one
7760s for the teams in blocking
7763s indeed shichi does seem to be back after
7765s this one we'll have two teams drop out
7768s for the remainder of phase number three
7769s again the last chance for these teams to
7771s get any qualifying points into the
7774s season finals so that they don't have to
7776s play lcq whether or not they play in day
7778s one or two they just want to go there
7780s these circuit points are going to matter
7782s and for two of these teams they will not
7784s have that opportunity but for the rest
7785s of the six they will move on two into
7788s the finals four into the wild cards
7789s tomorrow let's see which team is a ble
7792s to do what Bosa on the poo my
7796s guy oh my God you are correct I'm
7799s excited to see you know this PO pick I
7801s haven't seen it in a while so you know
7803s it being uh picked here on the big stage
7805s once again I'm really excited to see you
7807s know how we how utilize this pick we do
7809s have jumo on the Nikki as well so we do
7812s have some uh unique picks here but I
7814s think relatively speaking the rest of
7815s the lobby is the same indeed indeed
7819s indeed the M being gone of course means
7821s that we're going to see slightly
7822s different tanks but I think everyone's
7824s just kind of playing what we've seen
7826s from these players in the past jumo on
7828s the Nikki is slightly new and he's
7830s running amp
7831s drone oh yeah I think they I think they
7833s are trying to play for this one shot
7836s combo with the Nikki and the Yan like
7839s maybe the Nikki Y into the yaan you know
7841s going in damage in 1.25 I think yeah I
7844s mean Nikki still you know a nice pick I
7846s think for you know a lot of these teams
7848s I think we saw a lot in phase one and
7851s you know they she didn't really get
7852s changed much I think she only has gotten
7854s Buffs from then so mhm okay I'm hey I'm
7858s all for this we saw how pivotal pied was
7861s in some of these fights even if this
7862s team is able to isolate one target I
7864s think their continuous damage is really
7866s good with the Yan rotating through his
7867s damage rotation he he's on he's on TFA
7870s he's looking for skills to rotate he's
7872s not waiting for his Auto attacks and you
7874s know when it comes to TFA y each of his
7877s skills has so much vital Essence inside
7880s the fight every single one of the skill
7882s he lands will do a ton of damage as long
7883s as he's playing Toma he has the quick
7885s spin there and even if he doesn't do
7887s enough consistent damage you got the
7889s subam everything's fine for this team as
7890s long as they're able to isolate and at
7892s least execute one person at the start of
7894s the fight with the Nikki wait did we see
7896s what the what the Yan on I think they're
7898s on Stellar charge right yeah he is on
7901s Stellar charge he's looking for resets
7904s yeah I see because um obviously I think
7906s he was the one running am drone before
7908s but now they have the Nikki the Nikki is
7909s going to be you know obviously don't
7910s want to run two am drones because you
7912s know they don't really stack so they all
7915s play in the same range too the Nikki and
7916s the Y yeah exactly so if the once the
7919s are once the Nikki finds an angle yon
7920s will go in as well and then he will get
7922s that
7923s um that am drone uh strength I guess and
7927s then you know having the Stellar charge
7928s as well maybe you know he's going to be
7930s able to do a lot more for his team but
7931s looks like Duan here going to be the one
7933s that gets caught out here as it looks
7935s like tangle going to be able to get a
7937s nice early kill for them luminol going
7939s to try looking for a 2v2 here which
7941s should no it looks like uh senine is
7943s going to drop in but oh no it looks like
7948s the charm from the ultimate from Shin is
7952s going to be enough but it is early game
7955s so luminol already got the r off so
7957s they're okay yeah but cine is so good
7959s man he denied the The Shield Runway from
7962s T it's going to actually force him out a
7964s little bit longer deny his build from
7966s completing for a few extra seconds which
7968s is quite important for team o int losing
7970s out on a fight like this at the start I
7972s mean we saw it in game number three they
7974s won it this time but for team 2C they
7977s were actually grouped up this time
7978s instead of isolating which is really
7980s good LOM hole oh my God the what the
7983s heck he actually managed to pick up the
7984s kill Bosa he's trying to get a kill no
7988s way ah signature Fireball all right down
7990s he goes it looked cool for a second but
7992s we almost saw the Glory Days of shuichi
7997s not really that was that was just a
7998s luminal d good stuff coming out from
8000s luminal it's a one for one
8002s yeah he does end up getting a kill for
8003s himself so not too bad actually uh I was
8006s a little worried cuz he did end up
8007s getting uh hit by the the Trap you know
8011s the BR putting the Trap right on one of
8012s his daggers but uh yeah we do have a
8014s fight on the other side here as uh saber
8016s going to try looking for an angle here
8017s duchan maybe going to try getting rori
8020s looks like he's not going to be in range
8021s so they're just going to walk away here
8023s as uh yeah looks like uh tangle are
8026s completely split up as
8028s uh yeah looks like subam is going to
8030s grab the nice spare for thems and going
8032s to P the away it's fine it's fine it's
8035s fine I mean this is pretty much in
8037s expectations of what we normally expect
8039s to see from these teams if anything it's
8041s a little bit more spread out than what I
8044s would have assumed not that many team
8045s fights but still a lot of isolated
8048s pickoffs I think that's going to change
8050s in a few moments here though we know
8051s that these teams are looking for kills
8053s especially the ones towards the bottom
8055s of the leaderboard they really wanted
8057s jumo missing the garden reverse P
8059s looking for an angle it's actually going
8061s to force out the ultimate from the
8064s Estelle she was actually getting
8065s targeted herself you can see the health
8066s bar so maybe it wasn't so much as a
8068s force on the Kenneth but the Estelle
8070s herself pick up food it's a really quiet
8073s night number one for game four yeah I
8076s mean all teams I think they know you
8078s know they don't really want to be too
8079s aggressive here as you know is their
8082s tournament life on the line you know got
8084s to play a nice consistent game but you
8086s know I'm a little surprised cuz you know
8087s some of the teams are in contention to
8089s dropping here o a nice sniper shot here
8092s fromi the B does go wide here as bamasa
8095s does end up join in DDO following up as
8097s well I think looks like will be going
8099s down but they won trade yeah one for one
8101s onto Yi on the backside
8103s here DDO does end up I think I think he
8106s still has his alt but uh yeah looks like
8108s they're just going to disengage as a
8110s nice one for one trade for both teams
8111s from Team Asher and from Team Rox team
8114s Asher is quite literally the Bernice's
8116s worst nightmare he has no Mobility but
8118s there is so much mobility and catch up
8120s potential that I I think if he ever gets
8122s in range to even shoot a single buck
8124s shot he's just going to not be able to
8126s play the game he gets one Auto of and
8127s that's all he's going to be able to do
8129s if the members of Team Asher decides to
8131s focus Target him down this does allow
8133s team me SED to actually get the tree of
8136s life for free as look at that some of
8137s them rocks actually opting to look for
8139s fights against team Asher this is
8141s another sandstorm if I recall which
8144s means we are going to have the sandst
8145s streams right the bonus move needs be
8147s coming through clutch for some of these
8148s teams and maybe it will later down the
8150s road too
8152s yeah and um looks like it will be Rel
8155s relatively slow game as teams are just
8157s going to start getting their Callins
8158s here we do have uh sebbi here kind of
8161s split from this team I think it looks
8163s like they're opting to split F oh I like
8165s this Vision play from Team Ash here well
8167s RX check I'm sure they will maybe not
8169s actually as here comes jumo here
8172s ultimate does end up coming through and
8173s the follow up from P just going to
8174s instantly kill Yi and basa is going to
8178s get away nice jump over the wall from
8180s jumo but yeah looks look like it is a po
8182s can't really chase that so Asher is
8184s going to get a nice kill for himself
8186s re's worst nightmare he made so much
8189s distance the P uppercut did catch up and
8191s you think oh well he blinked away he
8193s should be fine he made the distance
8194s Nikki shouldn't be able to One V one him
8197s but then Yan out of
8198s nowhere everything not coming through as
8202s well but uh on the bottom side here we
8204s do have saber trying to look for an
8205s angle here n actually just going to look
8208s for an angle onto Dina going to bling
8209s forward here as well and Dina's actually
8211s going to be the one to fall nice pemer
8212s coming out and it will be S actually
8215s going to get away with the am drone
8217s actually going to give him just enough
8218s movement speed to get on out of there
8220s think get tagged up by the walk towards
8221s the end but he is completely fine
8224s waiting for a couple additional items of
8226s course Cosmic bident is still the option
8228s for spear fur at the moment danana just
8231s barely missing the snake bite this is
8232s going to put a little bit of a strain on
8234s how this fight is going to go the Elena
8235s getting stunned into the wall now she's
8237s completely isolated Don Moby goes down
8239s on the ground but that Anor atts hardi
8243s and the auto attack
8244s enhanced from romatic will be able to
8246s knock down that subam great targeting
8249s great positioning on the shackling
8250s anchor my goodness me looking good as
8253s always I don't if you saw as well the
8255s Rockets as well just coming out from
8257s romatic just going to be able to hit
8259s every single rocket onto the subam just
8260s going to be able to shut him down but uh
8262s that be here oh jumo try for an angle
8264s back in but the ultimate coming down
8266s from chin going to deny anything any
8268s engages back on in there and looks like
8271s yeah yeah uh actually going to lose jumo
8275s there and on the other side here lumino
8277s actually popping off here's the shichi
8278s factory you're talking about and it does
8280s end up working out for them as uh yeah
8283s great P back from always in ch they are
8286s going to be able to secure the Battle
8287s Zone for himself that's a battle Zone
8288s though right only one kill for this team
8291s when it comes to points they got to look
8292s for more mythal secured for these guys
8295s going to be a pretty good way to at
8296s least rotate themselves out of the early
8298s game and go to the mid game still need
8300s to scale not that bad we see lumino
8303s potential on the shuichi slowly starting
8305s to build up he's getting items he's
8307s getting the damage he's getting the
8308s setups you know that nyok is pretty
8311s confident on this Kenneth pick as well
8314s just have to see what
8316s oh is that a minus one I think it's a
8319s minus
8322s one
8324s oh why did he act for the
8327s chickens are forced to be reckoned with
8330s for sure
8332s not one yet yeah Great Peacemaker coming
8336s out from nemory here they are going to
8339s be able to kill uh this subub and yeah
8342s looks like a nice uh pick up again from
8344s Team ohob going to be able to get um on
8348s one of the members from Team masterer
8349s yeah for team saber this is actually
8351s quite lucky because as I said yeah if
8353s you sell FR then it's not a minus one
8355s here oh you're right you're right yeah
8357s ah and lucky for saan he didn't get
8359s found out by anybody else
8362s oh and there's zuba did There's zuba did
8363s on a don't do it guys he's self res they
8367s pretend like it never
8370s happened well uh looks like we do have
8374s uh our our day three coming up very
8377s shortly here so you know any more deaths
8379s means it will be a minus 250 uhoh look
8382s jumo getting caught out o okay another
8386s fight on the top side here as Rox going
8388s to try looking for an angle yungi
8389s actually a little too far forward here
8390s going to on out of there but D having
8392s his full Fireballs here going to try
8394s looking for an angle oh my God the subam
8397s just getting instantly deleted tried to
8399s look for an angle tried to finish the
8400s Bernice but just wasn't enough and very
8402s nice explosive Bol from the Bernice to
8405s kind of shut down any engage attempts
8407s there gosh and this is one of the
8409s problems with subi fighting into a
8410s bernes if you use huram as elimination
8412s technique it brings you straight into
8414s the buck shot range of the bernes if you
8416s can't take him out immediately after
8417s you're eating the full blast of his Auto
8419s attacks CH versus will we've seen this
8422s multiple times throughout the course of
8423s the night shom the one is going to be in
8425s trouble C is actually the one that gets
8428s targeted down first they actually manag
8429s to knock down the Lenny this usually
8431s doesn't happen down he goes into the
8433s exuviation Theon is going to be dead to
8435s right he's going to come out of it with
8436s nothing on hand force field the only
8439s thing he has access the pork chop brings
8441s neory closer down goes sebie Last One
8444s Alive on that team is going to be shom
8445s he's trying to farm his way to Victory
8447s they do have enough credits but there is
8449s no transfer console in sight
8451s yeah unfortunately oob doesn't get the
8453s tree but they get a nice two kills fors
8455s they need these kills as you know they
8457s were one of the teams that are on the
8459s cusp of elimination here but yeah very
8461s nice uh very nicely well played fight
8464s from Team oob going to be able to find
8465s the angle to kill senine and yeah a nice
8468s Peacemaker to you know lock down Deon
8470s and good follow up from you know that
8472s pork chop just going to be able to
8474s finish him off there move himself on out
8477s everybody else just kind of casually
8479s running around Lumi Island right now
8480s nice blink attemp coming in from danana
8483s ises him oh my God the damage actually
8485s didn't seem that bad but danana right
8487s afterwards gets immediately bursted down
8489s saan sitting on the spear Fiora massive
8491s amounts of damage shackling anchor not
8493s that bad duim man taking down
8494s dangerously low one Circle taken down
8496s dangerously low he will be able to
8497s grappling maneuver on out of the Moon
8499s meteorite but it's not going to matter
8501s down goes romatic two for zero in favor
8503s of Team saber what a controlled fight
8505s coming out from them a great initiation
8508s attempt coming from danana but it is
8509s what sealed the fight
8511s yeah I'm surprised they tried to turn it
8513s there but they did end up getting a lot
8514s of damage I think that uh body thirst
8517s you know that getting that executioner
8518s bonus did end up you know swinging the
8520s fight over into their favor so M tried
8523s to look for an uh an angle back but it
8525s just wasn't enough fight potentially
8527s Brewing on the North side as we're
8529s waiting to see if tanglei and team oob
8531s wants to do get out four kills for oob
8535s one
8536s for M and the double Guillotine the
8540s combos are just lining up all right for
8543s team tingled Davi it seems like oob they
8545s didn't get the picture they didn't get
8546s the memo there was a trap down there
8548s they didn't
8549s know yeah I mean I don't think any team
8553s would really expect you know these
8554s Guillotines to be built already but you
8556s know it's just team Tangled Doby just
8558s you know utilizing that to their uh to
8561s their advantage there and here comes
8563s engage onto M but just not enough here I
8566s think that there was a slight
8567s miscommunication as uh yeah it looks
8569s like team Asher will end up dropp two
8571s members here and they will have to spend
8573s 250 credits to get them back up this is
8575s so weird for team Asher cuz I think they
8578s know what their team identity is but
8580s they're never using that Nikki as an
8583s initiation source she's always stuck in
8585s between the front line that is quite
8587s frankly never going to get one shot by
8588s aan I mean yeah he does a lot of damage
8590s he has the defense sh on his on his
8592s leaping knee and knee strike but you're
8595s not killing a poo that fast as a Yan why
8598s is the Nikki standing in front of them
8600s when still has access to her ultimate I
8603s have no idea but another fight between
8605s te o will be
8607s and he missed everything
8610s twice wait he has a third one though he
8612s has a third one he's going in Peacemaker
8614s is out the double Guillotine again down
8616s on the ground but this time it's not
8617s going to stop neory from pushing forward
8619s yes in just a few more seconds a third
8622s party coming in team aser they see this
8625s team Tangled Obby no they've been
8627s Tangled Up In some nonsense down goes as
8631s well as the comes in tangle DOI not like
8635s this yeah I don't know if you saw but
8637s the I think the the what is it the Len
8639s missed the jump over the wall two times
8641s but ended up getting the third one off
8643s so they were able to get away here but
8644s oh my God the damage is just too much
8647s from CH C tier with that Jen is going to
8650s be able to do so much damage but wait a
8652s second Tangi actually going to be able
8653s to punish oob for trying to uh over
8656s Chase and uh trying trying to deny the
8659s res here as uh they will stay just in
8661s this bush and think the Eva does end up
8663s wanting to Res here but might have there
8667s are a lot of teams nearby and there are
8669s a lot of pain coming there's so many
8672s people here you got to check the bush
8673s there's a face Vortex check but this
8675s isn't Adriana they don't
8677s have what is this there's too many
8680s people here Airline is just going to
8682s have to try to book it but I think this
8683s Airline is in bankruptcy down goes oob
8687s they are taken out no
8691s I like this I think that is going to be
8693s it for team oob I don't think they're
8695s going to be able to I don't think they
8696s have they have enough points here oh
8698s here comes the charm actually from uh
8701s shom from that genal but is it going to
8703s be enough blink forward from danana
8706s missing the stin bite once again as you
8709s know has been working out for them but
8710s the nice lock down here that is what you
8713s want to see from that comp there the
8715s Nikki all into the yawn combo is going
8717s to be able to shut down DDO and any
8719s answers from Team Rox and yeah we'll be
8722s team Ash going to be able to pick up a
8724s nice two kills wow look at that the
8726s Nikki got access to the backline and
8728s look what happens the one shot team
8729s decides to kill the backlines I can't do
8732s anything about it nicely done from the
8734s side of
8735s team team Asher that's the kind of
8738s fights that we want to see not a Nikki
8739s stuck in the middle of a of a Felix and
8742s not a Felix sorry a pilo and nobody else
8745s that's what we want to see access to the
8746s back line using the prer ra uper cut
8748s offensively to buy your Yan some time to
8751s actually get the damage in he's there I
8753s mean we're at day number four he
8754s probably has some transitions that's
8756s where lean becomes lethal to these back
8758s lines that don't have
8760s Mobility yeah and we do have wck line
8762s spawning very shortly here Bas actually
8765s going to be caught here I don't think he
8766s has enough red timer going to try to
8769s maybe run away and here comes the
8771s ultimate and it's it will be lights out
8773s for team
8774s Rox oh well actually the William is
8777s alive on the other side of the map it
8778s looks like so they will be back up but
8781s if you look at their career account it's
8784s uh yeah I don't think uh I don't think
8787s they really have a chance here but they
8789s have five kills this is the team that
8791s was in sixth place they're actually not
8793s in a bad spot especially considering the
8795s fact that UOB is already out right they
8797s have six kills they actually are on six
8799s on 18 points which means they're
8801s actually equal to what Tong num rocks
8802s had at the beginning of this game so
8804s that should I think signify U will be
8806s unfortunately dropping out of phase
8809s number three and now it all comes down
8811s to always inchan if this team is able to
8812s outscore sunam rocks there is a chance
8815s that sunam rocks still Falls or even the
8817s team that's in fifth place we'll have to
8819s see what ends up happening but for team
8820s 2C they're being forced to fight oh my
8823s god oh shoot this fight is not looking
8825s good on the side of Team CHC the snake
8827s bite is going to miss another fight on
8829s the North side as jumo is going to get
8830s taken down on the side of Team Asher in
8832s ton they're pushing their way in they're
8834s fighting for their tournament life that
8836s is going to be the fight they will have
8838s a success in there's a pull over onto
8839s Cen a lot of damage over onto the Lenny
8841s but she's just going to jump on out of
8842s there Hoppity Hop Pop by goes the leny
8845s but there's a third party they got to
8846s take the white ly over beautiful white
8848s lily oh my God and they're all out yeah
8851s beautiful and it looks like team Asher
8853s actually did end up losing jumo so they
8855s will end up resing here M do know that
8858s the team is a little low
8860s nice p goes wide and yeah it looks like
8863s everyone is out a beautiful white lily
8866s like you said though from Team CH on out
8869s of there and
8872s are they going to be able to kite back
8873s it looks like they do actually and
8875s nothing really comes out of this oh
8878s another thir never ends how much timer
8881s do they have I mean they're just
8883s surrounded by these teams but they're so
8886s centrally focus on knocking down one
8887s person the dealing with multiple teams
8889s across the board is bad there's another
8891s ice late is going to get D he going back
8895s in oh my oh my God he's he's going back
8898s in okay wait a second he damage he does
8900s end up killing don't have enough damage
8903s what the drain tank of seie is not going
8905s to be able to knock down luminal I don't
8906s think unless he makes some crucial
8908s mistakes and of course he's not copine
8910s is now isolated there's the dagger reset
8913s copine should get taken down in just a
8915s moment here he does have the spring trap
8917s to get on out but that is irreversible
8919s damage over onto team 2C sitting on five
8921s kills lumino stays alive thanks to the
8923s vampiric bloodline FAL o also giving him
8926s more damage he keeps himself alive down
8928s goes cine always inton still still
8931s fighting for their tournament life on
8933s this they are still in this for sure my
8935s God luminol coming out on top there I
8937s think he used the dagger skill oh no
8939s he's they're getting thir parted by te
8942s Saab I think that going wait luminol
8944s going to try to get the resets here oh
8947s did end up falling here and oh no oh
8949s dude what is this area that is so
8952s unfortunate as they do end up losing the
8955s Canon and then it's not looking too good
8957s for them now they will have to end up
8959s winning a 2v3 looks like
8961s if they do end up wanting to come back
8963s into this game so a little unfortunate
8965s you know as they did end up having a
8966s really nice fight into team Sho seat you
8968s know I think lumino using that dager
8970s skill just ended up keeping them alive a
8972s little bit longer but it will be lights
8974s out for team always in ch go yep down he
8978s goes now it's somehow going to have to
8980s be hungi winning more than a 1v3 which
8983s is probably not going to happen subam
8984s isolated suame taken down Hama is more
8987s like dead orama down he goes there is
8990s the yam picking up the kill on the glove
8992s as well two for zero team as they got to
8995s run away cameras down all over the place
8997s will actually allow them to know
8998s something is going on executioner bonus
9000s will give them a little bit of CDR reset
9002s T and rori stuck in the middle of
9005s nowhere they don't have the Diplomatic
9006s power there is no white flagging in this
