over 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 1 year ago - misha - Direct link
We will be rolling out the 1.7b Hotfix at 5:30 AM (UTC).
*Some changes may not be applied to tooltips or Practice modes.

Tellurian Timepiece
Vigor-Circulation : [Unique Passive}
  • Melee Damage 10 +(22% Skill Amplification) -> 10 +(27% Skill Amplification)
  • Ranged Damage 10 +(16% Skill Amplification) -> 10 +(21% Skill Amplification)

Bug Fixes
  • Boxes will now dissappear when ordering Tac. Skill Module from the Kiosk.
  • Downed test subjects will no longer appear to stand up and the remaining timer will now be properly displayed.
  • Chiara: Plague will no longer reset when using Last Judgement (R2) on a downed enemy.
  • The game will no longer end with an unknown error pop-up during Escape Voting.

Patch Notes Missing Content
  • Recovery of Plasma Barrier (P) immobilization has been changed to only be activated on enemy test subjects.
Alonso overheals in certain situations using Plasma Barrier (P) so we are changing the recovery activation to be limited to enemy subjects only.

The Punisher (R)
  • (NEW) Gains 40/90/140 (+30% Skill Amplification) Shield on enemy hits

Wild (P)
  • (NEW) Gain 3/4/5 Wild Stacks when involved in killing a test subject

Level 3 Module Enhancement
  • Duration 5s -> 6s
  • Range Area 4m -> 3.5m

  • Quench removed from Havoc Augments
We're collecting extensive feedback on augments and will be making a number of improvements, including fixes to augments that aren't being utilized as intended and the reinstatement of some that were removed.

We apologize for any confusion caused by the edited Patch Notes and fixes. We will also quickly address the various issues you've reported since the 1.7 update.
