We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced since the 1.8 update. We are in the process of verifying the issues and fixing them.
We'll be hotfixing some of these later today, and we'll update this post once we have a confirmed the time.
[Expected to be fixed]
- Skins will now be correctly displayed in Mileage Exchange (10:30 UTC)
- There will be 12 in total, including Plague Doctor Daniel, Problem Solver Aiden, and Singer-songwriter Priya.
- Penalties will no longer be applied when clicking Exit after your team is wiped out.
- Teammate HP Gauge colors will now be displayed correctly
- Alt ping will now work correctly on the minimap
- Killing an enemy in possession of Molten Malachite will correctly turn the item into a Reward
We sincerely apologize once again and we'll let you know when the 1.8a hotfix time is confirmed.