9008s game guys there goes always int down to
9012s the ground four kills is all they get we
9014s are confirmed our two teams that will
9017s get eliminated here today thank you to O
9019s in Chan and O for playing this weekend
9022s for the rest of the teams now it just
9023s comes down to at least for the top few
9025s teams which team gets through to the
9027s finals and which team goes to the walk
9029s carts yeah I mean team Asher I think was
9031s one of the teams that are you know
9032s pretty high up there and they have 12
9034s field kills for themselves here so they
9037s are looking really really good to secure
9039s their finals spot with Mira song as you
9043s know Mira song is definitely in the lead
9044s with a lot of uh points for himself as
9046s well as ariori G not going to have
9050s enough timer to walk he had to choose to
9052s walk all the way to school now so he's
9054s basically forced in here and think he's
9056s just going to give the kill over to
9058s looks like yeah there is no way he is a
9060s rat stuck in a cage rat stuck in a
9063s container I don't know what what you
9064s want to say he's dead there we
9066s go analogy aside he's
9070s dead yeah and it looks like we will have
9072s Team Asher and team saber on the school
9075s wait a second Asher actually opting to
9077s no don't do it look at time look at time
9079s they don't have time
9083s oh they sent
9084s it and we see it again and again but but
9089s here's the thing here's the thing they
9091s the the school temp Zone the school
9092s battle zone or temp Zone whatever it is
9094s hasn't been one out yet right there is
9096s still a little bit of focus sebie is
9098s pulling it away Dina they need to join
9099s the fight they need to join the fight
9101s there goes sebie down on the ground
9102s executioner bonus going to give them a
9104s little bit of cool downs but nobody
9105s invested their timers 10 seconds left
9108s down goes P wait
9113s wait um I'm in shock I'm in shock it
9116s happened once again
9119s like the call out should have been
9121s that's not what you want to see from
9123s your ear thieves but at that point it
9126s sun CA fallacy right I mean you've
9128s already invested the time to go to the
9129s top right I'm pretty sure at least for
9131s Noy he's thinking guys even if we don't
9134s get it we were going to spend so much
9135s time trying to get back to the tempson
9137s we might as well send it but for pied he
9139s didn't get to the hyp loop on time you
9141s can't you can't do
9143s that yeah it's like yeah exactly it's
9146s like it's like uh cuz like like you're
9150s saying you know they didn't end up going
9151s over TP so they get TP over but at the
9153s same time there's also like a coin flip
9154s TP right like one of the uh the members
9157s TP right onto Mar song right in the
9159s center of that zone so yeah I mean it's
9163s kind of not what you want to see from uh
9165s from your teams here but you know you
9167s know we're human we make mistakes right
9169s I think it was just like a
9170s miscommunication once again coming up
9172s from these teams guimon trying to look
9173s for an angle here maybe we can walk up
9175s to get uh a nice Point here does end up
9177s getting donana but a nice FL from danana
9180s actually going to force him back here
9182s going to try getting damage but the
9184s damage coming out from one circle is
9185s just too big and doui man is so far up
9188s from their team if they are able to just
9190s secure this uh one once actually just
9192s going to win The One V one actually into
9194s sand here and he's just going to be able
9196s to close it out for his team I swear to
9198s you that a Fenty from saan just whipped
9200s straight through one Circle I swear that
9202s outer ring was straight on him but in
9204s the end the fight is going to go in
9205s favor of Team Meen song There Is No
9208s Greater God for team saber as they will
9210s get taken down their blades have turned
9212s dull they are knocked down second place
9214s for team saber but for team me song
9217s second game in a row
9219s GG's very very well played to Mar song I
9222s think that will secure them their first
9224s place spots I think Asher is probably
9226s going to be in uh the second place as
9229s well so yeah very nicely played from
9231s these
9231s teams but yeah I mean we saw I don't
9235s know man uh is it nicely
9237s played I don't know I don't know Shi
9241s uh these temporary zones are getting
9243s these teams man it's either worthy
9246s luckiest players alive or the players
9248s are the unluckiest players alive cuz
9250s when this happened in game number one I
9252s said this is a one in a million but we
9253s got two of those this weekend and we
9256s also got another one last week with ercs
9259s I I don't know I was is there to witness
9260s all of them during casts is it just me
9263s am I the Cur am I the Caster cursor or
9265s what I mean I think the ercs one didn't
9268s really matter as much because you know
9271s they end up killing us right I think I
9273s we were fighting them and then you know
9275s they would have had to fight the the 2v3
9277s anyways into the final zone so but like
9281s these ones are really big mistakes you
9283s know because their teams are splitting
9285s up their TPS and then they're having to
9287s fight you know 2v3 or they're not all
9289s together
9291s yeah I mean well have to see I mean you
9294s know once you make the mistake once
9295s you'll probably never make it again you
9297s know yeah listen I like to think that it
9299s is all me I am the harbinger of these
9302s macro mistakes when it comes to hyper
9303s loops and temp zones I'm the only common
9306s factor man I don't know what I don't
9307s know what to say cuz in that one I don't
9309s think greed was even a common factor
9311s right I mean you're trying to just
9311s hyperloop out and go to a different one
9313s you know there's multiple pings inside
9315s that
9315s area I guess you take the chance but you
9318s need more time that's not even greed
9320s just not looking at the timer right yeah
9323s I think there was just a
9324s miscommunication where you know I think
9325s all of them had to send a TP at the same
9327s time there or no one TPS at all right
9330s and then only one of them went one of
9332s them probably said you know let's TP the
9333s other two probably said you know
9334s probably shouldn't we don't have enough
9335s time ands were divided yeah and then
9339s that's what happens probably the same
9340s thing that exactly that happened with
9341s Mir sing as well
9343s but yeah I mean I hope these teams learn
9346s from you know their mistakes here as you
9348s know these these separ zones are fairly
9350s right so you can't really blame these
9351s teams right you know they're still
9353s trying to get a feel for them but you
9356s know seeing on a big stage you know it
9358s it definitely hurts it definitely hurts
9360s yeah and this is one of the reasons why
9361s you know we don't have I don't think
9363s that structured of team rosters just yet
9367s in ER and I'm not saying that because
9369s you know we we have teams right that's
9371s that's not that's not something that I'm
9373s trying to deny but a lot of these teams
9376s are still kind of fresh when it comes to
9378s Esports I think we're going ations
9380s compared to a lot of other games that
9382s we're familiar with and this kind of
9384s situation team leader team shot caller
9387s is so important right the team captain
9389s if you really want to put it in that
9391s term is so important because I I don't
9393s know who it is on the side of Team Asher
9395s I don't know who the team captain is I
9397s don't know who the shot color is on that
9398s team but if it was NRE he should have
9400s taken in the factor that probably pied
9403s was not going to make it jimo was not
9405s going to make it if it was anybody else
9406s they shouldn't have dividing opinions
9408s like that right no shouldn't be saying
9410s oh let's go other two shouldn't be
9412s saying oh let's not go somebody needs to
9414s make the call let's go or not go they
9416s have to weigh all the factors in this is
9418s one of the reasons why you know in other
9420s games like valerant for example team
9422s captain roles are decided on really
9424s really strategically and a lot of
9427s casters always put heavy emphasis on a
9429s lot of calls being made from the team
9431s captains a lot of strategies being
9432s called from Team captains they have such
9435s an important job and this right there is
9436s a perfect example of why if you don't
9439s have one or the decisions go R the
9442s punishments are
9443s there yeah they definitely need you know
9446s a dedicated shot caller but obviously
9448s you know both other teammates have to
9449s give their input as well I think that's
9451s probably where you know it's uh it
9453s stemmed from you know like the
9454s miscommunication but we do have the
9456s round results here for you guys Mir s
9457s coming out on on top with 17 points uh
9461s Team Asher not too far behind with 16
9463s themselves with 12 field kills you know
9465s didn't end up uh actually oh yeah they
9468s end up ending getting third and not
9469s second and yeah they only were one point
9472s behind and here are your total leader
9475s yeah they still get out right it's not
9476s that big of a deal they're having
9478s fun yeah I mean I didn't really end up
9481s coming back to bite them here as they
9483s still do end up placing second place so
9485s they'll move straight to the finals yeah
9487s that game I think it was two performance
9489s you know it's funny it's funny because
9490s both the top two teams are the ones that
9492s made the the backro mistakes yeah that
9494s is very true so hey maybe that's another
9497s common theme about that one I suppose
9500s um which team was actually the one to
9503s win last week again for ercs as well in
9506s the in the lobby it was homeless laptops
9508s right no no no it was it was mold divers
9511s oh right no no is it no no I it was
9514s window Shoppers that
9516s one no no the one with uh with us and
9519s homeless in it it was it was mold divers
9521s oh it was the mold divver okay well dang
9523s it okay whatever that I guess that
9525s comparison and same thing went out of
9528s the window but yeah I mean still still
9530s good games for ven hedong and Team
9533s master I'm hoping to God that that's not
9535s the only thing we'll remember about
9536s those teams uh those those little macro
9539s mistakes but I'm pretty sure they're
9541s having I'm really curious on what you
9543s know if they do end up talking about uh
9545s the the game number one mistake that
9547s they did yeah I all I can wait for now
9551s is what the video thumbnail is going to
9553s look like for the group
9555s stages on the official Channel on
9558s YouTube the Korean one gosh they're
9560s definitely going to do the team dirty I
9562s think and then put out the mistake I'm
9564s I'm sure yeah it's actually really funny
9566s too now that I think about it because
9569s when I told you about the Sha doing the
9571s interviews for the national teams and
9573s posting on the channel right did I oh
9575s yeah yeah yeah yeah so a lot of the
9577s people that actually go on that and has
9579s had themselves represented on a official
9582s thumbnail on the YouTube channel for
9584s nimon or eternal return the Korean one
9587s where they do the highlights for erms
9589s they ' always talked like they're
9592s getting
9593s defamed and of course it's all a joke
9595s right because it's just for the
9596s interviews and for fun like I swear I'm
9600s gonna get Nimbo neuron for doing me
9602s dirty of that of that YouTube thumbnail
9605s and all that CH this one is not going to
9607s go
9608s pretty yeah I mean it is what it is
9612s right it's like you make a mistake you
9614s know everyone will will definitely like
9616s point it out and then laugh at you but
9620s especially if you're like a pro player
9621s you kind of just have to take it on the
9623s chin you know it happens right it
9624s happens yeah it's kind of going back to
9626s what hoko said during the podcast you
9628s you know it's going to be a bad
9630s situation regardless you can already see
9632s the twitch chat rolling through you can
9634s see the question marks flying
9636s everywhere exactly exactly but once it
9639s happens it has happened guys that was
9642s the end of group a we're just waiting
9643s for the Korean interview to end for team
9645s Meen s that did end up winning group a
9647s here today unfortunately for OU be and
9650s always in ton this will be their last
9652s performance in any of the phases for
9654s season 4 they want to continue on then
9657s they either need to have enough points
9658s from Phase 1 and two or they need to win
9662s lcq that's all they really have left
9665s unfortunately I think for always inchan
9667s their performance has definitely
9668s staggered I don't think I've ever seen
9672s them in a finals this season maybe in
9676s phase one they did but their performance
9678s there was also not memor
9680s so I think always Inon is going to have
9683s to go through lcq oob on the other hand
9685s they did play in phase one and two they
9688s always got to the finals that's why I
9689s called them cockroaches earlier I'm
9691s sorry again it's a
9693s compliment um yeah they are unwavered
9697s it's it's so weird man they they never I
9700s think this is the first time that we've
9701s actually seen oob struggling in the
9703s early parts of the series and they
9704s actually drop out of group stages that's
9706s so
9708s weird yeah I was here for phase two so I
9711s wouldn't be able to comment but yeah I
9713s mean in phase one I think they played a
9715s nice consistent game you know
9716s Unfortunately they did end up coming
9717s short in the finals but yeah it's
9721s unfortunate right um I think those sh
9723s definitely got to always in as obviously
9725s you know their whole team comp and their
9726s whole roster is kind of playing around
9729s that shuichi pick but now you know that
9731s shuichi you know is kind of uh kind of
9734s got nerfed you know into the gutter
9736s we're going to have to see you know if
9737s they if they will be able to maybe kind
9739s of adopt hopefully we we'll be able to
9741s see you know Shi come back up in the
9743s meta you know from Theon well we'll have
9747s to see right cuz they have been uh you
9749s know slowly buffing him back up so maybe
9751s Shi will be back in the in the glory he
9754s used to once be in mhm and in the end
9756s the only one that really benefits of all
9758s this is T young he got out early I guess
9760s so he doesn't have to deal with all the
9763s Fallout for team always in ch not really
9765s performing the way that they used to all
9767s we have just good memories of T Young
9770s how he was able to set up the memorable
9772s clip the historic clip of the 2v3 inside
9775s a pond gosh I mean it just never changes
9778s the fantastic beauty of those kind of
9780s plays the reason why shuichi X Factor
9782s became a thing in the zms that you and I
9784s cast but alas those times are a little
9788s bit long gone we have to wait for the
9790s next pop off time for the shuichi as you
9792s mentioned for luminal to potentially
9794s start bringing his G aame back to the
9796s table but still the season must go on
9799s the series must go on guys as I said
9801s group a is done which means after the
9802s interview and the break is over we're
9804s going to dive head first into Group B so
9807s let's excited I'm excited we do have
9810s that one team that everyone is looking
9812s out for you know with the previous
9815s pros from uh I think from league so yeah
9819s uh yeah B bnk FX obviously you know one
9823s of the favorites as well they always
9824s play a nice consistent game I'm a big
9826s Roser fan obviously uh you know cuz you
9829s know he is you know the the one super
9831s player in uh Korea we do have G uh G
9835s young inates we have Mudkip slasher uh
9839s DH carp DM D young cybers and 500 MP 500
9844s MP man I mean this is another team that
9846s we take a look at the roster and say how
9848s is this the first time we're seeing
9850s these guys in groups that really goes to
9853s show you how competitive group stages
9855s were for qualifiers this season and uh
9857s 500 MP this is their only performance in
9860s the phases we saw a lot of teams during
9862s season finals and season 3 where they
9864s just had one pop off phase and that
9867s actually net them just enough points to
9868s either get into day one or even day two
9871s of the Season finals so 500 MP we got fa
9874s H Harang and Scarlet's a roster that is
9877s star studded for those of you guys who
9878s don't know who Scarlet is the OG Emma in
9882s KR like this I'm talking about seasons 1
9884s seasons 2 pre-release Emma of KR wait is
9888s that is that Scarlet sisters it is oh it
9891s is yeah okay it is indeed so he dropped
9895s out of he was on a team I forget which
9898s team it was but yeah now he's with
9899s sadang we know this guy for being one of
9901s the best selin in the world right now
9903s right his Seline during the previous
9905s seasons has been incredible but now he's
9908s going to be aligned with FAA and don't
9911s touch me I don't know who that is if I'm
9912s going to be real I'm kind of wondering
9915s what their team compo because we have an
9917s Emma player we have a Seline and a chlo
9920s and a Chloe so triple back line I mean
9924s triple back line can work right but um
9927s you know it's not that it's definitely
9928s not the typical uh you know tank plus
9930s double backline team comp maybe one of
9932s the players will end up swapping to tank
9933s but we're going to have to see obviously
9936s we do have you know KP DM our standup
9939s team I'm surprised they don't have their
9941s fourth member yeah so this is a little
9943s bit of a little bit of lore right
9945s somebody actually mentioned this earlier
9946s so I'll kind of tie all this into
9948s something that one of our Chatters
9950s mentioned in the chat so there is a
9952s YouTube series that's supposedly done by
9955s Nim on it was called road to Masters it
9957s was only uploaded onto the Korean
9960s eternal return Channel I believe I don't
9962s think they did a trans of it they they
9965s did do a transl for the first two
9967s episodes right I like episode zero and
9968s episode one they episode two though yeah
9971s they never dropped episode two and
9972s episode two was where they were supposed
9975s to Showcase their fourth member right
9977s because originally it was supposed to be
9978s lokan o and nogui nogui yeah right and
9982s they were supposed to Showcase their
9984s fourth member in episode two there was
9987s like a whole Cliffhanger they did that
9989s was kind of
9991s cringey that was kind of cringey on how
9994s they did it but yeah they were supposed
9995s to introduce their fourth member and
9997s it's insane that is their fourth member
9999s that's not nree that is the fourth
10001s member they supposed to Showcase I'm
10003s surprised no is not listed on to their
10005s team has yeah I'm not sure about that
10008s either I mean maybe he decided to drop
10011s out or something I I don't know either
10012s way um we do have a star started roster
10016s insane is quite frankly as his name in
10018s States and insane play Insane oh my God
10022s I'm
10024s sorry but yeah I'm excited I'm excited
10026s for this group
10027s shuy I really am as well we finally
10031s finally get to see what carpet DM is
10032s able to bring to the table since you and
10034s I have a little bit of a difficult time
10036s accessing what we want to see during
10038s qualifier when it comes down to it since
10040s all of those are streamed over on the CH
10042s side of things finally we get to see
10045s what Lan has been cooking he's been gone
10047s from the eternal return competitive
10048s stage for a while but super it is time
10051s for us to go on a break so for you guys
10052s in the chat grab a snack take some water
10055s take a stretch that made no sense we'll
10058s see you guys back here for Group B take
10061s care take care
10098s coming in
10115s fore spee
10157s time you got foree
10214s Chi
10233s Speck
10251s wow
10308s spe
10329s fore fore
10367s spee
10377s fore
10379s spee
10397s speech foree
10458s okay
10459s we're here I'm just going to bring it
10460s back real quick they're doing
10464s sh over on the Korean side oh boy right
10467s they are oh boy they were doing it at
10469s the start oh gosh ladies and gentlemen
10472s welcome back from the break we just
10474s finished group a we're going to go into
10476s Group B in just a moment here I just
10477s kind of had to show you guys what they
10479s were doing it was glorious they were
10480s doing
10482s it oh
10484s boy we do have the groups here so all
10488s the teams that will playing in group b
10490s we have bnk FX gay young an8 Mudkip
10493s slasher DH uh carp D young cybers and
10498s 500 MP yeah pretty star sted roster
10501s again we were talking about the teams
10503s that were going to play right before we
10504s went on the break but looking at it here
10506s again I mean now that we can actually
10508s put all of our Focus onto the teams in
10511s group
10511s b pretty stacked looks absolutely
10514s stacked this is going to be a very very
10516s incredible rotation and series I think
10518s think from Group B might even be more
10521s interesting than the ones we saw in
10522s group a there's a lot of really really
10524s good teams in this group
10527s itself yeah we do have the afria
10530s predictions it looks like we have the SE
10532s teams it actually is uh somewhat split
10534s between bnk fix and gayong yate with
10537s both sharing a respective 70 almost 75%
10540s of the votes together yeah pretty
10542s interesting a lot different than what we
10544s saw in group a right we had one one team
10548s from both the seated and the qualified
10549s teams pretty much eating up majority of
10551s the votes coming through in from AF frea
10553s TV predictions this time around for
10555s seated teams we actually have two that
10557s are going to be evenly split and on the
10559s side of qualified teams quite similar to
10561s what we saw during group a but I do like
10564s the fact that bian FX with a 31% boot
10567s prediction and kungi inate also sitting
10569s with a
10570s 42% prediction on themselves as well
10573s it's actually going to be quite up there
10574s as fans are divided Y in it was the team
10577s that won the
10579s what's it called the national league the
10582s national league right I think oh that is
10585s a great question I can actually double
10586s check that I just have to go to the
10587s website you'll have to give me a
10590s second yeah I unfortunately wasn't able
10592s to watch the national league I was
10594s actually surprised that they even did
10595s one cuz I had no idea what was
10599s happening I I think they did end up
10602s coming yeah yeah yeah they end up coming
10604s on top 146 points it was uh was a lot
10607s more games though I I think it was two
10609s days right yeah yeah two days worth the
10611s gam so was like I was think it was eight
10614s games in total or 16 game or sorry 10
10616s games no no 12 12 or eight
10620s oh that is a great question I think it
10624s might have been 12 games but it looks
10625s like we're just going to jump straight
10626s into it uh no questions asked we do
10629s actually have lot of duplicates picks
10631s here we have two Lenny's two suas
10634s magnani back on the sua I'm really
10636s excited to see him play sua as well
10638s because you know he was one of the top
10640s seers back then so you know kind of
10642s excited to see as uh two hazes as well
10647s so a lot of dupes but no I don't think
10650s there's any bands coming out here yeah
10652s and I mean even for magnani you know you
10653s say back then but it wasn't a long time
10655s ago that his team was able to win a lot
10657s of ERM season finals because he managed
10660s to bring out the sua in the final game
10662s right that's why he's got two titles
10664s under his belt on two different teams he
10667s literally just brought out Su at the end
10668s and then just crush the competition with
10670s that sua so really nice to be able to
10672s see it again for this game or is he oh
10676s yeah just couldn't find B for a second
10679s there he's on he's on
10681s bats uh vampiric so a lot different from
10684s the usual sua build uh that I think most
10687s suas are running but yeah I mean their
10690s team comp is kind of interesting because
10691s they also have a Yan we haven't really
10693s seen Yan being picked as much as well so
10696s it's going to be M you're not putting
10698s the the important part about the Johan
10700s it's Cadmus on Johan this is like the
10703s furthest thing that you would I think
10704s expect Cadmus to play this guy what is
10706s the Eon efficient Auto the Isaac
10708s efficient Auto the Frontline efficient
10710s Auto what you doing on Yan man yeah so
10713s it's like a su solo front line with the
10715s Yan to pocket but you know also there's
10718s rolu on the Kaja there and oh my God
10721s wait a second I didn't know I didn't
10722s know Kaja could do that did you see
10725s that the as as as as
10730s uh I'm I'm excited though to see you
10732s know how the team comp works out it's a
10734s lot similar I guess to prx's team comp
10736s where they going to play you know a lot
10737s more slow with like the Poke but
10739s obviously you're going to have a lot
10740s less damage this is a lot different than
10742s what bnk FX also runs right now right I
10745s actually couldn't see who they're
10747s running as their third member since
10749s looking at the fact that it is a Bernice
10750s I'm highly doubting that it's E8 cuz E8
10754s for the most part his irm is still
10756s really really good right yeah should bum
10759s I think they did end up playing this
10760s comp back in Phase 2 as well but
10762s obviously you know there was some ber
10763s Nerfs in you know the 1.25 patch so I
10767s kind of want to see you know if this BR
10768s pick is still you know as strong as it
10770s used to be you know we'll have to see
10771s here but um yeah uh looks like the game
10774s is going to start most teams are just
10776s going to start getting their builds up
10778s they're going to start grouping up and
10779s we're going to see if there's any early
10780s game aggression for this game or or for
10782s this you know as a whole yeah another
10784s couple things that I do want to mention
10785s Rousy coming through for Lan again this
10788s is is going to be the team that a lot
10791s and a lot of people are going to be
10792s looking at Carpe DM Logan as well as
10794s hoit joined by Insane going to be
10797s bringing out a roster that we actually
10798s have never seen before including the
10800s Rousy into it it's going to be quite
10803s unique of a flavor that this team is
10804s going to be able to bring to the table
10806s with the Yan and the Leni other than
10808s that 500 MP going to be going with the
10810s comp that you and I were exactly
10812s thinking about right the Chloe Emma and
10814s the Seline they have a lot of control
10817s over fights so I guess on a technical
10819s scale we were talking about no front
10820s line I guess Nina is the front line yeah
10823s looks like we do have obviously bnk FX
10825s here always going to be grouped up early
10827s here in Cemetery but it looks like 5p
10829s are actually going to be able to trade
10830s one back into them is going to be a one
10832s for one trade there as KP uh DM going to
10835s try looking for some kills here
10837s Unfortunately they actually did end up
10838s getting their kill stolen by the heart
10841s so yeah it's going to be uh dasu here
10844s going to pick up one for uh inate he's
10846s going to perform a concert as he jumps
10848s over the over the wall with the jump pad
10851s nicely done right just steals away the
10853s kill jumps over keeps himself safe yeah
10855s 75 second cool down who cares we got a
10858s ton of time 75 seconds is essentially
10860s the time he has to wait until it gets to
10861s night one he probably won't be fighting
10863s until that point so it's a very very
10865s good cool down invested good stuff
10867s coming in from some of these teams three
10868s kills Time Around in day number one a
10870s little bit faster than what we had in
10872s some of our group a games although it
10874s doesn't seem like that just isn't that
10876s many small skirmishes happening across
10878s the board just teams finding individual
10880s picks yeah so not too much early game
10882s aggression but we might actually have a
10883s fight on in our hands here as we do have
10885s a split from oh a nice double uh
10889s bookmark there actually just going to
10890s instantly kill scarlet and yeah looks
10892s like they're going to be able to pick up
10893s a nice kill the young cyber is going to
10895s find a nice pick onto Scarlet sisters
10898s and yeah looks like 500p just going to
10901s walk away there maybe going to try
10902s getting these Bears maybe they might
10904s actually come back and take the fight
10905s once again if if uh if they do have a
10907s you know a better angle in there do they
10909s want to right now though is my question
10911s one of the biggest problems with Emma
10913s early game is that of course her change
10914s cool down is very long at this stage so
10917s even if you do the bunny morph into the
10919s change combo you're going to be stuck in
10920s the middle of a lot of people for a long
10922s time and if the fight doesn't work out
10924s this is a team that heavily relies on
10926s burst damage and looking for those
10928s really crucial big impact moments in
10930s fights of course the n on command to
10932s knock people up and the for stack I mean
10934s you're looking for a lot of things yoa
10937s stuck in the middle of nowhere you got a
10939s yoh behind you skill from magnani and I
10943s think that's going to be it yeah very
10944s well played from magnani again you know
10947s them finding these angles onto these
10949s teams uh you know are kind of caught out
10950s here and on the other side though we do
10952s have oh a nice pull actually from Jong
10955s Jong here is he going to be able to get
10957s away I think so wow a nice pull with the
10959s white lily is going to be able to get
10961s them to safety good stuff good stuff
10963s jeny keeping himself alive another fight
10964s on the South Side this time fauna is the
10966s one that is going to be down on the the
10968s ground kungi and going to be picking up
10970s their second kill of the game inside of
10971s Chapel but still plenty of time before
10974s day two is going to roll around which
10975s means teams even if they lose a member
10977s in the next maybe 5 to 10 seconds we'll
10980s have enough time for them to recover and
10982s come back maybe looking for an objective
10985s contest yeah Gung here kind of split
10987s from his team as uh Curry is nowhere to
10989s be found as I think they did end up
10991s trying to TP down into Cemetery here to
10993s try to maybe contest for the tree but
10995s unfortunately they TP right onto gay
10998s aate and they will end up paying the
11000s price for it as you know young aate now
11002s on three kills for himself a really nice
11004s early uh early game for themselves here
11006s to you know have that extra cushion of
11009s those extra three kills good stuff we
11011s saw some teams actually heavily relying
11013s on those towards the end of the series
11014s in group a right those extra couple
11016s kills coming in from the early parts of
11018s the series is going to matter a lot day
11020s two is hit and we have our first
11023s rotation of objectives which I don't
11025s think any teams are contesting yeah
11028s three three trees all picked up and
11030s double meteres picked up with nobody
11032s going into the red sword marks what a
11034s quiet day two start okay yeah looks like
11038s most teams just you know are playing it
11040s safe here going to just try getting
11042s maybe the Wolves for themselves as well
11043s Like the Wolf PS I think both of those
11045s were also uncontested so everyone just
11048s kind of doing their own thing for this
11050s day number two but looks like magnani
11052s actually caught out here by himself I
11053s think he's just trying to split f as
11056s he's nowhere near his team maybe he's
11057s trying to get those exra credits but it
11059s looks like he's going to be able to get
11060s away you know the one thing Su has is uh
11063s those dashes those really really long
11066s dashes and she has two of them so going
11067s to be able to get on out of there as
11069s maybe yeah looks like he's going to TB
11071s on over down
11072s to Warehouse here to group up and get
11075s their first Callins good stuff good
11076s stuffbody else just still staying
11078s grouped up right I mean this is what you
11080s would normally expect I can't really say
11082s anything else about this section
11083s everybody knows how to play the game
11084s everybody understands how this game is
11086s supposed to progress but now that we're
11088s starting to head in towards the minute
11091s left a little bit award J caught out
11094s going to have to dodge out on a lot of
11096s those rockets and he will in n in the
11098s middle of nowhere will get pulled back
11100s with the snake bite the free at last not
11103s actually doing too much in N the soul
11105s Target actually ended up using the
11106s exclusive to dodge out on the damage
11108s Curry still sitting pretty healthy zeren
11111s and tazu looking for an angle back in
11112s but these DQ bow shots making it very
11114s difficult for tazu to actually Target
11115s down Curry he's just taking damage for
11117s free there's The Peacemaker coming in
11119s these Rockets one after another is
11121s trying to lamp at the support from jangy
11123s is not going to allow it to happen Curry
11125s still gets taken down though the Burse
11126s damage coming from tazu and zerin and
11128s the overdrive is actually going to be
11129s enough for them to pick up the kill onto
11131s the Rio J it on the run but another
11133s fight inside of Hotel there's a jump
11135s over from fauna what is the timer
11136s looking like down goes fauna onto the
11138s ground it does not matter two for zero
11140s is H down on the ground CJ be able to
11143s pick up two and stay inside of hotel or
11145s Beach whichever one that temp zone is in
11148s Curry getting a little too over his Zer
11149s trying to get the 1 V one onto heart but
11151s ends up paying the price for a beautiful
11153s Peacemaker coming out and then the haze
11154s is able to lock them down uh yeah I mean
11157s the fight looked so well for them you
11158s know um I think gang Chong playing you
11160s out of his mind able to hit that nice F
11162s to deny the ma from you know getting
11165s that engage onto them on that side but
11168s yeah it's going to be young going to be
11170s the one to come out on top there and uh
11172s yeah looks like on beach it will be uh
11174s DH going to be able to get a nice
11176s free uh
11179s what is it mid for here as Cadmus is the
11181s one who gets engaged on but is is able
11182s to live through everything with that
11184s ultimate here as magn is going to be
11186s able to come back and yeah it's not
11189s going to be good for these two melee uh
11192s damage uh dealers as yeah Su is going to
11195s be able to have a lot of free reign over
11197s these two picks and yeah looks like the
11199s young cyber is going to be able to win
11201s that battle for himself and this is
11203s pretty good right it's actually looking
11204s good for cadm Miss he gets initiated but
11206s I think he's had experience getting
11208s initiated on before since again he is
11211s the frontliner for a lot of teams he
11213s actually has ways to deal with it he's
11214s not going to go into Panic just because
11216s people are jumping on top of him he has
11218s ways to kind of cope with that kind of
11220s situation understand what he has to do
11222s keeping himself alive faith and wavering
11224s he's just not going to die for a very
11226s very long time something else you have
11227s to remember it's a level two faith and
11229s wavering once it hits level three the
11230s healing is going to be massive on that
11232s skill so whatever that we just saw I
11235s think is going to get exemplified the
11236s further and further into the game we go
11238s but another pick off as pxu about to get
11241s taken down sky on not leile in will
11244s manage to get himself away kcw hanging
11246s around the outside will not be able to
11248s find an angle as a mutant wolf is going
11250s to drop a transition but yeah PX to not
11253s on dial in that character maybe is
11254s really dead I don't
11257s know I mean we'll have to see right so
11259s they did end up uh or she did end up I
11261s think getting hit in the 1.25 patch so
11263s maybe these teams are not ending or
11265s these teams are oping not to play here
11267s um on this tatch but yeah I don't know
11271s uh I'm not too sure either cuz I don't
11272s really see Di being played as much you
11274s know in competitive but looks like
11276s Mudkip here kcw ooh nice backp from K
11281s awareness actually to you know kind of
11283s back up you know one of these bushes
11284s here as teams can be you know sitting in
11287s them as looks like Mudkip is going to
11289s walk up to contest for this tree but we
11291s do have another team on the bottom side
11293s here so we have a three team or
11295s three-way contest for this tree of life
11297s as uh o a nice pemer is that going to be
11299s enough get a lot of damage onto this uh
11304s yeah looks like Delina is going to be
11305s the one to fall here kcw going to try
11307s looking to return it a nice exclusive
11309s and yeah looks like they will be able to
11311s return that unfortunately kcw down that
11315s goes Dau on the ground unfortunately for
11317s kung8 you're going to have to invest a
11319s lot of time or zerin even more so as
11321s he's going to eat a whole face full of
11323s that spirit arrow it's going to be a
11325s little bit awkward A9 yeah understands
11327s the timing is not right nicely done
11328s there for DHC andj going be able to
11331s recover all of their members whereas on
11332s the side of Kong they're going to be
11333s down on two quite a while no real trans
11337s no real console within sight I think
11340s that is quite safe be a little bit on
11343s the awkward side team 500 MP now looking
11345s for an angle onto DHC andj they just
11347s came back from calling does not want to
11349s look for a fight they will just
11351s disengage oo okay oh a lot of yeah a lot
11354s of teams in hospital here maybe these
11356s teams might look for an angle but OB
11358s they probably don't want to fight when
11359s they are other teams nearby but it looks
11362s like uh slasher just going to maybe look
11364s for an angle they do see I think the
11366s dart of revolation from that Kajun
11369s probably opt out not to fight here they
11371s don't want to really uh give any third
11372s party opportunities other teams but
11374s they're going to run straight into gya
11376s inate uh inite going to straight up jump
11379s in there and here comes the Nikki Al a
11382s nice exclusive but the exclusive does
11383s end up pulling the heart back in and it
11386s looks like the Nikki is just caught in
11388s all of the damage here as Zin does end
11390s up returning it one for one going to get
11392s a nice taunt onto expo here no ultimates
11394s come on the side of slasher it's just up
11398s to this poo is it going to be enough
11399s it's not enough damage and yeah looks
11401s like it will be G going to be able to
11403s get that uh one for zero there okay
11406s another fight still inside of police
11407s station from the looks of it not that
11409s bad I say fire station not police
11411s station kcw is going to get eliminated
11413s Rosner will get picked back up so for
11415s bnk FX they're still keeping their
11417s dreams alive in game number one to come
11419s to farming up a little bit this team a
11421s little bit down on credits will have a
11423s tough time BR back that ran a lot of
11426s people that are going to start to file
11428s in into this area thanks to the fact
11429s that Omega is sitting here no time to go
11431s to the gas station hyperloop either I
11434s think team DHC andj are kind of stuck on
11437s the north side of the map until they
11438s have enough credits to Res the Yan
11440s unless they op to invest the timer
11443s resource and looks like slasher does end
11445s up getting the res off so will be aiz
11447s for or 500 for them you know
11449s unfortunately but we'll have to see oh
11452s oh no the Omega actually slashes both I
11455s think bum and Roser they're going to be
11456s able to get stunned and you know that's
11459s actually going to deter them off to
11460s Omega here as it will be I think gong an
11462s going to be able to secure the secure
11464s for themselves yeah that's such a weird
11466s place to fight a hard that I don't I
11469s don't completely disagree with them you
11471s know backing away like that if a heart
11472s just jumps in and peacemakers it's th
11474s corridors right hay is going to have a
11475s field day shooting Rockets through that
11477s so
11478s good stuff coming out for them um
11479s fortunately yeah with the Omega
11481s resetting they're not going to have to
11482s chase it of course exactly for the
11483s reasons that I just mentioned playing it
11485s safe a four score isn't going to be the
11487s end all be all for your game but dying
11489s in that situation would so see them from
11492s that team will just casually move on
11494s towards the rest of their game as inside
11496s of factory it's a little bit of an ego
11498s battle between the Lenny and the Yan
11500s trying to heal all the damage being Pok
11502s sent out from one another L going to
11505s dodge on the car oh this is a little bit
11506s awkward moving reload
11510s a nice oh my God is it enough damage to
11514s return it not yeah nice angle there from
11517s the sua just going to be able to get you
11519s know a lot of poke damage with their qes
11521s and a nice uh blink uh Dash
11526s forward loocking them up uhoh they don't
11528s have any timer
11529s here they are in no man's land super
11532s they are in absolute No Man's Land
11534s there's nowhere to go no consoles no
11537s timers they're just stuck in a corner of
11539s cemetery the moment they jump they're
11540s going to be found out by team Kung the
11542s moment they stay here they're going to
11544s get out by Cy no they're going oh their
11547s Fates are sealed they got to sacrifice
11549s somebody now they're going to be seen
11551s they have to be seen see they have to
11554s take this they have to take this oh they
11556s got to start it now where's the where's
11557s the move where's the move oh my God but
11560s The Peacemaker it's the hard all things
11563s he
11566s oh and doesn't have any
11569s timer that's going to be it for KP DM
11572s unfortunately coming down in eth place
11575s with zero kill so no points you in the
11577s first round of their debut is L
11579s unfortunate but uh this there's still
11581s three more games Chui ah yeah I mean it
11583s wasn't that bad of a game one right they
11585s don't have any kills but the fight the
11587s fact that they were looking for fights
11589s to begin with is not that bad it's just
11590s a lot of those fights they didn't go in
11592s their favor and the one that actually
11594s looked like it did immediately turned to
11595s shambles as thean missed his entire
11597s combo same thing's going to happen over
11599s on the side of DHC andj kcw down on the
11601s ground pixu on the ground Adriana The
11603s Last One Alive it will be the last one
11605s on that team Curry gets targeted out
11607s isolated but pushed away with the spirit
11609s arrow is going to be n Curry trying to
11611s buy as much time as possible he is going
11613s to get taken down unfortunately it's a
11615s one for oh no it's not even a one for
11617s one it's a two for zero in favor of Team
11619s slasher kingon he's a lenux he's not
11621s going to be able to get away from this
11623s one we may just have our second team of
11625s the game falling down and done and
11629s dusted Mudkip kington this is just a
11632s little bit of a reum Down he goes onto
11634s the ground slasher three for zero yeah
11636s Expo getting a nice engage onto the
11639s Cella and just able to solo uh the Cella
11642s from Mudkip as well so yeah very very uh
11645s nicely executed from Team slash I was a
11648s little worried because you know the
11649s Nikki did end up jumping in a little too
11651s far forward there but uh you know nice
11653s followup to kind of split up the team I
11655s think it is all they needed to you know
11656s close out that fight and looks like dasu
11658s here oh my God the Rockets from zerin
11660s doing so much damage the healin comes
11662s out you know trying to keep the
11663s teammates back alive as it looks like is
11666s going just going to turn their sights
11667s back onto the quick line this going to
11669s be a little bit difficult for KY to
11672s accomplish those there's a lot of free
11674s ways for team um Team bnk furx or Not
11678s bnk furx Sorry ton cybers to actually
11680s get Vision they're trying to pull Wick
11681s line but this is shown on the mini map
11683s right the only issue
11685s with yeah is that they need to push into
11688s a haze oh this is really bad re he's
11691s stuck in the middle everybody alive what
11693s it's a one for one trade so far tazu
11696s he's trying to turn things around but
11697s The Peacemaker is going to stop it and
11699s there is pH wavering wait a second a
11703s this is really messy this is really
11705s messy yeah dosu going to try look in wow
11709s very nicely played from gayong in8
11711s thereus able to juggle aggro so well
11713s from the wick line and you know just um
11717s uh not dasu but zero Jin just able to
11719s Zone off you know both the members as
11720s you know Wick line is being taken and
11722s then yeah nice Peacemaker to kind of
11724s cancel out and disuade any any uh real
11727s engages by you know back in so yeah very
11730s very well played least luckily for team
11733s ton cybers they were able to bring back
11735s the Kia the damage coming through from
11737s her is actually quite insane I mean I
11739s thought it was over when she used her e
11740s into the fight to try to get a little
11742s bit of damage in nice execute coming
11744s from Kung and a two punish that now to
11747s completely isolated down he goes to the
11749s ground Elena The Last One Alive on DHC
11751s andj which means pxu has to try to rrap
11754s for the remainder of the game and so far
11756s from what we've seen super the rats have
11758s not really been able to do that
11760s successfully so far in any of the games
11762s we've seen today or two weeks
11764s ago yeah um I mean who knows right we'll
11767s have to see it is day five so no more
11769s reses can be made here as we do have
11773s 500p maybe looking to find an angle here
11775s it seem slasher is kind of caught in
11777s this little Corridor might maybe give
11780s free reain to sang to do a lot to this
11782s team but you know it is also a triple
11783s backline team so dive team you know can
11786s be devastating cuz uh any Target uh will
11790s just die right so mhm and this is a team
11793s that for some reason is while they are a
11796s triple backline team they need to go in
11798s in order to actually have
11800s any oh my god thisit awward there oh my
11804s God the four stack is going to be all
11806s blinked out by every single member but
11807s that is a crucial resource gone yoa goes
11810s in but it's just going to be eliminated
11813s immediately kill credit goes over onto D
11816s so unfortunate there were three teams
11819s just all vulturing onto this team and
11822s like young cers are looking for some
11825s more Isa going to get some maybe he can
11829s get out here with the Poo going to be
11831s able to get oh but the shot coming out
11835s from rolu and on the other side here it
11837s will be Expo going down so yeah it's
11841s just uh you know it's just how it is
11843s sometimes you know just how it is in a
11845s in a battle royale game where you know
11847s if you are the one caught in the middle
11849s there's not really much you could do
11851s yeah there's also really no way I think
11853s for team slasher to deal with that cuz
11855s they're running a Nikki and a poo if
11857s they invest they're going to get
11858s sandwich if they go another way they're
11860s also going to get sandwich if they go
11861s another another way well there is no
11862s other way those the only real options
11864s they had very unfortunate for DHC andj
11866s but they were kind of kind of just
11868s really dealt the dealt the hand that
11870s they were never going to win so so for
11872s those guys DHC andj on the other hand
11874s Elena keeping themselves alive timer on
11876s the other hand very very low with school
11879s closing is on two bloods here they are
11882s looking really strong for thems I think
11883s five have a pretty good shot here as
11887s yeah it will be um the HC andj going to
11890s be fallen here in I think that is fifth
11895s place so wait four kill so not too bad
11898s of a performance for himself but
11899s definitely you know not um like a
11903s performance I think you would be happy
11904s with so we'll have to see you know how
11906s they do you know end up changing it for
11907s game number two mhm a lot of these
11910s compositions are very onedimensional in
11913s what they're able to do it's very
11914s difficult to deal with them deal with
11916s sandwiches a lot of damage from the
11918s Rockets from soner and that's going to
11920s immediately dispel and you thought it's
11921s a 500 mpce
11923s initiation
11924s gosh yeah and here comes the final Zone
11927s swap here it will be three teams
11930s actually going to contest for the hotel
11933s Zone while it looks like G young a is
11935s going to be completely uncontested with
11937s 11 field kills for themselves so they're
11938s sitting in a really comfortable position
11939s cuz I think they were also the team that
11942s did end up getting Wick line so yeah
11944s we're going to have to see how 500p does
11946s end up choosing their battle here maybe
11949s they they maybe they take control cuz
11950s they are playing a triple backline comp
11952s and they try zoning off the other teams
11954s with you know the Seline and this Emma
11957s ooh a nice Dash in from Rola going to do
11959s so much damage onto uh Scarlet but they
11962s have to be a little careful here as they
11964s are treading Dangerous Waters with the
11966s other team nearby they have a lot of
11968s vision especially with the ballistic
11969s Advantage a lot of pressure down over
11971s onto team 500p T cyers they should kind
11974s of take note of this and just take
11976s control of the zone right they got to
11978s just send it FAA trying to do something
11980s oh Scarlet oh
11981s no oh fa blinked when the walls were
11985s scet is out side so they cannot get back
11989s in here or they'll die right so pop too
11992s yeah I I mean you can't jump in on this
11994s yeah okay now you just jump in right
11995s because you don't want a minus one you
11996s don't want a minus one Scarlet you got
11999s to jump in you have the death thing but
12001s this is going to give the Executioner
12002s bonus over on to bnk FX if he does end
12004s up dying cadas trying to keep himself
12006s alive he does get over to the backside
12008s 20 seconds left on the side of ton
12010s cybers for the most part these players
12012s looking for something a Lifeline in this
12014s fight they're trying their best oh oh
12017s this is
12019s going executioner bonus comes in cool
12022s down comes in SS are about to get taken
12024s down will keep himself alive this Johan
12026s is making all this poke just completely
12028s nullified but he does end up sending it
12030s 3 seconds left for this team Scarlet
12033s just I think Scarlet just uh is like the
12036s biggest agent for team PRX here
12039s obviously Scarlet didn't want to buy
12040s this one but they just gave him a free
12042s execution bonus got some extra timer
12044s back and some heals as well just donated
12046s you know know uh a lot over to FX here
12050s but it will be gay young anate that does
12051s end up coming over first and it will
12054s have full Zone control so have to see
12056s how fix does end up playing into this
12058s yeah and super it seems like these teams
12060s in group b were not watching the games
12062s from Team a cuz we have yet another one
12065s in a million situation where fauna
12068s decides to Blink when the walls were set
12071s Scarlet sisters I get it right I mean
12073s you're stuck in a really awkward
12074s situation you need to look for the blink
12077s the bomb flank is not really going to
12079s work but it does invest a lot of things
12081s from n
12084s the crap the SMG burst is insane rocket
12087s launchers coming through from T trying
12089s to recover something but it's a little
12090s bit too late one kill over on towards
12093s the haze but that is going to be it it's
12095s a three for one in favor of kungi and8
12098s 14 kills for our first place winner of
12101s the National League starting out the
12102s series strong
12104s GG's yeah uh great uh angle there from
12107s zerin to find the blink onto the Beres
12110s and just you know finish him off there
12112s and yeah a nice uh exclusive coming out
12115s from in9 as well to actually keep the
12117s hearts or sorry the haze I think alive
12120s just a second longer to to force you
12122s know um Rosner to kind of Dash on
12125s forward there so yeah very very well
12127s played from gayang coming out on top
12128s with 14 kills for themselves so they are
12131s sitting in a nice comfortable first
12133s place yeah and at this point it almost
12134s feels like the YouTube thumb thumbnail
12136s maker for the Korean eternal return
12139s channel is going to have to make a
12140s collage of everything I think their
12142s brains are going to have to start
12143s racking on how they're going to make a
12144s collage of all these things happening
12146s because we know for sure that this has
12148s been an issue for these teams making
12151s some questionable decisions and I'll be
12153s honest right even for me who kind of
12156s tries to understand the game inside and
12157s out in that situation when you're pushed
12159s into a corner like that into a wall I
12161s would have probably done the same thing
12163s as F yeah they jumped over because they
12166s tried to jump over safety but
12168s obviously um they didn't yeah they
12170s forgot they probably forgot about the
12172s wall coming up and then you know they're
12173s kind of caught outside there but I think
12176s either way they got kind of got
12177s sandwiched so they're probably going to
12179s die anyways but yeah yeah is a little
12183s unfortunate you know we did see you know
12185s these teams you know running
12187s into you know the typical you know ABC
12190s sandwich situation where you know
12191s there's really not much you could do I
12193s think in those situations you kind of
12194s just have to force it on the other team
12197s or one of the teams to try to maybe get
12198s like one or two kills to salvage at the
12201s situation but um yeah and there we we
12203s didn't really see that mhm another good
12206s thing that I saw kungi and watching
12208s flanks right although I think if you're
12211s going to make a flank like that as a
12212s bernes I think instead of walking in the
12214s pathway that he took right through the
12215s classroom across the wall into into the
12218s hallways I think you go into the
12220s classroom and you take the white
12222s lily right cuz we've seen it before
12225s where the white lily inside the
12226s classroom room right above the hall
12227s where the Bernice walk through is
12229s usually not a place that a lot of teams
12231s tend to put cameras down cuz they forget
12232s the white LLY in there if the Bernice
12235s used it maybe they were able to catch
12237s the heart out but because the bernes
12239s walked straight through cameras the Mind
12241s knew and reacted instantly which is
12243s really good that's the part that I want
12244s to congratulate Kung inat about actually
12246s watching flanks I love it I mean
12248s everything's working out um a little bit
12249s of mechanics not being utilized to its
12252s fullest extent if I'm going to sugar
12253s coat it as much as I can uh yeah it
12257s another game one for a series that
12260s starts off quite
12261s strange yeah I mean they forc the blink
12264s on to uh bomb early and then you know Z
12268s just able to capitalize on that and you
12270s know finish the job so very well played
12272s from gang8 you know I think they're you
12274s know kind of another textbook team that
12277s you know we see time and time again
12278s obviously the one in the National League
12280s was really really big for them so yeah
12282s coming out here showing up as well
12285s getting a nice 14 kill Banger for them
12289s as they got 22 points for that game so
12291s yeah they're definitely sitting in a
12292s nice comfortable first mhm and then
12294s wouldn't be surprised if this is the
12296s performance that Kung andate is able to
12297s bring to the table their team
12299s composition very seems very solid seems
12301s very fluid they all seem to be
12303s comfortable with what they're running
12304s from the looks of it right now as well
12306s and as I mentioned Kung well I should
12308s say as you mentioned I want to give the
12310s proper credit because I wasn't looking
12311s at it uh the winners of the National
12314s League that happened a few days ago so
12316s yeah these guys are just kind of
12317s stemming the performance off of game one
12320s from what they did in the National
12322s League yeah and obviously we have uh you
12325s know our other two teams that are both
12328s 13 and 12 points
12329s respectively uh obviously bnk FX they're
12333s a team you know that's really consistent
12335s they always get high placement they
12336s always make it to finals it's no
12338s surprise to see them in second place and
12340s we have the young cybers as well you
12342s know a team that I don't I don't know
12344s how well they did in the last um ERM but
12348s you know they didn't really have a nice
12349s performance in phase one so it's nice to
12351s see them you know kind of finding their
12353s their stride and you know Finding uh
12355s pick that works for them the only reason
12357s why I remember what their performance
12358s was like during the F during uh phase
12361s two uh is because their interviews on
12365s Sha's Channel Zero Jin said there is no
12368s other player that is there is no other
12369s team that is better than kungi and8 and
12372s let me be frank with you the group stage
12374s and the Wild Card stage is stated
12376s otherwise
12378s they played a little awkwardly during
12380s the groups and the wild cards again I'm
12382s sugar cating this one but in the finals
12384s they actually did okay of course as you
12386s know as a lot of people know Chui was
12388s the one to win it out in the end but I
12390s think MAA and Hong and kungi and it
12392s actually had Stellar performances
12394s alongside CH seed in the finals so they
12396s did manage to turn things around but
12398s this time it seems they have a
12400s completely different idea on what kind
12401s of composition they want to run and a
12403s different way to actually pilot the
12406s composition there's two sides of the
12408s story when it comes to playing the game
12409s it's the composition and competitive and
12411s it's also how you actually pilot it they
12413s look like a different team compared to
12414s phase two and I really like that yeah
12417s and it looks like we will be jumping
12419s straight into our round two here as it
12422s looks like most of think actually we do
12425s have uh swaps actually I think team uh K
12429s DM here swapping the team comp entirely
12432s with the typical front line double back
12434s line we have hoit on Adriana and lokin
12436s looking on uh subam and insane on that
12440s Lenox pick as you know Lenox showing up
12444s quite strong I think uh for phase number
12446s three mhm this actually seems a lot more
12448s in line with what carp DM would normally
12450s run to cuz lokan is a subam ficient auto
12453s this guy loves playing that character
12455s has always loved playing this character
12456s ever since her release h on the Adriana
12459s is going to be a little bit awkward for
12460s me I think it's a little bit more of an
12462s idea to buy Lan space to work with and
12466s if insane is able to play like denana
12468s did act as a front wall don't overboard
12470s things with really greedy initiations
12473s right you don't have to you have a supam
12474s you have an Adriana if you pump distance
12478s between yourself and your back lines
12479s they're not going to do anything just be
12481s that front line pull people in with your
12483s snake bite use that blink to follow up
12486s on things instead of trying to start
12488s things I think this team comp is going
12489s to work out really well in this
12492s game yeah again I don't think we have
12494s any bans for or going into game number
12497s three you have a lot of duplicates you
12498s know you have two hazes two adrianas two
12501s looes two suos but again no a character
12505s that's been picked three times so yeah I
12508s mean it looks like teams are just you
12510s know they're experimenting with
12512s different team comps they're getting uh
12515s their own and um yeah it's probably been
12517s working out for some of these teams
12519s another interesting statistic for you
12521s all right we talked about this during
12522s the podcast 1.26 the H that is
12525s guaranteed right but this is 1 25 we
12527s have our first Theo of group stages
12530s today yeah I think um it's been known in
12534s the KR scene that you a lot of teams are
12536s playing like anti-that comps or they're
12539s or they've definitely like sort of
12541s figured out how to play around uh
12542s Theodore as a character so that's why we
12544s haven't been seeing Theodore as much but
12546s you know Theodore is still you know
12547s being such a strong pick we're going to
12549s see it uh come out here uh I'm kind of
12552s curious to see you know how it does as
12553s well yeah they're pretty much running a
12555s composition that Theo has been running
12557s with for quite a while in a lot of
12559s Series so far is a Theodore Bernice and
12562s then the front line right we usually see
12563s it combined with an Alonzo cuz it does
12565s help him root force a fight in a lot of
12568s cases but this time around we are going
12569s to see it paired up with a Lennox
12572s instead which in you know not hindsight
12575s but foresight I suppose is actually not
12577s that bad of a composition either it does
12579s buy even more space for the lenx to
12581s actually try initiating you don't need
12583s to invest a blink to try getting any
12585s additional distance for that one either
12587s blast field coming out it will actually
12589s end up knocking down insane kill will
12592s come in and the Adriana picks it up with
12594s the [ __ ] they're on the board they're on
12595s the board they're on okay buddy they are
12599s on the
12600s board they do end up taking one and yeah
12604s looks like it will be you know a a two
12606s for one trade early game but you know it
12608s doesn't really matter because you know
12610s it is day one
12612s so yeah they'll their respawns are
12614s basically 5 seconds but it is not that
12617s we do see you know them come out uh come
12620s out strong here we can get to free
12622s archery range off of that one as well
12624s although Archer range in day one is not
12626s as valuable as it was just a few patches
12628s ago since they did change up a lot of
12630s animals that were inside of it still
12632s going to get something out of dying
12634s death timers are not too long good stuff
12636s coming in possibility from the Yan not
12639s going and the blink in oh my God Rosner
12644s which means Cadmus is going to have to
12646s escape this one maybe the speed gate is
12648s enough yes it will it will allow that
12649s Yohan to gracefully waddle himself on
12653s out of Uptown good Lord that blink was
12656s insane yeah nice blink there to
12658s recognize you know that uh roli was
12661s completely isolated so just going to be
12663s able to get
12664s um get him on out of there as uh they do
12668s actually on the other side here ooh a
12669s nice blink actually from zerin going to
12671s be able to get him to safety with that
12672s white lily going to be able to you know
12675s blast on out of there and and yeah looks
12677s like you on the side of gayang na no one
12680s really Fallen you know really slow uh
12682s day number one here shui yeah a lot of
12684s our lennox's so far in the series I mean
12686s you mentioned it earlier too was having
12689s a lot of impact and of course in that
12690s situation yeah the snake by Miss but
12693s it's the fact that you ended up forcing
12695s the blink in a lot of these cases right
12698s cuz you might fight them in the future
12699s that blink investment might actually
12700s cost that player yoa gets taken down
12703s here as well but yeah a lot of our
12704s lennox's are having so much value right
12707s now I this is so weird I mean she hasn't
12710s been seen all too often in recent
12712s tournaments and now all of a sudden in
12713s Phase number three she's just doing so
12715s much it's so
12717s weird yeah I mean I guess with the Nerfs
12720s on these other tanks you know while you
12722s know Lenox I don't I don't think she
12724s really gets touched too much it's just
12726s on to come up because you know uh the
12728s strength of these other tanks are going
12730s down but it looks like we do have an
12732s engage maybe from G they are pushing
12734s forward here looks like they don't
12736s really want anything more as team MK you
12738s know slowly backs away here CH on two
12740s kills you know so they're in a pretty
12742s comfortable position o a nice Dodge from
12744s dasu from that uh that uh pole there and
12749s yeah looks like both teams here are
12751s going to hover around and they're
12753s probably going to play for the tree
12754s luckily there's no other teams that are
12756s looking to contest so it's just going to
12758s be a clean one team versus one team
12760s fight who's going to be the one to pull
12762s the trigger I mean they do have a
12764s Theodore they do have a bernes they have
12765s a lot of free information thanks to the
12767s double ballistic Advantage but it's
12770s going to come down to Peacemaker versus
12773s the overcharge from the energy blast
12775s field here we go in9 is planning on
12776s sending it will miss the stut but it
12778s does invest a lot of blinks from the
12780s side of team mudkips are they going to
12782s try pushing for this as A9 securing the
12785s Tree of Life they will push it energy
12787s blast field is out this is a level one
12789s energy blast field so overcharge state
12790s is not going to last for that long
12792s ignite is going to get a double taunt in
12794s and down goes kington down goes Curry
12796s what a great fight from Kung and they
12798s just so in control no doubt about it and
12802s on the other side here we have FX also
12805s taking one from 500 MP going to be able
12807s to get a nice kill for them and a tree
12809s of life for them too so yeah both teams
12811s here are going to be able to pick up
12814s some kills gong yeah just playing that
12816s fight so well just playing it a little
12818s slow right on then just able to get that
12821s nice re-engage there you know onto both
12824s uh Bice and the so yeah very very well
12827s played things great things outside of
12829s that though the fights when it comes to
12832s all the other objectives that we weren't
12833s able to actually catch didn't exist
12836s that's probably why we didn't catch it
12838s no other fights happening but there is a
12839s team inside of Uptown potentially
12841s looking for it hoit getting some decent
12844s poke down onto Rosner but this is a sua
12846s the Poke doesn't really mean much in the
12848s middle of these fights especially when
12849s Rockets are raining true tons are still
12851s looking for some more damage to come in
12854s Shield is going to disappear p o trying
12857s to pull things insane looking for a hook
12859s will not get it as HS are a little too
12861s knowledgeable about that one yeah and
12864s both teams are just going to walk away
12865s here Curry kind of caught out from his
12867s team and it looks like o the Rockets are
12870s just connecting Asen hits every single
12872s rocket and Curry will end up falling
12875s there good God all right he's taking
12877s missiles out here with zero Jin this man
12879s is trying to prove himself with the haze
12881s two weeks ago this guy got out done I
12883s Believe by SAR on the haze he's trying
12886s to turn around this time another fight
12888s coming in Faun sitting inside of the
12890s tetragon he's going to get bouncy housed
12891s all over the place we'll take one with
12893s him but there goes another swong taken
12895s down onto the ground it's just day two
12897s they will res in about 30 seconds but
12900s that means Scarlet stuck by themselves
12902s for quite a long time there's an Emma
12905s though so Emma you know really really
12907s really slippery character I'm sure
12908s they'll be okay here as we do have a
12910s carb DM setting up for this Alpha here
12914s in h hotel as and on the other side we
12917s do have Mudkip just going to grab these
12920s nice bears for themsel slash you're
12922s going to win their their Battle Zone for
12924s free and maybe maybe they're going to
12926s look for some more here I'm a little bit
12928s worried if I'm going to be honest with
12929s Team 500 MP usually when you have triple
12932s backline damage deal like this or at
12934s least a team that is very risky to play
12937s here okay Curry is not going to be able
12938s to take that by himself so what ends up
12941s happening with these kind of
12942s compositions that runs triple back line
12944s like this right you need to advantages
12947s oh God C is isolated oh boy
12953s bye yeah let's say cry tried to do the
12956s alpha for himself but just wasn't able
12957s to do it oh a nice double Taun here
12959s coming out from wait a second to win
12961s this poly it's not going to be enough as
12964s yeah looks like VA is going to drop as
12966s well uh but here comes another team I
12968s think team Slasher tping in for the
12970s alpha ACW just going to use that white
12973s to get on out of there and looks like
12974s they're they're actually actually all
12976s okay as team slasher probably going to
12979s turn their sights onto this Alpha going
12980s to get this free methol for himself and
12984s yeah they're going to look they're going
12985s to be looking in a nice position going
12988s to continue the train of thought from
12990s earlier 5p I'm really worried about this
12993s team because when you're running triple
12994s backline you need to snow a ball it's a
12996s thing that we see in North America as
12997s well these triple backline running teams
12999s they always snowball from the early
13001s stages and that's part of what kind of
13002s contributes to their success 500 MP they
13006s on average about a level or two down
13008s compared to the rest of the lobby
13009s running triple backline there is no
13011s stats for these guys and they haven't
13013s really been winning too many fights
13015s either the fact that they just lost
13016s another one inside of Aly this sets them
13018s back a little bit too far and now I'm
13020s worried is it too late for this team to
13022s start coming back they don't really have
13024s too many credits yeah 300 seems like a
13026s lot but are you looking for one big
13028s Force score transition but are you're
13030s looking for two smaller ones either way
13032s they are just so behind the rest of this
13033s Lobby right now I'm not entirely sure
13036s they're going to be able to bring
13037s something back since they don't have
13039s that reliable front line to soak up any
13041s damage or mistakes that this team makes
13045s yeah the one thing about triple back
13046s line teams is you know you have to play
13048s perfectly and you have to play like your
13050s effectiv wait a second oh my God God
13054s never mind that is the strength of the
13055s triple back line is you could shred
13057s these uh these front liners that you
13060s know slightly misposition if they're a
13062s little too far forward and you are able
13064s to you know CC chain them here with that
13066s Emma and that Seline is able to rip
13069s through them so yeah there we go they do
13071s end up finding their footing they get
13072s that nice skill they get uh two
13074s objectives I think they got a box and uh
13077s a meterorite I think on the bottom side
13079s so yeah maybe they're back in it here
13081s really lucky for that team but same
13083s thing for team Mudkip thankfully the
13084s lenx got bursted fast enough so she's
13086s actually going to come back in a couple
13088s seconds no credits required to actually
13090s revive that player back in which means
13092s for now in this game we are still at
13095s zero for Theus 250 counts although that
13098s will definitely start increasing in the
13100s next few moments here these teams are
13101s looking for the fight team team slasher
13105s they're kind of split up with Nisa
13107s getting isolated he's trying to soak up
13108s a lot of damage with the helicopter but
13112s n it's not going to happen they are so
13113s isolated look at their timer yep their
13115s timer is the main issue where are they
13117s going to go there's Scarlet going into
13121s these totem nothing else happening on
13123s the side of ton cybers they're not
13124s willing to Brute Force this issue
13125s especially with the Seline hanging
13127s around in the back side my God second
13129s spell shield though oh my God the spell
13132s shield yeah I just able to get the sua
13135s on out of there actually did not get ped
13137s so yeah that actually saves them B
13139s getting chunk down to half HP nice
13141s turnaround actually from 500 MP trying
13143s to you know look for an
13145s angle still got it on this m put up so
13149s much pressure nice blast wave out
13150s Scarlet
13151s sisters it's going to have to just walk
13153s it on out he looked freaky for a second
13156s there but man again this Seline
13157s character is just so good at buying
13159s space looking for opportunities and I
13162s say it again season 2 sadong Seline this
13164s guy was like Peak Seline the fact that
13167s he still got it is so scary to me and if
13169s 500 MP is able to just drive that into
13171s the ground I I don't know how other
13174s teams deal with this triple Mage comp I
13175s really don't or triple backline comp
13178s yeah the Leen is such a strong pick but
13180s o a nice uh I think aink I think he got
13184s the the dash into blink which uh
13187s teleported the r of the vampire queen
13189s but just not enough there has yeah looks
13191s like it will be oh no looks third party
13195s that's so unfortunate as you know it was
13197s karp DM coming out on top in that fight
13200s but yeah now they are down a member
13203s through that third part I think insane
13204s just going to tank some red timer going
13206s to be able to get this res off as Lan
13207s will TP on over into the Red Zone oh you
13210s got to go you got to go you got okay
13213s okay he was debating it I don't I know
13216s if that was the right idea with how many
13217s teams were inside of hotel but he does
13219s end up getting out without any
13220s punishment we'll eat a couple
13223s extra got the rest for free oh you're
13226s right n is back
13228s okay yeah and oh very close hook there
13232s from insane unfortunately just going
13234s slightly wide but yeah there's three
13236s teams now Hotel so I think these teams
13238s probably don't want to take any fights
13241s as uh yeah they will be taking cams here
13244s you should see that you know there are a
13246s lot of teams in the zone and uh yeah I
13249s guess it's up to these teams if they do
13250s want to take the fight or not all these
13252s teams should have seen the Ping on the
13254s south side too in beach where Team 5 are
13257s taking animals a hyperloop comes in it's
13259s a fiesta inside of hotel from the looks
13261s of it and they're actually going to
13261s follow through on this wait a second
13263s hold on DHC andj looking for a fight
13265s will just back away from it but now oh
13267s my God team M get hanging down on the
13269s bottom side too wait they're isolated
13271s this lenx is in the middle of nowhere
13272s but a fight begins inside of Hotel there
13274s we go one down on the ground DHC andj
13277s picking up Nia will get eliminated try
13280s to she comes back King CH was completely
13283s isolated I think he took the white lily
13285s into Beach for some reason away from his
13287s team oh maybe it was just like a
13289s miscommunication maybe he tried going
13290s for a flank angle oh ooh no
13294s real no pull there as he does end up
13296s getting away and yeah looks like they
13298s end up keep being I think down to
13300s factory wow I mean nothing really coming
13303s out of that you know there were there
13304s was like one or two team fights but you
13305s you know no real team
13307s wipes so everyone's coming of kind of
13311s just down on items it looks like but
13312s everyone everyone's alive yep the teams
13315s that didn't partake in the fiesta inside
13317s of hotel are actually going to be well
13318s ahead of all the other teams that
13320s actually did have to deal with teams
13321s inside of Hotel it was a stalemate which
13324s means for the entire duration of the
13325s stalemate all these teams wen't really
13327s doing anything it's either that or
13328s you're wasting credits trying to revive
13330s people and that's not a good use of your
13331s time either so pretty awkward situation
13334s for a majority of the teams that are
13336s still alive but you know I see majority
13338s they're still all teams alive in this
13340s game super going into team in day four
13342s yeah and it looks like gang Chong here
13344s isolated from his team once again and FX
13347s is just going to be able to capitalize
13348s on that just going to be able to pick
13351s him off here so yeah I kind of have to
13354s wonder you know what um how come MIP is
13356s so far away but a nice pull actually
13358s going to be able to get land onto
13359s explore here from insane but a third
13361s party I think 500 MP do know there is a
13363s team nearby and looks like they w both
13365s teams will actually full disengage and
13367s no one will lose any members once again
13369s great decision making from insane I mean
13371s he saw the third party coming in so said
13373s hey there's a re of the vampire queen
13375s underneath me but I have to leave blink
13377s straight in towards it good call from
13379s Team slasher to actually back away from
13381s that as well cuz if they greet it onto
13382s the lenx they get caught out by the
13384s third party zero J gets completely
13387s eliminated the SE Shield is going to
13389s deny everything and down goes the hearts
13392s down goes the haze Kung and and chambles
13395s as My Last One Alive yeah Z Jin checking
13398s the bush but he's he was isolated
13400s completely by himself so you know
13403s although he did end up walking up and he
13404s did end up checking the bush is just you
13406s know if you're by if you're there
13408s isolated from your team there's really
13409s not much you know your team can really
13410s do to help you out there so yeah just
13413s going to get completely oh my God the
13415s poly combo coming out big from Scarlet
13417s sisters it's going to be able to one
13418s shot and that's going to be team slasher
13420s going down yes Jesus Christ that's the
13423s triple backline for you get get the
13425s initi
13426s you win the fight that's just how it is
13429s triple damage dealers there's nobody in
13431s the game that's going to be able to deal
13432s with that unless you have like 99%
13434s damage reduction they don't nobody on
13437s slasher does yeah maybe the Poo can deny
13439s some projectiles from hitting but he had
13441s no chance he was just
13443s dead and here comes the damage coming
13446s out from gayong innate are they going to
13447s be able to do anything into bnk FX they
13450s are going to be able to return a lot of
13451s damage roer actually blinks on forward
13452s here o a nice block from in9 but the
13456s damage coming out from the haze on FX
13458s that's going to be it so I think G is
13460s actually going to be the first actually
13462s the second team to fall because we did
13464s have Team uh slasher falling down first
13466s a lot of teams starting to lose members
13468s we got 40 seconds until timer is
13470s completely out for these teams to try
13472s try resing we went from eight down to
13474s six within a time span of about 2
13477s minutes and a lot of these guys are now
13478s looking for Recovery trying to get their
13480s members back oh boy yep so many Duos
13486s team trying to call inside a chapel it's
13488s actually going to the Tim works out uh
13491s surprisingly enough it's
13493s going both teams are able to get the res
13495s off it looks like one does end up
13496s getting the res and they walk down
13498s another team over here
13500s oh it's
13503s over time to TP and can they get the res
13507s off Yan has to Res Yan has to Res oh
13510s they do get it off they do get it off
13511s wait oh 7 Seconds right okay all right
13514s okay so we are really just going into
13516s the depths of hell when it comes to the
13518s nonsense the bullshittery that's
13520s happening I swore man that is the first
13522s time I've did it in a while but a lot of
13524s nonsense happening in this series what
13526s is going on day one is just so weird
13529s yeah I mean MIP is the only team that
13531s doesn't have a full team left they are
13532s do on the both double backline with no
13535s Mobility so if they get caught they are
13537s probably dead but it looks like they're
13539s just going to use the white lily to get
13540s on over down to factory here I think the
13544s cam will definitely see one of the
13545s members so there might be another fight
13547s as well there's three teams down in oh
13550s looks like they're actually just going
13550s to over to walk into Cemetery does insan
13554s have
13557s for dude I don't what
13561s is please what what did everybody just
13565s kind of ban together and say hey let's
13567s make shu's life a living hell for group
13570s stages or
13571s what oh Curry is caught here but wait a
13575s second and the Alena goes a little too
13577s far forward does not know that there was
13579s another team in that bush but the the
13581s return fire to damage oh my God fana
13583s lived just barely because of the
13585s executional bonus I think that was
13587s really
13588s close Mudkip now living on a Theo that
13591s has what two seconds of his timer left
13593s because of what they were pulling off on
13595s the south side of the map well let's see
13598s what happens bnk FX now trying to get
13600s the positioning fight up against ton
13601s cyers they don't really have a way in
13604s despite having the wi Aline buff the hay
13606s is making it very difficult to actually
13608s enter through some of these tight
13609s corridors for the doorways another fight
13612s on the North side there is a stasis
13614s coming through for scarlet will get
13615s taken down into the blue vipers to
13617s finish that one off another fight
13618s happening as down goes to kloe Swang now
13620s trying to book it out but for DHD NJ
13622s they have a whole different set of
13624s problems to deal with and that's the
13625s team of CB DM trying to isolate
13627s themselves unforunately yep sang doing a
13630s lot of good damage but Lan Dodges out
13632s Hoy Dodges out everybody keeping
13634s themselves alive a little bit awkward
13636s here factory being a problem same thing
13638s for warehouses bnk FX and Deon cybers
13641s still looking for an angle in Tangy what
13643s are you doing Tangy what are you doing
13645s oh a nice blink forward from the Lenox
13648s going to be able to pull the Alina but
13650s the Alena is just going to walk away and
13651s on the other side here it looks like it
13652s is oh wow Rosner actually trades one for
13656s one and I think Roser is going to get
13660s the r off so much faster they're going
13661s to get this oh shoot it's it's coming
13663s down to a 2v2 here SU versus Su got
13666s count going to jump on in there Rosner
13669s going to get one of the dashes off and
13672s yeah here and the reses does end up
13674s coming through from FX and that is going
13675s to be it they're going to find the self
13677s res happening too I mean yeah there goes
13679s revu down on the ground that just was
13681s not the right decision as soon as they
13683s just saw one should have understood that
13684s the res was happening and backed off
13686s this time here we go the final fight
13688s potentially from Team carpet DM versus
13690s Team DH oh the ultimate oh my God
13694s although wait l still alive lokan is
13696s still alive they don't have confirmed
13697s damage Del onto this character but
13699s finally she goes down there goes Hoy it
13702s will be kcw to pick that one up
13704s terminates coming from DHC andj onto
13707s team carpet DM five kills for that team
13709s going to go down DHC andj sitting on 10
13712s looking for a potential 16 and the
13716s ultimate from Delina was huge you're
13717s actually actually able to read uh the
13721s subam you know cuz he did have the
13725s the little uh the little wood thing down
13729s I I I I forgot the name but um yeah yeah
13731s just able to you know predict you know
13734s him dashing back into the ultimate and
13737s you know it will be lights out for that
13739s team but you know maybe magn can look
13742s for an angle here he's going to jump
13743s straight onto the oh wow a nice block
13746s actually from the Lenas is that going to
13750s be enough Here Comes ultimate as well
13751s magnani he's still alive he has full HP
13754s it's the SU and the Yan combo here and
13756s the sua has full items with that red Shu
13759s but uh oh no he's getting locked up very
13762s well played from DH cnj and that is
13765s going to be lights out for this team
13767s good attempt from The Young cybers with
13770s the Su plus the Johan you know if
13772s there's any two that could go for the
13774s 2v3 would be these two but you know
13777s unfortunately uh you know kcw and team
13781s DH just playing it really well there
13782s just able to rotate their CC able to
13784s lock down that SU well and that will be
13786s it absolutely really good reactions I
13788s think coming from this team as well they
13791s probably had it I'm going to be honest
13793s with you cuz yam was about to rotate
13795s through his cooldowns as well even
13796s within the faith and wavering but they
13798s didn't want to send it and it looked
13800s kind of bad cuz a lot of the members of
13801s DHC andj were losing a lot of health
13803s during the fight but they understood
13805s that in tight corridors Adriana has so
13807s much power Yan has so much power pixu on
13809s the Lan also has so much power that they
13811s just decided to send it after the faith
13813s and wavering was over good decis making
13815s it does allow them to win out on the 3v2
13818s that could have definitely gone ay now
13820s the only other issue that this provides
13822s is the fact that they don't have
13823s positioning explosive baa goes wide nice
13825s reaction from kcw but look at the time
13828s there is only 3 seconds to go until
13829s final zone is going to pop a long way
13832s for DHC andj to walk and have to play
13835s into this Haze Bernice pick and Su as
13838s well they have a lot of poke here nice
13841s poke from the Haz really chunking the
13842s Lena down to 3/4 HP
13845s ooh but the Adriana getting some return
13848s fire here roer going to be able to go
13850s onto the Lena that did end up stepping
13851s on a guillotine the barrier does end up
13854s proing here so much damage returned back
13856s onto Roser but the is so low oh my God
13860s the from actually denying bom the white
13862s lily I didn't even know that's how it
13864s worked it's any kind of Mobility I think
13867s just anything that moves you oh that's
13869s so weird now this is putting I think ban
13873s furx in a little bit of a precarious
13874s situation cuz they lost all their
13876s positioning traps are gone foothold
13878s traps on the ground now is in favor of
13880s nobody as the positioning on that is
13881s just really bad now it's to gumel on the
13883s side trying to poke people out he's
13885s throwing oil they look an angle go the
13888s double shotgun the double shotgun from
13892s ton are range true and the bullets just
13895s spread wide 5 seconds left on pxu he's
13897s forced back in but he's of course going
13900s back out it doesn't change a single damn
13902s thing GG's 11 kills for pnk f X will
13905s take the first place but what a game
13908s what a game he's coming out big for team
13912s bnk FX just able to react to the engage
13915s there going to get that double stun onto
13917s both the lenina and the Yon and that
13919s will be lights out for
13923s team uh which
13925s team it was bnk furx versus
13931s Team
13933s slasher was it oh no it wasn't team
13935s slasher it's another one of our oh it's
13937s dcj there we go
13939s yes yeah very very well played from that
13941s team um yeah I mean textbook uh you know
13946s counter engage with the with the haze
13949s double shotgun and then I think the Bola
13950s as well to just lock you know down both
13952s initiatives from DH so yeah that's so
13956s unfortunate though man the double
13958s shotgun the timing on that was insane
13961s from solur and it's really unfortunate
13963s that the double frontliners opted to go
13964s in exactly at the same time but it was
13967s kind of cool how you know the fight kind
13969s of panned from the entire right side of
13971s the fight all the way to the left side
13973s only for it to stop for a second and it
13975s took it took you and I a couple moments
13978s there to actually think about what
13980s happened and actually put it into words
13982s and
13983s expressions great fight great great
13986s fight I think from both teams you have
13987s to try pushing for the side of DHC andj
13989s you really don't have that much timer to
13991s work around since you had to walk pretty
13992s much the entire length of factory down
13995s into the final Zone good decision making
13998s from Team bnk furx to
14001s slowly pull back SAR thanks to the Poke
14004s from the hay right we saw that multiple
14006s times in group a as well they're doing
14007s the same thing in group b and that's why
14009s hay is just good if you get positioning
14011s if you get the control over a certain
14014s piece of area and teams are forced to
14016s push into you rocket launchers are good
14019s SMGs are really good the grenade
14021s launchers are even better because you
14022s have that on such low cool down this
14024s late into the game
14025s voila a perfect recipe for a win yeah
14028s just so much poke but um you know I kind
14031s of want to talk about the the tetron
14034s into the white L I didn't know that's
14036s how the interaction worked because uh I
14038s think kcw just used it to try to Zone
14040s off the other two which is a little
14041s unfortunate right cuz he didn't have the
14044s the ultimate at the very end there I
14045s think maybe if he had the ultimate he
14047s probably could have done a little more
14048s but um him placing it down there to
14049s actually deny bomb the white lily I that
14053s was kind of surprising to me you know
14055s yeah or if anything maybe if the Bernice
14058s even came in yeah yeah if he waited like
14061s a second longer and then maybe used it
14064s um yeah I think maybe he would have been
14067s able to just lock down the b in that
14068s tetron so I think it was unintentional
14071s but uh kind of cool to see you know that
14074s that that that interaction I'm
14078s actually I don't know I think if he did
14080s put it down a second later it would have
14081s been a little bit too late cuz Bernice
14082s is blank and he also took the white lily
14084s to tried taking advantage of the Adriana
14087s being too low HP I either way I think it
14090s worked out as best as it could for the
14092s side of DHC andj unfortunately weren't
14094s able to actually pick anything up off of
14096s the final fight but it's nice to see
14098s that they were able to bring that
14099s composition all the way to the end cuz
14101s we had a little bit of doubts about it
14103s with pxu on that Elena let just see that
14107s it's still coming online but here we go
14108s round results for game number two in
14111s group b bnk furx 19 points for this team
14114s d hcnj sitting on 17 and then third
14117s place 500 MP they will be on the board
14119s 12 points for these guys so we have a
14123s relatively top weighted scoreboard which
14126s is going to put games three and four
14127s after we come back from break a bit on a
14130s tight end for some of these
14132s teams yeah I mean we also have the young
14134s cybers you know I think our team that
14136s was in third place getting eight points
14138s and yeah here's the total leaderboard
14140s here so bnk furi with a nice lead for
14143s thems with 32 points you know not too
14145s far behind them though gong 8 with 27 so
14147s only a fiveo difference between first
14149s and second and between second and third
14151s only four points as well so DH can also
14153s maybe try looking for an a top two spot
14156s for themselves but um yeah I mean it's
14159s still anyone's game the bottom three are
14161s really close together with only a
14162s onepoint difference so anyone can really
14164s still qualify I'm still worried about
14166s team Mudkip though man I mean throughout
14167s this entire season they just been
14169s screwed over left and right one time it
14171s was from eons another time it was from
14173s two eons this time they just haven't
14176s been able to find a footing I mean this
14177s is the first series in a while where
14179s Curry hasn't had to deal with eons and
14181s it just still doesn't seem to be working
14183s out but ladies and gentlemen we're going
14185s to be going to a break of course that
14187s was just game number two we're going to
14188s have games three and four coming for you
14190s after the break is over so grab yourself
14191s a snack grab some water take a stretch
14193s we'll see you guys here for games three
14195s and four take care take care
14223s speech
14233s spee
14263s foreign
14267s for spe
14323s come for
14384s think for
14442s foree Chien
14470s fore chicken
14480s Wen
14533s need so
14555s fore spee
14583s spee
14585s spee
14593s fore
14599s foree
14601s fore
14606s spee speee
14642s fore foree
14671s spee
14675s fore for
14716s all right ladies and gentlemen welcome
14717s back from the break we just finished
14720s games one and two of Group B which means
14722s we got games three and four left we also
14725s just got a really good look again at the
14727s intro so if you guys weren't here at
14728s start that is the intro right there if
14730s you guys want to watch it all the time
14731s cuz it looks so good and it sounds so
14734s good make sure you guys join us at the
14735s beginning of every single one of our
14737s erms cuz they got something cooking
14739s every single
14740s season yeah um our final two game shuy
14743s I'm excited because you know these teams
14747s their tournament life is on the line and
14749s you know could also be their their
14752s season right because this is the last
14754s phase so exactly for the teams that
14757s don't have enough circuit points by the
14758s end of this I think it's so it's four
14761s teams that go straight into day two and
14764s then eight teams that have to fight it
14765s out in day one so any teams that don't
14767s come in the top 12 overall for the
14770s season when it comes to Circuit points
14772s are going to be either relegated to LC Q
14774s are they just done for the rest of the
14776s season guys lcq is a whole different
14778s Beast that these players I'm pretty sure
14780s do not want to deal with whatsoever so
14783s phase three this is going to be
14784s important after this one we will lose
14787s two sets of teams going into the wild
14789s cards and the final stages games three
14791s and four is going to matter a lot
14793s especially with the scoreboard as
14794s volatile as it was going into our
14797s break yeah I'm excited but I think we
14799s are going to jump straight into a chuv I
14802s think we have very similar picks once
14806s again we do have it looks like the suas
14810s coming out we have the hazes so two
14813s hazes I don't know if we'll get any
14815s banss I think the team cups are
14817s relatively the same I think so as
14821s well Scarlet considering
14825s my that is not a change that I expected
14829s toam also considering the subam okay so
14832s there are definite changes from the
14834s looks of it or at least change in Minds
14836s right there's they're wavering a little
14838s bit a lot of these guys are thinking hey
14840s I want to play something else hey I want
14841s to play this I want to play that guys
14844s got to lock
14845s in all right
14848s okay J and Bernice okay yeah so that is
14853s our unique pick I think for this game um
14857s yeah I mean I kind of want to see how
14858s they utilize this pick Bice I think
14860s still pretty strong on the 1 Point uh
14863s two five patch I think he just got hit
14865s again in the
14867s 1.26 but we're going to have to see you
14869s know um how to utilize this character
14871s exactly a lot of repeat picks again in
14874s the series right um I think I see double
14876s hazes double adrianas I'm seeing double
14879s M all over the place too but no band
14882s from the looks of it just a quick
14883s glimpse of it maybe it might be a little
14885s bit different when people actually are
14888s you know checking things cuz I am blind
14890s right I can't really see anything oh I
14892s think you're correct I don't think
14893s there's any here we have oh we have two
14895s adrianas actually I think I think we had
14896s two adrianas uh two adri two Lenox two
14902s suas two hazes but yeah no triple pick
14906s here so there will be no bans for this
14910s entire uh group it looks like we did
14913s have a ban in uh group a it was a my ban
14915s but it was only one ban as well so you
14918s I'm kind of surprised here you know on
14919s the Korean side cuz usually they you
14923s know teams always playing meta they're
14924s always swapping to whatever is strong
14926s but I guess there's no real standout uh
14928s pick um in the meta right now yeah it's
14931s it used to be really streamlined I
14933s really like that word because that's
14935s basically a good example of or I should
14938s say a good word that was representative
14940s of pretty much the entire I think
14942s history of the Korean competitive side a
14945s lot of compositions very much in line
14947s with each other the ideas are the exact
14949s same but from what we've seen in group a
14951s and Group B for phase three no
14954s everybody's just kind of playing their
14955s own compositions they understand what
14956s they like they think it's pretty strong
14958s pair it up against something else just
14960s go for it send it out match it up
14962s against the other teams that's what we
14963s are seeing here it's so much more akin
14966s to Regions like EU and na whereas EU and
14968s na on the other hand now they're playing
14970s the bit of the Mets I see people on
14973s uncomfortable characters all over the
14974s place in Na and euu are we just
14977s completely flip-flopping regions now
14979s what's going on yeah I
14982s mean I don't know cuz yeah I mean on the
14985s on our side we do have teams you know
14987s kind of adapting to you know some of
14988s these meta picks um now but and you on
14991s the K side they's playing comfortable
14993s picks but at the same time maybe they's
14994s just maybe uh the the greens just don't
14997s think you know there's any like real you
14999s know overwhelming pick right now because
15001s of all the character changes that did
15003s end up coming in you know the recent
15004s patches right Berenice obviously getting
15006s hit really hard was one of the stand out
15008s picks and we did see you know B being
15010s played a lot when um you know he was up
15013s there same thing with Theodore as well
15016s but I think theor is one of those
15018s characters that a lot of the teams you
15019s know kind of uh know how to play around
15022s now exactly there are issues with some
15024s of these very strong characters being
15025s overplayed and inste other teams are
15027s going to figure out strategies against
15028s them we saw it exactly during week
15031s number two where miden zong running a
15033s very standard Lonzo Bernice Theo comp
15036s wasn't able to do anything with it so
15038s yeah across the board a lot of things
15040s just kind of Shifting in the direction
15041s of how KR is comfortable I'm not against
15044s it I've always been one of those players
15046s in eternal return always an analyst that
15048s has said each each respective region
15051s just kind of playing the way that they
15052s want to play when it comes to
15054s competitive rosters is completely fine
15057s with me but for revu I don't know if
15059s this is comfortable for you nice radiant
15061s Brilliance is going to lock down yoa for
15064s a bit longer all that was invested is
15066s the pure rage upper Co which means Y's
15068s just going to have to back away but uh
15070s well never mind KW is dead yeah
15075s just end up dropping here I think he got
15076s a lot of the chickens so he'll probably
15078s take that because I mean he's nowhere
15079s near his team anyways right so just
15082s going to try to grab as much as possible
15084s before going down there I think the team
15085s is relatively split maybe they're also
15088s doing you know the early game split Farm
15090s strategy to get some more credits online
15092s to get those early game transitions
15093s we'll have to see you know how these
15095s teams you know adjust to that obviously
15096s right like if you see on Mudkip side we
15098s do have uh the mice completely isolated
15101s by himself here maybe trying to look uh
15104s to get uh these items up as soon as
15107s possible so they could scale and
15109s snowball this is one of those things
15111s that you know a lot of teams actually
15112s decided not to do because it is still
15114s inherently risky running around by
15116s yourself at this stage in the game right
15118s but we've seen teams that are actually
15120s able to utilize this kind of strategy
15122s and really really make it work team oob
15125s is a perfect example of it they're
15126s always split apart at the early stages
15127s of the game that we weren't surprised
15129s they were doing it again during group a
15131s but it works out for them they get so
15133s many transitions really quietly
15135s throughout the game sit on maybe 1 2
15138s three maybe even four kills but by the
15140s time they hit day4 day five they're full
15143s transitions on all of their carries it
15144s is wild how effective their strategies
15147s are a lot of other teams seeming to pick
15149s up on it if they're able to fine-tune
15150s things yeah the map is going to start
15152s going wide the credit um inflation is
15155s going to go crazy these teams are going
15156s to have transitions everywhere I Like It
15160s Here Comes engage going to lock down
15161s razza here on Ultimate oh my my God the
15164s knock up into another knock up into the
15168s bian all just going to lock down the sua
15170s and looks like Nisa going to try looking
15173s maybe to get buom here bum does
15176s recognize that uh Nisa is by himself o
15178s Nisa not ending not going to hit that
15180s knock up here as uh he just going to
15183s jump over the wall and they're going to
15184s have to give up this meteorite I'm
15186s surprised that they didn't send two
15187s members over to try to maybe get both
15189s meteorite and the tree as Rosner was
15192s down for a little longer but maybe oping
15194s to play safe just going to grab that
15195s tree of life and they're just going to
15197s probably walk down to maybe Hospital mhm
15200s and I think a lot of these teams are
15201s kind of understanding that if you split
15202s apart you're kind of dead uh game two
15205s game one has been very indicative of
15207s that this right here is also quite
15209s indicative of it as I think Curry D Mob
15213s doesn't slow yeah but he's dead see I
15215s mean it's right there you get split
15217s apart you're dead a lot of these teams
15219s are just not opting to risk it right cuz
15221s while yeah you do come back these death
15223s Tim are still not going to help right
15227s yeah definitely slows down your Tempo
15228s you know just just not able to do
15230s anything when you're dead right not able
15232s to farm not able to you know roam the
15234s map with your team so yeah you really
15237s can't really look for for any team
15238s fights as well but I like this
15241s play from FX going to try sitting in the
15243s wall here maybe they can find another
15245s angle o a nice Parry From yoa Here Comes
15247s R of the rapire queen actually going to
15248s lock down o a great spell shield though
15250s for br are actually going to deny any
15252s engages on onto the haze and yeah looks
15256s like the team is just going to try
15257s running away now as FX is going to be
15259s able to secure that beonka kill a nice
15262s pork chop maybe going to be able to kill
15266s the Nikki the Nikki jumps over the wall
15269s but the Haz is on the other side and
15270s yeah it will be
15272s yoa going down
15278s oh end up securing that but yeah very
15281s nice spell shield from rozer actually
15282s able to recognize that it was the haze
15285s getting jumped on and actually blocked
15287s the knockup from or or the per jumper C
15290s from connecting good stuff good stuff wa
15292s pressuring the Seline adrion is actually
15295s pretty good match up into the Seline cuz
15296s she has to walk close and she's also
15298s stationary while throwing out her bombs
15300s making it very easy for you to land some
15301s of your flame while she is in animation
15304s and setting up her combos everybody else
15306s though kind of casually walking towards
15309s some objectives we got about I can't see
15311s what the timer says cuz it's very very
15313s small but not that much time before
15315s Knights are going to begin and actually
15317s just did look at that okay
15319s so Alpha's going to start I don't think
15323s for the life of me I saw any battle
15325s zones being contested either so it's
15327s going to be pretty hectic night number
15329s one as teams looking for Alphas teams
15331s looking for fight here we go oh my God
15333s the damage is insane Rosner still
15335s manages to get out of the fight Bernice
15336s is going to be able to pick up the alpha
15338s but this ma is not going to have enough
15340s damage to out damage the healing coming
15342s in from Rosner he still keeps himself
15344s alive looking for a little bit of heals
15346s going to reset his cool Downs off of
15348s those chickens in9 looking for
15349s initiation back in not going to land any
15352s Shield will go over onto the Bernice
15353s he's keeping himself safe nice Shield
15355s targeting from rosar it allows bum to
15357s actually push up forward Z the trouble
15360s exclusive is good everybody's pushed
15362s back in this is kung's Battle Zone they
15364s will just go back in what an amazing
15367s micro rotation from both bnk FX and
15370s kungi but it still continues as teams
15372s fight over and and over and over again
15374s throughout night two yeah I mean it will
15377s be G I think coming out on top there cuz
15379s they did end up getting the B for free
15380s and they got the alpha um mithil even
15383s though they didn't get any of the kills
15384s there they were able to get two
15386s transitions for themselves so they're
15387s going to be sitting in a really nice
15388s comfortable spot and yeah I mean FX I
15392s was surprised Rosner you know going down
15394s to one HP didn't end up falling there so
15396s not giving the kill over to I think is
15398s also you know something that they should
15400s be proud of as uh yeah both teams coming
15402s out uh unscathed basically as yeah they
15406s both just walk away with all members up
15408s absolutely insane absolutely insane
15411s these teams have started to pick things
15412s up after the intermission from the looks
15414s of it super they understand the gravity
15416s of the situation for so many of these
15419s teams phase one and two I mean you still
15421s have chances throughout the rest of the
15422s season but phase three I mean that's it
15424s that's the end of the circuit Point
15425s gains after that lcq and as I said lcq
15428s is a whole different hell hole of its
15430s own you do not want to play in it as
15432s much as poss possible it is worse in my
15436s opinion than the group stages H going to
15437s pull the trigger King Chan is going to
15440s get eliminated it's again the Lennox up
15442s in the front line this time with the
15443s Ironclad damage reduction not enough to
15446s chunk through the damage team eight is
15450s able to bring to the table another fight
15451s inside a gas station another L sitting
15453s up in the front line insane is going to
15454s get bursted down locked down into
15456s Oblivion good by and sayonara E3 hits
15461s will come back it was a two de so it's
15464s not too bad for carb DM there as it will
15466s end up respawning as looks like G going
15468s to be able to get a nice tree of life
15470s for himself in Forest as well so yeah
15473s looks like the game is getting slowed
15476s down here as most teams are getting
15477s these objectives for free but also you
15480s know some of these teams are are
15481s staggered so they can't really
15484s contest actually okay with that
15486s considering how much fight we've had in
15487s recent times I think it's okay for some
15489s of these teams to kind of cool their
15490s heads a little bit not have to worry
15492s about third party or anything the sword
15493s just slowly build yourselves up a lot of
15496s these teams are still sitting in really
15497s awkward situations where they're not
15499s comfortable fighting yet right A lot of
15501s times when you're playing eternal return
15503s you have I mean of course you're looking
15505s to fight at any point if you can but you
15507s have a certain set of items that you do
15509s want before you're comfortable a lot
15511s more about fighting nice Dodge on the
15513s fleeting Soul kingt looking for
15515s initiation at this front but Ironclad
15517s has already been invested get a lot of
15519s damage on Ros but oh going
15524s is Tak down is going to get take it down
15527s too bom he's not going to be able to
15529s recover he's just going to back it off
15531s played safe two for one in favor of Team
15533s mudkips JY finding that close to Bol
15536s just blinking on forward there very well
15538s played from him as he's just going to be
15540s able to you know secure that as KP Dum
15543s going to be able to get a nice two kills
15545s for himself onto 500 MP but looks like
15547s they're going to run straight into D
15548s young cyers here going to try cutting
15550s back here Lan on this four item power SP
15553s maybe they could try looking for a fight
15555s five MP just going to get the res off
15556s but oh no wait a second the turn the
15559s double is going to be enough onto kcw
15561s they will end up taking him down but VA
15563s is going to drop as well going to try to
15565s return some damage here but it's not
15567s going to be enough as 500 MP look at
15570s their credits that is not what you want
15572s to see day three right I think that says
15576s they have a lot of time to buy uh they
15578s have a lot of time to farm up credits
15579s but the entire left side of the map
15581s right now is isolated I don't think they
15582s really have an easy way out unless the
15584s hyper Loops come in especially with
15586s teams starting to file in on towards
15587s archery range you saw both of them were
15589s trying to walk up in towards that area
15591s but immediately turns back as soon as
15593s the pings come through they they're kind
15595s of locked out the entire map is very
15597s restricted right now now they're getting
15599s hunted by kcw as well sadang has no
15602s Mobility I think that might be it for
15604s 500 MP what other options do they have
15607s they got no money it's day three they
15609s got to farm over 500 credits here as not
15613s looking good oh oh this is awkward
15616s double hit on the breath of the Dragon
15618s but the rest of the members of Team
15620s slash are not ready to receive that
15622s purple box was a good bait but for ton
15624s cybers that's all it
15626s was yeah uh not really going to get
15628s anything out of that as yeah looks like
15630s Scarlet going to find a new R Corner
15632s they need to farm some credits now if
15634s they want to get both their teammates
15635s back up it's looking a little doomed
15637s here as FX going to get some Callins in
15640s Factory probably going to have to TP on
15642s out of here as both Factory and dock are
15644s closing unless they start moving down
15646s now as G I think is a little split as
15649s well so Scarlet just trying to navigate
15651s through these teams
15653s h two seconds left nisaka going to come
15657s check this they see Scarlets Rand V
15660s Queen probably going to be invested here
15661s it's not level
15663s 16 yeah that will be 5p drop it
15667s unfortunately in game number three in
15669s eighth place with only two kills
15674s and got level 16 off of the defense
15675s Mastery after she took
15679s damage yeah that is a little unfortunate
15682s but um yeah we have other teams here
15684s maybe gang Chan going to
15687s look for actually they're not really
15691s actually I I guess uh KDM wasn't really
15693s too close uh for them to look for an
15695s angle so yeah never mind still hunting
15698s though okay never mind they backed away
15700s from this might be forcing them a fight
15701s with Team slasher right there
15703s casually just walking in they have
15705s information about this yoa they're
15707s waiting for the correct Target oh my
15712s God yeah I think they missed out on the
15714s opportunity maybe it was just the right
15716s call to going on towards yoa but the way
15718s this
15719s Isis okay there's a Taun goodbye to the
15722s holy crap R stood no chance that was so
15726s well played I think uh in N waited for
15729s the Su spell shield to break from zero
15731s Jen's rocket and then he got got the
15733s taunt off so I think rozer thought he
15735s was safe cuz he had the spell shield up
15737s but it just got instantly broken and
15738s instantly taunted at the same time and
15740s that will be bnk fix going to fall to G
15743s young innat very very well played just
15746s barely having enough credits to Res too
15748s I think s are sitting on 10 we saw bum
15751s sitting on 22 25 for Rosner it's not
15754s looking good for any of these teams
15756s across the board and we have another
15758s fight that might be Brewing thanks to
15759s this purple box DHC NJ will just back
15762s away in9 going to be able to secure that
15764s box for himself not sure what was in it
15766s but a fight begins inside of archery
15768s range lenx completely isolated will be
15770s able to back away Carm keeping
15773s themselves still alive this breath of
15774s the Dragon is going to hurt it's going
15775s to tag over onto lokan now he's sitting
15777s up in the front line the dam CH is good
15780s why are you pushing into an Adriana in a
15782s thing Corridor
15783s the is not going to be in a good
15786s situation xboy has to just abandon this
15788s as a third party coming in from d uh
15790s from Deon cyers is going to mark that
15792s the and mudkips also third partying on
15794s this and now Deon cyber is in a little
15796s bit of an awkward
15798s situation what the heck is happening
15800s carpm just sandwiches but Kips there
15803s goes King Chun down onto the ground
15805s terminate comes in and it's going to be
15807s seven kills for
15808s carpedm R DM looking really good here as
15813s yeah they're on seven kills they have a
15814s lot of items they're definitely set up
15816s to win this game has uh yeah great uh
15819s recognition a great wound from this team
15823s to come back for that third party and
15826s just able to you know uh get that
15828s sandwich onto Mudkip as Mudkip is still
15830s going to be the one to fall
15831s unfortunately what a full on loopy loop
15834s team carpedia did and that is so smart
15836s as well they're going to look for
15837s another set as tun cyers duing get out
15840s against team slashers wasn't able to get
15842s the
15843s all oh that is awkward and with Cadmus
15846s Faith unwavering there is not enough
15848s Faith where yoa prays that he's going to
15851s bring him to life down he goes slasher
15853s eliminated from game three yeah I think
15856s Expo if he got the alt off there rolu
15858s would have died and maybe they could
15859s have turned the fight but yeah I mean
15861s that's not what you want to see you know
15863s from uh your Bianca maybe they didn't
15865s have that Dash up or just wasn't able to
15867s use it in time and yeah that will be
15870s lights out for that team Rosner looking
15872s for an angle here but there is a team
15875s above them KB DM Have To Tread carefully
15877s here as they are stuck in between two
15879s sewer teams I've seen this time and time
15881s again in the last couple
15884s games ah it's not looking too good they
15887s got to make a decision and go right they
15889s are pushing into the wrong wrong team
15891s they are pushing into the wrong team
15893s thing corridors hey
15895s Adriana I do not know about that one in
15898s off yeah they're still alive I mean no
15900s one really wants to force anything the
15904s oh they got the rest they got the
15906s rest oh God D Revelation also goes wide
15909s too so they're not going to be able to
15911s see the rest coming in which means
15912s carpet I'm getting a little bit of a
15913s break but I do see swords popping super
15917s everyone is in tight corridors man this
15919s is not
15920s good yeah I think we might have a fight
15922s between carpet DM and maybe D no looks
15927s like on this side though we do actually
15930s have uh DH just trying to back away here
15934s Deen taking so much damage he's already
15936s down to 20% HP going to get healed up by
15940s the heal plant and yeah looks like bnk
15943s FX just in the zone but not opting to
15946s take any fights cuz I think they do know
15947s that the D young cyers is also nearby
15950s and probably opting not to take it here
15952s Lan going to walk up a little too
15954s far
15956s insane come up in the front line
15959s here the pull goes a little wide but
15962s another team coming into the zone and
15964s yeah looks like FX does end does end up
15967s an knowing I think they probably had a
15968s ward on the bottom side of hotel and
15970s they'll just walk away into red
15973s to just completely leave archery range I
15975s like this idea cuz if you're sitting in
15977s archery range then your sandwich cadm
15979s Miss isolated will be able to double
15981s bookmark inside of that uh-oh this is a
15983s little bit of an awkward fight situation
15985s H are trying to put the rocket launchers
15987s in but this opens up revolu just to pump
15988s out damage they tried targeting AIA down
15991s but it doesn't work Rosner is dead revu
15994s stays alive bom just trying no it will
15997s not be enough and the terminate comes
15999s through as apparently the suo was able
16002s to just completely isolate the haze oh
16006s boy I saw the angle I think um rer tried
16010s to get the knock up onto uh the or onto
16014s the Kaja so rolu but you know cadas just
16017s able to be there to block it and the
16020s Damage coming out from rolu is just too
16022s much for you know this du it's late game
16025s K is sitting on five transitions at this
16027s point we actually saw that coming
16028s through I think at the beginning of day
16030s three it's been a while since he has
16032s been sitting on that one chain of thorns
16035s version so armor penetration exists in
16037s this game too for the kadia everything
16038s else is what like racing boots I think I
16040s saw Blaster helmet and the Beautiful
16043s garment this Kia hurts
16047s 100% yeah she is doing so much damage
16051s here it looks like DH are going to have
16053s to push into his skang a actually on the
16055s bottom side here ooh actually going to
16057s be able to catch out D the Rockets do
16060s end up coming through th Revelation do
16062s end up revealing
16063s the three members Three Man ultimate
16065s come out from kaj going to do a lot of
16066s damage oh a nice reflect actually going
16068s to hit rolu going to chunk him down to
16070s 70% HP as it looks like aate opting just
16073s to take the other zone so we're going to
16075s have two separate 3 v3s on our hand it's
16077s going to be awkward this is going to be
16079s awkward this is not a good angle and a
16081s good quarter to walk into especially
16083s with the yoan on hand especially with
16084s the sua on hand revu is not really going
16087s to be able to provide much but they're
16089s actually oping to go to a tighter
16091s Corridor I mean they're they're forced
16093s in yeah they have they're forced in now
16095s as go yeah here comes engage onto uh the
16099s backline from Alina but alinaa so far
16101s forward kcw tries jumping in but it's
16103s just not going to be enough here they
16104s try killing rolu here the ultimate
16106s coming out for Magnus or from Cadmus is
16108s going to keep rolu alive and it will be
16111s a nice clean three from Team uh D young
16115s cybers here as Dogma going to go down as
16118s well on the other side though it looks
16119s like we
16121s have uh
16123s gang or gayong a going to be able to get
16125s a nice uh clean 3 for one yep carpm is
16131s going to be white which means we are
16132s down to our two final teams kungi and
16134s eight again their consistency tonight is
16137s impeccable honestly they're just
16139s continuing again their performance from
16140s the national league into this one seems
16143s like their what 42% favorite vote from
16146s the Africa TV predictions is really
16148s starting to come into light there is a
16150s reason why teams support this team but
16152s but they still have a long way to go
16154s final zone is guaranteed to be archery
16156s arranged which means for the rest of the
16159s members of K they're going to have to
16160s push into a kadia it's not that bad
16163s though now that I think about it kadia
16165s is pretty okay to push
16168s into yeah I mean it's just K sua and
16171s then you know they have zeren to make
16172s some space for them they're able to get
16174s you know these nice angles I think zeren
16176s sitting on a four score just in his
16178s inventory maybe he makes to make these
16180s remote mines here for his team could be
16182s the case uh he's not making anything
16185s with them just just has it there
16189s okay
16192s um yeah I think people have forgotten
16194s that reot mights exist yeah probably I
16197s think he's just uh just going to sit on
16199s it here get some nice poke onto rolu a
16201s nice spell shield actually but n here
16204s going to get a nice oh my God first down
16207s revolu the angle here coming out from
16211s this team is just insane wait a second
16213s wait magnani going to be able to get the
16216s Q off actually going to be able to kill
16218s oh but magnani going to dash into the
16220s wall and that's going to be it it looks
16222s so good I it was a nice it was a nice
16226s attempt it got the Q off right before
16227s The Peacemaker went off but um
16230s unfortunately I mean even if he didn't
16231s Dash into the wall I think he still
16232s would have died there right cuz yeah I
16234s don't think he hits
16237s donot
16238s yeah but um it was a good attempt it was
16241s a good attempt it looked cool for a
16243s second I mean as soon as the heart went
16246s I'm surprised he actually backed away
16247s because as soon as he killed the heart I
16249s mean he still has a bookmark stack on
16250s him because he used the Odyssey to kill
16252s the heart he never opted to even Auto
16254s attack he didn't want to reset his cool
16256s Downs I think he had it if he just
16258s played aggressive cuz heart not not the
16260s heart sorry the Hayes actually just used
16262s the grenade launcher so there's no real
16265s burst coming through from the haze for a
16266s little bit longer either way good stuff
16269s coming through from M Nani he definitely
16271s tried towards the end there just wasn't
16272s able to find the success that he was
16274s looking for still does pick up an extra
16276s kill for his team which is not that bad
16278s of a result we take
16280s those yeah I mean getting that nice kill
16283s for them they got 11 kills that game so
16285s they're looking pretty uh pretty in a
16287s pretty comfortable position for
16288s themselves as well and yeah it will be
16291s gong inate you know and you know the
16293s team that did end up winning the
16295s national league just playing a nice
16296s consistent game able to win it out once
16298s again and they will probably be a pretty
16301s well sec into their first place spot
16304s fantastic use of the white lily as well
16306s from M9 right just gaining the distance
16308s they didn't have to push through those
16309s tight corridors if you have a white lily
16311s to just pump him in I'm pretty
16313s sure that revu got completely caught out
16319s I don't think he expected that there is
16321s no way cuz they just kind of stood there
16323s when the when the B came in he just kind
16325s of stood there and ate the entire combo
16327s of the ma double Tong coming in from in9
16329s as well just kind of sealed the Fate
16331s right no CAD
16332s to free R just over yeah and then in9
16336s dropping the Quake down as well just
16337s able to do I think in9 also just did so
16340s much damage you know to both revolu and
16343s um Cadmus there and kind of just was
16346s able you know their team was just able
16347s to follow up getting that nice double
16348s taunts you know the Rockets coming
16350s through following up with you know with
16353s that and yeah it just it was a
16356s tornado I just went back and
16359s looked oh wow so the NATO actually
16362s coming out big for that team then huh
16365s yeah the 1.25 change actually was it
16367s 1.25 or was it the 1.24 mid-season patch
16370s they increased the range might have been
16372s 1.24 it did a lot I mean it actually
16375s bought the my enough space to get that
16377s close to the Ken the the Johan if it
16381s wasn't for the double taunt I don't
16383s think he I don't think they killed revu
16385s because then Cadmus would have either
16387s okay so either they yeah they taunt
16390s Cadmus and Kio lives Maybe Cadmus dies
16394s or they taunt the kadia and then cadm
16397s missal so they can't kill kadia the fact
16399s that he got both pretty much sealed the
16401s fight I think that's a good summary of
16404s what happened yeah and then the Rockets
16406s as well very nicely played to utilize
16409s that um that NATO you know like I don't
16412s think the other team was expecting it
16413s because you don't really expect you know
16416s amay to go over the wall and just go
16418s right on top of you because I think I
16420s don't think uh people remember where all
16422s the NATO spots are M especially in
16425s archery range no one really goes to that
16427s zone anymore since the value of that
16428s spot has dropped significantly during
16430s the day phases but no it is what it is
16433s unfortunate for that team we just saw
16434s the the round scoreboard we don't we
16437s didn't really talk about it too much but
16438s we know what the results were here is
16440s the total leaderboard 46 for kki in8 41
16443s for bnk furx they're actually holding on
16446s to that first and second spot with
16448s relative control over their positions
16451s but of course for B FX right below them
16453s is going to be tun cyber sitting on 36
16455s points it is going to be a difficult
16457s series I think for bnk FX still they got
16460s to not make any mistakes in the final
16462s game upcoming same thing for cbdm
16464s sitting on 19 points compared to their
16466s adversaries of 11 and 10 for slasher and
16469s Mudkip sitting in seventh and E in brink
16471s of
16471s elimination yeah I mean they have a good
16473s lead though right VX and Y eight um but
16477s today on cybers it's only a five-point
16479s difference between second and third so
16480s FX does end up going eighth right could
16483s come and take their spot then same thing
16484s for carpet DM carpet Dum there is an
16486s eight-point cushion but you know they're
16489s definitely not safe just yet they need
16490s to have a nice consistent fourth and
16492s final game this will be our final game
16494s for today as um yeah I
16499s mean what a day huh with all these games
16502s so far I think uh I mean we didn't
16505s really have any bad macro plays from
16508s this group at least just yet but you
16511s know
16514s maybe game number four we have you know
16516s one of those uh one of those TPS in
16518s those in those final
16520s zones all we can say is that we saw a
16522s lot of funny things in this series
16525s season 4 has brought Upon Us quite
16528s versatile ways in which can memorize or
16531s remember some of the series right phase
16533s one was absolutely amazing you and I
16535s were there to cast it phase two was also
16538s amazing I was there to cast it with meek
16540s and now phase three I'm here to casting
16542s with you it's another memorable series
16545s season 4 as a whole so far has been
16546s bringing us some incredible tournament
16548s series not just in kr2 we're talking
16550s about ER e Masters but been ercs this
16553s season has been bringing on some
16554s incredible memories that I can treasure
16557s forever when it comes to eternal return
16561s competitive yeah I think it's you know
16563s um a golden era especially since over on
16566s the car side obviously we have so many
16567s more sponsored teams you know hopefully
16570s um you know we get that on our are on
16572s like our side as well but you know we'll
16574s have to see you know how you know the
16576s game grows but what did you want again
16578s the Ontario Destroyer Superior whatever
16581s it
16582s was oh it was oh it was Toronto defiant
16586s Toronto defiant there we go I said up
16588s Dar you it's because they have uh I
16590s think a team in Le or in valerant I
16592s think oh really yeah oh okay well look
16596s at that I'll be praying for your success
16598s over there super but for
16600s now we got to go over into our final
16602s game of the uh morning now it is 9:00
16606s a.m. where I am it is 10:00 a.m. where
16607s you are super so for most of the people
16609s in the chat good morning hopefully you
16611s guys are having a fantastic morning cuz
16613s we are we're here for the final game
16615s let's see what we are going to be
16618s handed yeah and it looks like we have
16622s three hazes but it's a little too late
16624s there will be no more bands for game
16626s five because there is no game five but
16629s uh yeah I mean this will be our first
16632s triple pick I think in this group here
16634s so kind of Interest interesting to see
16637s that is Hayes but you know hay always
16638s being you know a nice consistent
16640s backline Mage is able to get so much uh
16643s poke damage and just you know just able
16645s to Zone off entire teams with that
16647s rocket launcher mhm even more so than
16649s that I really like the idea of a lot of
16651s these teams cuz it's not only in Group B
16652s that we've seen this but when other
16654s teams have to push into you I think hay
16657s is so valuable in the final Zone because
16660s it does really Force teams to fight into
16662s you right in temp zones you still have
16664s other ways to go about it but in final
16665s zones teams are usually coming in from
16667s One Direction and you know exactly where
16669s they're coming from if you cut off any
16671s other sources of directions that they
16673s can come in Hay is so good at locking
16676s down making sure that teams who try to
16678s push even a little bit of distance are
16679s getting punished by the grenade
16681s launchers the rocket launchers the SMG
16683s burst if they get a little bit too far
16685s the shotgun she gets away there are so
16687s many ways that Haze is being utilized I
16689s think not even from a just a standoff
16691s with that we usually expect a lot of
16693s hazes to do with the rocket launcher
16695s she's being utilized as a roadblock for
16697s a lot of these
16698s teams yeah I mean she also has so much
16701s burst as well right like if if your tank
16703s is able to you know get that lock down
16704s get that uh CC off you know that uh
16707s shotgun burst or that SMG burst sorry is
16710s you're just able to do so much damage
16711s it's able to chunk down you know the HP
16713s all the way down from like 100 to zero
16715s almost
16716s so it's nice to see you know cuz hay is
16719s also you know a really um High skill
16721s character to play so seeing you know all
16723s these uh teams pick up the haze you know
16726s having that dedicated Haze player it's
16728s just nice to see um you know this
16730s character being played utilized a lot
16732s more yeah we can still definitely see
16734s that some of these teams are utilizing
16735s Haze to her maximum efficiency some of
16737s the other teams aren't it's very clear I
16739s think towards the end of the game you
16741s can see which hazes are either one very
16743s well built or two they're just utilizing
16745s her kit to the fullest damage differ
16748s differences between hazes that I've seen
16749s so far in each of these fights even the
16751s mirror match up are just so abundantly
16753s clear it's crazy the person who just
16755s plays the haze better destroys the other
16758s team there's nothing else about
16759s it yeah I mean I think the the big thing
16762s about Haze is hitting those rocket
16764s launchers like the Rockets do so much
16766s damage and so much AOE and you just hit
16768s them from so far away right so if you're
16770s just able to land these Rockets you're
16771s just able
16772s to to um kind of shred through teams by
16775s herself but looks like we do have Mudkip
16777s grouping up in uh looks like it's police
16780s station and yeah they are going to be
16781s able to find n get a nice early kill for
16783s thems they need this right cuz they are
16784s in eighth place oh maybe they find
16787s another one zero Jin also going to get
16788s slowed by Curry so nice two kills
16790s actually for team
16793s mudkip and it looks like oh my God gang
16797s almost getting wiped that's kind of
16798s scary wait oh does Get N I think he's
16802s fine because the haze will res in just a
16803s moment Peacemaker to buy himself a
16805s little bit of time that will guarantee
16807s his team will come back but this is not
16809s the greatest way to start for kungi if
16812s this starts wearing on the players
16814s mentals this early start where they
16816s almost could have gotten taken out it
16817s could kind of
16818s cascade but three kills for Mudkip
16821s that's really good also xboy just going
16823s to get a nice R of the vampire queen
16824s jungy actually going to kite back going
16826s be able to live here and yeah looks like
16829s they're going to be able to find Nisa
16832s and they're actually going to push
16833s forward as car uh kpdm is actually here
16836s to third party kind of surprised that
16838s they did opt to try to push into uh them
16841s cuz you know they could have ended up
16843s getting wiped here actually wait a
16844s second Isa does end up coming back oh my
16846s God but the Cella is alive just in time
16849s wait Cella is dying wait a second
16854s who whoa no look at this gun look so
16859s good what happened what happened they
16861s overreached their boundaries they
16863s overstepped they greeted it's the common
16866s factor again super this team greeted and
16868s they punished they got they oh no is
16871s looks so good I think you cast c I don't
16874s know they had four kills night one
16878s basically and yeah I mean they they
16881s respawned they respawned back in hotel
16883s they got caught cill just oh that is
16887s that is so unfortunate but that will be
16889s Mudkip our first team to fall here they
16892s will be eliminated as well I don't I
16893s think they're in eight place so they
16894s definitely won't have enough points now
16896s we do have uh oh my God a nice
16899s turnaround actually from FX going to be
16901s able to actually no wait that was two
16903s different teams three different teams T
16905s was just kind of chilling
16907s there yeah I thought the heart was on
16909s the team slashers team but yeah they
16912s ended up jumping on uh dasu and they got
16915s punished for it looks like unfortunate
16917s it's still going to be a lot of really
16918s good kills on the side of bnk FX they're
16920s just trying to confirm their spot in the
16921s top two right sitting at 41 points they
16924s do need to get a lot more if where that
16926s came from T cyber is going to lose out a
16928s m as 500 MP going to be picking up the
16930s kills over on this side as well looking
16932s for the place in top two hopefully for
16934s 500 MP their performances the past
16936s couple of games is not going to come to
16938s haunt them since we've seen this team
16939s struggle a little bit when it comes to
16941s sandwich situations and third party
16944s situations yeah I we have kpdm on two
16946s kills as well so they're looking pretty
16948s good for themselves slasher also on two
16950s so a lot of these teams you know are
16951s already having a nice uh early kill lead
16955s for themselves just trying to get as
16956s many points as possible so they can make
16958s sure they do end up qualifying here D
16961s cyber going to try looking for an angle
16962s nice Parry from yoha going to try
16964s looking for an angle back in here does
16966s obviously have the spell shell going to
16967s get the nice stun so the dsh doesn't end
16970s up proing so there's no dsh now on
16973s the uh oh wow a nice knock up into the
16977s bat skill here as yoa tries to maybe go
16980s back in to look for an angle but he
16981s doesn't have any HP to work with here as
16985s yeah will be yo going to go down exper
16987s just going to L on out of there and use
16990s that white L to get out good goodness
16992s gracious I have I think that might have
16993s been the max limit of Don kot range good
16997s stuff for that team but here we go
16999s another fight kpdm going to lose out on
17001s insane as he was completely isolated
17003s away from his team a bit too early for
17005s him to have items means he will just get
17006s shredded to pieces with the defense cut
17008s coming through from the nobody I thought
17011s Adriano was on their team nope never
17015s mind yeah I will be going to be able to
17018s pick up that nice kill I think they got
17020s the meteor as well so they're looking in
17022s a pretty comfortable position for
17024s themselves as obviously you know they
17025s are our standout team here the most
17027s consistent team I think in this group so
17029s far and yeah they're looking to secure
17032s themselves a another win good stuff good
17035s stuff have to see what ends up happening
17038s as we got about a minute till battle
17040s zones and Alphas are going to spawn
17043s don't actually I could see where oh it's
17046s going to be in stream and archery range
17048s okay quite an interesting spread of
17051s objectives is gas station is going to be
17052s a battle Zone as well so a couple teams
17054s might look to contest that go straight
17056s transition in towards R3 range same
17058s thing for hospital and stream this is
17060s actually pretty weird spread of
17063s transitions a lot of different ways that
17065s these teams could go about it who is
17067s going to be the one to get there first
17068s who's the one that has control and who
17069s just is stronger than the other ones not
17071s entirely sure a lot of these teams are
17073s kind of even right
17075s now yeah we might have a fight on our
17078s hands in I think that is uh firest no
17081s actually no that's a gas station here as
17083s uh yeah looks like FX is going to walk
17085s in but they are split here maybe they
17087s can catch Rosner out so looks like the
17090s ha or the St is actually going to have
17091s be forced on back here tetron is forced
17094s out here and he just gets shredded as
17096s bum just rips through and yeah will be
17099s the St going to fall next as Rouser also
17101s jumps on to the haze and there's yeah
17104s really not much the haze can do so FX
17106s going to be able to win that actually
17108s wait a second another team did end did
17110s enter the B on your right
17111s on inside
17113s of of Warehouse is going to end as Zin
17116s takes the fall swong should be able to
17118s actually no never mind okay so now needs
17120s to some do a One V one tazu oh my God he
17123s is dodging literally every single one of
17124s these bombs
17126s oh he just matrixed
17130s it oh wow great kite back from the h
17133s just doding out on everything there nice
17135s spell shield as well from Roser just
17137s going to deny the engage from yoha as it
17140s will be f x coming out on top taking out
17144s every team here and scoring a nice
17146s fource score for themsel good stuff for
17148s Team B andk FX they need this Force core
17151s try to secure themselves even further
17152s ahead of all the other teams to try
17154s keeping their first two play spots up
17156s against team kungi though seems like
17158s they're actually doing pretty good one
17159s kill to five the difference between
17161s those two teams were five so B FX needs
17163s to at least get one more to at least tie
17166s the amount of points that kung8 is going
17167s to have we'll see if that's going to
17169s come to frion or if kung8 is going to be
17171s able to pull themselves away transition
17174s from inside of the bear it is going to
17176s be a tree of life see Haze we have an
17180s Estelle we have a Yan there's a lot of
17183s really good tank items nowadays that use
17184s tree of life so they definitely have
17187s they definitely have options yeah I
17189s think they just gave it over to the ha
17190s here cuz obviously you want you know
17192s your damage healer is doing a lot more
17193s damage than your tanks I would say
17196s unless like your tank gets like a pretty
17198s big uh Spike like the ghost prde but
17200s yeah looks like they gave it over to
17201s Hayes hay is going to probably slam that
17203s and ooh they're going to find oh my God
17207s the combo from the Emma the double ply
17210s but they actually returned to trade one
17212s for one onto Sarang here bana going to
17214s step into the sanguin javelin but
17216s they're just going to walk away here
17217s it's still day two so they're still
17220s going to be able to come back in time
17221s it's a little tragic too because the
17223s mutant bear actually got activated
17224s thanks to all the AOE from that team
17226s that's why they backed off kcw on the
17228s backside sets down the tetragon is going
17229s to have to step out of it but for now he
17231s has targeting over on to Hoy down goes
17234s the adri all right one for zero so far
17237s wait a second L
17239s there's oh insane yep that's a minus 250
17242s nicely done from DHC andj they actually
17245s keeping track of timers for the first
17246s time in this series we actually get a
17248s little bit more of a proactive play
17250s coming from these teams taking advantage
17252s of the fact that timer is about to go
17254s into the next set of days and
17257s nights yeah and it will be a minus 250
17259s for kpdm as lone for unfortunate they
17262s will set their Tempo back quite a bit as
17265s uh yeah Lan will have to rest but it's
17268s not too bad as they do all end up coming
17270s back into the game they weren't able to
17271s get any kills there so it's a little
17273s unfortunate but um they still do have
17274s you know nice Point cushion so not
17277s looking too bad for them as long as they
17279s play you know the rest of the game nice
17281s and consistently okay with this I'm okay
17284s with this teams across the board
17286s actually having some success in this
17287s game means that we might come across a
17290s situation where all of these team
17294s confident two split aparta again making
17297s another mistake it's going to get taken
17298s down slasher down to 50 credits now
17301s it'll be greedy for the purple box yet
17303s again super the common
17305s factor yeah a great taunt there coming
17307s from 9 to punish the Mis of that poo and
17312s it is going to be gay young in8 going to
17314s get that four score there looking so
17316s strong I think that was the AO die that
17317s was crafted probably going to be put
17319s onto that Haze as so we have another
17322s team here the the two sewer teams going
17324s to maybe look for an angle here nice
17325s spell shield coming out from magani but
17328s no more spell shield now for that team
17330s they're just going to actually walk away
17331s here as uh Team FX probably wanted to
17335s buy as they do still have a lot of
17336s credits and you know they they don't
17337s really want to take any fights when you
17339s know you have about 800 credit split
17341s among your team in the bank I don't know
17343s maybe this is the perfect time to fight
17346s you got credits to Res
17349s right yeah but at the same time you know
17351s they're also not as strong as they could
17352s be
17354s so especially with this team you do need
17356s to be strong right we talked about it
17358s before every single time they've been
17359s running it which is frankly every single
17361s game they actually need to overwhelm the
17364s enemy team and
17366s another isolated member from slash
17369s through what is going on yeah maybe it
17372s was a TP and they just said don't T
17375s after they TP on to them I don't know
17377s why they're so split yeah I mean oh no
17380s and it looks like EXP also getting
17381s caught as well they're nowhere close to
17383s a hyperloop as
17385s well yeah I think they will be okay
17388s they're going to get the res off here
17389s but another minus 250 so yeah I mean
17393s this is one of the teams that needs
17394s items as well to you know to get that
17395s one shot combo to get to get that um
17399s that snowball going but yeah it's not
17401s looking too good for them dis gracious I
17404s thought I thought this game was going to
17405s be a little bit more quieter when it
17406s comes to losing players cuz we did see
17409s the D2 was a little bit more more calmer
17412s when it came to it I know we're down a
17413s team but that was pretty much the only
17415s conclusive fight we've had so far in the
17417s series all the other ones have been
17419s relatively little skirmishes and even
17421s the counts of those relatively little
17423s skirmishes haven't been that much
17424s throughout this course of the series
17426s kill counts across the board not that
17428s high save for bnk FX who managed to pick
17429s up a few additional kills inside of the
17431s Battle Zone outside of that it's been
17433s pretty
17434s quiet yeah FX going to buy o a blood for
17438s themselves I think they are going to go
17439s this Blood weapon on Rosner so they're
17441s going to look pretty strong here carp DM
17444s they do hear the calls maybe they try
17446s looking for an angle here Haze Rockets
17448s are coming through going to get some
17449s poke off p goes a little wide here as
17452s Lin is kind of split off from his team
17454s and is he going to get caught here he
17455s does end up getting caught by
17458s that and he will end up
17460s falling positional mistakes are
17462s everywhere from the looks of it super
17464s it's not one or two single teams it's
17466s isolated on it's almost every single
17468s team having at least one weird Mis
17471s positioning error throughout the course
17472s of both of our Series
17474s tonight uh I can't tell oh insane he is
17481s dead yeah you're not going to be able to
17483s get out of that one which means minus
17485s 500 for kbm they have the credits to do
17487s it but the zones are just not working in
17489s their favor of course for Hoy he can't
17491s risk the hospital one since he doesn't
17492s know if he's going to be able to get out
17494s alive if he tries that one there's a
17496s team inside a chapel I think they may
17498s have left okay it might be free
17502s TR I think is free so they will be able
17504s to get the rest but you know being down
17506s another 500 credits is not what you want
17509s to see especially you know when you're a
17511s team that you know needs these items for
17513s your carries but looks like xboy and
17517s yoha they do get some nice angles here
17520s but fa going to try getting a knockup
17523s onto XO but a nice Blink from Expo going
17525s to be able to get on him on out of there
17528s but yeah I mean these you see team just
17531s not having enough items right to really
17533s deal the finishing blow here last year
17535s you losing too many credits just didn't
17537s have enough items to to kill that team
17540s the thing is a lot of these fights
17541s though super are being prevented by
17543s these long cool Downs blinks are being
17545s invested everywhere from these teams to
17547s try to get away from a potentially
17550s devastating situation and you know if
17552s they use it yeah they're going to get
17553s punished for it exactly as I said
17554s there's the Bianca dead no
17557s blink yeah and that's going to be
17559s slasher losing another two 50 if they
17561s are going to be able to get this res off
17562s here I don't know if they are going to
17564s try sending it oo I like this Vision
17565s play from Team 500 MP they do get the
17569s poly here is it going to be enough oh my
17572s God it's not it's just barely not enough
17575s onto this aelle lives with just one HP
17579s oh my God holy crap that's a lot of cool
17582s Downs side though oh my God oh my God
17586s the damage is insane buck shots plus the
17588s SMG burst into a double shotgun M Nani
17591s he is in trouble deedon cyber is trying
17593s to run away he will be able to get
17595s himself on out but that is one of the
17597s cleanest AOE a combos that I have seen
17600s in such a long time double shotgun into
17602s a double SMG burst into Bernice shooting
17605s buck shots everywhere oh my goodness
17608s that was absolutely filthy and this
17610s allows bnk FX complete isolation on that
17613s wickle line will secure it for
17614s themselves on the other hand Kung trying
17616s to secure their first place spot as well
17618s will knock down yoa on another minus 250
17622s to team slasher yeah I think team
17624s slasher is probably doomed here they're
17626s going to have no items but um yeah I
17628s would have to I would have to rewatch
17629s that cuz I was more focused on the sua V
17631s sua but uh yeah I mean if what you're
17635s saying is true that is uh very really
17637s nice combo from bnk FX with that um
17640s Beres and that Haz just able to kind of
17643s demolish their their team oh boy oh boy
17648s night number four 50 seconds to go and
17650s looking at how this game is going so far
17651s super I wouldn't be surprised if some
17653s teams are going to start losing members
17654s very close to the end of night number
17657s four which of course also mean that
17659s they're
17660s doomed there's not that many transfer
17662s consoles that are going to be readily
17663s available right towards this end x boy
17666s just barely getting out himself with 4
17668s seconds on his timer as well you're
17670s right their transitions are looking
17671s completely in the dirt compared to
17673s everybody else as kcw sitting on
17675s everything but his arm piece transition
17677s ton cybers sua fully built we saw the
17680s here comes the engage and
17682s double was just going to die yes he does
17686s up dying and Here Comes The Peacemaker
17688s oh my God In N coming out big for the
17690s team wait a second going to try looking
17692s oh a nice exclusive though to deny any
17695s more of the Su trying to get some resets
17699s off and I think that is going to be it
17700s wait a second there are kind of splits
17703s and wait a second
17705s dasu just going to
17708s die um re
17712s is these teams are really really
17714s greeding today I mean I get it you have
17717s a fight that's one there's a sua that's
17719s next to no HP but you can't just leave
17721s your members out like this yeah you yeah
17723s uh they completely split as well I mean
17726s probably didn't expect that team to be
17727s there but you know at this point in the
17728s game like you cannot split that far from
17730s your team but uh looks like it's going
17732s to be a one for one trade and how many
17733s Duos do we have now a lot a lot a lot
17737s here we go team fan FX looking for a
17739s third party coming in toam trying to run
17741s away from this sua is not really going
17743s to be the best way to Traverse through
17745s this area how many teams are in this
17747s Zone what is going on here is this the
17750s entire Lobby in this area or what trying
17752s to look for yoha oh and they get I don't
17755s know if they were they were the ones
17756s that got it but FX is going to be the
17758s ones to come on top magn going to try to
17759s look for more here as FX is on the
17762s backside a nice Quake actually going to
17764s maybe try locking this team down CMAs
17766s actually gets a nice ultimate that does
17768s end up pushing back in n a nice 9 but uh
17772s wait a second going to try probably
17775s going into red to get that teleporter
17777s going to get that dash off but vrex
17779s actually going to chase this m down they
17783s want to secure their first place and uh
17786s oh my God they are
17788s chasing okay is not going to let this
17792s wait a second oh okay this actually
17795s helps Ros ner cuz if he gets to kill oh
17799s 4 second oh he's out okay he he he's got
17801s 1 second left two seconds okay
17803s yeah looks like they're okay
17806s here and car DM here oh the damage
17810s coming out on the actually peeling back
17812s it looks like they are fine oh my God
17815s what is happening I don't I'm surprised
17817s insane actually lived cuz usually we've
17819s seen throughout the course of the night
17821s that or the morning I guess that once
17823s 500 MP gets onto a lenux they usually
17825s die this means there's some transitions
17827s invested into insane and we just saw it
17829s the magical lamp as well as the mythal
17832s armor actually is enough to keep insane
17835s alive through about I think 4 to 5
17837s Seconds of not being able to move as
17839s much as a tank really wants to nicely
17841s done get a lot of damage actually gets
17846s taken down health bars on the side of K
17848s actually not that bad they pop what is
17850s going on
17851s oh God they're trying they're trying a
17854s lot of damage the rocket launchers are
17856s spreading like crazy how is this
17858s happening in9 front mine roen backline
17861s they only need two and they wipe out the
17864s three oh my God they played that so well
17867s ignite doing so much damage on this m
17869s then in just able to follow up hit these
17871s Rockets these crucial rockets and able
17873s to finish that body get that thirst and
17875s they just obliterate 500 MP oh was that
17879s allowed to happen k and a oh they're
17881s going to get isolated exclusive is out
17883s but it only spreads the explosive baet
17886s to the m it is going to end but I don't
17888s know about this Forest there's a team
17890s already in there no hyper Loops anywhere
17892s close to the Zone either they're going
17894s to be locked in another 2v3 is their
17896s only way out of this kungi andate trying
17899s to secure their first place spot at this
17900s point I think they already have
17902s considering bian FX sitting on 10 kills
17905s I mean yeah maybe they might drop to
17906s second but they may have secured their
17909s ticket punched it yeah I think I think
17911s they are top two with FX here um going
17915s to try looking for an angle here they
17917s need to win this yeah they need to win
17920s this uh 2v3 but I mean surely it doesn't
17923s happen again
17925s right on the North side two loses of
17927s course usually three tends to win out on
17929s two what we saw earlier with a little
17931s bit of a different thing 12 seconds left
17933s on the side of the M they got to go a
17935s lot of damage being soaked up but this
17936s also means that their timers are
17938s starting to disappear carpet DM just
17940s might have it insane needs to live there
17942s we go he stays alive pop goes to weasel
17944s three will win again which means final
17946s Zone the SC has begun yeah they need to
17949s be L here they don't have any they don't
17950s have too many items so they need to go
17952s up and buy like one or two more
17954s transitions for themselves but I don't
17956s think bnk fix will allow this as once
17958s they hear the calls they probably will
17959s just walk on walk down to contest there
17962s is a look look at the haze the haze has
17966s both um Hellfire and Ru like they are
17970s looking so much stronger I think if I'm
17972s not mistaken kpdm they don't really have
17975s any items to work with here so there's
17977s there's a big item disparity between
17978s these teams and I love what ban FX is
17981s doing right now as well they're looking
17983s to fight in open areas right they don't
17985s want to deal with an Adriana where the
17986s container boxes are literally sprawled
17988s throughout everywhere does carpet DM
17990s expect this they're actually I don't
17992s think they expect it oh the l oh my God
17995s the explosive B it lands L is dead bye
18001s yeah that was such a good macro play
18002s from this team to just sit in that bush
18004s and take their timer cuz they have 60
18005s seconds of timer to work with right but
18007s they just sit in that bush I'm pretty
18009s sure no no team would really expect them
18011s to be there because it is in the red
18013s zone and they just able to get the jump
18015s there and yeah they're just able to lock
18017s it down so bnk fix coming out on top in
18021s first place the patience play works out
18023s my goodness but then again that is
18026s technically a spot that you do check in
18028s a lot of cases when you are walking up
18030s that pathway from the console over into
18034s the final zone right you just typically
18035s tend to check it if you have a Recon
18036s drone just throw it out there it doesn't
18038s cost you anything but that Recon drone
18040s they had it I'm pretty sure lokan would
18042s have been fine but guys what I say Recon
18045s drones saves lives I think I think uh
18048s more experienced teams wouldn't check it
18050s and I know this team you know they
18051s they're pretty new right
18053s so yeah it's no surprise that they
18055s didn't check it because I think I I'm
18058s I'm I'm fairly certain like most teams
18059s probably wouldn't just because it's in
18060s the red zone so like why would you check
18062s and Bush in the red zone right but I
18064s think bnk f is using that to their
18066s advantage and they's able to sit in
18068s there take some of their timer down
18069s because it doesn't really matter as long
18070s as you get that nice pick that they did
18073s uh open up you know an opportunity for
18075s so yeah they just able to close it out
18078s there very nice uh macro play from that
18080s team yeah absolutely amazing it's really
18082s unfortunate but for carpedm with that
18084s second place finish I think they have
18086s punch their ticket at least into the
18087s wild cards tomorrow which is a good
18089s thing for the teams that do well not
18092s even teams sorry the fans that want to
18093s see this team move forward their first
18095s appearance in ERM despite all the hype
18099s first time around they couldn't make get
18100s through the the what is it the RP
18103s requirements they got knocked down from
18105s there the second one they got two
18107s qualifiers but they couldn't win
18108s qualifiers so couldn't make it into the
18110s stages now they're here stages and
18113s they're in the wild card so hell yeah
18115s they're stepping forward see yeah
18117s they're they're slowly you know uh
18119s learning the game they're slowly you
18120s know adapting to you know the The Meta
18123s and stuff so it's really nice to see you
18125s know a team especially because uh you
18128s know these these players are you know
18130s they they were really popular right in
18132s you know the other game that they played
18134s so yeah I mean it's nice to see you know
18136s new Talent come and show up love it I
18139s love it I love it and it's a great
18141s return I think for lokan into the
18142s competitive series a lot of people from
18144s way back in the days was really was
18146s really interested in Logan cuz his ADC
18149s gameplay style was just so immaculate
18151s his positioning was really good of
18153s course this kind of comes in line with
18154s the fact that he did play that role in
18156s pro teams in the previous game that he
18158s played as well but
18161s I think the fact that he was gone for so
18162s long he kind of has to
18164s reset his dynasty in eternal return a
18168s lot of people from back then don't
18170s remember those days or they don't even
18172s remember anything from that time because
18175s they weren't playing right that's a good
18176s chunk of the players right now too a lot
18178s of new players post the release he
18180s hasn't been playing competitive since
18182s then for Logan this is a really really
18184s great start of course for the first two
18186s phases it was a little bit of a downer
18187s but with phase three maybe he's able to
18189s turn the doubters maybe he's able to
18191s turn things around cuz they got into the
18193s wild cards that'll be tomorrow we'll see
18195s if they're going to be able to make it
18196s to the finals at
18198s least yeah so that means we have we do
18201s have two teams that are going to be
18202s eliminated I'm pretty sure obviously it
18204s will be team MIP but the second team I
18209s think it's still going to be the same
18210s team that was in seven Place buts we're
18212s just going to jump straight into the
18213s point metric here round result it's no
18215s surprise bnk fix coming out on top with
18217s 23 points 15 field kills for the himself
18221s very well played while GED coming uh gay
18224s young innate coming in second with 13
18228s good stuff coming out from both of those
18229s teams right they definitely have a
18231s reason why they are some of the best
18233s teams in KR they definitely are one of
18235s the star examples of some of our
18237s sponsored teams for regional teams as
18239s well had super good control I don't
18242s think I've ever seen a single moment
18244s throughout any of the games that we
18246s watched throughout the course of the
18247s series where either bnk FX or kungi
18249s innate seem to be losing control one
18252s could be doing better than the other the
18253s other could be doing better than the
18254s other of course but both of these teams
18257s had control of the game throughout
18258s pretty much the entire series one or the
18260s other the results right here show it the
18262s total leaderboard 64 points for bnk FX
18265s they will actually eek out the
18267s additional points to go overtake team
18269s kungi and8 but still kungi and8 will
18271s also punch their tickets into the finals
18274s so good stuff coming out for these two
18275s teams on the flip side slasher and team
18278s mudkips with will fall and be eliminated
18282s out of ERM phase 3 for team Mudkip what
18286s a devastating season I mean Curry just
18288s never had a Shining Moment the entire
18290s season at all yeah it's really
18292s unfortunate but you know um to get here
18294s it is really hard they have to play or
18296s they have to first you know qualify for
18298s the qualifiers so they need to you know
18300s make sure they're playing ranked they
18301s need to make sure they're getting that
18302s RP SE team so yeah yeah but I mean like
18306s I mean team slasher right I team slasher
18308s is like one of the teams so yeah I mean
18311s are they got to play are they no they're
18313s seated team too oh
18318s well I mean they still had to you know
18320s qualify or they still had to place SW in
18323s the last season
18324s so there you go uh but to be fair this
18328s is something that kind of stems out I
18330s think from the na side right I mentioned
18332s during the podcast that a lot of our Rio
18334s players have been struggling it's not
18336s even that they're playing bad I don't
18337s think Curry played bad today it's just
18340s they don't get the damage out before
18342s they die I don't know what the problem
18344s is is it that there was just this one
18347s random patch that just killed Rio's
18349s damage I I don't remember one happening
18351s that that
18353s significant uh yeah there was actually I
18356s think which is why she's not doing as
18358s much as the other adcs now but she did
18361s just end up getting buffed in the 1.26
18363s patch so if that is what um the wild
18368s cards has played on hopefully you know
18370s they could come back and they can turn
18371s it around yes sir yes sir quite happy to
18374s see what the results overall were today
18376s I mean of course in the KR side of
18378s things they are doing the interview with
18379s bnk furax but we're not going to be
18381s watching it um all we can really talk
18384s about at this point is I suppose the
18385s wild cars that are going to be happening
18387s tomorrow because we know the teams that
18389s are going be going to be playing in it
18391s guys it's going to be the same time same
18393s thing as usual Saturday 5:00 a.m.
18395s Central Time right here on this channel
18397s 6:00 a.m. eastern and 3:00 a.m. Pacific
18400s you guys want to see you know carpm have
18402s another run at it to see if they can get
18404s themselves into the finals maybe the
18405s road to Masters video essay and the
18407s video series can continue even despite
18409s not having no gam there have to see it's
18412s going to be a fun series tomorrow it
18414s will be six games the top four teams
18416s make it and the bottom four will get El
18418s limited so it will be the last chance
18420s for these teams to make it to finals cuz
18422s this is phase three this is the last
18423s phase this is um you know the last
18426s chance for these teams to get these
18427s circuit points for the finals uh coming
18430s up and I think about 3 weeks right or
18432s four
18434s weeks which you know I'm I I'm
18437s definitely you know even excited for
18438s that yeah I'm
18440s actually oh man the season has moved
18443s really fast I think it might be the
18444s extended um season of ercs that's also
18448s kind of throwing my my time stamp off
18450s guard since ECS is also every two weeks
18452s that's in between ERM oh okay yeah we
18456s really don't have that much time left in
18457s the season guys season final is going to
18459s be fun I know they posted some
18461s additional information about the season
18462s finals on the website I think about a
18464s day or so ago or within the day you guys
18467s are interested in more information about
18468s that check the
18470s post yeah and um I don't know I think
18474s that might be it for us shuie as
18477s uh it's been it's been quite the day you
18479s know nice eight games four games from
18481s group a four games from Group B uh we
18484s saw some amazing game we also saw you
18486s know a lot of blunders but um I'm sure
18489s you know once those teams learn how to
18491s play these final zones you know they're
18492s never going to make that
18494s mistake this is still a fairly new thing
18496s even if these teams have been playing
18498s with it for I think this might be just
18501s straight up the second checkpoints or
18503s the che the
18504s second phase sorry yeah the second phase
18507s where the temp Zone systems were
18509s implemented there's still a lot of
18511s things that they need to practice right
18513s I mean they have a ton of scrims over
18514s there on the K side of things but it's
18516s not going to give you every single kind
18517s of situations exactly as I said earlier
18519s one in a million times that those kind
18522s of situations are going to rise the fact
18524s that we saw three of it today I guess
18526s we're the luckiest people in the world I
18527s don't know yeah and it's just the greed
18530s right the Greed for these teams that try
18532s to go and deny these uh revives or these
18534s extra kills is end up getting
18537s them um hopefully you know we see a more
18540s consistent game from these teams as yeah
18543s I
18544s mean we I mean it's definitely not you
18546s know technically it's not like
18548s necessarily their fault because we
18549s obviously you know
18551s uh we see these mistakes happen time and
18554s time again not just from like the KR
18556s side but from like the na
18557s side uh it it it just happens you know
18560s it's like human nature right we make
18562s mistakes here and there so that's
18565s something that I say all the time as
18566s well we're just watching they're the
18567s ones actually playing we're not under
18569s any pressure to make the right calls
18570s they're the ones that are we don't know
18572s what the conss are looking like we don't
18573s know what the mental state of these
18574s players are looking like all we can do
18576s is infer so these mistakes I mean yeah
18578s they're going to have to learn across
18580s the board and hopefully they look back
18582s on this stuff and just kind of laugh
18584s over it right learn their lesson but
18585s just laugh over it it's not a mistake
18587s that's going to cost your entire career
18588s or anything like that you know what they
18589s say right like just get the mistakes out
18591s in the group stages just don't let it
18593s happen in the finals you know because
18596s because uh even though they made the
18597s mistakes they were the teams that made
18598s it out right
18600s like that's actually kind of funny that
18602s you mentioned that because two SE during
18604s phase two in the finals sebie ran out of
18608s the walls and popped twice but they
18609s still won so I don't know yeah see
18613s like as long as uh as long as you know
18617s doesn't lose you the series right people
18619s people won't really look at uh the
18622s mistake as that big of a of an issue
18624s they'll still remember it I mean they
18627s probably will yeah but could just see
18629s all the question marks flowing in the
18630s twitch chat but guys absolutely we are
18633s just done for the day uh we'll see you
18635s guys tomorrow for the Wild Card stages I
18636s really do hope you guys join us for it
18638s another incredible SE series is on the
18640s horizon best of six to determines four
18642s more teams that are going to go going to
18644s go into the finals that will be played
18646s on
18647s Sunday oh I had a lot of fun super thank
18649s you so much for joining me back again
18651s again I hope you had fun during your
18653s vacation time yeah thank you for having
18656s me I'm glad to be back you know it's
18657s great to see high level teral return
18659s once again you know uh I'm I'm taking
18662s notes shuy I'm taking
18664s notes he's taking notes for the region
18666s that's been playing like that's starting
18668s to play like na all over again all right
18670s well thank you all for joining us today
18672s uh I don't know what the whole idea
18674s around drops is right now if I'm going
18675s to be honest with you I know there's the
18677s first anniversary stuff a lot of people
18678s were confused about it you get drops I
18680s mean first anniversary stuff stream RM
18683s stuff whatever it is you guys get drops
18685s I'm happy about it I'm I'm cool with it
18687s if you guys have any other questions
18688s don't direct them to us I don't
18690s know yeah um thank you guys for coming
18693s out and we will see you guys back here
18695s tomorrow at the same time thank you so
18697s much for stopping by and yeah we will
18699s see see you guys later see you byebye